24724534? ago

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24718864? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Lurker17.

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24692125? ago

So... where’s Barr on this? They’re practically waving the receipt in front of his face!

24687432? ago

Reminds me of the "cheesy Bay" user selling busted hard disks for parts or repair for crazy prices but they were functional and were loaded with sketch photos and vids. +paging /v/pizzagate

24686993? ago

Teen girls worth 13 grand in the slave trade? Horrible fate these girls endure, holy shit can you imagine?

24686876? ago

/pol/ has several live threads on this right now are digging deep. Mods are deleting threads like crazy.

24685865? ago

I have been following this and noticed people searching yandex. I recall this video I watched about a month ago about Tom Hanks and pedo gate. Starting at the 5 minute mark, Tom Hanks is being interviewed by Conan and they discuss the pictures that Hanks takes and posts online. In one photo, you can see SRC USA written. The video then goes on to explain the significance of this.


24690301? ago

Very interesting vid, thanks for sharing

24684762? ago


A lot of information is coming out now.......

24684647? ago

Good post! Look at how many fuckheads are trying to debunk it.

24683664? ago

Anybody send this to the proper authorities?

24686883? ago

/pol/ anons have

24689187? ago

LMAO good luck with that

24683378? ago

Nobody has wondered why an identical picture of the same item has more than one price tag (regardless of name) that varies by thousands of dollars? Even if they were real listings wouldn't that be a bad move when caught by customers?

Nope, this is sick shit.

24690397? ago

The conspiracy is real or fake? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3918525/24680527

24683128? ago

Dude this is fucking .... This is a crazy crazy move by the fucking cabal/traffickers... crazy because what's happening with TRUMP and COVID, I bet the traffickers are hemoraging money. Trump is cutting off their avenues of commerce. They've kidnapped all these kids, and people cost money. You gotta care for them in some way to keep them alive. You gotta pay to hide em. You gotta pay to transport them. The longer you hold em, the more they cost you. Could it be that they are forced to try and sell their products (the victims) out in the open? These mother fuckers are getting so brazen. - Damnit I want to break in some fucking doors over this shit. Should have joined the swat team. FUCKING EVIL! -

24690313? ago

Good point and maybe Ghislaine being locked up is squeezing them even further. By the same token though, no need to launder the money this way so maybe they’ve been doing it for a long time.

24691263? ago

Yes, that's what I mean. - They've been doing it a long time, but it is simply more noticeable now as, perhaps, many of their other avenues have been cut off. This info drop was either planted, or it was help from white hats. - Not sure, need viable archives. - Closer though.

24682929? ago

Wayfair you're a jewish disease

24682636? ago

This is code. The markdowns mean something, like she is dead, or has been "used up" by these fucks. Or it's a way to say 'we've got her" to her parents and try to get ransom now that they had some of these people for 6 months...

24682619? ago

wow. just wow. Right out in the open. And there's someone right underneath one of the posts who says to be careful, this could be another "sick hoax like pizzagate..." So that's a little gaslighting buried in a "concerned" comment. Hopefully people are starting to see through some of this. Then again, more and more I'm realizing how unbelievable dense and stupid so many people are!

24682084? ago

Someone said that the SKUs match up with CP on yandex. I really do not want to look...

24681894? ago

Smells like bs. Why would you use the same exact name?

If these people know where to look it’s because someone told them.

You could do an endless variety of code words etc and instead they use the first name, making it easy to figure the whole thing out?

Smells fishy

24681782? ago

its always been said deepstate evil people for some reason need to be public in some way shape or form for their crimes. arrogance or some code. that's why "symbolism is their downfall". Look at the creepy podesta "art" and the devilish art by cooper vanderbilt family etc... the black eyes, the red shoes, on and on

24682230? ago

sometimes I wonder if someone from Q team post things like this on Twitter for anons to grab hold of and run with. the OP only had 2k followers, from previous retweets it didn't show that she was into conspiracy theories, she tweets this early this morning and at this moment it's trending with almost 300,000 tweets!!! It's is getting a LOT of eyes on it and waking a LOT of people up to child trafficking right under our noses

24681433? ago

So when AOC "called them out" for supplying the detention centers, it was really just a way to advertise that we're doing our illegeal shit over here on Wayfair now???

24680751? ago

Kids are shipped in the mail all the time.

24681146? ago

No one is suggesting that Wayfair actually mails humans to them.

24683203? ago

It happens. You are underestimating the depravity of these people. Scroll about half way down the page for pics.



24680741? ago

Someone should place an order for something and see what happens. I wonder if you need a codeword to give to them or if they send the person to you via FedEx. Rescue the person then ask for a refund.

24680466? ago

What's the con game where Amazon has (ie books, CD's) for THOUSANDS of dollars? NO WAY they are WORTH that. Special coded message exchange perhaps? password is MONEY?

24687993? ago

My thought exactly...

Buyer chat - "your item looks expensive"

Seller chat - "Passphrase accepted. She's in good condition. Still breathing, great tits. Where shall we ship to?"

24681021? ago

At my old job (major record label) I managed their Amazon selling software, about 30,000 unique items -- dealing with inventory and pricing on a daily basis. I can tell you without a doubt that those weird prices you see on odd items are either a pricing error due to human oversight or are priced high on purpose, because the item is not actually in stock but the seller wants to have an active listing (several reasons to do this).

99.9% of items on Amazon are priced algorhythmically by seller software (we used Monsoon) based on variables like time since last sold, highest price ever sold, price on ebay or other sites, number of other sellers offering same item, etc. It's very normal to have a small percentage of your listings (among thousands of unique listings) flucuate wildly due to one of the above mentioned factors being incorrect, and it takes daily maintenance and vigilance to manage these listings. Lots of inexperienced third party sellers (or Chinese companies that don't care) fail to set price caps correctly or manage their algorhythms in a way that makes sense.

Just saying, these Amazon items with crazy prices exist for a reason -- they're not intended to be bought at those prices.

24690219? ago

Except you probably didn't name your products with the names of missing kids.

24686888? ago

Then why are they named after missing children?

24689145? ago

you can find literally any name on that site, go ahead and try it.

24685025? ago

thanks for the insight retard! No really. retard is just a joke. Seems like that would be a problem they would have SOLVED toot sweet to me.

24684626? ago

None of what you wrote explains the items being named with missing childrens names. You are part of the problem you stupid tool.

24689149? ago

You can search for nearly any name you can think of, and you will find an item with that name on Wayfair. Search your own name, you'll find it -- does that make you a missing child?

24690996? ago

If that is true, it is perfect cover. Use names all over the place to blur the ones which shouldn't be there. Some of these missing kids have unique, unusual names - yet strangely are the ones that also have 'mistaken pricing' according to you. How convenient. Not buying it.

24684599? ago

What explains the missing children's names in the title of the products??

24681185? ago

Sounds reasonable, but now explain the use of kids' names with some of these Wayfair items

24681324? ago

They're just names. If I look for my own name on Wayfair or Amazon, I can find items named after me among the millions of listings. There are hundreds of thousands of missing children -- there are bound to be random items on internet shopping sites that also use those names.

Here, go to this site: www.pollyklaas.org/missing/

it's a list of missing children. Let's search for the very first name on the list, "Alejandra", on Wayfair: www.wayfair.com/keyword.php?keyword=alejandra&sortby=3

There's dozens of listings. One of them is a throw pillow case for $559, which is a ludicrous price for such an item. If you click on the seller's name, "Foundry Select", you can see that they offer over 12,000 items on Wayfair, most of which are furniture in a price range that seems more or less normal. A bunch are overpriced though, but again, to me that seems like a seller with thousands of listings (probably across multiple sites like ebay, aliexpress, etc) and not enough time to micromanage every price.

It's the simplest explanation.

24682712? ago

It is not the simplest explanation. You are making excuses for something you don't want to deal with. I've sold thousands of items on Amazon since it was just a book seller. I have NEVER. Repeat NEVER had one of my books mistakenly listed for $12,000 or something like that. One or two sellers, maybe. But the research on here clearly shows there's something else going on, especially considering who owns a large share of Wayfair.

24689152? ago

That's nice that your anecdotal experience is different than mine.

24681702? ago

That’s good detective work niggerfaggot. Doesn’t make you right but it provides a possible alternative theory. Thank you

24681623? ago

It is simple, and makes sense but I noticed you've picked a fairly common name for the example

24689144? ago

it was just the first one on the list, you can do it with literally any name.

24681448? ago

These are unique names and why would the name on one individual item change?


24680089? ago

Didn't the CEO come out with some interesting comments last year?

24680214? ago

24679989? ago

so Wayfair is a marketplace with various sellers?

24680033? ago

this is the same way they tried to "debunk " pizzagate, when they focused on "smuggling kids in the basement of a pizza place", this article says "conspiracy theory" is that they are shipping kids in overpriced storage cabnets. That was never stated in the OP and the article never addressed the 10k shower curtains or pillows

24681165? ago

The shills on 4chan keep saying it is a algorithm problem with the pricing. Even if that were true how did they all get named with the names of missing children?

24684053? ago

And why do some of the exact same cabinets have different names and different ridiculously high prices?

24684385? ago

Bunches of people online keep saying they are wayfair employees and these names are just randomly chosen, but as you say, why would you keep changing the name on a given product? How would people search for a particular model of any product if they were all given individual names? Makes no sense.

24685734? ago

Having different random names for the exact same product would cause too much confusion. Definitely fishy.

24679927? ago

There's already a full court press "debunking" it.

Look at all those rebuttals for a "conspiracy theory" that just started.


24681336? ago

They are on it fast, further lending credibility

24679712? ago

so many faggots replying "this is similar to pizzagate (which was a hoax)"

24689389? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/HDLunited comment.

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24686866? ago

They're worse than faggots. They're shills.

24679752? ago

The pizzagate myth has been dispelled many times.

24686432? ago

Wow you're still here James?

24680606? ago

This aint reddit. We actually read stuff for ourselves.

24679963? ago

Fuck you pedo kike

24680264? ago

The eternal loser antisemite with his "USS Liberty" and "Lavon Affair" and " Samson Option" and "Dancing Israelies" and "Neocons Orchestrated the Iraq War" and "Jews did 9/11" and "King James Hotel" and "Selling our nuclear secrets" and "Controlling china to take down america to then assume control of the ashes"

Get over it goy.

24681045? ago

The eternal loser jew who sucks on baby dick and rapes children all while worshipping Satan himself.

Your day will come.

24681166? ago

Oh no I am absolutely shaking in my yarmulke.

24682128? ago

What's the appeal of sucking baby dick?

24682566? ago

It's bigger than yours.

24679555? ago

ok the name of the missing kid is also used in a lot of other contexts, it's not a unique name. however 9999 is a suspicious number because i think banks have to record transactions of 10k or more, also customs. This is money laundering of some kind, could just as well be drugs but don't htink they are stupid and just going to advertise names of kids directly -- it's a unique identifier name picked from namebook or whatever to match up the buyer etc.

24681464? ago

It is not just one kid. Just a sample.


24681135? ago

Many of the names found are extremely unique.

24679549? ago

Something is going on there without question

However, no US government agency is doing this investigation, it is a bunch of random people on the Internet

That indicates it will go the same way as Pizzagate, the Las Vegas mass shooting, Seth Rich and countless others, i.e. nowhere

24686843? ago

Granted, but how far can anons take this investigation?

24681312? ago

And the Boeing/FAA investigation

24681181? ago

Quick file a report at any police dept with a wayfair

24679564? ago

well it's waking a lot of people up to the reality of child traficking. we don't know if it's being investigated or not by feds

24685983? ago

Feds probably run it

24684544? ago

Does anyone know who got the ball rolling on this and how did they find out?

24689358? ago

That's a great question, a part of me wonders if Q team gets the ball rolling on any of this

24681188? ago

Fuck feds. They only hide evidence. Get a sheriff.

24684353? ago

I’m surprised everyone doesn’t know this already. In the last 20 years the FBI managed to run cover on 9/11, Epstein, sandy hook, Vegas paddock, and most recently, tried to frame trump for treason kek. The FBIs second job is law enforcement (to Eliminate their competition). Their first job is running cover for all the criminals in our gov.

24688142? ago

You forgot all the “terrorists” they set up in the US with fake bombs and guns and informants, start with Garland, TX....

24679482? ago

seize EVERY company on that list

24679425? ago

/pol/ is all over this. Scroll to the bottom for more recent threads.


24684572? ago

Do we know how this investigation got started? Were they shopping on the site and noticed something fishy?

24686842? ago

Check out this ridiculous Newsweek article. They tried to dox the woman on reddit who stumbled upon this by chance and media outlets are scrambling to do damage control claiming its already debunked. This shit is spreading like literal wildfire all over social media and even hardened normies are awakening. /pol/ is digging deep right now and threads are getting deleted constantly.


24678973? ago


Holy mother..

24678962? ago

here's a news story that was done about it

24678967? ago

24678941? ago

Gonna need to find the actual website for this, this could be huge, but you must verify.

24679551? ago

24679575? ago

Oh snap, well there you go.

24679798? ago

Do any images actually linked to wayfair show the high price? Still looks like fake news.

24690775? ago

I can't read the URL in that blurry video.

24678799? ago

FOK ME, unbelievable

24679153? ago

Apparently when you add one of these items to your basket 10k is added to the price

24679177? ago

ya gotta pay for secure shipping ya know

24678759? ago


Let's make an undercover "purchase" - you know, for "research". Most of those girls are delicious looking.

24679560? ago

Easy there Prince Andrew

24679163? ago

There is seriously something wrong with you.

24678671? ago

Snuff movies.

That price you're seeing is the price for admission.

Hope I am wrong!

24682648? ago

oh you might be on to something.

These people are evil and stupid

24678805? ago

8mm true story?

24682698? ago


24684608? ago

he died like they all should

24680498? ago

that and Hostel

24678670? ago

Are the chans onto this yet?

24678602? ago

Looks fake to me went to their website and couldn't find the cabinets. By wfx for whoever

Also why is she doing screenshots and not direct link now?

24680507? ago

Not direct link because links can be taken down or moved very easily.

24679547? ago

I was super skeptical, but Google Images indicates that it was actually on the Wayfair website at one time... https://www.google.com/search?q=yaritza+cabinet&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjz6ez_s8PqAhWuHDQIHclKCUAQ_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=1550&bih=893

It's off the Wayfair site now

24680247? ago

Eww! Did you see what the girl in that thread said about buying the sku number followed by ussrc in yandex search? it comes up with some disturbing pictures of children. I'm fucking horrified.

24679406? ago

$9999.00 isn't too suspicious because it is the biggest 4 digit number. If you've ever written any mathematical code, you've seen it a lot. It's an upper bound. It would make business sense to default to the biggest number rather than the lowest ($0 or $1), because then someone would buy it up before you could correct the error.

But the other numbers..... not as plausible.

24678731? ago

Look at all her other tweets supporting BLM, and "white privilege." Terrible source.

24678721? ago

Someone said they removed a bunch of stuff when it started going viral.

24679395? ago

here's a link that still had $9,999 shower curtains https://www.wayfair.com/keyword.php?keyword=personalized+shower+curtain&class_id=

24680525? ago

have to archive.is

24680011? ago


24679653? ago

Gone now

24679821? ago

yeah , I still had the page open, when I refreshed it, the prices had changed

24678594? ago

Could they really be that stupid? Is $12k the price for a sex slave?

24678870? ago

The going rate for a black slave in Libya is $200 USD...

24678976? ago

Wow, humans aren't worth much apparently. Paid more for a dog.

24678682? ago


24678696? ago

Huh? Are you saying they're selling snuff films of these missing children? Or that's what you pay to be able to snuff someone?

24678868? ago

Snuff movies. Live or whatever.

24678970? ago

That doesn't seem like very much for a human life. Shit, a car costs more than that.

24679031? ago

10k is a lot.

But my line of thinkng is that it's streamed online and "many viewers" watches.

Not that I know as I don't have experience ...

24679540? ago

Some guy had a youtube video showing his dive into the dark net. Drugs, guns, snuff, etc... was everywhere apparently. Probably most are sting OPs.

24678490? ago

I've been noticing Wayfair ads pop up in various apps and pages with CRAZY prices for a variety of not-so-special looking things.....is that this?! WTF....why would they do this out in the open like that instead of using the dark web etc?

24678659? ago

Wayfair has an affiliate program so you will see a LOT of bloggers using their ads to get affiliate commissions.

I have purchased from them a couple of times. Their prices are high unless you get something on sale. They're basically trying to be the online IKEA in many ways, selling designer particle-board furniture for higher prices.

I won't be buying from them anymore now that I know they're linked to Soros.

24678886? ago

Yeah, I always thought of them like that....until I started seeing (just recently?) some crazy prices for run of the mill furniture items...now this.

24678485? ago

wish i had time to track and kill these mother fuckers doing this myself.

24687302? ago

wish i had time to track and kill these mother fuckers doing this myself.

I disagree. I suggest to ignore this call for violence.

Is someone trying to manipulate and deceive you into violence? Related sticky discussion about ignoring calls for violence at https://voat.co/v/QRV/2806951

A call for Equal Justice Under Law is not to confuse with a call for violence

Your Vote Matters


24690265? ago

How about you fuck off, jew?

24680539? ago

I don't think they are actually selling kids. My wife and I looked into it and found examples not linked to missing kids. I think it is money laundering.

24682178? ago

The names of the expensive stuff are the same names of children that have disappeared.

24686388? ago

Is there a way to find out when these items went on sale? Like was it before or after the child went missing?

24684082? ago

Duplessi is not a common name.

24684690? ago

That's for sure.

24681543? ago

Could be ransom money for missing people?

24681320? ago

While not likely sending the kids in cabinets or rolled up into rugs in the mail, this would be a great way to handle the money transaction part of it. Worst part is the nonsense explanations from some of the comments trying to justify this. After all we have seen brought to light, theres no doubt in my mind about the evil that lies beneath our noses.

24686194? ago

Exactly my thoughts: it’s how the payments are made

24684152? ago

I think you've got it. Both answers together seem correct. - They sell the kids and make arrangements off site. Then the customer "buys an expensive rug" - Transaction is completed, and goods are delivered. - Also, keep in mind that certain home furnishings and objects are considered "art" and can be treated in a variety of ways as far as taxes are concerned.

24679673? ago

You have 24 hours in a day like everyone else.

Make time

24679622? ago

You would have SO MANY FANS if you did

24681660? ago

but would he have an only fans

24686821? ago

Over the line, we're talking human trafficking here.

24678422? ago

Selling the missing kids? Pretty blatant. This @darrianperdue is on to something and should be very careful.

24678352? ago

nothing suprises me any more very sad to hear this ;(