16260159? ago

Yooooooooooooooooo qqqqqQQQQQqqqqq! shillstookthis platform DOWN..... HOW THE FUCK DO WE GET RID OF THEM, OR START A VETTED PLATFORM!!!!!!

16242907? ago

Its about time for a fucking tea party, nothing else is working. Im about ready for violence.

16192584? ago

Who is this person. @srayzie https://mobile.twitter.com/srayzie

Reward for anyone who can find her name.

16174708? ago

maaannnn i just cleaned my antifa beater for that shit an now its off!? wtf?!

16020502? ago

The thing with violence is we’ve relinquished its monopoly, as Ayn Rand explains so well. Like we’ve relinquished truth, justice, money, participation in power and so many other things. And here is the result.

At this point in time I don’t see any other way to move forward than to take action.

I do not believe the current civil war within the DS will benefit us. Things are going to remain the same, no matter who wins.

Wake up, people! “We have it all” means nothing! Q has been bluffing all along!

Q isn’t even MI as he claims, it’s evident when he engages in political commentary, how fucking gullible are you?

The only way out of this hole is to go out there and reclaim all the things we’ve relinquished, because no one’s coming to save our sorry asses, we’re just labourers-consumers to all of them!

Wake the fuck up!

16012278? ago

See how far you get without it you fucking pussies.


16006204? ago

Down vote them

15999950? ago

Maybe if we ask real nicely! That will work!

15987098? ago

The entire divide and conquer concept does not work if patriots, black, white, brown, red, yellow, lol tanish, just stick together and realize the true enemy wears suits, has lawyers, runs banking, makes the laws and control those wearing badges. Just be patient and keep your cool. Just remember the six deadliest words in the English language, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, bullets, bombs and banks.

15973694? ago

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15963370? ago

what about calls for defense against oppressive state?


15958794? ago

Totally for law and order, but i'm not blind to the hand writing on the wall. They are trying to assassinate our PRESIDENT, they will not do less to us. I'M no shill, just staying alert , advise all to do the same.

15952474? ago

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15903577? ago

My fellow patriots. These DS posters on this site are just out to get a rise and a reaction from us. Seeing how far they can push us. They know they can't stop what is coming. They try to stop us as individuals when they don't realise that we are 1. We have woken up to a terrible world that they have created. Its now time to fight back to reclaim what was stolen from us our lives our families past present and future. This planet belongs to all of us not the few who want nothing but to dominate us all by division and conflict and make us serve them well no longer. Under the GUIDANCE of Q and the LEADERSHIP of POTUS we will prevail. Let us win together by STRENGTH RESPECT and TRUST in each other by keeping faithful to things we might not see or understand. Trust in the plan that POTUS has set for Q to carry out so we can be FREE. WWG1WGA

15987029? ago

I was with you all the way up until the "guidance of Q and the LEADERSHIP of POTUS." What horseshit.

15895786? ago

Ignore this post that tells you DO NOTHING BUT WAIT ON Q. See how they keep it at the top of the page right in your face? They want you fucking dumber than dumb and useless. Read your 2nd Amendment rights and see what you should actually be doing.

15827517? ago

Don't follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.

15725704? ago

Embracing Calls For Nonviolence. Ignoring Calls For Violence.

I agree with ignoring posts calling for violence. I suggest the following.

Embracing calls for nonviolence. Ignoring calls for violence. Violence is part of the problem, not the solution. Often the strategy of violence is first, to try to fool you into stepping into a trap of violent behaviors, then your violent behaviors would justify others to control you, next others could use you, after that others could abuse you :(

Here are suggestion about how to nonviolently contribute to the Qanon community efforts at https://voat.co/v/QRV/2924516/

15849298? ago

Yeah, calls for nonviolence would have really worked at countless times in our history. Are you fucking stupid? Go be a conscientious objector on your time, when the SHTF, I won’t bother saving your pacifist ass.

15746049? ago

Your post is very well done. I am sad to see it did not get the attention it deserves. It seems that shills are mass downvoting quality posts to keep them from hitting the front page

15895926? ago

It aint shills. The quality posts are SYSTEMATICALLY AND RAPIDLY DOWNVOTED by the fucking comped ((((mods))))

15672151? ago

You Qs are dumb AF.

15662382? ago

IGNORE posts calling for you to Ignore violence (Shill Post)

15634083? ago

I will only get violent when required. Calm, but ready.

15600712? ago

We're gonna kill all the god damn kikes and their fucking pets too.

15596963? ago

Can treason executions be carried out non violently?

15578584? ago

The left have no problem inciting and committing violence.

They will never stop as long as they know they are safe.

15699189? ago

Way past time to FEED THE TREE

15567820? ago

I am not a violent person. I will only be violent if my President asks me to or if something happens to my President.

15542794? ago

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15519413? ago

We just need to continue sitting on our fat asses and pray for change until Jesus hears us.

15517348? ago

You don't have to stand tall You do need to stand up Wearing yellow is not to insight violence. But to BE SEEN. My votes COUNTS. A Sea of yellow, Protesting. No Violence & no one gets arrested!

15489844? ago

With three weeks to go before the House of Representatives is led by Democrats, time is short for enlightening a significant percentage of Americans, opening indictments and enforcing laws while at the same time accommodating the very heavy anti-Trump media traffic imposed by MSM and Deep State. Major personnel changes at WH don't help the argument that all is well and going according to plan. This isn't shill, this is fact that we have to live with. Appearances aren't the essence, but they do matter. Those of us who've been infuriated by the double-standard of globalists, larger government and fewer rights have every right to have an opinion, even if we're not full-time political scientists or computer people.

The bulk of Q supporters are working people and professionals. It is implicit that these people (we) for the most part have a lot more to lose- careers, families, professional licensure- than unemployed Antifa freaks that live in their parents' basement. That said, looking at the past 2 years of presidency and preceding campaign, there's no denying that Trump supporters and Q supporters are wearing a target by virtue of their beliefs. When threatened, seconds count and police will be there in minutes. 82nd Airborne isn't coming to North Texas to have my back.

I've not seen any Trump or Q supporter advocating proactive violence. I've seen many realistically point out that this movement, if real, will incite violence. Face facts, it will. If migrants can raise hell with rocks and bottles, what can enraged hipsters with Second Amendment rights do, especially if encouraged by Hollywood, media, Soros, Deep State, et.al.? Being prepared and able to defend oneself is a very good idea. If half the stuff of the past two years- Pizzagate, Pedogate, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation. .is true, we could see a destabilization of our nation not seen since the Civil War. Having food, water, first aid supplies and a defense plan is reasonable and responsible planning for all of us.

Step one, stay away from the riots. As Q has correctly pointed out, the government has this covered and LE can't tell good guys from bad in a riot. Step two, have your supplies so that you don't need to cross the riot to get the food, water, medicines, etc. that you need. Go shopping now. Step three, should the violence find you, acquire the capabilities to get yourself/loved ones out of danger as quickly as possible and by whatever means necessary, be it a fast car or truck to get away or an armed family to stop threats instantly.

Whether it sucks or not, reality is real and pointing it out doesn't make one a shill. And btw, if The Plan never materializes, be ready for Maoist Cultural Revolution 2.0 in the US next time we have a Democrat or RINO in the oval office.

15459596? ago

I don't like instigating violence or those that condone it, but in self-defense I'd use it. I'm a big "turn the other cheek" kind of person, but don't hit that cheek as well.

15670230? ago

Self-defense is pro-active, not after the fact. If the Dems are seated on 1/3 be assured their agenda is to kill us.

15438712? ago

We are peaceful. We are Q people. WWG1WGA. Posts calling for violence do not come from our side. We are hungry of justice, not civil unrest. We are hungry of GITMO. There people are stupid.

15429891? ago

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15406893? ago

This was intereating considering all we now know : Obama's yes we can chant reversed says thank you Satan https://youtu.be/jqALdkTArqs

15400979? ago

Q calling for no resistance. Telling the goy 'Don't do nuthin', we got this', while nothing changes. Seems we still haven't learnt the lesson Rockwell was telling us about. When someone is shooting at you, you shoot back. When the jews are trying, and currently succeeding, to exterminate the White race, you retaliate and take them out. Violence is necessary to survival.

15346671? ago

I just want to see Bill , Hillary , Barry , Brennan and Clapper do the hokey pokey at the end of a rope (after the millions of people they killed just to rob the treasury , they deserve it)!!!

15339819? ago

I'll do what I like, with or without the OP's approval.

15293357? ago

I think the left will cause plenty of violence that self-defense is going to be warranted. How far things go will totally be up to those who suddenly realize they've been "had" all this time, and if their egos can handle it. From what I've seen, the answer is that their egos are far too massive to swallow a pill as big as the one upcoming, so it won't be pretty any way you look at it.


15278292? ago

Definitely a tactic to try to discredit Q, Anons, and this venue. We all disavow violence and only recognize force as a viable and moral right when used for defense from imminent threats to bodily harm. You can never effect a lasting, positive change in the world by advocating violence.

15273952? ago

we don't call for violence, but that TRUMP SWIFTLY TRY AND execute them!

15255182? ago

Lets be open minded a bit, prepare to repel violence, just don't call for it.

15256343? ago

Exactly. An important lesson from martial arts training that has stuck with me over the years is to not go out looking for a fight, but to be prepared to adequately protect yourself if the need arises. This leads you to a completely different, and much more calming mindset than those who are constantly looking to incite violence. We are better than the violent Left, and must show that. Optics are important for us as well, and those attempting to discredit the movement realize that. Peace through strength.

15239644? ago

My take on violence is that you always approach with a friendly but cautious nature and if you get attacked for your kindness, you then proceed to beat your adversary into the pavement until they either fear you or they die fearing you. Peace thru strength is the goal. With that, there could come a day where the last remaining brainwashed libtards catch a beating if they don't wake up. Of course, this will be at the endgame....

15237136? ago


Psalm 2:

9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

15162475? ago

I like pussy

15162080? ago

Hello guys, I’m Cory. Hows yall doin?

15161052? ago

Jesus came to me in a dream and said Violence was the way to go !!

15107572? ago

Why...are you scared of the Antifa mob???????

15062387? ago

Clean & Swift....THEN DO IT! They want civil war, they're running out of options! Waiting IS Killing Our Cause!!

15043051? ago

Also - please remember, many of the shills get paid by the number of responses they get. Don't let them get a rise out of you. No need to defend Q. In time, patriots, in time. We are here to have a conversation, but obvious attacks, obvious comments designed to piss you off should not work. We aren't snowflakes here. We aren't as easily distressed by different POV as they are. Don't bite!

15038557? ago

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15038556? ago

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15023935? ago

When people post calling for violence they need to be addressed - not ignored.

Those are keynoting activities and are similar to staged participants in large groups that shift peaceful gatherings into angry mobs by shouting calls for violence or throwing rocks. By ignoring them it allows others to give credence to the comments and implies that it's accepted by the larger group.

15022250? ago

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15001204? ago

We need more posts calling for love. Love will set us free.

We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching, but You're too shy to say it Inside, we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I'm feeling Don't tell me you're too blind to see

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

(Ooh, give you up) (Ooh, give you up) Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up) Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up)

We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching, but You're too shy to say it Inside, we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"

14991853? ago

Stay positive folks

14989809? ago

United You Are Stronger ♥

Same thing when others with immature behaviors try to divide you. I suggest to ignore those. Because by remaining united you are stronger ♥. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

You can be united, while both staying unique and NOT interfering with each other :) Thank you for being you. With infinite love ♥.

Uplifting Video

Uplifting 6 minutes video are the Qanon suggested resolutions, including unite at https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU?t=380

"Divide & Control" Strategy

For those not familiar with the "Divide & Control" strategy. It means someone with immature behaviors is trying to weaken and isolate you. In turn, if you are fooled into being divide, it would be easier for the divider to manipulate, dominate, and control you. In other words, the "Divide & Control" strategy means someone with immature behaviors is trying to gain and or maintain power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people.

Source at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divide_and_rule

Archived source at http://archive.fo/SqQml

14986776? ago

There's nothing violent about refusing to pay your enemies. The violence will come from the authorities demanding their pound of flesh.

14976521? ago

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14964298? ago

True ,try not to give in to violence. I know its tough but the demon-rats and leftys would turn it around and say it was Q and followers all time. I like the thought of a Dust off and Nuke from orbit.(Aliens) if you haven't figured it out just a quote.?what is a shill?

14963980? ago

Ok ? Don't lauugh,what the hell is a shill?

14953724? ago


14952160? ago

Violence is the tool of the left. All of their political ideas are absolutely positively impossible without it.

14945337? ago

Ignore their attempts and continue to spread information.

THIS ^^^^^^^

14944704? ago

Murder all calls to violence. Also the blacks.

14941034? ago

using android app for Q , didn't get screen shot. but said something like " Black Hats use app also than gave corrdinates , anyone else with app get this ?

14932934? ago

Execute all kikes immediately!

14927727? ago

Q Supporter here. NO to violence! We want justice, not mobs. We want our constitution back! Rule of law and liberty for all, is our cry. I don't want revenge, I want what's right. The light of truth will peacefully dissolve the lies of injustice. We are an army of DIGITAL warriors not violent ones. We do our work from behind an electronic device! WWG1WGA! WRWY Q!

14924073? ago

(((they))) dont give a shit about optics. (((They))) politicize anything while bodies are still warm. (((THEY))) subvert our nation and laugh drinking the blood of children. We are cattle to them.

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14921274? ago

Yeah goyim continue to do NOTHING while your election is stolen right from under your nose.

15021368? ago

My ass no violence. I advocate killing democrats with extreme prejudice, because that's the only thing that's gonna work at this point. Only way they'll listen. #CIVILWARII

14918801? ago

Sounds like more Jewery. Never escalate. Always be satisfied. Just suck it up goy.

14917984? ago

Stolen elections have consequences. If we lose the right to elect a representative government our country is lost. We can continue to stand by and watch while we lose our country but at some point we will have to inflict pain to take it back. These people earned it.

14907519? ago

We're good boys, we are.

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14846993? ago

While it is absolutely true that the 2nd Amendment is NOT there for hunting, and protection of persons and personal property (though the founders explicitly recognized it was useful for both), but to ensure the people had the means to deal with tyrannical government. However, one absolutely MUST read what the founders had to say in that regard. The Declaration of Independence makes it clear that the use of force to overthrow a government is not to be taken lightly but rather only as a last resort.

Other founders in their personal communications also made it clear that they believed that the use of violence to change government was acceptable only when all other means had failed and a significant body of the people believed there was no longer any other recourse.

Again, going back to the Declaration of Independence, reread the very first sentence and ponder why it was worded as it was. That first sentence is stating that their actions to throw off the government of Briton was such a serious decision that they must justify their actions to the whole of humanity!

14821347? ago

When I read a posting and get to the F word I dismiss the rest of the post instantly and move on to the next one. Only children think potty mouth is appropriate.

14884505? ago

Yep, they are just agitators.

14821515? ago

Just read when your mom is out the fucking room perhaps

14821248? ago

Q —> US Military (Pacifists) —> KEK

14815915? ago

Yes, Yes, stay pacified, watch tv and bend over like good goy

14805294? ago

They are calling Obama phones trying to get votes.

1803-560-4343 . Calling in SC and asking people to vote for Dems and saying they will pay.

14803071? ago

kill all jews and their jew children.

14812219? ago

Well... I can tell that you're an Democrat!! Go kick rocks!! FUCKIN' SHILL!!!

14798514? ago

I think for a lot of the Alt-Left, they have been so blue pilled for so long that it will be hard for some of them to ever realize the wool that's been pulled over their eyes. But many will eventually come to realize that they've been manipulated and lied to by the MSM, Hollywood, politicians that do not have our interests in mind, and BY EDUCATORS. Violence is not needed. What is needed is calm logic and strong resolve NOT to let our country fall into civil war because that is exactly what the NWO wants. It is exactly what would give them a plausible excuse to invade during such a conflict to take whatever action they would (military included) to 'secure weapons of mass destruction to protect the rest of the world'. I know that sounds a bit far-fetched but dividing us is what they want so that we fall apart as a nation and can no longer stand unified against another nation or force. And let's face it, some of those who have continually been told how corrupt and contemptable our nation is would welcome some NWO force. Those fuckers who hate America would welcome them - the Antifa douches, the BLM douches, and even some of those holding office as democrats would welcome it (as long as they kept their power). It's not far-fetched and is the only way the Cabal can overtake America. That's why we as Patriots cannot allow this to end in a violent national conflict or civil war.

14867747? ago

Sorry, the 'alt-left' are not 'blue pilled' - they're bought, paid for, and delivered as required. They are exactly where they want to be and no amount of 'meme-ing', discussion, logic, or reasoning is going to work. They knew exactly what they were voting for, and they know their numbers will only grow with a house that's going to make sure they get the 'free stuff'. This election has made that abundantly clear.

14926272? ago

Naw. I'm sure there are those that are paid, but in my city...very blue city....there is no reasoning with them. They are so focused on Trump being the bad guy that they cannot even SEE the possibility of other crimes happening. They are very focused on the public spectacle of what is SHOWN to them. They do not even consider that there are things happening behind the scenes of what is SHOWN to them. All they care about is the visual of the staff woman acting on a request from the PRESIDENT and then siding with whoever is victimized by MSM. They think Hollywood cares about them. They aspire to be rich and famous like those in Hollywood. They buy and consume low grade commercial electronics as quickly as they go through the clothes made by tiny fingers (of which a magazine or instagram model has told them would look cute).

This shit is deep.

14870810? ago

You think the Alt Left is exactly where it wants to be? Dems now will hold the lower chamber of Congress. There will be gridlock. Their legislation will go nowhere. They will get blamed for Government shutdowns. POTUS has already framed them as 'the do-nothing Democrats'. The Senate majority increases for the Republicans and not just increases, the 'Never Trump' Senators are gone, replaced (pending AZ outcome) in total by strong conservatives that owe POTUS for their win. The POTUS can appoint judges, appoint SCOTUS picks, can make Executive appointments (not just Cabinet members) and get them approved with a simple majority consent in the Senate. So for the next 2 years, not including a Ginsburg vapor lock event which would give him another SCOTUS nomination, POTUS will fill the lower courts with conservative judges, with conservatives in regulatory and law enforcement agencies, and further dismantle the 'administrative state' that the Left really loves. Like Obama, he can continue to move some of this agenda through Executive Order until he regains a majority in the House. Yes, the Dems can hold hearings and subpoena POTUS' tax returns. They can conduct their 'shadow investigation' into Russia collusion (I pray they do). When they do and find nothing out of order, they'll look even more empty and childish. Meanwhile, the Senate will continue to look at Clinton's email, Uranium one, and the deep state's coup attempt even more closely, and the Justice Department will continue its investigation unabated. I think the Alt Left wanted a more advantageous position...like a landslide victory in the House and control of the Senate. They lost more power in the Senate and got a two-year job in the House. My guess is that is not exactly where they want to be. But if it is, I'm glad they'll be happy now doing a fool's errand and not attack people for wearing MAGA hats.

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14788628? ago

Ready the memes and fire at will. Create relevant and educational content. Q linked us to the 25 most influencial people on purpose. We need to reach out further than ever before. I'll have a busy weekend, I am dedicated to the mission. #wwg1wga #qanon #internetsoldiers #maga #shitisgettingreal #memewarriors #Qwarriors #Qsentme

Answer the call.

14812260? ago

I've been calling for the "Release the FISA docs" memes again and it's crazy how Q posted about it again on the same day... It's like he's been looking over my shoulder! lol I LOVE IT!!!! #WWG1WGA

14782671? ago

Amen. No violence. Shills be gone!

14780152? ago

Well at least there only seems to be about 2 - 4 total shills with the ability to down vote. We the people are the majority, not the shills. The ones most capable of violence are the most quiet about its use. Most people I know in any armed line of work seem to live by this motto best coined by Jordan Sather "Do no harm, but take no shit!". Because if they don't do that on a minute - by - minute basis, they might wind up never sleeping well again the rest of their lives. Patriots and shills both should "Think Mirror" because you gotta live with one for the rest of your life. In the mean time, Godspeed patriots WWG1WGA!

14770112? ago

What bothers me is all the false flags going on where real people are dying and it makes you tend to want to hurt them back. I felt that way after the 2 fort Hood attacks, Marine recruitment stations, Vegas, School shootings etc. I believe in Q and Trump but honestly sometimes it is hard to sit back while they keep hitting us and getting away with it so i hoping and praying soon we will see justice and all these numerous false flags revealed for what they are. To those asking for violence i understand but if you believe in Q and Trump then we must trust the plan as Q said and Q also said good people are dying and they cannot save all but i try and think of how bad a situation we would be in if Hillary had won and that is unthinkable. As far as the deep state shills they will continue to call for violence and divide the patriots but we must not let that happen. To all true patriots it may sound corny but i love you all as my brothers and sisters and it is good to know there so many of you.

14768157? ago

Hey guys, I'm having a "Patriot meeting" in the supply closet later. Anyone is welcome. New members have to use two hands. Old members, you know the drill--reach to the right, of course. And don't be violent in the closet. Don't be violent unless you want something to change, brothers.

14765786? ago

Dont just ignore them, downvote them and respond with a fair statement!

14763856? ago

Civil disobedience and violence are NOT the answer. Let the proper authorities handle the situations as the law allows.

14747288? ago

This threat just restored me. I was seeing anger and hatred all over QRV and then I came here and finally found sanity.

14747260? ago

It's not just violence, the increase in angry racism is staggering. I was starting to feel uncomfortable and then I realised they must be shills. The Patriots I knew from Reddit Great Awakening were so nice and respectful. I was starting to blame goats for having a generally lower level of discourse.

14740946? ago

you faggots.

14740496? ago

Was the Q mega memes actually created by Q?

14723308? ago

They still think they are dealing with idiots here. I mean they are so stupid, they keep repeating the same tactics expecting different results. Fools!

14720994? ago

The shill ants are out marching across their keyboards.

14716653? ago

Sadly today it seems people do not want to do what is need to restore America. Truth be known, if you think the same gov't that has created so many of you mindless drones will fix anything, you are dumber the a box of nails and DESERVE to be slaves to your masters. As for us real Americans, we will do what is needed to protect our children's future. Learn to fight or you WILL DIE with all the rest.

14715515? ago

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14714722? ago

...just remember the denying the truth doesn't change the facts...We're living in a time where you really do have the spiritual eyes to be able to see... Where there is unity there is always victory....

14713576? ago

Death to the jews, what the hell is wrong with you poepel

14706443? ago

Did you see Trumps last tweet about Tom Steyer and him running out of money? He encoded E.O. 13818 in the timestamp....Brilliant!!!!

14699639? ago

TO NEW Q PEOPLE...Know that real Q followers know that this movement is non-violent. It's about gathering, vetting and sharing information. It's about not taking news reports at face value but doing your own research. It's about critical thinking so you will see what is REALLY happening. It's about awakening the masses to what is going on in the world. It's NOT about Violence, Porn, Disrespecting Others, Racism, or any other ism. If you see these types of messages, they have been purposely added by shills (Bad Guys) so people will discount Q. Trust the Plan.

14699310? ago

Our power is in the November 6th elections. POTUS and Q team has asked us to vote and stay diligent that is all. The truth shall set us all free. The shills are like spoiled children treat them like it......ignore them. WWG1WWA

14687570? ago

I have been going to MSM sites to to see their comments. Unbelievably violent and they are definatly overboard with insighting violence. Not going to write what is said, so much lies and hatred. A lot of projection. I can only do this so often because it truly makes me sick. But they are definitely trying to start something. Do not fall for it. These are agent provacatours.

14685859? ago

Ignore posts asking us to ignore posts about violence

14684497? ago

what we really want is the truth to come out. That is vindication to have the true versions to vindicate our views. Otherwise the movement is looked upon as a bunch of radicals. When the media HAS to say the truth or is jailed. Hillary and Comey, the FBI, all of them that have been behind the swamp for years is exposed that is all we want. Vindication and violence will in no way accomplish that

14678060? ago

Amen CALM SOBER VIGILANT is the order of the day

14674716? ago

Its their last card to play in October they have run out of options. In the end...we win. I trust POTUS and the plan.

14673010? ago

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14669653? ago

go dark and vote

14654645? ago

Ps: If I was going to do anything I sure as fuck wouldn't announce it on a web sight!

14654594? ago

I personally did not call for violence ,all I said was that sometimes I wished we just went the civil war route because of the frustration of watching how slow and painful it is to be constantly bombarded with leftest bull shit! I am personally glad it hasn't had to come to that but I pray we hold the house and senate on Nov 6th or all bets are off!

14642472? ago

When a human being subscribes to any narrative calling for hate and violence... science can measure the impact. The human chemistry changes. DNA reacts. Cell functions change. The electromagnetic energy field changes... all for the worse. There is a new filter available to discern bad rhetoric. Everyone should read "The Human Primer". It explains it all.

14641497? ago


14641141? ago

Remain calm.

Remember when the Dems celebrated cheating Trump in the last budget deal by not giving him money for the wall.

The money for the wall comes from Mexico and is extracted through the special powers granted to the President during a state of emergency.

The invasion caravan triggers the state of emergency. From the special powers given to the President from a SOE, powers which can only be opposed by the Supreme Court or a Joint Resolution of Congress, he can seize assets and impose economic sanctions on countries and organizations targeted by the SOE.

It was always Trump's plan to pay for the wall through the SOE powers.

14639293? ago

I teach judo. It is almost always most favorable for your opponent to reveal his attack first, allowing you options to counter. Let them make their move. Use their movement to take the initiative. Stand by and be ready to protect your home first. Don't start trouble, but be ready to respond to it. As Jesus said, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

14636261? ago

They are working hard right now since Q is not around.

14635218? ago

I'm waiting for "clean and swift". But yes, don't take the bait.

14634858? ago

Why would we be violent? We are winning. It makes NO sense.

14854786? ago

Just because we're winning (or at least moving in the right direction) doesn't mean we've won. They kill people. (Seth Rich, Chris Stevens, Breitbart, Bill Cooper, et al.)

We're starting to come back, but even this current administration has a plan B.

14634309? ago

Good advice but irrelevant to those that intend to set the table for you.

They have and will continue to attack themselves. They rely on the position of a victim to exploit the sympathies of imbeciles that drink their mockingbird coolaid.

14633895? ago


14632189? ago

Heaven forbid the plebs would rise up against their (((masters))) and pose an ‘actual’ threat

14632138? ago

I Find it funny that these Dims started to get threats after they called for them... I agree we can't stoop to their level but here is a thought... Maybe... just maybe... it was the Dims that sent the Packages to them selves to amp up the rhetoric for them to kick low as Mister Holder had explained.... I don't want any one hurt... but they are spreading that word.... What goes around comes around....LoL

14631478? ago

seen signed & sealed WWG1WGA

14631091? ago

Never forget, Q's plan is in place because we want to avoid violence. No need for violence, we are winning, WWG1WGA.

14630636? ago

The way of Q is not to be violent, but vigilant ... Ready to defend if necessary but never instigating ...

Take heed that ye be not deceived ... WWG1WGA

14630510? ago

Acts 17:5 "But other Jews were jealous; so they rounded up some bad characters from the marketplace, formed a mob and started a riot in the city." Some things never change.

14636437? ago


14631567? ago

The rebellious nation, what better way to set an example than to choose them, but I digress, NO VIOLENCE!!!

14630303? ago

I believe all these mail bombs and threats to democrats and CNN is false created by them since we haven't lowered to their level. They are trying to create a talking point. I think it will blow up in their face because it will allow Trump to inact a SOE soooner.

14636475? ago

Definitely a false flag.Too convenient timing.

14629795? ago

When you see people saying we should open fire on the border at little kids, let me remind you we're the ones standing up for children. Ending the sacrifices to Molech. Only a demon-worshiping, pathetic shill calls for the killing of innocents and may they take their place in hell with their masters.

14640572? ago

They aren't innocent. Don't get lulled by demoncrat euphemism.

14645269? ago

yes, stupid, babies are innocent. you're a fucking retard.

14854584? ago

MS13 aren't babies. Drug Cartels aren't babies. Neither are innocent. They might be using human shields, but that doesn't mean you lay down and give them what they want. Thankfully, the President disagrees with snowflakes like you--"consider a rock thrown at you a rifle."

Now post an apology for your stupid reply or I will kill a baby.

14854736? ago

pardon me but i nowhere defended MS13 not cartels nor actually any ADULT person. you really need that money, don't you? i feel bad for your situation.

14855531? ago

If you are defending the caravan, that's exactly who you're defending.

Thank you for your sentiment. I do indeed need the money. Please donate to my gofundme campaign to thwart the MSM because NOBODY is paying me to post here.

14859178? ago

I never did defend the caravan.

14859742? ago

ok then

14716332? ago

Mestizo scum are retards.

14717003? ago

Apparently, whatever you may be, the same holds true for you.

14717114? ago

Even if it were true, irrelevant attempt to change the subject.

You didn't even contradict me, that is how stupid you are.

14732529? ago

Obviously it's true since you promoted killing innocent children because of how they might"mature"... and kill innocent children. Guess you should have been one of them. You suck at your job.

14733042? ago

Age is irrelevant to me, schnozz boy.

14752590? ago

Then same always applied to you, matured and wants to kill babies. That pretty much makes you one of those you hate.

14776815? ago

So I'm trying to break into their country and complaining my baby got killed?

You lying jew weasel.

14789434? ago

The babies you want to kill anyway.....

14789950? ago

I don't care if they die, they're nothing to me.

They murder our young any time they want.

14650082? ago

I often get called that by people with low IQs.

14629655? ago

I want to apologize. You don't know who i am, but this needs to be said. First. I have NEVER called for violence. If anyone has taken my comments as such, I apologize. In A world that has taught us and our children to be victims, I was only trying to encourage others to..,IF NEED BE, stand up and protect their families, neighbors, and property. SHOULD we be invaded. THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED YET. I'm sure the US military is more than capable of handling a few thousand people. Although this board is anonymous.....some here know who we are. So I have written this to say my peace. God bless, TRUST THE PLAN, MAGA!

14629494? ago

Leftist deep state is panicking, just confirms their guilt with these false flags.

14629220? ago

Transparent Dem playbook. This was step 1. Step 2 in progress.

14628917? ago

You can clearly see they WANT TO BLAME Republicans and Q for bomb packages sent to Obama, Clintons, others. This is how they do it. This is why it is important there remains a CLEAR CONTRAST between us and them. They are the violence even among their own people. Things are closing in on them so today's news is a nice False Flag, although bombs are real. Also takes the news stories away from the speech of the Australian PM apology for SRA Serial Ritual Abuse.

Things are getting uglier and more violent as the squeeze gets tighter and they cannot run anymore. WE are AWAKE now so this will not change our votes. I imagine they know their Dems are slipping away to vote RED. Even their caravan fear method only scares their own Dems who don't want the invasion either. This will backfire on them. Corralling wild, fearful, angry animals is a tricky business, so handle with care.

Some people get frustrated with waiting for the locking up and why can't we just take care of this faster? We are entering a time when the experienced know how and masters are fighting in an arena and countering the actions of the evil masters. Most of us just need to keep our eyes open. Our whining and impatience needs to stop. Now that those bomb packages targeted the DS big players as they have, this is our clue that the master game is on. Be thankful that in our corner is President Donald J Trump and his Military Intelligence and his loyalists. They are the BEST. WE have the WINNING TEAM! After 100 plus years, these bad people are going down and will lose. They will sacrifice anything to when no matter how illogical it looks to us. They will get rid of their own people just to blame it on us. Of course if you think about it, they are already finished with Obama and the Clintons. They are old new for them, not much loss at this point.

14640478? ago

Our best weapon is truth....AJ was right about one thing...this is an infowar. We should thank the MSM for removing AJ as control of our opposition.

14634186? ago

Word brother.

14628153? ago

As you can see from CIA planted bombs at Soros, Clinton, Obama, and CNN New York headquarters, The Cabal is desperate to frame the Q Anon Movement and label us as violent terrorists. The shills were doing the same thing on Reddit. Don’t fall for their psy-op tactics. Q Anon is a patriotic non-violent movement that is trying to awaken Americans to the reality of just how evil and corrupt Satanic pedo-vore Cabal truly is.

14733976? ago

I havent seen one mention of Q when hearing of any news related to the bombings. Q is so irrelevant it isnt even funny. How many people at Trump rally's have heard of Q? And that is at a fucking Trump rally. Q came out into the mainstream for a week...how much did that increase your q followship?? barely nobody from outside Trumps crazy base knows anything about Q. Take it from a Trump supporter...nobobdy outside of YTUBE knows of Q. Sorry to burst your bubble.

14628013? ago

I don't see it mentioned here so I'd like to address that insane video War Drummer had up calling for armed patriots to go to the border. I see it's been taken down but the jig is up for him IMO he's shown himself to be at least a shill or at worst an agent of the deep state planted to attract Anons & then set them up to be used for a false flag against the movement.

I ask everyone to think rationally here though I know it's hard. After months of communicating with us via the chans & POTUS tweets if any action from us was needed we'd be told. And not told by some random poster here or some fag on YouTube.

We've been told to enjoy the show & to vote. Period. POTUS is well aware that he has patriots all across the country who would respond if he called. He hasn't called. Don't be a chump. Don't fall for it. Violence from us could put an end to everything we've been working towards.

14854527? ago

There are militia groups at the border right now.

14633465? ago

Very well said, thank you!

14627949? ago

I don't think we should ignore we should condemn AND down-vote. Remember "all evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing", saying nothing is an acceptable outcome for any false-flags or framing because it's as good as being complicit.

14627909? ago

Good sticky.

14627651? ago

Q warned us. Reread drops.

14626823? ago

Well this suddenly takes on new urgency. Outsiders begin posting calls for violence, flooding Conservative boards, so when multiple "bombs" or a "Kentucky school shooting" threat are discovered and thwarted, the left can point the finger and say, "They have been calling for violence against us since Kavanagh." This is real. The left is extremely desperate. Be careful.

14667118? ago

And that is exactly what happened today. Rising above this matrix bullshit.ThankQ

14625500? ago

Shilling across all platforms... Getting aggressive messages directed at myself & other users too. Could be stupid people but at this point, what difference does that make?! Lol

14625101? ago

In November 2016 we kicked ass and took names at the ballot box. Then we chewed bubble gum. This November we will do the same. Calls for violence come from people losing at the ballot box. Like many sore losers they just want to lash out in fear and impotent anger. The left cannot win a civil war alone, and everyone knows this, but Patriots would be foolish to think that the left wouldn't have some global help just like the sides in the last civil war did. That is the real motivation behind the desire to start a civil war here. Global intervention in our sovereign nation. Don' fall for it, we are winning at the ballot box and I am not tired of winning just yet.

14634208? ago

That's crazy to think about.

14629438? ago

Very true. This border situation with the caravan is a perfectly timed globalist ploy to try to force the UN to take control of the US border. Good thing Trump is being proactive and sending the military down to guard the border.

14624684? ago

Shill Post —> STAY Pacified folks

14624289? ago

The founding fathers did just that.

Read any Thomas Jefferson? Tree of liberty and all that? Or why we have a 2nd amendment?

The problem with "patriots" today is they know nothing about this nation's history other than the post civil war watered down garbage that would make the founding father's spin in their graves.

All these nerds calling themselves patriots would have been laughed at and called sissies in Washington's time. Drop the pose, you'd be lucky to be thought of as men back then.

14623969? ago

The Dems have been saying, "take it to the streets" through MSM, Mad Maxine, and their very own Nazi collaborator George Soros' Antifa for going on two years now. Any time I see violence called for on this board it's obvious what side is giving them money for their rant.

14634224? ago

I see it too.

14623701? ago

Most notable tactic is "You will never do anything"

14623455? ago

There is a difference between violence and wanted to see someone hanged.

14622970? ago

Hello considering the caliber of people that are patriots that are actually in control here there’s not much that we really can do aside from discussing Q making Memes and spreading Memes baking bread etc. we’re primarily meant to be observers and meant to discuss the issues at hand. The patriots that are in control that are actually taking action are in all likelihood unbelievably highly trained at what they do as are the people they are taking down fortunately the good guys are in control now

14622655? ago

Yeah, there are tons of jew faggots active on this sub trying to get you guys to do something stupid.

14622314? ago

I have noticed an increase of posts calling for violence. This is a shill tactic to demonize the Q movement


Not everything on this is site is about you and your Q fetish

Many here are genuinely pissed off about the relentless stream of shitskin immigration allowed in their respective countries, and about the passivity of our respective gov when it comes to it, even going as far as promoting this invasion

14634261? ago

More reason to build a wall. Maybe the caravan BS will backfire. Maybe more people will want the wall after this.

14637783? ago

I think the caravan is going to be the last straw, there's something deeply dishonest with those people, they aren't coming with the best intentions

14635319? ago

I know one thing for sure... if we killed them all they would never get into our country AND their fellow shitskins back home would get the message loud and clear: "Stay the fuck out!"

14636637? ago

Yeah dead women and children would be a great look.

14640138? ago

Get in there, confront and separate the women and and children out and transport them back to Honduras and where they came. Then warn the swarm of fighting age men to cease and desist or they will be dealt with aggressively with Teargas, crowd dispersion tactics etc before they even get near the USA border. I have my doubts that Mexico is an ally or ever was. Now Mexico gets to prove their stand with joint military ops on their soil. If the swarm shows force ... then defend. There is a second and third caravan forming out of Guatemala and El Salvador now. This is an orchestrated show of force. God Bless you Patriots against All Evil.

14636658? ago

But, it would teach them a lesson they wouldn't soon forget.

14621997? ago

Hang the fuckers at GITMO. Please.

14635348? ago

Obama and Clinton? I couldn't agree more!

14621501? ago

I have seen the random call for violence pop it's ugly and outdated head up here and there... we have such potential to create change without the use of violence so I say lets use it (our potential) wisely and do what OP suggests ... Ignore them.

I aim for a non violent war for the mind and souls of those who are not yet up to speed. god-speed patriots.

14635352? ago

War is violence. Accept it.

14621209? ago

Should we ever actually be in a situation that DOES call for a violent response, and the possibility does exist, the LAST thing anyone should do is put out some hotheaded call for it on the internet. That's just counterproductive and retarded. So, consider the possibility of idiots as well as shills and provocateurs.

14716432? ago

Or in person, since there is likely a fed standing right next to you.

What does that leave? lol

14717295? ago

Well, one's speech should always be appropriate to their audience. If you haven't vetted the people you're talking to, why would you trust them like that? It's not impossible to be wrong about someone, but it's a lot easier to read a person face to face, than it is to know who is behind anonymous text on the internet.

If you're not comfortable with that, you can stick to defensive situations. a lot harder for someone to misuse you and make it stick when you're employing force in the name of self defense.

14717454? ago

We have the same equipment they do and there's more of us.

It's that simple.

That's the real "red pill".

14717474? ago

Can I borrow your LRAD?

14717520? ago

LRAD ain't much good against a .308.

14717555? ago

I'm just saying, I have some uses for a predator drone. Can I atleast borrow that?

Or maybe we don't have the same hardware, but we have good hardware none the less.

14717588? ago

Predator drone attacks on American soil?

Good luck keeping order after that, besides, nintendo pilots gotta sleep somewhere.

Kinda hard to operate when you got no grid either.

14717628? ago

Predator drone attacks on American soil?

Roughly as possible as a cruise missile hitting the pentagon, wouldn't you say?

14717646? ago

I'll take "things that never happened for 500". lol

14717663? ago

Oh, so you believe them when they say it was an airliner?

14720767? ago

Let's just say that no one thinks that happened. If they did, it would be another matter.

You can't just launch cruise missiles on American soil to attack Americans and have people know that you did it.

And if that happened, as you say, there is only one suspect.

14721384? ago

Then you'll probably believe them when they say that farmhouse exploded in a meth lab accident, or that the warehouse was destroyed in a gas line explosion.

14621177? ago

Oh did yo using that up just for me. No one said anything about laws. We can’t definitely lump faggots like you in with the KKK And other hate groups. You think hell doesn’t exist but it’s waiting for you

14620816? ago

Excellent message and advice.

14620720? ago

Ignore shills altogether. Dont waste your time with them. They need the attention.

14620617? ago

14620601? ago

Governments are instituted by sovereign citizens to uphold the rule of law. When those elected to govern refuse to protect those that elected them, and worse, when those elected institute policies to harm the body politic, the sovereign citizens have every right under natural law to defend themselves against their own government and against any enemies that would seek to invade the borders of their sovereign nation.

If you believe as I do, that Thomas Jefferson was correct when he said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by blood of Patriots and tyrants" then please tell me, when is that time? When the left and Rinos for years whittle away at the constitution? When communists and muslims openly foment sedition and call for an end to our Republic? When hordes of barbarians march towards the United States carrying foreign flags while stating their intention of storming the gates? Are all these injuries not enough for the men of this nation to take up arms and say "enough is enough"? I say yes, these injuries are far more than enough.

Anyone, and I mean anyone who casts a vote for these vile pieces of shit on the left is my enemy. I'm surrounded by them here in the belly of the beast, and I will smile and be pleasant to them, but when the shit hits the fan I will shoot them in the head with no remorse and leave their corpses for the vultures and coyotes.

I'm pushing 60 years old, and I've been red-pilled for 45 years. I'm weary of swallowing the rage and loathing I have for the left, and I want their heads on stakes. I want these motherfuckers swinging from gallows. I want communist antifa bodies lying dead in the streets. And I'm not alone in this.

Say what you want, but if you call me a shill all I can say is fuck you.

14854678? ago

I am not calling you a shill at all. There's a group on here who do that to anyone they disagree with.

That said, the difference between Obama and President Trump is that Trump IS upholding the law rather than breaking it in every way possible the way Obama did.

These antifa scum are your enemies, but there are a lot of democrats, deluded by CNN bombardment, who are not.

14620526? ago

Paytraitors. Their sponsors are next. Think frozen assets. No payday?

14635419? ago

Maybe it's just people who are pissed off and tired of waiting for Q to do something. I don't get paid. But, I'm done with this bullshit.

14620378? ago

Right on brother! Totally in agreement. Thanks for the post... Also, I tried to post this earlier, but was at my limit: Beware who you agree with there is a new tactic. I noticed that there were two posters with a difference of 1 minute and 1 id digit apart. The discussion looked good so I agreed, without noticing these suspect numbers. Once I noticed it I went back to delete my response, maybe I was tired and missed this first time around, but I think they edited their post to something different when I looked again (one paragraph appeared different vthan I remember in context and message.) So look out for close IDs a close time stamps same people posting.

14635364? ago

the id digits are random fucko

14620329? ago

Q is for lemmings to feel good about doing nothing.

Easy access to denial.

14640511? ago

Yeah, your denial that the swamp is being drained...it's ok though. Your denial helps us--please, keep at it.

14640695? ago

The swamp is the brown tsunami of which he is not draining nor has he stopped from gushing into the county.

He ran on tough immigration because common sense white people know that is the most important issue.

He has zero momentum to deport the millions here festering and entering in the many 10's of thousands everything month still.

Q keeps your eyes off the macro agenda that steams forward. The genocide of whites globally is under way and your government is following suit with agenda 21.

The erosison of your race, and therefore culture continues unabated.

You'll likely see some token jailings before his term is up, but FED Zionist apparatus is sitting just as comfortable if not more than under Obama. The Nigger at least pretended to hate the Jews, but Trump props up Israel in the UN, in Gaza, in Jerusalem and canceled the Iran deal for Netanyahu.

How many years are you going to make excuses for Trump not bringing traitors to justice? Will anything click when Hilary Clinton makes another run for President?

14640889? ago

No dude, the swamp he referred to was the scum globalists in DC. Many are gone.

Trump appointed a non-Jew to head the Fed for the first time in many years. Tons of fake Jews have been taken down already. The swamp is being drained. How can you not see it? Weiner? Lauer? Franken? Weinstein? There's a HUGE list, add CEOs and it's massive.

Erosion of my race? Where? My race looks just fine to me. I will make excuses for Trump not bringing traitors to justice for as long as I have to point out to TRUMP that he has made a lot of bad hires by going by resumes like a businessman without considering political motivations (see Rex Tillerson--SWAMP DRAINED when he was fired). Trump isn't perfect, but he's lightyears better than anything we've seen.

I know you don't get this, but before Jesus Christ, each tribe was run by its race spirit. Christ was supposed to be the end of that. Mankind was supposed to be led by the Holy Spirit rather than the spirits of each particular race.

People too tied to their race are backwards--see the fake Jews in Hollywood who actively try to corrupt this society. And then take a look in the mirror because in defense of whites, you have become what you hate and have rejected Christ.

I think you need to check yourself. While there is an anti-white movement out there, whites are still just fine. And that movement is being countered and exposed for what it is.

14640938? ago

One day you'll look back on what you've wrote here and will feel disappointment at the mental gymnastics you engaged in during this period of your life.

Keep chasing that civ-nat pacifier. The jungle is coming to you.

14650118? ago

Just because you can't do the gymnastics yourself, that doesn't mean they aren't correct. We have an answer for the jungle. =)

14650851? ago

It's called teaching our daughters to keep their fucking legs closed.

14636750? ago

Or a good way to show people the truth.A little faith can go a long way.

14620292? ago

The only way to be free of the jewish evil is revolution

14620169? ago

The same thing can be said for the dividing tactic of shilling fear and hatred. Is it that so many of you can't understand that those you see as your enemies want you to revel in fear/hatred toward others so they can use it to convince others to eliminate you?

Are people on voat this stupid, or is it just me arguing with a bunch of shills?

The righteous don't hate. They defend, assist, and lead. Our enemies want us divided.

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

14622909? ago

Get real if you think many people on the Left will be all kumbya with us if we just love them. FFS grow up.

14620804? ago

Don't hate, just eliminate.

14625182? ago

Exactly! Live, and let live.... but be armed, and prepared.

14619902? ago

Patriot snipers may have to defend our border.

14716481? ago

Then they'd have to defend themselves from Trump's military.

14723478? ago

Yes. And they should be. But you know libs are hoping a bunch of people get killed just to fit their narrative that Trump is evil.

14619633? ago

NPChuman:violenceisbad; shun the unbeliever; shunnnnnnnnnnn

14619609? ago

I listened to The War Drummer’s latest video on yt. He is doing a callout for boots on the ground at the border. Does anyone know if he is just a useful idiot?

14619589? ago

Ignore posts that tell you to ignore posts (sarcasm intended). It's one thing to disagree with something, quite another to censor it.

There's a time and a place for everything, including violence. Should probably be left to the military, but hey, we don't have the right to bear arms for those arms to sit in our gun safes when thousands of people are about to pour across our Southern Border.

14620067? ago

Shill fag doing shill things. Q hasn’t told us to do anything concerning the border

14620321? ago

Oh, well since Q hasn't TOLD YOU WHAT TO DO, you should just curl up in a fucking ball and wet your bed.

Npcfag doing what Npcfags do...NOT THINKING FOR YOURSELF.

14638973? ago

You don't sound like a true patriot! You sound more like an angry little boy/girl who has loads of steam to let off. Ever heard of a punching bag? Find one and go to it. And, while you are at it learn to express yourself without name calling, battering posters and generally being vulgar. POTUS called a guy out at a rally last week as a Dirty mouth.

14640599? ago

And you sound like a 2nd grade teacher....fuck off. And while you're at it, go through basic training and see if your DI uses profanity you fucking little girl.

14620503? ago

If you want to do something then do it. This movement is involving Q and military intelligence. If you want to march on the border then set that up and get people to do it. We aren’t here to follow your orders.

I have spent years doing activism work and watched it fail miserably at changing anything. Now you want to come in here and tell me the one hope that I have seen in my entire life isn’t doing enough and I need to go back to activism? You couldn’t be more further from the truth and the only reason you don’t see that is from lack of experience. You aren’t shit and you haven’t done shit. We see through you millennial_anon

14620687? ago

Got news for ya, people are already doing it.

14621146? ago

oh you gonna take credit for that? Your a millenial. You have never done shit. Had everything spoon fed to you and then think you know what is best for the rest of us. Just like David hogg. You will actually zero effect on the world around you. You do not possess the any actual skill other than typing

14621482? ago

Thank you for recognizing my amazing typing skills that I learned while playing World of Warcraft.

Signed, F-Troop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpNX2PMVGqc

14622694? ago

Only a faggot with no social skills that has only online friends would mention WOW. I actually feel sorry for you now. What a sad pathetic existence you must live

14623011? ago

noob, go sit in your mama's basement and drool over my 3s rating...

14622552? ago

Oh that’s cute you think I am going to waste any of my time follow a link you post. What a bitch you are.

14623032? ago

Oh really? Try not to watch THIS one then...


The chicks in the purple are my favorite...

14619485? ago

I just ignore those posts.

14619376? ago

The USA would be fucked if conservatives devolved into the lefts appalling behavior...It would be a disaster of grand proportions...The only time the right should move into armed resistance is if the govt stated doing what they did in Iraq and afghan to the US population.... If trust the plan turned into house to house searches after temporary Marshall law then you have all been conned big time...

14619354? ago

Trump's got it under control.

14619198? ago

I agree. This caravan is intended to make conservatives crazy angry. The black hats want a blood bath. The media is already blaming Trump. In my opinion Q is dark because the MSM is preparing to use our movement as evidence that President Trump rigged the mid terms. So keep violence out of the daily chatter as it will be held against us and Q and POTUS

14619140? ago

They want you to be partof a huge ff at the border, do not be a puppet!

14620082? ago

You do that. The rest of us will do what we are tasked with and win the election. Smile for the cameras

14619133? ago

The magic Q said to .... Reminds me of that little magical fag that hung around Fred Flinstone after the cartoon jumped the shark.

14619059? ago

Yeah you are all sounding like psychopaths--with tiny dicks.

14620328? ago

Aww are you afraid antifpus?... 😂😂😂😂

14619020? ago

Thats righg patriots. Stay passive. Somebody else will do the fighting for you.

14635230? ago

The boomer fags are the one saying "do nothing" because they have the most to lose. For everyone else, I say: "Bring it on!"

It can't come fast enough at this point.

14620335? ago

No they wont.. #patriotsFIGHT

14618997? ago

Fuck off will ya?

14618922? ago

these users are faketriots. Most of the shilling is coming over here from 8chan and causing disruption. They have been informed to stand down yet ignore the requests. Don’t let them fool you. They are immature and prove no purpose other than to cause harm to the movement. I have found they are actually pretty stupid and can easily be overcome. If you feel up to it counterattack or if you aren’t up to the challenge (you know who you are) just ignore.

14618880? ago

I support this, and agree. Just adding to the positive category.

14635434? ago

I'm here to say "Fuck you" to add to the negative category. It's all about balance.

14635462? ago

Fair enough.

14618737? ago

To get an idea of how many troll farms have been setup, just look @realdonaldtrump tweets. 1000s of tweets replying you're a liar racist... pick another major conservative figure, same crap. These people are Israeli operatives, etc. They are at war and #WeThePeople are locked and loaded. Let em play the games, but we will defend this country, if it comes to all out war.

14635393? ago

Not if... but, when....

14618792? ago

I also read that twitter while not shutting down POTUS's tweets, they have "fixed" it so only negative tweets are shown in response. This may be the case because that seems to be all that I see in replies.

14618490? ago

How about posts that call for violence against violence posts?

14618405? ago

Yeah, they are pretty obvious. Downvoting them might be a good a good option, though.

14618335? ago

These are russian and iranian psy ops. Do not listen to them.

14618750? ago

I'm not Iranian or Russian. Just an American who is tired of waiting and who supports violence.

14618767? ago

says the anonymous person on an internet sub touting obvious russian and iranian talking points.

14618307? ago

I put those fuckers in their place so that newbies who visit this site have more.

14618760? ago

you show 'em tough guy!

14618285? ago

Yep their shilling all over the Internet not only here. Most are hit and run shit posts. Some times when they respond it reads so fucking idiotic you wonder what the hell kind of stupid gave birth to these spawns.

14618080? ago

Yeah. Would you say not to call for violence back when the japs bombed Pearl Harbor? We have an invasion force heading for our country. I want them fucking napalmed. We have a right to defend our borders. Stop being such a cuck.

14618045? ago

I don’t think calls for violence are in order. However, using violence to respond to violence is acceptable. I believe we need to take the higher ground and not act like the looney-toon left, Soros funded “brown-shirt” ANTIFA mobsters. Integrity first!! Pull your firearm second 🤷🏻‍♀️😬

14617946? ago

If you think violence is bad, you're part of the problem. Peaceful protests have been tried and they don't work. Four boxes of liberty. Soap Box and Ballot boxes have been tried.

MSM tries to demonize violent protest because it keeps the people under the heel of the authoritarian deep state.

14617815? ago

Remember to report these trolls, I think spam is most appropriate

14618783? ago

Fat lot of good that will do. You are a faggot.

14617781? ago

Notice yet the censoring of this sub if you dont kiss ass and follow the flock? The Spirit of Redditt is alive and well here for sure

14618800? ago

Q is a God, this is a religion. You either worship him, or you're the enemy.

14624261? ago

It's similar in that you have to take most of it on faith.

14620353? ago

Q is truth.. worship truth. Or continue to live your lie... #myOathNeverExpires

14620035? ago

Someone doesn’t agree with you? So sad that your only “talent” is trying to tear others down. Karma exists don’t think you will escape it. When everything goes down we will round you up with the other asshats since you proven to be of no use to the cause.

14621990? ago

"we"? who is we? you can identify anons posting randomly on the internet?

the truth is, YOU aren't going to do anything but talk shit.

14622530? ago

Oh yeah forgot. I have much more accomplishments than you have made while living with your parents. You are worthless and your opinions are meaningless. Come back once you hit puberty. I’ve done my time making this planet a better place. The absolute truth is you have never done anything period. You aren’t going to the border you don’t even have your drivers license fagoot

14619824? ago

I am the enemy then, there is but one God and you will one day kneel before MY GOD. That and your a fckn brainwashed idiot that voted for obama TWICE looking for a change in your worthless life. Vote once for my God,he has no term limits and will always be in total control of your god satan.

14622007? ago

I didn't vote for Obama, dumbass

14620380? ago

Nope.. as all religion is bullshit.. and the endoctrination of evil is set. The truth is enki and enlil... look it up... everything after that is bullshit.. #facts

14617727? ago

what calls for violence? can you provide a link? haven't seen any myself...

14617609? ago

It’s important to be violent against the Qult.

14617606? ago

A lot have gone along with the Q “enjoy the show” approach for a long time, if things don’t start rolling by mid November a lot of followers have said they’re ready to bail and will look for other solutions outside of Q

14624249? ago

I for one have not "enjoyed the show" and found the "booms" to be underwhelming.

If you're going to call something a "Boom", it should be remotely interesting.

A "Boom" would be Soros getting arrested.

14635268? ago

Or Hillary Clinton.

14617560? ago

ARMS ALONE KEEP THE PEACE... What the hell good are arms if one has before him "No violence." The moment you'll need them the most, you'll never clear leather cuz you'll be dead on the ground!

14617544? ago

If you candy assed keyboard clowns don't think people are about to die for this cause you're beyond fuckin stupid There is no need to call for violence, violence will come without media promotion The real shills are the fucking two-faced asshats that flop to and with every new narrative that comes down the feeds. These previous obama voters are attempting to run when they cant even walk on this new found ground. Grammer, spellcheck and punctuation nazi's are the enemy within,this isnt School House rock,its about taking back and defending a nation over run with fags and spell check nazis in high places.If your keyboard is the only skin you can put in the game,back out and shut the fuck up. I served 3 tours,I can say what the fuck I want 1A and I defend with 2A

14625901? ago

damn right. Won't start a fight but will defend our territory if needed.

14618754? ago

Where were you downrange?

14619834? ago

Downrange from what?

14642292? ago


14617414? ago

Agree MSM wants to show violence and get Trump to mismanage this situation. President Trump going to bury the Dems on Nov 6th. Less Dems will mean the Feinsteins, Shumers, Pelosi's will unexpectedly retire when there's no power

14635460? ago

So, the lesson is: You can commit as many crimes as you want, and spend a lifetime screwing over the American taxpayers and then retire with a cushy salary and a nice house? I'm glad that Q is here to dole out justice. What would we do without him?

14617205? ago

Just sit on your hands as antifa are free to attack patriots with immunity. Fuck you. These communists need to be dealt with.

14640562? ago

I agree--but dealt with intelligently and preferably legally. We need to maintain the moral high ground.

14617919? ago

Tell the commies, not the Internet. GTFO

14618404? ago

You’re a retard. Hopefully you’re the one hit with a lock for wearing a maga hat and not a true patriot.

14622869? ago

go away bot

14632969? ago

Just be lucky you only post to anon boards. Voat isn’t friendly to those like you. Faggot.

14907941? ago

This comment was linked from this v/ShitQtardsSay submission by @Demonsweat2.

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14618474? ago


14616919? ago

The only rational time for violence in our situation is self defense after being physically attacked.

We must give Trump and Q their shot. They will succeed.

In the one and a billion chance the Globalists beat Trump then and only then it is time for total war. A war more radical and total than has ever happened in all of human history. Just to reiterate this is only after catastrophic failure of the plan and unlikely to happen.

Q this migrant caravan must be crushed and demoralized to calm our more angry brothers. Ethnic cleansing is a warcrime and the people financing it should be charged tried and hung.

14627945? ago

The only rational time for violence in our situation is self defense after being physically attacked.

Whites have been attacked daily by niggers for decades and run out of neighborhoods now for decades and not a peep about it.

Q hasn't even addressed it, they just kiss black ass all day.

14628409? ago

Most people who should be on our side are still brainwashed.

Breaking the globalists power and demonizing the lugenpresse are the most important targets.

Breaking the uncivilized parasites will be trivial after our primary enemy has been removed.

14616818? ago

Comet Ping Pong go fuck yourself. Maybe look into that a bit more and realize it was a false flag, not incited violence.

14616996? ago

Just something the NY Times could use to help "debunk" the story.

14616748? ago

No shills, no militias, no Agent Provocateurs. Trump and Team have the caravan in their sites and have a plan. Any attempts to insinuate yourself into the defense of the homeland will play into the hands of the opposition. They want to see you armed and dangerous on the border and lay blame to us for any chaos, violence or death. Using their technology and training, let the professionals handle the invasion.

14616736? ago

OUR Commander and Chief TOLD US ... JOBS not MOBS...we are to be peaceful and follow the laws... AMERICANS don't FIGHT AMERICANS

14624276? ago

Thomas Jefferson spoke of the need for a violent revolution every 20 years or so.

They also said that if the constitution no longer serves it's purpose that it's to be torn up and discarded.

Perhaps you should pay closer attention in history class, you worthless fuck.

14700629? ago

he didn't say tear it up the constitution directs us HOW to change it to what we the people want it to be.. FACT

14616970? ago

They certainly did in 1861

14700695? ago

United Sates of America is whom i was referring to as Americans. which is its MOST COMMON usage.... The Confederate Sates was part of the US true.. BUT tHEY BROKE OFF and formed THEIR OWN country.... hence they are COMMONLY called Confederates.. we may be divided right now but we are still one nation...

14616580? ago

Totally agree with you. This is the way they want to control the narrative now. The reason we don't want to fight with them: they have already lost.

14616570? ago

More fake news on Huntington post.. as you read the article about the Soros Bomb ..a dangerous white powder was found.. the police then took it and blew it up. Now I might have been born at night but it wasn’t last night.

Would you have me believe that the police blew up a device that had dangerous white powder and disperse it in the or by blasting it. These people are so stupid they believe their own lies are great journalism.. NOT.

14640458? ago

Huntington Post is...barely suitable for toilet paper.

14991958? ago

It would give you a rash for sure.

14616568? ago

Have you been not been paying attention? Violence from the communists and socialist is already happening and has been going for decades. The only thing that has not happened enough is people standing up and challenging them. Been far too much hiding.

14624256? ago

Everyone thinks they're going to win some big election and nothing ever changes.

14620392? ago

The original poster is an antifapussy

14617955? ago

Then why are you still here?

14620273? ago

I am here by the Grace of God. I am just lucky that titanium does not beep when I go through airport scanners.

14616527? ago

Shills are just more tiny assholes

14616511? ago

Yes! Sit back! Do nothing! Post memes! Redpill people on Facebook! DO NOT TAKE ACTION!

The Q motto is: "Wait longer... do nothing".

14616462? ago

Wise words.

14620402? ago

From morons...

14616455? ago

Ignore. Signore. Si.

14616342? ago

Thank you for the reminder, Anon and the Q revisit. I agree calls to violence or to push back on the push-backers is not only a poor idea but counter-productive.

14616324? ago

If you don't ignore posts calling for violence I will have to kill you.

14616586? ago

I like when they make threats like: the Military will track you down for some infraction I made up in my mind!

14616770? ago

Oooohhhhh! A link to a law! That will show them! They'll come and kick your ass good! Wooooweee boy! They'll stomp your ass into the ground and make you pay! Make you pay for all those mean things you said on the Internet boy! The Government's job is to track down every kid on the Internet who has ever said anything I don't like and make them pay! Just post more links to scary laws and show them how bad they're gonna pay! Make them hurt and suffer for all those mean things they're saying! We can hold military tribunals and hang them! Or shoot them via firing squad! Send them to Federal Pound-Me-In-The-Ass Prison!

NEWSFLASH: Nothing will happen to me. Get over yourself.

14620308? ago


14625931? ago

But, not the right to dictionaries.

14619968? ago

Hey dumbass the government has been doing just that since the Patriot Act. You may have freedom of speech but your disruption of a military operation has not gone unnoticed. Typical millennial attitude since your parents haven’t been a part of your life. Let me guess she forced you to dress as a girl to go to school in order to show you that gender doesn’t matter.

14625986? ago

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! I have now "disrupted a military operation" and I need to be spanked! Quick send out the military! Round up teenagers in basements all around America! Take them to justice and make them pay for their crime of disrupting military operations! You guys are so full of your own bullshit it's comical. Nothing is going to happen to me or to anyone else here. Get over it.

14616278? ago


14616266? ago


14616216? ago

you must think we are sleeping,

im no ones patsy, if maxine wants to go around and tell people they arent welcome she can do that herself.

14616107? ago

Well.. you stay cozy behind your keyboard.. im down atbthe southern boarder. Armed to the teeth.. There is about 120 of us... we have orders to shoot who ever breches the u.s boardet .

The milita is reporting and taking orders from DHS anf boarder patrol....

Ya"ll are some pussies...

14616803? ago

Another 13 year old jackwagon Leftist. Ignore, ignore, ignore.

14620444? ago

https://www.cbp.gov/border-security/along-us-borders/overview ..and thanks for telling us you're a 13 year old pussy....

14616405? ago

Post a photo.

14620456? ago

https://www.cbp.gov/border-security/along-us-borders/overview Real patriots arnt like you.. we actually do work

14621581? ago

Citizens have often helped in apprehensions at the border. Citizens need to know who to contact so they do not go to the border and act with no clue. Cough up names and numbers.

14616203? ago

Oookay.. Is your division called LARP?

14620995? ago

Nothing in that overview says anything about the militia having orders of "shoot anyone who crosses". The border patrol doesn't even have the freedom to shoot drug runners. Yet you do? GTFOH and quit trying (poorly) to incite violence, there's no need. The only one's that would commit that type of bullshit would be a globalist false flag.

I will agree that the average border patrol agent is a patriot at work, that's why they don't just shoot anyone who crosses.

14631322? ago

Maybe you should check everything in typed with dept of justice. And whitehouse.gov.... Every american and every American who signed their oath... man type shit... you should try it . Say hi to hillary

14631487? ago

Try using proper english so people can understand you.

"Say hi to hillary" lol That should make everyone believe your LARP.. GTFOH Media Matters shill.

14620250? ago

Ohhh you like the term LARP huh. Did you learn that on Sesame Street today?

14620357? ago

Should I have said CTR? Maybe Share Blue? POSER? Are you a glow pickle?

14616235? ago

Watch your tone boy, that's a high ranking officer of the LARP corps you're speaking to.

14616383? ago

Can you imagine the optics on that kind of bullshit for the midterm? That may very well be the next false flag that the deep state has planned.

14616611? ago

Someone should count how many times the boomer fags here say the word "optics" we're probably in the millions by now.

14620189? ago

How many times you said boomer. According to you everyone is. Sorry your mom wasn’t a part of your life. One day someone will love you. Until then keep doing your school work. One day your opinion will matter faggot

14625954? ago

It's the faggotry of old dumbfucks like you that is ruining Voat.

14616676? ago

Someone should learn that we aren't made up of boomers, I was born in 1980. Anything else, shill? Yes, I called you shill. Who else spends so much time trying to disprove something they find ridiculous?

14616733? ago

Great, you drank the kool aid too. That proves a lot. I'm helping to wake up people who are on the fence. People who don't worship Q like a God and treat this whole thing like a religion. You fuckers take everything on faith and keep moving the goal posts whenever it's convenient. Nothing is ever going to happen here. Just dummies like you sitting around waiting for Q to tell you what to do (even though he specifically said to think for yourselves). Nothing major has happened. Nothing major will happen.

14616789? ago

Nah, you're shilling. You want war like Soros wants war. That's how you all destabilize countries. The day of reckoning is going to be like your favorite Oprah episode.. "You get an indictment, you get an indictment, you ALL get and indictment!"

14616848? ago

Last time I checked, the first amendment exists and I can participate in this LARP just as much as you can. People posting mean things in the QRV forum aren't getting indicted. It would be nice if Q and his team got off their asses and ACTUALLY arrested some people for molesting children (e.g. John Podesta). But, if you think the military is going to indict me for saying stupid shit on the Internet and pissing you idiots off, nope. Not going to happen. Dream on buddy.

14620221? ago

Nah you won’t get indicted. We will have FEMA camps set up for the enemy combatants like yourself. Just imagine having to suck a few dicks just to get some water

14625946? ago

Ooooooohhh scary words tough guy! Who's going to do the arresting? You? GI Joe? You faggots like to type stuff that makes you feel better. None of that shit is going to happen though.

14616926? ago

Of course the average useful idiots wont get indicted, but those of you on the payroll will. We'll make sure of it.

14617011? ago

I don't get paid. I stop by here to piss off you idiots for free. It gives me hours of entertainment.

14618612? ago

"We" = real patriots

14626132? ago

Problem is "we" and "you" and "them" and "us" and "him" and "her" mean nothing in an anonymous forum. Everyone = anon.

Do you get to be a "real patriot" by worshipping Q? How many times a day do you have to pray to Q before you become a real patriot?

14627758? ago

Are you making rules again? Your SJW is showing.

Love your country, truly love your country.

14627786? ago

I do love my country, and my race. That is why I'm trying to defend both.

14616045? ago

Upvote this shit. Keep it on top so everyone sees it.

14618761? ago

If you absolutely can't resist bloodying some leftys and get caught at least make sure you say Maxine sent you

14854515? ago

I LOL'd at this....OBAMA MADE ME TO IT MAN!!!

14620338? ago

Or make some claims that you were hired by someone "at the foundation" to tie up some loose ends.

14616020? ago

With the upcoming caravan, and likely civilian protests, I wouldn't be surprised if the DS had plans in place to have a bad actor wearing a Q shirt and MAGA hat fire the first shot causing mass bloodshed. The timing of the shill posts attempting to incite violent mindsets is too coincidental. Those attending any potential protests at the border need to remain vigilant and report any potential bad actors.

14616601? ago

As a follower of Q your job is to NEVER TAKE ACTION. Ever. Under no circumstances. Just report and post memes. Do nothing else.

14733513? ago

You are so right!! Take no action...as so much is being done behind the scenes, it is not what you see that is important!! Just sit back...eat lots of popcorn and ENJOY THE SHOW!!! Please...do nothing. Hillary...I mean Q is watching you watching him watching us. Do nothing...the only thing you must do is....TRUST THE PLAN!!! And no, I will not tell you what the plan is. Baaaaaahhhhh baaaaahhh

14624232? ago

One thing I'm noticing is that we are being pushed off further and further and encouraged to do nothing lest it damage "the plan" where nothing REALLY seems to happen that would ever benefit white Americans or address their concerns.

And nothing has been said about stopping blacks from raping and murdering whites.

14812905? ago

I am so sick and tired of hearing this racial divide trash talk! There is no 'rampant' black on white crime (especially if you exclude Antifa from the listing).

Even Islamic terrorism is NOT racist, it is cultural and religious.

14813942? ago

There is no 'rampant' black on white crime

Yes, there is, dick licker.

1600 black on white murders and 15-30,000 black on white rapes annually

Source: FBI

14626295? ago

Wait for midterms at least you fucking moron. If there is a red wave, as we suspect there will be, that means the nation (mostly blue states up for grabs) has just shown it's support for his agenda. Afterwards, it will be extremely difficult for the media to argue Trump is acting unhinged, and we can start to see some indictments. Of course stay aware of the fact that Trump could be assuaging "white Americans."

I get being antsy, but christ. Wait until after midterms, then you have full permission to carry on your piss fit.

14627304? ago

Oh I will sure and then I'll wait for January, then we'll be gearing up for the 2020 elections where the "real change" will happen and I won't want to damage that master plan either. lol

14625880? ago

Nope. Nothing will be said about that. Just sit back and let the niggers rape and kill you, otherwise you're a racist.

Just ask France or Sweden.

14619736? ago

Fortunately I’m more than a follower of Q.

15732588? ago

I'm just pissed and wondering what it would take for Americans to stand up for themselves like the French. There are 535 politicians in DC controlling us. There are 320 Million of us. WAKE UP People and stop following Q.

14626024? ago

You're a superhero too?!? Wowweee! America, fuck yeah!

After we're done worshipping Q, we can say a prayer to our men and women in uniform.

14615772? ago

Consider this your notice: being paid to post advocating civil war is committing sedition.

The deep state wants a hot war. Don't give it to them.

14812838? ago

"...that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

---Declaration of Independence

We have not reached the point where lawful means has failed us and the patriots that are following Q and are supporting POTUS understand that.

14821592? ago


14688166? ago

Wonder how Soros not in jail

14716292? ago

Soros gave (gave, not loaned) Trump a few hundred million to bail him out of Trump tower and he loaned Kushner 250 million to fund his startup, Cadre.

Soros ain't going nowhere.

14637038? ago

I don't know. There are some really shitty laws on the books over the years.

14617907? ago

At some point, there's a setpoint where the war goes hot.

Gun confiscation? Molon Labe.
Election interference? We're going hot.

There are certainly some "blood of patriots and tyrants" moments.

14618035? ago

We've been given enough proofs to know that Q is legitimately military intelligence. Anybody who thinks otherwise hasn't been paying attention. Our president and our military will get the job done. If they need Patriots, they will call.

14622835? ago

Military can't be everywhere. If the Marxists explode if will be nation wide, and I fully expect they will riot this way. Lock and load to protect our own.

14622901? ago

Only need to stay out of the direct path and report to civil authorities. They will be isolated, unsupported and directionless. If they stand around long enough they start attacking themselves. A certain degree of Communist rioting is expected. Protect yourself and your loved ones--bunker down and only engage in self defense.

14625967? ago

Exactly what I was commenting. "protect our own".

14626052? ago


14619686? ago

It will be too late if we wait for a call. Patriots should go back up the forces. I don’t see how 1600 national guardsmen are going to to stop 50k migrants.

Also, Commiefornia hasn’t agreed to send Guardsmen. That is likely where they go.

14622755? ago

Patriots should follow instructions from Q, which is to let the military do the heavy lifting, as instructed.

14624658? ago

They can do the heavy lifting and Oatriits can be there for backup. Mexico didn’t come close to stoppping them.

14618077? ago

My oath never expired.

I'm trying to think of situations where we have to Revolution 2.0

14620290? ago

Gdman right.. im happy we have alot of followers...but i have noticed ALOT are just pussies.. #MyOathNeverExpires

14618128? ago

TYFYS. That bullet largely missed in 2016. China might get hot.

14618459? ago

TYFYS. I was ready when we were printing a billion dollars a day. I was sure we were the next Zimbabwe.

Still not conceived we're not.

14616935? ago

Sorry jackass, that's not how it works. It sounds scary. But, people on the Internet in America can say anything they want. If this law were true and the military was planning on acting, then Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama would already be in jail. They have violated many laws like this. But, they are still walking around free. The US military doesn't track down kids on the Internet who say mean things.

14620139? ago

Hitch a ride to border w a militia...

14625959? ago

Then, shoot those fuckers dead!

14624206? ago

The US military will stop him in that case, only that case.

14619312? ago

No they don’t but the keep track of who you are and what you say. When shit hits the fan those people are on the wrong side of history.

14626093? ago

"they" who the fuck is they? some mythical group of tally keepers? They sit off in the shadows and keep track of all the mean things people say on the Internet. If you hurt a patriot's feelings, or make him angry, they put a little check mark next to your name. Then, they round you up and kill you for saying mean things on the Internet! The first goal, when the SHTF, is not the rioting hordes of communists, or the armed battles happening in the streets, it's the kids in basements who type mean things on the Internet!

Nothing is going to happen to me. I can say whatever the fuck I want with impunity. And nothing will happen. I'll keep coming back as much as I want and I'll type more mean things to you. And, there's not a goddamned thing you can do about it. Nothing will happen. Keep dreaming about your mysterious "they" group though old man, it makes for better LARP. Maybe they can get the Smoking Man from the X Files to play the shadowy head of the "They" organization? The NSA is surely keeping track of how many mean things that kids on the Internet say. That way they can round them up later.

14620359? ago

You're not familiar with canaries, are you?

14618278? ago

Kinda hard to put people in jail with a corrupt DOJ.

14719519? ago

Can confirm from personal experience working for gov - it’s really slow and difficult to purge the rot

14617182? ago

People who unilaterally decide to do this for themselveswouldn't meet the definition of the crime. But if someone else is paying you to do it ....

14616539? ago

Ooooooh a notice! Ok tough guy.... go get them! You round up those teenagers and spank their booties. Tell them "NO! No civil wars! Bad dog!" be sure to rub their nose in it so they get the message. God, your really are full of yourself? Aren't you?

14616055? ago

Upcoming civil war is inevitable. What they are trying to do is direct the 2 opposing groups to distract them from the true enemies of the upcoming civil war. The politicians should be targeted and our governments completely quarantined for treason.

14620909? ago

You who relish civil war have never seen your own mother raped and then her fingers chopped off in front of you. Please, let’s try to avoid civil war at all costs.

14639316? ago

we are in a civil war already,

War isn't civil!

The south was already terrible angry with vengeance.

The South was ready for several years, but what ignited it was the Emancipation proclamation!

14624217? ago

Plenty of white boys have seen a nigger rape and murder their white mother in America and you don't give a single fuck so STFU concern fag.

We've been in a war for quite some time, you're such a brainwashed, low info NPC you don't get it.

You think the real tragedy would be if we ever figured it out and fought back.

14635005? ago

Check your history. Whites were raping blacks first. Don't be a moron just for the sake of being a moron.

14643515? ago

Is that so?

What went on in medieval Spain from 700 to 1492? You lying scum.

You nigger lovers don't know jack shit about history so just shut the fuck up about it.

14643832? ago

Sounds to me like your family has nigger blood in it. Guess you are part of what you hate. Such a fitting result. Wonder if your mom enjoyed it? Have a great life.

14644036? ago

I love how you jump to that assumption when your mom not only does it professionally and loves every minute of it.

Get cancer, you deserve it.

14644156? ago

Such anger. That can't be good for your diminishing health. Being happy works wonders not only for your mind but body & soul as well. Lets leave mom's out of this because you obviously are so concerned what happened so far in the past you cant go back & change it. Maybe, if you get a hobby (such as reading - start with the Bible). Even though you hate yourself, God Loves You. Have a Blessed Day.

14644178? ago

What happened so far in the past?

I thought you were the one so concerned with who raped who FIRST.

14644305? ago

So, angry. Try to smile it will help you. Glad you love niggers, they seem to always be on your mind. Self hate is the worst, I have been told. You are in for a real reality check. Do you kiss your Sister (oh, your wife) with that mouth? History (BIBLE), tells me that people like you don't prevail. nice try, won't work. maybe, thats why you are so mad. Put down the drugs, get a job & try to do something positive with your life. That would be an awesome history lesson that you would actually know something about. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

14644400? ago

Funny how you keep mentioning God but your words are all the slithering of Satan's forked tongue.

Yes, what a surprise.

14644447? ago

Christians aren't perfect. Never have been. You started the hate, just giving you something to think about. In the end, we will see who is right. I have faith. Hope you do too. Wish you well, play time is over. Some of have real things to do. Again, God Bless You.

14644506? ago

That something to think about isn't true and I am right.

You lied or your a fool, the way I see it, probably a bit of both.

Yes, go fuck your mother. Be gone, serpent, you are in no position to bless anyone.

14648378? ago

So nice meeting you.

14624680? ago

No, but war should only be when there are no other options. You just want to start one so you can sell your arms, NPC Warhawk Series.

14627241? ago

There are no other options, you just don't know it yet.

14621118? ago

Avoiding civil war will lead to mothers and daughters being raped by the illegal immigrants that the left and the politicians seem more than happy to bring into our countries. The idea of "peaceful protests" is propaganda made up by the elite to stifle the thought of civil wars.

Like I said, they are directing the hatred to keep us distracted, we need to focus the real target when shit hits the fan.

14616548? ago

I agree. Civil war is inevitable. No point in denying it at this point. Be prepared.

14617266? ago

Exactly and it should be directed towards the traitors who have allowed this to happen to our countries.

However when all is done and dusted the remaining tools/pawns of the left are never to be trusted. They would either have to be shipped to a foreign country or branded so that people can recognise the scum for what they are.

14618631? ago

Or we could just kill them....

14620990? ago

Well that's how the allies treated the NSDAP after their surrender. We could consider them an unarmed enemy and hang them on the gallows.

14620432? ago

Then who would we use as slaves?

14624211? ago


14624405? ago

Robots can't weep genuinely enough to satisfy

14616218? ago

Civil war is not inevitable if the patriots with Q can deliver the information to the masses. If nobody believes the MSM, they have no power to cause a war.

14639280? ago

the only one that can stop civil war is TRUMP.

IF he doesn't drain the swamp, we will have to.

14639373? ago

the only other thing that can stop it is,

If God kills all the first born of the wicked, as he did in Egypt and Pharough!

And that day is certainly coming., because them dems will NEVER EVER repent!

Exodus 12:23 indicates that there were two beings involved in the death of the firstborn sons of Egypt: There was God, who put a hand of PROTECTION over certain houses,

and there was the DESTROYER, who sought to destroy all, but who was thwarted from doing so by the protective hand of God over certain homes.

14622410? ago

Civil war is not inevitable if the patriots with Q can deliver the information to the masses. I

Snowden, assange, binnie, edmonds, have actually delivered actual serious informations, something the entire Q movement haven't

What have Q delivered? What information? I mean serious backed up shit, not baseless claims, opinions, and "predictions"?

In the entire Q bullshit story, there's not even one information that would hold water/could be used in a court of law to indict anybody, and that's a fact

Prove me wrong, go ahead, 1000000% sure you'll only downvoat this comment and shut up. And nobody here will be able to prove the contrary

14622735? ago

Posting indictable information is not the point of Q. Q is here to tell the public what is going on.

There are currently over 50,000 sealed indictments, hundreds of CEO and political resignations / step down / choose not to run for reelection.

Here is a simple, three point proof to show you that Q is legitimate:

Q posts pictures from the inside of AF1. If Q was not authorized to do this, Q would have been arrested. Q was not arrested. Therefore Q had authorization to post.

Q posts pictures from the inside of a secret service car. If Q was not authorized to do this, Q would have been arrested. Q was not arrested. Therefore Q had authorization to post.

This is in addition to many other points of surveillance data that can only come from Intel sources. Combined it is obvious that Q is legitimate.

14623020? ago

Q is here to tell the public what is going on.

And are journalists...

Q posts pictures from the inside of AF1. If Q was not authorized to do this, Q would have been arrested. Q was not arrested. Therefore Q had authorization to post.

And so do journalists... https://www.quora.com/Which-journalists-fly-on-Air-Force-One

Q posts pictures from the inside of a secret service car. If Q was not authorized to do this, Q would have been arrested. Q was not arrested. Therefore Q had authorization to post.

So he basically outed himself but for some reason he keeps on playing anon charade on 4chan...

Pics or it didn't happen

14623054? ago

The pics are on any Q aggregator. You have no argument. There is no need to continue a conversation.

14623063? ago

Show the pics or stfu, burden of proof is on you faggot

14626158? ago

You just FUGGIN DEBUNK'D him so hard brah

14623074? ago

Go to any Q aggregator and look at the pics for yourself. Qmaps.pub

14623092? ago

Just link to the relevant pics from any Q aggregator then

14623156? ago

NYPA. Don't expect others to spoon feed you. It doesn't matter if you believe or not. Look it up if you want. Read the drops.

14623197? ago

Burden of proof is on you, faggot

"Just look on the internet it's somewhere one click away!"


14623329? ago


14623368? ago

Qmap must be blocked in China.

14623378? ago

I'm not in china, your link doesn't work, and that's only one pic not two

14623458? ago

1592 and 1677. That's your proof.


14623506? ago

Anons proved it's not. Mug is different. Pay attention. Read the drops. If you haven't even read the drops there is no point in talking. Your opinion doesn't matter. World is changing.

14623530? ago

Sorry but that's all the pics your references are pointing to

Again, burden of proof is on you, and you failed to bring your so called proof forward

Your opinion doesn't matter. World is changing.

Butthurt much?

14623544? ago

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. It's happening. Have a good day


14623555? ago

That's right, run away you jehovah's witness 2.0

Still waiting for the pic inside the secret service car...

14623721? ago

This is why there's no point talking with Communists. If you won't read the information you can't discuss it.

14623873? ago

Yeah keep crying and calling communist this and that

You failed to back your claims with evidences, and that's a fact and only facts matter

The piss poor pics mentioned above don't prove anything, journalists have access to such material, including non published ones

14620642? ago

Civil War: Cancelled. Shills upset.

14616571? ago

You think "delivering information" will solve this problem?!? You obviously don't understand the situation at all. The Jews run the MSM. If you want to stop the New World Order, then you have to stop the Jews. If you don't, you will become a slave or die.

14616590? ago

Propaganda only works if people believe it.

14616621? ago

If you think posting memes is going to break the New World Order, you have no fucking clue. Educate yourself:


14798436? ago

Q says memes work. And they are winning the elections for us.

14616641? ago

Posting memes has been working pretty well so far. No reason to deviate from an effective tactic.

14616681? ago

"working pretty well so far"?! According to who? YOU? And a bunch of dipshits you hang out with? Well if the LARPers over on QRV say it's true... then it must be. I mean there are 15,000 people there and what? Like 325,000,000 people in America who pay attention to MSM so we must be having an effect! You live in an echo chamber buddy. You believe whatever you want.

You're not winning, you only think you are. You need to sit around and do more of nothing.

14616852? ago

You're wrong about memes bro. Honestly, truth works better than fake news. Several memes have had real reactions in reality: I remember in the 2016 election, the memes with girls wearing combat girl saying something about sending women to war. Clear message that cut through Hillary's bullshit

14616884? ago

You fuckheads are delusional.

14616911? ago

Ok faggot. Go play somewhere else. We're just playing pretend in here

14620423? ago

He's right, though. Average folks think you're all stark raving mad, but mostly harmless. They have a propaganda machine that surpasses anything you can cook up in photoshop. They control what you see.

14623919? ago

Yet, many here were average people a short time ago. We couldn't care less what you people think.

14616723? ago

You believe whatever you want.


14615481? ago

The shills are out in force today! I've noticed calls for violence and switching to other subs. Don't buy into this bullshit. Trumps plan is working, The shill attacks will only get worse as the red wave approaches.

14863185? ago

Yeah that plan worked really fucking well tonight. House is gone, now we get to prepare for shitloads of fruitless Russia investigations. What a crock of shit. I'm done with Q and this fucking larp.

14723144? ago


14633211? ago

Noticed some ex-CIA guy on fox claiming that they think they'll be able to link the postal bombs to online "activity", like "postings".

I think we can all see where this is heading.... FALSE FLAG!

14632380? ago

Thank you for the clarification. As a newbie, it’s good to know.

14631303? ago

Yeah there was someone on 8chan joking around I guess about people going to the borders, coordinating with the military, etc. Meant to be funny, but immediately called out by others as not what we want to be saying or doing.

14629171? ago

Just in time for the fake bombs today. It's like they are not even trying!

14620865? ago

Agreed. Unless you are face to face with an aggressor, now is not the time for violence.

14794694? ago

I carry pepper spray and a stun gun. Gives me enough time to get away. LOL I will not, however, put up with anyone yelling in my face, spitting on me... that person will get 1 warning to get out of my Aura space, then their eyes are going to burn.

15732464? ago

YOU will never know what hit you, whatever happens in an attack, will happen in 7 seconds. FBI stats.

14796552? ago

When it was a concern for me, I would often "forget" to lock up my tools and would have a hammer, box cutter, etc... At least twice just showing the person that I had a weapon they changed their minds about the "deal" they had.

14635055? ago

Meanwhile an army of invaders is marching to our borders and our cities are overrun with niggers.

14618943? ago

one commentor here is an excellant case in point. Name calling and spewing bullshit. So when a fake Q or Trump follower does something, gives license to condem Patriots. A true Patriot with a sidearm at the ready would keep it quiet unless necessary. Mr. Mouth has to act mr bigshot cause he doesn't have a dick, but wants everyone to think he does.

14620606? ago

I hear your weak shit all the time, Mr. Mouth. Think because you make videos it makes you something. It would help if you weren't always wrong, you cuck hypocrite.

Should have known from the beginning you were a fraud.

14620566? ago

Head's up....it's necessary. Letting the other side know that you are armed and willing to use that side arm will eliminate 100% more conflicts without harm than keeping it concealed.

Now...who exactly is spewing bullshit there, dickless namecaller.

14617255? ago


Wow, fuck that 'Q' dude, with all his calls for an insinuation of violence.


These fucks killed children, in the most horrible ways imaginable. They ate their fucking bodies.

Do you seriously think people saying there should be violence against them are all shills? Are you so fucking cucked you've utterly brought into the 'the only valid use of force comes from the government' mantra?

If 'the plan' works, great. They suffer violence from the government. If it doesn't? Great, they suffer violence from other sources.

It's really that simple. No shills, just people being honest.

14765043? ago


14767460? ago


a.) why would you reply to a 9 day old post?

b.) try to actually say something with your post, rather than sounding like a fucking retard who can't even construct a singular worthwhile sentence.

14699271? ago

These fucks killed children, in the most horrible ways imaginable. They ate their fucking bodies.

This is bullshit dude. This whole fucking thing is bullshit and you've let yourself believe it. Let yourself get psyched up to commit violence based a fucking mountain of bullshit. They ate their bodies? What have you let be done to your brain. Why did you swallow all these lies?

14637368? ago

The only violence that Q is calling for is to "Think For Yourself", to these crazy lunatics this is a real threat to them because if people think for themselves then they lose control of the masses!

14641411? ago

2018 will not be a good year until these people are suffering and/or dead

the streets will not be safe for these people

Sounds to me like two clear instances of planned or predicted violence. He is not calling for violence FROM THE SUPPORTERS, that is true. But he is definitively saying violence will be / has been used by the US government in this context.

14636889? ago

The silent hunt is the better method. It will eventually happen when the cracks become visible. Some will be angry when the bottle breaks. They were duped into believing this shit for years. They will want someone to blame for making themselves look stupid. I think they will die in prison or plead guilty to something else to stop the child killing shit from seeing the light of day. And then we burn them all. Hypothetically speaking of course.

14629058? ago

Playing both sides here? I'm a Q supporter and you can stop pretending you are on the side of the children. The lines will no longer be blurred. We see you. There is only Q, our Military, and President Donald J Trump. Get over your pretend outrage and saying to fuck Q. I see you.

14634990? ago

How do you see anons? You must be Clark Fucking Kent or something....

14635336? ago

Perhaps English is not your first language. "I see you" in this context is understood by native English-speaking people.

14631475? ago

As an authenticTM Q-supporter, let me ask you, fellow Q-supporter, are you simply being disingenuous

No, shitbag, I'm not. I'm pointing out the obvious fucking reality of the situation - Q himself, quite blatantly, has called for and (if we use him as a proxy for the US millitary/legal system, and the military actions carried out), both intends to and already has carried out acts of violence.

Can your retarded fucking brain not comprehend that simple fact?

God I hate you useless fuck boomers.

14645518? ago

What a shill! you've already lost.

14646900? ago

It is literally what the words mean.

they will suffer / die for their crimes

Care to explain how that, somehow, doesn't mean violence will be used?

I mean seriously, I'm genuinely curious

How does saying people who will not freely choose or self inflict their own suffering will suffer or die for their crimes not imply violence will be used against them?

you've already lost.

You've lost your fucking sanity mate. I'd say you've lost what little intelligence you might have once had, but its truly so lacking in evidence I suspect it was stillborn, and never once had a chance at life.

15267362? ago

You are not MAGA. You are a shill.

15270616? ago

facts? hmm that's frustrating.

I know!

Lets call him a shill instead!!!!!!

14641626? ago

Serious crimes have been committed by thousands of Americans. They are not going to walk into police stations and turn themselves in. The violence will result from them resisting arrest.

14638473? ago

Thanks your explosive concern just proves my point.

14635388? ago

The President has executive powers that include the use of the military. Q refers to those powers. FYI, is your use of the word 'boomer' a new epithet?

14635881? ago

Ooh wow, so its POTUS himself who will be directly responsible for the violence, and Q et al will merely be following orders. That totally invalidates any suggestion they'd be involved with some kind of violence!

FYI, is your use of the word 'boomer' a new epithet?



15267333? ago

The Atlantic? Shill.

14645536? ago

Wrong shill scum!

14646873? ago

  • Logical explanation of how words work, and what they refer too

nuh uh shill

Good fucking God the quality of intellectual debate here is shocking. You are, and lets not be unfair, a complete and total fuckwit without a single functional capacity for thought.

14636611? ago

Oh crap. I can't read that globalist rag. Give me a better source, huh?

14641426? ago

How about you pick one of the oh so frequent boomer hate threads on 4/pol/ or 8/pol/ then? About as anti globalist a source as you can get.

14622792? ago

Oh just people being honest? Sometimes people are just pieces of shit and them being honest their true colors show. Fuck off.

14621621? ago

I think Q is just being realistic in his view of their future here. This isn't necessarily a call for violence.

Just an understanding of the real-life consequences for these types of scumbags.

14626894? ago

No argument - however I'd be hard pushed to believe any of the Q-team actually care that these shits might have vigilante justice used against them - as you say, it's real life consequences. The presumption that violence always = bad is just childish, as most any absolute is.

14620064? ago


14626985? ago



14620211? ago

If you're going to be uptight and internet-yell at people, at least use proper grammar.

14619849? ago

Shills have been calling for the genocide of all Mexicans.

14635022? ago

I see no problem with this. The world would improve instantly.

14620822? ago

That is not fomenting violence, nor a tangible immediate threat, required under us constitution in the 1970s. The ruling and then codified states is :

1> a call to violence on a target or location withing reasonable means

2> a time period that is not open ended

put the two together though and its a crime merely to chat about it among 2 or more people.

Its a FED LEA technique to honeypot people here, irregardless of Q orientation, its a site wide honeypot issue

14619615? ago

Thank you for not being an npc human.

14619781? ago

At the same time, violence is the last resort self defense. It's not your JOB, it's your protective right. Stay at home with a shotgun aimed at the door until election day comes if you don't feel safe.

14627095? ago

Congrats - self defence is a right. However, you presume it can only operate in a manner in which the threat is imminent, and facing you. That is a poor understanding of self defence at a macro level. Self-defence is also allowed to prevent yourself being placed in a situation you do not consent to (i/e people tried to move you from one location to another, you do not want to move, even if they clearly, demonstrably, and truly have no intention of 'harming' you, you have a right to self defence against the undesired movement.

At a macro scale, even if the threat isn't literally at your fucking door, 'pre-emptive' self-defence (r/e imminent threats, in the face of a macro scale soon to be imminent threat) is a wholly legitimate tactic, and in fact the only way to adequately respond.

14635424? ago

Correct but only when actual war is in process. The left is poking us but we have not engaged at this time.

14620349? ago

Correct, it is my RIGHT...so let's say, a Senator in California comes out and says that George Soros is RESPONSIBLE for the thousands of people headed to our border....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


14620262? ago

Yeah, don't do this unless you live in Detroit or Chicago. No one's coming after you.

14635011? ago

And the reason he mentioned those 2 cities as being dangerous is because they're overrun with niggers.

14635169? ago

I keep forgetting how new they are...

14617997? ago

Q is a lawful movement that does not advocate breaking the law and violence to deal with the current massive lawlessness. Also while the Q movement is made up of people of many different backgrounds and educational levels, the majority of us are able to communicate very well without using the F word every other sentence. Personally I have found prayer and spiritual warfare far more effective in dealing with lawlessness and chaos than fighting violence with violence.

15898414? ago

I 1000% agree with you fellow patriot.

15267301? ago

Thank you

14630726? ago

Balance. Between these two perspectives. No sense in playing holier-than-thou about it. If honest, we ALL feel some rage and anger toward these evil monsters. I commit all my feelings to God. He knows and He can deal with it a lot better than me. But I still would have to think long and hard about taking one of these creeps out if giving the chance. By God's grace, I'll never be there or if so, I can count on Him.

14631836? ago

You betcha! Amen. I carry CCW everywhere I go that I legally can (that is another issue) And I am well trained to protect myself and my family with the tools I carry. But also I am praying constantly and putting the armor of God continually praying that I never have to use these physical weapons. The spiritual weapons I carry everywhere, even where the physical ones are not permitted but I use those only as the Lord directs, at the time He directs, and in the exact way He directs, and they have never failed me.

14620764? ago

Amen brother!

14618616? ago

The streets will not be safe for these people

In our opinion, until those responsible are dead and/or suffering, it [2018 being a good year] shall remain 'will be'.

Yes, I see so clearly now!!!!> When Q said 'until they're dead and/or suffering' he wasn't suggesting violence should or would be used at all

Glad to hear prayer and spriritual warfare has been so effective for you - that must be why the US government is planning to replace the army with 1,000,000 highly trained 5th tier zen master chaplains, ready to utilise the worlds most highly advanced spiritual warfare techniques - after all, their job is to deal with violence, and therefore they will be using only the most effective tools to do so, right?

Weird, seems they're actually still using guns, carrier groups, F15's, and other assorted goodies.

It's almost like, (and work with me here, because it's clear if your delicate fucking mind can't handle the use of the word 'fuck' I realise this will be a profoundly difficult mental leap for you), it's more useful, both from the point of view of optics and not having to deal with the fallout, if the people who will be using the violence tell the sheep to not use it themselves.

As I said - you seem to believe righteous violence is the sole providence of the government (if not, feel free to bitch at Q for all his implied past present and future violence and executions, and quit riding my ass over some mean words) - if this is the case, you're contemptibly pathetic.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,”

Wow oh my God Tom - stop being so violent!!!. Don't you know you'll never accomplish anything that way, let alone inspire people? Why have an armed revolution against the british, aren't you aware that prayer and spiritual warfare are more effective? Maybe you should just pray harder!

Seriously, you're a moron. Try to extract your head from the fantasty world populating your anus before you post, please?

14625184? ago

So where did you do your military service? I did mine as a Navy Pilot, a rescue helicopter pilot, and that was likely before you were born. I stand by my statement that prayer is more powerful than the weapons man can construct in getting to the core of the problem. Yes we can kill one another and then go kill the ones that killed the other ones but that does not begin to address the real problem. Understand I am not opposed to capital punishment for that is truly Biblical for crimes worthy of that punishment, but the real problem is the heart of man and the god of this world who is waging war against the souls of men.

Revelation 12:7 And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, 8 and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. 9 And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. 10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. 11 “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death. 12 “For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has [only] a short time.”

Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual [forces] of wickedness in the heavenly [places.] 13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.

2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 [We are] destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and [we are] taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, 6 and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete. 7 You are looking at things as they are outwardly.

15932437? ago

well said, thank you for your service!


14627199? ago

I didn't - congrats on yours. However, if you came away from it with the impression that prayer still has more real world impact than a bullet, you desperately need to double check with a dictionary r.e the meaning of the words you're using. I do sincerely understand your point r.e adressing real problems vs symptoms, however, in reality, the real problems will not be adressed by prayer. Take, for example, the 'division by race' that has been imposed. Do you know the solution for that? It looks like re-segregating the races. It doesn't look like everyone praying harder and hoping it all goes away - that solution merely kicks the problem further down the road. It is fundamentally based in tolerance, which I feel is (in its modern conception at any rate), a wholly un Christian concept - to quote from a much better Christian than me

“We need to remember that tolerance is not a Christian virtue. Charity, justice, mercy, prudence, honesty — these are Christian virtues. And obviously, in a diverse community, tolerance is an important working principle. But it’s never an end itself. In fact, tolerating grave evil within a society is itself a form of serious evil. Likewise, democratic pluralism does not mean that Catholics should be quiet in public about serious moral issues because of some misguided sense of good manners. A healthy democracy requires vigorous moral debate to survive. Real pluralism demands that people of strong beliefs will advance their convictions in the public square — peacefully, legally and respectfully, but energetically and without embarrassment. Anything less is bad citizenship and a form of theft from the public conversation.”

I don't disagree r.e what could be termed 'struggles for hearts + minds', but this again is not an area where prayer is the most powerful weapon for any individual - that would be your voice, and wisdom. Pray for wisdom to influence others, or for the ability/strength to persevere - don't simply pray for the problems to magically get resolved.

14627522? ago

The wisest prayers are the ones that God gives the wisdom and words to pray by the person of the Holy Spirit.

John 16:7 “But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. 8 “And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment; 9 concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me; 10 and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me; 11 and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged. 12 “I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13 “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. 14 “He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. 15 “All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you.

14624525? ago

Remember that the our military is highly trained. Yes they have the best guns in the world, but they also know not only how to fire them, but when and when not to fire them. And yes, I understand there is a chaplain for each military establishment because that aspect is also considered of utmost importance to the military.

15284875? ago

Anyone who is waiting on the military to save us is being a fool. If we don't do this ourselves, sans the military we lose. We are saying are rights are reliant on them, on the side they choose to be on. Frankly, I don't trust the military all that much and you'd be wise to be skeptical as well.

14626868? ago

Correct - provision of religious services is important. The chaplains aren't there for their top tier spiritual warfare skills. I also don't doubt the military training (although invariably the main mass of grunts is only passably well-trained in most any army), but again, that doesn't mean the presumption that they are the sole authorised source of violence is anything other than a terrible idea. E'erybody loves the military/police and its sole use of force when its their guys in power. I at least an consistent in being keen on the concept exactly none of the time.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

14621293? ago

Oh wow...awesome mocking diatribe, Tom. Yes, sometimes violence is needed. But for most civilians, it is a last resort. That's why we have a military, genius. That's why Q said that they had it under control. So people don't take matters into their own hands. But they would (righteous violence) if they had to defend home, family, children, a stranger who was getting hurt, or their COUNTRY.

And btw...contrary to your disdain for those with faith and it's power....it was prayer and spiritual warfare that got POTUS elected. Elected so that he could use the power of the military to "water the tree of liberty" if necessary. You'll find that truth out sooner or later.

PS: Only small minds and the pathetically insecure need to bash an anon with insults and bad language. Pick up a dictionary.

14626958? ago

Weiiiird. Here was me thinking it was a combination of good political manoeuvring, the NSA likely unrigging a couple of key counties in key states, and a implicit threat of a military coup if king nigger declared the election results a fraud that got potus elected.

Isn't it convenient how the all powerful 'spiritual warfare' component always occurs in such a manner as its total invisible from an outside perspective? I honestly believe in many of the religious/spiritual aspects of this, but the level of delusion about what these components mean and what they don't is profoundly strong, and rarely have I ever seen it so deep as in the post I was replying to's comment r/e spiritual warfare.

PS: Only small minds and the pathetically insecure need to bash an anon with insults and bad language. Pick up a dictionary.


Taboo word fluency and knowledge of slurs and general pejoratives: deconstructing the poverty-of-vocabulary myth

Eat shit faggot, or at the very least shut the gaping flap you call a mouth until you learn some basic understanding of the correlates of swearword usage.

14628426? ago

Weiiird....so you trot out links to support your lack of communication and verbal skills. Kek.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

14631518? ago

Taboo fluency was positively correlated with the Big Five personality traits neuroticism and openness and negatively correlated with agreeableness and conscientiousness. Overall the findings suggest that, with the exception of female-sex-related slurs, taboo expressives and general pejoratives comprise the core of the category of taboo words while slurs tend to occupy the periphery, and the ability to generate taboo language is not an index of overall language poverty.

The link quite literally states that there is no correlation between low vocabulary and slur usage, cunt. At best, you are minorly correct r.e neuroticism, but since its also correlated w/ higher openness (you could consider this analagous to 'freethinker'), it doesn't exactly help your case.

You, on the other hand, clearly are unaware of basic facts, and are incapable of even reading them and understanding them, even when they're rammed in front of your retard face.

14631619? ago


14622786? ago

You might check out BiblicalQ.

14628449? ago

Will do..thanks anon.

14622347? ago

Thank you NPCuck

14618303? ago

Thank you brother for making it clear. I'm with you.

14618288? ago

Although I agree with you, I just like to use the “F” word!! It is a stress buster and it can be used in so many ways! So diverse, really. It can be a noun ( he/she/ze is a fuck); a verb ( they fucked themselves) an adj ( that is fucked) or just an expletive (fuck!!). But I do agree it can detract from the conversation when used loosely. However, you just need to use a filter when you read postings.

14618979? ago

Fuck yeah. Sometimes you gots throw down a good fuck or they won’t take you seriously. ;)

14628026? ago

To me using F words all the time just shows a lack of imagination and creativity. For over 30 of 50+ years of my work life, I worked in all male environments where language often was colorful and creative. For example: instead of just saying, "it is F'n cold this morning", one might say, "it is colder outside than a brass brasserie on the left tit of the wicked witch of the North" Just saying, using the same F word or variations of it all the time, is monotonous and tends to cause (i'm only talking about me) me to disregard the rest of your probably intelligent message.

14616651? ago

Thank yall for the reminder! Pretty new to this site and I noticed that there were people saying some pretty crazy stuff about killing people and the like. Thought it was perhaps over zealous patriots, but this heads up is a great reminder that true patriots aren't calling for such things. Thanks a ton for bringing this up!

14674952? ago

Pretty much EXCLUSIVELY shills, agent provocateurs to paint Q movement as violent when as usual it's the underdeveloped emotional controlled left and Media Matters cick suckers .

14619608? ago

True patriots know that the right to bear arms is not purely cosmetic.

14623231? ago

We're winning now, none of that unless they JFK both Trump and Pence

14640622? ago

See...I hope I'm wrong on this, but when Trump "hired" Pence, I thought....that's a GHW Bush to Reagan or an LBJ. If they JFK Trump, Q's PLAN B becomes active (I would imagine).

14846814? ago

Don't kid yourself. Pence is not an establishment pick. Remember that the forces that we now call Q were in place and planning long before DJT was enticed to run for President.

14854419? ago

Maybe...I hope so. "In his childhood and early adulthood, Pence was a Roman Catholic and a Democrat. He volunteered for the Bartholomew County Democratic Party in 1976 and voted for Jimmy Carter in the 1980 presidential election."--Wiki

There was another powerful group in place before that election too. LBJ was no friend of the Republic. I'm with Pence on most things when it comes to policy (nearly everything), but I'd have said the same about Bush before the red pill.

15932218? ago

I trust Pence. He may have been raised Roman Catholic, but he left that church as a young adult by the Grace of God.

He's a real God-fearing Republican and one of the reasons I put my trust in Q and PRESIDENT Trump

14619744? ago

No, but it's a last resort. You have a right to defend yourself and that's about it, and even then the authorities should be involved as much as your side. Be on the right side of Justice

14630968? ago

I agree. A man should have the potential to be dangerous and the restraint and wisdom to know when that is required.

Trust the plan.

14634933? ago

I like to say "Fuck the plan"....

14629262? ago

You have a Right to defend yourself and your country against tyranny. The second amendment isn't there to protect you from a home intruder. While you do have a Right to protect your property and your self against violence, the intent of the 2nd Amendment is to allow The People to keep the government in check lest it assert undue authority and forget its place as subject to the people and the consent of the people.

15932140? ago

The 2A shouldn't be considered a DUTY rather than a right in my opinion. I have so much respect for our founding fathers and the nation they created.

I also think looking in hindsight at our predicament with all the commies trying to take our guns away, they would place more information and importance to remove any ambiguity about their intent. I understand they wrote and discussed the importance of protecting liberty at all cost but the subversives ignore those documents and invent their own interpretations of our great Constitution.

14620383? ago

to be honest, I agree with you to an extent, but this little mantra of don't be violent and last resort....meh

You see some antifa stooges beating up a handicapped kid wearing a Trump hat, BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF THEM and get video.

14643204? ago


14639495? ago

OK yea but they're committing crimes and no one is doing anything about it. In this case, we have people in very high places handling it. I see your point though, absolutely

14620369? ago

NPCHuman:voilenceizlastresort Patriot punches NPC human in the face. NPCHuman:.........................................

14618129? ago

I think there are just a lot of people on here that are trolling ang have too much time on their hands. Just got to learn to filter out the BS. Skip the shit and get to the actual intelligent diologue!

15963397? ago

What can't we have a thread of intel to assist Q, starting here?

15438728? ago

you are right. And simply not reply to the trolling BS posts. Click on the - and leave them alone

14619161? ago

Anything to discredit the Q movement.

14616792? ago

You should understand that there is also a bunch of shitposting going on. Kinda like trolling. It's funny if you're in on it otherwise it just looks insane.

14622752? ago

Not to mention the endless calls of, "It's the Joooooos! It's the Joooooos!" Don't know whether to laugh or cry when I see that horse shyte.

14636734? ago


14634962? ago

This will open your eyes: http://www.thegreateststorynevertold.tv

14623893? ago

You should research

15932390? ago

I did. I've read The Culture of Critque by Kevin MacDonald; I've read many books and listened to lectures by David Irving; I know all about Dr. William Luther Pierce; I know what Henry Ford had to say; I know what Solzhenitsyn, Mencken, George Bernard Shaw, etc. had to say

Yes. A lot of famous and influential men had a lot to say about your JQ. But they're just fallen men.

Us MAGApedes who trust Q and President Trump aren't all ignorant morons. I trust GOD and I stand with his CHOSEN people and their homeland Israel. We need to support the ONLY Democratic nation in the Middle East from our real greatest threats including MILITANT ISLAMOFACISM. You just don't get it yet. But you will if you're intelligent and open minded enough.


15935854? ago

What do you think Satan tries to do? Go by the books? Put a big red x on his followers. No

He hides, lies, deceives, destroys, kills...

Goods chosen people are those her sent good son to save, and they followed him. Few Jews rejected Christ. The Messiah, the one the prophets have been doin on about for a while.

God's chosen people is you and me. Christians. Christ turned Judaism into Christianity, those that reject Christ, reject God.

Are God's chosen people supposed to be the Masters over the slaves, meaning Jews master over all goyim? Because that's what they believe.

Media, governments, banks, foundations, ...

Open your eyes. God doesn't want us to hate, but surely he doesn't want us to be so naive.

14619731? ago

Yea I saw a "Win-Win" post about a "nigger" committing suicide after killing someone. Sickening stuff for any real patriot IMO

14623966? ago

We here like to shame parts of society we find destructive. Fat, slut, divorce, etc. Are things that people used to shame each other for, and for good reason. Many here, myself included thing dating a black guy/gal is a destructive act. So we shame it. And yes, the nigger who killed the dumb bitch who dated him, despite the laundry list of red flags, killed himself. Win, motherfucking win.

14636684? ago

See what my love made me do to you.

14636819? ago

I don't see

14620626? ago

They're exposing themselves like mad. Don't interrupt the enemy when they're self destructing.

14620168? ago

Not really. Burn the coal, pay the toll.

14618553? ago

I gotta say that, sometimes...5 minutes of anonymous shitposting is worth a lot more than an "hour on the couch," and not nearly as dangerous (the-rapist, ya know)!

14618148? ago

Totally concur! Just move past it!!

14615354? ago

Fuck you

14620475? ago

Awwww.. dont worry little cuck.. we will only shoot your illegal ass on sight.. it will be fast.... maybe... #patriotsFight


14615316? ago

Precisely. The 82nd Airborne and 101st have the bulk of this covered. Our covert friends who have been running around south America this past year just landed up on the Yucatan peninsula.

Patriots are in control.

14623866? ago

The 82nd and the 101 have nothing to do with this at this time.

14620651? ago

Hope you're right. 101st and 82nd are fine fighting force(s), but they are primary meant to be offensive.

If this caravan reaches the border, we're going to need the military in force to let them know this is not acceptable.

14854478? ago

Seemed the President agreed with me as he deployed the military to the border and activated National Guards in multiple states.

14621022? ago

Crowd control exists.

14620951? ago

Jade Helm was the practice run. We've got this.

14652458? ago

Was trying to remember the name of the operation that Obama used. Remember FEMA camps set up in Walmarts, military vehicles on trains, food and water stored. Right under our noses. Should have been something that opened our eyes before now.

14652499? ago

We are waking up.

14621489? ago

Sickens me that it has come to this, but you might be right.

14622084? ago

(((Alex Jones))) did what he did best.

14617226? ago

Ah no. Antifa are allowed to hit multiple people with bike locks and walk away with a misdemeanor. The rule of law in this country is dead. And the jews killed it.

14618996? ago

Antifa’s preferred weapon of choice these days are dildos.

14631141? ago

I've heard they are attacking their own asses with them... Scary stuff!

14636958? ago

No one really knows where they conceal them before the violence. Scary stuff.

14618336? ago

I am still a little confused about what “Jews” have to do with “it”. Let’s move away from identity politics. They want us separated by class, color, religion, etc...

14668424? ago

There are those who hope you will not pay attention to history... so that you will not work to end the cycle of horrors. Find this video: The Sabbatean Frankist Khazarian Mafia. There are some very informative videos and articles on the www. There was an intermingling of Judaism and Islam shortly after it began in 1666. And the movement was VERY popular because it was a complete 180-degree reversal of all religious laws, natural human values and social mores, setting people completely free from any moral restraints - the kinds of things we now see promoted in the media, entertainment industry and educational system. The whole movement was actually based on Luciferianism and its goal is global communism.

14623064? ago

So why is it when jews want their safe space and special associations undisturbed by "diversity" they are left alone or even get federal funding but when christians or whites want their safe space they should "be inclusive" by threat of law/violence?

14621389? ago

"Let's move away from identity politics." Yup.

And for goodness sakes...don't ask about the Jews...people lose their minds about the Jews. "Because EVERYTHING is the jews fault..." SMH...so stupid.

14675146? ago

What did oh founding fathers say about them. Franklin especially!

14678580? ago


14620832? ago

Sorry, you have to just ignore all the Nazis here... it’s the only place where they have a platform. Sad they’ve relegated us Q folks to the same dark alley of the internet. But hey, we’ll take what we can get, right?

15736004? ago

No, I'm thankful us Nazis have a place where we can speak openly without having to call niggers city-apes or groids or even n!gs.

14619546? ago

The Jews are behind the cabal.

14707976? ago

Wrong. The Cabal is behind the Cabal. They enslave all who are not part of their Luciferian cult. The DNA markers they favor have nothing to do with being Jewish.

14618383? ago

I’d you cared about America, you would read Culture of Critique.

Identity politics are here to stay. Its time to take the side of your people white man.

14620873? ago

I’m on the side of the human race. Someday I hope you’ll overcome your own narcissism and projection. Until then, I’ll keep praying for you.

14635074? ago

Educate yourself, fool: http://www.thegreateststorynevertold.tv

14636565? ago

Blah blah blah blah....

14633019? ago

side of human race

So you only support whites. That’s good.

15735784? ago

Frankly I only support whites. Of course, kikes are white but I don't include them or even liberals.

14618220? ago

The reign of the 44th president killed the rule of law with massive appointment of judges who would not enforce the law and intimidation of law enforcement agencies, not to mention the promoting of numerous Soros funded groups to practice open lawlessness.

14812651? ago

What you said is true but POTUS (and therefore Q) are trying to restore law and order. You don't do that with mob violence, you do it carefully, taking whatever time is required to effectively accomplish the task.

If you think about it, POTUS has already done a great deal toward restoring the rule of law.

If HRC or anyone of the globalists had become president, then yes, patriots would eventually had justification to do as Thomas Jefferson (and others of his time) said and use whatever force or violence was necessary to 'throw off tyranny.'

However, we elected a president that has already removed significant amounts of arbitrary government tyranny in terms of regulations. He is working hard to reduce violence in our cities and towns. In view of the direction that this administration is moving us, violence for political reasons is just not justifiable!

14618392? ago

What are the ethnic background of these judges? Jew is the answer.

15735762? ago

Some are niggers.

14617468? ago

You are angry because you were let down and hurt. Justice is turning NOW.

Rest your anger. It won't help with what is coming.

15735751? ago

I think a little anger is good. It helps prepare people but what's not good is not having a break from it. the body needs a break from stress hormones.

14618428? ago

Let down and hurt? You’re a moron. The only thing turning is America is heading to civil war. Patriots can not defend themselves without a jewish lawyer filing a suit against them. And a jewish judge throwing them in jail.

14618633? ago

There will be no civil war. (((They))) already did that. Watch and see.

Do you really have nothing left but protestations on the internet in an anon setting? Who compels you to mock others?

14615303? ago


Coordinated effort to ramp pro violent attacks (4ch 8ch /pol/) (threads). Mods controlled (4ch). Staged to frame pro POTUS supporters. Push violence (trap). Shareblue. Coordinated RL attacks (link). Cause & Effect. MSM outcry to force action. It’s already begun (small > large). https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/dark-parts-of-internet-celebrate-capital-gazette-shooting_us_5b3547bae4b007aa2f7e7226📁 Anticipated. Goal? Ready David? Q

14631511? ago

The pro-violence post I saw an 8 Chan was a little obvious. It provided the personal phone numbers of various military commanders-- so we could call up the generals in person and volunteer our services??? That's why I saw it as tongue in cheek. But I guess if we're going to be funny, we should stick to memes and logic rather than sticks and stones.

14637266? ago

I saw that video. I didn't see it as a call to violence, but more of a call for help. Help the border patrol until our military could get there and staged. What was so wrong in that? We not even allowed to help now? Help meaning - watching and reporting what you are seeing. I just didn't take it as a call to violence. We are NOT a violent people. I guess though if you are looking for violence you can see it in anything you read. Everyone has to use good judgement and commen sense. As Q says "Logical Thinking".

14637960? ago

Yes, I understand what you mean. I didn't have a particularly negative reaction to the video, I thought it was funny and little exciting. But when someone called out the poster, his arguments seemed valid. It made me see how it could be used to discredit either us or Trump followers in general. We have not been asked by Q to form a militia, and I can see how this post may have crossed a red line. The one who objected was obviously not your average anon, but a person of influence--head baker or something. Q talks about how what we're doing is a game and also not a game. I guess this was one of those "not a game" situations.

What we all share here is a love of free speech but we also call each other out sometimes; I just did so in a post about something I felt strongly about. Some agreed and some said "fuck you," which I expected. It's all good! Thanks for your thoughts.

14615827? ago

Sounds like Voat.