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14914195? ago

Q is not God.

Q cannot just "fix" this.

Stop acting like the QTeam is some omnipotent power that can sweep down and rain Justice.

They have never claimed to be such and any thinking person doesn't view them as such. We still have the rule of law in this country and we must trust the process. And trust the white hats to use the process.

14917762? ago

If Q isn't powerful enough to "fix" this then why exactly are we following and trusting Q again? I mean the whole point was we shouldn't just sit down and relax because Q WAS powerful enough to fix this and to fix it in a timely manner (i.e. BEFORE the midterms)...

14918129? ago

It's not necessarily that Q isn't "powerful" enough to fix this, but that there's a Constitutional process already in place to deal with it and if we want our country back it needs to happen in a way that restores it to the rule of law under its Constitutional separation of powers.

If we have a civil war to get our nation back, it won't be the same nation that we get back and human sovereignty may well be lost from planet earth for centuries, perhaps forever.

14918268? ago

Look the country is already dead this is about pure survival at this point.

14918630? ago

The country is far from dead, if you move beyond the media narrative the only real issue with the nation is the traitors and low IQs who follow them — it's all coming from the left at this point. If we round up the crazies in the streets this weekend along with all the media and academic shills who program them, 80% of the "problems" will be eradicated. you must be a lefty masquerading as a conservative to make us look bad.

14919344? ago

Dude, if is doesn't fit your narrative you call someone a "lefty". How about I call you a fool or charlatan? People have legitimate concerns about this movement because of the thievery going on. The guy below me is correct by the way.

14921478? ago

I sure do believe that anyone calling for violence on these boards IS a leftist masquerading to give the movement a bad name. We can agree to disagree and dialogue on a number of issues, but when it comes to demanding violence, the moment you do that — another leftist shill masqerading as a patriot to discredit the movement.