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Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

Yeah, how about “no”, and junior gets put back across the border. Thirty lashes for mommy would drive the message home.

moblodite ago

Trump said these people would wait in tents for Immigration hearings.. What crap.. Just saw where the Migrant Woman complaining about the Mexican food being pig sloop- Sitting in a Texas restaurant eating a meal ??? WTF.. So this one will probably be set free in the USA as well.

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

I’m with you on this one; tent cities? My own solution would be: if you set foot over that line we’re blowing your head off.

moblodite ago

I don't condone killing them, but rather ship them back home immediately ! NO STAY !

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

They don’t understand or respond to decorum; violence is the only communication they respect. I’m not trying to be a monster with that statement, it’s just objective observation.

moblodite ago

Please read this>>>

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

Noted; I’m not some new jack to this thing, I’ve followed Q’s work since he first surfaced after the Vegas massacre. Q is not above violence, McCain is evidence of that; likewise I’m not shilling for violence, not everyone who doesn’t march in lockstep is a shill.

moblodite ago

Im just saying, Please don't pull my sub(s) down with such violence, Thank you, Its ok to think some things without saying it, No matter, I don't care if this teen had the second messiah.. She don't belong here and needs to be made an example of and shipped out immediately !