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15425621? ago

The ONLY way to "obliterate the DS" is to arrest them and execute them. Talking about doing all that stuff isn't action. Thinking about all the cool stuff we are going to do in the future isn't action. The only thing that is ACTION is stopping them. Physically stopping them. Arresting them. Putting them in restraints. Taking them to prison. Executing them. Nothing else is action. Everything else is just talk and words. We need less talk and words and more ACTION. We need to see the Deep State being taken out.

15426777? ago


No prison sentences, no pussyfooting around. They are enemies, they will die. Anything less is cause for armed insurrection and the installation of a new leadership that will ensure death is dealt to those who have earned such a grave punishment.

15426802? ago

And here we see once again the true nature of the Q movement. Bloodthirsty far-right fascist pieces of shit who fantasize about violence and executions because their lives are empty and worthless.

15427079? ago

Well, no - if you'll notice, these responses are habitually at odds with Q, stating Q isn't doing enough, Q is just neutralizing us with empty promises, etc. Even generously granting that they're not trouble-making shills, these impatient armchair-Rambos are outliers and not exemplary of the "movement". Do go through the Q drops and find where Q advises the brute tactics these short-sighted noise bags consistently espouse - it ain't there.

15427260? ago

Maybe Q doesn't outright advocate these tactics. But he talks about mass arrests, deportations, martial law and so on and gets all the Trump fanboys whipped up and eager for action. Then when the arrests inevitably don't come (because it's not real and he's making it all up as he goes along) the more impatient and gullible amongst you start thinking about taking matters into your own hands (e.g. the magabomber).

15427407? ago

the more impatient and gullible amongst you start thinking about taking matters into your own hands (e.g. the magabomber).

Well, such retarded BS seems to go against the pinned post atop the forum, doesn't it?

I deeply appreciate, however, that you're one of those noble, noble voices of reason who are valiantly trying to open our eyes here that "it's not real and he's making it all up as he goes along" ;)