15447475? ago

Vacay sounds so gay, but I guess this is Fagtown where everybody is called a cocksucker

15439309? ago

great advise!

taking a step back and dis-identifying helps moving to a more neutral place where we are witnessing instead of, overly emotionally invested, hype on every input and get frustrated over every seeming no-show.

from my pov, after having started to learn about the DS 4 decades ago, things happen every day now, it feels like light speed to me.

this is a perfectly orchestrated plan. everything needs to happen in perfect timing. and it needs to happen in a way that innocent people wont be harmed. we dont need civil war.

15435878? ago

As much as we want it to happen now. We must wake the majority up, declass and other big events should spark a reaction. The great awakening is the focus, faster everyone wakes up, faster the criminals get arrested

15434479? ago

This! I've been checking maybe once a week for the last month or so and listening to Rush And Hannity when possible to stay updated and you're exactly right. I think that it's the next step. We're awake and watching now.

15431029? ago

Q missed a line

How do you undo embedded Mind Control?

15429534? ago

This is a good wellness check.

Don't let yourself be consumed by your interests, make yourself be in control and remind yourself that you have other interests and things that might have been neglected as you picked up this new hobby. Don't forget to clean your house, from top to bottom, at least once a month (including the bathroom). And if you have a family, don't forget to include them in your life, and don't forget to be included in theirs. There are other things you might have to do - everyone is different.

We are going to be fighting the good fight after you take a break, and we will be here to show you our progress when you come back.

15431537? ago

Good advice, brush your teeth, conb your hair and take a walk at least.

15428980? ago

Not a single swamp rat criminal has been arrested. Suspicions continue to grow Trump and QAnon are deep state larp's. They got literally days left to drop the hammer until the demon rats take over the House and Trump is done. Watch what the dirty rats got planned watch what they are going to do to POTUS. We will know very soon if we are being played.

15436202? ago

For Fuck sake they are taking over the house not the senate. They cant do fuck all moron. Their job is to do for the people period.

15431575? ago

Because you are the only one who really sees what is happening. Fuck off Thomas.

15429965? ago

But, you forget. Some of those DemoRats fraudulently won. We're gonna find this out This Month. The report on voting fraud has to be done in December, (forgot the exact date).

15428480? ago

I've had to take that vacay and it helped me not to get so angry with the posts like some of the ones responding to you. Thanks!

15428339? ago

The Deep State, New World Order, etc. is just a symptom of a great evil that we are resisting.

Mass arrests, destruction of the DS and NWO will only bring this evil closer to the light.

Winning a battle, and declaring victory—while exhilarating—does not win the war. I don't even know if the war can be won considering the dual nature of reality.

Regardless, we are here to suffer and fight. Life isn't about creating some false Utopia of mindless, entertaining consumption. Universe will NEVER allow such a development.

Universe favors chaos.

15428284? ago

I agree with you. I deal with blood clot issues and flibitis in my right leg with inflammation. As I ry to help, I would get frustrated if I elected changes every day. I see progress by weeks, not days.

15428226? ago

Here's a better idea, g: YOU take a few days off from all media, including Q drops and Q boards! Where did I put down my pipe?

15428082? ago

Another point, walking away from Q completely is also ok because when things do go down, you will already be awake, which is the whole point of Q.

15427992? ago

I think I just might. Hoping in the car tomorrow and taking a trip.

15427988? ago

Just going with the flow here, day to day business followed by an evening Q checkup.. For the time being at least..

15427971? ago

I'm not so sure that there are that many who are impatient anymore. Q has oroven Q time and time again. If you haven't figured out by now that you are ahead of the news cycle, it may be too late for you.

15427963? ago

Q is moving at a pace that allows this movement to gradually unfold without undue shocks to the normies. We are all part of the Plan - spreading the word, memeing, commenting on videos, pointing the way so that more people begin the awakening process. We have to move forward together to avoid civil war and people getting hurt. It is really a very clever and compassionate strategy and we should be thankful that it is unfolding this way. Just sit back and admire the show. The Yellow Jackets are proof that the strategy is working. Spread the word and a message of love that a brighter future lies before us!

15427793? ago

I completely agree. The shills throw endless shit at the walls, hoping it will stick. The endless barrage does not address Q in any meaningful way. Whatever Q is or isn't, the shills who hate Them are absolutely motivated.

They hate Q, not because it is fake, but because is constantly breaks the fake narratives of the MSM. I don't care if Q is "real". No one gives you liberty. Each individual keeps it or surrenders it.

15427323? ago

Everything is moving forward at a break neck pace, we're just swimming in the current so it looks like we're barely moving.

15427015? ago

exactly, thats what I will doing. Each hour lurking for new stuff is somehow boring and at least exhaustive.

15426746? ago

I don't want anyone executed. I would prefer they were stripped of all their assets. Locked up with 24/7 cameras for all the world to see. I would prefer they had to suffer humiliation like they have done to so many others.

15439131? ago

agreed. there is worse punishment than death.

thing is, we need to make sure that no future president pardons them.

15439287? ago

Good call, I forgot about that.

15426714? ago

Good advice, something I do fairly regularly to come back refreshed and clear-headed.

15426651? ago

I did this 3 or 4 times - very good! However, my mind wouldnt lose contact and i would, after a day of screen abstinence, watch or read basics, history in my case. Here is the watch(1) and read(2) i would recommend to everyone who is not absolutely sure about the holocaust being a holohoax:

(1) https://www.bitchute .com/video/HAIxfzFxlHrg/

(2) https://katana17.wordpress .com/2013/05/05/auschwitz-a-personal-account-by-thies-christophersen/

Both (1) and (2) are by 'oldfags' who were confronted with the lie in the 1960ies and decided to speak out. Both payed dearly by being persecuted. Both are fine, calm men of exceptional sincerety, and courage. Both are 'founding fathers' of nowadays' movement to expose the lie.

Robert Faurrisson and Thies Christopherson. A Frenchman and a German. True European heroes.

15428275? ago

Thanks seconded, my dad needs to see these, although I'm not sure he'll give them the time of day. He blew up the other night when I tried to inform him of my research, he said "you just got some OPINION from the INTERNET!" and got red in the face, thought he was going to strike me.

15431421? ago

What you need to realise is that many people are unconsciously invested in the Illusion/Delusion, especially older people who only source of information(programming) has been through newspapers and TV news.

Discovering that your entire life has been a massive lie is a VERY bitter pill to swallow and some people would rather die than face the truth.

Just keep doing what your doing but don't talk to him about it unless he initiated first. Part of our role as the Q army is going to be helping those that are just awakening to digest the Red Pill.

Because we are in it, we don't realise just how far ahead of the general population as far as the great awakening.

I had my brother once call me and he was almost breathless telling me about what he'd been discovering, and I was like dude, that's only the surface level stuff and he was already freaking out.

15428674? ago

I mean it really comes down to like a decision for everyone - red pill or blue pill. But, if anything is sincere description of what the red pill is about - these 2 documents are.

15426858? ago

thanks for this post

15426628? ago

Great advice. This stuff drains your reserves. It's necessary to recharge from time to time and reconnect with the tangible things around you.

15426622? ago

Whenever I get impatient I think about WWI and WWII. I think about how the men fighting were frustrated. I think about how their family were frustrated. I think about how so many have died. I think about how slow intellengence was back then. And then I am suddenly grateful. We are seeing history happen in front of our eyes. We are seeing it in real time. We are in the middle of a MMORPG that is actully in Real Life.

Be grateful. Show grace for the noobs waking up. Train them. Teach them. Be thankful that we are not (as of yet) swapping bullets for this change to happen.

Have popcorn ready when the arrests are happening. And enjoy.

15427890? ago

My dad got red in the face at dinner a few nights ago when I corrected him "but dad, they were concentration camps, not termination camps" and almost felt like he was going to be physically violent.

Cognitive dissonance causes physical effects. He felt physically ill. He basically said I was stupid, to which I responded, "you raised me." Didn't come to blows, and dinner ended peacefully, but now we walk on eggshells...

15439886? ago

Wake them gently.

15427047? ago

Those men were fighting in real wars and they shed blood for their country. You're a lonely, gullible fantasist who has been sucked into a 4chan alt-right fantasy LARP. You're basically just a cult member now. Comparing to yourself to actual heroes who fought in wars is a fucking disgrace and you should be ashamed, incel.

15431467? ago

Leave it to a troll loser to respond this way. Fuck off and suck on your mother's tits. I am sure you need comfort and support living in her basement. Must be nice to be such a loser. But, hey you can always hold hope you can improve. Start with getting a job. /SMH Wait! Is this your job? Paid Troll Shill. Now we know.

15426591? ago

That's the same effect as the boiling frog effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boiling_frog . When there is a slow change you won't notice that anything changes. You immedietely get used on the small changes. But when you don't look at it for a while then you see the the sum of the changes as soon as you look again.

15426566? ago

I've noticed the subtle narrative shifts as well. Establishment goons, like Coney, Brennan, and Clapper are starting to be abandoned as more info seeps out. Cheryl Mills and Loretta Lynch. Things have definitely begun to shift. I just pray people dont let the shill MSM off the hook when they try to hop over on the winning team. Fuck that! We have to defeat the propaganda machines and decimate their corporations into oblivion so we can start fresh! Back to journalism and facts! No more FAKE NEWS!!!

15426363? ago

I’ve been doing that for a while now and it really does work. It helps me de stress.

15426243? ago

Talking about doing shit and DOING SHIT are completely different things.

This Q movement has relegated everyone who might otherwise be DOING SHIT into sitting around TALKING about doing shit. That was the plan all along.

Now you can't get 10 people to show up for a protest unless it's the Tiki Torch White Power Brigade vs the Antifa Social Justice Warriors because the truth tellers are content to clamor around a useless message board telling everyone to trust some bullshit plan that doesn't exist – and calling anyone who points that out a shill.

15427345? ago

What would you have done? Protest until you can no longer afford it? Grab your guns and get arrested because the majority of people don't give AF? This movement is about a great awakening first, so we can move on with the rest.

15426642? ago

Except... lots of stuff is happening. It's all prep work, though, nothing flashy.

The flash is coming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfmrHTdXgK4

15428852? ago

Once again. Talking about doing shit isn't the same as DOING shit. Keep telling me to trust that plan until Trump's last day in office before Hillary is sworn in.

15439104? ago

You're a dope...but may I digress...you're still a dope.

15426155? ago

Takes break from Q and comes back

Did Q post about "P-A-I-N" or "Suicide watch" or D5? YES.

Did anything happen? NO.

Did someone get arrested or charged? NO.

Did a date Q suggested that something would happen go by and nothing happened. YES.

Did Q shift the narrative away from the missed target and completely ignore their previous posts? YES.

Did Q put up another future date where something will happen? YES.

Rinse & repeat. Been that way for over 1 year now. I lost faith in Q. Followed since almost day 1 but it gets repetitive since nothing ever comes to pass. We're still getting banned/shadowbanned on every social media platform, attacked in the streets due to MAGA hats, demoted like the FL Sheriff, election fraud is rampant, etc... yet, it's all part of some 4D chess plan that never seems to actually come to a conclusion.

15436039? ago

You lost faith in Q almost since day 1. But you are still here. Is that not the very definition of SHILL.

15437553? ago

You need to learn how to read son. Stop being a millennial and reading only the parts you want to read.

15426576? ago

Bill Preistap is gone from the FBI counter-intelligence, Flynn helped assist Mueller with other investigations, the DS players body language proves that they are scared during the whole HW funeral. Why would you tell the enemy, who's watching Q posts, about dates of our plans? It's obvious bait and you have to be very narrow minded not to see that. Get your doubter mind out of here, and use critical thinking more in life. If an autist can find out what goes on behind the scenes surely you can too.

15429701? ago

Obama also replaced a bunch of FBI and DOJ people when he came into office. So that proves nothing.

Futhermore, none of them have been arrested. Priestap resigned, after 2 years. He wasn't even forced out. Can you name ONE HIGH LEVEL person that has been arrested? No, I didn't think so.

Critical thinking is necessary and facts matter you gullible loser.

Fact - 2 years.

Fact - 0 arrests.

Fact - election rigging was not stopped and no one important was apprehended for election fraud. Even Beto & Primala Jayapal even confirmed they were acting as coyotes. Know what happened to them? NOTHING, anywhere.

Fact. Illegal immigrants voted in the election. Actions taken? NONE.

Fact - Most social media sites are still banning conservatives. No repercussions at all.

Fact - migrants are still coming across the border.

If an autist can see the underlying facts of the situation, surely you can too.

15427758? ago

What’s the point of reading anything Q posts if it’s all bait for the DS?

15426136? ago


15426049? ago

Maybe you should go one step further, take a permanent break from Q and try being a productive member of society for once.

Q has been going for over a year and it's produced nothing except failed predictions and batshit crazy conspiracy theories.

Trump isn't some great heroic figure battling a shadowy evil cabal. He is a deeply flawed, unpopular and divisive President who has 2 long years of investigations and legislative paralysis ahead of him. Stop worshipping him already.

Q is nothing more than a 4/8 chan fantasy LARP which you fell into because you're gullible and weak. Ask yourself, what happened to the mass arrests? Deportations? Martial law? Mueller working secretly with Trump? Red tsunami? 11/11? 12/5? None of Qs promises have come true because it's all fake.

Now to ahead and call me a shill because I dared to criticise your precious cult. Just like scientology. Or parrot thought-silencing cliches like "timelines change" and "disinformation is necessary", like every cult ever.

15429812? ago

You're gonna be in for a surprise Shills. Once they get to checkmate, that's when you'll see the fireworks you're supposedly waiting for. They're not at checkmate yet, not everything is in place yet. BTW... these Dates that have come and gone.., this is only what you THINK, but that's not the case. It's coming, buckleup buttercups, and prepare.

15429227? ago

There is no joke. There is light. Blinds are being pulled to let the light in around the globe. If this is invisible to you, you are blind or you are against it. Things are crumbling all around those that have been in control. You know this. Shill all you want, paid or because you want failure. This is beyond the control of a few shills and a handful of naysayers. The cabal spent centuries probably, building walls that were never meant to be torn down. It pains you that it is taking more than a year? Doubtful. Close your eyes. The light is not meant for you. WWG1WGA (minus a few turds).

15429064? ago


15426476? ago

Criticism is fair, but maybe YOU should go one step further, and do some actual research. What will you say when arrests do happen and the world changes?

If you can't see that things are happening (on a global scale, not just USA) then you're just being willfully ignorant. I don't trust Q 100%, but there is an insane amount of factual information out there that lines up extremely well with the topics Q discusses. I've been studying these things for years, and am far from gullible, weak, or an idiot. I'm not ready to discount Q as a LARP just yet, but there are some folks that do follow it blindly like a cult and the ever-moving goalposts are seriously frustrating.

15426950? ago

I appreciate you taking the time to reply without just screaming "shill" or "trust the plan" like a retard. That immediately puts you above everyone else on Voat.

Asking "what will you say when..." is a bit vague surely? I could say the same thing about aliens, the apocalypse, or any other conspiracy theory/millenerian movement. Yes of course if it does happen you will look very smart and I will look stupid. But based on the evidence we have to date and Qs many failures then it is reasonable to conclude it wont happen and that's the point.

I would appreciate it if you could provide the key global events and factual information which prove Q is real. My suspicion is that these will be tenuous connections, vague retconning and coincidences (and remember that correlation is not causation). But I am keen to hear these and see the evidence you put forward.

Saying I should do "actual research" has become a familiar Q argument. But it seems that for many Q believers "research" really means watching YouTube videos and reading far-right blogs and fake news. I should add that I'm a professionally trained researcher myself (PhD modern history).

15429881? ago

I work in architecture, but I'm not an architect. Many architects are only capable of dreaming stuff up while having no idea how things actually work. That's where I come in. I'm the technical guy behind the scenes that turn those dreams into buildable projects. My creativity is limited, but I'm great at taking someone else's idea and refining/improving it. Also, I love solving puzzles, and in my experience, you can't always see the big picture until all the little pieces are in place. That being said,,,

To me, the whole Q phenomenon is like a giant puzzle. You can't just take one piece of it and say "see, there's the proof!", at least... not yet. Alternatively, I feel one would also be foolish to discredit the whole thing because some "predictions" didn't come true. Understand this - if Q is real, we are witnessing what is possibly the biggest game of spy vs. spy ever conducted, and disinformation would absolutely be necessary to confuse the enemy. Similarly, as the "deep state" reacts to Q's actions, they are fully capable of taking their own actions that could force a different timeline of events while Q is still holding true to an overall "plan". I'm not claiming any of these things are true, just trying to explain the reasoning behind the cliches.

Is there one specific thing I can point you to that will convince you Q is real? Probably not. Can I point you in a certain direction that you can take to help decide for yourself? Absolutely. Check out this 609-page PDF of Q proofs and start digging. It's full of interesting stuff and really helps put the pieces together. In particular, page 3 has a ton of links for websites offering proof of Q. The biggest proof for me is the level of inside access Q seems to have to Trump and the administration. There are things Q has posted that would basically be impossible for anyone not having access to pull off.

For me, research does include videos and blogs, but it also takes a fair amount of discernment to wade through all the biased crap (from all sides) and harvest the valuable "information nuggets". Beyond that, I vastly prefer source materials over heavily opinionated articles. There's way too many folks out there just scanning the headlines before moving along. Often, publishers release articles where the headline says one thing, and then waaaaaaaaay down in the 24th paragraph, there will be a statement that completely contradicts the headline, but most people don't get that far.

Typically, government websites are good, like the Dept. of Justice news page. This link is mostly propaganda free, as it informs us of actual events happening in the legal realm, which affects us all, regardless of political leanings. There has been a massive uptick in arrests and convictions related to human trafficking and corruption since Trump took office. I don't think AG Sessions was as "sleepy" as many folks like to claim.

Personally, I believe all MSM is nothing more than propaganda and it targets both "sides". It is constantly shoved down our throats to confirm our personal biases and keep us divided. If the lot of us were ever to combine forces and go after the real enemy (those who govern/control us), we might actually be able to make some serious improvements to our world.

I firmly believe Trump is doing his best to "drain the swamp", but he has serious resistance coming from both sides of "the establishment" as well as a huge portion of the media and Hollywood. Is he just a part of it all? Possibly, but he's been saying the same things about this country for decades. 1980 Interview 1988 Interview. Also, the simple fact that he is the target of so many attacks from all sides tells me he is not necessarily part of the "club", but has likely learned how to navigate and negotiate within their circles to achieve his goals. The biggest mistake people make is underestimating him. He is not well-spoken like a typical politician or academic, but that doesn't mean he's not a genius. There are different types of genius, and his lies within the realms of business, finance, and strategy. Many like to tout his failures, but how else do you learn if you don't try?

Anyway, unless somebody out there has a functioning crystal ball, we'll all just have to wait and see what develops. For now, all I can do is suggest that people keep an open mind, never trust the media, and try to detach emotion from their decision-making process. It's only when you remove the "blinders of bias" that you're able to find the truth. There are forces at work that want nothing more than to enslave humanity for their own personal gain, and will go through any lengths to achieve it.

15426440? ago

Says "unpopular and divisive" which are false so you know it's a shill or demented upside down truth pedaling liberal. Either case, worthy of no consideration

15427211? ago

I'm a Trump supporter but both of these things are objectively true. His approval rate has consistently been the lowest of pretty much any President in the last 100 years. And his rhetoric and style have clearly alienated huge swathes of people while energizing his base. He also just lost the House badly in a mid-term election, which isn't unprecedented but he did try and turn the election into a referendum on himself and his Presidency.

15428179? ago

I'm not a shill. I'm pro Q person and pro orange guy. You are batshit crazy. Take your meds.

15428119? ago

Where the hell are you getting your approval ratings from? 50% is not bad by any measure. Especially since you shit for brains only approve of leftist anti-American agenda that's like 100 percent approval. Shill away faggot -until someone else from your regime eats you for breakfast

15428192? ago

Actually his approval rate is currently 42% and has been between 35 and low 40s since 2016. No President since the 1930s has been lower.

See: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/

15428406? ago

Try again shill. 50%. Rasmussen is the only legit poll on that anti Trump link. It averages in 5 Yougov polls, often coming in less than CNN, for every legit poll.

15428516? ago

Lol at calling Rasmussen "legit". They literally just predicted Republicans would win the House of Representatives election by 1%. Democrats won by 9% in the end. They have a substantial Republican bias and can't be trusted without adjustment in a broader model.

15428557? ago

Ballot harvesting faggot. Kill yourself. Why are you here?

15428635? ago

Why are you here, to participate in a dumbass Larp and fantasize about killing Democrats? You're a joke, and your precious Q "movement" is a failed cult. You can't actually respond to any of the criticisms or points made above can you faggot?

15428894? ago

We only want the ones committing treason to be executed. You can't argue trying to replace the population of a country isn't treason. You can't argue selling uranium to the Russians isn't treason. You can't argue that creating an all Democrat witchhunt to overthrow a sitting president isn't treason. Supporting that behavior is treason. May you someday be executed for it

15429314? ago

You love throwing the word "treason" around like you're in a real life spy movie. Fucking LARPers.

"Trying to replace the population of a country" is the white genocide far right idea that mass immigration is a plot to destroy the white race. You can oppose immigration on many grounds, but spreading neo nazi memes while shouting about treason just makes you look like a retard.

"Selling uranium to the Russians" - widely debunked and discredited conspiracy theory that Obama/Clinton shadily approved sale of uranium to Russia.

"All Democrat witchhunt" - Mueller is a fucking registered Republican idiot. He has served under 3 other Republican Presidents. He was appointed by a Republican and answers to a Republican. He has impeccable credentials and credibility. Trump shouts about it being a "witchhunt" to try and undermine a meticulous investigation which is now closing in on his inner circle, and maybe even him too. Ironic that you shout about "treason" when the current sitting President you idolize has at the very least questionable links and dealings with Russia.

Fantasizing about executing others doesn't make you big, strong or clever. You're just a gullible cult member and wannabe fascist piece of shit. Go practice your Hitler speeches again dickhead.

15429592? ago

Everything you just stated is corporate media bullshit. This isn't about Democrats or Republicans it's about treason and selling out this country and you're obviously some kind of fucking mutt so get the fuck out of this white country if you don't like white people

15428767? ago

All I wanted to do without you as a lying scumbag "Trump supporter". I did it. Your whole being is false. You use fraud on your basis. I'm not here to debate lying scumbags. They just keep up their lying and scumbaggery.

15428248? ago

Trump is the greatest president ever. Go suck some NWO dick

15428564? ago

"The greatest President ever", lol. That's some profound critical analysis right there champ. It's exactly this kind of thoughtless, uneducated, low-IQ gullible, hero worshipping Trump personality cult which Q preys upon and exploits.

15428609? ago

You are a Trump supporter ey? More like a nigger faggot shill

15428594? ago

Go fuck Obama the Uranium selling criminal faggot

15425823? ago

i understand what you are saying, and many should do just that, but like you I am so addicted to all of this I just can't lol, don't want to miss anything, but I tell you what, if nothing happens by March I am going to forget it all and go back to just living without Q.

15425717? ago

Nope. We are on the precipice. Crunch time, no more vacay.

15425704? ago

I get what you are saying. I am going to try that, even thought I do see the progress, because I follow everything. My mind needs a break. I'm addicted. When I'm doing anything else, I'm still think about it. I dream about it. I do have a problem with being obsessive. This trait made me great at my job. Now that I'm retired, I found myself being obsessive about this.

I don't, however, see how this relates to a hurricane. I just went through the eye a couple of months ago. I couldn't do much with the yard with trees down everywhere, but someone finally came and took them away a few days ago. Left me all the small stuff to pick up, so I can go outside and enjoy the outdoors and get off my fat ass.

15425643? ago

This is a solid suggestion. Even though we are on the side of the just in a battle of good and evil, this operation is long and grueling, and changes you. And you are exposed to the very worst evils and corruption of human nature. It needs to be balanced with real positive emotions and virtues, time with loved ones, children, kindness expressed through gestures and interactions. Those things are real, and right in front of you. Take care of yourself and your family, scholar warriors.

15425621? ago

The ONLY way to "obliterate the DS" is to arrest them and execute them. Talking about doing all that stuff isn't action. Thinking about all the cool stuff we are going to do in the future isn't action. The only thing that is ACTION is stopping them. Physically stopping them. Arresting them. Putting them in restraints. Taking them to prison. Executing them. Nothing else is action. Everything else is just talk and words. We need less talk and words and more ACTION. We need to see the Deep State being taken out.

15430092? ago

Let's go through your scenario. Government orders mass arrests of all of the traitors. Many of them escape because they are tipped off ahead of time. Many of the criminals get acquitted because they have friends intentionally losing the cases, and you have widespread mass perception that these are witch trials.

That's just the beginning. Media immediately screams about this being a military coup, and George Soros starts handing out AK-47s and now you've got riots in most major cities if not an outright civil war. If they decide to take down the power grid (a trivial thing to do outside of Texas), you have complete government collapse and World War III as every nation on earth jumps in to try to get a piece of the USA.

THIS IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. No one with a realistic view of the situation is going to take you seriously if you call for actions that will topple the government and set off a civil war.

The other option, which Q and the white hats are pursuing, is to slowly break the existing regime. Continually bleed the truth out in pieces, which causes people to slowly wake up: the great awakening. Beginning at the *lower *levels of the FBI and moving upwards, you remove the corrupt elements so that you can have real investigations that will lead to convictions. You ensure that the courts are packed with judges that will protect the Constitution.

Then, you can start to make a case against these people. Initially, you're going to see things like convictions for tax evasion, or election fraud. That may be upsetting to people who want these pedophiles and murderers to hang, but you have to understand what sudden revelation of what really happened would do to people. They can't handle that kind of trauma all at once. If you throw the perverts into jail on unrelated charges, clean up the media, and then slowly start bleeding out the truth about what they were really doing, you will get justice without mass suicide and serious disruption of society.

We want these people to die. Publicly. Painfully. But it's not worth collapsing society and having millions of innocent people starve to death. This is the meaning of "Trust the Plan."

15439213? ago

great post! all of this is orchestrated in a way that the least innocent people get harmed. waking up from being lied to and programmed all life long is painful enough.

15433809? ago

This is the best post I have ever seen re. the two choices. Succinct and well written. I'm saving this for posterity. Thanks anon!

15433107? ago

My way is better, the MSM and Soros are enemies of the people. Soros would be dead, the MSM would be silenced and replaced before anything you said could take place

15431186? ago

People also need to realise that the General Population is extremely damaged from the chemical, spiritual, mental Warfare that's been used on them without most of them ever realising....

15430315? ago

Well said!

15430049? ago

The Q Group is doing a long term dismantling of the cabal... it's not about individual players. Before D-Day, 1944, there had been five years of resistance activity, sabotage, intelligence gathering... followed by an Airborne night drop to cut comm lines, blow-up railways ect... to prevent the enemy from reinforcing the beachhead, also to provide for a successful main assault. Timing is everything. Trust the plan.

15430087? ago

Believe what ever you want to believe. Enjoy your delusion while it lasts.

15430317? ago

Thank you for your reply. You do the same.

15428132? ago

The fake news media is the primary weapon of the deep state. Arresting them will not matter if they can just create new members and protect them with a bought out fourth estate.

15430040? ago

  1. Shoot in the head
  2. Locate next deep state member
  3. Shoot in the head
  4. Repeat as often as necessary

15427679? ago

Op isn't telling you to talk about it: op is saying the opposite.

Op says to look at everything that's happening, and you should be able to get a grasp of what is happening and what it's leading to.

Have a beer with your shill friends on me

15427866? ago

I'm a "shill" because I haven't seen any tangible proof from Q?

15428014? ago

You're a shill because that's the way I wanted to end my comment, replying to your bait. Don't take it personal kid, I just think you're a moron

15427018? ago


Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year?

Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence?

Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out?

Ask yourself, what is a distraction?

Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S?

Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia (ref pics) just prior to the O-games?

Ask yourself, what does FREED mean?

Ask yourself, do we want a WAR?

Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR?

Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose?

Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR?

Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: "Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?"

Be the autists we know you are.

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


15431733? ago

north korea participating in games..yup def why i voted for potus!

15431834? ago

It's the new realities of what allowed that to happen at all, you dumb fuck.

15433175? ago

keyboard tough guy...u limp wrist faggot

15440164? ago

^ ^ ^

This NPC is projecting its own masturbation addiction.


15438734? ago

Keyboard moron... u no brain faggot

15427886? ago


There is absolutely NOTHING you can do to change that. NOTHING. Accept it.

15439058? ago

5-7% is an acceptable loss in any general's book. Just sayin'.

15441075? ago

It's going to be more like 30-40% of the population.

15429153? ago

^ ^ ^


15428496? ago

Very true—but on a limited scale. The entire globe is about to experience so many changes and political uprising will just be a component. Regardless, the global human population is going to be reduced by some factor of BILLIONS.

There is nothing that can be done to prevent these changes, so those that want to survive best prepare themselves both mentally and physically.

15430167? ago

The only thing likely to do that outside of an asteroid strike, which we'd have little control over, is a nuclear world war, which as I understand it, is what the Cabal is trying for, and what the Q - team is trying to prevent. Are you saying you think that Q will fail and the Cabal gets its nuclear war?

15435543? ago

The NWO is preparing for nuclear war, but they don't actually want it to happen. The outcome is not assured. The NWO wants to create a world in their image—a degenerate Utopia if you will. A world in which they not only survive, but thrive. But they're also well aware that their intricate, long-term plans are not playing out as they hoped. Consequently, they are making preparations to survive a nuclear war just in case—they are supreme survivalists after all.

The NWO is going to fail, but so is Q-team. What I mean by this is that Q-team will be successful in destroying the deep state, and the NWO. Which is all well and good—and quite necessary—but what we are up against is much, much greater than the machinations of a relatively few number of NWO degenerates. Think of the NWO as another obstacle that must be overcome along the path of a journey we, as members of the human race, embarked upon. The entire world is now in the early stages of radical change.

We are in a time of great chaos. This is a time of great upheaval for the planet and the human race in particular. We either evolve into something much greater, much more powerful, or the race is going to go extinct. This is what the NWO doesn't get. They thought they were on the cusp of ultimate power, but Universe abhors stagnation—and stagnation definitely describes the NWO.

This is why, for example, there is an increasing trend of encounters with “UFOs”. Not that all these ‘craft’ contain non-human entities. Some belong to the NWO, while others belong to the Breakaway Civilization. But a significant number of the craft do belong to non-human entities. Some of these entities are here to simply observe, while others are here to help us in our journey. And the remaining are here to help facilitate our destruction.

There is not turning back. There is no going back to a time pre-Deep State or NWO. Universe is always expanding and it is time for the embryo of humanity to be birthed into a new life-form. And like all births, this one is going to be bloody and painful.

15436012? ago

You have quite a grim outlook on things. I will concure, however that the NWO is not the only issue out there. While defeating them is definitely important and will lead to improvement, they are not the only problem group in the world and there will be other fights to fight post NWO. Hopefully, you are wrong and a smoother transition into the next stage of society can be had.

15430792? ago

I always got the feeling those reports about ETs disabling them were true. They likely do cause a lot more problems than just physical. The deep state not having used one again yet does seem rather odd to me.

15435617? ago

You are correct.

There are numerous examples of ETs showing the governments of the world that our military might is puny compared to that of the ETs. They will try to prevent a nuclear war for two reasons:

  1. They want the human race to evolve, if possible.

  2. If the human race doesn't evolve—it will go extinct. But this extinction process cannot jeopardize the earth's ability to support complex life. The earth will still be needed as an incubator for other life forms to evolve.

15431664? ago

They would need to arrange for their own safety before they did that.

15430027? ago

I'm glad someone here understands the truth.

15427131? ago

Very dank. Change that narrative, nerds! We are the media now!

15426865? ago

I agree with you. One good thing I can see that happened from Q was they sent tens of thousands of normies to a national socialist message board. If you read the posts here from a few months ago and compare them to today, this community has changed, many more of these guys realize that the "deep state" is a euphemism for the international jew.

What greater gift could we ask for than to have all these normies who intrinsically realized something was wrong with the world, sent to find their answers in a national socialist community.

15430194? ago

Socialism should be avoided like the Plague.

15430312? ago

Good thing we are talking about National Socialism then.

I am going to venture that you haven't read about national socialism beyond the simplistic writings from western history book. The same history books you are starting to realize lied to you about the federal reserve and who you are starting to realize serve as propaganda for the deep state. Maybe, just maybe, that same Deep State lied to you about National Socialism.

Thinking Socialism = National Socialism is like thinking the Federal Reserve is Federal.

Look up The Greatest Story Never Told and don't end up like this kid.

15431615? ago

I speak of "From each according to his means, to each according to his needs." Marxism. Is this what you are referring to? Although I have generally not been in disagreement with the "End the Fed" people, it was not an issue I was super passionate about, but this last year they seem to be actively trying to suppress the economy. This provides strong evidence that they are Deep State run since they suddenly got a collective case of TDS. They have no doubt been always trying to engineer the Cabal's goals, but it had not been so apparent until a genuine outsider became President.

15431663? ago

Marxism has nothing to do with National Socialism. Hitler's was diametrically opposed to Marxism and Communism. He was pro-property and pro-business. People like Henry Ford loved Hitler. He just didn't let the international clique destroy the people with their corruption.

15428223? ago

authoritarianism and socialism will always result in corrupt structures. the one thing nazis have wrong is what to do about the problem. dont get me wrong those conspiring against our nations need to be executed. but beyond that giving the govt more power will always turn out bad. socialism will always lead to mismanagement eventually.

15426777? ago


No prison sentences, no pussyfooting around. They are enemies, they will die. Anything less is cause for armed insurrection and the installation of a new leadership that will ensure death is dealt to those who have earned such a grave punishment.

15427450? ago

I agree completely! they thought hellary would win and all the evil/corruption would just continue on till we were under their control totally. Being in the construction side..I wondered why the last 2-3 yrs of the bama administration, there were warehouses (big ones) being built all over the country. Our economy was going down a slippery slope but they were building warehouses..For What?

15428017? ago

Our food, water, guns, resources, and the subsequent dead bodies resulting from those assets being seized is my guess.

15427315? ago

What's a worse punishment for someone used to a lavish lifestyle, dying peacefully or slowly rotting in a prison cell in solitary confinement?

15431238? ago

What's a worse punishment for them? Dying slowly, peacefully in a prison cell, or being burnt at the stake?

Lets not pretend just letting them live out their days is the most we could make them suffer. Let them burn

15433761? ago

I agree. What if the next president wants to pardon them? What then? They are back out and back in business. Some people obviously don't think beyond President Trump's 2 terms.

15434565? ago

^absolutely. And sadly given demographics and voting patterns (and even beyond these, simple history of cylical parties in government), democrats will be in power. soon. These people can't cause more trouble if they're all dead. If they're left alive, they absolutely can. Trying to do this "by the book" is simply a salve to people consciences, and endangers so, so many people.

15431388? ago

As badly as I want to see them hurt for all suffering they've caused, we should not stupe to their level. We are humane and just people.

What happens to the people on our side if we lose control again and we've burnt them at the stake? Torture chambers for the rest of their lives? Playing their game just escalates things and makes it worse.

The rule of law will prevail.

15431561? ago

I don't think you're thinking logically. You speak as if our actions against them, if we failed to retain control, might lead to punishments for us?

couple of problems with that :

  • They are already so angry that if they every regained power we would all suffer anyway

  • They were already planning to kill most of us, in gruesome ways, anyway

  • They were already doing this before we even did anything

  • If they're left alive, it is indisputably, without doubt easier for them to regain control - simple fact that people still alive can still take actions - lets see a charred corpse regain their former seat of power and seek retribution

  • Since i've already pointed out (through multiple routes) that they were going to make us suffer anyway, we should consider whether or not agonising death might serve as an effective deterrent. I think the answer is an easy yes. Many of these people took their actions out of greed, minor maliciousness, or other such actions. Even among this group, not many are truly evil. They are merely weak. So do i think a truly horrific punishment might help deter others in future? I'm going to be blunt - yes. Yes I do, and yes it would.

  • You speak of being "just" and "humane" - would it be just and humane to permit even a chance of what these monsters have done to be repeated? I think the answer is obviously not. On that basis alone, + the above points, they should die in agony. Furthermore, to punish those who have caused this suffering to the most evil in society would not, in any way be EVEN VAGUELY stooping to their level - it's honestly a little insulting (both for me and its implications on your own intelligence) to suggest this is true. They tortured and raped children. Killing them is a mercy. Killing them in agony is perfectly reasonable and rational response

The rule of law is demonstrably a joke. These monsters have made a mockery of it, and even now stand protected by it, allowed a last couple of years of freedom just so people try to do things "by the book". Tell me - how many children have died because Q et al feel they wish to / need to do things by the book? How many have been raped?

It's more than 1, isn't it? Be honest with yourself, you know damn well this is true.

Those deaths, that suffering, ALL OF IT, is on the hands of "the rule of law". Fuck it, and fuck anyone trying to claim it's moral. Let them be cleansed with fire, and maybe the agony they suffer will go some way towards finally allowing these people to repent.Nothing else will suffice.

15432863? ago

I don't know who you are. But keep your posts coming. Something all those sleeple need to hear.

15431846? ago

Are you saying every single person on this earth who commits these type of crimes should pay for it by having an agonizing death?

Do you really think that would deter these people? I don't. That would only strengthen their resolve to avoid getting caught.

There's a good reason we have the laws and justice system that we have. The problem is that we got complacent and let these people slowly take over and slowly change things in their favour, inch by inch.

I agree these people should die or spend their lives in prison, but dying a horrific, tortuous death is ridiculous, and throwing in an ad hominem because i disagree with your line of thinking is not what id expect from a true truth seeker.

This world would have burned down years ago if someone like was in charge.

15434522? ago

do I think everyone who acts as part of a large scale organisation that rapes and murders children on an industrial scale should face agonising death?

Um - yes?

do i think that it would deter people joining this kind of organisation if this was widely known?

Going to say yes again. On what basis would you say no? death by fire is one hell of a deterrent. In what possible way would your approach be more of one? at best you'd be arguing it was ineffective as a deterrrent, and I'd beg to disagree. Pain is one hell of a motivator, even a laughably trivial knowledge of psychology and/or animal training would tell you this.

This world would have burned down years ago if someone like was in charge.

And yet, it's widely populated with people who think like you. And look where that got us - right at the bring of distinction. No. I'm sorry - consider the ad hominems unfounded if you like, but our society needs more reliable suffering for those who commit the worst crimes, not less. We can both surely agree that preventing recidivism is not the aim here, yes? The aim is preventing those who might carry out the crimes from doing so. How would a lighter punishment structure in any way aid this?

How, exactly, is a painful death for those who commit the worst crimes imaginable even vaguely close to sinking to their level?

How, exactly, is killing people who commit these crimes as quickly as possible in any way more likely to cause a recurrence of these same crimes? Even leaving aside the agonising death part, surely you'd agree that 100% of these "people" receiving a free bullet to the head would go a significant way towards limiting their ability to carry these crimes out again, or even the chance of these organisations ever regaining power? Even this overly merciful route is still "unlawful". How exactly do you square this circle?

Following the "lawful" route, may salve your conscience, but it does nothing to prevent future crimes, it does nothing to prevent the crimes happening again (nor retribution for the response to them), and it in no way involves sinking to their level.

Even without ad-hominems, your argument is flawed.

People like you are, and have been in charge.

And look where that got us.

15429055? ago

Don't care.

Justice isn't revenge; it's not about inflicting a worse (or better) punishment. Stop the offender; anything else is just dressing to help others who might do similar evil choose more wisely.

With that in mind, I'd be happiest with a flurry of the same sort of 'natural' deaths those who investigate have been having the last 2 26 150 years. Obvious to those that have been conducting such things; little or no drama for the general public and MSM.

Perhaps disappointment for those who want perp walks and war crimes trials, but oh well. Just get the job done.

15429416? ago

Fair point. Our laws weren't built on the saying "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", so the people looking for physical pain are going to be disappointed.

They just better pay the fucking price for the laws they broke. No two tier justice anymore and no deals. Everyone pays.

15427951? ago

Making them live an impoverished lifestyle like they expect everyone else to, and then watching their desperate public humiliation as their power is taken away? Removing power from those who once wielded the reins is very very painful. Destroying the ego of those once held in the highest esteem is soul destroying, especially to those with narcissistic tendencies. THEN you send them off to prison to rot in solitary confinement.....

15431122? ago

Like making ex Presidents and Secretaries of State fly on Commercial Flights

15438961? ago

That's not fair to do to the other unsuspecting passengers....

15426802? ago

And here we see once again the true nature of the Q movement. Bloodthirsty far-right fascist pieces of shit who fantasize about violence and executions because their lives are empty and worthless.

15428349? ago

U R not MAGA so why are u here? Thinking you can come into to Q movement to poison and u thought wrong bud. U really suck at being a shill. You must be the low paid shill because DS is running out of money.

15427079? ago

Well, no - if you'll notice, these responses are habitually at odds with Q, stating Q isn't doing enough, Q is just neutralizing us with empty promises, etc. Even generously granting that they're not trouble-making shills, these impatient armchair-Rambos are outliers and not exemplary of the "movement". Do go through the Q drops and find where Q advises the brute tactics these short-sighted noise bags consistently espouse - it ain't there.

15427260? ago

Maybe Q doesn't outright advocate these tactics. But he talks about mass arrests, deportations, martial law and so on and gets all the Trump fanboys whipped up and eager for action. Then when the arrests inevitably don't come (because it's not real and he's making it all up as he goes along) the more impatient and gullible amongst you start thinking about taking matters into your own hands (e.g. the magabomber).

15427407? ago

the more impatient and gullible amongst you start thinking about taking matters into your own hands (e.g. the magabomber).

Well, such retarded BS seems to go against the pinned post atop the forum, doesn't it? https://voat.co/v/QRV/2806951

I deeply appreciate, however, that you're one of those noble, noble voices of reason who are valiantly trying to open our eyes here that "it's not real and he's making it all up as he goes along" ;)

15426825? ago

You pushed us this far, you're going to pay for it.

15426988? ago

Lol, youre not going to do shit except sit at your keyboard all day foaming at the mouth and trying to sound tough on the internet. Q isn't real and you're nothing more than a lonely basement dweller with a fragile ego, desperate for attention. Get psychiatric help you incel retard.

15427768? ago

Projection at it's finest.

15427748? ago

You will be proven wrong in due time.

15427799? ago

Keep telling yourself that retard. You're just like those doomsday cults back in the day which kept telling their believers the end of the world was coming, only to change the date again when nothing happened. What's it like being part of a cult?

15429633? ago

You're just like all the rest of the shills coming out of the woodwork the past month. How's it feel to be on the side of evil..? Shill

15426992? ago


15425496? ago

I love it I will take off till the Declass...........Forever?

15426621? ago

Trump will DECLAS before the next House seats.

15425668? ago

Trump is using that for political points. He has no intention of telling the American people (his constituents) the truth. He is just holding it as a stick over the Democrats and threatening them with it. He has no intention of actually releasing it.

15425816? ago

You have no way of knowing that, you're speculating. He will use it when necessary.

15425996? ago

It's not his job to "use it" -- it's his job to tell the truth to the American people. It's his DUTY.

15426226? ago

His duty is to do right by us. If that requires not telegraphing his every fucking move, that's what he ought to do.

15426252? ago

The only way he can "do right by us" is to declassify and tell us the truth.

15426314? ago

And lose leverage, thus losing ability to do anything from his seat of power and hope that we revolt? What if we don't revolt?

15426323? ago

then we're screwed

15426407? ago

Exactly. I don't trust the American people to revolt, though I wish they would. Thus I trust the military and Trump to do what we seem unwilling to do.

15429887? ago

That's exactly what's gonna happen. France doesn't have Trump and Q "in their country".... WE DO. Think

15425487? ago

Change feels slow when you're living through it. Imagine what 2000-2020 is going to look like zoomed out, in the history books.

15425781? ago

It's going to look like a market crash followed by a massive recovery, but in a political lens.

15425438? ago

Why not? Q certainly takes vacations from us as needed.

15425397? ago

This guy here gets it.

15425449? ago

Gal - but thank you, bro.

15425675? ago

There are no girls on the Internet. Everyone knows that.

15425671? ago

😁 my bad.

15425617? ago


15425312? ago

truer words never spoken ... except when I asked out a girl back in high school and she said I was an asshole

15425201? ago
