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14715513? ago

There's a reason this post is a sticky

Ignore calls to violence, they're just shills. Anyone who suggest killing millions of people because a cult fucked with their heads is morally bankrupt. They would be not better than those they are trying to kill.

14716985? ago

Am I allowed to kill someone who wants to murder all of my people?

14717428? ago

If you have the manpower to handle all opposition, yes.

14717336? ago

Your still here typing away...

14717357? ago

Yeah, I am exposing jews.

14717001? ago

Are you an executioner?

14717062? ago

Jews tend to "answer" questions with a question. Already got my answer.

14717374? ago

Am I allowed to kill someone who wants to murder all of my people?

This is a more complicated question than you're giving it credit for. No, normally you're not allowed to go in the street and kill anyone, even if they tell you they want to kill all of your people. Words are not a reason to kill someone over, actions are.

If someone attempts to rob you, invade your home, etc, you have a right to put them down.

If we expand this to a Nation level then you should be able to kill any bad actors or people trying to subvert your country, like I bet you'd say "the jews" are.

You just have to prove 100% of jews are trying to subvert this country.

Spoiler alert, you can't.

14717401? ago

The answer is yes. I am allowed to protect my people from genocide by jew faggots.

14717417? ago

You just have to prove 100% of jews are trying to subvert this country.

Spoiler alert, you can't.

14717465? ago

You are a jew who thinks he can command me. Spoiler alert. You don't have any power over me. There's tons of more people exactly like me. We are waking up more every day too. Better start heating up the ovens for real this time shlomo.

14717505? ago

I'm still waiting for you to justify murdering people who have no idea whats going on. Just keep calling me a jew, go ahead it's alright.

14717623? ago

Already gave you your answer retard.

14717325? ago

“jews tend?” YOU are the problem with hate on Voat.

14717369? ago

Save the fake outrage for someone dumb enough not to see you are a jew, you faggot.

14715658? ago


What people here are saying is: "Research for yourself and determine if the Jews are telling you the truth"

It's OK to ask questions about Jews. You're not an anti-semite for doing research and asking questions. Apologists try to twist this around and say "Anyone who doesn't believe the official version of the facts is trying to kill the Jews!" This makes the Jews the victim. They always love to play the victim. This prevents people from asking questions or looking for the truth.

14722486? ago

I kept telling people they were using this shit to play the victim card again. I got nothing but mass-downvoted. This entire board is compromised.

14715845? ago


I've seen plenty try to say that, but they're the people I'm saying should be ignored.