14770623? ago

Shills do as they are told, and spout hate towards who they are told to hate. No brains.

14736185? ago

I actually think a lot of the shills are contributing to the "get rid of the Jews" stuff. Then they point at YOU and call you a shill. How very Alinsky.

THE PROOF IS ON OUR SIDE: what was the last attack on? A synagogue. What groundwork was laid in advance of that FF attack? Anti-Semitic comments. How was Gab taken down by the Deep State? Anti-Semitic comments. It was not Jews taking Gab down because someone said bad things about Jews. It was Gab being taken down because it is a FREE SPEECH ZONE. It is not Deep State controlled. You can talk about Q there. You can say things the cabal doesn't LIKE there. So it had to go, right?

The proof is on our side: the shills are the ones making anti-Semitic comments.

You're fine, try and ignore them. They're just a bunch of assholes who have nothing in common with Trump OR Q.

You're part of Q and they're not. Enjoy the Show.

14726858? ago

Fighting among ourselves has got to stop; patriots know it. This is not about race, religion, gender, age ethnicity, culture...whatever. It is about life-honoring people coming together and standing together to defeat the cabal of death and destruction who use every kind of tool they can find to divide and conquer us. The people who serve the top cabalists are of every race, religion, gender, age...whatever...evil comes in every kind of "container", if you will...and good comes in every kind of "container".

Ignore any "container" spewing hatred; know that where we go one, we go all is not just a slogan. Stay on the Light side. Fortunately, you don't identify with the cabal...don't let them get into your head...don't read their s***.

14726304? ago

Patriot Popcorn for ALL non-evildoers here. Patriot Popcorn does not discriminate, except against evil.

14724051? ago

I try to ignore all the "jew this jew that" . I'm not jew so I can't say i know how you feel. I also see quite a bit of blame labeled onto "boomers", which I am. I take offense but just "shake head" at the dumbness of it. Would they talk to their parents or grand parents like that? disrespectful little shits . Thank God the boomers are still here or much knowledge would be lost.

14723442? ago

The vast majority of Q peeps and PDJT supporters do not hate the jews! The ones on here who do are pathetic outcasts who've been kicked off of every other forum, shills, paid shills and bots.

Please understand that the hate is placed here - paid to be placed here to turn off noobs, and provide fodder for MSM - that we're rabid anti-semites. It's not true. Buck up, Patriot.

14723252? ago

Remember Nazis are National socialists, in other words they are of the left. From what I can tell there are a tiny number of true Nazis in the U.S (some 3000 or so), though it does appear many infest this board.

Have you considered that many of the apparent Antisemites here may actually be paid shills for the deep state who intend to disrupt discussions, or even give a pretext for shutting down the entire site?

P.S I’m in the same boat as you but have faith populism is not being run by antisemitic filth, however much they desire to piggyback on the back of the movement.

14723205? ago

senior editor of Breitbart - Joel Pollack (Jew) top holocaust reviosionist (/denier) - Joe Cole (Jew) historian who proved the blood "libel" was true - Ariel Touaff (son of Rome's chief Rabbi)

We need Jews on the side of good, not only to show that we are not at heart an anti-semitic movement but also because we need the intellectual expertise. Your presence here will also help show that fellow patriots that Jews are welcome in the movement.

The cabal is a network of mafias, CIA and intelligence services being a major part, and the ethnically Jewish mafia that owns Hollywood and major media another. There is a lot of frustration among the Christian populace that Jewish media owners are using their control to mainstream pornography, force gay marriage, take over politics, invade our country with third worlders, rape and traffic women, and then use cover from the ADL and the Jewish community to stigmatize and silence anyone who objects.

Bear in mind that when our movement succeeds, and the Jewish mafia is exposed, it will REDUCE anti-semitism because the problem will be dealt with.

Should white people have not allowed blacks to vote because the civil rights movement included many radicals who supported anti-white violence? Of course dealing with those problems has reduced calls for racial violence since then.

Don't be over-sensitive to words, and remember that the synagogue shooter was against the Q movement.

14723099? ago

There is nothing here but Patriots and shills. God Bless the Patriots. Fuck the Shills.

14723065? ago

Just to be clear, the majority of us feel this way and know it's wrong and evil to blame every Jew for the actions of the elite and special interest groups. We just don't engage the Voat trolls about it cause they don't debate, they do the same Leftist tactics of sliding conversations away from civil logical discussions. Sorry to the Jewish Q followers who have to deal with this shit. We support you as long as you support the same goals of freedom and American ideals as every Patriotic American. Hang in there with us, WWG1WGA!

14722416? ago

All of the sick hateful comments desperately hurt my spirit.

14724022? ago

All you softies being emotionally manipulated by the enemy hurts my brain.

14724405? ago

The enemy is Satan, the father of lies, disruption and hate. The truth in Christ is love, compassion and grace... not hate. In the Prophets, God continually indicates that His people will not obey His laws, but He still calls them His people of the Book, His people of eternity. Read it!

14722378? ago

All hate is symptomatic of the eel one who tries hard to divide everyone. Stand against it.

14722305? ago

I would agree with you. Every house needs cleaning and maintenance. As an older culture, the Jewish nation sure needs this cleaning as well, but so does everybody. Yes, there is corruption and Cabal infestation with roots in the Jewish nation, but It seems to me that this Cabal has infested everything. Hell, look at the problems in the Catholic Church. Are they Jewish? Look at the problems within once trusted American and Western nations' government agencies. Look what happened with the House of Saud. Are they Jewish? It amazes me that Jew hate seems to be one of the few things that crosses the political spectrum from Left to Right. There are people within both of those who do not seem to like Jews. I do not know why that is, but on the Right, where we are supposed to practice more of a respect for the individual and not to judge based on group membership and a "live and let live" lifestyle, this lump-sum judgement of a whole group of people by some who identify to the right of center is quite surprising to me.

14722165? ago

You know how the blacks in South Africa complain about whites because they are a small part of the population yet they own everything and they are evil and sneaky? Same goes for whites complaining about Ashkenazi Jews. Some of the whites want to subjugate blacks, some want to lift them up and try and help them have the best life they can. Same goes for Jews and whites. Some Jews are evil. They do not follow their religion just like some blacks and some whites are evil. Some are good. It's just that being more intelligent magnifies things in both directions. With the Jew You have Einstein, but you also have Rothschild. You have Soros, but you also have Hayek.

14721938? ago

There are many jews I like and respect, such as Peter Schiff and Richard Feynman.

The reason I have recently become very anti-jew, is their constant and relentless advocacy of replacing western country's populations with populations from other countries. That is not fair to us and it is a selfish, extremely aggressive act, aimed at benefiting jews, but sold as them being more enlightened and charitable than those evil goyim who oppose them and want their country to be left alone.

Take a look at this quote by Göran Rosenberg. This sort of crap is why I feel like jews are out of control and hurting a lot of people. https://ibb.co/m8rqa0

14721805? ago

We must come together.. no division, no hate... Where we go one, we go all... if Q has taught us anything, it is that people everywhere simply want the same things... it is not in our nature to do all of the heinous things we have been witness to all over the world... the wars, the famines, the child trafficking, the ritual sacrifices... we all have a choice to make.. do we want to be part of the path of light or do we want to work for the dark... I was taken aback when I first came to Voat by some of the anti Jew comments... so off to research on my own I went... I found out that the real evil sons of bitches were something known as the Khazarian Mafia.. and that sometime in the 8th century they decided to hide in plain sight by outwardly appearing to be part of the Jewish community... but all the while, they kept their Satanic evil thing going on... but since everyone thought they were ordinary Jewish people, no one was any wiser to their evil doings... seems to me the folks that are blaming all the Jews do so by mistakenly conflating and mistaking regular God-loving Jewish folks with the Satan worshiping Khazarian mother fucker factions that apparently have been causing all the problems.... pretty absurd... it would be like blaming all Christians for the evil deeds of the Catholic Inquisition .. sort of...but anyway... I digress... I think if we are here it is because most of us are interested in seeking truth and fighting the dark and evil mother fuckers who have turned our world into a pretty nasty place at the moment... we are all Patriots and we all need to do our part, according to our talents.. this fight is for all Patriots.. Christians, Jews, Black , White, Gay, Straight... I don't know about you all, but life under a totalitarian Satanic worshiping cult is not exactly my cup of tea.. so let us all together truly proclaim that we are one, we are Q ,and that truly, where we go one, we go all. May God bless us all ...

14721319? ago

The head Zionist is the Pope... it ain’t the Jews... it’s the Jewsuit’s 😱🤫🤭

14720971? ago

Jews are a race. That means the majority of them will lean towards values that Western/White world does not agree with. There are Jews who aren't bad people, of course, but it is still safe to bet that any given jew will be a communist and support degenerate values. They undermine societies for survival.

14720947? ago

I have lived in Israel in the past, and have family on both my side and my husbands side who are Holocaust survivors (Holocaust deniers have no idea what they are taking about,) I am also part American Indian, and white, I am a quarter Norwegian, as in reindeer herders so indigenous there also. In short pretty much a Heinz 57 sauce gal, I am a product of the great American melting pot. I consider myself to be an American so much so that I as a female joined the U.S. Air Force and spent time in Saudi during the Gulf War. I believed President Kennedy when he stated "ask not what your country can do for you..." If you don't know the full speech look it up.

Last of all I am a boomer. Between being a boomer and having relatives who are Jewish there are times I hate coming on these boards and reading ignorant free speech written by folks who feel they are a victim to another race or demographic. People who think their lives would be oh so perfect if only there were no Jews or no boomers are seriously misguided and need to grow up!

14721636? ago

Amen.Thank you for your service.

14720780? ago

Yes it is disturbing to see how much jewish hatred drops here daily. As for me, if you want identify people, i know only two. Those that stand for truth and good and those who choose lies and darkness and evil. If you stand for good I'll fight at your side.

14720759? ago

My theory was that a lot of the jew racism thats been here was just a shill prelude to the synagoge shooting, so its easier to blame Q followers. Since we "all hate jews"

14720680? ago

You are not hated by the everyone and the ones who do aren't worth your time or effort. If ALL Jews are bad because a few in power are bad, then ALL Americans are bad because Obama, Clinton,Soros, McCain, Feinstein etc. are bad. Neither of those are true statements and only the mentally/emotionally challenged would agree with it. A lot of people have suffered due to the wrongs of others and, sadly, will continue to suffer for the wrongs of others...at least until the swamp is drained.

Hold your head high, hang tight, do what you know is right and this too shall pass! WWG1WGA

14720314? ago

I Gravitate naturally towards the Q movement

That doesn't tell us why you gravitate. Do you gravitate because you are an American patriot first and foremost? Do you gravitate because you are a non-American conspiracy historian?

and until recently always was a fan of AJ.

Insert water filter and gay frog joke here.

Should those like me be rooting for the cabal you Dummies?

Your open-ended use of "should" would work if we were long-term buddies, and we had a lot of social context so that we could fill in the gaps. But in the present context, your question is vague and unproductive.

The select few jews pulling strings are ruthless killers and they don’t seem to give a fuck about my family so fuck them.

Note: we don't know how many Jews are in the cabal. Suppose Jews are 2% of the general population. It could be that Jews make up just 1% of the psychopath population, in which event, we would suspect that Jews are naturally less psychopathic than goyim. Or it could be that Jews make up 99% of the psychopath population, in which case, we would suspect the opposite. We don't have reliable data on who is a psychopath yet. For that matter, we don't know how many human trafficking operations have already been shut down and how many remain in business.

14720258? ago

You like AJ because he is a shill for the Zionist. How did this submission get so damn many upvotes, much be a jew brigade.

14722817? ago

This entire board is heavily compromised right now. Funnily enough though, Jews are digging their own hole even deeper by posting this obvious trash.

14720249? ago

Keep in mind that most of the people bitching and screaming are probably 13 years old. You are American or not American that is the only dividing line.

14720225? ago

Boycott Israel.

14720097? ago

You claim to be jew. You don't have to do that if you don't agree with jew.

14720013? ago

keep speaking the truth brother idc what race u are if u speak the truth in love ur my race fuck the haters

14719571? ago

Remember they want us divided. Don't fall for it. Blacks, Jews, and everyone else- we ALL need to unite, it's their biggest fear, so stop hating Jews and Blacks.

14719530? ago

I have identified a new meme, from the crisis handlers from the Globalists (aka Zionist,, Ashkenaze, call them what you wish, the fuckers that would scuttle the world in order to assure they could preside over whatever is left)

Now it's Muslim and Jews banding together against their victimhood, working together for "fairness". By this, average Jews are drawn into the battle waged by the Zionists. I don't know the answer or response to that one, but be watchful for this new meme.

14719523? ago

Jesus grew up Jewish! And I have a sneaking suspicion, there was a reason he was put amongst the Jewish people! It seemed to be the strong point of the luciferian religion! If you don't feel any connection with that, then why take a title you were born into! I know you have it in you , to decide for yourself! We all need to take power over our own lives!

14719459? ago

The problem is those shills don't know the difference between Jews and Zionist hwo happen to be Jews (but not all). Zionists have no problem sacrificing their own race/Jews to get their agenda ahead. Let's be honest:anti-semitism is great business. And every time the Zionist don't get their way they cry anti-semitism, Nazi, and so on. One cannot hold every jew accountable for the acts of a few.

14719415? ago

I agree with you 100% I have made several comments on the Jew Hating I wish they would creat their own sub site and go away from here. This is about the Great Awakening and I embrace all who have Awaken!! God Bless.

14720126? ago

The "Great Awakening" is ultimately waking up to the Jew World Order.

14719257? ago

There will be discussion on the Jewish Question at all levels unless the jews wish to bring on a real holocaust. The issue can no longer be dodged / suppressed because we are in the Great Awakening, aided by the digital revolution.

Any discussion on the JQ should really begin with learning why jews have been kicked out of or pogromed in so many nations over so many centuries. One reason is that eventually the majority population woke up; they realized who controlled their economy, who brought them into debt-slavery, who despoiled/corrupted their women, who co-opted and bribed their king / president / parliament and government, who brought them into war, who became very wealthy through the war, who dominated the slave trade... I could go on and on.

The JQ discussion should certainly ascertain whether through the centuries there have been good jews; jews that were benefactors, jews that made their nation a better place, a nation with prosperous citizens, little to no crime, where women were honored and respected, where men were esteemed as the progenitors of the state/nation and fatherhood was the highest calling, where minorities were treated exactly the same as the majority, where debt was unknown... again, I could go on and on.

Dig for the truth and you will know what is true and what is not true as to whether or not it resonates with the Spirit of Truth. Once you know the truth, then you become free, even free of hate (which is part of the spectrum one usually goes through while searching for truth).

But the bottom line is that the JQ will be discussed, as it is here. Truth is neutral and once the truth is known, then a solution, if necessary, can be discussed. If jews believe they can control this discussion, it will not go well for them. I would urge them to seek the truth, then engage in the discussion when the truth is known.

14720174? ago

Damn that's good.

14719254? ago

Most common shill tactic is to say "Their religion encourages them to think they're better than us"

do ALL Christians obey this shit about pre-marital sex? No. They generalize the WHOLE population based on the religion, with no option for an individual to stray from the behavior or be AN INDIVIDUAL. Also remember that a third party is screaming at you about how bad jews are from behind an anonymous screen.

14718981? ago

THANK YOU for the reminder. Battle lines are becoming clear. Thank you for shattering the lie that ALL Jews are evil--it's the tendency to generalize that's the problem no matter who you apply it to--whites, blacks, you name it.

That said, it would be foolish of all of us to dismiss the fake Jewish movement in Hollywood that has corrupted our children and injured our families. Problem is, a whole lot of these fake Jews are in power. I urge you to check for yourself--look into how many democrat senators and congressmen are Jewish. Look into how many have dual Israeli citizenship (talk about conflict of interests). I think once you start seeing how pervasive the rich, evil, fake Jews are in America, you'll see where all the antisemitism comes from. It's hard for people to be enlightened when you have asses like Schumer, Feinstein, Weinstein, Rosenstien, Franken, Sanders, Weiner, Wasserman-Schultz, Lauer...the list goes on and on, doing shit that makes all Jews look like assholes. And I haven't even touched on the Jews who own the MSM, and bozos like Larry Silver in sports. For such a small percentage of the population to have this much power is crazy. Wasserman-Schultz herself could start a pogrom.

The infernal lie is that we project this evil onto the Jews in our community who are just living their lives. Something was definitely fishy about that shooting in Pittsburgh because those people in Tree of Life aren't the problem. You find the real sickos in the Fed, banking higher-ups, Hollywood, Politics, CNN and ABC...as one person on here said, the gate-keepers.

14718946? ago

The funny part of your observation is forgetting that just because voaters used the 8ch's NPC for democrats, doesn't mean they're critical thinkers themselves.

Shilling IMO is just someone contributing noise, nothing but nonsense to distract or get a rise out of readers.

They read Israel is last and think we're going to glass the country. They're not able to realize this is more Spectre like than anything else with individuals abandoning their oath for self-serving purposes. It makes me nervous that I'm here because they're so irrational. They read a bible and think it's written and handed to them by god to save them from realizing they're all alone when it comes to forming their judgement.

8ch had a post on qresearch with someone named "D". I hope he was telling the truth about hanging anti-semites. AFAICT an antisemite is someone with no opinion of their own they're just here to be antijewish. No direction without being fueled by hate. Even if I'm not jewish, I'll take my chances of anti-semite trials over continuing in a world with a large majority of people being thoughtless goy. I never heard goy before QRV and frankly I think they're the missing link. It's just another way of saying NPC but at least it coins a purpose for them.

14718800? ago

Get out

14718672? ago

Posting in a JDIF slide thread. Sure seems to be a lot of jews posting the JDIF talking point of the day...

"Not all jews, just the bad ones"

14718614? ago

You could have come here and said "I know there are some jews who hate you and are working to destroy you. I disavow them. I work to stop them. Barbara Spectre doesn't speak for me. Soros doesn't speak for me. Anderson Cooper doesn't speak for me. They are trying to destroy you and I disagree with that. I speak up against it at family diners, I tweet against it on twitter, I will fight these evil jews at your side my brothers!"

Instead you said "It's your fault you hateful bigots, I'm a poor vicitm! I'm one of the good ones, stop attacking my tribe."

This is why you, one of the "good" ones, don't belong here any more than the ones who are actively working to destroy western civilization. It's true that not all Muslims are terrorists. Omar Mateen's wife who knew he was going to go on a shooting spree and did nothing to stop him is not a terrorist. The Muslim who stops the police from arresting rapists and terrorists is not a terrorist. The Muslim who claims Islam is a religion of peace, but knows his mosque is stockpiling weapons is not a terrorist. But what is he? He's not an ally or a friend.

What are you? You are not an ally or a friend. What do we call you?

14721480? ago

You could have come here and said "I know there are some jews who hate you and are working to destroy you. I disavow them. I work to stop them. Barbara Spectre doesn't speak for me. Soros doesn't speak for me. Anderson Cooper doesn't speak for me. They are trying to destroy you and I disagree with that. I speak up against it at family diners, I tweet against it on twitter, I will fight these evil jews at your side my brothers!"

Instead you said "It's your fault you hateful bigots, I'm a poor vicitm! I'm one of the good ones, stop attacking my tribe."

They'll never say that, they do exactly what the moslems do.

It's obvious they don't give a single fuck what's happening to us, they never mention it.

14718575? ago

Religion is irrelevant to any corruption and crimes. Blaming “Muh Jews” is just a distraction and accomplishes nothing.

These guys get “woke” on Jews in prison because they have to join the AB/KKK/Nazis so they don’t end up being someone’s wife I’m prison. That’s the only reason these backwards ideas still exist.

14718239? ago

Why do we have to keep putting labels on people and putting them in a box with that label? I can't stand labels, never have even way back in high school when you had the cliques - jocks, nerds, mean girls, popular kids, etc.

Can't we just all look at each other as one human to another who are trying to take down those that are evil and would enslave us all if we don't fight back?

ENOUGH already with the damn labels!!!

(((They))) label us so that (((they))) have a way to divide us? Haven't you figured that out yet? Quit giving them power.

WWG1WGA does NOT EVER say WWG1WG(fill in with whatever label MSM are screaming about today).

It's: Where We Go One We Go ALL! That's it!

If you can't see that ALL is every other human no matter what race, religion, age, gender, etc, then (((THEY))) have won already.


14718215? ago

Calling this out as shill. The Jews are infected.

The human race will defeat the Jew and destroy it. Jews who call out the Jew are still Jews. Be careful. They creep around in the shadows but Jews are Jews.

14722546? ago

I kept fucking warning the Qtards. Their entire race is genetically compromised. They are a threat to everything good, end of story.

14717884? ago

If you love America and the Constitution and see Americans of any background as your countrymen, you’re cool with me.

14717817? ago



14717885? ago

Oh forgot to mention the fucking LUCIFERIANS as well. All of you that use the word kike, jew or other derogatory words to describe them, keep in mind they are doing the same. How in the fuck are we ever going to unite if that kind of mentality exists people? Love thy fucking neighbor doesn't have conditions or language or religion. Love your neighbor or we all die. That's the real WWG1WGA , we either all go into the chipper/shredder for food for Luciferian/Zionist Fiest or we reclaim our right to live on this planet. No more fucking around, love each other or die.

14718079? ago

And you forgot rootless cosmopolitans.

14718407? ago

Isn't that a Martini?

14718657? ago

Yeah, one that gives you the strong urge to promote communism and accepting refugees.

14717812? ago

Fuck off mamzer.

14717770? ago

I agree. United we are strong, divided we are weak. (((They))) want us divided.

Please accept my heartfelt apology. I've been red-pilled for over 35 years. I've done a fair amount of research regarding the Ashkenazi Jews, and I've tried to share some of what I found over the years with normies and newbees. I'll admit that sometimes I get so caught up in telling the historical story of the Ashkenazi Jews, that I forget to point out that it's "The select few jews pulling strings [that] are ruthless killers"

Just because the Pope and some of the priests are pedophiles, doesn't mean all Catholics are likewise. So too for the Jews. Just because their leaders are evil, doesn't mean all Jews are likewise.

Thank you for posting this. That your message comes from a Jew is very important. I appreciate that you made a serious effort to find common ground. I know this topic has risen up lately, and it does seem to be a very contentious topic with a lot of inflammatory rhetoric that needs to be taken down a notch or two. I don't really expect the issue to go away, but I will make sure that whenever I post comments about the Synagogue of Satin, I'll make sure to point out that not all Jews are at fault.

14717740? ago

And today you assume the form of a caring patriot. What form will you assume tomorrow?

14717705? ago

Not all Jews are bad , 20% are good like all things natural. Same can be said about Muslims. The problem is this your are passive, you must take action for a change : until there are Jews and Muslims identification among these in the 20%, we will have the problem. Man is either on the right path or not. If Jesus- Christ is the only one it is not too late after 2,000 years to do something about this. You cannot be with one leg here and the other there. It is very simple - who you actually are?

14717633? ago

Omg, this thread is stupid. It's ok guys to be a jew shit. No it's not ok. The heritage is not decency it's based I'm moral shit. Wana stop dirty jews, stop being the cover for them. Can't be both ways.

14717517? ago

The point of fact that the cabal has important Jewish members is significant. Crucial even.
We are in a sense like police detectives trying to find and take out a gang of mass murderers, and we need to accumulate good and true info of all sorts with which to understand the enemy, and then go after them to rid ourselves of them. Point and shoot at the first shadow? NO. Yell and scream like a bunch hoodlum girls? No.
A big problem we have is simpletons who take this info and come to many easy yet false conclusions, using flimsy, asinine logic.
Such as: All Jews are evil.
No, not all Jews are a part of this cabal. Let's be honest and just say we don't know. Maybe every Jew is in on this. But you know what? If so, then this war will be won ny convincing a siginifcant number of them that they are in the wrong, that they are going to lose,and there is a way out, and they must take it, like each and every one of us has to, in order to escape from the ultimate end to this war, which is Good over Evil. There is no middle ground. And the victory will happen only after significant number of cabal-supporting people, Jews and non-Jews, are seeing the light and changing their lives and living the right way.

Here's another hunch of mine, that among all the other half-baked loaves of bread everyone seems to eager to gobble up: NO, this Jewish contingent of the cabal might not the most important part of the puzzle. Of course, It is DAMN important, but there is a lot more to be discovered. I think we all can sense this.
And the more we let the obvious shills (cabal agents throwing us into chaos and infighting) and the simpletons who are so easily triggered by their deeply set prejudices, derail our discussions, the less time we have to truly share our insights with each other and figure things out, or have the energy to look in the right directions and places.

14721565? ago

Bloodlines matter, they must be isolated from our bloodline.

14721693? ago

Well, I've read a lot of stuff, and there is so much garbage out there...
In all sincere honesty, I'd like to know if you have any links to what you consider a high-quality explanation of why you think this way?
I mean, what have you read that really convinces you of whatever theory makes you say this?

14717495? ago

You won't get anywhere with these fucktards OP. They're so happy they found someone to blame for everything bad in their life - the Jew. You see, it's like Satan in Christianity. Every bad thing is blamed on him. No responsibility. And even though you're trying to help and never participated in the deeds of truly evil jews, they are going to blame you because of your DNA. If they do blame you for your DNA, that means your sins are your ancestors' and fellows'. And that means some are really proud of their slave-owning, indigen massacring heritage. Really good, christian, moral people KEK. Also those are not true followers of Q that are tired of hate and racism and all that shit that stains your soul, like most of us. They just boarded the train for a ride. Even if Q turns out to be a larpy antisemite , that still IS NOT THE SPIRIT OF THE MOVEMENT. Not even close.

14718304? ago

Most of us on here are upstanding citizens with jobs, pay our taxes, have families, etc. our lives are affected only slightly by this at the moment, but we aren't stupid enough to bury our heads in the sand. Where there is smoke there is fire. We can see the red tide of communism on the horizon and true american patriots will put aside our safe cushy lives to stop it from ever taking hold of our nation. Once we start allowing thought crimes to become a reality as they have in europe and canada the concept of America is dead and we will no longer be safe.

14719940? ago

Everything is just smoke and mirrors.

14719921? ago

You seriously think there can't be smoke without fire? Always hated the fucking expression.

14720460? ago

You think your distaste for an old expression makes anything I said not true? You must be a jew, pay no attention to the argument and muddy the waters arguing about semantics.

14728752? ago

I'm pretty much as far from a jew you can get. I think I actually met one when I was little. It wasn't about just the expression ande it wasn't about semantics. Extrapolate to your explained situation and you will see, what seems to be smoke generated by fire is actually smoke blown by somebody in your face. But I can see you are the type of guy that jumps to conclusions, so I guess everyone that disagrees with you will be a jew in your mind. I could have just been stupid and "paid no attention to the argument". I'm none of those Benito!

14717493? ago

This is devil speak. lieing devil speak. Well then it's time for you to change and give up your heritage if it something you don't believe in. Can't wave two flags at once. Either your a satanist or not. What is it? John 844. You are welcome to change sides. However this is not the venue.

14717488? ago

True Patriots love Israel and the Jewish people. True Patriots stand by their fellow Americans of EVERY background. True Patriots judge other men simply by the content of their character.

14718114? ago

Absolutely fucking not. I’m as patriotic as they come and Israel can be a crater for all I care.

14717437? ago

I'm spiritually minded, my Best Man is Jewish and the shit I see on voat makes me sick sometimes. I hope the jew haters on here are the minority trying to make us all look bad. Because if Voat is primarily made up of jew hating assholes, then this platform can burn to the ground for all I care.

14717347? ago

Agreed. The FAKE JEWS like Soros..are not practicing Judaism...they are Atheist. These are the fuckers that need to be brought oown. But Jewish People of faith and actual practice are good!

14723638? ago

of faith and actual practice

Oh, so genital mutilation is a good thing now?

14717312? ago

I figure most of those posts are from muslims spreading their hate or at least closet [hussain][hrc] supporters. God beless you. God Bless Israel and her beautiful capital city Jerusalem.

14718134? ago

You couldn’t be more wrong. Have you ever been outside this sub? We hate on Muslims just as much.

14717270? ago

For better or worse, if everyone here showed up to a party most would find out they prejudicially hate half of the group and were really here because they're antisocial, egomaniacal, and projecting their insecurities.

That's probably a third of what you'd see elsewhere, so you'd be fine. This is probably just because there's no niggers.

You're still probably first in the oven if you cheat the house on blow though, and your name tag will have ((())) ala meelions of your louse-y ancestors. Also if you're simultaneously a soy boy faggot transitioning tranny nerd spook sand nigger you might want to avoid any internet.

14717245? ago

To the author: United we stand, divided we fall.

Your friends are those who share your values, especially those who value individual liberty, and reject the "divide and conquer" memetic virus.

14717238? ago

Almost all famous people in recent History have said power in the truth.


John 14:6 English Standard Version (ESV) 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

14717219? ago

Half jew?....so does that mean you only condone white genocide for half of the time?

14717907? ago

Half jew, but full mamzer.

14717207? ago

"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause." ~ Israel Cohen, 1912, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century

14721454? ago

Negros always hated and attacked whites so it didn't take much.

14720663? ago

"A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century (occasionally A Radical Program for the Twentieth Century) was a hoax that first gained public notoriety on June 7, 1957, during a debate on the Civil Rights Act of 1957, when Rep. Thomas Abernethy of Mississippi read a reputed quotation from it into the Congressional Record.

Abernethy had found the quotation in a March letter to the editor of The Washington Star; he claimed it as proof that the Civil Rights Movement was a foreign Communist plot. However, The Washington Star soon apologized for having printed the quotation without verifying its authenticity and, on February 18, 1958, published an article entitled "Story of a Phony Quotation--A Futile Effort to Pin It Down--'A Racial Program for the 20th Century' Seems to Exist Only in Somebody's Imagination", which traced the quotation to Eustace Mullins, who claimed to have found it in a Zionist publication in the Library of Congress.

On August 30 of that year, Rep. Abraham J. Multer of New York read the Star article into the Congressional Record and raised several other points challenging the quotation's authenticity. These included the nonexistence of a British Communist party in 1912 (it was founded in 1920) and the nonexistence of a British Communist author named Israel Cohen. Although a British Jewish author and Zionist named Israel Cohen did exist in that period, he had no affiliation with Communism nor is there any record of him writing such a work. A Racial Program does not exist either in the Library of Congress nor in the British Museum Catalogue of Printed Books."

14717521? ago

Yeah I'm saving that.

14720685? ago

You may want to look at this first lol


14721425? ago

Also saved. Thanks very much!

14717150? ago

I sympathize with the hate you must be witnessing.

Did you also stop paying attention to AJ when he tried to claim Zach as "his Q", claimed he talked to Q, etc??

More importantly, while I know that others are apparently less tolerant, it's like with muslims. Without speaking for anyone else; I don't care if anyone wants to pray 5 times a day and skip out on bacon. That doesn't hurt anybody, I'm only concerned about those muslims who want me dead for not sharing those beliefs.

Similarly, I don't see jews as an enemy just for the who they are, even though it's mainly jewish people at / near the top of the pyramid (from my perspective)... but then it's like, let's say we have a bank that is acting corruptly within the boardroom, to point to all jews would be about the same as saying the bank teller dealing with the customers is just as guilty as the boardroom members who were part of the criminal behavior.

14717140? ago

The select few jews pulling strings are ruthless killers and they don’t seem to give a fuck about my family so fuck them. In here The DIVISION NEEDS TO STOP.

Die-hard Nazis are like the Trotskyists of the right: devoid of a sense of strategy, they have no use for the right making gains that don't align with their ideological ideals.

14717299? ago

You either save your people and ancestral lands or you don't, there's no compromise with poison.

14717085? ago

I am a Q follower and i think its a disgrace when individuals try to make otbers believe all Jews are bad. The cabal is made up off multiple races and "religions". Its ignorant to think that any one of them represent an entire people. All that matters is whether or not a person is on the side of good and not evil. Stop the division. United we are strong.

14717078? ago

Oh, I went through some of the posts, the jooooozzzzzz haters arriving en masse with a barrage of questions, for you to justify your existence. If I were you I would respond just with WWG1WGA. Have fun! They call this game ¨Court system: Goyim versus Schlomo¨ (Mattel games). I have been called Schlomo by the ¨I love hate¨ brigade, because I dared say that errr... not all jews.... errrr. I mean, Schlomo! I' d prefer, David, Ezra, Adam...

14716955? ago

The division happens because there are goodguy jews, badguy jews, and yet-to-decide jews, and all three types are called 'jew'. If you are one of the good ones, then there is no reason for you to get upset when someone hates on jews, cuz they don't mean you. The fact that you do seem to get upset makes me think you are one of the badguys or one of the undecided ones. As long as you put the [talmud] above the New Testament, you are not one of the good guys...no matter who your mother is or isn't. But the fact you are here, gives you hope. Question. Research. Discover Truth. Start with the pedophilia in your talmud, then ask yourself who you are, and who you want to be.

14731278? ago

You started out with a very intelligent form of reasoning. Not two options like a good false greek dichtomy, but like a triskele: 3 options. Very good.

Then you made a fatal mistake.

As long as you put the [talmud] above the New Testament,


The talmud at least has the diabolical tendency to be honest about what it is. Jew supremacy literature. The same can be said of the Muslim Q'oran and hadith. The NT is completely void of any direction as it is a compromise of a bunch of political hustlers and sellouts who agreed with each other in 325 about the books which should make up the NT. And the productions of John were not the favorite literature, let alone the Nag Hammadi library. And Justin´ s moniker was Martyr. Happy choosing.

At any rate, it is an argument that brings you nowhere.

analogous to your argument, you could have said: As long as you elevate the Talmud above the

  1. Declaration of independence (Natural LAW)

  2. Bill of Rights (Natural LAW)

  3. US Constitution (Enumerated Powers for the State in relation to reserved powers to the people (see Roe v Wade confirmation of reserved liberties on Amend 1, 9, 10, 14. Enjoy!)

......And now follow your argument to it's logical conclusion.

14731528? ago

I appreciate your response.

14721528? ago

They all have to, I'm willing to let them go peacefully. That's it.

14719546? ago

Am a NatSoc, can confirm.

Tens of thousands of Jews lived good lives under the Reich, and served in the military.

They renounced the tribe and adopted a European mindset, while also marrying within their group to preserve their race. The trick is that they were Jews in name only.

14716951? ago

Take all the counter-semitic claims you find here to your Rabbi. Listen to the answers he gives you. If you think his answers are truthful then stay a Jew. if you think they are bullshit then stop being a Jew. Call out the people around you when they are being hypocrites or lying. You are in a position to red pill the people who are perpetuating the lies from the top.

14716866? ago

9-11, the USS Liberty attack, and the forced migration acceptance are reasons enough to distrust the Jews. Many of us are living in the modern day equivalent of post WWI Berlin. History might repeat itself.

Your kind has crimes to pay for.

14724787? ago

They were also behind the crucification and death of Jesus. But it's all part of "the plan." As in God's divine plan. This is the end times, the end of days. Donald J Trump is God's Messiah. May our new Kingdom be upon us soon, amen.

14729983? ago

O God ... a literalist niggerfaggot.

14717476? ago

True. Since you're a Jew, reparations at the door. Check your shnoz privilege too -- guiltily listen to people drone on about your privilege, then confess how you have no idea what it's like to be oppressed and white.

14717268? ago

Give me your address and you can dish out some justice yourself....

14721789? ago

Look how vile and disgusting you are. Makes me wonder why the jews have been purged by so many countries.

14758074? ago

Kill or be killed nerd. Anytime anywhere.

14758884? ago

It not even kill or be killed. Its just stop subverting your host nation and be a decent human being. Fuck, your people are beyond evil. Get the fuck out have Jerusalem and fucking stay there. You are not welcome anywhere. Nobody likes you.

14758786? ago

1488 GTKRWN Ave.

14717934? ago

LMAO! The Jew shows his colors and cries out in pain as he strikes you! OP, you are JIDF.

14718762? ago

JIDF is now concern trolling the boomers. Theyll stoop to any level to further their shekels

14717694? ago

Lol! Sure, you go first.

14716864? ago

14716932? ago


14717147? ago

Research "forum sliding"

14718196? ago

It's quite telling that these anti racists from reddit have no idea about opsec or spotting jdif shills which have threads plastered all over the top of /pol. Q posts on the chans but they themselves never actually went there. If they had they wouldn't be here spouting this bullshit, they would have either been red pilled or went back to their safe space on reddit.

14717572? ago

Thanks. "Slide forum" confuses the seeker.


14716838? ago

The Jew haters here are mostly paid shills trying to cause division and discourage real patriots. The deep state is desperate and they are doing everything they can think of, and still losing.

14718174? ago

So I guess before you got here all of voat was just shills shilling at eachother. Weird that we’d do that.

14719337? ago

It's also weird that you do it now. I guess anything for a buck, right?

14719550? ago

Or you just don’t know what you’re talking about.

14717125? ago

Agreed - besides, who would stand to benefit from an american/israeli divide?

It isn't like there aren't other forces out there in numbers who would like to take both down

14719212? ago


14716781? ago

ADL, ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, and the list goes on. Founded and run by Jews. Does it mean every Jewish person is bad? Of course not, but the majority go along with these organizations' tactics. Whenever there's a public display of Christianity, Jewish people go to court to stop it. God in school? Jews didn't want that.

You have a nation dedicated to your religion, we used to. And inb4 you try to say America was founded as a secular nation. It was not, the founder's knew it required a moral base rooted in Christianity. Take a look at their writing to see that. The religious test was between Christian sects, not the wider world of religions. The majority of American Jews are for mass immigration (see the letter from the attacked synagogue.) Yet Israel does not allow mass immigration and have a wall between them and the Palestinians. Look at George Soros, and if anyone criticizes him they're labeled anti-Semitic.

You may not support any if these things, which is good. But when the majority of a group of people does, that's why people begin to call out that group. Calling out a group of people isn't always "hate", some people take it to that level to be sure, but when the average person who sees specific things consistently from a specific group of people, says something, then are accused of "hate", it gets old and more people start to see through that too. You unfortunately seem to be in the minority for your religion.

14716779? ago

Genesis 12:3; 13:14-15; 15:17-18

You all can debate about whether or not we should be supporting the Jews but God settled it along time ago. I'll trust Him.

14718875? ago

Worshipping a god that you think prefers another people is beyond cucky.

14731441? ago

God loves all people and desires that they all come to repentance. The problem isn't with God, it's with the people who refuse to acknowledge Him. They will sooner or later. I'm hoping sooner, while they're alive and able to choose. Afterward it's too late.

Genesis 12:3

14733166? ago

Barking up the wrong tree. I believe it’s impossible for an all knowing/all powerful/all loving god to exist at the same time as pain and misery.

That’s beside the point. The fact of the matter is that Jews are behind nearly every policy that promotes the genocide of my people in the West. Some book that they wrote about how great they are isn’t going to make me forget that.

14733405? ago

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see ...

14734119? ago


14716748? ago

Op explain these links to kikeland


14716688? ago

The Bible makes it very clear who (((the cabal))) are: fake Jews. Soros, Rothschild, etc. may CLAIM Jewish ancestry but worship Satan in place of the Jewish God and follow the Babylonian Talmud instead of the Jewish Torah. They wish to make all the normal Jews just like them, and through 2000 years of indoctrination they have achieved no small amount of success. They ones whom they cannot convert get massacred in pogroms (((they))) started. Most of all they want to prevent normal Jews from learning the good news about YESHUA the Jewish Messiah, who is the only one who can stop their nefarious aims.

14717883? ago

There are no normal jews. They all are pedophile volcano demon worshiping filth.

14716615? ago

How many "DONT YOU DARE QUESTION THE JEW" guilt trip threads are we going to see this month??? Why do no other races get 24/7 internet security and shilling??? Why are you so afraid of people researching jewish subversion??? Honest research isn't anymore divisive than locking my door at night to keep strangers out while my children sleep.


14722222? ago


14716603? ago

I’m a Jew on here too..I’ve just tuned out their hatred but I agree it should only be placed on the few at the top...not the rest of us...

14718340? ago

As if kikes haven't voted as a monolithic block for globalist Cultural Marxist policies for the past two centuries. Once you parasites got back into finance and usury you started buying politicians and controlling geopolitics, media, entertainment and academia. Hitler was right.

14716488? ago

He has a strong point. Those in power perpetuating the conditions we see on planet Earth are the people we need to rise against. A "select few Jews" not all Jews.

14716415? ago

Are you a devout practicing Jew? Are you really Ashkenazi?

14716405? ago

Taqiyya!... oh, sorry. Wrong group.

14718009? ago

They have their own version of that exact concept. I forget what it’s called though.

14716391? ago

This is what I keep on saying, my friend! But it is so easy to go the way all jews are, all women are, all blacks are, all asians are. There was even a ¨Only white babies are beautiful¨ theme. Enough to be fed up at times, but I am past the age. I just ignore posts that talk demeaningly against such groups. I do not box in people, so I just do not enter the conversation. Yes, the great divide is between freedom lovers / patriots and the globalists.

14716381? ago

We know it’s not all Jews but until those responsible for jfk and 9/11 are know to the masses the screaming will continue

14717359? ago

Yes, it is, jews are much like moslems and niggers in that they commit many crimes against white gentiles.

Like welfare fraud, etc.

And the best part is, you don't even belong here. There's no reason for us to put up with you.

14716268? ago

Halsey is that you? Judaism is a blueprint for world domination. Pretending it is anything else is a waste of time. You obviously embrace your heritage as you so proudly proclaim your mothers jewry.

you can claim to belong to a sect of Jews that denounces the international rootless clique of financiers BUT

Judaism is a cultural acid of sorts, used by these powerful few to establish footholds in and then slowly decay their host-nations.

YOU are the one sewing division amongst US.

WE are united against YOU whether you like it or not.

Just because your family never took advantage of the game being played does not mean you are not one of them. I bet you DO like Q...

I bet you take pride in false Ashkenazi high IQ propaganda.

You cant even fathom the idea that we wouldn't sell out and shill because it's IN YOUR FUCKING DNA TO DO SO. Guess what shlomo, some of us have more pride in our fucking toes than your race has in its entirety. Get lost you shlub.

14723432? ago

Not all jews are kabbalist. Many do not follow it nor any of the other pharasaical traditions. Don't be so stupid to suggest that they are. You are an American I assume. Do you identify with the corrupt white Americans that have trashed our government? Apparently not. So how about we hold you responsible for what you're government has done? Not all Jews identify with those wicked Kabbalist Zionist that ARE part of the globalist cabal. You are no better than they are. Get over yourself!

14719626? ago

So is Islam and Catholism, and all three have made their own attempts at it. Funny that on the top of all three is the Freemasons...

14719703? ago

This is foolish. Freemasons follow thelemic principles which are in essence crpyto Judaic principles. As both follow the Kabbalah.

As a matter of fact the highest freemasonic award is the "Hiram" award-- which is Hebrew for most noble brother.


Next please

14720179? ago

Freemasons follow thelemic principles

You've got it backwards: Thelemites imitate Freemasonry superficially.

14722542? ago

Im unsure what Thelema is or isnt I thought that Thelemic principles were thought up by A. Crowley, And Freemasonry were cryto-luciferian, I knew one once he told me things,

14720136? ago

Freemasonry encapsulated Judaism after the death of Solomon. Freemasonry is a higher order than the Sanhedrin. True mystical knowledge is held above Judaism, Catholism and Islam which are the three main control mechanisms over humanity. Society of Jesus, Society of Fatima and Elders of Zion are all equal and serve as the true entry points for humans to elevate themselves to the highest levels of power.

I am assuming above the societies is a greater society of Nimrod or something like that.

14717386? ago

You are shilling right now for anti-semites ...dummy.....for FREE. You confirmed.

14718146? ago

Shilling requires being given some sort of payment for espousing your opinion. He is simply giving his own opinion. You are a retard.

14718467? ago

I might add anti Semitic is a badge of honor in my eyes. I will forever be "anti" whomever wishes my people eradicated. I have heard/read far too many Jews wish for the death of my race for me to believe it is an isolated opinion of a few.

14718785? ago

Agreed, I have made other comments on this thread discussing the origins of Q. It's clear these toolbags never left their echochamber on reddit. They have never been on /pol, because obviously if they had they could read for themselves how to spot shills (and be aware of who they are) at the very top of the catalog, and they definitely would be aware of the JQ...

14716192? ago

Just remember that the Jewish mafia can do nothing without collaborators.

For sure there are Jewish crime bosses smuggling kidnapped Eastern European girls into North America. These girls often wind up working for biker run strip clubs. These bikers may have ties to the Aryan Brotherhood. Criminality, immorality, and greed is found in every race and ideology.

14721578? ago

Yes, but only Europeans belong in European lands, in any numbers.

We can not be the problem, even so, it's none of your business, jew.

14716140? ago

The select few jews pulling strings are ruthless killers and they don’t seem to give a fuck about my family so fuck them.

That's why people died in Pittsburgh. There has been enough evidence throughout history that points to the fact when top Jews run amok, they get the Jews at the bottom killed or hurt.

There is no self policing in the Jewish community. And by that, I mean there are no attempts to slow down the attacks on the host population through the destruction of societal standards. They won't let people live the way they want to live.

Also they work to enrich themselves and other tribe members without any thought to how the eventual backlash will affect the lowly Jews.

14719691? ago

Yup, Moses killed a ton of jews for worshipping a golden calf by ordering the levites to strike down the man to his left and right. Genocide of their own kind is common practice for their priests.

14732134? ago

And Nehemiah liked to pull beards ....

14735868? ago

People actually believe this shit: 5. God’s actions were not an example of ethnic cleansing.

The Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy) provides laws for two types of warfare: (1) battles fought against cities outside the Promise Land (see Deut. 20:10-15), and (2) battles fought against cities within the Promised Land (Deut. 20:16-18). The first type allowed for Israel to spare people; the second type did not. This herem practice (the second type of warfare) meant “devotion/consecration to destruction.” As a sacred act fulfilling divine judgment, it is outside our own categories for thinking about warfare. Even though the destruction is commanded in terms of totality, there seems to have been an exception for those who repented, turning to the one true and living God (e.g., Rahab and her family [Josh. 2:9], and the Gibeonites [Josh. 11:19]). What this means is that the reason for the destruction of God’s wicked enemies was precisely because of their rebellion and according to God’s special purposes—not because of their ethnicity. “Ethnic cleansing” and genocide refer to destruction of a people due to their ethnicity, and therefore this would be an inappropriate category for the destruction of the Canaanites.

14735900? ago

Though in Moses' defense, the canaanites were pedo-rapists and quite devilish, human sacrifice was normal.

14737196? ago

Of course they were. The story was written by the victors.

Dinah, that very pretty kike chick thought it a good idea to escape the clutches of her father and her brothers and have some fun with the locals. And to not get the blame she lied about being forced to have sex. That made her brothers so angry, they set up a ploy. When the Sichem boy wanted to do the right thing and mary the girl, pay any price, they fooled him into thinking that culturally enrichment was a good thing. So Sichem made all the men get cut, the brothers thought it a good idea to do some additional cutting and cut down all the men.

Right there in Genesis: Non Abraham people: watch out for cultural enrichment and their proponents. They will come for your dick first, kill you off and take your women. That is the morality of the story.

An from what I can see ..... this is exactly what is happening: feminism, feminization, sissyfication, multigenderfication of our society, men can no longer be men, lest they become relegated to the position of rarity beloning on par with some odd ball pubescent pretween in autist corner.

And who are the biggest proponents ......name names .... ethnicity ....

Yes ... rest my case.

Anymore willing fools to partake in this self immolation of natural identity?

Second point: And in Moses a charge, he had no qualms to let his brothers and sisters die for the sake of the one and true religion? - What you make a calf while I am on the mountain alone to get the 10 commandments? I kill you! - What? You dare to question me? I kill you! - What? You dare to long for meat to eat while I generously provide the Manna? I Kill you! - What? you dare to defy Aaron? I kill you! - What? you wanne go back to Egypt? I kill you! - What? You fraternise with some distant relatives, the enemy? I kill you!

How was that written? I dunno, but it sounded like I like the smell of napalm in the morning. In them days, they had no napalm. No, it's true. But burning bodies? yes they did. And God liked that smell.

14735874? ago

FYI ethnic cleansing is still ethnic cleansing, even if your "God" tells you to do it.

14716327? ago

"That's why people died in Pittsburgh. There has been enough evidence throughout history that points to the fact when top Jews run amok, they get the Jews at the bottom killed or hurt."

100% truth. And they even like it because they then can use the deaths of small jews to increase power for the big JEWS.

14716008? ago

All caps last sentence!!!! He's super serious guys.

14715918? ago

To the OP, many of us here think there are Jews, Christians and Muslims in the top levels of the cabal and the NWO! There are evil people in every race and religion. Q followers are people that want to fight evil and the NWO. I believe Christians can hate evil people and still be Christian. I am sick of QVR getting hijacked by Jew bashing! All the Jew bashing on voat has scared off thousands of Q followers from voat.

14724259? ago

You've been here what, a couple months and complaining about one of the site's foundational beliefs? I've been here nearly 4 years and knew fuck all about muslims, jews, nwo, clintons, soros, conspiracies, false flags etc etc. So what did I do, I watched the videos, read the articles and began to investigate on my own.

You know what I learned? There's a lot of shit going on behind the scenes. Why is Israel allowed to rape/pillage/invade Palestine? Is it still this WWII guilt towards the holocaust, aka holohoax the rest of the world is supposed to feel? The average Israeli and average Palestinian mean fuck all to me but I'd rather not have Palestinians being genocided and MSM not reporting. How many countries deserve 38billion in AID per year that are willingly committing acts of war against an 'enemy' that uses 100 year old technology?

I'll give you a quick holocaust fact. Only 7 of 19 internment camps had 'gas chambers'. The Russians 'liberated' 7 of the 19 internment camps. The Russian government was 85% Jew at the end of WWII. The 7 camps that had these gas chambers were the only 7 that were liberated by Russia.

14719493? ago

All the Jew bashing on voat has scared off thousands of Q followers from voat.

Good riddance too. If words written on an online forum scare them off those faggots shouldn't be here.

14716947? ago

So we welcome you on our site and you complain that we hate the people who are behind white genocide. What a faggot.

14716785? ago

The cabal want us divided, attacking each other instead of them. Divided by race, by religion, by culture, by class, by sexuality, or by any other identity group they can dream up. Divided we are weak. Together we are strong.

We should be judging people by their contribution, and only by their contribution. Does this person ask good questions, do good research, advance the red-pilling of the populace, do the Q Army work of spreading the memes that disrupt the mainstream narrative, and stand with us for the downfall of the cabal and restoration of true freedom for all? If yes, then we accept them and call them brother or sister. No matter what they look like, how they say their name, what birth land or cultural heritage they come from, how they choose to worship, or what sexual preferences they may have.

A good person who is helping us is a good person who is helping us, period. Group identity is the tool of the left. We do not use it.

14723244? ago

You can't make those with hate in their hearts understand anything about unity because it's not in there depraved nature. They are divisive by nature. They thrive on it like maggots on carrion. I hate that they take a piece of truth and turn it into a huge lie. Only God can change them. And He will change some. The rest will be condemned to the same hell as those they hate. THAT is why it is called HELL. Gnashing of teeth on each other for eternity. REPENT you vile spawn of satan...if you can!

14721421? ago

The cabal wants European nations overflowing with moslems, jews and niggers and Europeans marginalized in their own countries.

Same thing you want.

14717778? ago

The "cabal" doesn't want us divided. They want us dead or in chains and will take it any way they can get it.

You seem well meaning. Please take a minute to consider that the people you are arguing against may also be well meaning.

They mean to try and red pill people further than, maybe, you have been willing to go.

What if the "cabal" wants to push multiculturalism and disrupt traditional societal norms? They push immigration, miscegenation, transexuality, etc. Why? If they want us divided?

They thrive when our traditional nations are thrown into chaos.

What if group identity is real and natural? We were created and have evolved as separate groups, with different appearance, abilities, dispositions, and behavior. What if the real tool of the "cabal" is group "blindness"? What if they want us to disown our own groups, that they may more easily bring our nations into chaos?

Is it possible there are still some ways in which you are asleep?

Is it possible you could be the one that is wrong on this one?

Remember the other red pills you've taken. How were you before? Maybe there are more red pills out there, still to be taken.

Be humble. Engage with their arguments. Be brave.

Free the speech, and liberate the mind.

It's not about hate, it's about truth.

14716445? ago

I would postulate: There are Few jews on Q!

14718176? ago

Very, very, very few. Most are JIDF.

14722374? ago

JDIF, Global Engagement Centre, GCHQ and I forget the other one.

14715896? ago

Jew's are god's chosen people, Christ was a JEW how easy it is to forget.

"For dispensationalists, the Jews are God’s chosen people. For the Millennium to come, they must be living in Israel, whose capital is Jerusalem; there, the Temple will rise again at the time of Armageddon. On the eve of that final battle, the Antichrist will appear—probably in the form of a seeming peacemaker. Fundamentalists differ over who the Antichrist will be (at one time he was thought to be Nero, at another time the papacy, and today a few have suggested the secretary-general of the United Nations), but dispensationalists agree that he will deceive the people, occupy the Temple, rule in the name of God, and ultimately be defeated by the Messiah. Many dispensationalists believe that how a person treats Israel will profoundly influence his eternal destiny."

14719930? ago

You realize that this is old writings, that none of this is true its all a fucking fantasy. I'm not saying there is no God, but what I am saying is that man is completely in capable of understanding one if its exists, thus anything that mankind writes concerning god is nothing but their own imagination and its entirely subjective.

So why so much fuss over a fictional imaginary idea of god? Because of the power that comes with "Controlling" God, and this is why Judaeo-Christianity has persisted thus far, because it gives the tangible ability of controlling massive amounts of people. Catholism/Judaism/Islam all are complete frauds perpetrated on mankind and all have a higher order which controls them. (Freemasonry)

Yeshua was just a woke dude who fought corruption in organized religion who taught Gnosticism over absolute law. Nothing more/Nothing less. He also tried to warn you about the folly of organized religions - but he was crucified and an organized religion was created in his name.

Saying that one group of people is "God's Chosen" is ripe grounds for racial supremacy and war, and getting kicked out of 100's of nations throughout history. Such a concept goes to show the depths of narcissism which humanity sinks too, when in reality the human is less important than the maggot and any notion suggesting otherwise shows the complete failure of mankind to realize its true nature and thus true power of God.

14717595? ago

I’m highly suspicious already about what actually is said in the “book” and what actually is inserted as justification. I would believe only the New Testament.

14716059? ago

and how does Israel treat the descendants of the first Christian disciples in the Holy Land? How long will you sit on the fence, claiming communion with the Church but putting the Jews who rejected Christ on a higher standing than your fellow Christians or Christian descendants of Jews.

If Jews are still God's "chosen people" 2,000 years after Christ, why don't you just convert already?

14715890? ago

It's not all jews, or really any jews. It also doesn't have anything to do with those poor people living in Israel. It's always been satanists. they pose as jews and aethists, many of them also are ethnically jewish, but they are WAY different from the average schmo.

14717389? ago

Yes, it is, we have a long enough history with jews in general to know better.

Don't shit in my cup and call it a sundae.

14716420? ago

you're stupid. it's been zionist jews from the start.

14716989? ago

Sure, those top kikes are defiantly LARPing as Jews and are actually worshiping Satan though. It's pretty obvious, go look at is-real-hell. None of those jews are wanderers and parasites. Go to the local bank, none of those jews are insane lefties.

14715832? ago

Yes I know what you are saying. I'm a Scot myself. So I have been an impartial observer to this. But by no means a silent or complicit one.

I'm sorry you are feeling isolated and hated. The really woke here know this is not a race issue. The haters are still stuck in the emotional manipulation of being told by the cabal who to hate.

The cabal always plays this division game to get us fighting anyone but them. I honestly think many of these Jew hating posts are just cabal guys stirring up division among us. So these post will never stop.

Don't believe any woke person is fooled by this. To be truly woke means to see the narcissistic manipulation and abuse tactics being used on us. These! https://www.brainsyntax.com/Portal/Material/1/David_McDonough_Gov_abuse_brainsyntax.pdf

We know who the real enemy is! It's the narcissists, psychopaths and pedophiles. The people that destroyed their conscience by committing atrocities against innocent people.

Doing this results in physical damage to the frontal lobes of their brains! https://scienceleadership.org/thumbnail/38918/1920x1920

These are the predators we are fighting. Don't let them fool you that we blame all Jews. They are manipulating the woke Jews in this way. Stay with us bro.

These lies have been successful because power and wealth is magnetic to psychopaths. Every nation that has been a global power is extremely narcissistic and has a very high percentage of psychopaths. Britain has been devastated by our pathocratic elites. Same with the US! Same happened to the Romans!

No woke person would seriously advocate attacking Jews here. Committing atrocities against innocent people is what creates psychopaths. So this is not a solution but more of the same. Tells you all you need to know about who is posting this!!

It's the sane against the psychopaths. And we need all the help we can get.

I'm happy to stand beside any woke brother in this fight.

When you replace the hate with understanding the true definition of our enemy you can see through these fools.

Let all the emotional manipulation and hate go. That's not your feelings, that's theirs that they have projected at you.

14719876? ago

No true Scotsman, indeed.

14719905? ago

I'm from Paisley you reality warping pedo

14719372? ago

So glad to see another Scot following this, gets lonely over here!

14722892? ago

Welsh neighbor, here!

14725663? ago

This is becoming quite the gathering of clans. Shut must be about to go down!

14719689? ago

We are very well represented in this movement for the tiny population we have.

We had our part in the last American revolution too.

It's not like we would miss out on a good fight now is it?

14721012? ago

William Wallace decendant ??? Damn we could use a shitload of his type!!!

14721200? ago

He was born in Elderslie. Just two miles from my hometown!

14721312? ago

Just had that gut feeling...WWG1WGA•WW Including Scotland, where my people came from long ago...

14719063? ago

Seems like the tactic being used by shills to sow division is to point out the holocaust.

It serves two purposes, to paint the movement as racists for outsider optics, and to sow division and aversion among those who do not want to be associated with a racially focused group.

They use the holocaust because, yeah, the numbers don't add up, but how the hell is that helping us here right now

I'm a half jew btw.

14719620? ago

You’re letting other people dictate your beliefs if you worry about whether people will consider it racist first.

We refute the holocaust because it’s one of a few events used to justify rampant white hatred and the ongoing genocide of our people.

14718034? ago

THIS IS WHAT I HOPED TO SEE WHEN I MADE THIS POST ^^^ This is thoughtful, mature, open minded and truthful. The fight is for our survival. The top bloodlines ONLY care about their immediate family. They drew a line in the sand.

14717654? ago

No woke person would seriously advocate attacking Jews here. Committing atrocities against innocent people is what creates psychopaths

Jews are behind white genocide. Where do you come off calling them innocent or even people?

14719746? ago

So you're saying that you yourself are guilty of what your ancestors have done in the past. Got it.

14719818? ago

Nigger what? Holohaux don't real mayne.

14717810? ago

We can see you narcissists lol

Did you drop this on the way in here lol https://www.brainsyntax.com/Portal/Material/1/David_McDonough_Gov_abuse_brainsyntax.pdf

Slander, guilt by association, dehumanizing and demonizing!

So tell us what did you do to destroy your conscience?

I think you should deal with your own shame and guilt rather than projecting it all at people you don't even know.

Good try though lol

14717969? ago

I imagine most of you anti racist turds from reddit never actually had any jew friends. Every jew i've known, ones I called friends will never escape their cultural marxist mindset. If you try to give them evidence of the narrative being false they will immediately think you are the one brainwashed and proceed to never even look at the evidence you presented. When the time comes and all these lowly jew pawns of their wealthy jew overlords make us choose a side, they will choose the side of the immigrant horde over the white natives who built this fucking country.

14717855? ago

Your jew tricks don't work on me rabbi. Notice how you didn't engage about white genocide and the jews role in that. You went right to trying to manipulate my feelings. Though tits nigger. Only people I care about, can affect my emotions. Don't care about you demonrats.

14717108? ago

I agree completely. It's like the Leftists who blame "America" for all ills of the world instead of diferenciating between DS Americans vs White Hat Americans. It's slight of hand as in this Denesh D'Souza lecture https://youtu.be/By3w0YR06gk

14716454? ago


14716267? ago

I am still relatively new here, but I have been attacked by shills because I am not racist and do not use racist terms. I am coming to distinguish true Q anons from shills by whether their remarks are to further truth and understanding or to cause division. I refuse to give those who are divisive any more of my time.

14717328? ago

You don't know what a shill is

14719238? ago

latest shill tactic: "You don't know what a shill is"

14719338? ago

Fucking retard

14720404? ago

Thanks for answering that, but we already knew that a shill is a fucking retard.

14720478? ago

You suck at this. Lurk more, faggot

14720746? ago

You can't stop, can you? I can probably keep you here all night.

14720899? ago

You can. I love talking shit. I'm stubborn with it. what's it worth to you, loser?

14721082? ago

Actually, you're starting to bore me. You win. Good night.

14716922? ago

Anti white racists kicked your ass off reddit for being white. Here with us white racists is one of the few places where you are allowed to speak your mind. Who the fuck side do you think you are on? You still believe you are one of them? White genocide is not real?

14736237? ago

We're here for Q and because we support their plan. They have never, not even ONCE, said that Jews or blacks are the enemy. If you're okay with that, great. If not, you're not really part of what they're doing, you're just fighting against the media narrative in a way that will fail.

14741728? ago

Do you believe there is a white genocide going on?

14744781? ago

In South Africa there is about to be. I wish we would import their farmers. SO SO valuable, their knowledge and work ethic.

14746791? ago

Ok. What do you call all of our education teaching out kids to be commies and hate white people?

14751550? ago

A plot - it even works from two directions. Stack the deck against the young generation financially (good luck to them - in places like CA they can't even survive without their parents), and when they begin to feel hopeless, like they will never be able to make it let alone prosper - et voila. Someone who is now open to communism.

14722818? ago

You white supremacist are fools. There is no Supreme race. There is only one race. The human race. It has many different ethnicities but we all descended from Noah. Are some Jews wicked? Yep! Every ethnic tribe has it's wicked psychopaths. The Jewish ones just seem to be most astute to it. I, myself, am of Welsh heritage and white supremacists make my stomach turn. You are not only NOT Supreme but you are mostly filthy vile animals that make me embarrassed to know that I share my ethnicity with you. God has sheep from every nation, tribe, and tongue...including Jews. So piss off with your supremist venom. Without God's saving grace you'll burn in the same hell as the wicked Jews and Gentiles. You should be begging God for mercy!

14736270? ago

One race. The human race. Various shades of beige. Which is the right one? The fool says "the right shade of beige is the shade I am! Everyone else is the wrong shade!". W.T. Actual. F.

14722903? ago

Shut up child and learn the truth.


14723508? ago

There it is! Free speech only if you agree with it. Get over yourself!

14727212? ago

It's about the survival of the white race. YOU get over yourself.

14717194? ago

Damn straight.

White genocide is undeniably real and no one here has come even close to disproving that.

Time to pick your own side, white man.

14717446? ago

White genocide is undeniably real and no one here has come even close to disproving that.

Whos been trying to disprove that? All I've been seeing is debate between if its "all jews" or "just the satan worshiping ones"

14717475? ago

It doesn’t mater because you’ll never be able to separate the two. We don’t have to decide which is which when none of them are allowed in.

14716599? ago

Same with me. If you box in all people of a group, it means, in my mind, you are a loser because likes attract likes. So you end up attracting bad people around you, and generalise from one bad individual to demonising a whole group. Best thing is either to ignore them, or just to respond like this : WWG1WGA Do not even try to argue with them, they love to hate ! Yes, those people are cabal minions, they come here to divide us.

14736294? ago

It's odd that they think they are fighting against "Jew-owned media", when in fact they are promoting the EXACT same message "divide".

Did not Q say divided we are weak, together we are strong? These people are acting AGAINST the Q plan.

14736777? ago

Exactly. And lots of medias are anti-Israel also. Strange. WWG1WGA ! Cheers! :-)

14716758? ago

This needs to be repeated often for newbies coming in. It can be disconcerting to be attacked by shills but even more so for those who are new here.

14717273? ago

This emotionally instable, hardly intelligent inferior female creature-who-should-not-even-be-allowed-to-vote wholeheartedly agrees with you, my friend. Shills are in ambush and are going to down voat en masse, like dutiful little hate loving bots, very much NPC's, if you ask me. Pavlovian, they react to trigger words such as: Jew, black, unwhite, women, asian and so on. Then they go beserck and hysterical and emotional, very ¨womenlike¨ (it is not me saying that, it is them), makes me laugh ! The worse thing you can do is to try to reason with those NPC's of the 3rd kind. Or to justify yourself.

14718772? ago

The word is unstable not instable. Unless of course you are actually in a stable.

14720901? ago

I resemble that remark...

14718862? ago

That's right ! Oops!

14717335? ago

Wanna take a guess at where the npc meme started? Do you know what they believe there? Come up with your own meme.

14717527? ago

Errr... I didn't grow up with a laptop in my cot. Grand-mother age / not a nerd. What I do, I suggest some meme ideas, so far. I do not have the tools to create a meme.

14717631? ago

A meme is an idea, they’ve existed at least as long as humans have been able to communicate ideas to one another. A lot of people use the word wrong.

14717775? ago

Thing is, for a non-native English speaker, it took me time to grasp the concept because I couldn't find the equivalent in my language. No proper translation.

14717574? ago

Your here, you have the tool. It's all web based. Ducknsearch how to make memes.

14717748? ago

OK, I'll try. I only ever did basic stuff on my computer. I use it for word processing, and research tool on the net. :-(

14721379? ago

You will have fun. They give picture options, you choose one. Then you type what you want and save the picture. Meme generator is your search term.


I am an advanced Photoshop shop editor so this new for me also. Here is the second search result. https://memegenerator.net/create

14722019? ago

Wow, great ! You are a champ'! I feel like trying now! I am shaking in my boots! :-)))) I keep those notes! Cheers!

14722411? ago

It's easy as typing on this website, a little bit of highlight copy and paste. Press the save button under the post that has the directions and it with save to your voat user page 'saved pages'.

14722499? ago


14717577? ago

Duck duck go.com

14715743? ago

Children will often over-generalize, and don't understand the finer points of a complex problem. IMO not all Jews are involved, and all races and all religions are involved somehow.

14720047? ago

redpill time : the inquisitions, spanish included, were both not terribly bad, and in place for a damned good reason. Blood libel. The Jews (and aye, on this topic I'd very much agree, not all Jews) have been practising their satanic rituals for centuries, often leading to violent reactions. The inquisitions were one such reaction, and were very tame, for the most part. About 3-5k people were executed during 3 centuries of the spanish inquisition, or to put it another way, about 1 a month. They were all very much guilty of genuine crimes. I suspect America probably kills a similar number of people on death row. Is the American justice system horrific?

14716938? ago

The church has been ran by jew satanists since the 1450's. That's why they don't punish the pedo priests. They encourage it.

Nice try tough you jew faggot. Like you retards always do, try to blame normal white people for your crimes.

14716513? ago

If the Jews know NWO is not really Jewish, why don’t they say something? Perks?!

14723158? ago

A great deal of them are basically born into wealth. It prevents them from wanting to leave the tribe I guess.

14715764? ago

How many of those other "races and religions" are in charge of the Federal Reserve?

14715892? ago

A fraction of 1% of the total Jewish population.

14716555? ago

Who owns MSM? Not Goy. Who owns Hollywood? Not Goy Who owns the banks? Not Goy. ...

14715889? ago

A few Jews in power doesn't make them all guilty by association!

Not all Jews are psychopaths and not all psychopaths are Jews.

This is a conspiracy between the psychopaths of all nations and religions. That's why we have never been able to properly identify who was controlling our world.

The Jews didn't manage this all by themselves mate!

14718212? ago

Kikes are born psychopaths or made to be so by their culture. No changing simple facts. They put the Tribe above all else.

14716598? ago

My family was christian, but I don't define myself by that. I define myself as an American. If you are a jew in America, denounce your jewish heritage and pay homage to america and america only. Help dispense the truth. The truth is, communism is a jewish creation (a jewish elite creation if you're butthurt about being lumped in with them), there was no attempt to exterminate jews, America was pressured to join the war by jewish interests in america, and far more truths that are taboo to discuss in many parts of this world.

14716307? ago

When the Jews, as a body, start bonding together to vigorously fight the cabal of their own psychopaths then they will have fully shown that they are part of the worldwide solution. I consider a brother any Jew who also fights against the federal reserve and admits the reality of major Jewish control over both its operation and foundation. Having said that, it would be hard to be a truly patriotic freedom loving Jew, you would have to turn your back on a great deal of your culture and society, I openly admit that.

14717629? ago

There are plenty of jews fighting for good, only an idiot deals in absolutes, all religions and races are involved in evil, and all are involved in good. We cannot let it be race or religion which binds us together, but rather morality and aim.

14717869? ago

I don't disagree with any of that. But until those good Jews can acknowledge the MAJOR role (much larger on average than ANY OTHER GROUP) that BAD JEWS have played they are not acknowledging the truth of our reality. There are bad members of all groups. But the BAD JEWS group together and provide protection for each other using their overbalanced power. This has to be acknowledged by the good jews or they really are not fighting back.

To be Jewish and a patriot will be a hard road to walk, you will literally have to turn your back on a portion of your people, and I believe most will find themselves unable to do so. But the strong CAN do it.

14715715? ago

I don't want to hate anyone, whether you be a jew, a nigger, or a faggot. However, it bothers me, that jews get so much of the attention when it comes to atrocities. Hundreds of millions died in the Soviet/China Communist regimes, but people only want to focus on Hitler as the only bad guy there ever was. I don't like hate speech at all, but I want free speech. You can insult a nigger, a faggot, or almost any other group. But everywhere has censorship laws against anti semites. That's a little fishy. Not all jews are at fault, but jews themselves can help by stop supporting censorship, stop supporting liberalism/marxism, and by red pilling their fellow jews.

14721385? ago

Moslem general Tamerlane (Timor) slaughtered 17 million in the 14th century.

That was 5% of the total world population back then.

No one gives a single fuck.

14716804? ago

Jew here, I don’t give two shits if you love Hitler and the nazis...talk all the shit you want. I think we should be able to have an open dialogue and speak about it. I don’t agree with you but I’m not going to shut you down. Let’s talk about it. When free speech turns to violent acts that’s when it’s an issue. Free speech is important for us to see the truth.

Here’s an example: It’s frowned upon to speak about your salary with coworkers right? Well why is that? If you are just as qualified as your coworker, I think you should know why you’re getting paid more/less. The only person it benefits to keep these things secret, the boss paying you. But if you start beating up whoever’s getting paid more..now it’s a problem for your equal not your superior... Let’s come together to fight the people in power!!

So let’s speak our truths and work these things through... free speech is important for our growth.

14717997? ago

Exactly my position. Absolute free speech, except calling for murder, obviously. And me, as a women, I don't give a shit what you think about women. Furthermore, if you have been so far unable to meet a nice woman, you are a loser, because like attracts like. Never got a good jew -sorry, joooooohhhhhhhhh friend? Loser!

14717568? ago

Hey man if you ever want to be woken up that the Holocaust is a lie it only takes half an hour of your life.

I think you can give half an hour.


Also : not advocating it was "all jews" either, just the ones that pushed this lie.

14718396? ago

what a crock of shit

14718464? ago

Only takes half an hour my friend. Watch it while you poop for multitasking

14723736? ago

Dude that video is over 4 hrs long...are you kidding me

14723878? ago

Like I said, you only need to watch the first half hour for it to completely destroy the official stories credibility.

14715630? ago

America and Europe are European nations.

You don't have the right to be here against our will despite our long and acromonious history.

If you say you do, then don't pretend to be our friends and prepare for war.

Can't have it both ways.

14715604? ago

the ones screaming the loudest on repeat are probably the tiniest percentage of voaters

just sayin

14716969? ago

That's true. It's a tiny group of jews that keep making these threads. They are paid for and work for mossad. Look it up faggot.

14715624? ago

The ones who are ignoring the facts and not asking questions or doing research are probably newfags who came from Reddit recently.

14715572? ago

As a "good" Jew here helping the Q Movement, please help to answer some questions for all the non-Jews:

  1. Did the Holocaust happen? Did 6,000,000 Jews really die in showers and ovens in concentrations camps?
  2. Why is it OK for Jews to charge usury to non-Jews (goyim) but, it is forbidden for Jews to charge usury for other Jews?

If the answer to number 1 is "well, the number 6,000,000 might not be accurate, but does it really matter?" the answer is YES! Yes, it does matter. If the numbers are not correct, why aren't the good Jews (like yourself) trying to correct the mistake and make sure that other Jews are projecting an accurate picture of what really happened? Where did the number 6,000,000 come from anyway?

14721341? ago

Six million open gates ; This is article after article stating the 6million long before due date - 271 pages of articles written long before even WWI! https://ia600808.us.archive.org/7/items/SIXMILLIONOPENGATESByS.A.R.Lynch271/SIX%20MILLION%20OPEN%20GATES%20By%20S.A.R.%20Lynch-271.pdf

And this one is just an example from the book: New York Times 11th June, 1900: “There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism." https://magaimg.net/img/6lbz.pngPNG

14716867? ago

You are equally capable of answering your own questions. You must feel powerless if you believe me (OP) has some GREAT power to pose the question myself. I’m flattered.

14722761? ago

So, you're deflecting? Go back to your JIDF masters and tell them you failed today.

14719919? ago

sweet pilpul Moshe

Hint : this is why you're hated.

14758068? ago

Kill or be killed. Get some.

14759535? ago

kill or be killed

I am so fucking ok with this situation.

Ready the ovens!

14718729? ago

Incredible, you sound like every liberal Jew I've ever met. JIDF fucking shill

14717848? ago

Typical jew. That’s why all of you have to go.

14717288? ago

This is hella misguided by those who only know the half-truth. The "real" cabal are Sabbatean cultists. Look up Sabbatea Tzvi. He was the original Kabbalist who inverted all Judaic teachings and "invented" modern day Luciferianism/Devil Worship.

The fact these trolls on here "blame jews" is an unfortunate side effect of the fact that Tzvi co-oped the Judaic faith as vehicle of recruitment into his cult. I'm sorry you have to deal with hatred from those who are less-than-fully informed.

knowledge awaits >


14719236? ago

Tradition has it that Moses when he came down the mountain from the presence of God with the tablets, that he had also been given by God the names of the principal angels with strict instruction not to worship the angels but to worship God only as is the first Commandment. Some of the priests of the tribe of Levi disobeyed God and in secret begin calling on some of the angels and created the Kaballah (not the design as the one you now find on the internet) that is another twisted tale) as an encryption device to spell out the names with stick lined symbols to hide what they were doing from the other priests who sought to obey God.

As some of the angels ( a third of them according to Revelation 12) were cast down from heaven in the battle with Michael and his angels, they became the servants of their master Satan, the demons fomenting the evil of this world.upon those who have yielded their authority and worship to them or in other ways opened door in their life.

Those name symbols are still present to this day adorning the objects used in Masonic, Crowley Witchcraft (Magick), Luciferian rituals, White witchcraft, and in some current Cabalistic practice.

With this additional information I fully agree with the post I have replied to, and I am also sorry for those of you who have been lumped together those who sin against God buy continuing these practices.

14756076? ago

Kabbalism isn't demonic. It's the original seed of the Jewish faith. The bible wasn't written all at once, not even the 5 original mosaic books. Genesis only came about much later in the Jewish faith as a text. The first book of the bible ever to be written is the book of Job. Biblical scholarship and scriptural archaeology confirm this.

What you're referencing is the hidden knowledge of the priestly caste, which concerns itself with the induction and use of mystic states of consciousness. Think about monastic orders, zen monks etc. The corollary in Judaism is Kabbalism.

The main hinge of all the mystic teachings from East to West is that mankind is inheritor of a transcendental state of super-awareness. "zen" "samadhi" "gnosis" "ecstacy"

So the reason I am writing this to you, is to remind you not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Most occultism is thoroughly corrupted because it teaches you to use the super-awareness to bend the world to your will, and inflict harm and selfishness, etc.

However the mystic state of consciousness itself is supremely holy, and the cultivation of it is truly the primary goal of all spiritual practice.

With that being said, with the proper context, kabbalistic / pagan study ("the zodiac") can yield profound insights into one's own nature and how best to conduct one's behavior and purpose in the world.

insofar as tzvi inverted kabbalism and made it a tool for the devil, is a measure to which it is meant to be a tool for the righteous. in other words, he could not have invented something so satanic without first desecrating a practice that was holy, and systematically redefining judaism's morality and virtues.

14717173? ago

Just like a Jew

14716889? ago

Lol. Like a true jew, never willing to give an honest answer. How's the suicidal thoughts been lately? Are you still able to resists? Wouldn't it be nice if you finally have peace in your head though? Don't you want to make it all stop?

14717371? ago

In light of the synagogue shooting you posting this shit here is extremely misguided. The thing is I bet you've got a list of references about "the evil jew." Sure dude, sure. What you really need to be researching is the Sabbatean cult and the Frankist movements. That is the original seed of the cabal and luciferianism as practiced in the modern day. The unfortunate fact of the matter is they stole the jewish identity and used it as a means to recruit into their satanic cult. With a more nuanced understanding of history you can grow out of this grade-school level racism and name-calling and see where the true root of the modern evil comes from:

Sabbatai Tzvi! Antichrist and false messiah born 1666 - the son of satan and the devil's emissary on earth may shame follow his name wherever it is spoken for all of time


14717425? ago

It's still jews. You've already tried to sell em this it's not the jews, it's other jews bit. I am not interested.

14717191? ago

He has just as much access to the same information sources as you or I have!
It's as stupid as asking someone who identified themselves as being a Christian what was Billy Graham's favorite brand of underwear.

14717247? ago

Fruit of the Loom briefs. I would 100% put money on it.

14716491? ago

The # comes from scripture. WWII was not the first time it was proposed. It ‘had’ to be 6M.

14716854? ago

Where in scripture? Is there a verse?

14721238? ago

Six million open gates ; This is article after article stating the 6million long before due date - 271 pages of articles written long before even WWI! https://ia600808.us.archive.org/7/items/SIXMILLIONOPENGATESByS.A.R.Lynch271/SIX%20MILLION%20OPEN%20GATES%20By%20S.A.R.%20Lynch-271.pdf

And this one is just an example from the book: New York Times 11th June, 1900: “There are 6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism." https://magaimg.net/img/6lbz.png

14731659? ago

Thanks for the link!

14732400? ago

Your'e welcome!

14717013? ago

Jewish scriptures. Not the Christian bible.

14717071? ago

You mean the tulmud? In which chapter and book from the tulmud does it mention the 6m? I'd like to look it up.

14718359? ago

Here is the origin

14716573? ago

really? hadn't heard that before.

14719954? ago

To add to the nice link below, the root of this number is due to a prophecy within either the torah or the talmud, I forget which. It basically says that the Jews will be able to return to Israel, 'minus 6,000,000', hence why the number is precisely 6 mil, not 5.8 or 6.2.

14721303? ago

ic. thanks for the intel.

that is some kind of wack shit that somehow makes such things a literal goal of some people to make other people believe.

14717065? ago

Very interesting! The holocaust was/is a scam.

14718400? ago

Yes it is.

14716254? ago

I will sincerely listen to what OP has to say when they answer your questions. Thank you for posting them.

14716901? ago

They won't answer them. They are only here to pretend they are a normal human being, so all the softies will have their emotions manipulated again.

14717910? ago

If this is the case then in a way they will have answered the questions simply by ignoring them.

And that is unfortunate. It will just be another Jew who is unwilling to lift the rug and see where all the swept dirt has been hidden for generations.

This is why it is very, very difficult to be both Jewish and a patriot. But it is possible. At least, I have yet to be convinced otherwise.

14717973? ago

You are such a dumb jew. This stupid manipulation doesn't work on me buddy. All jews are scum. They are behind white genocide and deserve to be stopped.

14720753? ago

You have every right to whatever opinions you want to hold.

14716853? ago

Seems you are in the minority....

14717542? ago

It's never bothered me before. Don't plan on letting it bother me now.

14717168? ago


14716104? ago

Bro if you wanna disprove the Holocaust just use this handy documentary. They don't even have to watch all of it. It makes the holocaust look fucking ridiculous in a half hour.


14720809? ago

Im guessing you have never been to Auschwitz or the other concentration camps. Looked pretty fucking real to me.

14721857? ago

Yes Concentration camps were for concentrating people, away from the war where they would be safe. If they were for killing why were the people kept alive for so long. Feeding people you want to kill in wartime that's some pretty bad German efficiency. Why did so many refuse to leave when allies turned up. Why stay in a place that was going to kill you????

14729944? ago

yes, This effect is also garnered with every pilgrimage I take.

When I came to Egypt, it looked pretty real to me. But then again, I had to remind myself that the attribution by Herodotus still lives on. The land is called Misr. And the Nile is really not a river in Egypt, as it's name is Hapi. Ever wondered why you won't find that name in the Thorah? I can see you never did, while seriously studying your bible.

That a mis-attribution becomes a fact of history, well, it is not unique, though it can live a very long life perpetuated on purpose. And you are a member of it's ...how was the name of that song?

Ah, yes: a faithful follower of fashion.

14719292? ago

Do you really think EVERY JEW born in America is in on the secret? Those who are angered in the light of the truth are not always evil, and the truth hasn't been shown to the world. Are ALL NEW YORKERS who aren't exposing the 9/11 secret in on it?

14723093? ago

The jew shills seem to like repeating "they want us divided" quite a lot.

Whether they're in it or not, they're practically a race of NPCs.

14726162? ago

what's in untrue about them wanting us divided? They want us divided INDISCRIMINATELY because that's the difference between intelligence and bigotry

14726277? ago

Absolutely nothing. But clearly taking advantage of that same "division concern" with upvote bots to shill for Jewish interest all over QRV is fucking appalling to anyone with a brain.

14732476? ago

Defending the right to conform to whatever you want =/= supporting Judasim. They can believe and practice whataver they want, they just need to get the fuck out of Politics, Media. We will end up divided from liberals and shills, but if you divide based on religion than you've become the bully they want you to be, so they can point and scream anti-semitism. I know a couple jews I like in real life, I've never talked to them about their religion but they're kind and sharing people. That being said, the manuscript written for this religion, much like with Islam and sharia courts, has no place in western culture. Anyone is welcome as part of the society, they can live here and do whatever they want in private. But you can't demand they convert

Anyone on either side who's just repeating the same phrase comes off as a shill, whether it's about judasim or not. You can yell it's the jews fault all you want, but you're playing right into their game. If you point at an individual and scream that he's abusing his religious freedom and being a scumbag, that's different. That person is allowed to live here, we have plenty of scumbags in america. They just don't get to own our political system and indoctrinate us into following into their model for the world

14721260? ago

Oh, I'm not one of the ones proclaiming to kill all Jews or anything. They've been tricked just like the rest of us.

14726176? ago

Glad to hear it. There have been some insane shills saying gassings were justified and jews deserve to die. Scary how good they are at taking patriotism and creating hatred.

14720473? ago

They wont answer your question, they'll dance around it spewing hate. I've been hitting them with a similar question for over a year and haven't got a straight answer.

Should the rest of the world want to kill all Americans for what our government has done?

14726234? ago

So other people spewing hate becomes conspiratorial crime? And to answer that quote, absolutely not, not every american should be punished for the black ops going on without our knowledge, even if (especially since) it's being conducted without our tax dollars, because we NEVER AGREED OR APPROVED BLACK OPS MISSIONS. Jews did not universally create a mafia and create sheep and masters to partake. The masters began to rule the ignorant sheep and ostracize the intelligent ones, or induct them into the ranks. None of the sheep, american or jew, have ever been complicit and should not be held accountable without evidence.

14718375? ago

You are full of shit

14718445? ago

Only takes half an hour from your life. Watch it while you take an extra long shit or something.

14732316? ago

You video IS an extra long shit

14732328? ago

So you haven't watched it yet I take it?

14732451? ago

No. And I won't waste my time. Jew haters are flat earth level nuts.

14732508? ago

When did I say I hated Jews? I'm just trying to get people to see that they've been lied to.

14732827? ago

Nuts like you enabled the synagogue shooter nut. Congratulations, nutcase

14733469? ago

Still have never called for violence!

And those Rabbis shoulda been armed! Then they could have defended themselves from the attacker.

14734980? ago

eat a dick

14717762? ago

I haven't seen that one, good post

14716377? ago

truth. good ol fashioned truth.

14719773? ago

Truth is in the eye of the beholder and as such may be all lie to another. And every lie may have some truth in it. What one group calls an absolute lie may be totally truth. What is proclaimed as the testimony of eyewitnesses as absoIute truth may be judged a lie by a jury. What about Dr. Christine Ford and Brett Kavanaugh who was telling the truth? Where will you find truth in this age?

I know of only one truth and that is the one who is the way , the truth and the life. and who stated to Pilate; Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” John 18:37

14715513? ago

There's a reason this post is a sticky https://voat.co/v/QRV/2806951

Ignore calls to violence, they're just shills. Anyone who suggest killing millions of people because a cult fucked with their heads is morally bankrupt. They would be not better than those they are trying to kill.

14716985? ago

Am I allowed to kill someone who wants to murder all of my people?

14717428? ago

If you have the manpower to handle all opposition, yes.

14717336? ago

Your still here typing away...

14717357? ago

Yeah, I am exposing jews.

14717001? ago

Are you an executioner?

14717062? ago

Jews tend to "answer" questions with a question. Already got my answer.

14717374? ago

Am I allowed to kill someone who wants to murder all of my people?

This is a more complicated question than you're giving it credit for. No, normally you're not allowed to go in the street and kill anyone, even if they tell you they want to kill all of your people. Words are not a reason to kill someone over, actions are.

If someone attempts to rob you, invade your home, etc, you have a right to put them down.

If we expand this to a Nation level then you should be able to kill any bad actors or people trying to subvert your country, like I bet you'd say "the jews" are.

You just have to prove 100% of jews are trying to subvert this country.

Spoiler alert, you can't.

14717401? ago

The answer is yes. I am allowed to protect my people from genocide by jew faggots.

14717417? ago

You just have to prove 100% of jews are trying to subvert this country.

Spoiler alert, you can't.

14717465? ago

You are a jew who thinks he can command me. Spoiler alert. You don't have any power over me. There's tons of more people exactly like me. We are waking up more every day too. Better start heating up the ovens for real this time shlomo.

14717505? ago

I'm still waiting for you to justify murdering people who have no idea whats going on. Just keep calling me a jew, go ahead it's alright.

14717623? ago

Already gave you your answer retard.

14717325? ago

“jews tend?” YOU are the problem with hate on Voat.

14717369? ago

Save the fake outrage for someone dumb enough not to see you are a jew, you faggot.

14715658? ago


What people here are saying is: "Research for yourself and determine if the Jews are telling you the truth"

It's OK to ask questions about Jews. You're not an anti-semite for doing research and asking questions. Apologists try to twist this around and say "Anyone who doesn't believe the official version of the facts is trying to kill the Jews!" This makes the Jews the victim. They always love to play the victim. This prevents people from asking questions or looking for the truth.

14722486? ago

I kept telling people they were using this shit to play the victim card again. I got nothing but mass-downvoted. This entire board is compromised.

14715845? ago


I've seen plenty try to say that, but they're the people I'm saying should be ignored.

14715481? ago

Jesus was as Jew. He started Christianity and urged Jews to give up their old religion (Judaism) and follow him. Convert to Christianity and stop practicing Judaism. You can't serve two masters. You're either loyal to Jews, or you're loyal to America. Which is it?

14732040? ago

He is said to be a jew.

That is the story.

But ... At least he knew his mother, whoever is real father was, for a ay or for a night, he must have been a sort of happy man. And apart from the clear plagiarism in terms of the annunciation and the adoration of the magi, the convoluted census story which would put him in the land of Misr, we know as Egypt, he is from Galilea, Jesus ben Miriam. Note also what Matthew says: believed to be the son of .... yes, you read that right: the favorite construct in fake news. The Judeans hated him, naming him to be a Samaritan, not a real jew. A Galilean second hand jew claimant, like an ashkenazi .. (ashke- nazi. And an Askenazi jew invented the slur Nazi for a national socialist. hahaha, you can't make this stuff up. )

The claim that Jesus urged jews to give up their religion is false. He at times showed them their irrationality, inhumanity, ungodliness for rejecting the purpose of a law in favor of legal hairsplitting. The best you could say, is he asked them to consider their religion and heritage on a higher spiritual plane. A sort of shedding of the literal.

The Constitution is an expression of Natural Law. Nowhere in Christianity you will find enlightened ideas like those expressed in the way the government should interact and protect property rights of it's people. e.q. right to life and liberty are not two things. They are one and the same. They are unalienable rights, they are properties of you. You can gain additional properties by accumulating coin. Which value is regulated by congress. You obtain this by transaction or gift. However, it always signifies the life force needed to transform a part of nature into a piece of usefulness and thus value. The medium of exchange therefore should be protected because inflation would mean a devaluation of the value of lifeforce. Money is store economical energy.

You do see the difference of approach! A lie, theft, unfaithfulness, fraud, murder, etc, these are all transgressions against an individual life! and therefore against Natural Law and thus punishable if and when a jury of peers (society; the people) finds the alleged perpetrator guilty beyond reasonable doubt.

Christian law says: stop having lawsuits with each other, because it means total defeat in your case to go to strangers and ask for justice. Rather, suffer the loss. This is what justin Martyr says:

We ourselves were well conversant with war, murder and everything evil, but all of us throughout the whole wide earth have traded in our weapons of war. We have exchanged our swords for plowshares, our spears for farm tools...now we cultivate the fear of God, justice, kindness, faith, and the expectation of the future given us through the Crucified One....The more we are persecuted and martyred, the more do others in ever increasing numbers become believers.


We pray for our enemies; we seek to persuade those who hate us without cause to live conformably to the goodly precepts of Christ, that they may become partakers with us of the joyful hope of blessings from God, the Lord of all.

You are right. You cannot serve two ideologies. Or you live within the Law of Nature, of you remain walking according to the imagery that a desert dweller espoused long ago, but says nothing about your connection to the divine.

14715968? ago

Jesus was a hebrew from Galilee. Educate yourself from the end of your own finger and quit spreading the lies and blasphemy your professional christian pastor feeds you..