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14715832? ago

Yes I know what you are saying. I'm a Scot myself. So I have been an impartial observer to this. But by no means a silent or complicit one.

I'm sorry you are feeling isolated and hated. The really woke here know this is not a race issue. The haters are still stuck in the emotional manipulation of being told by the cabal who to hate.

The cabal always plays this division game to get us fighting anyone but them. I honestly think many of these Jew hating posts are just cabal guys stirring up division among us. So these post will never stop.

Don't believe any woke person is fooled by this. To be truly woke means to see the narcissistic manipulation and abuse tactics being used on us. These!

We know who the real enemy is! It's the narcissists, psychopaths and pedophiles. The people that destroyed their conscience by committing atrocities against innocent people.

Doing this results in physical damage to the frontal lobes of their brains!

These are the predators we are fighting. Don't let them fool you that we blame all Jews. They are manipulating the woke Jews in this way. Stay with us bro.

These lies have been successful because power and wealth is magnetic to psychopaths. Every nation that has been a global power is extremely narcissistic and has a very high percentage of psychopaths. Britain has been devastated by our pathocratic elites. Same with the US! Same happened to the Romans!

No woke person would seriously advocate attacking Jews here. Committing atrocities against innocent people is what creates psychopaths. So this is not a solution but more of the same. Tells you all you need to know about who is posting this!!

It's the sane against the psychopaths. And we need all the help we can get.

I'm happy to stand beside any woke brother in this fight.

When you replace the hate with understanding the true definition of our enemy you can see through these fools.

Let all the emotional manipulation and hate go. That's not your feelings, that's theirs that they have projected at you.

14716267? ago

I am still relatively new here, but I have been attacked by shills because I am not racist and do not use racist terms. I am coming to distinguish true Q anons from shills by whether their remarks are to further truth and understanding or to cause division. I refuse to give those who are divisive any more of my time.

14716922? ago

Anti white racists kicked your ass off reddit for being white. Here with us white racists is one of the few places where you are allowed to speak your mind. Who the fuck side do you think you are on? You still believe you are one of them? White genocide is not real?

14722818? ago

You white supremacist are fools. There is no Supreme race. There is only one race. The human race. It has many different ethnicities but we all descended from Noah. Are some Jews wicked? Yep! Every ethnic tribe has it's wicked psychopaths. The Jewish ones just seem to be most astute to it. I, myself, am of Welsh heritage and white supremacists make my stomach turn. You are not only NOT Supreme but you are mostly filthy vile animals that make me embarrassed to know that I share my ethnicity with you. God has sheep from every nation, tribe, and tongue...including Jews. So piss off with your supremist venom. Without God's saving grace you'll burn in the same hell as the wicked Jews and Gentiles. You should be begging God for mercy!

14722903? ago

Shut up child and learn the truth.

14723508? ago

There it is! Free speech only if you agree with it. Get over yourself!

14727212? ago

It's about the survival of the white race. YOU get over yourself.