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15948229? ago

Just goes to show how many people are monitoring Q's posts, in real-time.

15948295? ago

No way we only have 15k here. Something is off.

15949034? ago

I don't think it's off. I think the nature of voat turns a lot of people away. You go from a generation of: if you don't have anything nice to say you say nothing at all... To: say the most offensive thing you can possibly think of. They're not going to understand that it's in partial humor/partial repetitive proof of actual free speech.

15949842? ago

To: say the most offensive thing you can possibly think of.

I am rarely seeing that here unless criticizing the Jews is offensive.

15949991? ago

Criticizing a Jew that did something wrong is fine, basically calling for all of them to disappear because they are all out to dominate the world and enslave every non Jew is retarded and I see that quite a bit.

15952471? ago

New Anon..

Sticky post ref.

Ignore posts calling for violence