15980114? ago

That’s 2.2 million users attempting to login within 1-2 minutes meaning they’re monitoring in real time.

Then you got fags like me that’re smart enough to have downloaded the QDrops app before Crapple banner it from the iOS App Store and I only check it maybe once every day or every other day same with this QRV board and 8Chan itself

I’d imagine that the number of people that’re checking it at least daily or weekly is a few dozen or maybe even 100 times larger than the ones checking it in real time and I only expect both figures to rapidly increase exponentially with every passing day.

Literally day by day we should be able to chart this geowth

15980180? ago

Q and anons talking about this website crashed. https://www.foreignassistance.gov/explore📁 https://qmap.pub/read/2651

15958271? ago

I guess we know what to do with DEMS fund raisers from now on.

15956975? ago


Communist party of Germany were Hitler's enemies, they were jews.


15955636? ago

I'm subscribed and I have the Q board, and VOAT forum, and Trumps tweet page on open on my desk top 24/7/365, It's checked first thing in the morning, before work, after work, in the evening and just before bed lol.... But I do have a life somewhere?


15954000? ago

Automated tools only check once or twice. I think it was a DDoS attack.

15953636? ago

It is and always has been about money and power. You can’t trace any of the cash because it goes to places no one really can account for activity. All of Africa has been a problem for decades...

15953537? ago

It sure seems like the neighbors of every enemy we have get tons of foreign aid

15953239? ago

Why does the U.S. Agency for International Development get all of the obligated and spent, while the currently allocated now seems more reasonable?


15951625? ago

Co-ordinated "attack" from hacker-leftists, NWO bought & Paid?

15951488? ago

2.2 million??? Well, that shows that Q is pretty WW and followed...(all for a larp….right?)

15954854? ago

There's more of us than we think. Thankfully.

15950976? ago

I got a message earlier from server that it is restarting.

2.2 million is sure a heck lot of anons looking for bread crumbs.

15950644? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLi6DkY6yys&pbjreload=10 can someone please make a discussion for this very serious go to 5 mins in and see the hand off from bill clinton to pence, he is on their side i dont know what more u need https://www.abeldanger.org/breakingmike-pence-exposed-in-indiana-pedogate/

15950410? ago

Wonder how pelosi and hellary and bama...etc feel about this?

15951051? ago

Do they have microphones in their cells?

Except for Polosi of course, which she is number 3 of most powerful people in DC, and biding their time on removing a sitting president somehow.

15952252? ago

They ALL know the shit that is going down..(I believe). They watch this site and other sites...So to "THEM"...The United States of America WILL NOT BE TAKEN DOWN!! Oh BTW..dickhead demorats...learn government, history, economics and demographics (basic grade school stuff)

15949983? ago

maybe a DOS attack

15950170? ago

They need cloudflare then.

15949673? ago

I remember back in the day, if a post on Reddit got popular enough, the site linked would get the "Reddit hug of death". Now sites are getting Q hugged.

15949668? ago

We're almost at 10%.

Do you know what takes 10%?



15953805? ago

it takes only 3%.

15956429? ago

...that will fight. 10 to be aware.

15949425? ago

Qmap.pub has a counter of online folks - 160,000 at any one time

15949367? ago

put THAT genie back in a bottle

15956442? ago

Noooo. I didn't get my wishes yet

15948927? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=G2qIXXafxCQ📁 :

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

15948833? ago

Sounds like Q posted.

15948747? ago

Just like in the movies... Send me prove of life...

Q posts explaining the scam, tells who the players are, gives link to federal website that plays with our tax payers money... 2.2 million users (Q Followers) hit site within seconds!!!

Prove of Q - Proof of Life - Proof this shit ain't a LARP!!!

How about those apples MSM!!!

15950210? ago

How about those apples MSM!!!

I think MSM doesn't like it, but I do and millions of patriots would most likely agree too.

15949554? ago

Proof this shit ain't a LARP!!!

People calling Q a LARP are not serious, and/or simply don't know the difference between a LARP and a PSYOP. (it's a psyop, by definition) What people really think is that Q is probably a malicious psyop, rather than what it claims. Trump, as great as he is, is fully immersed in jews, and has been for ages. It's very likely that Q is working with Trump in some way, as everyone is so inexplicably eager to 'prove'. So this calls the legitimacy of "Q", which quite obviously exists, into question.

15953103? ago

We'll know eventually, let's see if the J question comes to the table.

15950158? ago

Oh so now the narrative changes from Q is a LARP to Q is a Jew Psyop. Gee you fucks are pathetic.

15956014? ago

Share your anger with me, it must run very deep. Have you had this all your life, maybe you were traumatized as a young child and no-one has paid you the attention you feel you deserve. Would you like your own board with AI where you could disrespect yourself imagining there is someone other than yourself out there that is interested in your loan battle :)

15971172? ago

Cool story bro

15950613? ago

No, the 'narrative' has never changed, and neither have the definitions. Crack a dictionary sometime.


Are you denying that "Q" is associated with Trump, or have you shielded your eyes from Trumps extensive jewish connections?

Gee you fucks are pathetic.

This is an amazing "proof"... Feel free to get outraged at the possibility your beliefs might be wrong, and blindly lash out in fear. Would you not rather be accurate?

15952125? ago

Cool story bro

15953154? ago


15948669? ago

I still haven't gotten in there. Someone report please.

15949112? ago

This site works fine for me. Often, I have to go to the actual qanon . pub to see some things highlighted better.

15949291? ago

Yeah, no. meant the one q linked to but thank you all the same. That link you shared is a great site for checking q though, it is actually the one I use primarily.

15948555? ago

This was a very quick way to measure reach of the message

15949353? ago

Very quick way to get a free DDoS of any site Q posts.

15948723? ago

I really would love to know which monkey we are up to now. 100th passed yet anyone think?

15954829? ago

Not quite there yet, but getting very close to it. Canada is even starting to wake up which gives me great pause.

15948372? ago

Yup. just shows you that the phony shit numbers voat and useless tube show are always FAKE numbers,

15952051? ago

lol what. Zero evidence voat is comped

15948367? ago

Q previously mentioned more servers and bandwidth. Should have also specified some global server load balancing, or something similar.

Saving the world is worth the extra infrastructure expense!

15948229? ago

Just goes to show how many people are monitoring Q's posts, in real-time.

15952615? ago

I was working and normally update every 20 mins. I missed this one. There are at least another 50 mil who werent there to crash that site. Where we go one we go all.

To the UN/NWO army: Bring it.

15950016? ago

There are a lot more 'Closet Anons' than we know of.....

15955554? ago

Q stands for queer? Haha

15956326? ago

No.. queensryche.

15950192? ago

The Silent Majority.

15949603? ago

I made a post this morning about this exact thing. Did not get a lot of attention. All of this shut down stuff and border shit is related and part of the PLAN.


15948295? ago

No way we only have 15k here. Something is off.

15953666? ago

User interface is hard to use. The VOAT format is difficult to read for folks on mobile devices like an iPad. My eyes can not focus on the font. These last Q posts, I was reading them about nine hours ago. Totally forgot to check voat till now, nine hours later. Plus, the voting system does not have a comfortable feel. Part of the magic of reddit is that their voting system & rules (and active feedback when users reply) is pleasing and rewarding to the users.

15960819? ago

I switched to a black background on my phone. Makes reading posts much easier.

15953419? ago


1% rule = 1% contribute, 99% lurk. But according to those gov figures, even that is way off.

15952336? ago

voat is garbage. last estimate I saw (from Q) was 350 million people are actively tracking Q posts. wouldn't be surprised if voat is comped at this point. Already full of bots and shills as is. /qresearch/ is the place to be.

15951636? ago

Keep in mind that those of us who follow Q are spread out all over the place.

The Youtube presence alone is massive.

15950400? ago

Many don't subscribe. Just pop in and out.

15951640? ago

It was the same with reddit before the ban.

15949541? ago

This is a shit channel,backwoods website . No one can hear you. We are far off the beaten path here. This isn’t mainstream and never will be with the Stormfront bullshit that you assholes tolerate here

15951823? ago

Hey Backwoods, we dont want to be mainstream. Mainstream people are first generation robots.

15949783? ago

Sieg Heil

15950971? ago

I just picture a Reddit/4Chan baby with a tiny Hitler mustache. This baby is retarded. This baby is YOU. I imagine you going into the fucking wood chipper with the rest of your friends . Best of luck to you, faggot. You assholes will need it.

15951857? ago

Take your Hitler baby out of here. The grownups are trying to have an adult conversation.

15951662? ago

Did you just say you were leaving already? lol

Someone's got sand in their vagina and isn't good at walking away.

15950869? ago

Alrighty then bro. Glad I’ve been stacking AR15sand ammo deep for 30+ years. You have no idea what you are up against. Are you ready? I am.

15949170? ago

15950891? ago

I love going there; always find nuggets, plausible explanations, connections.... great place.

15949691? ago

I was just over on the qresearch board, and it is an unintelligible mess. I assume that a lot of that f-bombing and Jew-baiting is being done to put off normies like me, and it does bury any real information rather effectively. Just a Thank You to the folks who provide us Qanon.pub, qposts.online, and Qmap.

15949034? ago

I don't think it's off. I think the nature of voat turns a lot of people away. You go from a generation of: if you don't have anything nice to say you say nothing at all... To: say the most offensive thing you can possibly think of. They're not going to understand that it's in partial humor/partial repetitive proof of actual free speech.

15956974? ago

Yup. Sad, because I used to send people to Reddit/GA and I can’t send anyone here. I myself have to read much holding my nose. I don’t appreciate the language but the truth is more than worth it.

15953850? ago

I was just today banned from The_Donald for pointing out that a post was a advertising a hoax. The skyrocketed to the top, and was clearly to a fake Donald Trump YouTube account asking people to text 88022 if you want a wall. A simple search proved there was no truth to it, but they banned me for “concern trolling.” (Yes, I was actually “concerned” that a hoax had quickly reached the top of the page with 95%.) They also quickly deleted my comment using the same censorship crap they complain about elsewhere on Reddit. They never took down the post, however. It’s like the story “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Fucking unbelievable. Good riddance. I hadn’t been visiting often anyway. This is a much better forum for relevant news.

15956126? ago

Once you simply look past the over the top nigger and kike and faggot posts there really are good posts on Voat as a whole

15952354? ago

In all reality, the been trained well and obey well. Fuck them faggots.

15952346? ago

Fickinh niggers, nigging shit up.

15952274? ago

All the niggerfaggots will get with the program sooner or later, unless the fucking Kikes start WW3 before then

15951316? ago

the nature of voat...

We want voat to turn those faggots away. Why would we intentionally invite snowflakes and squares? When I first came to voat I cracked up when everyone called me nigger. I was pretty much an alt media virgin, with no understanding of alt culture. But I think most people from boomerworld would be intrigued rather than repulsed by the language and conspiracies on Voat. The only thing that might keep me from reading opinions on Voat would be the NSFW designation for QRV.

People who are afraid of special words and illegal ideas should stay away from this website.

15951722? ago

No argument here. Just saying that it does turn a certain number away. Primarily speaking of religious boomers and their children's generation.

15950513? ago

The nature of voat? 8chan is ridiculous. I honestly cannot tell if the nonsense over there is by the so-called shills or not. At least here, you can differentiate most of the time. Of course, I don't know how to lurk everything on 8chan, either. I am so thankful for here vs there...

Does anyone know what lb and pb mean over on 8chan? Sorry for off topic, but I'm forever curious.

15950858? ago

I seem to remember that they had to do with the bakes. Last bake or something like that. Sorry, it’s hidden in the neural connections right now.

15951058? ago

Thanks so much! That actually makes sense...

15949842? ago

To: say the most offensive thing you can possibly think of.

I am rarely seeing that here unless criticizing the Jews is offensive.

15950454? ago

Some people are like an old fashioned broken record. Around, repeat, around, repeat ad nauseum. That probably makes people flee when they check us out.

15951496? ago

People repeating themselves doesn't make it wrong.

15949991? ago

Criticizing a Jew that did something wrong is fine, basically calling for all of them to disappear because they are all out to dominate the world and enslave every non Jew is retarded and I see that quite a bit.

15952471? ago

New Anon..

Sticky post ref.

Ignore posts calling for violence


15950059? ago

So should we continue helping Israel? Is it "anti-semitic" to notice Jews are overrepresented in many major industries?

15950477? ago

Issues is one thing. Constant droning about Jews in general is irritating. And boring.

15951951? ago

so is hearing about the holocaust to deflect any criticism.

15951505? ago

You didn't answer either of my questions.

15949379? ago

I have to lie when my friends ask me where I've been getting my memes lately. I can't send them here.

15953747? ago

Friends I talk to do not have a concept of free speech(!) The right to BE offended is a very important freedom. It took me a l-o-n-g time to realise that. The even more advanced part is that once offended, you have a choice to accept that the offending situation exists just as you do.

15949828? ago

Why can't you? You don't think they can handle free speech?

15950160? ago

I also can't send my friends here. There's a learning curve to understanding the language and shilling that goes on here. That would cord the info they would be seeking. I'd send them to some more normie friendly citizen journalists

15950215? ago

Who do you like to send them to? I work with some brainwashed libs and could use something in-between as well.

15952455? ago

Nothing is as good as a full blown truth bomb. Send them here.

15951721? ago

I'm a different anon chiming in. I like Deplorable McAllister these days. I dont think she would be hard for normies to view.

15950414? ago

Edge of Wonder on YouTube is a fun spin on all things truth. They give a little too much credit to aliens in many videos haha but all in all, they are pretty great.

15953812? ago

Yes they are good fun. I think the alien stuff is not under sold. I suspect there is a lot of crazy sh.t yet to appear in all sorts of ways. The rules of engagement are though that they cannot provide 'proof' yet. Art, discussion, distant videos, telepathy direct of via third parties - all allowed, but not proof. Charles Hall recounted that his ones were amused by our Governments' needs to keep secrecy, they did not care, but themselves were subject to restrictive agreements. Anyway, the human secret technology is more than mind boggling to start with. It's going to be interesting, particularly if an alien group or two decide they will renege on their restrictive agreements. It might fit in a bit with Q's comment re 'This is bigger than people can possibly imagine' lots of meanings to that one.

15953448? ago

edge of faggotry

15949908? ago

I can handle free speech, but this place does get pretty annoying sometimes... every other comment is blaming something on Jews. I don’t know of a bigger Q community than this one, but if I did, I’d probably go there instead.

15950024? ago

get new friends jew

15949995? ago

I didn't ask about you, I asked about them. Do you think Jews are overrepresented in the government, Hollywood, news, banking?

15951617? ago

Go away. I can handle your nonstop Jew shit most of the time, but I came to QRV to get a short break from your constant v/whatever Jew Hate. I know who you are because you use the same words in a slightly different pattern every time. Oh wait. Maybe you are a bot. It would make more sense if you were a bot constantly whining about overrepresentation than a goat repeating this over and over.

15956074? ago

It's Oy Vey

15952429? ago

Just print this out and say look what I found at the store..

Can you handle the truth? https://docdro.id/2IfIVXY

You can't handle the truth! https://docdro.id/k4UYSJn

Same but different word docs meant for cutting and leaving around town.

15951860? ago

And you STILL can't answer a fucking simple question but I'm the problem. Ya I must be a really smart bot to reply to everyone and have my post history. So answer the question, are Jews over-represented or not?

15961359? ago

Qultist, that one.

I've noticed there are Q followers and Qultists. MANY have become Qultists.

I wonder what will happen when Q stops posting... What will their purpose in life be then?

15949537? ago


15949233? ago

Agreed... Voat is a fair bit more abrasive than Reddit. Plus, people were probably also turned off at having to earn the right to post or whateve.

Then, there are people who follow but not subscribed.

That doesn't nearly represent all Q followers, between Twitter and all the other platforms, shilling on political forums and everywhere.

Even the Q map, that archive barely ever goes below 100k, at any time... I think it's already a lot bigger than we realize, just people are being more tactful in normie crowds.

15953819? ago

Agreed... and you’re also a faggot.

15952387? ago

The speed of the sanding disc is faster on Reddit than the grit of voat.

Meaning on Reddit 1000 may call you a dork when on voat 2 ppl might call you a nigger.

With that said... It's not my fault and the world has to live with me in it til I'm dead.

PS. Fuck niggers.

15953016? ago


15949819? ago

Life is far more abrasive than reddit

15949204? ago

My dude, if you think people are so fucking pussy footed that they'd turn away from here because a few retards throw some bad words around, then they lack the stones for this fight.

For real though, there's OBVIOUS shady shit going on re:Numbers. Hell, Reddits former CEO commented about chikanery on their numbers part.

15948748? ago

No... Even if it was just the 15K here.... Everybody was clicking multiple times for a screen refresh. It isn't hard to believe this web site never was designed to handle that load.

15949037? ago

Either way, the point IS THIS - we're paying attention. A LOT of us. End of story.

15949026? ago

Yeah but I'm sure there were plenty of people like me who clicked around 9:30pm and the site was still down.

I only clicked once, even if 15k from here clicked at the same time there were still multiple places where the Q post was, as mentioned above. I don't know, I'm choosing to believe Q on this one.

Word is spreading faster than 15k clicking multiple times. IMO anyway.

15948369? ago

Chans, Reddit, Voat, Gab, Twitter, etc and Anons who just randomly check pubs.

15952480? ago

No gab

15953858? ago

why no gab?

15948206? ago

Doesn't matter, everyone has seen it already. Q team needs some fresh material.

15948261? ago

Its sad, because making new shit up should be easy.

15948098? ago

What a fun bunch of little LARPies we all are....


15950078? ago

I'd rather be a LARP than an NPC any day.

We're a growing army of LARPs and we're gonna take back our world.

15948275? ago

You have no source for the 2 million figure other than the LARP himself.

15948324? ago

oooh but we do have a crashed site after we all went larping down the Q path to it's address.....

Either way, we are many and WWG1WGA, imagine how many more have tried to access the site since drop.

15950239? ago


Its actually WWGQWGA. Trying going one on something and see if all follow you.

15948190? ago

How much is 2 million larpies worth in American US Dollars? Lol.

15948350? ago

Enough to scare the hell out of fiat system bankers and their satanic minions.

15950395? ago

You are right there!!!

15950022? ago


15948678? ago

Perhaps considerably more.

15948766? ago

many many many more.... A Great Awakening