15951800? ago

Also remember when everyone was talking about it being hard to fire federal employees. Like at the IRS etc. Maybe a nice long shut down is to see who can be weeded out that way. Just a thought.

15951925? ago

AGREED! SPOT ON! The shut down is for more than the reasons I have stated. You are on to the "other side" of what it means. You are awakened. And that is what this is all about!

16348685? ago

https://twitter.com/AlwaysIntegrity/status/1088450677255286785 Get the link here. For some reason it wouldn't let me post the live stream link. This is Field McConnell and Juan 07 and it's the best stream I've seen so far. Juan 07 is part of Q Team and has excellent info. Many insights into the shut down and Q posts. This Juan 07 is very knowledgeable and has inside info. He explains the shut down and center of Q movement and many things. My guess about the shutdown was correct. Have a listen. Field is brother of the WITCH that was Key in the child trafficking rings for the Satanic Elite and he hates her and fights for children and bringing the DS down. WoW he explains Venezuela coup...and so much. Please watch.

15969569? ago

TY Been doing just that. kek

15951739? ago

Hear, Hear!! agreed

15951909? ago

TY. Now Awaken the rest.

15952522? ago

speak w/people everyday friend. will be CERTAIN to do my part and tell!

15951737? ago

Great insights on this, Anon! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Patriot!

15951898? ago

Your very welcome. BUT remember ... Its up to us to awaken the rest. We need more! So when the time comes we can AWAKEN MORE! So VERY important.

15951985? ago

Without tangible publicly available proofs (court cases, indictments, govt publications, etc.), I'm spinning my wheels on that front. I've run off everyone in my family and most of my friends - they absolutely refuse to believe ANY of what I've been telling them re: red-pilling attempts. I'm done trying on that front until there's irrefutable evidence and public disclosure. Sick of being attacked and ridiculed by everyone I used to love. No more for me. :-(

15952048? ago

I know.... I have done the same. maybe not as bad but ran off friends and fam my self.. STAY TRUE to what you believe. The Truth will set "THEM" free.. You told em. you planted the seeds. Let them grow. And as you grow you can train them . The more important thing is that you .... YOURSELF... are Awakened to the truth. and trust it.

15952149? ago

Sorry to hear you've lost people close to you as well. It sucks! What's worse is our efforts to red-pill them are done to help them and enlighten them and prepare them for what's about to unfold. Yet, we've both seen those efforts be met with hostility, and (at least in my case) met with downright rage and hateful name-calling/verbal assaults and juvenile hanging up on me on phone calls.

I honestly can't conceive of ANY of these libbie loon people that I USED to know ever eating crow and coming to me for answers once the SHTF. That's not the type of people they are - they NEVER apologize and NEVER admit when they're wrong. It's like part of the libbie loon DNA or something - the "remorse" gene is entirely MISSING. :-(

15951394? ago

Empty their pockets then crash their fiat banking scheme. If you tried to do it while they still had cash flow, they could toss false flags everywhere in retaliation. I imagine the wall will cut off a huge source of their cash flow, House of Saud has been neutralized too, another big source of cash flow. Add in the human trafficking arrests made in 2018 and the rings broken up. It is looking like they have been slowly bankrupted. Q tossing out dates and disinfo, getting them to expend their cash reserves on False Flags, notice how they have gotten more sloppy lately?

We really are seeing the Systemic Dismantling of the Old Guard.

15951421? ago

YOU ARE NOW AWAKENED! I seriously could not have said it any better my friend!

15954848? ago

Amen brother...

15950341? ago

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15949620? ago

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15940979? ago

Didn't they just send a shit ton of money to Israel?

15939441? ago

Yes. Yes. Yes.

15939211? ago

I like it. Win - win for the good guys. Bad guys lose drug money or their base loses their paychecks.

15938561? ago


15937531? ago

He needs to shut down the Federal Reserve.

15937585? ago

I couldn't agree with you more. I hope its on his to do list.

15937528? ago

Destroy our democracy? I thought we were supposed to be a constitutional republic?

15937622? ago

We are, some get confused

15936512? ago

Wait...are you saying that the gov't shutdown is part of the plan?????

Shocking. This is me. Shocked.

15936385? ago

Pretty much other than wages for federal employees, any money transfer from the govt to any organization whether foreign or domestic is basically a money laundering scam. Especially the foreign aid. Say once the aid goes to the other country how is audited? How do we know that it goes to where it’s supposed to?? We don’t!

15936290? ago

It's a pretty good bet that eliminating paychecks for "non-essential" federal employees is going to directly impact a large number of low level commie stooges in the RESIST movement.

15950814? ago

Hopefully they’ll all quit.

15936051? ago

Good theory - DS gets no drug and trafficking money if there is a border wall, DS gets no budget money if there is no agreement for a wall.

15936266? ago

Trump tweet today 01/05/19 "The Democrats could solve the Shutdown problem in a very short period of time. All they have to do is approve REAL Border Security (including a Wall), something which everyone, other than drug dealers, human traffickers and criminals, want very badly! This would be so easy to do!"

15936106? ago

Exactly. Stalemate = Checkmate.

15935942? ago

We need to stop paying ransom money to our enemies.

15935818? ago

Damn that Rubio is a weasel. Great intuition

15936367? ago

He’s a faggot too.

15935859? ago

If we follow who wants to spend money where. Then we will know who has been paid by who. Evidently Rubio's loyalties lie with a foreign country. Probably got money for election and now he has to repay that obligation. Another bought and paid for POS. When we have a budget stalemate like we do, why do they want to push foreign aid first? They sure as hell don't have the USA in mind.

15950797? ago

He gets campaign contributions from Soros.

15951207? ago

Who knows??? But his loyalties are NOT in line with YOURS. He wants to fund shit that is NOT in your interest. Or are they? Think about that.

15936787? ago

Yes. Creating unusual conditions prompts mistakes. Unmask moar, please!

15935768? ago

Interesting thought.

If you've worked in Washington D.C., you'd know that waste, fraud, and abuse is a daily occurence in federal agencies. The federal workforce is the biggest inside joke in D.C. It's overflowing with incompetent "workers." Believe me when I say that it would blow your mind if you've never been exposed to it. I'm not saying every single federal worker is an incompetent no-nothing. But plenty of them are. Plenty of them would be right at home working the cash register at your local Walmart. Yet there they are in Washington D.C., at GS-13, or higher, making more than 6 figures a year, bumbling about the hallways of federal agencies.

This partial shutdown may be part of the plan. It could give the white hats time needed to try to clean things up in the swamp a bit while all the black hats (I think I read an article that said 90% of federal worker union donations go to Democrats) are sitting on their asses at home.

15953520? ago

I had a secretary in the 1980's who couldn't type and had no concept of filing something that could be relocated later. I tried to get her fired. No joy. Then I went to HR to try to get her transferred. The HR representative asked where I thought she could most effective. I told here that if there was an opening for dishwasher in the basement cafeteria that wold be the the best fit.

When I was transferred two years later, she was still in the office doing nothing but collecting a pay check.

I have many other horror stories but she was the most worthless government employee I knew.

15938454? ago

Hey that's a major insult to Walmart employees... 95% Fed employees are not qualified to work even the lowest level jobs at Walmart. Even if they were, they wouldn't last 2 hours given their abysmal work ethic and the absence of Federal employee unions to defend them. They need to literally starve for a while before they will come to the realization that they need to mow lawns and shovel shit for a living.

15937884? ago

Also explains why that one shutdown the dems started only lasted a few hours. I think it was in 2017.

Shutdowns are definitely a good sign

15937650? ago

You don't need to go to DC to see this. It is the same with civil service workers all over the country.

15936764? ago

Interesting idea. What if leaks stop? No access to each other in the halls or on work email or on meetings, etc. it has to be destabilizing to some degree.

16054415? ago

Stopping the DS comms a bit. I like it.

15936500? ago


You ain't kiddin about the incompetence in DC among gov't workers. That's why they're mostly Dems. That's their gravy train.

15935798? ago

That makes a lot of sense too. It may be that the shut down has multiple purposes.

15935757? ago

Wow you really brought out the grammarfags with this post. I had no trouble reading it and think you could be on to something.

15935776? ago

TY. He made his 20 or 30 cents. A true paid shill, there must be some truth in what I wrote or he would have moved along a bit faster.

15935726? ago

Interesting idea I had not considered.

15935541? ago

Why don't you idiots know how to write a paragraph? Do any of you NPCs ever read?

What's the most number of sentences you've seen written, without paragraphs, that you wanted to read? Do any of you proofread?

It's laughable that someone would rant and make a comment on what they believe is brilliant. You must be a Russian troll. TL;DR

15937338? ago

"Yeah, he was a great patriot but damn if he could construct proper paragraphs, we had to exile him"

15937758? ago

Circular reasoning is

Circular reasoning is a logical fallacy in which the reasoner begins with what they are trying to end with.

So you're inferring the author is a great patriot, because of what he wrote, therefore how he wrote it should be dismissed. You're also throwing in exiled rather than reformed, as I clearly told him to format it not to get lost.

Do you think the declaration of independence would be taken seriously and even read by those that signed it, if it was one long unformatted rant? No because how can one believe the context is of value if the source is questionable?

15936598? ago

Hey, why don't you reach back there and pull the dildo out of your ass

15936400? ago

Very very low IQ.

15935567? ago

^^^^^^^^^^SHILL POST^^^^^^^^^^^

15936064? ago

Excellent. More of this labeling, please.

15936121? ago

I think it is what we should all do. If you noticed he had no contribution or substance to the actual discussion. Definite shill.

15936671? ago

Lol. He told you to learn how to format and you oboviously don't see value in presentation otherwise you would have noticed that and fixed your rambling.

15936684? ago

There's a reason you only see these rants make the front of QRV and not GreatAwakening or politics. They're anonymous and can hide here.

15936809? ago

There is a reason that "anonymous" shill comment was down voated into obscurity too. If you don't understand why you should probably go back to Great Awakening or politics, where grammar is more important than content.

15937785? ago

LOL, Only trailer trash would say "Forget that it was found dirty in the garbage, doesn't it look yummy? Look everybody dinner, never-mind the smell and look of it, we can digest it just fine."

15935603? ago

^^^^^^^^ 24 chromosomes ^^^^^^^

Can't face facts can you kid? "learn how to format paragraphs" and you need to protect your stupid thoughts rather than format them. You're a dumb little kid. Truly sad if you're over 15.

15935611? ago

^^^^^^^10 CENT SHILL POST^^^^^^ Your up 20 cents now move along.

15935665? ago

I still don't see you making any effort to reform into a readable diary post. Yet you're here making juvenile posts protecting your unreadable rant. What a surprise. You're a tweenager with a weak mind.

15940186? ago

I read it just fine...

15940226? ago

I read it just fine...

You also write like you're mid-sentence, suggesting you could also stand to learn from grammar. But leave it to libtards to call me a nazi for asking them to grow up.

16394461? ago

Yeah, no. Not a libtard. Just don’t have have a huge, self-important stick up my rear. But if that stick gives you a reason to keep going, by all means leave it there. The interwebs will survive.

15935982? ago

^^^^^^^Grammer Nazi shill^^^^^^^