15951431? ago

I can't create threads. Will someone PLEASE talk about this. I am concerned......VERY CONCERNED. I have been noticing many articles from MSM about how the Government employees are not being paid during the shut down. Now the narrative is how it is affecting our safety, being shut down. Next move is the Deep State/Elite/Communist/Socialist are going to cause a "False Flag" and blame Trump. Watch and see. These people are so predictable and stupid. Be aware of your surroundings, these people don't care who gets killed, they just want power. If you are awake, then you know how these people operate. Be careful and I hope exposing them, nothing will happen.

15951681? ago

Excellent observation - thank you for sharing. Valid concern, as we've seen MSM plant the seeds and start spinning as a setup many times before. See something, say something FO' SURE!

15951623? ago

OH ! Health care...$1,000.00 a month for me alone. Do not feel sorry for those with MORE!

15951528? ago

But I do luv ya for caring!

15951515? ago

EVERYONE is paid up til next Friday. NO BODY.. NO BODY has worked with out pay to date. From NEXT Friday on, I am not sure. And to put it in perspective. I am a independent contractor and I HAVE not worked in two weeks. Tis the season for me. We all have our financial problems. JUST BECAUSE you work for the government does not make you exempt for the way LIFE WORKS. I deal with it every year and have for decades. I really do not want to hear a GOVERNMENT WORKER WHINE WITH ALL EXPENSES PAID/ PENSION PAID/VACA PAID/SICK PAID.Not falling for it. I have to deal with all that SHIT on MY OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!., Last thing on my list .

15950972? ago

A massive money laundering scheme that turns our tax$ into cash for politicians and their enablers.

15951364? ago

You just now sit back and WATCH. Where does Congress go with YOUR money. Where do they want to spend YOUR money? Who wants to spend YOUR money? Why do they want to spend YOUR money this way? You will be awakened so DAMNED fast your head will spin. WATCH! They have been pulling the wool over our eyes for so damn long its impossible to imagine. 100yrs plus!!!

15952118? ago

All you say is lies. This user has said they don't work at all and collect YOUR tax money to support this user's hedonistic lifestyle.

15951190? ago

Thank god ONE of you see the light!!! You are now awakened!

15950466? ago

I read your linked post and it was very interesting but it doesn't seem to address a very basic question: why doesn't President Trump just stop handing out oceans of our tax dollars to these shit-hole countries? I wish he would and I don't understand why he doesn't?

We shouldn't be giving aid to anyone while we have homeless vets and homeless children living on the streets.

15950507? ago

And BTW .... ty for reading it.

15950497? ago

I think this is the end of "those days". I believe that this is the beginning of the end of that kind of BS. No more hand outs. Withdraw our troops (from DS wars), (they made money off those too) and conserve our rss. Do yo know how huge that is?

15950559? ago

I'm hoping withdrawing from the middle east is seen by the Muslims that they can counter Israel's attacks without us coming to Israel's rescue.

The kikes have been poking and those caged rabid Muslim dogs with a stick for decades and I hope President Trump just opened the cage.

Don't get me wrong - I hate the sandniggers almost as much as I hate the kikes, but it would be nice to see Israel suffer endless war until their back is broken and then the temple is cleansed.

15950574? ago

I agree. I personally have not figured out yet where the Jews lie in this mess. I can assure you they are knee deep in it. Just like every other religion on the planet.. But if you got ideas.... I am all ears.

15950848? ago

Judaism is a sickness that teaches that Jews are a genetic master race and all other people were only put here to be their disposable servants. Their scripture teaches that being evil is acceptable as long as you're sneaky about it and you don't get caught, lying is acceptable to get whatever you want, raping infants and Christians is acceptable, killing Christians for any reason is acceptable, stealing is good and the New Testament must be destroyed.

Judaism is literally an anti-Christ theology that worships evil.

This is why Jews are the most exiled people in human history... why they've been kicked out of 1,030 nations over the past 3,200 years, always for being sick fucking perverts and always for stabbing their nation in the back in a greedy attempt to steal wealth and power...

...because they can't integrate productively in any culture because they see everyone else as their possessions / disposable slaves / cattle that are waiting to be used or butchered for shekels.

Globalism is nothing more than Zionism, the death of mankind's limitless potential and instead turning everyone into immiserated slave laborers so a handful or greedy Jews can live in golden castles.

15951284? ago

DUDE. Your preaching to the choir. There IS NOT ONE RELIGION that is clean. Blame the Jews, Blame the Catholics, Blame the Islamic's , Blame the Budhist's, Blame the Baptist's, BLAME THEM ALL, dont pick one. Your a fool if you do. They are ALL COMPLICIT in this!!!! They are all complicit in lying to you, leading you down a warm path of eternity and peace. They themselves are guilty of all the wars and loss of life that has gone on for over 100 years.. ITS WAKE UP TIME! Become AWAKENED!

15951498? ago

They are all complicit in lying to you

Agreed, except you're missing the point: the Vatican is owned by the Rothschilds and are slaves to the Jew and the Muslims are the biological and economic weapon of the Jew.

It's wake-up time for you because you can't defeat the enemy unless you understand who's in charge and what they are doing to our laws and Supreme Court and government and positions of power.

15951656? ago

Friend..... They are ALL complicit. Do NOT be fooled by putting one over the other. That is EXACTLY what they have done to you for over 2000 years. NO "ONE" is better than the other. Until you see the light you are living where "THEY" placed you in life. It is time to AWAKEN!

15951723? ago

You present your apathy as moral superiority.

You disgust me.

15951954? ago

Well I am sorry you feel that way. I am not superior to any "one" human being. But I am privy to some information that you may need to take in. If that puts you in a INFERIOR state of mind, then that is your problem not mine. Absorb what i showed you. Share it. Help Awaken the masses.

15950394? ago

Want a cookie or something? The egos around this place...

15950432? ago

And speaking of egos. you might want to do a check in on that topic.

15950422? ago

nope i just want to show the plan fren. if i wanted cookies I would be on GA!

15950366? ago

Grats, nigger.

15950314? ago

Oh ok, you know!

15950406? ago

I knew this morning. And got attacked immediately! Within minutes I was attacked. I knew I had hit the nail on the head by how hard I was attacked. That post went negative for a period of time.