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14769268? ago

How about an executive order to go arrest Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for treason? And another one for John Podesta for raping and killing children.

14769391? ago

They were all secretly pardoned by Obama on his way out of office, so even though they were arrested, they had to be let go until some more dominoes are set up. Once SCOTUS hears the separate sovereigns exception to the double jeopardy rule, we will hopefully be able to move ahead.

14769418? ago

This is the part that you idiots don't understand:

  1. The "Get Out of Jail Free" pardon doesn't work in a Military Tribunal
  2. Treason cannot be pardoned

Go arrest those fuckers TODAY! Right fucking now! Don't wait! Do it! If they resist arrest, shoot them.

14770622? ago

If you have them, why act too soon and risk upsetting some people on the fence? There are a lot of people that would be turned away if the Trump admin started arresting people right now. No evidence has been presented yet. Calm down and relax.

14770651? ago

FUCK those people on the fence. I am done caring what CNN thinks or what a bunch of liberal douchebag antifa faggots think. FUCK all of them! If they complain tell them to shut up. If they don't stop complaining, punch them in the mouth. If they riot, shoot them. Fuck the liberals.

14784862? ago

Fuck the shills posing as conservatives while spewing hatred.

14784888? ago

Yes, because ANYONE who doesn't believe EXACTLY what you believe is a shill. I vote Republican. I'm a conservative. I'm just fed up with all the liberal bleeding-heart bullshit in this country and the people who support it (e.g. YOU!)

14784999? ago

Like we've all been saying: FUCK OFF SHILL! Stop posing as a conservative while crying for blood in the streets.

14785049? ago

I AM A CONSERVATIVE YOU FUCKTARD. Just because I condone violence as a solution doesn't make me any less of a conservative than you. People in this forum think that anyone who doesn't agree with their worldview 100% is a shill. I'm not a shill. I just advocate using violence to solve the problem. You don't. So, fuck off with your labels and group think. Violence works. That's why we go to war.

14785878? ago

You're not part of the Q movement if you condone violence so fuck off and find another sub.

14787821? ago

You're not the arbiter of who is a member of the group and who isn't. I'm here. I subscribed. I'm a member of the group. You can't silence me. I'm a conservative and I still condone violence. So, fuck you.

14793185? ago