14772918? ago

Huh.. Doesn't 7-11 sell their gas?

14772382? ago

Majority of Petro supply remains with Venezeula Govt and are likely in hands of their leaders and top officials. Because Petro uses hybrid of POW and POS to process payments, is likely that the US govt cannot shut it down.

Using 51% attack on Petro network is not possible because 17% of currency remains officially held by Venezuela Treasury. Also most of 38% Pre sale supply has been bought by Venezuella Govr officials and insiders.

Lastly having 60 sec block reward time and 4mb block size limit almost gurantee that spamming hue transactions volume to congest Petro network is useless.

14773815? ago

Dude this looks like great info but please provide some context. I have no idea what all this jargon is about

14772114? ago

Hopefully Trump will have a way to stop Venezuela Govt from using Petro to transfer wealth safely.

Petro is Venezuela crypto and does not require the traditional banking system to operate therefore US sanction does not work on stopping or freezing Petro transactions.

14770845? ago

The federal reserve is still in charge.

14770245? ago

When you think of the danger to Trump and his beautiful family you have to tip your cap the man with balls of hardened steel! God bless you President Washington(Trump)!

14770180? ago

Can you say Harvard Endowment Fund ~ $50 billion with a C_A history of mercenary investment strategies (think rape of Russia) Silicon Valley Warlords, Privy Council assets, other deep state operatives & banksters etc

14769921? ago

11.3 Podesta 11.4 huma

14769338? ago

This will help to make my wife happy. She wants to back to visit her aging parents, but we are afraid of not being able to get back out. I wouldn’t go being a “gringo” and all.

14769306? ago

[Goerge Soros] should start feeling some PAIN soon. Though he is not the only one responsible...he is, directly or indirectly, responsible for a whole lot of the world's suffering. The good news is is also take care of his family members, like his adult son Alex. He will have to be neutralized before we can reach the top rungs of the ladder upon which his string pullers are perched. This is a first step.

14771471? ago

Soros was the first person I thought of as the “BURN” exclamation emanated from my mouth.

14770643? ago

As I was reading it I imagined whoever was writing it, was speaking directly to Comrade Soros himself:)

Well done!!

14769268? ago

How about an executive order to go arrest Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for treason? And another one for John Podesta for raping and killing children.

14772495? ago

We don't need an executive order for that but it's coming.

14770299? ago

Shill alert. Stop post hopping and dropping divisive comments to take away attention of the actual topic.

14770337? ago

Nope. You can't stop me. I can post WHATEVER the fuck I want and your complaining about it won't matter one bit.

14769391? ago

They were all secretly pardoned by Obama on his way out of office, so even though they were arrested, they had to be let go until some more dominoes are set up. Once SCOTUS hears the separate sovereigns exception to the double jeopardy rule, we will hopefully be able to move ahead.

14773641? ago

Question, if it is identified that BHO is not a citizen or is a dual citizen, would that mean his presidency is null an void? And if that is the case all his pardons along will everything else is null and void? One can dream..... :-)

14769418? ago

This is the part that you idiots don't understand:

  1. The "Get Out of Jail Free" pardon doesn't work in a Military Tribunal
  2. Treason cannot be pardoned

Go arrest those fuckers TODAY! Right fucking now! Don't wait! Do it! If they resist arrest, shoot them.

14770622? ago

If you have them, why act too soon and risk upsetting some people on the fence? There are a lot of people that would be turned away if the Trump admin started arresting people right now. No evidence has been presented yet. Calm down and relax.

14770651? ago

FUCK those people on the fence. I am done caring what CNN thinks or what a bunch of liberal douchebag antifa faggots think. FUCK all of them! If they complain tell them to shut up. If they don't stop complaining, punch them in the mouth. If they riot, shoot them. Fuck the liberals.

14822387? ago

Relax and let's stick to facts and logic and patience...

14822411? ago

So, in other words, "Let's do nothing."

14784862? ago

Fuck the shills posing as conservatives while spewing hatred.

14784888? ago

Yes, because ANYONE who doesn't believe EXACTLY what you believe is a shill. I vote Republican. I'm a conservative. I'm just fed up with all the liberal bleeding-heart bullshit in this country and the people who support it (e.g. YOU!)

14784999? ago

Like we've all been saying: FUCK OFF SHILL! Stop posing as a conservative while crying for blood in the streets.

14785049? ago

I AM A CONSERVATIVE YOU FUCKTARD. Just because I condone violence as a solution doesn't make me any less of a conservative than you. People in this forum think that anyone who doesn't agree with their worldview 100% is a shill. I'm not a shill. I just advocate using violence to solve the problem. You don't. So, fuck off with your labels and group think. Violence works. That's why we go to war.

14785878? ago

You're not part of the Q movement if you condone violence so fuck off and find another sub.

14787821? ago

You're not the arbiter of who is a member of the group and who isn't. I'm here. I subscribed. I'm a member of the group. You can't silence me. I'm a conservative and I still condone violence. So, fuck you.

14793185? ago

14793132? ago

You obviously haven't been reading the Q posts from the beginning, aren't a refugee, and don't understand what the movement is about. It's not me being the arbiter, it's you outing yourself unwittingly.

14769814? ago

We can't just arrest them, we need to build a case so air tight that they have ZERO defense. They must be fully exposed and destroyed in open daylight. We all want arrests ASAP but not at the risk of one of these dirty rats slipping by for any reason. Its coming soon. Be patient. Trust the plan.

14770724? ago

This ^^ x 1000.

You fuckers gotta learn some patience. This cesspool has been operating for far longer than 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was enacted, even longer than 1846 when Rothschild tanked the stock market by lying about the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo, and then bought stocks for pennys on the dollar as everyone was panicking and made millions.

The amount of progress that has been made in the past year is phenomenal. Lets stop quibbling about the state of the arrests and TRUST THE PLAN.

Be a patriot, dig into the leads that present in themselves, question and challenge the FAKE MEDIA, do all you can to aid the Q movement, but lets stop quibbling over minor shit like whether Shillary should be indicted and thrown in a deep hole yet, or her neck stretched. Let stop worrying about the speed of getting to the endgame, and let the Q team get on with moving all the chess pieces into place, so there is no escape.

14773590? ago

I guess, just as the moment people reached through the freshly hacked hole in the Berlin Wall is seen as our moment of victory in the Cold War, even though that was a whole years long process, the moment Hillary Clinton is behind bars will be seen as our victory over the Cabal, even though that is also a years long process.

14771787? ago

Great response to the impatient fags. Thanks. The Cabal has been around way before even Christ was born. Probably going on 4000 years now with the fall of Lucifer. They are so entrenched in everything on the globe that they cannot possibly be rounded up and prosecuted in just a mere 2 years.

14769741? ago

WAIT. 11/7/2018. then arrest

14768858? ago

Finally... we have a man of action. Not just idle words, but well executed decisions. We are not out of the woods yet, but I can see some space between the thinning tree line. I hope we can keep this positive momentum.

14771518? ago

Yes, this is the cabal's attempt to get hard assets out before Patriots take control of Venezuela.

14769182? ago

More Info... Miami AP