Bobbrat ago

Harvard Grads!!!

ghost_of_aswartz ago

Can someone explain like i'm 5 the significance of these people being on the board of an ecommerce site that sells furniture? Maybe i"m out of the loop. Is this some kind of money laundering / RICO situation to China thing?

PacaGoat ago

Ties to Maxwell and ties to the UN, her Terramar project. And china. And the clinton global initative.

stekky75 ago

Someone posted about a conspiracy with Wayfair selling random items for tens of thousands of dollars that were suspicious and hypothesized that there might be human trafficking going on.

The Clinton's have tons of suspected human trafficking ties. The board of Wayfair has ties to the Clintons.

ghost_of_aswartz ago

Btw Grace Heintz -- they circled the adams apple....the other indicator is BROW BOSSING which is more foolproof than adams apple. Yes this is a confirmed trans

QCrumbCatcher ago

Can I get a rundown on Bain? I'm not familiar with them.

PacaGoat ago

Bain is Mitt Romeys big adventure which was a cabal money laundering op among other things. Just duckduckgo bain capital see the connections.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

This is why this isn't a "slide". The cabal wouldn't slap Wayfair up as a distraction literally leading to all their cohorts.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

bain . . . also owns guitar center . . . guitas and other musical instruments are overpriced, and made in china and mexico . . . more money laundering

PacaGoat ago

I had at one time my own in house recording studio. Had 5 guitars and two were fenders, a strat and a telecaster. I played those back in the 60's and the new ones were horse 😲😝😝😝! I tried as much as I could to use my Alverez or Taylor concert tool. I couldnt find a desent Martian anywhere either.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yeah they don't make em like they used to, old guitars are worth a lot and rightfully so, I bought a new fener made in amrica for $1200 recently and it needed a lot of work, which I can do but I could have bought a cheap chinese gitar for like $200 which needs a lot of work but that would be to be expected.

PacaGoat ago

A lot of "American made" come from Japan. Found that out from a dealer.

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

yeah truth is who knows where something was made. And if it was made in america, that may be the location but who is to say an american and not an illegal made it.

PacaGoat ago

True this. The Japanese have come a long way. Good cnc machines and operators help.

John_2020 ago

yes yes and yes

UnitedStatesPatriot ago

WFX Utility is listed as well. Starting to dig into it.

B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 ago

All of them except 2 went to Harvard Business College. that is also interesting to note.

PacaGoat ago

Check this. Shah is tied hoof and mouth to some.....interesting folk

Steinmacher ago

why does the Mormon church tolerate Mitt Romney?

(I know the answer)

PacaGoat ago

I was going to gotta ask? Lol

jthun2 ago

The Mormon church is surprisingly intertwined with both Jewish mafia types and the Freemasons.

Read 'the money and the power', which tells of how the Mormons funded the Jewish mob to build Las Vegas. It is no coincidence that the Fed Reserve building is called the 'Eccles' building.

Steinmacher ago


Ardithla ago

No they are not. Painting the Mormon church with a wide brush because of the sins of a few individuals is incompetence at its best.

SurfinMindWaves ago

haha - thanks for the laugh.

Intlrnt2 ago


Can’t wait to see how much mud is still stuck to Romney’s shoes.

This latest twist is soooooo intriguing.

flyingcuttlefish ago

archived -

blogging this -👂/

don't forget Ghislaine's old boyfriend was in the sea freight logistics business ....

jondrell ago

Here is the Insta link for an anon that found more info regarding Wayfair.

PacaGoat ago

I will try. Lol Im up to my esrs now. About 20+ links thx. I will get to it.

angelCole ago

I just want to thank every anon that does the investigating in these situations. They don't stop until they get to the bottom of what they are seeing. It's amazing work by patriots. Keep it up anons. They're going down.

MFin_Looter_Kangs ago

Furniture production?

PacaGoat ago

Yeah. Not one board member or exef. Is even listed on the Furniture builders list.

redmanjbj ago

Wayfare came out last night and denied it. Said it was just price mistakes. And then msm people started saying it’s fake because it originated in conspiracy/Reddit. That’s their rebuttal... perpetrators said it’s fake. Conspiracy board dug it up. So those two things make this fake. They’re not even really trying with this one.

PacaGoat ago

Ties to the UN goes to the top

781842_Anon ago

Well, that solves it then.

JasonTakesMAGAhattan ago

They originally said the Cabinets were priced accordingly because they are industrial. Not realizing they had $10,000 throw pillows up as well.

whatheheck ago

I was shocked when this story broke. I have had a Wayfair account for yrs and a couple of yrs ago I was shopping for new bedroom stuff. Found several comforter sets in the 20 to 30 thousand dollar range. Some were marked as SOLD. I could not imagine why those would be priced so high when all the rest were no more than a few hundred dollars. Human trafficking never occurred to me. I have never heard of industrial comforters with matching accessories available.

Jfunction ago

Anyone can see those are industrial pillows.

fireantsinyourpants ago

Well, they said there was nothing to it so I guess that everyone should just twiddle their thumbs. :D

redmanjbj ago

Exactly. Anybody that takes 2 minutes to look at the details can’t just shrug it off.

Mr_Wolf ago

watched people live last night trying to dismiss it then they had holy sheet moments

UnitedStatesPatriot ago

Excellent work

swimkin ago

What a tangled web they weave. I sure hope this explodes across all domains. People need to wake up and realize we have real slavery going on in this country now.

tallarn ago

JFC, as if they couldn’t get any more ridiculous with their sick child trafficking bullshit.

Aslanisonthemove ago

I know it's just my imagination, but the walls seem to be closing in. Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!

Mr_Wolf ago

It's not my imagination

I've got a gun on my back!

Fetalpig ago

3000 up points for the BF reference...

PacaGoat ago

Not your imagination


AngelofDeath ago

This is shockingly amazing if this hits pay dirt.

Boscovius ago

I remember from way back seeing that Willard "Mitt" Romney was a principal in Bain Capitol, which was described at the time as a "Vulture Capital" firm that disassembled perfectly good companies in order to extract their wealth, toss their employees to the side and exploit the company's retirement funds. Look at who is co-founder of Bain Capital with Romney. None other than Bill Bain.

PacaGoat ago

Remember the movie pretty woman? The guy bought struggeling companies broke them into pieces and sold them? Yeah, that. Without the pretty woman.

LiliYael ago

Thanks! I was wondering what Bain was

Flutterby49 ago

Has anyone checked out Alibaba ? Chinese co.

PacaGoat ago

Yeah, Alibaba is a snake.

Pepper-theDoctor ago

Alibaba will be harder because they don't have any transparency, even with regulators. Traitors in the government exempt Chinese companies operating in America from the same regulation that applies to us. Literally give Americans a disadvantage against foreign enemies.

Rizzo9000 ago

Good points

Specific_Fox ago

Specific_Fox ago

Possible Soros funding connection here.

1scm ago

Bain Capital is Romney who was funded initially by Robert Maxwell, the Mossad stooge and Ghislaine's father.

mrnicegoy ago

the romulan

jthun2 ago

Not just Maxwell, there were a few Jewish oligarchs who put money into Bain.

Similar to Browder, of the Magnitsky Act fame, who went over to Russia and hooked up with his ethnic brethren in the Jewish mafia in order to plunder the country.

tossitrightinthere ago

Thank you!!!! I remember reading (way back) about Romney getting financing from a Brit to start Bain. I never thought more about WHO the Brit was. What a connection! Thank you.

jthun2 ago

Basically you can assume that any 'British' person in finance, shipping, media (etc) is a Jew. Half of the house of lords is Jewish due to the fact that the English crown was dumb enough to allow people to purchase titles. They've been interbreeding with the actual English aristocracy for 200 years.

moderator99 ago

Who do you think controls the Crown?

1scm ago

yes, the swamp network is unbelievable.So, it's no surprise that Fauci is married to Ghislaine's sister.

moderator99 ago

No he's not. He's married to Christine Grady, who is not the same woman as Christine Maxwell.

still_winning ago

I wish but this has been debunked.

shitface9000 ago

Her sisters made software at some point, but I don’t think fauci is married to one of them.

Battlefat ago

First I’ve heard this claim

jpcfamily ago


lifeduringwartime ago

Snug as a gaggle of maggots.

boogaloo_2020 ago

What is it going to take for people to actually do something? I think this is so big no one even knows where to start.

Lurker17 ago

But it is starting, like a wildfire.

boogaloo_2020 ago

Yeah I suppose the information is. But Without action nothing will really happen. I was more getting at how can people really get more involved that posting a picture.

SmaugTheGolden ago

Nice. Good work.

PacaGoat ago

Not me. 8kun boys are on this like a hound dog.

SmaugTheGolden ago

Thanks to them too, but I don't go to 8kun and I wouldn't have seen this if you hadn't posted it here. I'm thankful for that.

PacaGoat ago

Try this. Updates several times a day.

SmaugTheGolden ago

Thank you. I appreciate that.

rickki6 ago

PacaGoat ago


Texasbeleiver ago

eBay also showing pillows for outrageous prices showing as of last night - one was $22,999.

rickki6 ago

Jesus !!

angelCole ago

Wayfair trended all day yesterday on Twitter, that doesn't happen that often. It's exploded since yesterday and it's leading to other rabbit holes.

ChiCom ago

I've seen stuff like this on eBay and Amazon to

rickki6 ago

its embedded everywhere. wow

ScorchedEarthAnon ago

Sick. I've read about questionable and tyrannical Etsy overlord practices in the past. I'm currently working on starting my own company making natural skin care, and I know I would get the highest visibility selling on Etsy once I'm ready, but my morals and integrity will refuse to sell my soul for the possibility of making more sales. This is disgusting - thanks for increasing my resolve against them :(

rickki6 ago

horrible. hard to believe.

Ardithla ago

I’ve seen books on Amazon listed at huge prices. Just thought it was a typo at the time. This could be going on at a lot of sites.

corrbrick ago

Now that you mention it, I've seen other items besides books on Amazon that have had outrageous prices.

moderator99 ago

Money laundering.

People are so easily suggestible to think the worst.

rickki6 ago

So scary and sick

Lurker17 ago

They love to do this right in front of us. Makes the digging easier.

Mr_Wolf ago

read a few times they're supposed to advertise what they're doing to make right with (insert crazy reason I dont recall here)

A_Punkass_Bitch ago

this also reminds me of the conspiracy about all the mattress stores all thru america being money laundering operations. Why do we need so many, most people only rarely buy a new bed, like once every ten years, how do such stores stay in business. Might be also doing sex trafficing.