toutedesuite ago

I have been following Q since Day 1, researching and digging on all of the pizza- pedo- evils worldwide, and tet - I had no idea re these details linking what seem[ed] isolated cases and actors. Holy Mother of G*d, your post is jaw dropping.

darkknight111 ago

“All Is Connected” isn’t just some weird mumbo jumbo eastern religion mantra, as I have learned the hard way with pizzagate. Just here digging into the murder of Judith Barsi for the past two years, I have found that the connections are a convoluted tangled spider web of evil.

This time connecting the Bronfman Mafia (prime suspects in her murder I believe) of NXIVM infamy to various old voat leads such as Barrick Gold, the Golden Triangle (thus much of the horrors the Vietnamese people have been through for the last 60 years), a fruit company connected to the evils of the Silver Triangle.

Nextnewtruth ago

What similar clubs were created before NXIVM?

What was Frank Lloyd Wright creating, and what happened at Taliesin?

Why did the NXIVM doctor practice in two locations - New York and Racine, Wisconsin?

All is connected to the Root of All Evil and the Model for the Real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030.

Racine is where the Podestas were MADE.

Who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?

toutedesuite ago

Your mention of FLR/Taleisin just caught my attention in a BIG way. I know nothing except have always had a vague feeling of distaste, creepiness, puzzlement about him

and his [cult] fans. Now I think there is probably so much to dig and expose. Symbols will be their diwnfall, what was my deepest, non-slumbering brain trying to tell me all my life?

3141592653 ago

I appreciate the last sentence. I know two Mormons personally who are working to fight the corruption

Call_Of_Goat ago

Good job like always

3141592653 ago


JesusIsTheTruth ago

Why is the Mormon Mafia closely connected with the Boy Scouts, NASA, Jesuits, the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Pythias?

Why did George Webb Sweigert turn red when talking about the Mormon Mafia when he was in Racine?

Why would George Webb Sweigert claim to have met Jesus Christ in Racine, Wisconsin?

What really happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt and why did George fight with Jenny before she was killed?

What is Scientology and why was That 70’s Show set in Racine, Wisconsin?

Where did the Mormons settle outside of Utah, specifically in Wisconsin and Illinois?

What are the Voree plates and what is Strangite?

Who are the original Arizona Cardinals and how are they connected to St. Louis and the Vatican?

Who was Mitt Romney named after, and how many NFL teams did Racine, Wisconsin have?

Why did Mitt Romney choose Paul Ryan as his running mate?

Why was the author of the Secret on the Tarmac wearing Freemason socks on Fox?

Why did Paul Ryan resign, who is his wife, and how is he closely connected with the Boy Scouts?

What is the Most Valuable Resource in the World?

Why would Donald Trump sign The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World with a family of Satanic pedophiles in a building designed by Satanic pedophiles?

Why are obelisks being erected all through Racine, Wisconsin?

What are Community Foundations, why are the Rothschilds in Racine, and why is Racine the global model for Smart Cities, Resilient Communities, and Agenda 21 and 2030?

What is the ArK of the Covenant, and what was found in the Pyramids?

What is the significance of the other Seven Wonders of the World?

What is the significance of ancient formations and civilizations in Wisconsin?

What is The Path of Souls?

What was the real reason for the Tarmac meeting, and why was Paul Ryan involved?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

What is The Parousia?

fogdryer ago

was Jenn really hired to get rid of "some" evidence?

123456789Truth ago

Jenny found The Truth in Racine and believed in Jesus Christ.

What did George have to say after the meeting?

Why would George claim to have met Jesus Christ in Racine, Wisconsin?

What was Jenny investigating before she was killed involving Bill Clinton, Jeff Epstein, Chuck Schumer and Anthony Weiner?

What were the names redacted from the True Pundit report?

Antony Weiner and Chuck Schumer

Both are members of the Knights of Pythias connected to Racine, Wisconsin. So are Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich.

Jenny and George were not fighting about Mike Flynn.

They were fighting because Jenny Moore believed in Jesus Christ and found The Truth in Racine, Wisconsin.

Jenny finally figured out that The Truth she found in Racine exposed George’s lies.

Who did George say “had the drop on him”?

When was the first time George mentioned the Mormon Mafia, the Knights of Pythias and the Emanuels?

Why did George go out of his way to avoid Racine until Jenny forced him to go?

What roles did Jason Goodman, Trish Negron and Joe Napoli play?

What MMA Freemason was exposed playing a key role in George’s deception?

What role did JK play when she was killed? What religion does JK practice? What religion does George practice?

Why does George protect Trump, Kushner and Israel, yet claim to be a Bernie supporter?

Why were teams of assassins hired to murder @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt after their meeting in Racine?

Why was Jenny banned from Voat after she began agreeing with and sharing information from @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

Why was George’s brother so upset about the meeting in Racine? What does his brother do?

Why did his brother tell George to check out of the hotel the very next day, nearly a year after Jenny died, after Dave found The Truth in a Titus Frost chat?

Why did George delete the end of his video from Nov 1, 2019 where he said he gave too much credit to Jenny and Jesus Christ, and that he never wanted their help?

Jenny found The Truth. She was brave and outspoken, and they could not allow her to share The Truth she found.

She was not the only one who was Murdered.

We are the Most Targeted, Stalked, Threatened, Censored and Banned of All on Voat. Why?

We are the reason why Voat was made private. We are the reason why Reddit and 8chan were censored.

We are the reason why the False Prophet QAnon was created.

The Deal was signed by Trump in Racine with a family of Satanic pedophiles in a building designed by Satanic pedophiles.

The Deal enables the Model and the Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast.

This is The Parousia.

70times7 ago

Surprising number of mormons on voat.

And they get really mad when you call them out.

ldsanon ago

No, we don’t get mad. Being a Mormon is like being a Q follower. Here’s what I mean.

We know something the rest of the world doesn’t believe.

We have proofs that the world dismisses.

The MSM lies about us.

People make false accusations based on prejudice, ignorance, and hubris.

We know something of events to come that nobody else can understand.

False religions, like the Vatican, have attacked us since the beginning.

We have been warning about the Cabal for two centuries.

We will play a critical role in saving the Republic in the future.

But we are human and Satan attacks anyone who seeks to live righteously and follow Christ.

It is not surprising that we face opposition.

We hold the keys of the kingdom.

It’s like football. Everyone wants to tackle the guy with the ball.

Meanwhile, we quietly keep moving toward the goal.

70times7 ago

We will play a critical role in saving the Republic in the future.

Scripture says when romes mark of authority is enforced, then the final plagues of God fall and the world is left in ruin. That is when Christ returns.

Scripture speaks of no group "saving the republic".

On the contrary, it speaks of the nations of the world falling into destruction.

ldsanon ago

This is a typical closed-minded approach. The Bible never claims to be a closed canon of scripture. The typical response is to point to the last verses of John’s Revelation and say that “adding to” the book will bring condemnation. However, most scholars will tell you that Revelation was written around 95 AD and that the Gospel of John was written afterwards. Therefore John “added to” scripture. When you come to realize that the Bible is the CAUSE of Christian disunity, then you come to realize the need for additional scripture as well as living apostles.

70times7 ago

Christ told us to use the scriptures. He specifically had John write the Revelation so that His people would know future events.

Revelation speaks of a "beast of many waters" (which is the papacy) having a mark of authority at the end. That any who do not take it, will not be able to buy or sell, and will eventually be killed.

It then speaks of a "beast rising out of the earth" (which is the united states) that will form an image (copy) of the papacy. A church/state copy.

And this 2nd beast will enforce the mark of the first. It will be its military/legislative power.

Scripture, which Jesus had John write, tells us the united states will join with the antichrist power of rome to bring on the 7 last plagues.

The united states will not be saved. Restored. Protected, or any thing else.

It will be destroyed. As will every nation.

If Joe Smiths book speaks against any of that, it is error.

The scriptures testify of Jesus. And Revelation is a direct revealing of the future from Jesus himself.

If your book contradicts it, your book is error.

ldsanon ago

Foolish to argue, but I will simply ask you this:

To what scriptures did Jesus refer?

Did the New Testament exist?

When was the New Testament written?

Did anyone in the Bible ever own a Bible?

Did the apostles therefore “add to” the scripture to which Jesus referred?

Your premise would eliminate the New Testament.

Nobody in the Bible ever had a Bible.

The Church was not built upon a book. It was built on the foundation of living apostles and prophets, with Jesus as the chief cornerstone.

70times7 ago

Jesus referred to the "Law and the Prophets". Told us to search them. They testified of Him.

Almost sounds like you are calling the New Testament written by His apostles a fraud.

But you wouldnt say that, so maybe the wording was a bit off.

Jesus gave us the "Revelation" so that, to quote it... "to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass".

In it, He tells us what the events surrounding the end of this probation will be.

Either Jesus was lying in what he told us, or someone else was.

You arent calling Jesus a liar of course. So by default..

ldsanon ago

Sorry you are having trouble with the analogy. If Jesus told people to search the scriptures, and his disciples said that the scriptures were good for instruction, reproof, doctrine, etc.--to what scriptures was he referring?

Obviously, he is referring to what we call the Old Testament today.

Thus I will clarify for you. If the Old Testament was sufficient for instruction, doctrine, reproof, etc., and if the Old Testament testified of Christ, why then did the disciples write a New Testament that ADDED TO the existing scripture.

My point is that living prophets and apostles add to existing scripture.

Latter-day saint prophets represent a new dispensation; therefore, as was the pattern in the past, they received and revealed new scripture.

See the pattern? The Bible was never intended to be the end of scripture.

Protestants and Catholics closed the canon without authorization from God.

Amos 3:7 -- read it.

70times7 ago

why then did the disciples write a New Testament that ADDED TO the existing scripture.

Because the priesthood had changed. Messiah had come, fulfilled the prophecies of Daniel, Isaiah and other prophets. No longer the levitcal priesthood was the path to salvation. Now we were to come boldly before the thrown of grace. To the Son of God himself who is out mediator between God and man.

Noone said there cannot be more scripture or inspired writing then what the old testament was.

What was said was, if a writing comes along that contradicts the writings of Christs apostles, who He appointed to share the gospel with the world, then it is error.

If Mr Smith teaches the United States will be some great leader nation, some pure anointed of God nation that will usher in some great utopia, yet the very Revelation that Jesus gave to His apostle John on the island of patmos teaches the exact opposite, then one of those is error.

Either the direct Revelation Jesus Himself gave to John the apostle, or the revelation Mr Smith claims he was given.

They speak direct opposite things.

Not sure if mormons study Daniel, Revelation etc, but if so, you can see the absolute 100% contradiction in them.

100% contradiction.

ldsanon ago

You seem to be obsessing over one single point--America's role in the latter-days. You don't know enough about latter-day saint doctrines and teachings to make an informed judgment. I don't really want to argue with you, but I will simply sign off, encouraging you to study it out more. If you want to know our beliefs, we believe the Holy Bible as written, without the interpolations of Catholics and Protestants. We believe the Bible far more literally than most other Christians. That said, we have additional revelation that does not contradict the Bible, only man's uninspired interpretations of it. Please research more. gives you access to our scriptures, Bible dictionary, and other study tools, all of which are searchable. A good resource. Farewell.

70times7 ago

I have a physical copy of your book actually mate.

Im not arguing to argue. Dont run off.

Im just telling you, the bible says the united states will help the papacy enforce its mark of authority.

The papacy (beasts) mark is what scripture says brings on the 7 last plagues of God.

Christ returning during the 7th plague for His church.

America is the enemy in scripture. Not the hero.

Ive seen the replica oval office you guys have at the top of that building in utah. Im not 100% ignorant of your teachings.

I get you guys believe that because Joe said it. But its contradictory to the bible.

darkknight111 ago

Refer to the new commentary.

70times7 ago


derram ago :

Well Hells Bells 🌻 on Twitter: "The dam has cracked.

1000s and 1000s of sexual abuse stories and official coverups (heard 'em my whole life). NOT a matter of locals. Abuse and coverup go straight to the top.

This is IN ADDITION to cabal/satanic/trafficking ties.

The Great Awakening is just getting started.…"

This has been an automated message.