MaverickMeerkat ago

LMFAO this is the first time I've hit the downvoat limit so many class A retards in here

CheeseboogersGhost ago

hahaha I'm fucking laughing so hard right now dude holy fuck

Shizy ago

"After a long investigation" šŸ¤£!

What you really mean is "After being overcome with obsession for these two chicks who owned my ass, I spent all my free time pouring over their comment histories in a pathetic attempt to paint myself as the victim because my fragile ego couldn't handle women telling me how much of a stupid asshole I am".

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You've both been watched for a year. You understand that, right? That whole sub has been watched, and how the little members in it do. Its the same way most pizzagaters left here two or three years ago. You know why they left? Because they deemed @KevDude a shill. You can put that in your browser and look it up @sraysie . I'm not saying I believe it. Also, many of the prominent members who came here right at the beginning said this place was taken over by SRS. I joke around and stuff but I'm not saying I believe it. Many of them went back to the chans and made many threads about it. I do, however, believe that you and syrazie are SRS and that the great awakening sub is a Zionist outlet.

Shizy ago

I don't even know what SRS is or what that stands for! i don't care if I've been watched. I have been here for over a year but I'm really not that active. There have been long stretches where I'm not even on here. This isn't my life. It's interesting. It's fun. But if I have other shit going on that's where I spend my time. What I'm saying is I really don't care! What's watching me gonna do? It doesn't effect my real life. I fuck with you because it's fun. When it's not fun I ignore you. If you want to be real and decent we could have some actual dialogue. Like this comment you just sent me! It's probably the most authentic thing you have ever written to me. And as such I'm responding to you in a more authentic way as well. That's what reasonable people do. If you have more info I'm willing to listen with an open mind.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You don't fuck with me, baby. I live rent-free in that mind of yours. You are obsessed with me and I have the inbox to prove it. You're triggered. I would not want someone like you around children or money or whatever. I've profiled your personality and it isn't good. There are many indicators that you are a very evil and terrible person.

Shizy ago

That's all you got? I didn't know they handed out psych degrees at the trailer park! You're boring me again. Until I see that picture of your shitty truck I'll know you're a big, fat, BALD liar

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You keep trying to use "trailer park" as an insult, jewess. There's more trash in the suburbs and apartment buildings that there will ever be in a trailer park. You should lay off the meth, zany bars and clonpins

srayzie ago

He saw my Twitter pic. He told me like 3 times I was hot. That was fine, I told him thank you. I donā€™t know when he found out I was married. But he made a post attacking a user. He told me which users were Jews. I didnā€™t ban who he told me to. Obviously he isnā€™t good at spotting Jews. šŸ™„ Then he called me a Jew. So then he says never mind, I must have not looked at your picture close enough. So after saying I was hot, seeing that Iā€™m white, he changes his tune. Now he says Iā€™m anti-white which makes no sense.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

A WINNER ISN'T A BITCH. The little loser who change the rules after they lose are BITCHES. You cant help them save face, dude. I WON. I was pinged many of the times I striked back. They banned me. I won. You stand on the side of Zionism and shady jew tactics, little buddy, and everyone seen it. I saved it all. I know what Voat is. Know that fact, son. I even pinged crensch two or three weeks ago when they ping spammed me and I busted OhWellIan trying to take claim for others work. I also cauight some other shit, too, that I didn't bring to anyone's attention. Srayzie and OhWellIan had their little lovers quarrel. Four days later, OhWellIan was posting there again like nothing ever happened hahaha SLOPPY. sloppy. sloppy. "trolled" ....pffft I gave my opinions on their sub and that obviously is not allowed.

Its okay, though. I've taken down much bigger & smarter crypto's than them. Its what I do.

Womb_Raider ago

I only use one account (actually I have an alt called @TheMandarinChief but I don't really use it) so I'd really appreciate it if you would stop insulting my character.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i aint a rapper tho

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I was being ping spammed by the GA brigade. I respond and beat them all into a pulp. Then I get banned for it. I post proof as to what these ziotards are. Either you didn't look at it or youre stupid or are complicit. You side with them and pat them on their back as they attack me with nonsense. fuck you

srayzie ago

Every time someone disagrees with you, you talk shit. Kevdude is stupid now because he sees the truth? Iā€™m surprised you didnā€™t call him a Jew too. He knows Iā€™m not a Jew or he wouldnā€™t have made me a pizzagate mod or a protect Voat O. Heā€™s not taking sides. Heā€™ll tell me when Iā€™m wrong too. All he is doing is being real with you.

Your Jewdar is whacked. The fact that you say almost everyone is a Jew makes you not even credible. Itā€™s like crying wolf. When the time comes where itā€™s actually true, people will be rolling their eyes and thinking here he goes again. šŸ™„ Youā€™re one of three things... an immature little man starving for attention, JIDF, or emotionally unstable.

You act like an immature little bitch. You should take all of todayā€™s downvotes and learn from them. People are sick of you repeating yourself day in and day out. So predictable. Your first defense is always calling someone a Jew or a woman.

Iā€™m not ashamed to be a woman. Obviously, I prove that women can run a sub and not bow down to some insecure douche on the Internet. (Who had to tell me he was buff). Seriously? What that tells me is that you are one UGLY ASS MOTHER FUCKER.

You are a middle aged redneck with a big beer belly whoā€™s let himself go. You have low self esteem and need to feel manly by talking about your guns. We have several. Big deal. My husband has a license to carry and has one with him everywhere he goes. Uh oh. You better come up with something like having big truck. If not, coming to terms with the fact that the last bit of manhood you thought you had left wasnā€™t really there, will have your blood pressure thru the roof. You obviously suffer from Little Dick Syndrome. Thatā€™s ok. Abused wives donā€™t usually want to fuck their husbands anyway. Donā€™t worry tho. Your hand will continue to be there for you.

You could always prove youā€™re buff and in great shape by writing whatever I say on a piece of paper and sending a pic within 2 min. You donā€™t have to show your ugly mug. If you donā€™t do that, then your claim of being in the best shape of your life and buff will be just another embarrassing claim youā€™ve made that leads credence to you being a little pussy. But even if you were hot, why would I give a shit? You arenā€™t my man. Youā€™re weak and let me control your emotions. Iā€™m into real men.

I told you I would leave you alone if you leave me alone. Iā€™ll stop pinging your bitch ass. Iā€™m sorry I did that. I didnā€™t know you couldnā€™t handle it. Youā€™re too much of a pussy to stand on your own. You need to make posts like a kid being a tattletale. Youā€™ve pinged both @Kevdude and @Crensch whining about me in the past. Itā€™s like you think Iā€™m going to get in trouble. You havenā€™t proved to them yet that Iā€™m some Jew. Give it up. You look like a fool.

You also ping your little buddies to come to your defense when they have no clue about the situation or what youā€™ve been doing to us. Why donā€™t you grow a pair, be a man, and handle your own business? Put on your big boy pants. You canā€™t handle being smeared by a WOMAN? How about 2? @Shizy wonā€™t put up with your shit either. I guess itā€™s only your abused fat ugly ass white trash wife that bows at your boot. Itā€™s more like you can bow at my cute California girl sandles with lavender toe nails. Ha! Youā€™re a joke!

I unbanned you. Try having some class. Over time people wonā€™t remember this embarrassing side of you. You should thank me for my advice.

Shizy ago

OMG srayzie, you own booger!l I just can't stop laughing! It's hysterical that he's too utterly stupid to see what a retard he is. The only people here who agree with his inbred laughable logic are those who still don't understand how he has been acting, or are just as mentally stunted as he is!

It's pretty sad to act like such a big, tough, macho man while playing the liberal woman victim card all the time. He continues to be too stupid to see how he has to rely on the validation of others. His constant crying out for people to support him would be sad if it were coming from anyone else! That's not how men behave, especially not tough as hell redneck men like he pretends to be.

srayzie ago

I know! Itā€™s pathetic!

Shizy ago

No srayzie, we have this all wrong. He is special so he's allowed to say whatever the he'll he wants! Even if that's to rape someone, force people to suck his whatever, or to threaten to kill people. It's all ok because he's somehow "special"! But if anyone else says anything gasp "racist", or derogatory they are just awful people who will be watched and will be stopped!!!

Makes perfect sense right????

And still, he's too stupid to see how behaving this way makes him look to most people! It's easier to play the victim than have to realize the truth about yourself.

srayzie ago

Well if he threatens someone in GA, I can ban him permanently šŸ˜

CheeseboogersGhost ago

  1. You're a low IQ jew.

  2. I never pinged anyone to come here because if I had there would be a shitload of people here.

  3. You are a feminist woman(oy vey we haven't seen this before nope) and its laughable that you are in control of anything serious. It can never be taken seriously.

  4. More anti-white hate from you. You damned right I'm a redneck who has many guns, but I have no beer belly. I'm in shape. The only people who talk like you are city yankeetards and jewbags. I got you again! Men like me will always be ten steps ahead of little idiots like you. Oh, and my truck costs more than your house, little yankee idiot woman, and yeah its lifted and big.

  5. Oh yes yes I can post a pic of me oy vey proving I am buff and not fat. Yes! Great idea. Israel is our friend!! yuk yuk Your definition of "hot" is a witch face, beaner or a nigger. One or the other.

  6. You wish you had some kind of power over me, but you don't and never will. You aren't smart enough. The fact is, you kept poking me and I destroyed you and your little sub. It will never recover. Oh, and I'm not done, btw. I haven't even started. ah ah ah If anything, you've proven you are nothing but a hate-filled, emotional woman who hates men. lol

  7. Kevdude, even though he is obviously on your Zionist side, explained to yo uand shizy why it might be smart for you to unban me and you fuckin know it. Voats immune response was getting ready to fuck your shit up. You ziotards are low-level idiots. I consider it a sport slapping you little bitches around

srayzie ago

You didnā€™t need to ping anyone this time dipshit. You made 4 posts on 4 different subs. We got almost 500 comments and number 1 most controversial post. What an attention seeker. Itā€™s awesome tho. Thank you. Itā€™s made a lot of people see how you are.

I am SO not a feminist. I canā€™t stand feminists. I LOVE MEN. I usually get along with men more then women. Maybe thatā€™s why I donā€™t like you. LOL. I donā€™t like WEAK men. Iā€™m not anti-white. I AM white and you know it from my Twitter. Remember, you commented a couple of times that I was hot. Then when you decided I was a Jew, you said you must have not looked at the pic very close. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

Iā€™m not trying to brag like you, but you havenā€™t seen my house. You would be my gardener bitch. I have had power over you for months faggot. I enjoy making you freak out. Youā€™re free entertainment. If not, I wouldnā€™t have pinged you.

Oh you just started huh? Bring it on then bro. Iā€™ve been gathering stuff for hours and am ready to strike when the time is right. In fact, I think if I did a vote, most of GreatAwakening would vote to ban you. That, with everything Iā€™ve gathered, will justify it without stooping to Reddit comment censorship.


@kevdude he forgot to ping you after posting about you AGAIN.

@Shizy, you are my witness that he said heā€™s just starting. Iā€™m taking screenshots too. Iā€™m gathering all kinds of stuff on him. If the fucker wants to play games, itā€™s on.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I educated everyone here about you and your Zionist group. I am a jew hunter. Its what I do and I do it well. You cannot save face. YOU LOST THE SECOND YOU BANNED ME. I! WIN! Then you ran as fast as ya could to change the rules. If that isn't some jewy shit then I don't know what is. It was scheming fraud. We've seen this before, haven't we Goats?

I am SO not a feminist

are you denying your feminist posts that's in the OP?? are you saying I shopped that stuff?

Iā€™m not trying to brag like you

I don't brag. You talked shit about my truck and I set your ass straight with facts. I'm not a jew like you and think money is the measure of a man. In fact, I detest behavior such as that and would trust a poor person long before I ever would someone with money.

You would be my gardener bitch

I own many gas and oil wells in Ky, Pa, and WV on my land, not that I give a flyin fuck what you or anyone on the internet thinks. I seriously doubt you have more money than me. Rednecks like me own little fools like you daily haha I earned everything I have. I didn't have to marry a man and sucky fucky to get it. I didn't inherit it from mommy and daddy and get sent to some prestige jew college. ah ah ah I'm a jack-of-all-trades. You prolly don't even know how to fuckin grow a real garden yankeetard

Oh you just started huh? Bring it on then bro. Iā€™ve been gathering stuff for hours and am ready to strike when the time is right. In fact, I think if I did a vote, most of GreatAwakening would vote to ban you. That, with everything Iā€™ve gathered, will justify it without stooping to Reddit comment censorship.

You jews and banning people tsk tsk tsk So, do you give all Goats who disagree with you in your Greater Israel Awakening sub the same flair you gave unto me? haha You pathetic ziotard and your labels to try and contain white unity.

@kevdude he forgot to ping you after posting about you AGAIN.

boo hoo someone come and save me!! I'm a damsel in distress!! oy veys @KevDude can you change muh light bulb, because I'm a woman???

@Shizy, you are my witness that he said heā€™s just starting. Iā€™m taking screenshots too. Iā€™m gathering all kinds of stuff on him. If the fucker wants to play games, itā€™s on.

uh....haha you do realize how many screen caps I have of you two, right? You can delete hundreds of your comments just like the pedo's on Twitter. It matters not oy vey

Shizy ago

You don't brag about money and "detest that behavior", and then turn around and talk about owning several gas and oil wells? Haha! Nice try boy! Where I come from "jack of all trades" is typically a euphemism for unemployed handy man.

Still waiting for the pic of your awesome truck! I'm sure it's a gas engine too since you seem to make such smart decisions šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

@srayzie did you get your pic yet of his hot, not old, not fat body????

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh man you are mentally unhinged and I am living rent-free in your scuzzy mind. Who the fuck would work taking care of the mentally disabled then post online about laughing at them?? I bet /POL would like to know about this.

Shizy ago

Is reading hard for you? I never said I worked taking care of them! I said I worked with them because the reality is there are a lot of mentally retarded people in the world! And I also never said I laughed at them, I said I had the urge to laugh at them because they say and do some stupid shit! Did your mom drink when she was pregnant with you cause damn if you're not cognitively challenged! Stealing my rent free in the mind comment is cute too, but start coming up with your own material if it's not to hard for you!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Stealing my rent free in the mind comment is cute too

That's funny. I've said this phrase for at least 30 years.You invented that phrase? Is that what hahahabwahahaha what you're telling me?? wow. The narcissism runs deep in that demented mind of yours, young lady. I need to get my boots on 'cause the bullshit is getting deep up in hither. Then you make a mother insult like a good little jew. What is it with you jews and mother insults? See, here's the thing......I bet you are a meth junkies who lives in a shack. good day

Shizy ago

And how dare you make fun of meth addicts! Their struggle is real! They're better people than you any day of the week and I would rather spend time with them than a rich person šŸ˜‚! Does that about sum up how to write a phoney outrage post shitstain????

Shizy ago

I don't know what your old drunk ass has been saying for 30 years! All I know is I wrote that to you recently because it's the truth! You're obsessed! I'm sure meth abuse is a problem in the poverty stricken shithole you live in, but it's not that way where I live. My husband isn't an out of work handyman with a massive truck payment because he spent more on that than our house šŸ˜‚

CheeseboogersGhost ago

so....what else do you think that you came up with? Is the room with us right now?

Shizy ago

If you're trying to get me to say a big black dick it's not gonna work! Oh wait, oops! You win!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

wtf why do you keep talking about this "black dick"? fuck off and stop commenting to me you sicko

Shizy ago

Is your wife looking over your shoulder again? Can't let her in on your dirty (and dark šŸ˜‰) secret now can you!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'm an open book and well loved by most

Shizy ago

Boring! What else ya got?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I got hundreds of messages from you! TRIGGERED

Shizy ago

And I have more than that from you girlfriend! What's your point? Got anything else? I'm bored

CheeseboogersGhost ago

That's because you are bi-polar and prolly should have your doc to up your meds, unless of course, they kicked you off because you abuse them. You're nutso. If you are married I feel sorry for that dude. He probably needs to smack you down in the kitchen floor

Shizy ago

Being called crazy by a crazy person is awesome! And you know I'm married, that's why you're so jealous and angry. You really need to get over it. I'm not interested and I never will be.

srayzie ago

I didnā€™t even read half of your post. Honest to God. So I donā€™t know what kind of feminist thing youā€™re talking about. I am against abortion, I like my man being the leader of the household, I donā€™t need to work and donā€™t feel the need to be a career woman. Iā€™m old fashioned. My husband likes cooking and cooks most of the time. So Iā€™m not in the kitchen making a sammich. He spoils me. So what? At least Iā€™m not your ugly fat ass wife.

I didnā€™t say money is the measure of a man. I said your need to brag and talk about your guns and how buff you are tells me you have a little dick and feel insecure. So I knew that you would be the type to have a big truck. I study psychology and I didnā€™t go to no Jew school. I can read you like a book and I guarantee you right now that you show all signs for someone that is insecure and has low self esteem. People like you get online and are loud and seek attention. In real life you feel inadequate. You have the need to act big and tough. Iā€™m usually a nice person but when I donā€™t like someone the way I donā€™t like you, then I have no problem controlling your emotions. Youā€™ll get wore out and give up. I guarantee it will be before I do.

I donā€™t know what you think your screenshots are going to do. There was only one place you banned me from that I actually like... Iā€™m unbanned now. So why would I give a fuck what screenshots you have? Iā€™ve trolled you because you trolled me. I told you I would stop if you stopped. Oh and since youā€™re gathering screenshots, why donā€™t you go give that guy you replied to telling that I apologized to you and talked shit about him. Where is that private message screenshot? I would love to see it. Donā€™t forget, I want a screenshot of that arrest warrant too.

I added you back because I donā€™t want to be like Reddit. I care about free speech. You can disagree about Q and Trump all you want. But I have proof that almost every single comment isnā€™t about them. Itā€™s you attacking users. But I am going to continue gathering everything you say and do there. Keep on. Then if I do a vote and the majority wants you gone and I have everything Iā€™ve collected, then one little troll being banned wonā€™t make a difference.

I care about my country and wonā€™t let the sub become a shithole because of cancerous trolls like you.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

srayzie ago

Oh and donā€™t be a pussy. If youā€™re gonna talk shit about someone, man up and ping them instead of talking shit behind their back.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

This is a public place. It isn't talking shit. You think I'm scared of him?? lol If anything, many things became abundantly clear since yesterday. Many people left Voat for their suspicions. That's why the site is dead. DEAD. Its a reddit pop-off valve/containment site.

srayzie ago

Keep fucking with me boy.

Iā€™ve got more so next time you go make posts about me in at least 4 different subs, be ready to have your ass destroyed.


CheeseboogersGhost ago

lololol Did you get the one where I said "Hi" to you and shizy? ah ah ah

Shizy ago

Yes booger, we need a picture to prove how in shape, not fat, and manly you are. Oh, and send a pic with your shirt off while you're holding today's newspaper. We want to make sure your spanx aren't holding in that beer gut and you're not sending an old pic. Got it?

Oh, and take it in front of your shitty ass truck that you probably overpaid for. I'll show my husband. He loves to laugh at wanna be dumbfucks who are too cheap to lift their trucks the right way and don't address the suspension. They make themselves look like punk bitches driving "big manly" trucks that can't perform for shit!

Can't wait!!!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You lame ass wannabees cant compete with men like me. Never could never will. smhlol Just crawl away, rat. You lost. You fell at the feet of greatness like many other ziorats before you. You should feel privileged to have lost to me, kid.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Owned?? lol bullshit. clamcocklegfaggot is right there with srayzie and the other shills. You've chosen sides. good to know. what has voat become I think is a question getting clearer every day. Maybe I'l lstart focusing on what many are suspecting?

Shizy ago

Is kevdude now "marked" too you weak faggot?!!!!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I thought my opinions don't matter? I banned me for giving my opinions and exposing your ziotard bullshit. As I said, Shitsie, since yesterday, many of my suspicions about Voat have been confirmed. There's a reason why most left this site and why this site is dead. Maybe I'll make POL my new home?

Crensch ago

No, @kevdude is right. @clamhurt_legbeard just thoroughly demolished you, bud.

I like you, and I appreciate your input, but like these others, I haven't seen an ounce of support for your posts and comments and accusations where this is concerned. You KNOW I'm willing to flip on a dime when new evidence is presented that makes my position untenable, and you KNOW I'd support you fully if you had evidence or arguments that are solid.

I, like kevdude, really have no dog in this fight, but that smackdown was pretty solid.

All you have to do is provide what they've been asking for this whole time, and if it's solid, I'm with you, bud.

As an aside, I was pinged to a comment of yours about @Oh_Well_ian. I destroyed that dude on the Moloch picture "debunking" for the same reasons I'm with clamhurt on this one.

Ever since that dustup, OWI seems to have made an effort to not post weak arguments, because I've not detected anything suspicious about his posts since.

I'm not a nice guy, but I'd like to think I follow the evidence.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

wtf They pinged me then banned me then ran and changed the rules. I won. I don't have to show the rest of my cards. I won the game. They're trying to save face. I don't care what questions clamcocklegfaggot asked after that fact. They got their shit rekt and it is all null and void. The Great Awakening is a Zionist outlet and its members have participated in pushing Zionism. Its members also spam ping Goats to stir up drama then REeeeeeeee after they get their asses beat. Its fuckin pathetic dude.

Crensch ago

wtf They pinged me then banned me then ran and changed the rules.

Not interested in them pinging you, yes, they banned you, and rules are often made because SOMEone did something requiring a rule to be made.

I've been looking through your comment history, bud. I see very little support for any of your accusations against @srayzie or any of the others you've attacked.

You posted the JIDF 4chan link, but that proves nothing about what you're saying.

You provided a screenshot of @shizy saying we should ally with niggers, and I agree that's pure kikery, but a LOT of whites still haven't taken the race pill - many from PG/GA haven't. It's not a pleasant reality to swallow, but it's true. A LOT of middle-aged soccer moms and retired old farts want to do what they can to put pedos behind bars without knowing what we know. It happens. Not everyone that wants to do good will believe everything we do. I've gotten VERY good at sniffing out Jews since I've been here, and I've also gotten very good at sniffing out non-Jews that are misled and may never fully cope with reality.

I won.

Nobody's winning here. You're not winning because the best support you have for attacking them is the screenshot of shizy, who was just modded, saying niggers and humans should work together.

What is this stuff about you saying you're going to take GA from srayzie? No sub xfers have happened in over a year if I'm not mistaken, and she's not doing anything wrong from any PV perspective since her subverse is her own private subverse (not default/system) that she herself made and fostered into the dominant subverse it now is.

Nobody else is winning because a lot of us like you, but we haven't seen any good evidence for your positions, and especially your attacks. If all you did was attack shizy for being a nigger-lover, I could see that and think you had a valid reason to do so.

I don't have to show the rest of my cards.

You haven't shown any. At best you have a nigger-lover. Other than that, it seems like you're picking on a soccer mom to me. I'm on page 12 of your comments, and only two show anything remotely supporting your position. Saying JIDF is here is like saying racists are here; DUH. What you're not doing is showing these users to be Jewish or to be behaving Jewishly.

You're not a spammer, but if all you do is attack people, I can't really say someone is wrong for removing your voice from their subverse. I don't agree with it, and it's against general Voat trends, but it's their prerogative.

I won the game.

I suppose that really depends on your definition of winning. I don't see it.

They're trying to save face.

They're floundering about having to deal with someone who contributes nothing, not even a counterpoint, and attacks people constantly. They're generally PG-spinoff people, and they're not battle-hardened goats that storm around in /all or /all/new. PV made mistakes when we first started, too; there was a LOT of back-and-forth and trying to do what's right and make policy as we formed. @kevdude will attest to this.

I don't care what questions clamcocklegfaggot asked(LAME ATTEMPT) after that fact.

I want to know, though. I think a lot of us do. What support do you have for Q being a LARP? What support do you have for (insert user) being a Jew? (ask anyone you trust that frequents PG, MANY of them are NOT racist)

I'm more than happy to discuss things about Trump or Q, or why you see things happening and perceive Trump or Q as against us, while I do not. I've responded to your attacks with my reasoning before, but I don't recall getting a response with your reasoning, just that Trump is surrounded by Jews, and plays the part of looking like he's kissing the ring. I've never heard why you think anyone at all in any position of power could not pretend to do that until the stage is set for a checkmate.

I think anyone is happy to have the discussion, dude, but unless you think I'm a Jew or a shill or something too, I don't really get the sans-substance flame-war.

I realize I use similar tactics for a time against certain users, (@Autist_9000 knows about that,) but I eventually get to the paydirt and walk people through why they're wrong. Will that ever happen with you?

They got their shit rekt and it is all null and void.

Nah, dude. They really didn't. Srayzie believes she made a mistake, and made up for it. You've had a lot of reasonable goats looking at you sideways, and you're still shooting from the hip.

The Great Awakening is a Zionist outlet and its members have participated in pushing Zionism.

I would very much like to see examples of that.

Its members also spam ping Goats to stir up drama then REeeeeeeee after they get their asses beat.

I'm not seeing either of those things happening.

Its fuckin pathetic dude.

Here's something I assume you'll find pathetic, and that's fine:

I think Trump is on our side. I think Q is real. At the VERY least, Trump sanctions Q.

I think if you looked at Voat's activity, it coincides heavily with Q posts. Q is now a better news source (to most here) than others - by comparison, infinity /pol/ is boring and lackluster.

Q is the cause of many, MANY people being awakened to the deep state, Pizzagate, MSM lying, DNC treason, and many other things that normies simply would not pay attention to otherwise. In that respect, Q is an Alex Jones without having been proven to be controlled opposition. A LOT of former AJ fans are now redpilled goats and channers, and they would not have been had it not been for AJ.

Q is important, whether or not his drops are real. Normies are waking up and taking part in their politics. No matter what happens, THAT is a good thing.

I personally find Q drops to be interesting, and I like keeping up with them. @srayzie provides a very convenient service for me, because I have little extra time to devote to connecting the dots myself.

I think I started around the time Q dropped that NK was freed from CIA control and peace was already made - months before anyone else knew about it and the public summit was held. That one happened. After everyone said NK peace was impossible.

That was the first time Q was confirmed either way for me, and there have been quite a few drops since that Q was ahead of the game on.

I keep hearing that Q is a LARP, but I never see any evidence of that. So here's your opportunity to convince me, bud. Please lay out your arguments against Q.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You're entitled to your opinions and beliefs. Its as simple as that. I don't support Zionism. I think Q was a real (((psy-op))) at first but then turned into TRACY BEANZ, $$$$$$, etc. UNIRock has made a great case about Q. That's sort of where I'm at on the whole thing. Its sad to see you fall for such shit, dude. Seriously. Maybe one day you'll look back and also scratch your head. and don't forget they pinged me starting shit because of my opinions.

Crensch ago

You're entitled to your opinions and beliefs. Its as simple as that.

As are you. I've been looking for an explanation of yours for quite some time now, and never found them.

I don't support Zionism.

I think you know my ovens are always set on "ash". I think in some few cases, things are more complicated than I would like them to be.

I think Q was a real (((psy-op))) at first but then turned into TRACY BEANZ, $$$$$$, etc. UNIRock has made a great case about Q.

I don't know anything about that except I want to punch anyone with the last name "beanz". I saw mention of them elsewhere from you, and I'll take a look.

That's sort of where I'm at on the whole thing.

I'm sure I'll understand this better shortly, but I have not been exposed to these people/subjects/whateverthefucktheyare before.

Its sad to see you fall for such shit, dude. Seriously. Maybe one day you'll look back and also scratch your head.

I can't know information that hasn't been presented to me. As far as I know up to present, you've simply had a really negative reaction to Trump and Q. The justifications given seemed very dismissive and a little on the weak side. Not saying the support for your positions is all weak, but what was presented wasn't really what I'd consider convincing.

and don't forget they pinged me starting shit because of my opinions.

I've not had that proven either way, but i have people ping me all the time that I don't like. I don't know who started what, but I know where things are now, and I got a little fed up with not understanding where you're coming from. I'll remedy that soon.

When did this really start, bud? Did they come find you in another subverse and hate on you and ping you for mocking Q? I'm not terribly interested in who fired the first shot, but that seems really odd to me. I'm happy to be convinced of this with evidence one way or the other, but I don't believe it'll really make a difference, as Voat is a clusterfuck of assholes and elbows.

srayzie ago

@Crensch asks for evidence and all youā€™ve got in regards to people making money is Tracy Beanz?

Tracy Beanz was reporting way before Q came along. Sheā€™s a journalist. Sheā€™s a very good one too. Sheā€™s had a patron account because thatā€™s how she makes a living. MOST researchers on social media do the same.

Tracy Beanz making money was exaggerated on 8chan because she was with the original Q 8chan board and then a mod of the Q Reddit forum. She did several interviews with the 8chan board owners. When Q said that that the board was compromised and switched, Tracy was caught in the middle. They all split apart. Pamphlet, one of the old board owners is attacked everyday. Why? Because one of the new lame theories going around is that he is Q. Just like anything that involves drama on Voat or Reddit, it blew up and became exaggerated. Besides, even if someone goes off and makes money, itā€™s because they chose to. How does that have anything to do with Q being real or a LARP?

Unirock is part of that same circle that ping each other spreading the latest Q is fake theory. Besides his theory, how many others have you read about or watched? Or, are you basing everything you know off of one video? Did you even watch the one you posted yesterday? Iā€™ve been putting things together to make a post that will prove that the lame ā€œQ is a Psyopā€ video that you posted is a fraud and you will see what FREAKS the people are that made it.

You donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about dude. I live and breathe Q. Youā€™re going to embarrass yourself. A wise person isnā€™t gonna try to debate something that they donā€™t know anything about. Especially in a forum full of people that have followed along! Youā€™re an idiot.

Do you think Unirock doesnā€™t make money?

Unirock - Patron Earnings

He makes $362 dollars a month on Patron. Heā€™s asking for $1500 a month. You can read his little sob story below.

We bought our P.C. , the 4,000$ AlienWare Area-51, to render our videos, and do our livestream shows. Also we upped our internet to 300 download 20 upload (the fastest business internet we can get in area). This goal is set high, but it is for paying off the computer monthly, and the internet... along with getting a few things ( like cables, usb boxes, routers, other servers, and other workstations. ) This is my dream, making content all day everyday, and you are helping me make it. Thank you

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Are you or shizy Tracy Beanz?

srayzie ago

You deflect because you canā€™t even deny that youā€™re wrong. You have been owned!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Its like arguing with Jehovah's witness' on my porch if God is real or not

Shizy ago

I think you deserve this srayzie:

šŸ†YOU WIN šŸ†

For the life of me, I can not understand how someone can bitch and cry so much about getting pinged! It's beyond pathetic.

srayzie ago

Thatā€™s what you call a PUSSY

CheeseboogersGhost ago

what is that nigger shit

Tallest_Skil ago

Yeah, we know. Q-LARP is a paid jewish shill. Remember to call it out any time they leave their little kike hugbox.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

How do you live with yourself? LMAO

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported, paid jewish shill.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago




Goodjob goy on using kike terminology. You really showed them there goy, just walked right into MGTOW/INCEL territory by showing your kike led hand.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'm using it against them. No go eat some bacon and stfu

CheeseboogersGhost ago

@srayzie You ready to give me a public apology?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

937 views, 124 upvotes, 481 comments in 9 hours ---'tis not too bad for an ol' muslim jew hillbilly @TheBuddha

srayzie ago

Attention whore

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I wont click on anything you upload because it may be pedophilia, SRS

srayzie ago

Thatā€™s ok. The purpose was for others to see it. I could care less what you do.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

oh sure sure. I live rent-free in that head of yours, dude

TheBuddha ago

LOL Nice!

BigFatDaddy ago

Like I memtioned to someone else, young whites may be redeemable through rehabilitation, but that still leaves us with A LOT of non-whites to clean up.

BigFatDaddy ago

What's your back of the napkin math on total numbers purged? I'm looking at damn near 100 mil, that's nearly a third of total US population. We'll shave some of that off with beaners fleeing south of the Rio Grande, but that still leaves the ones that won't go, niggers, muzzies, commies, and jews. (Of course, jews get the oven first.)

That's a lot of holes to dig. Maybe use industrial arc furnaces?

0rion ago

@Oh_Well_ian is probably sperging so hard right now. Question his narrative, and he goes ballistic. Very Jewish, woman like behavior.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Indeed. I've done it many times. Srayzie is just the same as that too.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Look at the ziotard downvote brigade working this thread holy shit.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Yeah there's something disappointing here. That's for sure

Justaddcoffee ago

Cheese nose is a shill.

CriticalCore ago

The more @Syrazie and @Shizy comment, the more I don't like them.

  1. Their use of irony.
  2. Their use of emojis.
  3. Their replies to each other.
  4. They can't meme.

It just looks like how teenagers do damage control when they get in trouble with friends.

srayzie ago

How many fucks do you think I give? Zero

CriticalCore ago

That's very bad that you don't care about yourself. You should get some help.

Call a suicide hotline near you!

srayzie ago

Go fuck yourself

CriticalCore ago

ladies first

CriticalCore ago

glad to help

srayzie ago

Did we just become friends? LMAO!

srayzie ago

Your turn.

CriticalCore ago


srayzie ago

How was it?

Shizy ago

That meme is boogers!

If I paid attention to you, I probably wouldn't like you either, so it's cool!

CriticalCore ago

How ironic. /s

Shizy ago

Like OMG LOL I can't believe I keep forgetting those! I brought you some beautiful flags as a thank you for helping mešŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

CriticalCore ago

Irony and emojis.

I think it's evolving.

Shizy ago

So can I get one of these šŸ‘???

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You can get one of these, Shitsie

Shizy ago

can you finish the edges up a little better? Looks kinda tacky like that! It's more your style than mine šŸ˜˜! Thanks

CriticalCore ago

Why do you argue like a girl?

Shizy ago

I don't argue!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Good eye. The hundreds of pings they hit me with is filled with it

HMC ago

This whole thread is one giant "whew lad." Love it.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

ah ah ah I'm not even supposed to be here today

Cleanhobo ago

I Salute you cheesebooger and agree. THanks for fighting the good fight. We walk in the light! and where we go 1 we go all.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Thank you very much. I'm a simple man who was attacked and then banned and am standing up for all of us real Goats

Cleanhobo ago

If you want real freedom just go to the chans. Voat is dying. I got death threats here. Sad. We have talked on a number of my different names. KEK be with you.

Shizy ago

You sound really weak acting like a victim after the shit you sling around!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I am a victim. Voat is a victim of you Zionists. YOU FUCKED WITH THE WRONG GOY

Shizy ago

No, you're a little punk who started shit then couldnt handle it. This silly little cry fest you started today is only serving to make you look even more weak and stupid!

Got anything else to add? It's been fun and all, but you're sounding like a broken record again and you know that bores me....

NoBS ago

If the cheese booger clown is not on the Deep State payroll then Soros must be niggardly indeed.

Say Hi to Brock and please give my best to Podesta the Molesta.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I think pedo's should be hanged and burned alive on every courthouse lawn in America, so don't try and associate me with that shit.

talmoridor-x ago

Reminder that Blacksmith is also a literal CIA nigger.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

wow dude. That's a spook coming into the light right there. I figured such. Thanks for showing me this. I missed it somehow.

Shizy ago

Hey, you once wore a do rag, guess you outed yourself as a nigger! šŸ˜‚ The logic with you fags is ridiculous!!!

auralsects ago

Women belong nowhere near this forum or any investigation or anything else involving truth-seeking.

You are emotional, unserious, naĆÆve, foolish creatures. Now you're even making Jew-naming look bad even after falling for every Jew larper in the online "truth movement."

@CheeseboogersGhost I tried to warn so many times. Look at the most prolific female poster, an admitted Hillary voter and Jew-lover:

Shizy ago

Go try and blow yourself some more donkey! Maybe if you work on losing that gunt you can finally reach your micro pecker!

auralsects ago

My cock is huge. Ask crayzie, I gave her a pic. I'm sure she saved it.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I agree. These idiots belong nowhere near power. Women running a sub on Voat is disgusting and a mockery

Shizy ago

And this right here is what your whole temper tantrum is about!!!

You're such and insecure little man it just KILLS YOU that you don't have control over what women do!

@srayzie this bitch has exposed himself!!!

CheeseboogersGhost ago


No. I point out that you are feminazi ziotards. THAT is my beef, but add to the fact that you are women in control of something....yeah, no thanks.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Welders wear do-rags, Shitsies. So don't bikers. I out-of-touch with reality are you?? Do you ever venture outside of your jewish-gated-community?? Obviously not!

Shizy ago

Dumbass, I'm using your stupid fucked up logic against you and you fell for it! What a tard!


You should include the fact that Q is a Pied Piper strategy.

eagleshigh ago

I don't get it. Someone wanna give me a run down?

Tallest_Skil ago

Q-LARP is a jewish paid shilling campaign designed to get people to support the Oded Yinon Plan and not exterminate all jews.

Shizy ago

Cheesebooger is butthurt

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I ousted The Greater Awakening sub as a Zionist operation to subvert here at Voat. They are remnants of r/thedonald and are hardcore Zionists


I got banned from RTD for saying it would be nice to have better relations with Israel on account of them aggressively spying on us and putting backdoors into every fucking CPU. NSA = Israel, that's why Trump wants Snowden dead for exposing some of what goes on. He probably is dead already, along with Assange.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

That's info that they always try and conceal. Israel should be fucking nuked and jews listed as enemy combatants

thisistotallynotme ago

This is how a totalitarian dictator would proceed.

Thankfully, Trump isn't. Expect these people to be re-integrated after they either a) shamefully and sorrowfully admit they were wrong, or b) pretend like the past didn't happen, and focus on the mob justice.

I think Trump/Q is counting on b), and encouraging us to help them get on the Lock Her Up train.

BigFatDaddy ago

Expect these people to be re-integrated

Misguided young whites may be redeemable, after an extended period of rehabilitation via Dr. Pierce's oak table leg method; but the non-whites have to go. There's simply no way of getting around it. The demographics speak for themselves.

auralsects ago

bro I have dealt with srayzie for a long time and she is legitimately retarded; like, literally cant follow a conversation. it's very frustrating


CriticalCore ago

@srayzie has a favorite word and it's retard.

Why do you make such bad memes?

The more I read, the more I don't like him/her/zer... don't care at this point.

It certainly argues like (((them))).

srayzie ago

CuntsteinGhost, Jew ok bro? Have you calmed down? Take a breather. Itā€™s not good for your heart when your blood pressure gets so high. I still suspect that you are JIDF. Iā€™ll unban you but you better shape up and be a good little kike.


CheeseboogersGhost ago

Hand over ownership of the sub. Its the only way forward for you. Put me as owner right now or I'm going to request ownership every week. Its over. I win. VOAT wins

13406518? ago

Get out of here Freshmeat!!! Ruining my trolling... GOSH!

13406492? ago

This is becoming increasingly noticeable.

NotHereForPizza ago

Here we see shill tactics displayed to discredit the information coming out of the research movement.

They're utilizing anchors set to keep the target from venturing further - this time it's the Nazi anchor.

It's fun because it does several things: it discredits or tarnishes the reputation of those echoing the idea. It helps the target simply conclude, "that's it! No need to look in to it any further." It redirects the blame from the target to the desired group - semites, wherein the user can again easily use its anti-Semitic smear. Finally, it keeps real and pertinent information from reaching the surface by bogging it down and diluting it to levels that make it sound comical or entirely absurd- ad nauseum, ad absurdum.

It would be smart if you learned of NLP or Neural-Linguistic Programming as this helps one better understand the techniques used by these shill groups who are often bought and paid for by Soros and his subsidiaries, nationalistic/religious groups, other deep state goons.

Learn to spot the narrative shifts and you can learn to laugh in the face of the retards that try to control what you believe.

They would rather see us divided, lazy, and angry. Unfortunately for them, however, time is running short.

thisistotallynotme ago

your replies are funny, because I keep replying.

Thanks for the confirmation!

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot thinking people are too stupid to realize he's SBBH.

thisistotallynotme ago

That's a whole lot of words to say "I've been found-out, so I need to do guilt-by-association to survive".

TheBuddha ago

This thread delivers!

I ain't even gonna poke the crazies. It's +9000! OP delivers the lulz!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

POKE! POKE! I did this on the fly this morning ah ah ah

TheBuddha ago

I'm impressed. The loons came out of the woodwork. I haven't checked back, but will check the thread later.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh we're knee deep up in hither. lolol

TheBuddha ago

It'll be my after dinner read.

TheBuddha ago

Saved. I should print it and hang it on the fridge!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

heh heh the downvote brigade is already onto you lolol

TheBuddha ago

I got CCP for days. They'd be there months trying to kill my CCP - I've seen folks try before. Someone comes along and fixes it, so it never goes down much.

One guy kept at it for like two weeks and even got an alt to help. I didn't complain. I egged 'em on. I ain't scared!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I also don't care about fake internet points. I'll start over with a new account soon just for lulz. I may use a Q name or something like that and do backwards larps. @srayzie would prolly have a nervous breakdown

srayzie ago

Oh Iā€™m just terrified. šŸ™„

TheBuddha ago

Hmm... An Amazon or Google cloud slice could crack the Q trip code (probably fairly quickly) and let you post anything you wanted as Q.

13406478? ago

LOL I have been having fun perusing the comments in here... Did you know 9-11 is one of my alts? I'm gonna roll with that for now xD

TheBuddha ago

Well, that's new. Good luck!

Also, look up the definition of peruse. It may not mean what you think, but I can't tell from context.

13406513? ago

"read (something), typically in a thorough or careful way."

That is what I am doing :) Reading, thoroughly and carefully.

TheBuddha ago

Excellent, though possibly wasted time - but it is amusing.

13406576? ago

Now you're telling me how to spend my time?! Jeeze, get out of here, dad....

TheBuddha ago

It's your time, do what you will with it. I read far more than I should have and skimmed the rest for my own amusement.

13406623? ago

Yea... I did the same.

Fucking MYG... I dunno why he hates SBBH so much but he is wrong about us. He should join us.

TheBuddha ago

I have no opinion on that. I'm still not sure what us is, really.

13406783? ago

Me neither... Either way, @heygeorge refuses to pay me, cites I'm a cat or something and that cats are not people and thus do not need to paid for all my shilling.


Edit: Is it cite, or site...? Hmm...

TheBuddha ago


13406854? ago

See... second guessed myself.

Still! Hours of unpaid work!!!

TheBuddha ago

Go yell at him, maybe?

13406914? ago

But I like yelling at you. You're a National Treasure and all.

TheBuddha ago

Alright, but I'm powerless to help. I think we elected Nadeshda as the treasurer.

Nadeshda ago

I treasure yaā€™ll this is true!

TheBuddha ago

Hmm... I should update my status to Global Treasure. nods

Question_Authority ago

Fuck off shithead. Ive been apart of the awakening since it started. Go to 9gag.

Tallest_Skil ago

No one cares, paid jewish shill. Oh! If youā€™ve been a part of it since the beginning,


Nothing is happening. Nothing was ever going to happen. A cuckchan LARPer is not one of the ONLY TWENTY PEOPLE IN THE FUCKING WORLD with a specific level of security clearance and ā€œfull knowledge of this plan.ā€ Someone that important is not posting on an imageboard. Someone that importantā€“if he actually has knowledge he wants to disseminateā€“is also not going to type cryptic bullshit that looks like it came from multiple people and ask questions that he doesnā€™t answer. Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews, even if there are some patriots left up there. Out of 20 of the most powerful people in the entire fucking world, the redditors bleeding onto imageboards expect one of them to not only be ā€œ#ourguyā€, but to leak the proceedings of FUCKING NATIONWIDE MARTIAL LAW andā€“surprise surpriseā€“the arrest of three quarters of the US government.

Why, thatā€™s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didnā€™t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! Itā€™s over! Weā€™re saved! Donā€™t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend MONTHS ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of ā€œItā€™s okay to be white.ā€ Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest dayā€™s work!


If there is something, why is nothing happening? Whereā€™s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Whereā€™s Trump using Obamaā€™s emergency television override to speak to the people? Whereā€™s the martial law? Where are the riots he talked about? Antifa couldnā€™t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Why, given the massive flight risk all globalists are, would anyone want to leak the proceedings of such an event in advance? Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isnā€™t he telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around usā€“who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the ā€œTrump coupā€, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Whereā€™s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign. Why is he a CIVIC NATIONALIST? Nothing he said has happened.

Fuck off, redditors. Hero worship somewhere else.

  • Claims Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup, and that he will not be addressing the nation on what is supposedly the biggest mass-arrest in national history.
  • Claims there are more patriots than traitors in the government (LOL, so why did they let the last 70 years happen).
  • Claims something is in the works to make the Democrat Party lose the nigger vote entirely.
  • Claims martial law inbound.
  • Claims mass arrests of the government are inbound.
  • Claims the EBS will be invoked.
  • Claims no one will have to lift a finger and that the government will arrest itself, with all trials dispensing actual justice.
  • Claims Obama went to North Korea and may be there right now.
  • Claims Trump would leave an important message on Twitter before leaving for Asia (PROVEN FALSE).
  • Claims Twitter, ā€œMy fellow Americans, the storm is upon usā€¦ā€
  • Claims the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account.
  • Claimed that martial law and the arrests will be made during Trumpā€™s Asia trip (PROVEN FALSE).
  • Claims false flag attacks at right-wing gatherings (cities, sporting events).
  • Claims elections no longer matter.

No proof of any of his claims has come to light, and no explanation of them or what he means by them has ever been given.

Reminder that you will never, ever, ever, ever, ever answer any of my questions.

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you. You feeling salty, you little fucking leftist bitch? This is Voat. Your lies donā€™t get to go unquestioned here. Here are some more questions youā€™re too afraid to answer:

  1. If Q is real, why canā€™t you substantiate your claims?
  2. If Q is real, why canā€™t you answer any questions that someone asks about the credibility of his statements?
  3. If Q is real, why canā€™t you answer any questions that someone asks about the MERE CONTENTS of his statements?
  4. If Q is real, why did nothing he said in the first half of November come true? Much less any of his longer-term predictions.
  5. If Q is real, why would he ALERT HIS FUCKING ENEMIES about a mass arrest on a public venue?
  6. If Q is real, why isnā€™t he using this public venue (again, alerting all of his enemies and exposing him and his coup attempt) to DIRECT PATRIOTS AT A LOCAL LEVEL? Because he isnā€™t.
  7. If Q is real, why did these alerts begin MONTHS before the actual events? Do you have any idea how quickly these traitors can mobilize and flee a country? Still waiting for that martial law, by the way.

Do you fucking faggots put ANY thought into your spam these days? Why isnā€™t Q posting standardized, organized talking points that we, as individuals all around the country, would use in our home cities? When the fucking power goes out. When the fucking news comes on with, ā€œWeā€™re just getting word that Donald Trump has directed members of the armed forces to arrest every member of congress, much of the agencies of the executive branch, several justices, and may even be performing arrests of news officials. This is a coup, ladies and gentlemenā€¦ā€ NORMALFAGS ARE GOING TO BE FUCKING TERRIFIED, CONFUSED, AND WILL RALLY AROUND SOMEONE THEY KNOW AND TRUST IN THEIR LOCAL COMMUNITES (between rioting, that is). So if Q is realā€“and is a patriotā€“why isnā€™t he disseminating things for us to hold onto that can be spoken through a loudspeaker in a town square, when surrounded by friends, family, and fellow citizens?

Because heā€™s not real. Because his earliest claims were proven false. Because only a fucking dipshit would give MONTHS notice to kikes of their ā€œimminentā€ (Still waiting! Listen and believe!) arrests. And because only a fucking PAID SHILL would think we would fall for the ā€œfree lunchā€ scenario where the āœ”governmentāœ” (funny how Q, the civic nationalist, hasnā€™t directly mentioned anything about jewish control, huh?) arrests itself and we, the people, donā€™t have to lift a FUCKING FINGER, because the ZOG military will SURELY protect us!


Question_Authority ago

By the way WTF is this shit?

Tallest_Skil ago

Looks like the standard jewish well poisoning.

Question_Authority ago

Oh ok. Can't handle the chans, so you pretend on Voat. Got it. Where did Jews come into this, I have no idea. In fact I dont even care about organized religion. Don't bring me into your retard world.

Tallest_Skil ago

What the fuck are you even talking about? I donā€™t get what your link means, and you canā€™t answer any of my questions about your demon god. This is your problem, not mine.



Question_Authority ago

Tell Shareblue or whatever bullshit group you are from that your wall of text means nothing if noone gives a shit to read it.

It reminds me of people who have bible quote bumper stickers all over their car and think that it makes them look like they arent a bunch of creeps..

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that Q-LARP is a proven hoax and that every single thing it has said is proven wrong.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this triggered faggot try to commit guilt by association without evidence.

leonardo_the_great ago

What the hell is going on here?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Its all in the OP. I name The Great Awakening sub as a Zionist operation and its members subverting kikes

Hand_of_Node ago

Standard debate over whether Leprechauns are real or not. Or wait, I think this one is over 'Q'. Plus, lots of real and alt accounts arguing over a bunch of random and uninteresting stuff.

Are you a jew, a moslem, an autist, or "other"? It's hard to keep them straight.

leonardo_the_great ago

It seems as if everyone is accusing everyone else of being Jewish. I doubt any of them actually are, but they might be autistic.

Hand_of_Node ago

There probably are some jews on voat. Probably even more leftist/reddit trolls than that. But some flavor of crazy is probably our biggest demographic. If this is your first account, you're in for a treat when you meet our "man has never been to space"/"the earth is obviously flat"/"no one has ever died in a mass shooting"/"it's all trannies" people. Oh, and "nuclear weapons are not real". There's more, but that gives you the flavor. Cheers.

truthwoke33 ago

Nukes aren't real. Let's be honest if they were then we would've used them again, don't give me that humanity crap either because the people who deal with stuff like this literally jerk off to people dying, they wouldn't hesitate to flatten a whole city.

Hand_of_Node ago

Extraordinary claims require... more than an assertion by weev. I'm no nuclear physicist, but I'd consider a claim that real nuclear physicists are unable to rebut or hand-wave away. But c'mon, a non-scientist saying nukes aren't real is like a non-car person saying internal combustion engines aren't real. You have to know something about the topic to make credible claims.

draaaak ago

So, flood the sub with anti jew stuff.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh the ziotards would cry

pby1000 ago

Even if Q is a LARP, don't you think that more people are awoke than they were a year ago? Last Summer, people were questioning Trump because it looked like nothing was happening. People were fully expecting Trump to start praising the NWO. The opposite has happened.

Trump is exactly the type of person who would start the Q phenomena.

The real test will be what Trump does about those responsible for 9/11.

If Q and Trump are Jew psyops, then what is your plan for moving forward? What do we do?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Those responsible for 911?? You mean Israel through Saudi Arabia??? We saw trumps answer when the first thing he did as president we cut the largest weapons deal in history with the Sauds and went to put his hands on their glowing orb and smiled.

pby1000 ago

Yes, and there was a coup in SA last November...

Rawrination ago

These are great points and why I'm very cautiously optimistic.

But we need straight answers. Pro or Con. Truth or Lie.

All this spy versus spy super complicated stuff is interesting, but even to someone like me who used to dabble in it for fun, it gets a little old pretty fast.

Maybe its just the brain damage talking, but I know it would do the Q movement, and arguably the world at large, a lot of good to get a few bullet points and proofs.

I clicked on the QProofs link on their voat board and still couldn't make much sense of it.

pby1000 ago

Agreed. We need to see some high level politicians go down or some bankers. The NXIVM arrests are good, but I would like to see more soon.

The longer it takes, the more people will be killed by these satanic pedos.

thisistotallynotme ago

Sssssshhh. you're fucking up the narrative in here! Q is a larp, and you're supposed to ignore it. SBBH commands it.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

@gabara stop fucking kids

thisistotallynotme ago

That just means your responses tomorrow will be all the more genuine.

CheeseboogersGhost ago


srayzie ago

This dudeā€™s Jewdar is whacked. He says Iā€™m a Jewess. I believe in Jesus and I eat bacon šŸ™„

The TRUTH is that ((( CheeseBoogersCunt ))) is a Jew that continuously takes his pain out on others because he hates that he was born into a family of kikes.

fellowWhiteGuy ago

So you believe in Jewish god. Follow Jewish law. Consider Jews to be God's chosen children. And your only way to afterlife/God is through magical rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef who you nickname Jesus/Christ since even you too ashamed of such blatant in your face cuckoldry.

nah you not a Jew, just a stupid goy

srayzie ago

Huh? Hell no I donā€™t follow Jewish law. You have it all mixed up if you think that Jesus is a magical rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef. Jews donā€™t believe Jesus is the son of God. You arenā€™t Jew either because you donā€™t have a clue what youā€™re talking about

fellowWhiteGuy ago

You newer even bother to find out your god's name and origin ? for the fuck sake I took it more seriously after being casually 'Christian' indoctrinated in childhood, the afterlife was on the line. Why its even matter what most Jews think of this rogue commie rabbi ? And in fact they do think he is son of god (not as you think of it) they think every Jew is god's child like most tribes do think of themselves

fellowWhiteGuy ago

You newer even bother to find out your god's name and origin ? for the fuck sake I took it more seriously after being casually 'Christian' indoctrinated in childhood, the afterlife was on the line. Why its even matter what most Jews think of this rogue commie rabbi ?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Watch the jew recoil that its been found out! and now it will deploy tactics to try and smokescreen ah ah ah

Shizy ago

No wonder you shaved your head. That cul de sac on your head was really kickin'!

srayzie ago

Cul de sac šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚

CheeseboogersGhost ago

are you somehow claiming that balding men are less? Fuck you and your feminazi bullshit.

Shizy ago

No, just you! There's lots of wonderful bald men. I love most men. I don't like stupid assholes!

srayzie ago

I think this one looks much better. Donā€™t Jew?

srayzie ago

Do you agree @Shizy?

Shizy ago

Yay! You fixed it!

srayzie ago

Youā€™re awesome. Thanks. I like this gif. All I have to do is add your name now.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I bet you are a pedo

srayzie ago

So Iā€™m a Jewess, a spic, nigger lover, a kike, Zionist, someone named Joe, and now Iā€™m a pedo? šŸ¤” Geez bro. You arenā€™t the sharpest tool in the shed.

Shizy ago

Did he ever call you a coal burner?

srayzie ago

Yes! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

CriticalCore ago

@Shizy and @srayzie just love to rub each other off šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

srayzie ago

Errr rub off on each other.

TheSeer ago

I wrecked 'em, damn near killed 'em earlier this week with a hot meme.


CheeseboogersGhost ago

lol That's what they are!!

obvious-throwaway- ago

I'll give it a go and see what happens,

Hand_of_Node ago

3.8 billion a year for absolutely nothing

Logically, it can't be "for absolutely nothing." Whether we're getting adequate value in return is a different issue.

The current projected spending for fiscal year 2017 is $4 trillion. The Obama administration had planned for $41.9 billion in foreign aid for this year.

U.S. Gives Financial Aid to 96% of All Countries - Forbes

The bigger question is, why are we giving away that much money when we're going into debt to do so? The even bigger question is whether that's even "real" money, and are we ever going to repay it?

obvious-throwaway- ago

Whether we're getting adequate value in return is a different issue

We get absolutely nothing in return. The clearly documented gimmick is that we give them a bunch of money and they have the option to use that money to buy military weapons from us. It's like you giving me enough money to buy your house from you, who comes out ahead in that situation. Oh, and I never have to repay.

Hand_of_Node ago

Okay, to continue playing Satans minions advocate...

Search: what do we get from israel in return for our money

The deal also directs more money back toward the United States. It eliminates a provision in the previous aid agreement that allowed Israel to spend 26 percent of its Foreign Military Financing on weaponry and other resources produced within Israel, rather than in the United Statesā€”a provision intended to help Israel build its own defense industry. Now that Israelā€™s defense industry has developed, Dalton said, that money will go toward purchases benefitting the defense industry in the United States.

If nothing else, maybe half of the money comes back to our defense companies. Just guessing on the "half", as I'm unfamiliar with costs and pricing of military hardware. But that is more than absolutely nothing.

There are probable a number of other points that could be debated, but that 3.8 billion to israel appears to be less than 10% of the money we throw out the window every year. Even the moslems get big checks. What would happen if we just cut everybody off and started dealing with our own problems?

obvious-throwaway- ago

Let's be clare, when you say "we" get some of the money back, what that means is that Jewish owned military companies in the United States get this money. In short, money is extracted from taxpayers in the United States under penalty of prison, that money is then given to Israel and Israel gives that money back to other Israelis in the United States to fund their companies in sweet heart deals.

Hand_of_Node ago

I'm not familiar with the ownership structures of US military supply companies, but I wouldn't be hugely surprised. However, in my continuing effort to support my argument that it's logically not absolutely nothing, those companies probably employ locals and pay them wages. In which case, it now becomes "not enough" instead of "absolutely nothing".

Yes, the free gibs to israel are a problem, and so is the other 90+% of the money we give away. I know some of it probably influences them to make conditions more favorable to... Our jewish companies? Our businesses who engage in international trade? Our Corporate farmers raping the land to supply the rest of the world? Even so, we give money to tons of countries who literally hate us. Even if we cut off the money to just israel, the massive give-away would still be a huge problem.

As far as taxes go, how one would maintain a country on donations?

Anyway, the jewish problem that dwarfs Israel is the jews here in the US. Israel could be vaporized, and they'd still be here. The free money to Israel is just a small symptom of that larger problem.

thisistotallynotme ago

have an upvoat for actually following-through. I added a post re-iterating that they treat you like a real person, and not an SBBH goon. I'm confident you'll get a decent answer soon enough.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Nice!! All they wil lsay is "Q said that Israel will be saved for last oy vey har har har dumbass goys"

obvious-throwaway- ago

Very disturbing since Israel is 99% of all problems. Seems like solving every other issue after getting rid of the Jews would make everything easier.

freshmeat ago

Srayzie is one of your SBBH shills. Just because the subs are commandeered by shills like ProtectVoat and SBBH doesnt mean the movement is zionist.

And since you brought up theDonald:

Doob is a beatle alt, Srayzie is a total fuckin shill, the rest are fine but don't realize that shills run their little thing

13406499? ago

Buddy... SBBH isn't a threat. If it was I would have fucked off from there a long time ago and joined your group instead...

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh fuck off with that shit

freshmeat ago

"oh fuck off with the truth and let me slander an entire movement because im a kike shill" - You

Tallest_Skil ago

saying that a jewish paid shill group is a jewish paid shill group



freshmeat ago

you might be firing on friendlies, i never checked you out tho

Tallest_Skil ago

Maybe so. I vaguely remember you being a good guy. No good way to mark accounts on Voat for remembering that, though.

CheeseboogersGhost ago


CheeseboogersGhost ago

No. I see trump as a mere steppingstone and nothing more. I'm smart enough to know he is a Zionist traitor owned by Israel and am not afraid to criticize him. I also point out the good stuff he has done, as well. You have to understand its right-winged jews VS left-winged jews. Conservative Zionists confuse this and think they are included.

thisistotallynotme ago

The voaters that try will find out tomorrow, won't they?

Apathy ago

How do I know this isnā€™t a JIDF plot to overthrow voat?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

why would I want to overthrow Voat. I consider Voat a light in the darkness.

Shizy ago

But it's ok you Jews to lie to the goyim so why should we believe you?

Goathole ago

Yep, I saw some shit today. It's time to holocaust v/greatawakening.

CheeseboogersGhost ago


Shizy ago

God you're lame!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You called down the thunder, well now youā€™ve got it! Tell em the GOATS are coming. You tell em Iā€™m coming, and hellā€™s coming with me!

CriticalCore ago

You forgot these: šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Shizy ago

Oh thanks. I couldn't remember where I put those. Found this though šŸ–•šŸ»šŸ˜˜

CriticalCore ago

I couldn't remember where I put those. Found this though šŸ–•šŸ»šŸ˜˜

So you think being ironic validates yourself in some way. Got ya.

Shizy ago

No, I just don't really care and I'm having fun messing with you

CriticalCore ago



thisistotallynotme ago

More evidence of that violent opposition to an idea. He'll never provide evidence that I'm who he says I am, because no evidence exists.

Any voaters that don't believe me are encouraged to do an experiment yourself. Wait a day, and find this account inevitably shilling somewhere. Reply to him in an oppositional way, and watch what happens.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It's pretty obvious that it's run by Jews or at the very least /r/the_donald brainlets.

The fact that they take the word of Q as law even when "he" constantly posts CIA-Mossad disinfo is telling.

Rawrination ago

Any specifics to the CIA-Mosad disinfo?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

The 6gorillionD Chess, "it's all part of the plan, don't do anything just wait" shit.

Q wants to keep people content that something is happening behind the scenes that we aren't capable of understanding so we should all sit on our hands and wait for Trump to fix everything by himself.

Rawrination ago

I am aware of this. But please any specific piece of disinfo?

thisistotallynotme ago

so, no specifics, then?

RockmanRaiden ago

Q has never said not to do anything. Quite the opposite. Laurentius is running on low information or possibly being purposely misleading. Concern troll or shill?

thisistotallynotme ago

Those making a list of known SBBH trolls know the answer.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Indeed. I think they are an organized group sent here to subvert.

thisistotallynotme ago

Another example of this fine SBBH alum accusing others of what he's guilty of.

Pretty sure I know of a certain tribe that does this exact sort of thing...

thisistotallynotme ago

@9-11 is playing "Bad Cop" today. He's one of the SBBH alt accounts, just like @CheeseBoogersGhost.
He's also an interesting fellow that refuses to draw his Prophet Mohammed. He demanded I do it (which I complied with), but he refused to.
Voaters are encouraged to keep a .txt file of potential Voat shills, and see how many times you watch them pop up in conversations giving conflicting viewpoints. You'll see this one pop up a lot.

13406371? ago

If @9-11 is a SBBH alt account than despite being SBBH mod myself, I'm shocked and appalled!

thisistotallynotme ago

have an upvoat for rare semi-honesty from an SBBH alum

13406444? ago

@9-11 is my alt.

Isn't that right, 9-11? :P

TheTrigger ago

Fucks, this guy does.

srayzie ago

šŸ‘‰šŸ» THIS! šŸ‘ˆšŸ»

thisistotallynotme ago

criminally-underrated post.

srayzie ago

I know right? šŸ˜‚

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I would expect nothing but degeneracy from you. Thank you for the showcase.

Shizy ago

šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ The phoney outrage over "degeneracy" from the dude who said he hoped a girl who was raped and murdered suffered? But yeah, you're too decent to see some dildos šŸ˜‚

CheeseboogersGhost ago

a coal burner, yes. I bet you've burned the coal amirite

Shizy ago

Well I already know you have some sick rape fantasy about me, but are you now saying you want me to be murdered? Classy! I pity the dead fuck who would ever try to lay a finger on me! šŸ˜‚

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh yeah you are just so scary, dumb ass woman

Shizy ago

Please stop beating your wife

Tallest_Skil ago

outright admits to using fallacies

Run along, proven paid jewish shill.

srayzie ago

Youā€™re the one going to at least 4 forums crying like a little bitch. Why donā€™t you say sorry and stop being a troll and Iā€™ll unban you? Youā€™re making yourself look like a crazy person šŸ˜‚šŸ¤§

Shizy ago

Did you see his comment about just being "a simple man" who was banned for sticking up for the good guys? It was pathetic!

srayzie ago

Sorry. I didnā€™t sleep last night so I slept some during the day. No Iā€™m about to read the little queerā€™s comments

Shizy ago

That's gotta be his boyfriend šŸ˜‚! No way booger looks remotely that good in a bikini bottom šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

srayzie ago

Oh for sure, CuntFaggotGhost is in the corner off camera crouching on top of a 12 inch nigger dick!

Shizy ago

While his poor wife keeps knocking on the door asking if his friend is going to stay for casserole šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Oh_Well_ian ago

laugh of the day!!

'Yes, as long as it's chicken and not tuna!! Now leave us be, we're doing guy stuff!!'

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

No room for tuna when you fill up on sausage!

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol this is too easy

gawd that meme from @szrazie caught me off guard XD

srayzie ago

Iā€™ve been saving that meme for the perfect time. šŸ˜‚ There was no better time than now!

Shizy ago

I'm stilll dying from it šŸ˜‚!

srayzie ago

Omg! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜

BigFatDaddy ago

They didn't ban me, but Shizy and Oh_Well_Ian flipped out like absolute spergs the one time I commented that I was skeptical of something Q said Trump would do (take over the Fed). Turned out he's just appointing more governors to its board, so their reeing was for nothing. Still, the mere fact that the word "skeptical" triggered them so bad says a lot to me.

thisistotallynotme ago

It sucks that there is such a knee-jerk reaction of "if you disagree, you are likely shill", because it turns away those that were genuinely interested and had actual questions.

The problem is there are literally hundreds of examples of CIAniggers fucking with these threads since October. Expect spergs to sperg when provoked, and try not to let that make you lose sight of the information the spergs are trying to pass on.

Either way, come December, much of this doubt will have long since cleared-up. All it'll take is one reporter to ask Trump "Who is Q?"

BigFatDaddy ago

Either way, come December, much of this doubt will have long since cleared-up.

Off topic, but I was VERY happy earlier to see an article about Trump having meetings on Election Security. I've been nervous as hell about the inevitable dem voter fraud this November. Really glad to know Trump is making plans to counter it.

thisistotallynotme ago

(Literally the only constructive post in the entire thread)

Admittedly, I'm definitely on the Q side of leanings, but if what we're all researching is correct, August is supposedly when the Clinton server is going to be released to the public (Pretty sure it's just Assange's 2013 300GB insurance file on The Pirate Bay, so I downloaded it for when the sha256 key is released). At the very least, tons of classified documents, if not shadier shit than Podesta ever dared to keep in his inbox. Anthony Weiner's Laptop is supposed to be released as an October Surprise.

Now, assuming what we've heard about that INSURANCE folder on Weiner's laptop is true, How many people are going to be voting democrat in November?

BigFatDaddy ago

This is my biggest problem with the Q posts. They keep pushing the deadline. Wait for August... Wait for October... Wait for January... Wait Wait Wait.

4.3% GDP is great and all, but goddammit! I want that bitch locked up and I want my wall!

thisistotallynotme ago

You're not wrong, but I think the "wait" thing has been overhyped by opposition. Q isn't making predictions of timelines. Most of the time, he's talking about the past. I think the main prediction Q's ever made was "By the time we're done he[Barack obama]'ll be claiming Kenyan Citizenship as a way to escape".

As for locking the bitch up, it needs more of the populace on-board. if even 30% of the people still support Hillary, it'll be a civil war when she's executed. I bet full-disclosure of the server/laptop would do that, eh?

BigFatDaddy ago

if even 30% of the people still support Hillary, it'll be a civil war when she's executed.

I have a hard time believing any of them would go to war for Hillary. The niggers would do it for Obama (maybe) and the bolsheviks want to start the fight right now regardless, but I don't see a single one of them saying "I draw the line at Hillary. I'm with her!"

thisistotallynotme ago

The line to hook them will be:
"I'm not a Hillary supporter (I voted for Trump), but I can't just let them railroad this poor woman! She may not be my president, but we have a thing called Due Process in this country, and we can't let Military Tribunals try a political candidate out of the public eye, without giving her the rights guaranteed under the Constitution!"

Now, imagine they're prosecuting at least one former President at the same time. Do you see how a voting block motivated by emotions could be easily-manipulated into a civil war?

BigFatDaddy ago

No, because they're cowards motivated entirely by group psychology.

A more likely scenario would be: Obama is in front of the Military Tribunal as well and agents provocateur rile up the niggers in several cities to stage a full-blown level 5 chimpout at the same time. This gives the antifa fags their vitally important first wave, so they follow behind and start trying to join in. Subversive elements of the Police and Military forces then use this as cover to attempt a coup under the guise of popular rebellion. Of course thats how the international media would spin it.

But there's still major problems for the left. Firstly, any faggot soyboy whites (or jews) trying to join the chimpout are almost immediately turned on and killed by the blacks. The bolshevik leaders have no way to prevent this. This effectively eliminates the antifa commies as a viable force, as well as confining the rioting blacks to their own urban shithole zones.

The subversives in the military are the minority, and despite the lying media's claims they will NOT have popular support, so odds are that their coup is swiftly crushed. Subverted police forces are still a major problem, especially with the military hardware they received via the Drug War. However, any attempts by them to do anything besides protecting the rioting nuggers will be stalemated or defeated by patriots using guerilla tactics in suburban and rural areas, until the Military finishes its own housecleaning and comes to arrest the corrupt PD leaders for treason as well.

thisistotallynotme ago

No, because they're cowards motivated entirely by group psychology.

You've been paying attention to the last 10+ years, where they've been openly programming the populace to revolt against their leaders? It started in 2003 with the "VOTE OR DIE" push, from what I recall.

A more likely scenario would be:

...Wherein you lay out how a civil war would play out.

The only problem with this scenario is the money required, and if you haven't noticed, POTUS' executive order in december froze all those bank accounts worldwide. Soros rushed to give his son all his money. Rothschilds are selling property (has that ever happened before?) that has been in the family for ages. Hillary Clinton is flying coach. In addition, Al-Waleed Bin Talal was hung upside-down by his balls until he traded not being hung upside-down by his balls for $6 billion in assets/stocks/cash.

Now, I'm sure they could potentially find some angel investor to fund a campaign, but thankfully, Trump was smart enough to kill those resources (for the most part) before even his first strike in November.

But all of the above is evidence on why it would be preferable to prevent a civil war from happening. Those soyboy cucks are still Americans, so we need to re-integrate them once the programming they've endured wears off.

This, above all else, is why it's taking so long to lock her up.

BigFatDaddy ago

You've been paying attention to the last 10+ years, where they've been openly programming the populace to revolt against their leaders?

Bolsheviks gonna bolshevik. Doesn't change the fact that the antifa types are cowards who only act in groups outnumbering their opponents by at least 2 to 1 and with the backing of police forces to boot.

The only problem with this scenario is the money required

They still own the Fed. They can create any funding they need, at least for now. Furthermore, the scenario I laid out doesn't assume a protracted conflict, it assumes an attempted coup using an astroturphed popular uprising as cover (just like they did in Ukraine, Syria, Egypt, Liberia, etc).

I DO agree that President Trump is doing everything in his power to prevent such a scenario. I think he's working damn hard to stop the civil war that was on the horizon. But unless he also does some major shit that even goes against his own policy positions (like repealing the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 and approving the physical removal of over 30 million people) I'm not entirely convinced that civil war isn't preferable considering the long term demographic trends of the country.

Finally, I also somewhat buy into the theory that the bolsheviks are infighting with the zionists as to how to proceed, with the bolsheviks wanting to fight now, and the zionists wanting to wait another 40-50 years until the demographics are on their side. Obviously, it's the zionists in charge of the Fed, which does more to limit the bolsheviks' funding than Trump's asset seizures. Unfortunately, this only further implies a need for conflict sooner rather than later while the demographics are still on our side.

thisistotallynotme ago

Did you notice Trump putting 4 new people on the Fed's board of directors? Apparently, it's just a start. Fed's not going to be removed, but apparently regulated. Knowing what I know about the federal bankruptcy, this might not be the worst idea.

I see your point about removing 30 million people, but I suspect he's trying to play the Reagan angle, and convince them all to vote for him instead of the crazies. Far better to get these useful idiots on your side than deport them, don't you think? Especially if you're setting the stage to guarantee a Pence 8-year run after 2024.

auralsects ago

  1. you guys are totally irredeemable larpfags who should kill themselves twice

  2. you just admitted not only to keeping 30m spics and their offspring to leech and eventually swamp white America, but to accepting an even more blatant Zio-shill in Pence as your leader.

Trumptards will get the rope first

thisistotallynotme ago

I disagree with your opinion, but will defend to the death your right to have it.

Shame it wasn't a two-way street, eh?

BigFatDaddy ago

Did you notice Trump putting 4 new people on the Fed's board of directors?

Yeah, I saw that. But I won't be excited until they start talking "audit".

I suspect he's trying to play the Reagan angle, and convince them all to vote for him instead of the crazies.

I agree. Trump is an admitted Civ-Nat. He sees absolutely no problem with the demographic decline of America.

Far better to get these useful idiots on your side than deport them, don't you think?

No, because as things stand Whites officially lose the majority in America in 20 years. After that, the country either turns into Brazil or South Africa. Either way, America as we knew it ceases to exist.

Especially if you're setting the stage to guarantee a Pence 8-year run after 2024.

We need someone further Right than Pence in 2024. We need to find a charismatic as hell full-on White Nationalist if we want any hope of preserving our Nation short of armed conflict.

thisistotallynotme ago

I think the main thing you and I disagree on is whether armed conflict will ever happen.

If Trump (or any subsequent POTUS) went full-Hitler, unless he had already conquered the world, you would see a massive backlash to the point of UN occupation of US soil, which obviously would lead to full-on world war. And we know how history treats those that lose wars.

Keep in mind that the "Demographic Decline" you mention is temporary; You'll have a good 10 years of the "le 51% face" CIA meme, but after two generations, all that mud blood is bred-out, as the homogenous "American Culture" makes it less of an issue that niggers have darker skin than us. The ones that don't leave will eventually be bred white, considering it'd take exactly one more Baby Boom to re-whiten this entire country.

BigFatDaddy ago

I think the main thing you and I disagree on is whether armed conflict will ever happen.

I think it MAY become inevitable, due to the demographics problem. But, even WITH the demographics, it still might not. Slow Boil is a thing, and if they go the Brazil Route instead of South Africa, White Americans might accept it if it happens gradually enough.

you would see a massive backlash to the point of UN occupation of US soil, which obviously would lead to full-on world war.

That could (arguably) be the best thing for us. The first time a blue helmet shoots an American on American Soil, it's over for them. The American People have more guns and bullets than the entire UN Peacekeeping Force combined (minus US Military of course, who will split at least 60-40 pro patriot).

"Demographic Decline" you mention is temporary; You'll have a good 10 years of the "le 51% face" CIA meme, but after two generations, all that mud blood is bred-out

Only if White Men were impregnanting brown and black females. We're not, its the other way around. Furthermore, while black fertility rates decline rapidly in absence of welfare, hispanic rates do not. Even if we remove the 30 million illegal mexicans, those that remain would outbreed the Whites in a century or so, assuming no changes from current rates.

the homogenous "American Culture" makes it less of an issue that niggers have darker skin than us.

This is absolutely false. Cultures come from genetics, not the other way around. Anyone claiming that the only difference between Whites and Blacks is skin color is either woefully misinformed, or dishonest.

The ones that don't leave will eventually be bred white,

Again, ONLY if White Men were knocking up sheboons, which we're not, and have no interest in doing. Even then, it would take A LOT more than 2 generations to breed the nigger out of someone. Look at Spain and Sicily.

it'd take exactly one more Baby Boom to re-whiten this entire country.

That COULD work, assuming a reversal of current government policies that incentivize non-whites to breed and disincentivize whites.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I've had them sperg out at high levels before after they ping spammed me. Its obvious what they are.

bdmthrfkr ago

I am willing to go with the shitskin shill theory, kikes do bash themselves when they shill but I can recognize the hatred when you do it. You still fall into 1 of the 3 most hated categories here on Voat, please help me decide which it is.

  1. Draw mufuckface (or disparage him in print)


  1. Join the White race and post a picture of you eating bacon (we will reverse search the picture so it had better be OC).

Until you do one of those two things we will just assume that you are the enemy...which you are. @srayzie

Vindicator ago


srayzie ago

šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ BOOM!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

oy vey its almost as if this is a jewish trick

bdmthrfkr ago

Pic when?

Hand_of_Node ago

What are the three categories?

And noticing your ping, are you one of the Q people? If so, why?

bdmthrfkr ago

Hey, newfag, get with the pogrom! The categories are...

  1. Kikes and their liberal minions

  2. Shitskin moslem invaders

  3. Niggers

Who else would it be?

Hand_of_Node ago

Ah, was thinking shills, jews, and 'something'.

Anyway, the first cult I encountered after arriving In Cultifornia was the Breatharians, when I attended their first public talk. (meet your nutritional needs by breathing - seriously) There've been many cults here since then. The "Q" thing seems to generate the same kind of fervor among its adherents, based on a similar level of evidence.

Vindicator ago

The "Q" thing seems to generate the same kind of fervor among its adherents, based on a similar level of evidence.

Only someone who has not seriously examined what Q has said would claim this. He has repeatedly proven -- literally dozens of times -- he is who he claims. He also has predicted numerous specific events before they happened and/or became news, starting with the coup in SA. Some things he predicted have either not happened yet, or been acknowledged by him as disinfo. All that comment like this one does is make it clear to all that you aren't actually interested in considering the evidence in a serious manner for yourself; which is the position of all major media outlets as they have been eager to report for the past few days.

Hand_of_Node ago

Maybe it's a similar effect to those dot pics in color-blindness tests, but I read a number of those and saw nothing interesting enough to seriously examine. In this age of craziness, I don't entirely write it off as a bunch of hooey. Maybe there's a small chance that Q is real, in 'some sense'?

If that were true, the whole op would then be even more bizarre, at least to non-cult members, because there's no question about whether it's taken on the form of a cult or not. Look, whether it's in the pattern of the shaken chicken bones, in the shape and frequency of the clouds in smoke signals, or in mysterious and vague assortments of words posted anonymously to the internet, this is a bizarre method for revealing the secrets of our planetary government.

The "Q" thing seems to generate the same kind of fervor among its adherents, based on a similar level of evidence.

Only someone who has not seriously examined what Q has said would claim this. He has repeatedly proven -- literally dozens of times -- he is who he claims.

Can you detect the irony in your fervent response?

I would ask you to point me to those proofs, and still will... But I suspect they would be based on interpretations of those bone/cloud/anon post patterns. If there's credible proof, I would take a look at it.

(I've also given a fair shake to the flat earth proponents, the "no man on the moon" people, the "nukes aren't real" folks, and some others. Unlike the credible evidence I'm sure you're about to reveal, they just quite never got to the point of producing reality-based evidence. But I'm serious, despite the sarcasm slipping into that last sentence. I'll give it a chance and take a look.)

An interesting, and perhaps relevant article:

srayzie ago

You could try looking at this.

Have you seen it @Vindicator?

Vindicator ago

I had not. Thanks for the link, srayz. :-)

srayzie ago

Youā€™re welcome. too

Vindicator ago

Thank you for the interesting link, HofN. I will peruse.

I am somewhat limited for time at the moment, but I will see what I can put together in the way of proofs.

Can you detect the irony in your fervent response?

From your point of view, yes. Yet your interpretation of my response as "fervent" is totally subjective. My statement was completely factual. I used no emotional moderators in my language. It was purely a statement of fact. The only -ly adjectives I used were "repeatedly" and "literally dozens". Those are both quantitative. Yet you saw it as "fervent". That is a very handy way of discounting what I said. If you care about the truth, you should care about that. This is hardcore information warfare we are trying to wade through. We need disciplined thinking if we hope to discern what is going on so we can decide whether we support it or not.

Hand_of_Node ago

Was admittedly being a little hyperbolic with that, although I would contend that it kind of "fits the form", even if the specific wording was more neutral. And yes, I care about "the truth", although we humans can only see bits and parts of that, even if you discount the spiritual realm.

This is hardcore information warfare we are trying to wade through.

There are a lot of narratives out there, with many of them being shaped and refined for centuries. I'll just leave it at that.

For me to end up taking the Q thing seriously, there are two main issues to overcome. The first is what I see as the weird cult around "the mysterious Q", and the reason that "Q" has promoted this phenomenon with the cryptic messages and anon status. It's designed to be a cult, and that creates a pretty strong credibility issue. The second is the veracity of the content itself, although that's less relevant, as it's not worth considering until credibility is established.

A big problem is that the Q crowd in general seems pretty low-IQ. Have seen them a bit on other forums, and the ones that tried to flee to voat during that reddit drama didn't exactly raise the bar. I'm aware that the beliefs of morons have no actual effect on truth and reality, but that's definitely a red flag. I mean, they do seem to be "good people" in intent and general character. Just not the place I'd look for insightful analysis and discernment.

I will see what I can put together in the way of proofs

Perhaps I'll be surprised? (Sorry about the length of this. The caffeine seems to have taken hold.)

BigFatDaddy ago

Well, apparently they want fewer skeptics on Voat because anyone skeptical of Q is a shill.

Definitely activates the ol' almonds I'd say.

Shizy ago

I don't think that's entirely true. I'm skeptical of most things, Q included. I'm not 100% sold on it all. I would like to believe it's real and true, but that would be foolish! Especially after knowing what we here tend to know about being lied to about everything for the majority of our lives.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You're so damn dumb you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, FEMINAZI CUNTRAG

Shizy ago

Ohhhhh, good one! You're getting more creative now!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You aint seen nothin' yet, darlin' ah ah ah

Shizy ago

Eh, you keep saying that, but not delivering. I think I may block you again unless you can show me you have upped your game!

BigFatDaddy ago

[ā€“] Oh_Well_ian 3 points (+3|-0) 3 days ago

We actually need far fewer skeptics around here.

My experience is that skeptics do ZERO heavy lifting and are more likely to be dragging down the team.

You were in that comment chain. Did you agree or disagree with Ian? Were you one of the people who Upvoted his comment?

Shizy ago

You know the answer to that since you were the only one I replied to! And it was about JFK not about skeptics. I typically don't agree with Ian on most things, including this. It's ok to disagree.

BigFatDaddy ago

That's fair enough. Notice, I never accused YOU of acting like a sperg.

Shizy ago

I did notice that. Thank you!

totes_magotes ago

Really? No shit? Took you this long to figure that out? Anything that goes against their "God" narrative is a bannable offense.

I've put it out there before that their personal information and where they live, etc. is extremely available and is very easy to cross-check and verify and that they might want to be smart about it because one of these days, it won't be someone just threatening that bitch's kid. The bitch is apparently too fuckin' stupid to get it through her head that people here are fuckin' smart. They'll skip the dox and threaten step and go straight for a real, in life jugular.

Now that we've had this conversation again, they'll settle down a little because "oh fuck, we're drawing too much attention" for a month or two then they'll go right back to it.

These fuckers are nothing but pure toxic waste and a perfect example of what not to be when you grow up.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Nah, I pointed it out not long after the sub was created.

it won't be someone just threatening that bitch's kid. The bitch is apparently too fuckin' stupid to get it through her head that people here are fuckin' smart. They'll skip the dox and threaten step and go straight for a real, in life jugular.

I'm surprised someone hasn't reported her to CPS yet so they can do a welfare check on her kids because mommy says some crazy shit online

Now that we've had this conversation again, they'll settle down a little because "oh fuck, we're drawing too much attention" for a month or two then they'll go right back to it.

That's exactly what happened about a year ago when we tangled. Exactly. This time, though, after all of the ping spamming harassment and banning me, I made a submission on them. I and a few others have been watching them closely for the last year.

Edit: I have too much to do in real reality to mess with this nonsense anymore but you're doing God's work. The real God, that is.

Thank ya, sir.

thisistotallynotme ago

Creepy as fuck watching SBBH Goon alt accounts talk to themselves.

thisistotallynotme ago

Wow. @CheeseBoogersGhost says that someone else is a Zionist.
That's like Leslie Jones calling you ugly. Pretty cold burn, dude.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Right here is one of the greater awakening(greater Israel) jews, folks. Now watch it spam this thread with its nonsense and baseless attacks

thisistotallynotme ago

It's neat when someone accuses you of the things they themselves are doing.

Shizy ago

It's now called "cheeseboogering" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Your jidf tactics are fail. nigger lover.

I_Ask_Questions ago

Can confirm that these kike lovers will immediately kick you for not being a zombie

They kicked me out of (((The_Donald))) for a different opinion about the middle east.

RockmanRaiden ago

They aren't the_donald and they banned one person. Your confirmation has no weight.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

They call anyone who disagrees "muslim". They constantly push to get whites to fight musims. fuck muslims and jews.

Shizy ago

Hmmmm. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Isn't there some bald headed faggot who calls everyone who disagrees with him a Jew?

MaverickMeerkat ago

Yep, both sides are retarded.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I probably have more hair than you do. But it is shaved right now, though. NOW CRY ME SOME OF THEM TEARS BABY

literallyoprah ago

You don't need to put echos around Donald Trump, he has made it very clear he is an ally to Israel.

Tallest_Skil ago

the_donald isnā€™t Trump himself. Itā€™s the jewish propaganda wing for him on Reddit, specifically.

truthwoke33 ago

You're not wrong about that sub. I don't think many people realize who created it and was on the original list of mods, including many of the users who go there. If only they knew...

MadWorld ago

You do have some very good points. Can you also find the ones where they have actually named those jews, especially those in power? If possible, make a distribution chart illustrating specifically who or what they have talked about. Maybe that would shine some light on their intent.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

They are controlled opposition. I have some great examples I will upload later. I've been compiling evidence against them for over a year.

antiliberalsociety ago

I've been compiling evidence against them for over a year.

Member for 5 months...


Hand_of_Node ago

Look at my account, and I've been here ~3.1 years.

thisistotallynotme ago

He's a legendary troll. this is the third consecutive nick.

AndrewBlazeIt ago


Try again bruh. And I'm usually the one who jumps on that shit

MadWorld ago

Looking forward to see the report from your investigation!

Rawrination ago

I'm completely unsure which side to take in this, but as always I try to be a slave to the truth no matter where it leads.

kneo24 ago

One thing i want to point out about the q larp. Early q stuff stayed far, far away from the jew stuff. It's only recently they're getting on board with it. This is how you manufacture playing both sides. They expect you to memory hole stuff like that.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Do you reckon the Q people would want members saying things like this?

I'm actually going to contact them and bring awareness to them about @srayzie and friends. My goal is to get them to publically disavow the great awakening. I'm going to spam trump and q's twitter with it

srayzie ago

Wow šŸ˜‚ Trump and Q will have me arrested šŸ˜± Iā€™ll show Trump all the things you say to me and you can go to Gitmo.

That sounded almost as retarted as what you said. Youā€™re a joke.

kneo24 ago

Man, that's some delusional shit on their part. If you're a nigger, what does that make their pet chimp?

CheeseboogersGhost ago


thisistotallynotme ago

It's creepy as fuck watching you reply to yourself like this for a second day.

kneo24 ago

I'll have you know this is my only account. Just because you're too obvious and apparent doesn't mean everyone else on Voat is like you.

thisistotallynotme ago



kneo24 ago

Except I called you out earlier to another user before you made your post to @Cheesebooger.

You're projecting, like a jew. Again, you're too obvious and transparent. I'm going to tell you the same thing I tell every other jew here. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot pretend that his link wasn't evidence of SBBH alt accounts talking to themselves.

I certainly fucking hope you're not white. You're making the rest of us look bad.

kneo24 ago

Jew, do the white race a favor and kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process. Everyone can see I posted my comment before yours. It's clear your "NO U" comment is just one of your many Jewish projections.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot write novels defending his kikery.

kneo24 ago

I take back calling you a jew. You think 3 sentences is anything resembling a novel. You must be one of their pet niggers. In any case, niggers should be lynched and are a blight on white society. Kill yourself, nigger, don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot REEEEEEE when called on his kikery.

kneo24 ago

I'm not a jew, you 85 IQ nigger, but nice try. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this butt-hurt faggot post the highest number he can count to.

kneo24 ago

I see like the pet nigger you are, you're good at following instructions as long as you get your "gibs".

Do white society a favor and kill yourself. Don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try to get the last word in an argument he lost 6 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Did the jews teach you the tactic of projection, you nigger? Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 7 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Wow, jewish pet nigger, you're really trying to earn your keep today! Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 8 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Keep earning your keep, some jews pet nigger. When you get tired of it, kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 9 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

How much money do you make per post, nigger? 10 cents?

Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 10 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this jewished own nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 11 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 12 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself nigger and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 13 posts ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot continue to try not to lose 14 posts and 16 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot continue to try not to lose 15 posts and 24 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot continue to try not to lose 16 posts and 25 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot continue to try not to lose 17 posts and 26 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot continue to try not to lose 18 posts and 26 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot continue to try not to lose 19 posts and 26 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this sad little faggot volunteer (unprompted!) to participating in a jewish money-making scheme while continuing to try not to lose 20 posts and 26 hours ago.

kneo24 ago

Look at this Jewish owned nigger trying to earn some money. Kill yourself and don't harm any whites in the process.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

You both make very good points and your debate skills are remarkable. This will be a tough call.

MadWorld ago

Looks at this butt-hurt faggot continue to try not to lose 12 posts ago.

Looks like you have made the nigger very rich today! But he probably ran out of fingers to do the meth.

XD Archived

CheeseboogersGhost ago

oh sure sure. Creepy jew calling others "creepy". We've seen this before, haven't we, Voat?

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot attempt to play to the crowd.

Shizy ago

Why do you always ask that of others? Are you not confident enough in your own assessment that you need constant affirmation? Hmmmm

13404913? ago

"My fellow Voaters" from a muslim SBBHer.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Why didn't you provide any evidence in /v/GreatAwakening?

All you did was spam "Q IS A LARP" and equally useless BS.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

oh fuck off, clamcocklegfaggot. You have been complicit with them since day one. You made your bed now fucking lie in it

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Do you have any evidence to support anyhing?

C'mon, man, all I'm asking is you start SHOWING it. I'm not even saying you're wrong - how can I know when you never show your evidence?

Shizy ago

He has zero evidence of anything! He's full of shit and likes to throw temper tantrums to divert attention from his lack of evidence for his retarded claims!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Yes, I know. But if you ask and he doesn't deliver, people SEE him failing, instead of just having to trust your word.

We had this problem back in April.

Shizy ago

So true!

TheSeer ago

Lift The Veil on Youtube and Unirock both did extensive videos showing Q is a LARP (more accurately a psyop) and that it is the 'bakers' that are behind it. Hence why only they can decipher the cryptic bullshit, and why they ask for money, and focus only on Q. Some former bakers even came forward and admitted to working on the Q LARP.

thisistotallynotme ago

Lift the Veil? You mean the guys that think cryptocurrencies were created by an AI named "Tyler", because no human could ever be possibly smart enough to create a blockchain?

That Lift the Veil?

TheSeer ago

Are you confusing Quinn Michaels with Lift The Veil? LOL

I guess that is one way to shill!

thisistotallynotme ago

See? this faggot KNEW what I was talking about. He's balls-deep in the Tyler AI LARP, calling Q a LARP. Pot, meet Kettle.

Tell us more about how Tyler created the blockchain. I'm dying to know.

TheSeer ago

So you see there are two separate guys there right? Do you know which one is which? Quinn Michaels is the bald schizo on the right. He has some interesting info, but I don't believe he has everything right.

Lift the Veil/Nathan is on the right. He interviews people, even ones he doesn't agree 100% with.

Plus, I said that there were whistleblowers on LtV's show. They were the ones saying they were involved with the 'bakers', they were the ones who blew the whistle, LtV just provided the platform for the information.

thisistotallynotme ago

Note that the linked video is the fourth time he had him on. He obviously disagrees with the guest so much that he keeps having him back on to legitimize him.

Again, please tell us more about how Tyler created the blockchain. I'm sure you have the answers I'm looking for.

TheSeer ago

I am not sure you know how information works. Did you know someone can have a lot of interesting information, and still not be 100% right about everything? Like Quinn Michaels? Or are we talking about Q whistleblowers? Or wait, were we doing ad hominems of Lift the Veil?

thisistotallynotme ago

That's a whole lot of words just to say "my LARP-by-association plan backfired on me!"

TheSeer ago

Are you still doubling down on trying to conflate Quinn Michaels with Q whistleblowers?

thisistotallynotme ago

It's interesting that you aren't saying I'm wrong about your LARP-by-association plan backfiring.

TheSeer ago

Umm, yeah, except that it was you trying to conflate Quinn Michaels and Q whistleblowers.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Anybody asking for money is fake.

Are you saying this is a US government run operation? Why would the government need to beg for money for its psyops? The CIA doesn't have a Patreon, they just sell drugs and have a budget from congress.

Are you saying this is a psyop not run by the US government? Then how is Q on Air Force 1?

talmoridor-x ago

The Q drops themselves are government-ran, and the 8ch website is very compromised. The "bakers" and investigation threads seem to be independent.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I agree with you completely.

TheSeer ago

Mossad, CIA and MI5 work hand in hand. They are probably directing the op, as opposed to actually doing the heavy lifting, actually creating the videos. But they told the guys who are working for them to fundraise, and that would then allow the intel agencies to covertly fund them, as well (through anonymous donations, in this case).

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So instead of using the already established funding methods they've had in place for decades, you think Kickstarter is "covert"?

They have an exact amount of money listed on the front page. Pretty sure the CIA website doesn't tell you that.

TheSeer ago

You don't think cryptos were created by the NSA (and/or CIA), huh? Interesting.

I feel bad for you for being balls deep committed to this Q larp. Either you are getting played, or you are trying to play the rest of us.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You don't think cryptos were created by the NSA (and/or CIA), huh? Interesting.

Never said anything about cryptos. Did you reply to the right post or are you lost?

When you put your credit card number into Kickstarter, they have your information. It's not anonymous.

TheSeer ago

I have never donated to any of the Q 'bakers'/con artists, so I don't know what funding platforms they use, or don't use. Are you ruling out that cryptos could be transferred to them?

Are we talking about Q, the 'bakers', the Great Awakening sub, Zionists, The Donald, or what?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I don't know what funding platforms they use, or don't use.

So you just pulled the crypto out of your ass, then started typing?

Are we talking about Q, the 'bakers', the Great Awakening sub, Zionists, The Donald, or what?

No wonder you're lost.

You said "the bakers" like it's some special group hading down translations and asking for money. This is bullshit.

Q leaves breadcrumbs, and anybody who follows the clues is called a baker because they take crumbs. The conclusions they make are then called "bread". This isn't some exclusive club. It's just a nickname. Lurk moar, faggot.

TheSeer ago

Hey, look, I am just trying to tell you that the Q larp fad has died, and people stopped paying attention, because there wasn't enough back and forth with the community. It was just bakers, who came up with the cryptic clues in the first place, telling everyone else what the 'crumbs' meant, and what to research. Which was never the Rothschilds or Israel (besides a token mention here or there).

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Wow, sounds like you really have zero experience with any of this!

TheSeer ago

Are you paid by the post, by any chance?

You have more than you know. Follow the map. [15] When you are over the target you get flak.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I presented evidence in my op. I have much, much more and will show it when I damned well please clamcocklegfaggot

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You posted a screenshot of you being disruptive, contributing nothing, and provoking the owner.

You posted a screenshot of the owner explaining her reasoning for finally banning you after months of your disruptive, non-contributing behavior.

You post four screenshots of them not liking you, three of which were from the 48 hrs right before you provoked them so hard they finally banned you (after many months of you posting).

Where's the evidence of them being Jewish shills?

Where's the evidence of them being anti-white?

The kikes have been using this divide and conquer shit for centuries and you're a fool if you run around yelling in the pen they made for you. Jews owned tons of slave ships and blacks are starting to wake up. How does saying that make you anti-white? It doesn't, you're just distracting.

You provided ample evidence for the people on /v/greatawakening disliking you, and you showed us how you made them feel that way.

What you DID NOT DO is provide ANY evidence that Q is a larp, that Srayzie is a Jew, or thst ANY of your other half-baked theories have any support.

They BEGGED you to just start providing COUNTER EVIDENCE. They didn't ban you for wrongthink, they didn't ban you for being an asshole, then banned you because all you do is run in and scream at them while adding absolutely nothing to the conversation. You're as bad as that fat toddler yelling over a presenter.

If you are going to provide evidence, your input is crucial.

If you're going scream and have a tantrum, provide no evidence, and forum slide because you simply dislike people, you deserve to be banned.

srayzie ago

I LOVE YOU! ā¤ļø
Did we just become best friends?

clamhurt_legbeard ago



auralsects ago

@srayzie is worse than a jew. she is a WOMAN.

Shizy ago

Yeah, we get it, fags don't like women

think- ago

....especially camel jockey trannie fags.... grin

srayzie ago

Oh Iā€™m crushed šŸ™„

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Prove this.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

shill harder, jew

Shizy ago

Clamhurt acurately explains this whole situation and that's the only response you have?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Your little partner in crime didn't do shit but confirm manys suspicions. I am good at what I do. Never forget that, jew. I got you and you don't even realize it yet. If you're going to panic then now would probably be the time jew

srayzie ago

I highly doubt that my ā€œpartner in crimeā€ is even phased by you. You literally make us laugh because your such an idiot right out in the open. Then you say you won! šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»

Shizy ago

Got me? Because I told some pedo sympthazier to get raped? Used the word nigger? Called you a Muslim? Oh no! The horror! Put up or shut up! Then get over yourself!

srayzie ago

Remember when he told you he was gonna fuck you?

Shizy ago

Yeah, real slow. Disgusting! I vomited a little. And then he has the NERVE to throw around a screenshot of me telling a pedo protector to get raped and see how he feels! It's bullshit tactics like that tha tshow booger is either an illogical dumbfuck or just a worthless shill!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

That's right!! Turn that back peddling motor on, jewess ah ah ah hypocrisy is YOU

Shizy ago

Is that you're way of saying you still don't have anything?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

^---- this right here

You never provide evidence, you just call names. You couldn't even read my post in the 1.5 minutes between my posting and your three word reply.

This is why you got banned.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You're a shill and help your little ziotard friends. I got you!! I got you baby!! I am good at ousting you fucks. Its what I do. Go on and git in the oven. GO ON

srayzie ago

You need to do a Jewdar reset bro

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Nah I am balls on. I got this shit right. Many of my and others suspicions about Voat were just confirmed.

Blacksmith21 ago

Cheesebooger IS a Jew. Notice he never posts on Friday night while he is at synagogue?

Nice try Shlomo.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You jews seem to act like nothing happened the next day. I've exposed you so many times that its a known fact you are a jew and anything you have to say means less than nothing.

srayzie ago

Omg. Are they Jews now too? šŸ˜‚

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Try it yourself, if you have balls.

I'm armed at all times.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

When SHTF I will have an arrest warrant for you.

srayzie ago

Oh please šŸ˜‚ An arrest warrant for what? By telling you heā€™s always armed after you tell him to get in the oven? Please make a copy of that warrant cunt.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I will have an arrest warrant for you, as well

Shizy ago

So even in real life you aren't man enough to handle anything on your own and have to call in big boys to back you up? God you make this too easy šŸ˜‚

srayzie ago

Oh Shizy. Heā€™s making himself look like a fool. We could have just relaxed today. šŸ™„

clamhurt_legbeard ago

When SHTF I switch to AKs and all law enforcement becomes fair game lol

Are you serious with this?

srayzie ago

Ask him if heā€™s serious in GreatAwakening. If he threatens you, that would be a permanent ban!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I don't care if he gets banned. The idea itself is ridiculous.

SHTF but I still case what law enforcement thinks? That's not how SHTF works.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

herp derp clamcocklegfagit

thisistotallynotme ago

to be fair, he is being bombarded with replies.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

In isolation, that is a reasonable assumption.

But looking at him over months we see he never provides evidence. He may write long posts, and he may provide links, but the whole thing ends with no proof of anything he said.

It's sad because he takes it very personally and is particularly hurt at what he feels is my "betrayal" by not supporting him, but I don't support people who can't support their own arguments.

thisistotallynotme ago

Your characterization would be completely valid if you weren't describing a 2-dimensional character. There isn't a real person behind that alt. His butt-hurt isn't real. His fights aren't real. Have you noticed that this entire post is a mirror of the post that was made about him in /v/GreatAwakening yesterday?

The tactic is: if you survive today's assault, use the tactic they used on you today on them tomorrow.

clamhurt_legbeard ago


I think he's real, though.

I used to have real interactions with him. That's why it hurt him so....

kneo24 ago

I was hoping to see their pet nigger @oh_well_ian come in and chimp out. I guess I'm a little early.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh he will be here. I have screen caps of him trashing srayzie and shizy and other members of the great awakening sub. There's about to be a fight!! ah ah ah

thisistotallynotme ago

Proof or GTFO. Not later. Now.

Paneedleribena22 ago


Jews in voat looks fun..

Hey Jews why ar you all so obsess to fuck children...

thisistotallynotme ago

the only confirmed jews I've seen on Voat are the ones that wrap themselves in uncreative (the left can't meme) white-power nicknames.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I wouldn't doubt if these Zionists are pedophiles. Its their culture.

Rotteuxx ago

Not surprised at all, @Srayzie has always defended that @oh_well_ian faggot any time he got called out for being a shill.

Now 'she' and whoever is @Shizy are coming out as little femnazis and pinging users to ad hominem attacks, how quaint.

@dooob has some posts about OWI in PV.

Too bad @Oh_Well_Ian has me on ignore, I might not get to see his spaz out in a reply to this comment. His chimp outs are always entertaining, the name calling and ego driven retorts aren't the most imaginative but they do have enough value for a good chuckle.

They're all about making the goys passive, don't worry Q is on it and his team will fix everything, just believe and keep making memes.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'll ping that faggot for you @Oh_Well_Ian

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I don't think /u/oh_well_ian is actually a shill, I think he's actually just very inept and a moron. He uses the same terribly ineffective (and emotional!) argumentive style even when it's completely unrelated to anything shill-worthy.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

wow. If this post doesn't show what you are then nothing will. GOTCHA!

Rotteuxx ago

I dunno, him ridiculing and attacking the idea of real life mobilization & organized action against corrupt officials is questionable for someone who pretends to be a patriot.

Why would he be against militias ? Why would he want to discourage the idea ?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I don't think it even has to do with militias.

YOU are /u/oh_well_ian sworn enemy, along with anybody else he feels is not on his side. He sees you say something, and it's automatically wrong because you are on the opposing team. His gang yay, your gang boo! So if you say something positive about militias, he's automatically against it.

Did you notice? He never said anything AGAINST militas. He just started making fun of the idea and attacking you, personally. Has nothing to do with the idea. This entire conversation just shows how emotional and irrational he is.

Oh and incidentally, I'm a feminazi shill as well, just like Shizy - according to some people.

Rotteuxx ago

Impossible ! Femnazi shills don't have a testie, d'uh ! A mega clit the size of a small dick I would believe though.

Why are you paying attention to SarMegaJihad anyways ? I had almost forgotten about rPV, seems like those faggots don't like poking me anymore :(

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I was browsing new and saw that post. I knew instantly it was about me and that he misread in his excitement to "get me".

It was an easy kill, lol.

Rotteuxx ago

So do you know who this @thisistotallynotme faggot is ?

He's pretty rPV influenced in his rambling, could this be @freshmeat ?

I've only been called a SBBH alt by him and @9-11...

freshmeat ago

Another SBBH user showing up to defend their radical homosexual friends

Click Rotteux's username

Rotteuxx ago

Your comment is nonsensical buddddy.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot alt try to link me to another SBBH goon (Association Fallacy).

Rotteuxx ago

So rPV is SBBH ? Is that how it goes this week ?

13406428? ago

I could totally run with this... lol

Rotteuxx ago

Isn't running with scissors how @freshmeat became a tranny ?

13406544? ago

I should know, I am also Freshmeat's alt. He really likes cats. :P

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot alt double-down on his attempt when called on it.

Rotteuxx ago

Come on, stop redirecting and address this :

Are you saying that rPV which was created to smear the evil sbbh cabal as srs and other retarded shit is in fact sbbh ?

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot alt triple-down on pretending I'm some sort of representative of his manufactured opponent so he can put words in my mouth.

Rotteuxx ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

Don't recognize him.

9-11 doesn't have any alts, tho. He told me so!

Flour ago

@oh_well_ian is literally a play on the word Orwellian. Heā€™s not inept

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I've wondered that. If so, he takes his roleplay seriously.

Either way, he has nothing worthwhile to say and isn't worth listening to.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

oh yes nothing to see here goys

clamhurt_legbeard ago

We're not even talking about you.

We're saying /u/oh_well_ian is not worth listening to.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You're trying to cover for him

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You're clearly utterly ignorant of ian's feelings about me

I wouldn't cover him if he were a shitstain on the rug.

thisistotallynotme ago

It's weird watching you reply to shills. I'm surprised the "speaking in absolutes" thing didn't tip you off first.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Which one is the shill you're referring to?

There can be reasons to speak to shills. If you leave them unchallenged it can make it seem like they have a point.

Shizy ago

@srayzie I didn't know we were feminazis did you? I guess I have to hate myself now. And I hate you too bitch šŸ–•šŸ»! I thought I knew you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

srayzie ago

šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ šŸ–•šŸ»Stick it Shizy! You Feminazi whore! šŸ–•šŸ» LMAO!

Rotteuxx ago

But seriously, why complain about @cheeseboogersghost disrupting your sub if you launch ad hominem attacks against him and ping him to it ?

Counter productive, no ? Kinda kills your credibility instantly.

Hand_of_Node ago

Kinda kills your credibility instantly.

Ignoring the whole "Q" cult thing for a moment... To be fair, I've met or known hundreds of cult members here in California over the years, and many of them can appear to be functional. Running businesses, holding jobs, and etc. But it's difficult to overcome the defect that makes them so susceptible to false realities.

People who're unable to determine whether Leprechauns and Q are real already have some serious credibility issues, but their biggest challenge will be in trying to overcome that fundamental defect. Like being blind or literally retarded, it pervades every aspect of their lives, but is often invisible to them.

Rotteuxx ago

Great observation, the level of "just believe" being pushed & justified with non-evidence is staggering tbh.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

They even pinged @Crensch starting trouble with him. Was it Oh_Well_Ian?

Shizy ago

Despite what the crybaby has said to paint himself as the victim, there were no ad hominem attacks. He brings the shit on himself, and was pinging me as well. He thinks it's really fun to dish out the bullshot but he can't handle it coming back at him.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

How many times do I have to prove you're a lying jew?

Shizy ago

Like when you said "we're gonna fuck their sisters"? Or "I know where a cave is down by the river but female people have to suck my dick to live there with me"? Oh, or when you said you would laugh our ass off if a bus full of little Jewish kids exploded? It's all in your comment history for anyone to see! You're a creepy fucker!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

How many black cocks have you slobbed on?

Shizy ago

ZERO! Once you go black they don't want you back! And I like white boys!

I'm also not a Jew, not anti white, and not a feminist! But you have proof I am right?

Keep sticking with your fantasies buddy!

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Why does it matter if some shitty Jew kids die?

Shizy ago

I think it's a problem for any kid to die!!!

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

To me, I could go on living knowing some kids die. We all die. It sucks, I guess, but I'm not going to get all bent out of shape about it. So you don't support abortion then right?

Shizy ago

I guess I need to clarify for you: I think it's a problem for any kid to die in a fiery bus crash! And I absolutely do NOT support abortion!

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

You didn't really clarify anything that wasn't already apparent, but thanks. I think abortions are helpful to some, a sad choice for most. I also think studying the fetus development out of the women's body is a necessary thing, to help better understand human development. You come off to me like you really fear death, if you do, Don't! It's against your best interest in fully experiencing life.

Shizy ago

No i acually don't fear death at all for myself, but appreciate your concern- really. I just don't like the thought of a child who hasn't yet had the chance to live dying because there is so much they will miss, but beyond that I can't help but feel empathy for their parents. I just couldn't imagine how devastating it would be to lose a child.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

It's not hard to imagine, just think about being really sad. Then you get over it but get sad thoughts once in awhile. Some hold on to the thoughts and feelings, others don't. Idk just seems like a waste of thought process caring so much about death. Studying the aborted fetuses help us live longer. Kids die, animals die, things die, It is just life. One bus full of Jew kids exploding one day, bus full of Mexicans the next. Things happen. Life goes on without them being here. Oh well.

Shizy ago

That's a pretty sad and dark outlook, but to each his own.

Shizy ago

So you don't think it's a big deal that pedos rape kids? Got it!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

CLASSIC JEW SIGN: PROJECTION! don't project your pedophilistic mind onto me, jew.

Rotteuxx ago

there were no ad hominem attacks.

Oh ffs, give me a fucking break :

This ain't an ad hominem attack?

The level of maturity displayed combined with the victim mentality used to justify putting oil on the fire isn't impressive at all. You're not looking to quell any disturbances in you sub, you've voluntarily made it a provocative shit show to provoke the trolls.

Shizy ago

You act like he's somehow an innocent victim! He says the most vile shit and then cries like a little girl when it's given right back to him. Did he mention he wrote that he was gonna fuck me real slow? Really cool to threaten to rape someone.

Defend him if you want, but you've been informed that he is playing you!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I will show what a lying jew you are again. YOU WANT TO TALK ABOY=UT RAPE?? lets!!!!

or or or lets talk about this, shall we?

Shizy ago

So some punk downplays the feelings of a rape victim and I tell him to see how if feels if its no big deal is somehow equal to or worse than you describing how you would rape me? You're sick dude!

Rotteuxx ago

Quote me downplaying him as a victim, or defending him for that matter.

I'm telling you that you're all making a shit show out of this and it will bite your sub in the ass. Historically on Voat, the the ol' poke the bear and ban routine has never played out well for any community.

thisistotallynotme ago

So, this is Day Two of @CheeseBoogersGhost being mad that a deleted thread was made about him in /v/GreatAwakening, and calling in the SBBH brigade to puke in this thread. Got it.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

If that's true then why is clamcocklegfaggot on your side then? I never called in anybody. I'm providing evidence as to what the sub is. Cry moar, jew

clamhurt_legbeard ago

clamcock is sdbh

sdbh and sbbh are sworn enemies

thisistotallynotme ago

Cry more

This is @Tallest_Shill's go-to phrase when he's shown to be full of shit. what a coincidence.

Rotteuxx ago

Fucking moron, @cheeseboogersghost isn't even close to matching @Tallest_Skill's autistic super powers.

This is fucking ridiculous.

You're rPV aren't you ?

thisistotallynotme ago

look at how triggered this whiteknight alt got when I exposed CBG and Tallest_shill's similarity! I wonder why that happened?

Shizy ago

White Knight! Awesome šŸ¤£

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I only have one account here. Tallest Skil has even came after me before.

thisistotallynotme ago

I've read that one of the signs of psychopathy is not realizing that their contradictory sentences make no sense.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm an OG top 10 criminal shill ya dingus, SRS-Cabal to the bone, SBBH is only a cover and you should know this, it's pretty obvious to anyone who goes through my history.

Bet you can't even bring up one post of mine to prove it though, faggot.

kneo24 ago

Look at their account age and compare their contribution points to this site. It's awfully low. I've noticed a trend of older accounts with a slightly larger CCP coming around since we all caught on to the ones that were old, with less than 500 CCP. The shills are trying to find that threshold that's just right to not be noticeable. Instead they keep burning their accounts as they're just too obvious, and I suspect, they don't necessarily have the proper accounts.

Rotteuxx ago

Same crew, same old bullshit. Attack an outspoken long term goat and do everything to discredit them.

thisistotallynotme ago

Creepy as fuck watching SBBH alts reply to themselves.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

OY VEY!! Its time to change the rules at The Greater Israel sub yet again. I got more pings from @syrazie

are you trying to shut it down?? ah ah ah I WIN

Hand_of_Node ago

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a Q. You get dirty, and besides, the Q likes it. - George Bernard Shaw

Not that they're necessarily 'pigs', but the effect is similar.

thisistotallynotme ago

posts evidence of his crimes
considers it proof of his victimhood.

They aren't sending their best.

300_Black ago


I love the absolute and ironic stupidity of people who take anything Qlarp says as valid

Chiefpacman ago

Maybe Iā€™m missing the link; but where are you proving their feminist/zionist/redditors?

I see the links where youā€™re providing evidence that they donā€™t like you.

Just making sure... sometimes these psaā€™s are helpful, other times itā€™s just been whiners like crensch crying wolf because someone hurt his feelings

talmoridor-x ago

Blacksmith21 is a CIA/Mossad agent. Here he is accidentally spilling the beans:

Shizy ago

Seriously? That's your evidence? You sound like booger!!!

NotHereForPizza ago

Good on you for continuing avoiding their hilariously feeble attempts to discredit the movement.

You know, it's funny: when you watch something start from the ground up and see the continual ramping up of damage control and astroturf, it only consistently verifies claims of those seeing such tactics deployed against them.

Looks like I was right about this account, it shares a bit in common with the other SRS/leftypol/ /b/ fags that are here to reroute the narrative when it falls off the tracks or shame the people that try to leave the plantation.

People like you always make me feel a little better in knowing we're over the target when seeing someone stand up and say, "now, hold on. You're sort of jumping to conclusions here." It makes them squirm every time.

You know, the more vocal the opposition is over this, the more accurate the info appears.

Strap in, fellas! The parade can't come soon enough!

Vindicator ago

Well said.

Le_Squish ago

Someone posted yesterday that OP is a Muslim. OP has been accused of being a shill before and never gave a fuck but he loses his shit when accused of being a Muslim interloper and makes dramatic post. Makes you wonder.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Where did I ever lose my shit being called a muslim? Link please.

Le_Squish ago

Literally this whole post. You never felt the need to defend yourself before and goats been accusing you of random shit for a very long time but only the accusation of being Muslim got you riled up. Why get angry now?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

How do you figure this riles me up?? I laugh my ass of at it because of how absurd it is. To ziotards EVERYBODY IS A MUSLIM. WE'RE ALL PALESTINIANS NOW

Shizy ago

And to low IQ retards like you EVERYONE is a Jew!!!

See how stupid that is? You're a joke!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I am an expert in jewish behaviors. I've stomped out a helluva lot bigger than you. I exposed LiveLeaks owner single handedly and he also cried about me on his show. I. WIN. ah ah ah

truthwoke33 ago

Dude just stop this is so cringe

Le_Squish ago

Could be the multiple dramatic post across subverses, the generally REEEEing and lots of CAPSLOCK. Goats totally do all those things to show how upset they totally aren't.

You should just draw a few Muhammeds and put this shennaigans to rest. It'll be fun. We'll join in and make a night of it.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Also, I just had a draw a jew and draw a jigaboo event. WHERE WERE YOU?

Le_Squish ago

Could have been in a subverse I have blocked. Come'on, just a little Muhammed.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

oh sure sure. It was in whatever. Lets see your contribution.

lord_nougat ago

Jews HATE being called muslim!

Oh_Well_ian ago

He's the ONLY faggot that has ever been banned from the GA subverse and it happened 2 hours ago..

lol OP is a screaming little Jew bitch

CheeseboogersGhost ago

awww little jew boy is delusional

RockmanRaiden ago

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

srayzie ago

We donā€™t like him because he told me to ban people that he considered Jews. I told him Iā€™m not banning people for him. So now he says Iā€™m a Jewess who sucks nigger dick. He has trolled GA for over a month. All he does is attack others and call us Jews. He has bad Jewdar because Iā€™m not any of the things he says I am.

I have screencaps too. Iā€™ll admit, Iā€™m mean to the little whiner. I donā€™t have to put up with his shit. He will ping others to come attack the forum too. Now heā€™s made at least 4 posts about me in different subs. What a little crybaby.

NotHereForPizza ago

Check out who he's friends with

Oh boy, color me surprised when I found out it was @gabara and @thebuddha

Wouldn't be surprised were all Soros leeching shitskins like other fags here are saying

Shizy ago

The worst is that androgynous little fag kneo24

srayzie ago

Heā€™s friends with a lot of assholes. They follow him over, and even tho they donā€™t even know anything about me, assume that Iā€™m a Jew because that faggot said so, I can get along with people that think different than me. He canā€™t. Iā€™ve never had a problem with those 2 users. He even kisses the ass of anyone that would be more intimidating or has been here longer.

TheBuddha ago

Are you retarded?

NotHereForPizza ago

Maybe you're the retard. Want to learn more? Ask Crensch about his bunnies.

We're not stupid.

TheBuddha ago

Dude... You're a PG/Q person. Yes, you are stupid.

NotHereForPizza ago

Dude, we disagree sometimes.


TheBuddha ago

Nope. That seems unlikely.

You sought my attention and now you have it. That was pretty stupid, really.

NotHereForPizza ago

I don't care.

TheBuddha ago

You should lie less. If you didn't care, you'd not ping me, whine when I give you attention, tell me to stop, or continue to respond.

Nobody likes a liar.

RockmanRaiden ago

It's only been a month? Damn. Could have sworn it was longer.

srayzie ago

Maybe it has been. Probably.

freshmeat ago

That doesn't negate the fact you are a shill. But for this context today I agree with you. I love seeing the shills eat their own.

srayzie ago

Thatā€™s the nicest thing you ever said to me

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I have many other screen caps that will be coming. I guarantee it will open your eyes and many others here.

dias17se ago

Im with you buddy,they came out of the woods for sure.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Thanks, my friend. I've been swinging my poking stick, err I mean sword, like a mad man!!

Chiefpacman ago

Well Iā€™ll keep my eye out.

For the record Iā€™m sure that sub is full of faggots. Itā€™s just itā€™s probably better to let them be, or keep fucking with them but recognize theyā€™re not a site threat.

thisistotallynotme ago

Please do. While you're at it, keep a small .txt file of all the nicknames in this thread (including mine). See where else they pop up. See if we're wrong when we say they're all just SBBH Goon alt accounts.

If you want to go down a rabbit hole, maybe ask yourself why they're working so hard to fuck with the GA subverse.

Hand_of_Node ago

Similar defects? You know, the "like attracts like" thing.

thisistotallynotme ago

it's rare when you see one nick, and you don't see the others.
The interesting thing is which ones swap from agreeing completely, and constantly "exposing" him (like 9-11 did this thread, after being his biggest defender yesterday).
What I found the most fun was arguing with three of the alts at the same time, and watching the time delay as one person logged out of one account, to log into the next, process what I typed, and reply.

Hand_of_Node ago

That's interesting, because I tend to like both cheese and 911 (and tallest skil), despite some fairly obvious flaws. Now I see them in here attacking each other. Ah well.

Had a friend who wrote a text analysis program one time to identify commenters through their typing patterns, vocabulary, and such. Was interesting, but I generally just take accounts at face value unless they're obvious trolls. Negative several thousand CCP can be a helpful clue. Or that "they're all trannies" guy that always talks about them with each of his accounts.

thisistotallynotme ago

I've had enough conversations to know that Tallest_skil is a bot. If he's not, he's a deeply obsessed and tightly-wound individual that happens to post like a bot would post.

It's probably best to avoid attaching emotions to a nick, or even post count. I could easily sell my account right now (3 years old, sufficient karma) to a third-party, and nobody would be the wiser. It's real hard on here to tell who is real, and who is wearing a skinned corpse as camoflage.

Hand_of_Node ago

If he's not, he's a deeply obsessed and tightly-wound individual

Lol, I wouldn't necessarily disagree with that. But I've had a few good exchanges with him, maybe when the bot in the shop for maintenance or something. The "Reported for being (or Thanks for admitting you're) a paid jewish shill!" pasta is a bit much, but it's so over the top it makes me laugh sometimes. That's admittedly pretty bot-like. But I think your quote is close to the reality.

I added a long rant he did to his tag, so I see it on all of his posts. Was about not investing too much into people as your heroes, because people are fallible. Rather, one should uphold principles and ideas... anyway, he did it far better, and no parts of it came up in a google search. There's a real person in there somewhere, even if it's not always apparent.

thisistotallynotme ago

The ramifications of Tallest_Skil being a real person are a little terrifying. Media has fucked people up, no matter what side they pick.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

They keep ping spamming me from their sub and I cant respond because I'm banned. They're getting their say but I cant have mine

Shizy ago

No, we're here. And I haven't pinged you for a long time. What else are you still emotional about? I'd be happy to work through it since you're having such a hard time moving past all this.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh we're going to work through it. I will own the great awakening

Shizy ago

Really? How does that work exactly?

waxdino ago

I'm not sure who's eyes your really need to open. That sub is a huge circle jerk, most people see that and turn right around and leave. I agree they shouldn't spam ping you, but it's obvious they do get under your skin. Don't make yourself an easy target.
They're about half a step above lefty sjws, they can tell something is wrong, but are still too brainwashed to actually do something besides looking for a leader to solve their problems and distract them. That's where the Q psyop steps in. Some of them did decent work in pizzagate, and that had to be shut down.
You give them too much credit. If they "get their scripts form Israel", well, the jews have gotten shitty in their persuasion tactics.
There's no reason voat- one of the last free speech sites- needs to be a monolith. It's ok for there to be opinions you don't agree with, even if you think they're "dangerous."

srayzie ago

We spam ping him because he wonā€™t leave us alone. I told him to leave us alone and we would leave him alone. He keeps calling me a Jewess. Everyone is a Jew in his eyes. It gets old. He doesnā€™t have to agree with the sub. But he doesnā€™t have to attack us and bring his friends.

MaverickMeerkat ago

Isn't organised spam pinging bringing YOUR friends?

srayzie ago

I donā€™t know. What he means is that we would comment in something g and ping him. It was just me and one other friend. Heā€™s just a whiner.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Liar. It wont work

Monte_Carlo ago

If he's a troll, he'll stop when he'll get no reaction from you guys.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

They don't get under my skin. I got under theirs by calling them out. They then mass ping spam me. Then they banned me.

srayzie ago

Ohhhh pleeeease. Weā€™re always reaching for your blood pressure medication. You can dish it out but you canā€™t take it. Especially by 2 chicks!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

shit I'm as cool as a cucumber. You have no power over me. I own you. Bow at my boot.

srayzie ago

How many times are you going to tell me to bow at your boot? Youā€™re like a bot. You just repeat everything.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Bow at my boot and ready yaw lips

srayzie ago

I wouldnā€™t touch your nasty little dick bitch.

thisistotallynotme ago

While I agree with your general point, It's gonna be funny around December when you re-read all your posts. Half of this won't age too well :)

waxdino ago

Why? Is that some special Q revelation? Is that when arrests start?
This is something else I don't get about the "Q Movement." On the really off chance you guys are correct and had some privy to a behind the scenes action and foresaw what all of us want- justice for our corrupt government- why would your reaction be to gloat that others didn't buy it? Even if Q is real and not a larp or psyop, I don't care because I don't care for his hocus pocus riddles and puzzles. If they are truly working to arrest them, that is fucking great. When that happens, your reaction is going to be, "ha ha, you were wrong?" It makes it seems like you're missing the point of what your supposedly "working" for.

srayzie ago

Thereā€™s a reason for those ā€œriddlesā€ btw. šŸ¤” I could explain if you want, but I never have time for anything when Iā€™m dealing with this queer all the time

Voopin__Voopin ago

I'd love to hear it if you get a chance.

srayzie ago

Sure. Just come to GreatAwakening. This queer has bugged all day long again.

thisistotallynotme ago

I don't recognize your nick, so you're getting honest responses.

It's only gloating right now. Much like the anticipation of the salt that came from the 2016 election when everyone said it was impossible for Trump to win. The issue is that nobody is going to really be gloating when the salt mine begins.

Imagine 150 million registered voters all realizing they have to vote for Trump because the only other vote is for (Literal or Figurative) satan. I suspect we'll be too busy acting as a unified front to worry about who was wrong and who was right.

Hand_of_Node ago

I don't recognize your nick, so you're getting honest responses.

Are you suggesting the Q people often aren't honest?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I've busted them trying to take others work and credit for it. Especially @Oh_Well_Ian

thisistotallynotme ago

Truth be told, I think they're mostly triggered by shills, and overly-defensive to the point that they're fucking up the ability to absorb newbies into the fold.

When I compare a nick to trolls.txt and don't find a match, I tend not to go straight into "look at this faggot doing X" memes until warranted.

Shizy ago

I think you're right about taking in newbies. That needs to change....

Shizy ago

I took that to mean as opposed to a smart ass reply that may be given to a shill.

Hand_of_Node ago

Makes sense. While I have you here, the "Q" thing looks a lot like some of the cults I've seen here in Cultifornia, but lots of people survive cults, and even thrive afterwards. Just be careful and ask yourself "how would this would look to people on the outside?" if things start getting a little extreme.

Shizy ago

I hear what you're saying, but I have never been one to care how things look or what others think. It's actually a very freeing outlook to have. I'm not 100% convinced Q is real. I hope it's not a deception, but it would be foolish to ignore history and blindly just believe something wholeheartedly. I'm gonna watch and see where it all goes.

Hand_of_Node ago

Sounds good. Maybe the skeptics will be surprised at some point.

Shizy ago


kalgon ago


Who's is stronger, the elephant or the rhinoceros?

Who's behind the anal rough sex movement?

Has anybody ever seriously given a single fuck about bigfoot prior to 911?


mrgreenjeans9 ago

we need more kalgon

Quicktor ago

one of the funniest comments I've seen in weeks....thank you...

TheSeer ago

20% public, 80% private.

Very specific reason Israel is never mentioned.

Trust the Plan.

Arrests 2030

CheeseboogersGhost ago

hahaha silly goys

7e62ce85 ago

MY GOD THIS IS SO PROFOUND! Follow the breadcrumbs people!

kneo24 ago


Pawn ago

Present proves past! LOL!

kalgon ago

7e62ce85 ago

Wow the only thing from Q I ever saw that made sense and it's about starting another war to the benefit of Israel.

Monteblanc ago

Allies with nigger men and talks about White trash, fits the bill. Which one is Joe's alt?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Good eye. I would bet that Joe is Srayzie or Shizy

srayzie ago

@Shizy, is there something I donā€™t know about? šŸ¤” Are you allies with nigger men? Do you talk about CheeseFaggotsGhostā€™s white trash family? Is your name Joe?

Yes according to CuntsteinGhost and MonteShootsBlanks! šŸ˜‚

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Yo uare an anti-white jewbagess.

Shizy ago

Well, I did say hello to the black male greeter at Walmart so maybe?

srayzie ago

Lol. Well look what you done did girl

srayzie ago

@Shizy, I think that we have more than a dozen titles. Now weā€™re someone they call Joe šŸ˜‚

Shizy ago

Joe Mama maybe šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£! Calling booger white trash and one comment about black men waking up/redpilling at a fast pace somehow makes me an anti white black dick licker in crazy booger town šŸ˜‚

srayzie ago

Omg free entertainment šŸ˜‚

Shizy ago

Good thing! I didn't have much else going on this morning so it worked out splendidly šŸ‘

srayzie ago

Yay! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»