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lipids ago

Q's goal is to delay. Rally the Patriots under a banner and then tell them to wait patiently. "Trust the plan. " Meanwhile the looting of America continues.

Momerath ago

Delay for what? Is there an end on the horizon they are hoping to get to where by the fuckery is irreversible? What do you propose Patriots do istead of reading Q posts?

Rotteuxx ago

Form militias, arrest & hang treasonous officials from law enforcement to politicians and start fresh.

As long as Patriots are passive the destruction of your nation continues.

lipids ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

lol what the fuck is stopping you and all your faggot Voat shills ?

you cunts

Rotteuxx ago

Hey faggot !

Don't you have me on ignore after telling me to stop replying to you ?

Why are you replying to me then ? Just couldn't help reeeeeeeeeeing, huh ?

Oh_Well_ian ago

I block all you SBBH fags and alts to keep you in tabs. Works great on threads like this.

That doesn't mean I'm not going to smack you around, bitch.

Rotteuxx ago

Smack me around

You called me a cunt.

Holy shit you're a fucking beta like none other for actually thinking that chimping out behind a keyboard is smacking someone around. Fuck you're pathetic !

Oh_Well_ian ago

when you pulling that militia together, you fake fuck?

'Q is slowing our Revolution!! BWOK!! BWOK!!'

Rotteuxx ago

Oh ! What a smack down again !

God damn boy, my head is hurting, stop it !!!!!!!

I ain't American you idiot, take care of your own fucking country... oh wait, you're a kike shill here to give people false hopes and discourage organized action, you have no interest in doing anything positive for 'Murica.

I am in one over here though, but I ain't doxxing myself to serve your ego rabbi.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol Muhammad was a pedophile and a goat fucker