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Rotteuxx ago

Not surprised at all, @Srayzie has always defended that @oh_well_ian faggot any time he got called out for being a shill.

Now 'she' and whoever is @Shizy are coming out as little femnazis and pinging users to ad hominem attacks, how quaint.

@dooob has some posts about OWI in PV.

Too bad @Oh_Well_Ian has me on ignore, I might not get to see his spaz out in a reply to this comment. His chimp outs are always entertaining, the name calling and ego driven retorts aren't the most imaginative but they do have enough value for a good chuckle.

They're all about making the goys passive, don't worry Q is on it and his team will fix everything, just believe and keep making memes.

Shizy ago

@srayzie I didn't know we were feminazis did you? I guess I have to hate myself now. And I hate you too bitch 🖕🏻! I thought I knew you 😂😂😂

Rotteuxx ago

But seriously, why complain about @cheeseboogersghost disrupting your sub if you launch ad hominem attacks against him and ping him to it ?

Counter productive, no ? Kinda kills your credibility instantly.

thisistotallynotme ago

So, this is Day Two of @CheeseBoogersGhost being mad that a deleted thread was made about him in /v/GreatAwakening, and calling in the SBBH brigade to puke in this thread. Got it.

Rotteuxx ago

I'm an OG top 10 criminal shill ya dingus, SRS-Cabal to the bone, SBBH is only a cover and you should know this, it's pretty obvious to anyone who goes through my history.

Bet you can't even bring up one post of mine to prove it though, faggot.

kneo24 ago

Look at their account age and compare their contribution points to this site. It's awfully low. I've noticed a trend of older accounts with a slightly larger CCP coming around since we all caught on to the ones that were old, with less than 500 CCP. The shills are trying to find that threshold that's just right to not be noticeable. Instead they keep burning their accounts as they're just too obvious, and I suspect, they don't necessarily have the proper accounts.

Rotteuxx ago

Same crew, same old bullshit. Attack an outspoken long term goat and do everything to discredit them.

thisistotallynotme ago

Creepy as fuck watching SBBH alts reply to themselves.