Cc1914 ago

Ha this is beautiful! I didn't see this when you posted a month ago . I had a strong suspicion about OWI for some time now , but when he started accusing me of being a limited hangout , I knew right then he was using the same " accuse others of what He's guilty of " tactic . The truth always comes out .

Vindicator ago

@dooob, if you are were concerned enough to post this a month ago, why didn't you ping any mods to it?

@Crensch this is weird.

dooob ago

I agree, I shouldv pinged someone but that doesnt change the fact that you were pinged. Why are you trying to turn it on me, cant you admit that you shouldv been more careful, specially after your speech about disinformation?

I dont think I ping you too often, @Crensch, truth is you are one of the few genuine users, I use pings when I want to hear someone's opinion or for him to just read the post.

Crensch ago

I appreciate the pings. You don't ping me too often, and certainly not irritatingly, so please continue doing so.

Crensch ago

Looks like dooob just didn't think to ping us there? Maybe thought people watched this subverse like they did in the early days?

@dooob pings me fairly often to things, so I don't think he's ping-shy.

srayzie ago

People are going to disagree on things. People are going to get mad at each other. We don’t ban people just for having different opinions. @Oh_Well_ian also posts good things and spreads information to other subs. I don’t agree with everything he says. But that’s how it goes in a discussion forum. I value both of your opinions.

dooob ago

I will respect your decision but I will keep debunking his lies when I see them. I guess this is the approach we are taking. If I am right, he is backed by an upvote farm and his false decoding will always get 20-30 upvotes.

Of course he will have good submissions, that is how a good disinfo shill works. Corsi was also sometimes on point with his decodes. The attacks will only get worse.

Just try and post another bad decode @Oh_Well_ian, I will expose you again.

"You can fool some people sometimes, but you cant fool all the people all the time"

srayzie ago

but I will keep debunking his lies when I see them.

That’s fine. You saw me being swarmed the other day with people attacking me. Sometimes free speech does suck. It works both ways tho. If someone said the same thing about you, then you know you’re safe. I’m used to censorship on Twitter and hate it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Upvoat farm? lol oh boy... talk about not backing up claims..

Did you ever consider EVERYBODY will have posts that don't pan out or are proven incorrect when they are SPECULATIVE ? Of course some of my posts later turned out to be wrong and I can freely admit that. But you don't do anything here but SUBMIT LINKS of the work of others. So when they are wrong, you can step back and say 'NOT MINE'...You're lazy dude... Maybe if you put more energy into sifting through data and reaching your own conclusions, I might have some respect for you and your comments.

You're fucking pathetic.

Oh_Well_ian ago

BOOM... I'm not brigading this guy and he can't find a single submission of his where I attacked him ( before today, of course, because he just openly declared himself an enemy by moving to have me banned from pizzagate and undermining my rep here in the GA )

This is very strange how I am being pinched from two sides on this sub this week.. HMMMMM... looks like a clear battle plan is underway

Oh_Well_ian ago

By the way you stupid son of a bitch ..


Thanks for proving your cuntness by submitting this petty and cowardly submission.

dooob ago

Please give an example of me being a cunt towards you prior to today.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol what a fucking faggot...

OK goats... read my significant body of submissions here >>

I don't know what the fuck is up with this @dooob cunt, but he obviously doesn't think people can make up their own minds and has started a campaign of personal attacks, attempting to undermine my provably valid positions and submissions.

The_Savant ago

For an accusation which has its roots in making unreasonable conclusions this guy sure is connecting unrelated dots.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

You call me a shill so clearly you suck at this

SyriansAreTerrorists ago

Denying shillery seems like something a shill would do...

I_Would_Gas_You ago

I doubt dooob is a shill, just his judgment capabilities.

dooob ago

If you are trying to say I am a shill (just like Corsi called Q compromised) then please, make a detailed report like I did. I dare you.

I_Would_Gas_You ago

I said what I meant. You suck at thinking and it shows.

heygeorge ago

You suck at thinking and it shows.

Lol. Mean. But lol.

dooob ago

Please point at mistakes in my submissions.

srayzie ago

Don’t give people the reaction they want.

dooob ago

The other reaction is to let them run the narrative and not interfere, I am not a fan of doing nothing. I just press them on their claims, they ALWAYS resort to insults and deflection, on rare occasions they stop replying or bring their alts to defense. Just keep an eye on those throwing empty accusations.