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Plant_Boy ago

Steve-O's tattoo has as much meaning as Dead Baby jokes.

The only difference is the guy is a big enough idiot to get a tattoo of it.

I won't way it's a good in any way, it's just shows his derogative level of humour.

An important distinction to make in eliminating noise from what's really the problem. The Clinton Pedophile Ring

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

There's something seriously wrong with you. Nobody in their right mind gets a tat of a man raping a baby - not even on a bet. One of the times I was getting a tattoo, I asked the artist what the craziest tat he'd ever done was and he said a fox hunt with the fox running into the dude's ass crack. Notice he didn't say anything related to kid raping. I'd be suspect of any tattoo artist that would even agree to ink anything related to pedophilia because their art speaks about their character just as one's tattoos speaks about theirs. Steve-O is a pedo creep-o and so is the guy who inked this on him. And bestiality is just as horrendous.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So, then... You got a tattoo from a horrendous person who's into bestiality?

Makes it sound like you're a creep-o.

I'm sure you'll object and call me names, so I'll explain what you just did.

Steve-O is a pedophile, and so is his tattoo artist for doing it:

Id be suspect of any tattoo artist that would even agree to ink anything related to pedophilia because their art speaks about their character just as one's tattoos speaks about theirs.

You got a tattoo from a guy who did a tattoo of an animal going into a man's rectum:

One of the times I was getting a tattoo, I asked the artist what the craziest tat he'd ever done was and he said a fox hunt with the fox running into the dude's ass crack.

Then you said bestiality is as bad as pedophilia :

Steve-O is a pedo creep-o and so is the guy who inked this on him. And bestiality is just as horrendous.

So by your own logic, you and your tattoo artist are both as bad as pedophiles.

I'm sure you didn't mean to say that, so you should start being careful and think before you speak.

Now go ahead and call me mean names.

Oh_Well_ian ago

bro.. why did you even bother with that wall of shit ?

You know how I spot Satanic kid fuckers? I look for the tats. Not kid fucking tats. Satanic tats.

They all fuck kids. ALL OF THEM.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Well, I have no tattoos and /u/enigmatic_continuum does, so you know what to do.

Oh_Well_ian ago

another bizarre statement

why are you making EC the subject here ?

Oh.. I get it... you're a big Steve O / Jackass fanboy

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Barely know anything about Steve-O except he was on a show I didn't watch, I think he died, and apparently he thought baby rape was a cool tattoo idea.

If you had read my original post you would have seen why I posted. But I think it's hilarious you say I'm making EC "the subject here". Am I in control of the entire submission? Daaaang, I thought this was one thread that you decided to butt into.

I'll be more careful with my power around your delicate submissions.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You called her friend tat artist an animal fucker.. and then you based an entire line of thought off that falsehood.

Steve O is alive, btw. Is there anything you actually know, or are you totally wrapped up in your narcissism?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

This fucker is so transparent! He's obviously a Jackass fan boy and lying about being one. While @clamhurt_legbeard says he doesn't know anything about Steve-O, he recommended that I read his book. LOL! Talk about outing one's self...

Oh_Well_ian ago


one of the symptoms of multiple alts is not being able to keep the profiles straight, but that is PATHETIC

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

LOL! Checkmate. Where'd he go?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

While @clamhurt_legbeard says he doesn't know anything about Steve-O, he recommended that I read his book.

Oh yeah? Where?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You called her friend tat artist an animal fucker..

Reread her post - her own logic shows she should think he's as bad as an animal fucker. Why else would he do bestiality works on people's asses?

Oh_Well_ian ago

bro... shut up...

you're embarrassing yourself.

Normally, you offer relevant info, but you're being a fag here.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh gee, are you now the gatekeeper?

Oh_Well_ian ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

I love it when people have to tell me they blocked me because otherwise I wouldn't know or care.