thedogfromthemoon ago

Of course the tweet got taken down.

GreenDell144 ago

Dear God.

That’s graphic and brazen evil, right there, folks.

culofiesta ago

I'm sure MTV hasn't had anything to do with him for years. After all, the guy is over thirty.

SteveB1945 ago

More rope, More lampposts...

Artofchoke ago

Really gross, but you know he's got a famously horrific tattoo collection, and he's a dim bulb somebody put up to this while he was on a tremendous amount of narcotics. He doesn't have the pedo pattern, he has the retard pattern.

3141592653 ago

Narcotics dont make baby rape seem ok

PedoStomperReturns ago

Remember though, these people know nothing but abuse from a young age.Their reality is one where raping children is normal.

3141592653 ago

Weed does not make a person ok with child rape

Conspirologist ago

What were you expecting from a degenerate who eats shit on tv?

GeorgeT ago

He covered it up with an Emu tattoo. Got some negative feedback I suspect.

HillBoulder ago

No Imissed that

nzmc ago

Forrest Gump actor - rapist Crazy jackass tv show actor - child rapist

This is getting better with each day

Darkness to light I guess

think- ago

@Matt_Helm, I will give your post the 'Share' flair.

Pr1vate0xymoron ago

What a sick son of a bitch, I feel like his circle should also be looked at now. Where there's one there's usually more. Fuck Steve-O, disgusting piece of shit.

Amphiprion ago

Why the hell do people link to twitter? It never loads.

13384476? ago

I remember him talking about this on love line, he regrets it

3141592653 ago

I wonder if thats on YouTube anywhere....

think- ago

Yes, that's why he has replaced it with bestiality. /s

HillBoulder ago

How does weed fit in? I know people who have smoked literally tons throughout their lives and they're not getting tattoos of infants getting raped or whatever stupid shit this guy does.

recon_johnny ago

That boy ain't right.

SeeHear ago

I’ve gotta move out of LA. What if I see one of these people on the street. I’ll go biserk and end up in jail for beating them! The rage...the fucking rage I feel. Fuck Hollywood with a chainsaw up its ass

risewithoutfear ago

I'll have to travel all the way from oceania, but I'll join you in setting that shit town alight with hellfire after we've hacked up the pedos!

SeeHear ago

I kinda like it here. Can we build a pit in the desert?

risewithoutfear ago

With big sharp pointy sticks to impale the pedos on? Let's do it!

Vindicator ago

SeeHear, you might want to edit or remove this comment...don't dox yourself.

I feel that same same desire to see this filth burnt to a crisp.

SeeHear ago

I said beat, not kill. They’re gonna get it either way. I can only talk, Jesus won’t let me do a thing. And I’m serious. I’m moving next month. I can’t see them.

Vindicator ago

LOL. I wasn't referring to your sentiment, but to your naming your locale.

SeeHear ago

Oh! Lol. Huge city, and I’ve been baiting pedos for years. Lol. I really am leaving though.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

I rest my case. Go argue with a paper bag faggot.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

Retard alert.

BaldMiscreant ago

He mentioned this on his comedy special (which was actually kind of depressing). He claimed that the ink started out as a statement that he didn't want children, which turned into "fuck babies", which, after a drinking binge, turned into a tattoo of a guy fucking a baby.

think- ago

which, after a drinking binge, turned into a tattoo of a guy fucking a baby

So why didn't he go back the next day for a redo - something decent, not bestiality? He only replaced the baby rape tattoo when there was a shitstorm.

BaldMiscreant ago

This is a guy who gets punched in the dick for a living. It is possible he likes fucking children.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

As I said, unhinged, like a good few others currently commenting. Why is me enjoying the occasional puff of weed such a big thing for you anyways? You keep trying to use it as some kind of insult. It only makes you sound brain dead.

You're a retard.

EDIT: Acting unhinged like you are, it does a disservice to what we're tryign to do when it comes down to taking out the pedo elite. You sperg the fuck out over a simple differentiating opinion. Fuck off mate, go lead pill yourself and do the world a favour.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

You're unhinged. I am no longer talking with you now. Good day to you, my inferior in every way.

carmencita ago

I did reply to wrong person, but it's not just any tattoo. Things like that are never funny. Just Sayin'

carmencita ago

Sorry, Yep.


Guys, this is just art. Its okay. Nothing to see here.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

It wasn't weed. He was huffing Nitrous Oxide

Vindicator ago

Too bad he stopped.


implying that people who do not watch mtv can boycott it

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot pretend weed was mentioned anywhere in the conversation. Steve-o liked heroin and coke.

Let's continue ignoring the fact that you're exhibiting all the atlantoaxial indicators of a trisomy-21 genetic imbalance.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

wtf I bet he's a jew and his daddy used to molest him like that. I wish I hadn't even seen it because it makes want to bash his fucking head in.

benjitsu ago

He likely wouldn't even notice. It is never an excuse but is there anything about Steve-O that doesn't scream abused as a kid and fucked beyond belief?

Marijuana_Merlin ago

Do you not understand that mocking me based upon my username is not winning you any points in this? I'm happy to have a dialog with you, if you are even capable of such things without frothing at the mouth. I'm not asking reddit-tier garbage conversation where we perpetually sit on our thumbs. However you are so fucking conciet3ed so doubtful that dialog will happen,

Also Context matters, in Steve-Os case you are willfully intellectual disingenuous.

SweetChicken ago

No, a picture of a ‘man raping a baby’ does not need context. WTF?!

carmencita ago

It's not just any tattoo. It is of a child being raped. It's not a heart with Mom written in it.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

Listen to yourself "youre so far gone man, like lmao weed am i rite fellas?"

Pretty sure having a tattoo like that is a jack ass thing to do. I know I'd call him a jack ass for getting it. In fact I think youre a jack ass for reading to much into simple bull shit like this. Theres bigger fish to fry and here you are, squat on your own fucking thumb over a fucking covered up tattoo.

InflationSlave ago

The question is whether he did it for shock value only, or it has some deeper meaning. Based on Steve-Os personal and professional life, I think it's probably 50/50.

3141592653 ago

There is always a deeper meaning when someone would do something so sick for shock value

Marijuana_Merlin ago

See, you get it.

thisistotallynotme ago

Hey, look. Another faggot saying "I've never done drugs in my life, and that fact gives me the authority to state confidently that marijuana is bad for you."

Shame about your extra chromosome.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

Ask yourself this: Will that comment change my mind or will it make me roll my eyes at you and call you retarded?

Yes, sometimes things are just what they are and that's as far as they go. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy, and the whole context of Steve-Os life and career is being as much of a, now stay with me here, JACK-ASS as possible.

truthdemon ago

Everything on tv.or media is a conspiracy...hours and hours , decades and decades of hide what would take maybe half an hour to teach the trickery of banking and commercial law..and the debt system... Sports, comedy shows are a pressure release from the fear porn and helpless state they feed into day in day out ..its a pavlovian experiment on steroids ..once u understand it is the bankers trying to hide their simple trickery of money even from economists .. Utube : modern monry theory mosley There should be no poverty ...when ur government can print any amount of currency.. ..and the debt is fictional ..since u can destroy it urself at the treasury which sells credit to the public with our permission..creating inflation.. ...u have a choice now ... ..either guzzle on the tv tripe they constantly feed u ..turning us into debt zombies...feeding on debt... (guess what they even created a whole genre of zombies for notice to us ..and laughing wt us)


Take half an hour to figure out their trickery..and laugh at how they are selling channels upon channels of entertainment ..showing their increased desperation to divert the attention of the public from what many researching the legal field have figured out ..and know that it is GAME OVR...time .. It is laughable how they are selling their entertainment across the planet ..falling over each other to sell their apples..of knowledge..false knowledge..

Show me any channel that covers banking and law.. Its only entertainment Look up the etymology of tye word ENTERTAINMENT It means to keep someone in a particular statr of mind... Ie : programmed...its only one program ..fed via different channels doesnt matter whether it is sports, comedy, horror, movies, new-s(pronounced new shit) ..u are eating the same program from the idiot box Look.up the meaning of idiotus ..


jackass (n.) "male ass," 1727, from jack (n.) + ass (n.1). Contemptuous meaning "stupid person" is attested from 1823. Related: Jackassism (1837, American English); jackassery (1833).


When u realise they are using shipping analogy to run the commerce and get us into debt .. U understand that we are considered a low grade sailor on the citizen-SHIP..paid salary ..(salar where salt vessels out of which roman sailors where paid ).. and we bank these salt or salary accounts in a BANK regulate current our consumption of it after buying into their ads of desire.. Etymologynof consumption ..means wastage ..we are wasting credit by buying into their debt game muncing on debt zombies...when we should be positioning that credit at the treasury and reduce. Debt ..and turn the the US into our debtors..

Jack masc. proper name, attested by 1218, probably via Anglo-French Jake, Jaikes, from Old French Jacques (which was a diminutive of Latin Jacobus; see Jacob), but in English the name always has been regarded as a familiar form of John, and some have argued that it is a native formation. In Middle English spelled Jakke, Jacke, etc., and pronounced as two syllables ("Jackie").

In England, Jack became a generic name applied familiarly or contemptuously to anybody (especially a young man of the lower classes) from late 14c. Later used especially of sailors (1650s; Jack-tar is from 1781); Jack-ashore (adj.) "drinking and in high spirits, recklessly spending" (1875) also is an image from sailors (1840 as a book title). In U.S., as a generic name addressed to an unknown stranger, attested from 1889.


Marijuana_Merlin ago

Thats a load of autism. When you make a racist or sexist joke does it mean youre racist or sexist? I understand holding the left to their own standards to burn them to the fucking ground but at the same time stay grounded in reality you fuck stain.

truthdemon ago

...Go to the projects and make a nigger joke ...and then try explaining ur liberalism..while they get liberal with u .. If u make a nigger joke...just be prepared to get ur ass kicked in .... ..if u make a joke about raping children...just be prepared to get ur ass kicked in as well.. .. There are places u just dont go.. Humans are social animals...but we're still animals.. .. Why dont u wear a t shirt that says "i fuck little children" ..(which u probably have )...and mill around a nursery... ..and tape the bits were we get to see u get ur ass kicked in ... U could be a new installment in the jack ass hall of fame...with an honorary mention at the "i still suck on the left right paradigm " at this years pedo parliament awards

Go back to sleep child

Marijuana_Merlin ago

You're sick in the fucking head and as deranged as any retard on the far left. Go get your meds, if you don't have any yet find a doctor, better yet intern yourself in a retard ward with all the other drooling ebonics talking mongs.

truthdemon ago

So ure a little jew boy .... Go on give me a clue ..edomite neanderthal.. News flash The Sun hates u

Marijuana_Merlin ago

I'm starting to think you are a nigger irl. Hows a monkey straight out the trees learn to type so shity? LMAO

truthdemon ago

Pedo edomite neanderthals are the real nigger..dead inside soul...hence the sociopathy... U can take the edomite out of the cave but u cant take the cave out of the hairy big nosed edomite neanderthal... 😂😂😅

Marijuana_Merlin ago

you really like thinking about grown men fucking little children, dont you?

truthdemon ago

No..i just have a fantasy of u neanderthal pedos..facing ur judgment in a labour camp under a hot burning will happen soon...dont worry ..u will be joined by ur pedobros..

Marijuana_Merlin ago

it's spelled "You" by the way.

Why do you fantasize about pedophiles so much?

truthdemon ago

So HAVE i guessed right.... R u from england...or ure too ashamed to admit it

Marijuana_Merlin ago

I can't read that, could you please speak proper English?

truthdemon ago

😂😂😂 It spells out LOL.. Can u read that..i included pictures in case u cant figure it out..

truthdemon ago

😂😂 U still get fooled by the left right paradigm show.. Go back to sleep ..child.. Ure too lazy to understand the truth.. Google : what is namium U dont even have a clue what ur name legally means for ur existence..the people srlling the left right paradigm clearly do ..and laugh at ur gullibility.. 😅😅😅

Marijuana_Merlin ago

Oh, you can not even speak or write proper english. I understand now.

Go suck your thumb.

truthdemon ago

😅😂😂 ..before u gonback to sleep child..are..u a product of pedo england would explain the brainwashing ...and the attitude that comes with it

Marijuana_Merlin ago

I enjoy how I'm the nigger lover, yet you speak Ebonics like one.

3141592653 ago

Very interesting. I love digging into the origins of words and names

truthdemon ago

🤓 Its more fun stitching them all up to reveal the matrix

carmencita ago

Disgusting Piece of Bleeping Perverted Garbage. How many of these sickos are we going to have to witness. I never thought they would hav the stupidity to put this out there on their Twitter. Really Stupid. I wish I could unsee that. Animals do not make up for it, that is rape too. Nothing does.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

Guys, youre acting fucking autistic. Stev-O is/ was a JACK ASS. Profanity was first nature to him and the gang. The point of jack ass is for people to say "wtf is wrong with them". Later on Steve-O cleaned himself up good and got off the drugs. When youre on drugs stupid tattoos like this make sense cause its "Like lmfao dude im so retarded look at me".

This isnt some conspiracy, its just an ex drug addict, his shitty looking ink and his shittier cover up with an ostrich.

Shizy ago

I have known A LOT of druggies, and yes they often have shitty tats, however I have never seen one with anything even close to the one steve-o has! Have you???

3141592653 ago

Exactly. No amount of drugs or alcohol in my past could have ever made me think this was ok

risewithoutfear ago

My cousin covered his arm with a bird tattoo when he was a boozer and druggie.

Five years later he said, fuck, I regretted that.... and spent a year getting it removed bit by bit.

If this guy had "cleaned himself up good" he would have taken steps to have this abomination - and the equally sick one he covered it with - removed. He didn't.


And here comes the pedo protectors. Are you that dumbed down not to realize they use jokes, pranks, humor, art, movies, music, ect, as a way to indoctrinate the public? You're either a pedo, pedo protector, or a complete fool. Educate yourself.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

Oh wow thats quite a lot of name calling there. You're playing the retarded game of identity politics and even finish it with the common core of an identitarian "EDUCATE YOURSELF".

You're unhinged and you only do a disservice to the cause of ousting the pedo elite. A rationally minded person doesn't sperg out the way you just did.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

How many druggies have you seen that have this tattoo or something similar. Too much ignored and too many people passing off blatant in your face laughing that Hollywood has been doing. Almost every god damn movie star is implicated, steve-o isn't any different.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

You read to much into shit my dude. Not disagreeing with you, I just think the gun barrels are misdirected.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

Your just a fan of jackass

Blacksmith21 ago

@matt_helm - mark NSFW

Matt_Helm ago

I did now NSFW

Matt_Helm ago

I did thanks now NSFW

IShallNotFear ago

Yea common man, this is pretty graphic. Below your post you will see the text "toggle nsfw." Go ahead and click on that @matt_helm

@Vindicator @think-

Matt_Helm ago

I did the toggle nsfw not sure if it appears on the main page of posts please add NSFW @vindicator @think

Vindicator ago

Yep. It's flaired. Thanks for doing that.

I remember when we discussed this back in 2016. Egregious example of sick Pedowood nastiness.

Blacksmith21 ago

This video predates the above tats but worth the 2-min watch. Explains a lot, no just about Steve-O, but the self-abuse cycle:

tastastastas ago

Fuck you this is funny


You would never say that to people in real life, unless you're around your pedo and rapist friends. You're so weak and pathetic.


You made an account for this? What a life you must have.

tastastastas ago

You don't regularly create new accounts for anonymity?


No, just have a habit of wiping my comments.

tastastastas ago

What if you wanted to get rid of that statement for some reason? Now you can't remove the comment from the internet. If you occasionally let little bits of your identity slip, you can create new accounts to keep people from piecing together multiple small pieces of information.


That actually doesn't load for me. I don't do it for privacy or anonymity reasons, just to make it a fat pain in the ass for people with a narrative to sell to figure me out.

tastastastas ago

I don't do it for privacy or anonymity reasons

I don't see why you wouldn't try to protect that but if that's your choice, well whatever I guess


There is no privacy or anonymity beyond keeping your mouth shut, and even then it won't be for long. In addition to everything you've ever purchased being recorded, your physical location recorded wherever you go, police scanning everything they can, algorithms which predict where you'll be based on your daily habits using the above information combined with people you've been in contact with through phone calls or just general proximity (also recorded by phones), WiFi which map out your home, and every CPU in every device having a backdoor installed working independently of your OS, there's nothing "they" don't already know.

Also the tech that can read your brain waves and display an image matching that which you see, develop that further, put receivers in phones and use everyone's eyes as cameras to update things like Google Earth in real time. Yea, you would have to drug me and brainwash me into thinking privacy exists still.

tastastastas ago

everything you've ever purchased being recorded

What do you mean by this? Tracking on electronics? Purchase history on credit/debit cards? What?

your physical location recorded wherever you go

Old cars and dumbphones.

police scanning everything they can


algorithms which predict where you'll be based on your daily habits using the above information combined with people you've been in contact with through phone calls or just general proximity (also recorded by phones)

Don't give it any data to use.

WiFi which map out your home

I refuse to click on an Imgur link. Rehost that and I'll take a look.

every CPU in every device having a backdoor installed working independently of your OS

Good sources on this?


Hahahahah, well you do you then. That link just shows what the inside of a home would look like after reading data from a router, it's an album which is why I didn't repost it, not doing all that on mobile.

Yes, all that purchase history.

Old cars and dumb phones don't stop cameras in other cars and stores and stop lights etc.

Yes, reading license plates, using stingrays, etc.

They give it more data than you know of you're this ignorant so far.

Do you click links to this site?

If not, then just search for Talpiot and CPUs.

tastastastas ago

Woah, didn't know about stingrays. Sheesh.

I love Steemit. I decided to do some further research after that article. I'm looking into me_cleaner to reduce it's ability. There is one issue though - any more sources on MINIX being Linux? Anything else I can find on MINIX says that it is a Unix-like operating system (with no relation to Linux).

Thanks for informing me.


I honestly don't even bother with Linux or anything outside of Windows. My motivations for computer use don't extend far beyond video games and news reading.

Blacksmith21 ago

Bucks County, PA.

deafeningraisins ago

Elaborate please, how can we link steve-o or jackass to bucks county?

Blacksmith21 ago

"During this time, Bam Margera released a movie titled Landspeed:CKY, consisting of himself and his friends, which he dubbed the "CKY Crew", in West Chester, Pennsylvania, performing various skits and stunts. The Crew included the colorful cast of Ryan Dunn, Brandon Dicamillo, and Raab Himself, as well as Margera's family April, Phil, Don Vito, and Jess Margera."

Phil, April, etc. all live there. Dunn died in a Paul Walker-like accident. The list goes on. Steve-O's behavior is suicidal recklessness, often seen in victims of child abuse. Self-destructive. Like most of them.

Zongongo ago

Please elaborate. I grew up in Bucks County. Father of 3 , grandfather of 2 .

Blacksmith21 ago

carmencita ago

Home of the furry parties.

Blacksmith21 ago


Hopevoats ago

How in the world have we missed all of this stuff that is now coming out?

3141592653 ago

This was actually posted about over a year ago. Im glad it was brought up, just sayin it has been on our radar

Hopevoats ago

Must have been during that time that my crazy work schedule took me away from pizzagate. I'm just amazed that all of these things that are coming up are only just now being called out. I mean, how many more twitter accounts are people leaving up there? Their hubris is breathtaking!

Oh_Well_ian ago

This Steve-O tattoo came up over a year and a half ago.

Good that new eyes are on it.

think- ago

We have discussed this tattoo here on v/pizzagate before.

Hopevoats ago

Thanks. I guess that I'm just the one who missed it.

risewithoutfear ago

I'd never seen it before...

ynnartAsIttuP ago

Oh... and to answer your question. I beleive theyve been using sorcery and other lesser magics (glamour / human psychology).

Tv and computers are probably fallen angel technology.

In the book of revelations it says they deceived the whole world with their sorceries.

chuckletrousers ago

Tv and computers are probably fallen angel technology.

In the book of revelations it says they deceived the whole world with their sorceries.

It's called SCIENCE, bitch! But you haven't a clue about that.

SweetChicken ago

Tolerance and not believing in the “slippery slope”

pixelkitteh ago

We were so accustomed to seeing their symbolism everywhere that we just never blinked an eye...

carmencita ago

Who would even believe they are that stupid. Really, posting child rape on the internet, right on Twitter. Beyond Dumb.

ynnartAsIttuP ago

Nobody noticed they were all trannies

Hopevoats ago

So true. In the 1980s I felt liberated by being able to dress in men's clothing if I wanted to. On the other hand, it always struck me as odd that men wanted to dress like women. My rationale was that it was such a hassle to spend all of that time and money on hair and makeup and to walk around in painful shoes. Why would a man want to do that? I ended up married to a man who wore eyeliner and turned out to be bisexual (which is not what I was looking for).

Now that I understand the satanic inversion agenda it all makes sense. It's been going on for so long, and we couldn't even recognize it.

carmencita ago

What a story I hope your life has straightened out. Hope you are happy now.

ynnartAsIttuP ago

I dated a skinny no boobs mtf with a giraffe neck. Baphomet bitch, harpy demon succubus Jezebel posessed trash.

Thank you for sharing your story. God bless you in Jesus Christ.

Shizy ago

Sounds like you are describing Taylor Swift!

But seriously, I hope you are much happier now without that thing in your life.

3141592653 ago

Except now she got breast implants like all the others

Neinlife ago

Fire up the outrage machine, faggot

fellowkikepeople ago

Fire up the downplay machine, pedo

Neinlife ago

Do you think he had that tat done as a stupid joke or do you think he really is fucking babies?

If you believe he really is fucking babies, by all means continue.

If you think it is a stupid joke, you are the exact same as a fuckin lying kike on cnn.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I could have lived without seeing that. Worse than I expected.


Imagine what goes on behind closed doors, inside the sound proof rooms. As sick as it is, someone's got to watch it. Can't be ignored. The children are enduring much worse. Don't look away. When I think about what the children could be going through and the people that have to watch this as evidence, I can understand the burning desire not to sleep until these fuckers are exposed and taken down.

GreenDell144 ago

Word up.

dias17se ago

After watching neon demon, they pretty much are out in the open, they dont deny it, they make movies about it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Truthfully, we have probably only seen 1/10th of how bad the pedo problem is. And we have seen 100X more than the general public.

pilluminaatti ago

That's 100% true. I've seen horrible stuff at my fake Facebook accounts stream that I'm not gonna describe here. It was not pedo related, even though it was related to babies. I just hope that nobody should have to see what I have.

think- ago

Excellent comment.

carmencita ago

Me too. When I think of all the filthy dirt and sick pictures I have seen in the last 1 1/2 yrs. I don't know how I and all the others get through it. Yes, I am sure, just like I, wish that you could unsee it. Vile and Evil.

derram ago :

Soteria on Twitter: "This is what @steveo permanently inked on his body. A man raping an infant. Yes, he eventually covered it with bestiallity. Ah yes, that makes it all better! Mkay. Please, share tag and go forth. #SayBraveThings…"

This has been an automated message.

Tea_Daze ago


Is it possible to refresh your library a bit? There's a lot of really great art of Tay, Vivian, other anthropomorphised things like PS2's, iPods, PC's .ect. A lot of the gamer gate stuff, while still relevant to the fight, is old. Gawker was like 4-5 years ago.

derram ago

I'm planning on updating the image list soon, I lost about 20 images in the list when went down.