Shizy ago

Oh got it!

Shizy ago

I don't know who that is...

Shizy ago

Good to know so I don't hop on the shit posting prematurely 😂! Have a good night!

Shizy ago

It's ok! Sorry if I was bitchy! I thought you were being an ass but you're just having a little fun!

Shizy ago

Haha! I figured you were probably drinking! It's cool!!

Shizy ago

I didn't mean we could be that kind of friends

Shizy ago

You wish you did 😉

Shizy ago

Actually I kinda like you! You're fun!

Shizy ago

Yeah yeah, you keep saying that! You really think you're A LOT more important than you really are iron fister! 😂

Shizy ago

I know I shouldn't laugh at retards, but you're just too funny!

Shizy ago

😂😂😂 You sound special!

Shizy ago

What's a "capalpe child"? 😂 Sounds intriguing!

Shizy ago

Awwww, it's cute that you think I care and you keep pinging your boyfriend

Shizy ago

I'm sure you're very important in your own mind since yo keep repeating it, but no one seems to care who you are. It's just making you look silly

Shizy ago

So you rely on the media and what you see on tv about a person to know whether they are clean or not?

vonbacon ago

I refuse to believe anything from that filthy lying kike pedo vermin den that is hollywood. It needs to be fucking burned to the ground like the sodom and gomorah it is

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this triggered faggot resort to an appeal to majority when shown to be a liar.

youllrememberme ago

After dumbass revealing more this sounds like @TerdWilson. His account is deleted now but he was the clown who called himself the iron fist. He used to always claim nobody could handle him and if he flexed he could bring voat down. Definitely SBBH


Shizy ago

I never encountered terd Wilson, but this Mr perfect sounds like a retarded kid I knew in school! Thought he was an awesome super hero! 😂😂😂 At least that kid was nice. This one sounds like an asshole!

Voopin__Voopin ago

I thought terd Wilson was funny with his "at terd Wilson and associates...." comments.

I don't know if it was him, or another alt, but I've asked who the fuck is the iron fist (just like y'all) and its ALWAYS crickets.

Lets see if we can get an answer. I've seen one or two goats in this very thread asking the same question without getting an answer.

@mrperfect who the fuck is the iron fist?

heygeorge ago

I am the iron fist

Voopin__Voopin ago

Oh. Cool.

I know your username, although I'm not sure we've interacted even though we're both old goats.

Were you terd Wilson as well? Nigger, bring that shit back.... Terd 2.0

heygeorge ago

Lol good times

I am the iron fish

Shizy ago

The iron fish? Sounds scary!!

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this faggot resort to "NO U" when he's shown to be a SBBH shill.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this faggot claim celebrity as a way to distract from his SBBH shilling.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this triggered faggot pretend he's satire when shown to be a glowing clown nigger.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

LOLOL! Oohhh, the iron fist! I'm scared now! LMAO!

How many times are you going to say you're done with me before you stop replying? Maybe you need an iron plate bolted to your hands, so you'll stop typing replies. LOL!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You ARE Voat? LMAO! I wonder what @ Putt thinks about you saying this. I'd ping him for real, but I'm sure he's busy.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Do tell then. Who am I dealing with? You just sound like some faggot to me who thinks he's better and smarter than everyone else. Delusions of Grandeur + Delusions of Perfection = Psychopath

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Then, go mow your lawn. You're the one throwing idle threats at me, then pinging a mod to defend you. What's wrong with you? Are you sure you're smart enough to use a lawn mower without injuring yourself?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

The fact that you admit to believing anything the MSM says tells me all I need to know about you. LOLOOOLLOOLOOOLOOL!!!

"Oh, hey, everyone! The MSM says Steve O is clean! C'mon, everybody, this is the truth!"

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Idle threats. LOL! By the way, your handle is such a tell. Anyone who thinks they're perfect is an obvious narcissist with delusions of grandeur.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You're the one saying Steve O is clean, so the burden of proof is on you.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

That proves nothing. Some people have to go into treatment 3x or more. Then, you have people like my cousin who everybody thought was healing after being in a cult, but he went back to it, then shot himself in the head. Or maybe he was killed. You're an idiot if you think that Steve O is clean when he's still hanging with the same fucked up crew.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I don't believe he is clean. Do you know him personally? If he's clean, why does he still act the same? I've known people who have honestly gotten clean, and you know the one thing they had to do to be successful? They had to stop hanging out with their "friends" who were the bad influences in their lives. Steve O still hangs with the same peeps, so yeah, I don't believe he's clean.

vonbacon ago

Or so they say. pedophiles and kikes are on the same level of lying I don't believe him till I see it.

Not that I care I don't even know who the fucking this e celeb is are care the fact is he's a pedophile who deserves to be necked.

thisistotallynotme ago

look at this faggot try to deny proof with the "Do you believe me, or your lying eyes?" trope.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I wouldn't call someone with demons "clean."

PrideOfOshtekk ago

To be fair, everyone has a demon within.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Really? Is that why you have 20 submissions to SBBH in 28 days?


clamhurt_legbeard ago

How did you reply an hour after you blocked him?


srayzie ago

Thank you!

PuttItBackIn ago

Pretty sure he is dead

Shizy ago

You could have googled that and found out he's not in the time it took you to post that comment.

srayzie ago

I need you to start soon lol

Shizy ago

I'm here to help you anytime!

bopper ago

Wow. First time I've seen that.

Oh_Well_ian ago

and you're another ALT of a SBBH cunt


Plant_Boy ago

Steve-O's tattoo has as much meaning as Dead Baby jokes.

The only difference is the guy is a big enough idiot to get a tattoo of it.

I won't way it's a good in any way, it's just shows his derogative level of humour.

An important distinction to make in eliminating noise from what's really the problem. The Clinton Pedophile Ring

obvious-throwaway- ago

It's not like his immature humor is copied by young impressionable minds. The Jews rate all their movies 'R' and we all know once it has that rating no one under the age of 18 has ever seen those movies. Although he was also on TV, so I guess there's that.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

There's something seriously wrong with you. Nobody in their right mind gets a tat of a man raping a baby - not even on a bet. One of the times I was getting a tattoo, I asked the artist what the craziest tat he'd ever done was and he said a fox hunt with the fox running into the dude's ass crack. Notice he didn't say anything related to kid raping. I'd be suspect of any tattoo artist that would even agree to ink anything related to pedophilia because their art speaks about their character just as one's tattoos speaks about theirs. Steve-O is a pedo creep-o and so is the guy who inked this on him. And bestiality is just as horrendous.

Peeseeker ago

Nobody in their right mind gets a tat

stevo had to be dragged by people and enter rehab because he was losing his mind. you should read his book.

and also, he did cover it up

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Just the fact that he had to be DRAGGED into rehab means he didn't want help. He loves his demons.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

So, then... You got a tattoo from a horrendous person who's into bestiality?

Makes it sound like you're a creep-o.

I'm sure you'll object and call me names, so I'll explain what you just did.

Steve-O is a pedophile, and so is his tattoo artist for doing it:

Id be suspect of any tattoo artist that would even agree to ink anything related to pedophilia because their art speaks about their character just as one's tattoos speaks about theirs.

You got a tattoo from a guy who did a tattoo of an animal going into a man's rectum:

One of the times I was getting a tattoo, I asked the artist what the craziest tat he'd ever done was and he said a fox hunt with the fox running into the dude's ass crack.

Then you said bestiality is as bad as pedophilia :

Steve-O is a pedo creep-o and so is the guy who inked this on him. And bestiality is just as horrendous.

So by your own logic, you and your tattoo artist are both as bad as pedophiles.

I'm sure you didn't mean to say that, so you should start being careful and think before you speak.

Now go ahead and call me mean names.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

LOL! Nice try, but it's obvious you're grasping at straws. Now, if my tattoo artist had replied that he inked a hamster crawling into a guy's ass crack, you'd have an argument.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Are you saying only hamsters count as bestiality, and foxes are ok to put in your ass?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I suppose as long as you're here arguing semantics, you aren't out molesting and raping kids...

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The entire point of my original post was pointing out your semantic flaws.

Oh_Well_ian ago

btw, dipshit... her tat artist friend is not into bestiality, he got paid to tat somebody who may have been..

that blows your entire comment out of the water

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I don't think you understood EC's post, so I'll quote the relevant part for you:

I'd be suspect of any tattoo artist that would even agree to ink anything related to pedophilia because their art speaks about their character just as one's tattoos speaks about theirs.

The art speaks about their character, so anybody tattooing bestiality is ok with the idea of bestiality.

Anybody getting a tattoo from somebody into bestiality is ok with bestiality.

This is what that flawed line of logic led to. /u/enigmatic_continuum accidentally proving she's into bestiality.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You're obviously a master - at mental gymnastics. Nobody who has correct thought processes equates a tat of a man raping an ostrich to a tat of a fox running into an ass crack. Do you know where an ass crack starts? Just below your waist line, yet you're making it sounds as though the fox was tattooed near the dude's asshole, which is not at all truthful, but you want your sick interpretation projected onto everyone.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Are you saying having furry animals inside your rectum doesn't count as bestiality in your world?

I would say it absolutely counts as bestiality, and anybody who likes the idea of a fox in their rectum likes bestiality.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Look, you're embarrassing yourself.

Definition of RECTUM: the final section of the large intestine, terminating at the anus

Definition of ASS CRACK: The vertical line dividing the left and right ass cheeks

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I asked the artist what the craziest tat he'd ever done was and he said a fox hunt with the fox running into the dude's ass crack.

So you're saying it's ok if you have an animal play around outside your asshole but not inside?

A fox tossing your salad isn't bestiality in your world?

Is that what you believe?

You're making an awful fine distinction you defend your strange friend....

You sound just like the people defending baby rape tattoos.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Fuck off. Your argument isn't even making any sense. What time did you start drinking this morning?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I just showed you why your own logic didn't make sense.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yes, in your warped and disturbed mind.

When did you finally realized that chicks with tattoos are never ever going to give you the time of day let alone allow you within a yard stick's distance of them?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Haha, you're another one assuming I'm a guy?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I don't care what you are. Anybody who defends Steve O and baby rape tattoos is a nobody to me.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I never did that. Show me where you think I did.

You should read more carefully, in addition to thinking before you speak.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

What is a Valley Girl Faggot anyway? Does that mean you're a dyke? No wonder you keep trying to talk to me. Sorry, but I don't swing that way.

Please leave me alone. I'm starting to feel harassed.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Ask /u/dingleberries.

Nobody cares if you "feel harassed", this isn't reddit.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yep, "Nobody" is exactly what I called you earlier. I'm happy to see you've embraced this label.

And, no, I'm not going to visit that sub. Sounds like I'd encounter a bunch of pervs such as yourself who think baby raping tats are cool.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Do you not know how voat works? /u/ means USER, it's not a sub. I'd the person who called me a valley girl faggot, but you seem to have a low opinion of him.

You know how you can get tagged in a thread? They do that on /v/GreatAwakening, maybe you should check that out some time.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

My mistaking the /u/ for a /v/ doesn't answer the question about why you call yourself a Valley Girl Faggot. Why not just answer the question instead of sending me on some stupid snipe hunt?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I said it twice already, sweetie:

Dingleberries called me that, I did not call myself that.

I thought it was so funny I put it in my profile.

If you want to know why HE called me that, you need to go ask HIM.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Doesn't matter really why he said it. Interpretation is everything and to me, it says you're a dyke. If you don't want people asking questions about it, don't put it on your profile.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Doesn't matter really why he said it.

Then why did you just spend multiple posts asking, only to change your mind once I tell you where the answer is?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I don't go on snipe hunts, dyke. Already told you that. The fact that you want me to go bother somebody else to get an answer says a lot about you.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

"The fact that you can't read mind says a lot about you."


AndrewBlazeIt ago

I just Iron Fisted this entire comment chain.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

that is the fucking stupidest shit I ever heard..

That is like claiming a bartender is into every type of drink he makes..

lol just fucking stop

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I agree, her logic is stupid - which is why I pointed out how stupid it was.

But of course, she's a girl you like, so your natural reaction is to defend her against an attack from someone you perceive as male....

Oh_Well_ian ago

what a cunt you're turning out to be

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

He obviously likes chicks with tats, but they're so far out of his league that all he can do to get their attention is be abusive. As we all know, even negative attention is attention to those who get none whatsoever.

Oh_Well_ian ago

He's another faggot from SBBH. Probably another Cheesy Boy alt

Oh_Well_ian ago

bro.. why did you even bother with that wall of shit ?

You know how I spot Satanic kid fuckers? I look for the tats. Not kid fucking tats. Satanic tats.

They all fuck kids. ALL OF THEM.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Well, I have no tattoos and /u/enigmatic_continuum does, so you know what to do.

Oh_Well_ian ago

another bizarre statement

why are you making EC the subject here ?

Oh.. I get it... you're a big Steve O / Jackass fanboy

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Barely know anything about Steve-O except he was on a show I didn't watch, I think he died, and apparently he thought baby rape was a cool tattoo idea.

If you had read my original post you would have seen why I posted. But I think it's hilarious you say I'm making EC "the subject here". Am I in control of the entire submission? Daaaang, I thought this was one thread that you decided to butt into.

I'll be more careful with my power around your delicate submissions.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You called her friend tat artist an animal fucker.. and then you based an entire line of thought off that falsehood.

Steve O is alive, btw. Is there anything you actually know, or are you totally wrapped up in your narcissism?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

This fucker is so transparent! He's obviously a Jackass fan boy and lying about being one. While @clamhurt_legbeard says he doesn't know anything about Steve-O, he recommended that I read his book. LOL! Talk about outing one's self...

Oh_Well_ian ago


one of the symptoms of multiple alts is not being able to keep the profiles straight, but that is PATHETIC

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

LOL! Checkmate. Where'd he go?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

While @clamhurt_legbeard says he doesn't know anything about Steve-O, he recommended that I read his book.

Oh yeah? Where?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You called her friend tat artist an animal fucker..

Reread her post - her own logic shows she should think he's as bad as an animal fucker. Why else would he do bestiality works on people's asses?

Oh_Well_ian ago

bro... shut up...

you're embarrassing yourself.

Normally, you offer relevant info, but you're being a fag here.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh gee, are you now the gatekeeper?

Oh_Well_ian ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago

I love it when people have to tell me they blocked me because otherwise I wouldn't know or care.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Sorry to burst your bubble and your attempt at gate keeping.

Steve-O fucked infants as did everybody in the Jackass crew.

Hollywood is a club of pedophiles and drug addicts.

Btw, there is no such thing as 'The Clinton Pedophile Ring'.

Boban_Rajovic ago

Steve-O fucked infants as did everybody in the Jackass crew.


Oh_Well_ian ago

That's what SJW's would do, you 28 day faggot.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You sound like an infant rapist.

Grow up? You mean accept this shit from you degenerates as normal?

hmmm... where did you creeps learn this type of behavior was OK?

TheKid69 ago

these people are stupid