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CheeseboogersGhost ago

I was being ping spammed by the GA brigade. I respond and beat them all into a pulp. Then I get banned for it. I post proof as to what these ziotards are. Either you didn't look at it or youre stupid or are complicit. You side with them and pat them on their back as they attack me with nonsense. fuck you

srayzie ago

Every time someone disagrees with you, you talk shit. Kevdude is stupid now because he sees the truth? I’m surprised you didn’t call him a Jew too. He knows I’m not a Jew or he wouldn’t have made me a pizzagate mod or a protect Voat O. He’s not taking sides. He’ll tell me when I’m wrong too. All he is doing is being real with you.

Your Jewdar is whacked. The fact that you say almost everyone is a Jew makes you not even credible. It’s like crying wolf. When the time comes where it’s actually true, people will be rolling their eyes and thinking here he goes again. 🙄 You’re one of three things... an immature little man starving for attention, JIDF, or emotionally unstable.

You act like an immature little bitch. You should take all of today’s downvotes and learn from them. People are sick of you repeating yourself day in and day out. So predictable. Your first defense is always calling someone a Jew or a woman.

I’m not ashamed to be a woman. Obviously, I prove that women can run a sub and not bow down to some insecure douche on the Internet. (Who had to tell me he was buff). Seriously? What that tells me is that you are one UGLY ASS MOTHER FUCKER.

You are a middle aged redneck with a big beer belly who’s let himself go. You have low self esteem and need to feel manly by talking about your guns. We have several. Big deal. My husband has a license to carry and has one with him everywhere he goes. Uh oh. You better come up with something like having big truck. If not, coming to terms with the fact that the last bit of manhood you thought you had left wasn’t really there, will have your blood pressure thru the roof. You obviously suffer from Little Dick Syndrome. That’s ok. Abused wives don’t usually want to fuck their husbands anyway. Don’t worry tho. Your hand will continue to be there for you.

You could always prove you’re buff and in great shape by writing whatever I say on a piece of paper and sending a pic within 2 min. You don’t have to show your ugly mug. If you don’t do that, then your claim of being in the best shape of your life and buff will be just another embarrassing claim you’ve made that leads credence to you being a little pussy. But even if you were hot, why would I give a shit? You aren’t my man. You’re weak and let me control your emotions. I’m into real men.

I told you I would leave you alone if you leave me alone. I’ll stop pinging your bitch ass. I’m sorry I did that. I didn’t know you couldn’t handle it. You’re too much of a pussy to stand on your own. You need to make posts like a kid being a tattletale. You’ve pinged both @Kevdude and @Crensch whining about me in the past. It’s like you think I’m going to get in trouble. You haven’t proved to them yet that I’m some Jew. Give it up. You look like a fool.

You also ping your little buddies to come to your defense when they have no clue about the situation or what you’ve been doing to us. Why don’t you grow a pair, be a man, and handle your own business? Put on your big boy pants. You can’t handle being smeared by a WOMAN? How about 2? @Shizy won’t put up with your shit either. I guess it’s only your abused fat ugly ass white trash wife that bows at your boot. It’s more like you can bow at my cute California girl sandles with lavender toe nails. Ha! You’re a joke!

I unbanned you. Try having some class. Over time people won’t remember this embarrassing side of you. You should thank me for my advice.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

  1. You're a low IQ jew.

  2. I never pinged anyone to come here because if I had there would be a shitload of people here.

  3. You are a feminist woman(oy vey we haven't seen this before nope) and its laughable that you are in control of anything serious. It can never be taken seriously.

  4. More anti-white hate from you. You damned right I'm a redneck who has many guns, but I have no beer belly. I'm in shape. The only people who talk like you are city yankeetards and jewbags. I got you again! Men like me will always be ten steps ahead of little idiots like you. Oh, and my truck costs more than your house, little yankee idiot woman, and yeah its lifted and big.

  5. Oh yes yes I can post a pic of me oy vey proving I am buff and not fat. Yes! Great idea. Israel is our friend!! yuk yuk Your definition of "hot" is a witch face, beaner or a nigger. One or the other.

  6. You wish you had some kind of power over me, but you don't and never will. You aren't smart enough. The fact is, you kept poking me and I destroyed you and your little sub. It will never recover. Oh, and I'm not done, btw. I haven't even started. ah ah ah If anything, you've proven you are nothing but a hate-filled, emotional woman who hates men. lol

  7. Kevdude, even though he is obviously on your Zionist side, explained to yo uand shizy why it might be smart for you to unban me and you fuckin know it. Voats immune response was getting ready to fuck your shit up. You ziotards are low-level idiots. I consider it a sport slapping you little bitches around

srayzie ago

You didn’t need to ping anyone this time dipshit. You made 4 posts on 4 different subs. We got almost 500 comments and number 1 most controversial post. What an attention seeker. It’s awesome tho. Thank you. It’s made a lot of people see how you are.

I am SO not a feminist. I can’t stand feminists. I LOVE MEN. I usually get along with men more then women. Maybe that’s why I don’t like you. LOL. I don’t like WEAK men. I’m not anti-white. I AM white and you know it from my Twitter. Remember, you commented a couple of times that I was hot. Then when you decided I was a Jew, you said you must have not looked at the pic very close. 😂🤣

I’m not trying to brag like you, but you haven’t seen my house. You would be my gardener bitch. I have had power over you for months faggot. I enjoy making you freak out. You’re free entertainment. If not, I wouldn’t have pinged you.

Oh you just started huh? Bring it on then bro. I’ve been gathering stuff for hours and am ready to strike when the time is right. In fact, I think if I did a vote, most of GreatAwakening would vote to ban you. That, with everything I’ve gathered, will justify it without stooping to Reddit comment censorship.


@kevdude he forgot to ping you after posting about you AGAIN.

@Shizy, you are my witness that he said he’s just starting. I’m taking screenshots too. I’m gathering all kinds of stuff on him. If the fucker wants to play games, it’s on.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I educated everyone here about you and your Zionist group. I am a jew hunter. Its what I do and I do it well. You cannot save face. YOU LOST THE SECOND YOU BANNED ME. I! WIN! Then you ran as fast as ya could to change the rules. If that isn't some jewy shit then I don't know what is. It was scheming fraud. We've seen this before, haven't we Goats?

I am SO not a feminist

are you denying your feminist posts that's in the OP?? are you saying I shopped that stuff?

I’m not trying to brag like you

I don't brag. You talked shit about my truck and I set your ass straight with facts. I'm not a jew like you and think money is the measure of a man. In fact, I detest behavior such as that and would trust a poor person long before I ever would someone with money.

You would be my gardener bitch

I own many gas and oil wells in Ky, Pa, and WV on my land, not that I give a flyin fuck what you or anyone on the internet thinks. I seriously doubt you have more money than me. Rednecks like me own little fools like you daily haha I earned everything I have. I didn't have to marry a man and sucky fucky to get it. I didn't inherit it from mommy and daddy and get sent to some prestige jew college. ah ah ah I'm a jack-of-all-trades. You prolly don't even know how to fuckin grow a real garden yankeetard

Oh you just started huh? Bring it on then bro. I’ve been gathering stuff for hours and am ready to strike when the time is right. In fact, I think if I did a vote, most of GreatAwakening would vote to ban you. That, with everything I’ve gathered, will justify it without stooping to Reddit comment censorship.

You jews and banning people tsk tsk tsk So, do you give all Goats who disagree with you in your Greater Israel Awakening sub the same flair you gave unto me? haha You pathetic ziotard and your labels to try and contain white unity.

@kevdude he forgot to ping you after posting about you AGAIN.

boo hoo someone come and save me!! I'm a damsel in distress!! oy veys @KevDude can you change muh light bulb, because I'm a woman???

@Shizy, you are my witness that he said he’s just starting. I’m taking screenshots too. I’m gathering all kinds of stuff on him. If the fucker wants to play games, it’s on.

uh....haha you do realize how many screen caps I have of you two, right? You can delete hundreds of your comments just like the pedo's on Twitter. It matters not oy vey

Shizy ago

You don't brag about money and "detest that behavior", and then turn around and talk about owning several gas and oil wells? Haha! Nice try boy! Where I come from "jack of all trades" is typically a euphemism for unemployed handy man.

Still waiting for the pic of your awesome truck! I'm sure it's a gas engine too since you seem to make such smart decisions 😂😂😂😂

@srayzie did you get your pic yet of his hot, not old, not fat body????

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh man you are mentally unhinged and I am living rent-free in your scuzzy mind. Who the fuck would work taking care of the mentally disabled then post online about laughing at them?? I bet /POL would like to know about this.

Shizy ago

Is reading hard for you? I never said I worked taking care of them! I said I worked with them because the reality is there are a lot of mentally retarded people in the world! And I also never said I laughed at them, I said I had the urge to laugh at them because they say and do some stupid shit! Did your mom drink when she was pregnant with you cause damn if you're not cognitively challenged! Stealing my rent free in the mind comment is cute too, but start coming up with your own material if it's not to hard for you!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Stealing my rent free in the mind comment is cute too

That's funny. I've said this phrase for at least 30 years.You invented that phrase? Is that what hahahabwahahaha what you're telling me?? wow. The narcissism runs deep in that demented mind of yours, young lady. I need to get my boots on 'cause the bullshit is getting deep up in hither. Then you make a mother insult like a good little jew. What is it with you jews and mother insults? See, here's the thing......I bet you are a meth junkies who lives in a shack. good day

Shizy ago

And how dare you make fun of meth addicts! Their struggle is real! They're better people than you any day of the week and I would rather spend time with them than a rich person 😂! Does that about sum up how to write a phoney outrage post shitstain????

Shizy ago

I don't know what your old drunk ass has been saying for 30 years! All I know is I wrote that to you recently because it's the truth! You're obsessed! I'm sure meth abuse is a problem in the poverty stricken shithole you live in, but it's not that way where I live. My husband isn't an out of work handyman with a massive truck payment because he spent more on that than our house 😂

CheeseboogersGhost ago

so....what else do you think that you came up with? Is the room with us right now?

Shizy ago

If you're trying to get me to say a big black dick it's not gonna work! Oh wait, oops! You win!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

wtf why do you keep talking about this "black dick"? fuck off and stop commenting to me you sicko

Shizy ago

Is your wife looking over your shoulder again? Can't let her in on your dirty (and dark 😉) secret now can you!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I'm an open book and well loved by most

Shizy ago

Boring! What else ya got?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I got hundreds of messages from you! TRIGGERED

Shizy ago

And I have more than that from you girlfriend! What's your point? Got anything else? I'm bored

CheeseboogersGhost ago

That's because you are bi-polar and prolly should have your doc to up your meds, unless of course, they kicked you off because you abuse them. You're nutso. If you are married I feel sorry for that dude. He probably needs to smack you down in the kitchen floor

Shizy ago

Being called crazy by a crazy person is awesome! And you know I'm married, that's why you're so jealous and angry. You really need to get over it. I'm not interested and I never will be.

srayzie ago

I didn’t even read half of your post. Honest to God. So I don’t know what kind of feminist thing you’re talking about. I am against abortion, I like my man being the leader of the household, I don’t need to work and don’t feel the need to be a career woman. I’m old fashioned. My husband likes cooking and cooks most of the time. So I’m not in the kitchen making a sammich. He spoils me. So what? At least I’m not your ugly fat ass wife.

I didn’t say money is the measure of a man. I said your need to brag and talk about your guns and how buff you are tells me you have a little dick and feel insecure. So I knew that you would be the type to have a big truck. I study psychology and I didn’t go to no Jew school. I can read you like a book and I guarantee you right now that you show all signs for someone that is insecure and has low self esteem. People like you get online and are loud and seek attention. In real life you feel inadequate. You have the need to act big and tough. I’m usually a nice person but when I don’t like someone the way I don’t like you, then I have no problem controlling your emotions. You’ll get wore out and give up. I guarantee it will be before I do.

I don’t know what you think your screenshots are going to do. There was only one place you banned me from that I actually like... I’m unbanned now. So why would I give a fuck what screenshots you have? I’ve trolled you because you trolled me. I told you I would stop if you stopped. Oh and since you’re gathering screenshots, why don’t you go give that guy you replied to telling that I apologized to you and talked shit about him. Where is that private message screenshot? I would love to see it. Don’t forget, I want a screenshot of that arrest warrant too.

I added you back because I don’t want to be like Reddit. I care about free speech. You can disagree about Q and Trump all you want. But I have proof that almost every single comment isn’t about them. It’s you attacking users. But I am going to continue gathering everything you say and do there. Keep on. Then if I do a vote and the majority wants you gone and I have everything I’ve collected, then one little troll being banned won’t make a difference.

I care about my country and won’t let the sub become a shithole because of cancerous trolls like you.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

srayzie ago

Oh and don’t be a pussy. If you’re gonna talk shit about someone, man up and ping them instead of talking shit behind their back.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

This is a public place. It isn't talking shit. You think I'm scared of him?? lol If anything, many things became abundantly clear since yesterday. Many people left Voat for their suspicions. That's why the site is dead. DEAD. Its a reddit pop-off valve/containment site.

srayzie ago

Keep fucking with me boy.

I’ve got more so next time you go make posts about me in at least 4 different subs, be ready to have your ass destroyed.


CheeseboogersGhost ago

lololol Did you get the one where I said "Hi" to you and shizy? ah ah ah

Shizy ago

Yes booger, we need a picture to prove how in shape, not fat, and manly you are. Oh, and send a pic with your shirt off while you're holding today's newspaper. We want to make sure your spanx aren't holding in that beer gut and you're not sending an old pic. Got it?

Oh, and take it in front of your shitty ass truck that you probably overpaid for. I'll show my husband. He loves to laugh at wanna be dumbfucks who are too cheap to lift their trucks the right way and don't address the suspension. They make themselves look like punk bitches driving "big manly" trucks that can't perform for shit!

Can't wait!!!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You lame ass wannabees cant compete with men like me. Never could never will. smhlol Just crawl away, rat. You lost. You fell at the feet of greatness like many other ziorats before you. You should feel privileged to have lost to me, kid.