Kekmet-Peperoni ago

Q has said Isreal will be last, Hes also named Jacob Rothschild as big target of the storm and the Zionist state of Israel is Rothschild's personal Fifedom ,Also Soros is Jewish, but mostly he says that the federal reserve will be restructed.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

Q has proven the white hats are Aware!
Read the drops, then Re-Read! Think, search, look at the whole Picture!

There is confusion on this front because there are those who are corrupt and Those who are the Remnant. Think. . .falling away, giving into temptations of the Babylonian gods.
What was the premise of Hollywood. What does it mimic and Why?

There is No Oblivion.
It is the citizenry who are guilty of complacency!

Q does not State All that is corrupt. Go Dig! Hollywood history! Who controls the NEWS. ..Nonsense Entertaining Wide Swaths?

Think of the code of the controllers. What is an all out "no, no?" Who has Literal skeletons in their closets and will collect more by way of those who Dares Speak of It?

Does a player Ever show All his cards?

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

These white hats are simply pointing all of us into doing our own homework. This is OUR country, not the luciferians, the cabal or the government's country, OUR country. . .We the People!

Q doesn't want to babysit and hold our hands. . .he wants us to Do, Think, Search out the corruption for ourselves.

Independence is the name of the game, Free Thinking is Our Aim. Q's not supposed to do Anything! We are!

Yet this group of white hats has done a great deal for us all to be grateful for behind the scenes.

The deep state, full of the deceiver's people wants you to believe a group doing good is a lie. That's what the ultimate deceiver has done since the beginning of time. He knows he's good at it, but You don't have to fall for it!

Stop snorting, befuddling your brain and Take Responsibility. You should be researching these facts yourself.
You have a device at your finger tips, go verify the info.

Please know, I mean no judgement as we are All guilty of trying to escape the rotten reality at times. . .but we have a shot and a choice at Taking Charge of it and Changing it Up! No one is better than anyone else. You can read and search just as well as anyone else here!

Q constantly says to expand further, look deeper! Do. Don't sit and criticize Until You, yourself have Done Something! You don't really think that corruption so deep seeded, entangled and entrenched can actually end in a year and a half do you? You've seen a web or even a maze. No Way destroying that happens overnight!

People who are Honest have seen more happen in a relatively short period of time than Ever before in History! They just aren't aware because evil keeps the light shining on it's darkness hidden from those who look no further than the surface!
The evidence Won't just fall into your lap! You have to stay vigilant and Look for it yourself. Just look at what is not publicized by the corporate owned media. . .the pedophile networks and actual arrests. You know why right? You can work that out even when the brain had been muddled.

Letting others do our thinking for us is exactly what got all of us into the mess we are in now.

The complacency and lack of action is the fault of the citizens. Corruption abounds, but we Don't have to sit by and Just keep letting it happen.

Go out there and find the true history! If you went through the mockery of the educational system in this country, and I assume you did if you're so disillusioned and disheartened that you are willing to give up your cognitive capacity for the trick of a drug to feel better, then You Know first hand They have hidden the Truth from us! Just pick up a current history book and see how much it differs even from what You learned in school. Keeps changing so much. . .without true "searchers of truth," the "real story" will go away.

Isn't it interesting "they" coined it as His_story. Don't you want truth? Truth sets you free, gets you out from under the spell of whatever yarn the controllers want to spin in their favor. Truth makes you deal with reality. Snorting up mind altering drugs keeps you in the deceiver's web of deception. All cozy, lethargic and disregarding actual happenings around you so you remain Inactive. Stop and just Do. Not later on, not tomorrow, not when you feel like it. ..NOW!

Who wants that for you? Nothing coming from a good source!

There is plenty to keep you engaged if you do your homework, yourself. Don't rely on anyone else, that's the IDEA! Self-sufficiency will keep our country from Dependency upon corruptors, perpetrators and all out murderers.

Q Never said ending this vast wickedness would happen over night! Part of the problem of watching that Box where they Tell you Their Vision, is many of the populace have an attention span of a Pea! Sad. Many won't read more than a few lines and they can't handle it because interesting pictures to entertain them aren't passing by.

If you still listen to the news (Nonsense Entertaining Wide Swaths) Stop. . .they know very little of the real world and truth. Suss it out for yourself! You can trust yourself right? You are not a psy-op correct? Well, maybe you don't trust yourself when your cracking it up. . .that's intentional. The deceiver thrives on Your confusion and chaos. Don't give him the Win! You are in charge of the choice! Take Charge NOW!

It's not up to Q alone, it's up to You!
You should Get on Board and help us out!

What did you find out about JFK Jr? Cons and pros of him faking his death since he knew they would be taking him out?

What sort of people did Bush Senior surround himself with and just how many kids did he prey upon?

How connected was Barbara Bush to the occult?

Which Bush helped propel Planned Parenthood forward?

What was Hillary's name as a CIA agent under her CIA Director (BUSH)

What do you see in Obama's portrait he had painted for himself? Don't ask Q, don't ask the anons. . .Go look yourself. Trust your eyes, what do you see?

Why was Bush selected by Ford to be his CI director?

Was Bush just a politician or a CIA official prior to JFK's murder?

Which Bush made a fortune on financing the war effort and Hitler?

Who was George's attorney who was directly related to someone JFK fired?

Which Bush was connected to the lie that Dan Rather saw JFK's head move forward violently?

Why was CBS such a proponent of squashing any speculation and evidence outside of the long range shooting and single bullet?

Which enemy to JFK was appointed by LBJ to serve on the Warren Commission?

Can you believe how deep this goes?

Even Deeper! Our way of LIFE right now, but the Truth is out there just Look!

Why does Q keep directing us to search the True History They tried to hide from us All concerning one of the truest Patriots. . .JFK? Why does So Much hinge on this???

You may know many of these or all, if you don't, let me know your findings when you research on Your Own.
Best stay level headed so you can keep these scoundrels straight! ;) . Godspeed!

Syndicalism ago

Do enough coke to open up a channel straight to your neocortex and jap a Q-tip right in there. Maybe then you will look at the content of the 'psy-op' and you can begin to think critically.

RockmanRaiden ago

Open up those nostrils and enjoy the ride.

RockmanRaiden ago

Jews sold FOX to other Jews. As far as I know there are two jew factions battling it out. One faction is nationalistic in nature while the other is globalist. Q has mentioned the JQ. Once. It stands to reason that any more mention of it could potentially ruin the Plan, and thus enslave us all forever. Goes to show you how powerful they must be.

NotHereForPizza ago

Guys, we've got to make sure they keep talking about the jews

Muh joos

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


anotherdream ago

He said Israel would be last. He said they were saving them for a special reason that hadn't been mentioned in any bread. My theory is that it is because they perpetrated 9/11 with the help of traitors inside the government. Namely, - he whose name we don't say. I'm waiting eagerly to find out what it is and when those guilty will be brought to justice.

SaveTheChildren ago

Q is a "jew" (synagogue of satan) tranny LARP

Q is not legitimate

liftwizard ago

"saving Israel for last" why hasn't anyone mentioned this? Also he referenced (((them))) in one of the earliest posts.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

smoke and mirrors, its always this, and they usually have to be placed in advance, this is a weakness.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

There is the Lake of Nemi or Specchio de Diana (Diana's Mirror) and the forest that surrounds it called Woods of Ariccia.
As you can imagine many deaths and unexplained phenomena occurring. . .some call it bad energy and others know!

To this day, a great deal of evil surrounds this area. Just as there is a sacred grove in the U.S., there was a sacred grove there!
According to myth her love (who was the founder of Athens) was unjustly charged of rape of his stepmother was crushed by two other gods. Diana, also known as Artemis requested the god of medicine to revive her guy and conceal him in a sacred grove of the goddess of Ariccia.

There is a reason there is a focus on Greek and Roman mythology. . .all the mystery that it is seemingly shrouded in.. .real, not real. . .used in witchcraft and rituals. Why?

The Bible says in Acts 19:27 So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth.

Acts 19:34 But when they knew that he was a Jew, all with one voice about the space of two hours cried out, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.

Acts 19:35 And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter?

All smoke and mirrors is a Very Apt description. Nice!

liftwizard ago


thisistotallynotme ago

Hey, can someone answer his questions, on the chance that he's actually not a shill? Just point him to where the questions are answered, and stop betting that he's an SBBH goon, and not just an innocent bystander.


RockmanRaiden ago

I agree with this sentiment. However, cheesebooger has been stirring up the hornet's nest lately so misunderstandings are bound to happen.

ArtistiqueJewelry ago

DisInfo is Necessary!

Drkadrka ago

Post 916.

10 March 2018.

Relating to the Awan case.

thisistotallynotme ago

have an upvoat.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol You're clearly not paying attention.

Q is the name of the Military Psyop that saved this country from that cunt Hillary and the Deep State. The election was going to be STOLEN.

THINK !! Why did the same media attacking Trump 24/7 claim he had less than 2% chance of winning??


That is why Killary did not have a concession speech prepared and she screamed 'WE ARE ALL GOING TO HANG' as she threw a glass at Donna Brazils head.

TheAntiZealot ago

Link to this:

she screamed 'WE ARE ALL GOING TO HANG' as she threw a glass at Donna Brazils head.


Morbo ago

Cocaine is a deep state tool to keep people submissive and brain dead. Lay off the dope brother.

Negro_Nazi ago

Meth, even more so. The feds will hit you faster if you are a sober white nationalist then if you are poisoning your white brothers with dope.

Source. Went to prison a couple years ago.

pooploser ago

Your comment is intriguing and combined with your username, moreso. If you would like to explain, I'm interested.

8_billion_eaters ago

The Jews have split. Q is a Jew.

On one side, you have the Jews that back Hillary and Podesta Pizza boys...

On the other, you have the Jews that want to avoid confrontation for another 50 - 100 years.

Either way, we're fucked.

obvious-throwaway- ago

This is why I think of this 'Q' character as nothing more than one more Jewish distraction/trick. The only thing we should all be focused on is expelling every last Jew from the United States and writing into our constitution that we will never allow Jews back in. This is the only direction our country needs to go, anything else is a waste of time.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yes... pick retarded and unattainable goals that will never be realized, it's what you Jews are always selling around here..

Your hero HITLER WAS A JEW who got 10 Million German men killed, destroyed most of white Europe, helped create a Zionist State in Israel, made Nationalism a curse, led to the overtaking of the US Government ( Operation Paperclip ) and then snuck off to Argentina to live a life of quiet luxury.

But yeah... he did nothing wrong, like you faggot KIKES proudly shout on this site, ad nauseum.

Boban_Rajovic ago


I suppose you have proofs for that, just like with most of your idiotic claims

Oh_Well_ian ago

'fucked in the head'


you sad faggots whine about the omnipotent Jew all damn day on this site...

god damn ((( Debbie Downers )))

8_billion_eaters ago

The Jews financed Hitler and Stalin both. They directed Britain through WC and forced FDR to embargo Japan into an untenable situation. Oh, ...and ignored the approach of the fleet that attacked Pearl Harbor. Oh well, John.

Oh_Well_ian ago

well… at least you got part of the story right..

It's good to see you fakes retreating and getting closer to the truth.

Have you figured out why the Jew media is tearing down Trump while he destroys the UN and the NWO trade agreements?

Let me guess... to placate you keyboard warriors from picking up your guns and taking control of the world under the banner of White Nationalism.

Oh_Well_ian ago


Q spent months on explaining how Soros and the Rothschilds represent the FOUNDATION of the New World Order

Really... this is Great Awakening 101 and the O/P sounds like a SBBH moron.

Lordbananafist ago

Limiting the Jewish issue to just soros and the rothschilds is textbook Jew gatekeeping

thisistotallynotme ago

Let's just pretend that the last move on the chessboard isn't war with Israel.

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

Lordbananafist ago

Why imply that America is under threat from somewhere other than Israel? What other threat could possibly go before Israel?

thisistotallynotme ago

The problem is believing that Israel is the only threat.

This means you never looked into Legatus, the crash of 2008, and how it was predicted by someone ([email protected]) looking at Catholics rigging the stock market.

(The pope is being taken out before Israel)

Lordbananafist ago

Maybe you don't know what "threat" means

When did the Catholics last murder 3000 Americans at their desks and make 100,000 terminally ill?

I get that you're deflecting by changing the subject... I get it.

thisistotallynotme ago

Ah. your question was to position the responder as a jewish shill by asking a rhetorical question! clever!

Just ignore the breadcrumbs I provided, and that Catholics and Jews are rival gangs on equal footing. Double-down on "It can only be Jews", just like Stormfront and Nu-/pol/ taught you. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Can you tell me a little about the business connections of Thomas Monaghan and Thomas LaSorda? Why not?

Lordbananafist ago

Lol ok how much of a body count do those 2 guys have? I'm trusting you to show me their many crimes... please show me their victims

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot trying to make me dance instead of doing research. Intellectual laziness isn't welcome on this subverse.

Lordbananafist ago

So there's no specific body count or criminal act that you could point to in a sentence or 2?

Here... like this...

"I think 9/11 was a Jewish false flag with 3000 immediate murder victims"

Ok you try...

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot continue to try making me dance instead of doing even the smallest bit of research. Are you afraid I'm right?

Lordbananafist ago

No no I'm really not afraid that you're right...

We got the founder of dominos pizza and an LA Dodger vs the Mossad lol

Please, in a sentence or two, describe the crimes that make these two guys a threat..

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot do a one-minute google search and think it's a dig.

Lordbananafist ago

If they were infamous villains LIKE THE FUCKING MOSSAD it would be much more obvious lol

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot confirm he only scratches the surface on any dig he does.

Oh_Well_ian ago

sure it is.... Is that why you fakes are always asking why Q hasn't locked up Hillary?

You know what Jew gatekeeping is?

Claiming all niggers must go back to Africa and every Jewish American is in on the 'conspiracy'.

So basically you and everybody who is brigading this thread right now.

Lordbananafist ago

Whatever... we're going to kill all your people

Enjoy your time dog

Oh_Well_ian ago

So.. you're the enemy of Americans and MAGA.

Thanks for coming out of the closet.

Lordbananafist ago

I've never hid lol

Yes we're enemies

obvious-throwaway- ago

this is Great Awakening 101 and the O/P sounds like a SBBH moron.

First off, great, I don't know anything about this random posts started by someone calling themselves Q. I know it happens and I see random references to it, but no, I haven't dedicated a portion of my life to some random anonymous shitposter, but my curiosity is definitely peaked. As for SBBH, I don't know your acronym and if you actually wanted to get people to learn more about whatever this 'cause' is you're pushing for, maybe not being an assumptious asshole would be a good start.

Do you have any references to these posts referring to Soros and Rothschilds? How does Q feel about Trump marrying his daughter off to a Jew, using a Jew lawyer who then screwed him over, Trump visiting Israel, Trump not saying anything about the 3.8 billion we needless send to Israel every year?

Is Q simply another wing of Jews countering the other Jews? At the end of the day, I have no desire to have any Jew rule over myself or my people. Whites don't need babysitters like the browns and blacks, we are a competent and capable people and will do just fine ruling ourselves.

So, since this is where the people who have far to much time on their hands spend their time discussing this 'Q' character and you are currently getting the spotlight as another Voater called you out as shills, then go ahead and tell us in summary exactly what is happening with this 'Q' character and how he plans on eliminating Jewish Supremacy?

thisistotallynotme ago

Fine, I'll answer.

Israel is being saved for last in the war. Keep your enemies closer to you than your friends.

If you spent any time on /qresearch/, you'll know that the only thing Q researchers hate as much as the CIA is Jews. You can't find a pro-jew thread on /qresearch/. In fact, I dare you to find one.

People saying Q is jew disinfo are preying on your inability to do your own research. that's why people are linking to and, because they'll hope you'll just drink from the firehose at /qresearch/ and stop asking silly questions easily-answerable by a trip to the board.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

use the search function for any terms you want to find out about

Oh_Well_ian ago

Bro.. you're the shitposter. lol Don't play coy, you dick. I know exactly who you are, what you have posted and what your agenda is...

Your world is crumbling, you gaslighting douche bag.

thisistotallynotme ago

It's this shit right here @Oh_Well_Ian that made me call you a kike shill all that long ago.
Stop deterring new people from asking questions in the subverse. Yes, we are being attacked by SBBH. Yes, some of those people are coming directly from a Cheeseboogersghost thread to ask this question. But so the fuck am I.

He's a fucking newbie with doubts. Your stupid ass is playing into their hands by dismissing him immediately as an SBBH goon.

Oh_Well_ian ago

He's not a newbie with doubts, you jackass. I keep close tabs on all these faggots and the OP is one of them. The timing and content of his post on the back of CBG's ban and subsequent chimp out is a trip to Obviousville. I didn't dismiss the post, you fucking lying piece of shit. I answered the question and then I layed on some snark. So the fuck what?

How about this you fucking cunt >> Stop micromanaging my comments

And another thing, you bitch >> Post some of your own submissions if you think mine make the sub look bad, you faggot.

thisistotallynotme ago

That's a whole lot of words to say "Forgive me. You're right. I'll keep a better eye out for newbies".

You could've just said that, rather than sperging-out like an internet toughguy meme.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You just cant stop being a fucking faggot, can you? You shitbird, stop imagining an apology from me.

You're a cunt and a hypocrite. You think you can curse at me and then play a passive aggressive little bitch?

You are a fucking delusional cunt. @Obviousthrowaway is a seasoned voat shill, you stupid piece of shit and yet here you are, defending that faggot like you're his boyfriend.

I'm not a tough guy, prissy. I'm a violent guy who you're best off never encountering.

thisistotallynotme ago

I forgive you. See? all you had to do was ask forgiveness and it was granted. No need to write your own navy seal copypasta in my honor.

White_pride_cis ago

That shit is exactly why I think @oh_well_ian is a faggot and a Kike. Whenever someone asks a question, the first things to spew from his mouth is semen and after that it is just attacks. His only response was “look at what I’ve contributed!” I see that @oh_well_ian. I definitely see all of the negativity and driving discussion into the ground with a false sense of elitism. Couldn’t miss it.

thisistotallynotme ago

Downvoated obvious agree-shill. They always have uncreative fake "white power" nicknames (the left can't meme).

Go fuck yourself. He's not a faggot and a kike. he's just a sperg that lost sight on who the enemy was.

YOU'RE the enemy. You haven't contributed shit. Get off my fucking subverse.

White_pride_cis ago

This is @oh_well_ian second account. What a pussy. Has to log into multiple accounts to spread his hate.

thisistotallynotme ago

Look at this faggot take an hour to come up with a guilt by association fallacy.

White_pride_cis ago

That is because I am not constantly online, Ian. You really are pathetic...

thisistotallynotme ago

"Pathetic" is the go-to word of SJW women and ShariaBlue agents.

Draw Mohammed, or acknowledge that he's your prophet.

Rawrination ago

Can you please point this directly? I'm doing my best to find truth no matter where it leads. But i do have brain damage and can use all the help I can get.

Oh_Well_ian ago

sorry sad sack...

I'm not a social worker...

Gotta leave the weak behind so as not to sacrifice the movement.

Rawrination ago

Ah well thank you for your honesty. I wish you and the Q movement the best of luck. Let me know if you ever have some memes I can share with the normies. Something like the Draft Our Daughters meme would be perfect, but anything really.

obvious-throwaway- ago

So this larper is promoting war for the sake of Israel. FUCK!

We need to expel the Jew from our country. Every last one.

thisistotallynotme ago

Damnit. And I believed you probably weren't a shill.
Perhaps you can explain to us why Iran's regime change (and ending their nuclear program) wouldn't benefit the United States, even if Israel wasn't involved?

liftwizard ago

it's all just a larp! Help the larp is too powerful! quick lets have a race war because that is exactly what will help and is totally a realistic option!

Le_Squish ago

Iran is controlled by CIA. Regime change is necessary to set it free. Israel also needs regime change to keep Iran enslaved as a puppet state. Iran is lynchpin of their greater Israel strategy. Iran was identified in the 60s as the most culturally and geographically significant country in the region.

CheeseboogersGhost ago


Now I see what is up with you. Another ziotard. Exactly as I suspected

Le_Squish ago

It's true, you really can't draw Muhammad, lol.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Lets see you draw a jew and a jigaboo. COME ON!!

Le_Squish ago

Deflection intensifies, lol. Voaters are gonna die of popcorn overconsumption.

youllrememberme ago

+1 Hahaha <crickets>

kalgon ago

Idk who that Q is, what I do know is that "regime change" isn't something ordinary people fantasize about

They eventually fantasize about war, hand to hand combat, genocide eventually, but not "regime change"

"Regime change" is elite fetish

Oh_Well_ian ago

Great News !!

Obama tried to give those faggots Nukes and half this site cries for the kid fucking Mullahs.

Iran will fall from within. Not a single American life will be sacrificed.

Justaddcoffee ago

Exactly, the shills are all coming out of the woodwork now. You should make your comment a post here or in a main subvoat.

goatsandbros ago

What's the third pillar?

Oh_Well_ian ago

The House of Saud.

The only pillar that has been controlled.

Morbo ago

Satan? Given the other names on the list this seems most appropriate.

Justaddcoffee ago

Yeah, dismantling massive pedo networks and securing the borders is a psyop. /s

pby1000 ago

He did say that Israel will be last. I think that Israel is not a Jewish state. It is the Land of Canaan, where the Jewesses squat on black prongs.

NotHereForPizza ago

Israel was constructed and organized by the Rothschilds and the English Crown as per the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

pby1000 ago

Yes, you are correct. I believe the Rothschilds are not Jews, though. I know that people disagree with that and blame the "Jews", but I think it goes way back before Judaism was created. Human history goes way back before Judaism.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh they're definitely Jews.

The Rothschild family is a wealthy Jewish family descending from Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812), a court factor to the German Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel in the Free City of Frankfurt, Holy Roman Empire, who established his banking business in the 1760s.

Mayer[2] Amschel Rothschild was born in 1744 in the Judengasse, the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt am Main, Holy Roman Empire.

pby1000 ago

Yeah, but I just don't believe it. Could they be Canaanites/Phoenicians? Their family lines go back to before Judaism.

The Rothschilds let a bunch of Jews die in WW2. I mean, it seems like the Jews would have saved the Jews, but they didn't. They let a lot of them die in the ritual human sacrifice that was WW2.

Did you read this? Just the first 17 pages is very interesting. This is where I think these people came from. Nimrod is considered to be the first Freemason.

The Curse of Canaan by Eustace Mullins:

NotHereForPizza ago


NWO - Nimrod World Order

glad to have you around, anon

pby1000 ago

That is what I am thinking. Nimrod. These people practice the exact same evil rituals.

NotHereForPizza ago

check that inbox, bruv

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Cool, I'll check it out.

pby1000 ago

Let me know what you think. Please share it with others.

TheAntiZealot ago

Revelation 2:9

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

goatsandbros ago

The Israelites were the ones who fell away after Babylon, while the Judaens remained faithful to God. Guess which ones represent modern Jews.

pby1000 ago
