Shizy ago

Both fugly!

Matt_Helm ago

Jews make the best Nazis they are Zionazis the Israelis are Zionazis they do to Palestinians what German Nazis did to Jews

pby1000 ago

Fuckimg Hell! That is scary close.

Put a uniform on him.

Oh_Well_ian ago

he has a career in Holocaust movies after he is fired from the FBI

pby1000 ago

I think he would do well...

bopper ago

Wow, they do look alike. What freaked me out most was the Podesta Bennington thing.

Shizy ago

Yesssss! It's uncanny with those two

dooob ago

Is it more likely Himmler got Paperclip'ed (ie went to work for US) and had kids or he got cloned? Cloned just sounds to sf and it is a great way to scare normies away.

Oh_Well_ian ago

once again.. FUCK NORMIES and their pop culture idiocy / Stop placating to those ignorant faggots.

The Germans were launching ballistic missiles when we had propeller planes. It is far from a stretch to think THE SUPER RACE was not messing with Eugenics and Cloning.

dooob ago

Don't be ignorant, the point of The Great Awakenings is to relay Q's message to the Normies, not some story that sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Normies? Normies who can't name the last 5 Presidents or who bombed Pearl Harbor? Those geniuses?

And who anointed you squad leader to define the mission? You're a FAGGOT for using the term 'conspiracy theory'. Invented by the CIA to shame and ridicule people with valid questions about their government. Don't call me ignorant, you stupid cunt. I have been months ahead of nearly everyone here in understanding how deep this rabbit hole goes.

Just when will your precious 'normies' be ready to accept that Lucifarians run the world and sacrifice and eat children? And how many children are going to continue to be abused and sacrificed by corrupt government bureaucracies like the FBI, CIA, and CPS? Focusing attention on ambivalent and skeptical normies is a giant waste of time that keeps everyone asleep longer. More proactive and imaginative thinking is going to be needed or the Cabal is going throw a few big names like Obama and the Clinton's under the bus to great cheering of you and your retarded normies, then they will go right back to business as usual.

Ronin3000 ago

up voat for you!

TippyHome ago

When I read your research on Merkel and Himmel, I thought it was brillant. They're had to be a reason why Patton was murdered in Germany-I think he stumbled on the get out of jail free card the Hitlers and other high ranking gestapo, had in place. My father was with the Third Army and closely working with him in encryption. I believe they were light years ahead of anything our country could conceive of. How else could we have managed to do so much in space 20 years after the war was over? Even if all the German technology gave us was satellite technology, that was huge in itself. So, I think you have hit on something big. Merkel looks exactly like Hitler, just like Barbara Bush looks like Crowley.. just saying. Truth is stranger than fiction. Again, just saying.

Blacksmith21 ago

Podesta + Bennington.

4th Reich.

Oh_Well_ian ago

'doppleganger' was a made up term to explain the massive amount of lookalikes in high society and government

srayzie ago

I’ve heard of that. I think they have to be far more advanced in that area than we are aware of. I don’t know about this guy. But I wouldn’t be shocked to find out they are already cloning people.

Oh_Well_ian ago

We have to give weight to Q's comments 'expand your thinking' and '90% of Americans would be hospitalized'. This is the type of investigation I believe he is referring to.

srayzie ago

I think he’s talking more about the pedophilia, child trafficking, organ harvesting, etc...

Oh_Well_ian ago

Those had all been established long before Q appeared. The Catholic Church's crimes against children are well known and W Bush and Obama had given lip service to the massive problem of human trafficking. Who knows? I think I know. Dive deep into all CIA programs including MKUltra, Operation Paperclip, Project Mockingbird, etc. Most of the programs NEVER ENDED, regardless of the lies we were told. They were so successful and strengthened the grip of the CIA, they needed to be funded and expanded. We are living in that world right now. #greatawakening

srayzie ago

I agree. We know these things because of pizzagate. The average person doesn’t. Q is helping to wake people up! I hope that 40/60 gap continues to shrink!