rymetymeuk ago

that's pathetic. have you nothing helpful to do for the thread? all i've seen you do is insult people. literally.

fuckmyreddit ago

No, kevdude is right. This sub is shilly and creepy.

highestranking4n0n ago

Neon does good work. I like his jibe. He assesses well. He presents it.

I'ts his job because he's professionally entering into it so if he wins sum gold for his good efforts. well cool eh is my opinion.. he needs it he's got bills too what's the problem? Is it paytriot? eeeeek don't know ... I appreciate him.

skeetervalent1no ago

im new here but i just want to type kike too.

kike hehe fag hehehe

Wise2TheLies ago

Beat off troll.

WakeUpDJ ago

Sowing dissension among the ranks I see GoogleStoleMyBike. Neon isn't twisting any arms to give him some shekels. People can make up their own minds and do as they please as it appears Q has been saying to everyone all along. Think for yourself always.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

God forbid anyone dissent from the holy word of NeonJuden, right? Yes, think for yourself. You don't need a self-proclaimed "translator/filter", which he preports himself to be in his own words. Do your own research. Trust nobody, especially those who aim to make money from you.

SaltyAF ago

I do. No, I don't, but I appreciate his insight. I trust those with proven track records. Nobody around here has made a cent from me.

Per the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, the evil authors (who want to divide Jews and Gentiles) will arouse antisemitism in order do divide any opposition. Do you want us to hate all Jews? Do you think we should generalize from a few misdeeds committed by Jews? Sounds like you're just stirring up trouble. Do your research folks. Protocols reveal their infernal authors.

Theperdiciousjoo ago

even on here, it seems way to easy to find the shill. just look for the people making outrageous claims and then backing said claims with little to no originality or creativity. it's not hard to come up with a decent debate topic, given that you have more than 10 IQ points.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Hello, sockpuppet.

SaltyAF ago

Greetings, used douche.

Tastemyrainbow ago

@googlestolemybike What is your point? What are these lies @noenrevolt telling us?

rymetymeuk ago

if you are spending this much time on trying to convince me of something, you're someone I need to ignore.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Fuck people trying to help you, right?

Ghost777 ago

I'm always open to to being proven wrong on things, it's hard to take this post seriously when you fail to elaborate on why.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

This post, which I've posted throughout the comments here explains the issue at hand.

rymetymeuk ago

I will go wherever I want thanks. zzzzzzz at your insults.

kneo24 ago

Just to let you know, these are the types of replies we get from JIDF shills here all the time on Voat. Please, keep making yourself look even more like you have a big, bumpy nose with a hook in it.

stray502 ago

Says who you cant just make a claim he is lying without showing proof. That is how it works moron.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

You faggots have to be spoonfed everything, it seems.


Junker ago

What a fucking pathetic loser you are. Try harder nigger.

TheStorm2018 ago

You lost me at kike.

everlastingphelps ago

Why, did you get distracted by a dropped penny?

billbradleybradley ago


ReMs-71 ago

I am sub'd to this board and to v/GA, I went to v/GA 1st, then when I found out that NR told everyone to come here that it was the "Official" GA board I came to see what it was about. Then found out that this board was set up to where it limited my Voat experience. But my question is and was why did NR want to herd everyone to this sub when v/GA was already here, You all could have just assimilated there. Was he trying to herd his sheep and control them? I don't want to accuse anyone of anything but this was the way I saw it. WE need to work together we don't want division. If this board remains it needs to be corrected to function like the rest of the subs. We should also listen to the folks that have been her MUCH longer than us and get this sorted out.

fuckmyreddit ago

@ReMs-71 something is really wrong with this sub. New goats should go to the Great Awakening sub. Has Neon Revolt been compromised. I've only read him a few times, but he seemed ok at the time.

ES-Trader ago

I don't know where else to post this so here goes . . .

I somewhat agree with kneo24 and ReMs-71. Only "somewhat" at this time because I'm still thinking and processing. The lack of growth here should be concerning to those who set-up v/A. Anyway, here's what I'm considering:

I agree with kneo24 about the commercialization of Q-related traffic by NR.

Why should we be subsidizing anyone's research or opinion? Q certainly hasn't asked for a penny . . . and Q would be entitled to huge sums before NR or anyone else (IMO). We are ALL working towards the same goal -- or at least we should be -- and making $$$ isn't part of the equation -- or at least shouldn't be. Perhaps NR has just not thought this through.

I am also highly suspect of us being "herded" into a new place like this that was intentionally set-up in competition to an already existing v/GA. The stated reason was NR "couldn't be sure he could trust v/GA mods." So he installed his own her?. Hmmmmm. That seems designed for control. Aren't we adults and couldn't we move if the v/GA mods showed problems? Was it necessary to start a completely new v? Just so a hand-picked mod team could be installed . . .

However, I will still give NR the benefit of doubt . . . as I would any other Patriot. None of us should be called disparaging names (as the thread title does)!

Now, I wonder, hasn't SB2 encountered serious trouble here on Voat already? If we're having mods serve as gatekeepers as kneo24 is alleging above and as it may appear, here, on v/A, then we are absolutely at the wrong place.

One final thing, regarding potential gatekeeping, my replies and comments have consistently been up-voted and all I seem to have is ONE (1) single point . . . so I cannot post a new thread -- only reply to what has been posted (or perhaps allowed?) -- and I cannot ask a mod because I "don't have sufficient points" to send a message.

If the mod team is having trouble wading through a bunch of filth . . . I for one would be happy to help moderate!

I'm definitely keeping my eyes and options open!

rpn68 ago

...waiting for that magical moment when the routers of the world unite, allowing access to only a single board on 8ch...


GoogleStoleMyBike ago

lol, for real. These people are clueless and the jews running the show are taking full advantage of them and their shekels. Sad.

Goathole ago

Yeah! and I hate you too. I became one of them.

  • your username offends me now. It's racist!

infraredreport ago

Folks do not engage disinformation agents! Steer clear of them. Waste of time and energy.

Labreu ago

True that, don't feed the trolls

skeetervalent1no ago

and what would a gaylord like you know about besides rubbin dongs with your daddy huh? wooooooooooooo

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Nigger, you've been here 3 days and came from the most shill-infested sector of the internet. Read this and get fucked.

fuckmyreddit ago

Is this really Neon Revolt? Something is wrong.

Type-o-Negative ago

I think NR is a current mod on theawakening too even after the mod purge! You know why the other mods stepped down? They messed up the ccp vote system and now the current subscribers can get upvotes, which 10 are needed to post or send messages. Still think the mods are really here for you?

The more you know.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

They didn't "mess up" anything. There are only two possibilities here: 1) They purposely enabled the CCP limit in an attempt to voat farm, or 2) They knew placing the CCP limit would gimp the sub (in particular, its userbase), thus creating a poor experience for newfags and further splintering the base.

Type-o-Negative ago

Oh yes they did, and each time they messed it up, a 48 hour clock starts which they reset the clock again. See if ANYONE can vote for the next 48 hours. Keep your disinfo to youself faggot.

Straight the owners mouth: https://voat.co/v/whatever/2722955

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Are you really this retarded? THEY LIMITED YOUR ABILITIES ON PURPOSE! For one or both of the reasons I listed above.

Type-o-Negative ago

Are you so stupid you cant understand what the owner said shill?

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

I'm literally saying the same god damn thing, you absolute retard. I'm only adding the why behind your nigger mods actions, while Putt lists the how in his post.

Type-o-Negative ago

Too late to back petal faggot. The end result of their fuckery was manipulating the system. In other words, the owners already had protections in place that you fucktards was trying to circumvent.

Someone should take the keyboard from you.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

I've not changed my position at all, actually. YOUR MODS placed the CCP restrictions for voating in this sub. YOUR MODS have not lifted those restrictions yet (that we know of, due to the 48hr cooldown). Why did they place the limitations in the first place? Why did they remove posts/comments from old goats trying to point it out?

Type-o-Negative ago

Explain this disinfo fag shill:


GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Can you actually read? You know I'm not arguing in support of the mods, right? You know that the image you linked says exactly what the fuck I'm saying, right? How fucking retarded are you?

Type-o-Negative ago

I give up not only are you twisting my words, you are as fucking dumb as a box of rocks. I dont give a fuck who’s side you are, the point is they fucked up the ccp in order to manipulate it, you said its false they didnt. The picture shows exactly what they did fucktard.

Go back to licking windows on the shortbus faggot, that is you are good for.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

So you can't read. Retard, I'M SAYING THE EXACT SAME THING! The mods gimped this sub on purpose. I've been perfectly clear about this.

WickedBaker ago

This is the most outstanding fucking thread ever. Your patience is at Saint level. I don't know how much clearer you could possibly be without taking the keyboard and shoving it down this idiots throat. You have literally agreed with his shit...and he still doesn't get it. Amazing.

everlastingphelps ago

It's like arguing with my wife. I agree with her, and she keeps arguing like I'm still fighting.

WickedBaker ago

Some people just argue to be doing it. I guess either stupidity or boredom.

rymetymeuk ago


kneo24 ago

Is it really? NR makes a post lying about v/GreatAwakening, and ultimately it's mod @srayzie, indicating it's somehow comped over a mere ping list. A ping list has nothing to do with moderation of the subverse or how the subverse is ran. She created the ping list to get the attention of users who may miss what she feels are important topics.

The proof that said ping list is somehow bad, was because two users had "toast" in their name, but lacked the detail all of the evidence before it had. It was simply a move of "dazzle them with bullshit" in my opinion to convey a lie.

NR's own words in regards to that article is, "I choose my words very carefully." Multiple have no asked him to clear up the outright lie he used, and he refuses to address it other than that statement I just gave.

Just from that alone, he was given multiple opportunities to come clean. If I were to take NR by their word alone, he deliberately sowed doubt and discord with super flimsy evidence. We can only speculate why as he refuses to actually address the issue.

Just recently he made a post on gab about FoT. I know next to nothing about the drama going on there, but I did look at the evidence that was presented for this. The topic is about FoT trying to buy influence.

His evidence is a cropped picture, showing someone else offering FoT influence for a few concessions. FoT comes back with a money related comment - probably a joke, but one can't be sure since all we have is a cropped picture cutting out the rest of the conversation that took place. He uses that cropped picture as evidence someone is trying to buy favor, when in reality that isn't what happened.

If I were to assume that FoT's comment about shekels was infact real and the cropped picture is the entire conversation, it doesn't make what FoT wrote any more nefarious. What you then see is a negotiation between two parties, where "your side" comes to him first, offering said influence.

Just from looking at these two things from NR very recently, it looks very suspect. First it's flimsy evidence that doesn't show anything is compromised, and the second thing is something being taken out of context and twisted to fit a narrative much like the MSM does.

I'm not asking you to like the hyperbole of "lying kike". I'm just asking you to consideration these two actions as of late. If NR is a force for good, why is he purposely lying and then not engaging in further discussion about it when asked?

Labreu ago

The whole controversy with FoT is fabricated. Think about it, they (Mods at r/GA all of whom at this point I strongly believe are controlled) first use the whole FoT "fight" to create not one but two splinter groups on reddit (r/T_WA and r/TSW - which within days of being created became a cesspool of BS and lies mixed with truth - water with a few drops of poison is still poisonous) then they (the Soros funded infiltrators) go nuclear and close r/GA and instead of an orderly, wise, migration to another platform NeonRevolt with shameless, unbecoming self importance creates a shit storm and creates a fascists subverse here in VOAT and turns on all the fans to splatter excrement all over the small community of Q followers already existing here. It's pretty clear, IMHO, what they're doing and it is incumbent upon each of us, individually to outsmart them. The first thing is to concentrate on Q and quality research, secondly do not feed the schills and trolls, as they tell us to do in 8Chan - don't feed them, don't respond. Thirdly do not over moderate just increase the number of quality research and postings and downvotes.

rymetymeuk ago

all i've had here are either attempts to sway my opinion or insults when it isn't swayed. just a fyi, lots of trolls here, that link does nothing to prove NR's website posts are false or have errors. amazing how hard people are trying here to be abusive and misleading.

rymetymeuk ago

what on earth are you talking about? i couldn't give a fuck about what you just wrote about, I'm down for NR because he has provided good information on many many many occasions. anything else is noise that is not going to distract me from the final goal. bye.

SandHog ago

Just like Alex Jones!

kneo24 ago

I just gave a summary of what this whole thread is about, Rabbi.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Only thing I would add is NR, in his own words on his gay blog, states that he is the filter of information. Which is also highly suspect and reeks of jewish gatekeeping. Other than that, nice summary.

kneo24 ago

The guy is a windbag. Do you have a quick reference handy?

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Here's me tearing his asshole open about it the other day. The quotes I used can be found in the blog post we're discussing.

ExpertShitposter ago

@NeonRevolt did 9-11

Res_Publica ago

Terry Davis just passed away recently, and he predicted this. Because CIA niggers do what? They glow in the dark. Like neon.

NR killed Terry Davis and prevented TempleOS from being completed.

nhbctpti ago

GSMB- What is your basis, source, logic, and reasoning for your claim?

Support your claim.

Neon__Wolf ago



kneo24 ago

You might as well add the faggots latest gab link here in this sub as well where he claims someone is trying to buy favor with them. It's a cropped image, showing someone offering them something, and it appears the other person is making a joke.


FreeHillbilly ago


fuckmyreddit ago

THIS WHOLE SUB IS INFESTED WITH SHILLS. You goats were right. We have a Reddit Shill infestation. Look at the first 10 or more posts on this sub in my link. Get the Raid. https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2724381

This is terrible. I feel like creepy bugs are crawling all over me. INFESTATION ALERT!

Mumbleberry ago

Hillbillies are inbred.

FreeHillbilly ago


Mumbleberry ago

It's what Q said, so there's that. Just ask Picard, he was there.

FreeHillbilly ago

Well... if a tie is like kissing your sister, then what’s a 3 piece suit?

Mumbleberry ago

4 way with mom, dad and cousin dilbert.

FreeHillbilly ago

... in the hay wagon with uncle punkin driving the tractor... a little bumpy on the back 40 but that’s what makes it fun

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

You like being lied to?

skeetervalent1no ago

he's loves it. he's gross.

Type-o-Negative ago

Projection at its finest.

projection ago

You don't know me muthafucka.

FreeHillbilly ago

Why do you beat your wife?

TapasTree ago

Lol you faggots are starting to sound just like those reddit shills now.

FreeHillbilly ago

Or it could quite possibly be making fun of the same tiring mantra.... kinda like Russia Russia Russia collusion collusion omg trump Russia... did you not tire of that shit?

At least start a fresh tirade.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Except the NeonJew is demonstratably misleading his followers with lies and misinformation.

FreeHillbilly ago

Or he’s being attacked by shills who want to derail the Q movement.

You can accuse all day long. That doesn’t prove anything other than you want to divide people instead of finding common ground.

I think people on your band wagon are just butt hurt about things. If you’re all that tough then suck it up buttercup. It is what it is.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

If pointing out the lies you're being sold is division to you, than you're not worth saving.

Labreu ago

Don't feed the trolls

FreeHillbilly ago

What about the lies you’re being sold?

Is this a one way street?

Your way or the highway?

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Nice goalpost shifting, you dumb faggot. This post is specifically directed towards one lying faggot who has demonstratably lied to you. But sure, other people lie too I guess.

FreeHillbilly ago

Name calling doesn’t help your argument.

So out of the thousands of users here you’re the one who knows this beyond any reasonable doubt?

Accusations are a dime a dozen. Proof... real solid evidence... is a little more difficult. So far I haven’t seen it from the handful of accusers here. Makes me think there is an ulterior motive.

Most people are just ignoring you.

I’m trying to do you a favor. Give it a rest.

projection ago

"name calling doesn't help your argument" - it doesn't hinder it either.

Drain0 ago

So your ad-hominem attack on GSMB at the beginning of this thread is better? You kikes and your games are so tiresome.

FreeHillbilly ago

my /yawn? yeah it's better - it says in a single word "You kikes and your games are so tiresome", sans name calling.

It's more concise. :)

Drain0 ago

No you stupid hot pocket your comment "Why do you beat your wife?" had no merit or intent other than to derail any attempt at a civilized debate. Remember this isn't Reddit, you don't get protection from the rest of your inbred hooknose tribe. Around here we can smell a shylock like a fart in an elevator.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Name calling doesn’t help your argument.

Eat a dick, faggot.

This post lays it out pretty clearly. It shows that neon faggot is lying to his readers. Why would he lie about the GA sub here at voat? Why is this sub still gimped (CCP restrictions). Why is he attempting to further splinter your group by directing them to a controlled safe space on 8chan?

FreeHillbilly ago

Eat a dick, faggot.

Can you really not help it? Tourette syndrome?

That post you linked is anything but clear. It's just a bunch of accusations based on speculation mixed with half-truths. it's there to plant doubt. It's clearly there to do what you claim NR is trying to do. Define "projection".

It shows that neon faggot is lying to his readers.

Can you go more than 1 sentence without resorting to name calling? That just displays a lack of rational thought. Again, define "projection".

Why would he lie about the GA sub here at voat?

He wouldn't. Why would you lie about him?

Maybe you and the handful of others on this bandwagon are scared of something? I can't imagine what. So you can't come in to a new sub and down vote people, effectively censoring them, while you get to post whatever you want? What do you lose that you had before? Total control over new users?

This sub didn't even exist a week ago. You really don't lose anything at all - other than that all-powerful control over new folks. You know, that horrible censorship that you hate? But really like to wield in a not-so-transparent way?

Why is this sub still gimped (CCP restrictions).

Even though this ends in a period, I assume it's a question.

See this: https://www.reddit.com/user/SerialBrain2/comments/9gdji5/assessing_the_voat_stop_lets_talk_about_the_exodus/

I went through the same experience coming here, albeit on a much smaller scale.

Short answer to your question: This sub is not "gimped", it's protected from old goats who would down vote anyone they don't agree with into oblivion - with total anonymity, no consequences, and no way for the target to defend themselves. It's Voat's mechanic to protect new users in a new sub from veterans who would censor them by mob down voting. At least when a mod deletes or bans there is a log. When I'm down voted, who did it? I have no idea. Custom CCP is a Voat mechanic. Why are you complaining about a viable Voat mechanic? Complain to Mr. Voat. He's the one who put it in. If you can't stand it, maybe you're not as tough as you think you are.

Why is he attempting to further splinter your group by directing them to a controlled safe space on 8chan?

How many users were on v/GA before this happened? 3.5k? How many now? How many on v/theawakening? How many totally new? How many on both?

This isn't "my" group. There are no "sides" here. WWG1WGA right? Do you take that literally or metaphorically? Apparently literally, since you think that by being on 2 or 3 or even 4 different platforms somehow "splinters" the group. It saddens me that you, and the handful of others in this little tantrum, see this as "us vs them". Even if we don't see eye to eye on everything, we should at least agree that we don't need to be fighting each other.

And yes, "safe space" is a good way to word it. In fact, you have your safe space, don't you? A space where you can talk like an out-of-control teenager with total approval from your peers? A place where, if some "outsider" reprimands you for foul language, insulting speech, or God forbid, lack of intelligent conversation, you and your peers can censor them via a "free speech" voting system? "You're free if we agree with you, otherwise shut the hell up - no posting for you!" That's fine by me. I have no problem with that. It baffles me why you won't reciprocate the principle.

Clearly 8Chan is the end game. Not that I totally agree with it, unless the /patriotsawoken forum can be heavily moderated against porn, gore, etc., you know, all the stuff that most grown up people with jobs and families and such don't want to see. We'll never see the audience there that we would on a PG13 platform. Everyone has different values when it comes to speech and the way to garner the largest audience is to keep it clean. Naming calling, potty mouth, adolescent posts will turn off the majority of people we need to red pill. The people of voting age. The people with money to donate to good candidates.

I saw Voat as a really good place for that - even though there are a bunch of rude, obnoxious, disrespectful, juvenile users here that post all kinds of trash without any kind of coherent thought, having a custom CCP sub solves that problem - for the most part.

Oil and water will never mix, but as long as we can tolerate both subs, I think we can coexist, at least until it's time for us to move to 8Chan - if that ever happens.

Smartest move now is to get along.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

He wouldn't. Why would you lie about him?

Point out, specifically, what I have lied about.

Maybe you and the handful of others on this bandwagon are scared of something? I can't imagine what. So you can't come in to a new sub and down vote people, effectively censoring >them, while you get to post whatever you want? What do you lose that you had before? Total control over new users?

This sub didn't even exist a week ago. You really don't lose anything at all - other than that all-powerful control over new folks. You know, that horrible censorship that you hate? But really like to wield in a not-so-transparent way?

Every last word of the above is one giant strawman. I've never once mentioned downvoating people, censoring anybody, or exerting control on others.That is all shit you just made up in your head, at your own inference. What was that about projection?

See this: https://www.reddit.com/user/SerialBrain2/comments/9gdji5/assessing_the_voat_stop_lets_talk_about_the_exodus/

I went through the same experience coming here, albeit on a much smaller scale.

That sack of shit posted a thread on Eddit directing people to a /v/jokes thread (Seen here), which they intended to use as an upvoat farm. The dummy got caught and downvoated to hell for it, rightfully so. Cry more.

Short answer to your question: This sub is not "gimped", it's protected from old goats who would down vote anyone they don't agree with into oblivion - with total anonymity, no consequences, and no way for the target to defend themselves. It's Voat's mechanic to protect new users in a new sub from veterans who would censor them by mob down voting. At least when a mod deletes or bans there is a log. When I'm down voted, who did it? I have no idea. Custom CCP is a Voat mechanic. Why are you complaining about a viable Voat mechanic? Complain to Mr. Voat. He's the one who put it in. If you can't stand it, maybe you're not as tough as you think you are.

Or it has to do with that fact that your mods/users hoped to have a safe haven upvoat farm, like this post lays out perfectly. Little did you know that none of your precious internet points would count, lol. Maybe it wasn't that though, maybe your mods knew it would gimp the sub (and its users) and did it maliciously. It's odd either way. Also, please feel free to explain why your jew mods were deleting threads from old goats trying to warn the userbase about the CCP restrictions and how it effected them. That sure seems legit.

This isn't "my" group. There are no "sides" here. WWG1WGA right? Do you take that literally or metaphorically? Apparently literally, since you think that by being on 2 or 3 or even 4 different platforms somehow "splinters" the group. It saddens me that you, and the handful of others in this little tantrum, see this as "us vs them". Even if we don't see eye to eye on everything, we should at least agree that we don't need to be fighting each other.

When I say "your group", I mean the group of you that just came from that stinking shithole 4 days ago. There you go being a faggot again, building strawmen. The rest of your blabbering can be summed up by: "boo hoo my pussy hurts mean words bad" and you bashing the userbase here. I don't have a problem with the group of users who just came here, for the most part. I have a problem with kike moderators and "leaders" like NeonJew who are clearly misleading and taking advantage of said userbase.

FreeHillbilly ago

You’re right, I’m wrong.

I’m sorry I offended you and your friends.

Have a nice day.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Have a nice night, rabbi.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Hello, rabbi.

FreeHillbilly ago

Shhh... I’m hunting wabbits