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FreeHillbilly ago


GoogleStoleMyBike ago

You like being lied to?

FreeHillbilly ago

Why do you beat your wife?

TapasTree ago

Lol you faggots are starting to sound just like those reddit shills now.

FreeHillbilly ago

Or it could quite possibly be making fun of the same tiring mantra.... kinda like Russia Russia Russia collusion collusion omg trump Russia... did you not tire of that shit?

At least start a fresh tirade.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Except the NeonJew is demonstratably misleading his followers with lies and misinformation.

FreeHillbilly ago

Or he’s being attacked by shills who want to derail the Q movement.

You can accuse all day long. That doesn’t prove anything other than you want to divide people instead of finding common ground.

I think people on your band wagon are just butt hurt about things. If you’re all that tough then suck it up buttercup. It is what it is.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

If pointing out the lies you're being sold is division to you, than you're not worth saving.

FreeHillbilly ago

What about the lies you’re being sold?

Is this a one way street?

Your way or the highway?

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Nice goalpost shifting, you dumb faggot. This post is specifically directed towards one lying faggot who has demonstratably lied to you. But sure, other people lie too I guess.

FreeHillbilly ago

Name calling doesn’t help your argument.

So out of the thousands of users here you’re the one who knows this beyond any reasonable doubt?

Accusations are a dime a dozen. Proof... real solid evidence... is a little more difficult. So far I haven’t seen it from the handful of accusers here. Makes me think there is an ulterior motive.

Most people are just ignoring you.

I’m trying to do you a favor. Give it a rest.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Name calling doesn’t help your argument.

Eat a dick, faggot.

This post lays it out pretty clearly. It shows that neon faggot is lying to his readers. Why would he lie about the GA sub here at voat? Why is this sub still gimped (CCP restrictions). Why is he attempting to further splinter your group by directing them to a controlled safe space on 8chan?

FreeHillbilly ago

Eat a dick, faggot.

Can you really not help it? Tourette syndrome?

That post you linked is anything but clear. It's just a bunch of accusations based on speculation mixed with half-truths. it's there to plant doubt. It's clearly there to do what you claim NR is trying to do. Define "projection".

It shows that neon faggot is lying to his readers.

Can you go more than 1 sentence without resorting to name calling? That just displays a lack of rational thought. Again, define "projection".

Why would he lie about the GA sub here at voat?

He wouldn't. Why would you lie about him?

Maybe you and the handful of others on this bandwagon are scared of something? I can't imagine what. So you can't come in to a new sub and down vote people, effectively censoring them, while you get to post whatever you want? What do you lose that you had before? Total control over new users?

This sub didn't even exist a week ago. You really don't lose anything at all - other than that all-powerful control over new folks. You know, that horrible censorship that you hate? But really like to wield in a not-so-transparent way?

Why is this sub still gimped (CCP restrictions).

Even though this ends in a period, I assume it's a question.

See this:

I went through the same experience coming here, albeit on a much smaller scale.

Short answer to your question: This sub is not "gimped", it's protected from old goats who would down vote anyone they don't agree with into oblivion - with total anonymity, no consequences, and no way for the target to defend themselves. It's Voat's mechanic to protect new users in a new sub from veterans who would censor them by mob down voting. At least when a mod deletes or bans there is a log. When I'm down voted, who did it? I have no idea. Custom CCP is a Voat mechanic. Why are you complaining about a viable Voat mechanic? Complain to Mr. Voat. He's the one who put it in. If you can't stand it, maybe you're not as tough as you think you are.

Why is he attempting to further splinter your group by directing them to a controlled safe space on 8chan?

How many users were on v/GA before this happened? 3.5k? How many now? How many on v/theawakening? How many totally new? How many on both?

This isn't "my" group. There are no "sides" here. WWG1WGA right? Do you take that literally or metaphorically? Apparently literally, since you think that by being on 2 or 3 or even 4 different platforms somehow "splinters" the group. It saddens me that you, and the handful of others in this little tantrum, see this as "us vs them". Even if we don't see eye to eye on everything, we should at least agree that we don't need to be fighting each other.

And yes, "safe space" is a good way to word it. In fact, you have your safe space, don't you? A space where you can talk like an out-of-control teenager with total approval from your peers? A place where, if some "outsider" reprimands you for foul language, insulting speech, or God forbid, lack of intelligent conversation, you and your peers can censor them via a "free speech" voting system? "You're free if we agree with you, otherwise shut the hell up - no posting for you!" That's fine by me. I have no problem with that. It baffles me why you won't reciprocate the principle.

Clearly 8Chan is the end game. Not that I totally agree with it, unless the /patriotsawoken forum can be heavily moderated against porn, gore, etc., you know, all the stuff that most grown up people with jobs and families and such don't want to see. We'll never see the audience there that we would on a PG13 platform. Everyone has different values when it comes to speech and the way to garner the largest audience is to keep it clean. Naming calling, potty mouth, adolescent posts will turn off the majority of people we need to red pill. The people of voting age. The people with money to donate to good candidates.

I saw Voat as a really good place for that - even though there are a bunch of rude, obnoxious, disrespectful, juvenile users here that post all kinds of trash without any kind of coherent thought, having a custom CCP sub solves that problem - for the most part.

Oil and water will never mix, but as long as we can tolerate both subs, I think we can coexist, at least until it's time for us to move to 8Chan - if that ever happens.

Smartest move now is to get along.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

He wouldn't. Why would you lie about him?

Point out, specifically, what I have lied about.

Maybe you and the handful of others on this bandwagon are scared of something? I can't imagine what. So you can't come in to a new sub and down vote people, effectively censoring >them, while you get to post whatever you want? What do you lose that you had before? Total control over new users?

This sub didn't even exist a week ago. You really don't lose anything at all - other than that all-powerful control over new folks. You know, that horrible censorship that you hate? But really like to wield in a not-so-transparent way?

Every last word of the above is one giant strawman. I've never once mentioned downvoating people, censoring anybody, or exerting control on others.That is all shit you just made up in your head, at your own inference. What was that about projection?

See this:

I went through the same experience coming here, albeit on a much smaller scale.

That sack of shit posted a thread on Eddit directing people to a /v/jokes thread (Seen here), which they intended to use as an upvoat farm. The dummy got caught and downvoated to hell for it, rightfully so. Cry more.

Short answer to your question: This sub is not "gimped", it's protected from old goats who would down vote anyone they don't agree with into oblivion - with total anonymity, no consequences, and no way for the target to defend themselves. It's Voat's mechanic to protect new users in a new sub from veterans who would censor them by mob down voting. At least when a mod deletes or bans there is a log. When I'm down voted, who did it? I have no idea. Custom CCP is a Voat mechanic. Why are you complaining about a viable Voat mechanic? Complain to Mr. Voat. He's the one who put it in. If you can't stand it, maybe you're not as tough as you think you are.

Or it has to do with that fact that your mods/users hoped to have a safe haven upvoat farm, like this post lays out perfectly. Little did you know that none of your precious internet points would count, lol. Maybe it wasn't that though, maybe your mods knew it would gimp the sub (and its users) and did it maliciously. It's odd either way. Also, please feel free to explain why your jew mods were deleting threads from old goats trying to warn the userbase about the CCP restrictions and how it effected them. That sure seems legit.

This isn't "my" group. There are no "sides" here. WWG1WGA right? Do you take that literally or metaphorically? Apparently literally, since you think that by being on 2 or 3 or even 4 different platforms somehow "splinters" the group. It saddens me that you, and the handful of others in this little tantrum, see this as "us vs them". Even if we don't see eye to eye on everything, we should at least agree that we don't need to be fighting each other.

When I say "your group", I mean the group of you that just came from that stinking shithole 4 days ago. There you go being a faggot again, building strawmen. The rest of your blabbering can be summed up by: "boo hoo my pussy hurts mean words bad" and you bashing the userbase here. I don't have a problem with the group of users who just came here, for the most part. I have a problem with kike moderators and "leaders" like NeonJew who are clearly misleading and taking advantage of said userbase.

FreeHillbilly ago

You’re right, I’m wrong.

I’m sorry I offended you and your friends.

Have a nice day.

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

Have a nice night, rabbi.