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Rainy-Day-Dream ago

btw I read through the whole thing to criticize him and I wanted to point out

Third, I want to address why we didn’t go with .v/GreatAwakening.

...seem to be

We believe...

And we believe...

this reads like that bullshit report on "russian interference" the DNI one that dropped early in January of 2017 where instead of backing their claims with any evidence they just kept insisting that "We assess" it to be so.

Crensch ago

"News at 9: RDD carpet-bombs NR so badly that NR has disappeared from the internet in a shame-related-AWOL"

NeonRevolt ago

Uh, no.

I chose my words very deliberately.

There's a reason this story was highlighted by BV on /qresearch/ today by the team there.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'My reply to NEON REVOLTs REPLY YO ME. Also my thoughts and a REQUEST.' was posted in v/theawakening by @srayzie and includes this reply from @kneo24:

Here's a comment I made elsewhere about him.

NR makes a post lying about v/GreatAwakening, and ultimately it's mod @srayzie, indicating it's somehow comped over a mere ping list. A ping list has nothing to do with moderation of the subverse or how the subverse is ran. She created the ping list to get the attention of users who may miss what she feels are important topics.

The proof that said ping list is somehow bad, was because two users had "toast" in their name, but lacked the detail all of the evidence before it had. It was simply a move of "dazzle them with bullshit" in my opinion to convey a lie.

NR's own words in regards to that article is, "I choose my words very carefully." Multiple have no asked him to clear up the outright lie he used, and he refuses to address it other than that statement I just gave.

Just from that alone, he was given multiple opportunities to come clean. If I were to take NR by their word alone, he deliberately sowed doubt and discord with super flimsy evidence. We can only speculate why as he refuses to actually address the issue.

Just recently he made a post on gab about FoT. I know next to nothing about the drama going on there, but I did look at the evidence that was presented for this. The topic is about FoT trying to buy influence.

His evidence is a cropped picture, showing someone else offering FoT influence for a few concessions. FoT comes back with a money related comment - probably a joke, but one can't be sure since all we have is a cropped picture cutting out the rest of the conversation that took place. He uses that cropped picture as evidence someone is trying to buy favor, when in reality that isn't what happened.

If I were to assume that FoT's comment about shekels was infact real and the cropped picture is the entire conversation, it doesn't make what FoT wrote any more nefarious. What you then see is a negotiation between two parties, where "your side" comes to him first, offering said influence.

Let's go back to NR's own words. This is from his "Don't trust v/GreatAwakening" rant.

And in truth, part of the way I’ve viewed my job here, writing on the site during this time, is as part translator/part filter.

In other words, I wade through rivers of excrement, dive in deep to pull out the gold nuggets, and leave the filth behind.

These are the words of a gate keeper. Q asks you guys to figure out the messages for himself so you can warn others of what is happening. He doesn't tell you all to follow someone who is telling you his message. Messages are often distorted, twisted, or lost in translation. You are always free to go to Q's boards on 8chan and ask for clarifications if you're stuck in your research - Q may not respond, but the option exists.

The real issue with this type of gate keeping that NR is doing is the monetary incentive. At the end of each of his articles, there's the ole, "buy my merchandise" bit. Q himself could be making millions upon millions from the information he has through extortion, blackmail, and espionage. Q has chosen to do none of this.

Just from looking at these few things from NR very recently, it looks very suspect. First it's flimsy evidence that doesn't show anything is compromised, and the second thing is something being taken out of context and twisted to fit a narrative much like the MSM does. There's also the admitted gate keeping with "buy my stuff" which shows a monetary incentive to keep you hooked on the line with what he wants to tell you. If more and more of you read his material, that's more opportunity to sell you things.

I'm just asking you to consider these actions as of late. If NR is a force for good, why is he purposely lying and then not engaging in further discussion about it when asked? Why is he trying to make money from this movement?

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SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'FRESH BREAD: Patriots Awoken General #2: TOGETHER WE WIN Edition' was posted in v/theawakening by @NeonRevolt and includes this reply from @kneo24:

I choose my words very carefully.

Which means that he lied on purpose. He's been given multiple opportunities to come clean about it.

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Crensch ago

Because they're either compromised like you are, or they're too stupid to figure out what a bunch of racists on vote figured out.

It didn't escape me that Q himself didn't say shit about your post, but some "team" did.

Your mic drop moment was beyond pathetic, and you should apologize to everyone for your failure to demonstrate a good reason for you to Hold Your Position.

What do you think you look like when your reason for splitting the community is so easily shown to be a farce?

I'll give you a little while to let all of this sink in, and then I will make sure everybody that is in the Q community in any capacity sees you for the community splitter you are. That is, unless you make a real apology to everyone on voat and everyone in the Q community and eat a dish of humble pie.

I calculate that's about the best result you're going to get out of all of this.

SemperFortis99 ago

Don't worry. NR, won't repond, when people show they will continously stand up to him. This is now his safe place because /v/ta mods turned off the down vote function, or they are blocking some users from using it. I would never trust their utopian 8chan board for famfags!

kneo24 ago

I chose my words very deliberately.

I dunno man. This tells me he chose to deliberately sow doubt and discord between two communities looking to do the same thing.


he probably chose his words carefully and then was surprised when those words found the reality of the world. everyone is a victim of mind control - the mind controlled happened BEFORE anyone currently alive was alive... humans consistently and summarily act as the result of pre-programming from our earliest age. [it is difficult to know who are [the agents of control] [and who are the ones that are just caught in their sway] [or in the sway of their own false realities]] [[double metaphorical killbox]]. my personal theology is that jesus will ultimately determine these things and in the meantime our best chance to discern is to thru the holy spirit (but this is often specific to us and revealing of our own failing in comprehension, context and empathy - in other words lots of people point out the importance of self observation to other people but no one does it themselves).