MaryKrazy ago

Wow! Lots of angry, ugly comments here. Looks like a hate campaign to me.

Loveamerica ago

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'The Mods Here And Their Inner Circle Are A Bunch of Liars - Change My Mind' was posted in v/theawakening by @kneo24 and refers to this submission.

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Le_Squish ago

Believe him cuz he said so, goys.

Looks like you are engineering a fall guy. Similar thing was done with Mossad's Alex Jones.

I'm not telling newfags to stop trusting you but they absolutely should be skeptical off anything you claim.

80% truth, 20% disinfo is a standard shill tactic.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'@NeonRevolt is a lying kike' was posted in v/theawakening by @GoogleStoleMyBike and includes this reply from @kneo24:

Is it really? NR makes a post lying about v/GreatAwakening, and ultimately it's mod @srayzie, indicating it's somehow comped over a mere ping list. A ping list has nothing to do with moderation of the subverse or how the subverse is ran. She created the ping list to get the attention of users who may miss what she feels are important topics.

The proof that said ping list is somehow bad, was because two users had "toast" in their name, but lacked the detail all of the evidence before it had. It was simply a move of "dazzle them with bullshit" in my opinion to convey a lie.

NR's own words in regards to that article is, "I choose my words very carefully." Multiple have no asked him to clear up the outright lie he used, and he refuses to address it other than that statement I just gave.

Just from that alone, he was given multiple opportunities to come clean. If I were to take NR by their word alone, he deliberately sowed doubt and discord with super flimsy evidence. We can only speculate why as he refuses to actually address the issue.

Just recently he made a post on gab about FoT. I know next to nothing about the drama going on there, but I did look at the evidence that was presented for this. The topic is about FoT trying to buy influence.

His evidence is a cropped picture, showing someone else offering FoT influence for a few concessions. FoT comes back with a money related comment - probably a joke, but one can't be sure since all we have is a cropped picture cutting out the rest of the conversation that took place. He uses that cropped picture as evidence someone is trying to buy favor, when in reality that isn't what happened.

If I were to assume that FoT's comment about shekels was infact real and the cropped picture is the entire conversation, it doesn't make what FoT wrote any more nefarious. What you then see is a negotiation between two parties, where "your side" comes to him first, offering said influence.

Just from looking at these two things from NR very recently, it looks very suspect. First it's flimsy evidence that doesn't show anything is compromised, and the second thing is something being taken out of context and twisted to fit a narrative much like the MSM does.

I'm not asking you to like the hyperbole of "lying kike". I'm just asking you to consideration these two actions as of late. If NR is a force for good, why is he purposely lying and then not engaging in further discussion about it when asked?

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SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'@NeonRevolt is a lying kike' was posted in v/theawakening by @GoogleStoleMyBike and includes this reply from @kneo24:

You might as well add the faggots latest gab link here in this sub as well where he claims someone is trying to buy favor with them. It's a cropped image, showing someone offering them something, and it appears the other person is making a joke.

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BonesDC ago

FoT putting the poison in Neon's cup of PAYtroitism.

Lol Neon drink deeply.

ModB ago

FoT’s response in the pic seems more like sarcasm. Using this as a proof of buying influence is just taking words out of context and spinning them to fit a narrative. MSM tactics. We’re supposed to be better than this. This comes across as the equivalent of pounding a square peg in a round hole.

kneo24 ago

Don't worry, NeonRevolt won't have anything to say about this. He'll just ignore it and move on, trying to keep corralling people so he can hawk his merchandise at you guys.

kneo24 ago

Wow, a picture without further context. What was said in the discussion after the shekels comment? You were wrong about v/GreatAwakening being compromised over a ping list, how can I trust this?

To me, it looks like someone is making a joke, or not. It's hard to tell without further context to see what was said.