@NeonRevolt is a lying kike (theawakening)
submitted 6.4 years ago by GoogleStoleMyBike
Stop giving it shekels and clicks
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nhbctpti 6.4 years ago
GSMB- What is your basis, source, logic, and reasoning for your claim?
Support your claim.
GoogleStoleMyBike 6.4 years ago
Here you go
kneo24 6.4 years ago
You might as well add the faggots latest gab link here in this sub as well where he claims someone is trying to buy favor with them. It's a cropped image, showing someone offering them something, and it appears the other person is making a joke.
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nhbctpti ago
GSMB- What is your basis, source, logic, and reasoning for your claim?
Support your claim.
GoogleStoleMyBike ago
Here you go
kneo24 ago
You might as well add the faggots latest gab link here in this sub as well where he claims someone is trying to buy favor with them. It's a cropped image, showing someone offering them something, and it appears the other person is making a joke.