FeCpig ago


Nunyobizness ago

Is it a legitimate test or real but MSM.is calling it a test? Who knows....

crazy_cajun ago

I think it will be a hoot because only a small number of the over population will know it is coming. People are gonna freak out when all the phones go off at the same time. It will be sheer panic. Best comedy show ever. Now if you happen to be on the street at that time be very careful because you know that while it is absolutely illegal in some states many people will reach for their phone, take longer than usual to figure out what is going on and accidents are gonna be happening everywhere. Get ready to dodge the crazies.

deplorablecanadian ago

Q said it was there to ensure NSA could suss out any left over CIA interference / deep state blocks

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'@NeonRevolt is a lying kike' was posted in v/theawakening by @GoogleStoleMyBike and includes this reply from @fuckmyreddit:

THIS WHOLE SUB IS INFESTED WITH SHILLS. You goats were right. We have a Reddit Shill infestation. Look at the first 10 or more posts on this sub in my link. Get the Raid. https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2724381

This is terrible. I feel like creepy bugs are crawling all over me. INFESTATION ALERT!

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fuckmyreddit ago

Yes, I posted that. What the fuck are you up to. You all sound like you're typing from Bangalore or whatever. We dont need this here.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'FEMA says Trump will NOT be doing the texting on Sept 20th' was posted in v/CSSTest02 by @ObamasPinkSock and permalinks this submission.

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fuckmyreddit ago

Yeah, you are obviously not from around here. You sound like stepford wives.

Edit: Nevermind, it's a bot. I'm so retarded sometimes.

Man_Quan ago

A long time ago, Q said that we should expect an increase in testing of the Emergency Management Systems (EMS like in Hawaii) and the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS which is nation wide). I had the feeling that Q was hinting that EMS and EBS would be used when the deep state take down reached the point where the media completely shut down all deep state opposition and/or if there were civil disturbances such as violent ANTIFA riots it would be the way the President provides information directly to the people--bypassing the spin of the MSM and social media platforms.

It will only be used in the event of a real emergency. There are other effective ways to deal with the media until then. It will also be used in the event of an ICBM attack much like the EMS system was used in the Hawaii "accident."

VioletStorms ago

Preparing the systems. Getting all in readiness.


Same day as POTUS rally in Las Vegas, do you believe in coincidences?

magavoices ago

It feels like we're in the endgame. Big things are happening. The mobile alert test feels like Christmas is coming.

DrSelfAppointed ago

Same as the amber alerts that get pushed to phones.

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'FEMA says Trump will NOT be doing the texting on Sept 20th' was posted in v/theawakening by @Awake2Truth and permalinks this submission.

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Spookybutt ago

To ensure if he really needs the system to talk with the American people that it's not compromised in any way...

FeCpig ago

One more thing for them to waste ammo, steltzer is already flapping over it

AlluvialRed ago

the Thursday test day isn’t special. This is more of a prerequisite to get online for a later moment

153545 ago

This is just a test!

EarnYourVote ago

If it is the fall back option for communicating, that really shows how locked up social media and MSM are by DS.

ValuableFix ago

Shaping up to be a case of 'Future Proves Past" Q34

Q Clearance Patriot

My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast.** We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake news) to all citizens****. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

Buster1 ago

With the censoring on social media only getting worse this may be one of the last platforms to reach everyone, when the truth bombs get more intense i think we can expect more of a complete shutdown of anything MAGA, things are coming to a head and I believe we will see a rapid escalation.

Outcome5 ago

Safeguard to reach us all if the cabal uses the killswitch plan on the internet.

RidingWithTheKBoys ago

The storm is upon us

jsmithhomegrown3 ago

My thoughts exactly.

Textualintercourse ago

Fuck Twitter. POTUS should have done this direct to phone from the start, people care more about their fucking phones than their own flesh and blood. This will be the ultimate "Fuck You" to the [C]_A comp'd MSM and Social Media Kikes.

Nattylitecoin ago

I think it serves as a resilience test for this protocol. Every deep state hacker and their college CS professor are going to launch cyber against it. Vulnerabilities will be assessed, the protocol will be hardened for production, then MOAB time.

Hope Q confirms this on Thursday.


Circumspectator ago

Someone mentioned that Monday, September 17th was Constitution Day. That would be an appropriate day for some major BOOMS, but the 20th seems more likely as everyone with a mobile device will receive a message from POTUS.

djsepsis ago

Could it be the week that sh*t goes down? Kavanagh confirmation, FISA declas, potentially Mueller/RR removed leading to civil unrest/martial law?

usa100000 ago

In case of serious false flag.

betoche ago

Anyone notice the the usually 'vocal' (and was tweeting a lot) John Brennan's last tweet was Sept 3 ?? Could he be in custody? To not tweet for more than 2 weeks, with all the stuff going down? He would normally be in the fray. https://twitter.com/JohnBrennan

Curious_1_Q ago

I just followed your link to John Brennan, it seems he posted Seot 16, 2018.

It’s neither illegal nor a witch hunt. Thankfully, most Americans have confidence in Bob Mueller & believe in legitimacy of investigation. Irrespective of party, all should accept Mueller’s findings as apolitical, whether they ascribe probable guilt or innocence to you & others.

KnightsWhoSayREEEEEE ago

I did not notice, that's a very good point. That dude is usually off his rocker on social media.

southern_grammar ago

Good to know that they're testing the service as it will give the WH a direct line of communication to everyone without relying on intermediary media sources. But people who are hyping themselves up and assuming that they're going to drop some secret info on the public to redpill them on Thursday are delusional. At minimum, they're setting themselves up for disappointment.

KnightsWhoSayREEEEEE ago

What if he used it to send out the message "the storm is upon us". Would be so amazing.

southern_grammar ago

We'd all collectively flip our lids, no doubt.

dolos-1 ago

I'm commenting in the hope that gratuitous upvoting will occur permitting me to contribute at th elevel I could on other GA sites that shall remain nameless.

Rocks860 ago

Upvotes don’t count here, need to go to v/greatawakening and comment there, they will count toward your CCP and when you get 10 you can contribute here.

jbo5112 ago

Try posting useful comments instead

MatildaQ ago

Has the media been notifying those that watch CNN etc.?

And this from Q

09-17-2018 04:13:12 AEST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID:cb7fb5 No.3046898

TEST [Thursday] by DoD to confirm 'free-flow' of direct comms. POTUS SPEC AUTH REQ [think 'the football']. NSA monitoring for any attempts to disrupt and/or term access. CENTRAL Command. Q

It appears they are making sure that the system has no disruptions.

jbo5112 ago

The article I read about it was from CNN. I wanted to check how well known it was, so I Googled it.

MatildaQ ago

Thanks. Just wondering because it will probably be a shock to those who haven’t heard.

exoter60 ago

Under Obaminable, I would have been very unsettled with this whole thing. Under Trump, I am ok with it. Most importantly, for the reason that he can bypass the MSM go directly to the people. This will surely drive the MSM crazy.

RidingWithTheKBoys ago

I think Thu is a legit test to see how many messages are delivered across ALL carriers, bounces, etc. Also a way to see if there is any manipulation or interference in the delivery if the text.

Going forward, it is a way for DT to communicate directly to virtually EVERY American who has a cell phone. This will allow for a complete bypass of the compromised MSM. Thanks Obama for giving free cell phones to every American at little to no cost...

fuckmyreddit ago

This is evil. And I wish I could Downvoat you shills. Evil. Fucking evil.

Textualintercourse ago

All those Obamaphones used by POTUS to talk directly to GibsmeDats.. love it!

Mustardly ago

Using their own tools against them: Obama Phone becomes redpill IV

Fitzgerrald ago

Seems to be a way to detect how the message reaches everybody, and whether it arrives in certain regions either changed, or not at all.

OpposableGums ago

I can't wait until my boss gets a text message on HIS phone from Donald Trump. I might even camp out in his office just to see the expression on his face. <camera-out>Record</camera-out>

fuckmyreddit ago

You people are all saying the same thing. OH ISN'T IT WONDERFUL THAT TRUMP CAN TEXT US.

What you dont say is THIS IS A SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM AND MORE. I feel like I'm in The Body Snatchers movie and you fucksters are pod people. You are as bad as those youtube videos where they are shills setting us up for an alien invasion.

Goats, get out of this sub. It's polluted. Go to the Great Awakening sub. The other place. Run goats run. I'm outta here.

Go here: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening

South_Paws_US ago

Oh gosh that made me laugh! Thank you! hhahahahahahahahahahah

jsmithhomegrown3 ago

Lol please post it.

OpposableGums ago

Thanks! but I don't yet qualify to post.

KnightsWhoSayREEEEEE ago

The tears will cause some massive flooding. The Californians need that water.

Thenamedontmatter ago

Q says POTUS SPEC AUTH REQ [think 'the football'].

Does think the football refer to the atomic football?

Tmb17q ago

Poss soccer ball he got from putin

n8dgr8 ago

I wonder if they’re upgrading the football to allow the messages to be transmitted from it directly.

Fitzgerrald ago

That's my guess. We've been warned -- for years, now -- that we're in an "information war," so that comparison makes perfect sense.

CaptainCadaver ago

Buy water and batteries

ReadyToRide ago

Couldn’t agree more. September being National Preparedness Month, all that is going on with the Govt and this solar observatory mystery, and on and on. Might wanna have the cars gassed up Wednesday and have your bug out bags ready to ride.

Irish1018 ago

Same reason you target practice!! Be Ready!

Q_Continuum ago

Also a way for POTUS to communicate directly with the American people if social media(Twitter) happens to crap on him.

dmt3rdi ago

It is much more than a twitter replacement. The "Wireless Emergency Alert: system allows messages to be targeted based on geography and other criteria. https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/senate-bill/1180/text

By next year the system is to provide geo-targeting resolution of 0.1 miles. https://www.fcc.gov/news-events/blog/2018/04/10/wireless-emergency-alerts-update

So imagine a situation where there is unrest in major cities or bad guys roaming the countryside. NSA will have visibility. You could imagine if let's say a violent mob convenes on some particular street corner in the city, this system could send targeted messages to anyone near that intersection to tell them to turn away.

Or taking it a little further: if you live alone out in a wheat field in Nebraska, this system could send you, individually in effect, a message to alert you that a bad guy is coming to your house.

This is unprecedented. CENTRAL Command - Q2186

fuckmyreddit ago

Oh fuck fuck fuck this crap. This emergency broadcast system sounds like FUCKING 5G for your phone.

My husband upgraded to 4G or something more powerful than what we have now. This new system sounds like those microwave signals they are going to put on all the telephone polls. I made my husband get rid of the 4G wifi box and we went back to a slower wifi because the other thing hurt my head.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck, I'm going to have to live on a sailboat to get rid of that horrid buzzing invisible spider web of frequencies. This is terrible.

How in the world did we get along all these years without an emergency broadcast system. Some of you emergency broadcast promoters sound awfully shilly.

dmt3rdi ago

The alert system is software. It doesn't matter what frequency or "generation" your radio is. Cell companies have been able to locate your phone based on which cell towers you can reach since the beginning of mobile tech. GPS is what gives more precise location than that.

So, maybe RF is hurting your head but that is a separate problem from whatever alert system features are programmed.

Rattlingofhertail ago

It would be weird if the president would tweet to your phone whether you like it or not. It's just a test of the system if you ask me.

KnightsWhoSayREEEEEE ago

I know it would never happen but could you imagine if he started shit posting over the presidential alert system?

Captainzoomer ago

Hahahaha! "My fellow Americans, Michelle Obama is a tranny. God Bless."

dodgyrog ago

"Dear Leftists, thankyou for letting me live rent free in your heads, but it is lonely there so I will being moving to your phone. Bless, 4,10,20,45"

Old_Man_In_A_Can ago

Agree, think it’s to see who will try to interfere and open a direct channel to the people.

jhomes55 ago

And believe me....they WILL try to interfere. These people are STUPID!!!