QAngelAnon1 ago

Agree. The 'Hurricane' path on the east coast of the US is the same as the east coast of China. Coincidence? Look at the diagrams - they're identical.

Israelie leader Benjamen Netanyahu gave a bizzare presentaion on 9-11 referring to NY being bom'd (not terrorist attacks as per the usual terminology and also mentioned terrorism) My guess is theyr're behind this. Prior to giving out the Congressional Medal of honour, POTUS told they'd deployed everything they had to the east coast - including military and that their number 1 goal was to preserve life. He repeated it twice to which the marines yelled "-Hoor-ah" (the battlecry Purin did a live emergency evacuation trial (ala alert practice) involving the actual run for 10 Million people. Russia AND the US are at threat from China and Iran (aka Israel) - watch what happens out of Argentina, Pakistan and Taiwan. Syria is being used (as was N.K) as a launching pad. There have been many attacks against Russia. 8 Large observatories were shut last week - mainland USA, Chile, Hawaii, Australia incl A new-clear plant shut down in USA... evacuations and disaster relief planned for the east coast of the US FEMA doc released this week and coincidental "Emergency alert" test FISA doc will be the opening of Pandoras box. Once the 'seal is broken' they have nothing to lose and will stop at nothing to win.

Awake2Truth ago

Excellent Post! Isn't it interesting how NATO has been called into question, especially Germany, and we are now allies with Russia, NK, Saudi Arabia, and India--They were all as sick of deep state raping their sovereignty and resources. Trump has turned the corrupt (illuminati, cabal, globalists, etc) on its head. Hoo-ah indeed!

ShaneE11183386 ago

As far as we know it's just the test so I believe them when they say it's not him, the 2nd one we get in the future will be the important one and so on

Awake2Truth ago

Yeah--think you are right.

ShaneE11183386 ago

Itd be awesome if he trolled the left with this one though haha