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Rainy-Day-Dream ago

many of us come directly from the chans

yeah, I don't believe this at all

we don’t want to enrage the entire userbase of Voat

a little late for that

But you’re going to have to be patient with us.


I’m not saying you guys have to do anything for us, but in reality, any help you could give us in expediting this process (for instance, by turning off the downvote pings so our mods can actually function normally) would be helpful in expediting this process.

"change the rules for us"

We thought we only had ~70k subscribers.

The reality was closer to 300k.


and we hope you’ll give us the chance to prove it.

I'm not big on 2nd chances tbh

And if you’ve spent any time on the chans, you know that they’re often filled with porn, gore, and all sorts of offensive material.

I believe they're from the chans even less now

the rest is a bunch of cryptic and vague nonsense and movies references

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

In other words, I wade through rivers of excrement, dive in deep to pull out the gold nuggets, and leave the filth behind.

You go to a website and steal content you deem "safe", you self-important kike.

And in truth, part of the way I’ve viewed my job here, writing on the site during this time, is as part translator/part filter.

This says it all. To sum it all up, this extremely brave faggot neon jew goes to a naughty website and determines which "facts" you dumb fucks are allowed to see. Get it? Do you see the problem here?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

why didn't they just go to /Qresearch/ in the first place? if they have Q anon himself why do they need so many other faggots to lead them?

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

It's almost as if Q is a jewish larp to placate the heavily armed and frustrated masses of a nation by sowing fantasies about an anonymous, golden savior who is "laying out a master plan" to take down the totally-not-jews who are subverting their nation and its every last value.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

who knows, I just want to bully redditors so they'll stop fucking voat up. Also because bullying is fun