SearchVoatBot ago

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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well he's a real shill, that's for sure, and he's attacked me on numerous occasions for the past two years. I didn't gather my proof, but any time I see his name I expect B.S. to follow.

argosciv ago

9 months ago I asked argosciv very nicely to explain his words to me. I explained to him that his words were ambiguous and by and large meaningless. I tried to ask specific questions in order to make things easier on him.

There wasn't even an ounce of effort on his part to clarify.

Yes, you've been nice to me in the past & I very much appreciated it. Despite everything of late, I still appreciate how you conduct yourself here on voat - even when the not-so-nice stuff is directed at me.

The reason I neglected to put in effort there at that time, was because my research was indeed in utter disarray and I needed to lay it out - if not for others, for myself to be able to go back and review various aspects so that I can attempt to clarify and add a lot more at a later stage.

^ Leads in to the next part here, regarding the deplorable state of my earliest entries: (I'll spare quoting this entire section to save space)

Yes, I wholeheartedly agree that many of the earliest entries are an abhorrent mess. I'm not proud of that.

At the time of my earliest entries, I was still figuring out the markdown syntax and working on how to make things easier to read and have continued to try to refine my presentation along the way. I was also trying to cram way too much into the 10k character limit, without considering the option of letting the research bleed into extra comments(I also was not drafting my entries in .txt documents, having switched to doing so and bleeding into comments later on in the series).

That's my bad for assuming that others would have the time to look at the cramming and be able to extrapolate exactly what I was looking at.

And he who he pings is rather telling given the list of users attacking the mods recently.

As for the suspicious pings, well, again this was early days for me in terms of becoming an active poster & I truly had no idea who could or could not be trusted. Again, as time has passed, I have also tried to refine my pings while determining who can and cannot be trusted - I'm fallible and fucked up a few times in the process of elimination, but, I've been willing to cut people from my pings list as suspicions arise.

I understand how suspicious many of those pings are and am even embarrassed/angered that I ever trusted some of those people & otherwise neglected to take the time to do history checks in the early days. I put energy, time and trust into people who fooled me and did not otherwise deserve it; for that, I am sorry.

Getting back to the entries you listed, though:

[0. Root of Corruption: Touching on Racine, WI - Part 1 & 2]

Here's a pizzagatewhatever post defining words for us in an attempt to befuddle the unwary and get them to go along with his mind gymnastics about a place called Racine, Wisconsin. Just scroll over it quick. He gives you the wikipedia link for Wisconsin, and quotes something completely irrelevant. Then Nicaragua. Then Hurricane names. He puts in bold the words "Joseph and Mary".

In submission 2, he STILL won't touch directly on Racine, ostensibly the whole point of both of these submissions.

Links to wikipedia for Slavery in the US, Cuban revolution, Nicaraguan revolution, mentions of Kurt Cobain, Jimmy Hoffa, Emerson Electric, Queen Victoria, 1905 Russian Revolution...

This wasn't an attempt to befuddle at all, it was just a poor choice of presentation and a result of cramming - I was still trying to make sense of what I was reading and what the connections may or may not be(If I recall correctly, I spent a few nights going back and forth without properly taking notes, haphazardly dumping snippets without properly explaining). As it would turn out, Racine is not as strongly relevant as Wisconsin itself abroad; my research began to center more on Plainfield than Racine. Although some of what I garnered from Racine does hold some amount of relevance, I have indeed forgotten to put this into a more coherent context.

The reason the extra stuff was included(Hurricanes, Nicaragua, Russia, historical events, etc) was because from Racine, my research did jump over to these subjects in a massive chain(unfortunately, some of the relevance has been forgotten and left to collect dust - some things may no longer be relevant even). It was inappropriate to just slap the links down in this manner, which I have come to realize over my time here.

[1. Root of Corruption - Part 3: Charles Augustus Lindbergh; Lindbergh kidnapping]

As explained at the bottom of this entry, this is when I decided on a new/cleaner title format due to the research going much broader and no longer being specifically about Wisconsin(Racine or even Plainfield) alone.

That's no acceptable excuse for how short and effectively empty this entry was at the time, but, I did come back to the subject very strongly after "Part 13", in the following:

[2. Root of Corruption - Annex: Addendum RE: #WHQOPSI: Jim Carrey]

Where I discussed in comment 8/9, in relation to the Lindbergh kidnapping, potential Freemason corruption and curiosities/links with regards to timing, locations and events involving Scientology, NXIVM, George Soros, Michael Avenatti & Andy Warhol - to name a few.

There's more coming on the Warhol link in my upcoming entry which has been severely delayed due to the Jem777 situation (I have very much wanted to get back to this work, rather than get involved with the shit storm).

[3. Root of Corruption - Part 4: The "Manson-Presley-Ford" Case]

This one is another utter mess and without wishing to excuse it, again it is a result of cramming and haphazard dumping due to neglecting to properly take notes and organize the information into a draft - what also went wrong with this entry, was that at the time of writing/posting, I did not realize just how much I was working with.

Even looking over it as I write this, I've noticed more common ground that it has with later entries.

With regards to the friend I mentioned: (Note that this person is not at all someone here on voat, they've never read my research, I simply discuss a wide range of topics with him)


my friend is very much like me & has a different way of having obtained similar knowledge(I will reveal no more), he is not always sure why he says what he says but he has proven vital at times & always delivers abstractly.

I don't think he'd be too upset with my explaining some of what makes his mind tick in relation to the above;

He has been an insomniac his entire life & as such, has spent countless hours awake in the dark(thus conscious during biological-processes that should instead occur while dreaming) thinking on a lot of things with respect to 'the big picture'.


Retard friend mentions

He's not even remotely retarded. It was in appropriate for me to use this word with regards to srayzie and for that I'm sorry, but, it is just as inappropriate for you to say this about someone you've had zero interaction with. I understand that you're not happy with how I referenced the conversation I had with him regarding part 4, but, my poor wording/presentation is not at all reflective of his intelligence.

That aside, the dot connections you put there, Crensch, are understandably sarcastic - I don't blame you for mocking the messy nature of the entry, but, to explain it:

-> [Pressly | Pres[s]l[e]y | Presley[, Elvis] | "Old Shep" | "Shep"] <-

What I was explaining here, is that when I considered Not Another Teen Movie, Marilyn Manson and Jamie Pressly - in combination with "Old Shep", which I came across when looking up "Shep" after being prompted by the conversation with my friend - I was reminded strongly by the surname, of Elvis Presley, due to their similarity. Elvis's death has always struck me as suspicious, but, at the time of Part 4, I had not yet begun to take Scientology into account...

It wasn't until recently that I actually came across Elvis's encounter with Scientologists: (Indeed, the Presley family has a few connections on this subject)


~Lamar Fike, who was part of Elvis' "Memphis mafia," says: "He stayed away from Scientology like it was a cobra. He'd s*** a brick if he knew how far Lisa's gotten into it."

The Scientologists once tried to recruit Elvis, Fike says. He recalls that Elvis fumed: "The hell with those people. There's no way I'll ever get involved with that s.o.b. group. All they want is my money."

[5. |]:

~Elvis himself wanted nothing to do with Scientology. According to the book “Elvis Aaron Presley: Revelations From the Memphis Mafia,” co-written by Elvis’ friend Marty Lacker, after a visit to the Scientology center in Los Angeles, Elvis said, “F - - k those people! There’s no way I’ll ever get involved with that son-of-a-bitchin’ group. All they want is my money.”

[6. |]

[7. |]

Continued in reply to this comment...

argosciv ago

Explanation of part 4 continued:


At the initial writing and posting of part 4, I was not sure exactly what, if any, relevance would be found - hence presenting the question,

Is there a relation to be found via "Ford", perhaps related to Chicago mafia, prohibition, Jimmy Hoffa, Ed Gein, Manson Family, etc?

The question was open to anyone who might know more or have the time to look into it.

I had intended to come back to the subject(s) myself, however, reading back over it in the 24 minutes after posting, something jumped out at me immediately, resulting in this comment; [3]:

Wait a fucking minute!

RE: "Ford"

His father, William Ford (1826–1905), was born in County Cork, Ireland, to a family that was originally from Somerset, England,[3] His mother, Mary Ford (née Litogot; 1839–1876), was born in Michigan as the youngest child of Belgian immigrants; her parents died when she was a child and she was adopted by neighbors, the O'Herns.


Part 5 incoming!

What jumped out at me was that Henry Ford's mother, Mary, was born in Michigan to Belgian immigrants - with his father, William, being born in Ireland. Keeping in mind that I was not yet considering Scientology, Mary's Belgian ancestry reminded me of the Dutrox affair, hence the content of: Root of Corruption - Part 5: Beyond The Dutroux Affair: The Reality of Protected Child Abuse & Snuff Networks; Reviewing with 'new' eyes & Root of Corruption - Part 6: The "Dutroux-De Baets-Manson-Pres(s)ley-Joker-Ledger" Case.

Side note: The Warhol link will also touch on Batman...

From those entries onwards I began allowing my mind to open up a lot more to the more 'abstract' side of things, due to noticing very strange things happening in real-time response to my postings/research.

It would still be quite some time before Scientology would come to the foreground of my mind, but, on that subject I refer momentarily back to part 4 & the fact that William Ford was born in Ireland, Mary Ford in Michigan...

I'm not certain if the Irish potato famine or the Ford Motor Company & family are connected to Scientology, however, Ireland and Michigan are:



  • Main Post
  • comments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:
  • ^ "Scientology | Mark Burton | "The Online Gamer" | Cathriona White | Scientology Ireland | Abusive/Threatening correspondence to Sweetman and Carrey | Public slandering, fraud and blackmail | Online trolls and shills; people tasked with demoralizing others and spreading hate/disinfo"
  • ^ Comments 5 & 6 begin to demonstrate similarities between Scientology & NXIVM.


  • comment 7
  • ^ Scientology in MI, potentially connected to Larry Nasser.
  • ^ Comment 7 notes Plainfield, NJ; couple with Plainfield, WI.

Side note: Comment 9: Trump Tower fire | Warhol | NXIVM

With the above in mind:

[8. wiki: Elvis Presley]

When did Elvis Presley die? August 16, 1977 (aged 42) - in Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.[8]

Here he is claiming anti-Satanist rhetoric HELPS Scientologists and even more nefarious parties. I asked him to prove his claim.

[9. my reply to your asking me to prove my claim]:

~Part of weaponizing anti-Satanist propaganda is to time particular events such as assassinations and other global corruption, with 'the satanic calendar' - notably events in February, August and October, so as to enforce the idea that Satanists are to blame.


Life and career


1973–1977: Health deterioration and death


Questions over cause of death

While an autopsy, undertaken the same day Presley died, was still in progress, Memphis medical examiner Dr. Jerry Francisco announced that the immediate cause of death was cardiac arrest. Asked if drugs were involved, he declared that "drugs played no role in Presley's death".[292] In fact, "drug use was heavily implicated" in Presley's death, writes [Peter ]Guralnick.~

Allegations of a cover-up were widespread.[294] While a 1981 trial of Presley's main physician, Dr. George Nichopoulos, exonerated him of criminal liability for the singer's death, the facts were startling: "In the first eight months of 1977 alone, he had [prescribed] more than 10,000 doses of sedatives, amphetamines, and narcotics: all in Elvis's name." His license was suspended for three months. It was permanently revoked in the 1990s after the Tennessee Medical Board brought new charges of over-prescription.[251

~In 1994, the Presley autopsy report was reopened. Dr. Joseph Davis, who had conducted thousands of autopsies as Miami-Dade County coroner,[295] declared at its completion, "There is nothing in any of the data that supports a death from drugs. In fact, everything points to a sudden, violent heart attack."[251] However, in the last years some apparent new evidence came out about his death. More recent research has revealed that it was only Dr. Francisco who told the news people that Elvis apparently died of heart failure. In fact, the doctors "could say nothing with confidence until they got the results back from the laboratories, if then. That would be a matter of weeks." One of the examiners, Dr. E. Eric Muirhead "could not believe his ears. Francisco had not only presumed to speak for the hospital's team of pathologists, he had announced a conclusion that they had not reached." "Early on, a meticulous dissection of the body ... confirmed [that] Elvis was chronically ill with diabetes, glaucoma, and constipation. As they proceeded, the doctors saw evidence that his body had been wracked over a span of years by a large and constant stream of drugs. They had also studied his hospital records, which included two admissions for drug detoxification and methadone treatments."[296] Therefore, Frank Coffey is of the opinion that a plausible cause of Elvis' death is "a phenomenon called the Valsalva maneuver (essentially straining on the toilet leading to heart stoppage—plausible because Elvis suffered constipation, a common reaction to drug use)..."[297] In similar terms, Dr. Dan Warlick, who was present at the autopsy, "believes Presley's chronic constipation—the result of years of prescription drug abuse and high-fat, high-cholesterol gorging—brought on what's known as Valsalva's maneuver. Put simply, the strain of attempting to defecate compressed the singer's abdominal aorta, shutting down his heart."[298]

However, in 2013, Dr. Forest Tennant, who had testified as a defense witness in Nichopoulos's trial, described his own analysis of all of Presley's available medical records. He concluded that Presley's "drug abuse had led to falls, head trauma, and overdoses that damaged his brain", and that his death was due in part to a toxic reaction to codeine—exacerbated by an undetected liver enzyme defect—which can cause sudden cardiac arrhythmia.[299] DNA analysis in 2014 of a hair sample purported to be Presley's found evidence of genetic variants that can lead to glaucoma, migraines, and obesity; a crucial variant associated with the heart-muscle disease hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was also identified.[300]

I have reason to suspect that Scientologists had a hand in the death of Elvis Presley and/or the 'cover up' of the causes thereof.

I suspect that they timed it in August so that people might blame it on Satanists if they ever thought to consider that he was murdered in some capacity over a prolonged period(perhaps having a connection to George Nichopoulos), rather than simply having died of cardiac-arrest relating to constipation caused by drug use.

Scientologists have kept their fingers deeply in his family's proverbial pocket prior to & ever since his death, despite him wanting nothing to do with them - remembering Priscilla Presley's ongoing involvement with Scientology.

Can I personally prove that Scientologists are involved in Elvis's death? No, because it's well & truly out of my hands. The pieces are there to warrant my suspicions, though; it is worth publicly imploring those in an appropriate position(eg: via an online forum where civilians investigate corruption), to investigate Scientology's proximity to him & his family before, during & after his death.

Doesn't he drink blood or some shit?~

No. That implies:

A: Present tense.


B: That I collect it in copious amounts in a cup or something to that effect, ingesting it as though a beverage.

Both are, by themselves and in combination, incorrect and inaccurate portrayals not based on fact at all.

I have only ever consumed tiny amounts of blood from another person, a few times in my distant past. Obviously this will not sit well with most and contrary to accusations, I am not here to encourage others to do the same. I have also explained how any desirable effects from doing so, can be replicated without the need to consume blood.

I have absolutely not engaged in the sick extremes/crimes being investigated here and moreover, I do not condone said crimes or extremes.

@Crensch @Vindicator @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @srayzie

See comments context.

argosciv ago

Sorry for the delay, I swear I'm working on a detailed response right now.

In fact, I have to thank you again for this opportunity @Crensch. You've done me quite a favor - not sure if you intended on that, but, thanks.

cc: @srayzie @think- @EricKaliberhall @Vindicator

Crensch ago

I sincerely doubt anything I've done will ever help you make a single cogent argument. It's all up to you whether or not you set the walnut sauce down long enough to make a coherent post now and then.

argosciv ago

Damnit, it's going to take at least 2 comments, as the explanation(of part 4) requires presenting more supporting research.

I'm also explaining the early messiness in the process.

Shizy ago

Will part 4 be kept simple and to the point? Specifically will you be addressing crensch's question about your blood drinking?

Vindicator ago

I was not trying to curtail comments by mods. I was trying to refocus energy from useless shittalking onto whatever is really happening with the whole Jenny/Jem/Webb/Gritz death thing, which we still don't understand. Maybe that's stupid, but this is actually the first time in my life I've ever been accused of being responsible for someone else's death by an irrational crowd. After a week in which ES, AWS, argosciv and a number of the folks in the Jem threads all bitched to me about mods bullying users, it sounded to me like a new mod attack narrative forming which we didn't need to provide free ammunition to. I asked these guys to ignore each other, just as you suggested I ignore ES, which for the most part, I have.

This myth of me "running the mod team" is kind of silly. The only influence I have is whatever advice of mine they choose to take. I can't demod anyone, make them do anything, or control them in any way. I can lead by example, which I try to do, and in general, I personally don't patrol Comments and call people out for voicing opinions about research topics. I stick to the content of submissions. It was made abundantly clear to me by kevdude and you that Voat would not accept that kind of biased behavior from moderators in a big subverse like v/pizzagate. When I call people out, it is for baseless attacks on other users, doing things that damage the subverse, spreading false information, or trying to suppress other user's freedom of speech.

Crensch ago

I was not trying to curtail comments by mods. I was trying to refocus energy from useless shittalking onto whatever is really happening with the whole Jenny/Jem/Webb/Gritz death thing, which we still don't understand.

I get it.

Maybe that's stupid, but this is actually the first time in my life I've ever been accused of being responsible for someone else's death by an irrational crowd.

Can't feel good. They're obviously nutcases. Making that submission now.

After a week in which ES, AWS, argosciv and a number of the folks in the Jem threads all bitched to me about mods bullying users, it sounded to me like a new mod attack narrative forming which we didn't need to provide free ammunition to.

The usual suspects complaining when SHTF.

I asked these guys to ignore each other, just as you suggested I ignore ES, which for the most part, I have.

Forgive me for not recalling the details here.

This myth of me "running the mod team" is kind of silly.

I wasn't really able to frame your words in any other way. I didn't know what your intentions were here. I consider this team YOUR mod team, as you work closely with them and I do not. I try to stay hands off with you more or less running things.

The only influence I have is whatever advice of mine they choose to take. I can't demod anyone, make them do anything, or control them in any way.

Any mod you don't want on the team will be removed.

I can lead by example, which I try to do, and in general, I personally don't patrol Comments and call people out for voicing opinions about research topics.

Everyone looks up to you as the best mod PG can have, and likely the only one really capable of doing the job right.

It was made abundantly clear to me by kevdude and you that Voat would not accept that kind of biased behavior from moderators in a big subverse like v/pizzagate. When I call people out, it is for baseless attacks on other users, doing things that damage the subverse, spreading false information, or trying to suppress other user's freedom of speech.

Reasons matter. I don't think some of your reasoning was expressed to your mods, and they took things the wrong way. I could be wrong there, but I certainly didn't know about your position and thoughts before what I know now. I think I probably will not be the only one to think that way.

I now realize how hellacious this past week has been for you, and if I had known before writing this what I know now, I'd have worded things differently, or maybe this post wouldn't have been necessary right now.

Since I'm in the habit today of overstepping my bounds, I think everyone would be happier if you would share the load. Let the rest of us in on the what and why of your thought processes when SHTF for you. Don't just keep up the invincible superman act, because we're not going to understand the motivations behind your words. You have mods that really REALLY think the world of you want want to help. Lean on them.

Sorry for the textual backhand; I didn't realize you were having such a hard time, and nobody seemed to understand why you wanted them off Argosciv's back. What I perceived would happen wasn't going to be pretty, and SOMETHING had to shake loose.

That's no excuse, though, and it was wrong of me. Sorry, bud.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Dear Mr. @Crensch,

Would you please give your opinion of the data contained in this link,

@Vindicator what say you?

Vindicator ago

That's kind of a cool metric page. Didn't know could do that.

What jumps out at me is that @argosciv posts the majority of his stuff to v/pizzagatewhatever -- unlike most pg researchers who don't fit with the ruleset very well and pretty much all shills who are deliberately trying to forum-slide v/pizzagate content with convoluted, difficult to vet shitposts.

think- ago

Well, he posts his satanist shit all over the threads on v/pizzagate, in comments, even uploading satanist music, claiming Michael Aquino, one of the most nefarious child raping satanists, is innocent, and no pedo, and the OTO is a total innocent organization.

And obviously he doesn't care whether he triggers SRA survivors.

So, at best, he is a pedo enabler, and a satanism pushing troll.

At worst, he was sent here to do exactly that by a satanist organization. OTO comes to mind.

@Crensch @srayzie @Shizy @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

srayzie ago

What is OTO?

Shizy ago

It's what Alestair Crowley practiced. It's really sick and really evil.

think- ago

Crensch ago


Vindicator ago

Don't just keep up the invincible superman act, because we're not going to understand the motivations behind your words. You have mods that really REALLY think the world of you and want to help. Lean on them.

Haha...didn't know that's what I was doing. I thought I WAS leaning on y'all for help. Did not realize I was not communicating clearly. I was attempting to. My bad.

No worries.

Crensch ago


Sorry, bud. Didn't realize I didn't ping you here, completely unintentional.