argosciv ago


  • Jim Carrey is not responsible for the death of Cathriona White, he has been framed/extorted every step of the way. Her involvement with Scientologists(and likely other groups by extension) are probably the contributing factors in not only the breakdown of her relationships, but, also in her decision to forge her medical records in an attempt to extort Jim - ultimately, her death, suicide or otherwise. I also strongly suspect evidence to have been planted or otherwise altered and in at least one case neglected, to manipulate the situation against Jim.

  • Michael Avenatti most likely knew that Mark Burton was also being fraudulent in his "wrongful death" suit against Jim Carrey & that Brigid Sweetman was targeted for harassment(after being convinced of Jim's guilt) by Scientologists and persons from other entities/cults of interest, which share a relationship with or similarity to Scientology and their litigious habits and MO of abuse/smear campaigns & honeypot operations.

  • Michael Avenatti's career is littered with cases in which he attempts to exploit famous persons with accusations of herpes transmission in their past, among a host of other curiosities probably relating to global corruption - in the shortest terms, he appears to play as some sort of 'intimidation' lawyer for multiple clients who have connections to a malevolent network within Hollywood and connected to external entities/persons, also - repeating porn industry elements also worth noting.

  • Scientology has been present in Ireland, where Cathriona White and her family are from, since it's early days - incidentally, Scientology in Ireland today finds itself at odds with ex-Scientologists and even Anonymous; enter the online frontier and shilling/targeted harassment campaigns from Scientologists et al.

  • The pattern of behaviours and connecting events/litigation which seems to link Scientology & NXIVM(et al) to global corruption, particularly with relation to events as recent as the death of Todd Brassner as a result of the fire on the 50th floor of Trump Tower(NY) are as numerous as they are profane. (Including likely connections to the situation involving Larry Nassar(et al)[32], see also: comment 7/9)

  • Worth noting, also, is Michael Avenatti's recent work defending Stormy Daniels and the links to at least the timing of the raid on Michael Cohen's office & the Trump Tower(NY) fire which killed Todd Brassner. For another way to put it, Michael Avenatti appears to be tasked with character assassination by means of capitalizing on sex-related controversies and manipulating public opinion without solid evidence - in at least Burton vs Carrey, the STD accusations were proven fraudulent entirely.

  • Also connected to NXIVM(+ new Cult Awareness Network & Scientology) via the Bronfman family, is the sale/exhibition of Warhol paintings, thus back to Brassner then to Pivar & possibly Levene(et al).

  • Scientology establishments, references and connected persons seem to be consistently present in a lot of the situations pointed out here and in many other Root of Corruption entries and in a lot of pizzagate research abroad - the deeper meaning to this will be explored later, however, it is worth noting the following:

wiki: Trump Tower

wiki: Trump International Hotel and Tower (Chicago)

  • It seems as though Scientolog(y/ists) (is/are) even chasing Donald Trump around, nipping at his heels, going so far as purchasing property within Trump Tower(NY), trying to set him up and spy on him, etc...

As always, I have much more than this to share. It's best I wrap this one up for now, though.

Brassner(family) | Stuart Pivar | Andy Warhol | Bronfman(family) | NXIVM | Scientology[+ Michael Avenatti + Hollywood corruption] | New CAN | Various exploitative cults/entities | Democrats/CIA/++++[]

@Vindicator @Blacksmith21 @think- @migratorypatterns @dundundunnnnn

argosciv ago


This one just never ends...

To set the mood, refer back to reference 31 in comment 6/9:

  • Between 2005 & 2007, Sara Bronfman bought a $6.5 million apartment in the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Manhattan that Nancy Salzman would later use.

Now a shoutout to @Mammy for the following thread:

Art Dealer Dead in Trump Tower Fire

Shoutout also to @neptunium1 & @Blacksmith21 for their contributions in the above thread.

However, time to go another direction on it.

[33.]: |

Cut and emphasis my own:

Art Collector and Bon Vivant Dies in Trump Tower Home He Couldn’t Sell


~~Mr. Brassner was one of two sons born to an art dealer and lighting manufacturer named Jules Brassner, who introduced him to Warhol. Todd Brassner fit right into the Warhol orbit, and often went shopping with the artist, said Stuart Pivar, a collector who was very close to Warhol.

“They were like two 14-year-olds, seeing the world,” Mr. Pivar said. “And he was very knowledgeable about pop art.”

Though Mr. Brassner enjoyed the high life, “he was a very family-oriented guy, and we often talked about our parents,” said Howard Murray, a television director who grew up with Mr. Brassner and reconnected about a decade ago. “He always talked about his mom talking Yiddish.”~~

~~He filed for bankruptcy in 2015, but soon after he inherited money from his father. “He showed up at my house the next day in a brand-new red Lamborghini,” Mr. Pivar said. “That was Todd.”

[34]: |

Cut & emphasis my own:

Close friend of man killed in Trump Tower fire says President once called victim 'crazy Jew'


NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Updated: Sunday, April 8, 2018, 11:06 PM

~~As a young man, Brassner was close friends with Andy Warhol and sold many of the famed artist’s paintings, including a 1967 self-portrait that went for $601,000 in 2007.~~

[35.]: |




Todd Brassner, New York

Joseph K. Levene Fine Art, Ltd., New York

Private Collection, California


Brassner | Warhol | Pivar

[36.]: |

Cut & emphasis my own:

Pseudoscience not Selling? Just Sue a Science Blogger for Libel

Brandon Keim | science | 08.20.07 | 10:43 am

Paul Myers, better known as the science blogger Pharyngula, has been sued for libel by Stuart Pivar, author of Lifecode.

Pivar, a wealthy art collector, alleged Stephen Jay Gould buddy and Renaissance-throwback science hobbyist, published Lifecode in 2004. The press release accompanying its recent re-issue describes the tome as

... an alternative theory of evolution which contends that the embryo is formed by self-organization, as are crystals, rather than by a genetic code subject to natural selection. Accompanying illustrations depict hypothetical construction blueprints for the various body forms. Biological Self-organization has long been a contending alternate theory for the code of life; recent proponents include evolutionary biologists Stephen Jay Gould and Brian Goodwin.

~~On Pharyngula, Myers was pointed in his criticisms:

The doodles in this book bear absolutely no relationship to anything that goes on in real organisms, but after staring at them for a while,

I realized what this book is actually about.

This book is a description of the development and evolution of balloon animals.

Maybe if Myers hadn't included a long, technical evaluation to the balloon animal snark, Pivars might – theoretically – have had a very outside shot at a case. But in that post and elsewhere, Myers gets into the scientific flaws of Pivar's theories. What he says falls well short of the American definition of libel, which requires that a claim be false.The meat of Myers' criticisms are quite substantial.

Pivar's case is clearly empty. And given his wealth, he can undoubtedly afford better legal advice. So what's the deal? I'm guessing that it's just a PR stunt. What better way to sell your book than get the blogosphere boiling, in the hope that the lawsuit becomes a full-blown – and wholly undeserved – controversy?

And here I am, covering it. Damn the system.

Update: Scientific American's Christopher Mims just wrote to say, "What if PZ didn't work for Seed? If people start going after individual bloggers without the resources to defend themselves, that would have a chilling effect on the whole field." He's right. And it's a scary thought.

[37.]: |

Cut & emphasis my own:

Two Scientists Caught in Amber


"YOU need 300 objects to furnish an apartment, just for the record," said Stuart Pivar, a scientist and art collector, in a grand tone reminiscent of Diana Vreeland. Ms. Vreeland was a close friend and taught him the effectiveness of pontification.

It can be safely guessed that Mr. Pivar has more than 300 objects in the duplex apartment he shares with Helen Matsos in a neo-Gothic building on West 67th Street in Manhattan. His belongings include figurative art and Renaissance furnishings, modern ceramics and an inherited piano.

Mr. Pivar, 72, has long been involved with the New York art scene. The son of an importer of velvet ribbons and an intensely style-conscious mother, he was a founder of the New York Academy of Art, then in the East Village and now on Franklin Street in TriBeCa, with Andy Warhol. (Mr. Pivar was invited to Warhol's Factory by a friend in the early 1970's, and he and Warhol soon became close friends and shopping companions.)

Made wealthy by the industrial companies he founded, Mr. Pivar bought his apartment in 1975 from an elderly woman who had lived there for 60 years. The apartment, including its contents -- chiefly 19th-century salon furniture and what he calls respectable Renaissance reproductions -- cost him $85,000. He then sold all the furniture, except the Steinway piano and theatrical costumes, at Sotheby's for nearly the same amount, in effect getting the apartment free.

"It is a good thing to identify yourself as a collector," Mr. Pivar said. "People will bring you things."

Doormen, recognizing his acquisitive nature, have presented him with art left behind by other residents, including stacks of nude drawings by the American realist painter Leon Kroll (1884-1974, known for his depictions of the female form), who had once lived in the building. Mr. Pivar himself has added, among many other things, a set of twisted Solomonic columns -- the kind Bernini used at St. Peter's in Rome -- and a sculpture of a Greek goddess.

He has also amassed precious musical instruments including the 16th-century harpsichord in his study and a platinum flute, which he bought at auction in 1986 for $187,000, he said, after a bidding war with an investment banker, who wanted to buy it for his 12-year-old-daughter.

Warhol's diary entry that year for Oct. 18 recorded the moment: "Stuart kept his paddle up and I could feel his whole body next to me shaking. When the hammer came down, Stuart was just in shock. Just in shock. He then consumed two double martinis and four hot chocolates."

On the floor underneath the harpsichord is a surprising sight: a large number of familiar-looking bronze Rodins. Mr. Pivar refers to them, with a shrug, as his Rodin forest. As he puts it, "Everyone has a Rodin."~~

Brassner | [31: NXIVM | Bronfman] | Warhol | Pivar

[.38]: |

Warhol's Landmark Portraits Make Their Way Back to D.C.

For pop artist Andy Warhol, maybe timing really is everything. When his show “Ten Portraits of Jews of the Twentieth Century” premiered in Washington, D.C., in 1980, critics panned it as exploitative, even as audiences lauded it. Thirty years later, in the age of wardrobe malfunctions and racy YouTube videos, 10 colorful portraits of influential Jews hardly raises an eyebrow.

Any time an artist departs from the norm, people get uncomfortable, said Susan W. Morgenstein, guest curator of “Andy Warhol’s Ten Portraits of Jews of the Twentieth Century in Retrospect,” an exhibit at the Washington District of Columbia Jewish Community Center’s Ann Loeb Bronfman Gallery.

The display comprises Warhol’s 10 portraits of renowned Jews: French actress Sarah Bernhardt; Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish justice of the U.S. Supreme Court; philosopher and educator Martin Buber; physicist Albert Einstein; Sigmund Freud, father of psychoanalysis; the comical Marx brothers; former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir; composer George Gershwin; novelist Franz Kafka; and writer Gertrude Stein.

Besides the 40-inch-by-32-inch prints, this show includes reproductions of the photographs on which Warhol based the portraits, clips from media coverage of the original exhibition, and letters among the original collaborators who selected which Jews to feature.~~

Vindicator ago

That's interesting. Did all that shit burn up in the Trump Tower fire?

argosciv ago

That's interesting. Did all that shit burn up in the Trump Tower fire?

A lot of his paintings and collectibles would have been.

The Warhol painting in question, was sold by Brassner to Levene in 2007, though - Levene also sold it on to another collector/gallery, I found the name for that one too, but I'll have to dig it up again...

Ah, that's right. James and Susan Phillips. |


Andy Warhol

Self Portrait


Acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas.

8 x 8 in. (20.3 x 20.3 cm).

Signed and dated “1967 Andy Warhol” on the overlap; stamped with the Authentication Board seal and numbered “A114.971” on the overlap.


$500,000 - 700,000

sold for $601,000


Collection Todd Brassner, New York;

Joseph K. Levene Fine Arts, New York;

Collection James and Susan Phillips

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you sharing!

argosciv ago


"Didn't he say he's on strike?"

Yes, I did. I said that I'm putting research/writing on hold until I get what I need - I stand by that(at least the research part). The funny thing, though, is that I already researched the following, before going on strike again.

"This isn't the first time you said you're done/going on strike..."

Correct. It is not. What was the last thing I was looking at last time I did this?



cc: @Vindicator, @Crensch, @think-, @srayzie & @migratorypatterns

First, refer back to comment (7/8) here in this thread:

google maps: "Beechtree farm"; Beechtree Farm, Hopewell, NJ

Look south-west of Beechtree Farm: Hopewell Township

Sound familiar?

Root of Corruption - Part 3: Charles Augustus Lindbergh; Lindbergh kidnapping

Under review as of Jan 8th 2018 - extremely relevant. Review abandoned per my cessation of participation in pizzagate investigation, effective Jan 9th 2018.

Yes, I came back... never really left, was always around keeping an eye out, researching this, that and the other...

Of interest:

  • Lindbergh kidnapping

Where was the Lindbergh baby found?

"near the hamlet of Mount Rose in neighboring Hopewell Township"

wiki: Lindbergh kidnapping

Cut and emphasis my own:

On March 1, 1932, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr., 20-month-old son of aviator Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, was abducted from his home in Highfields, New Jersey, United States.[2] On May 12, his body[3] was discovered nearby.[4]

In September 1934 Bruno Richard Hauptmann was arrested for the crime. After a trial that lasted from January 2 to February 13, 1935, he was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to death. Despite his conviction, he continued to profess his innocence, but all appeals failed and he was executed in the electric chair at the New Jersey State Prison on April 3, 1936.[5] Newspaper writer H. L. Mencken called the kidnapping and trial "the biggest story since the Resurrection."[6][7] Legal scholars have referred to the trial as one of the "trials of the century".[8] The crime spurred Congress to pass the Federal Kidnapping Act, commonly called the "Lindbergh Law", which made transporting a kidnapping victim across state lines a federal crime.[9]

wiki: Highfields (Amwell and Hopewell, New Jersey)

Highfields was the home of Charles and Anne Lindbergh, the famous aviators. It was the location of the Lindbergh kidnapping, after which it was turned into a rehabilitation center. The home was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1994.


The Lindberghs built Highfields in 1931 on a secluded spot of the Sourland Mountain so as to escape the spotlight brought on by their celebrity status. After his pioneering solo flight from New York to Paris in 1927, four million people had attended the ticker tape parade in Charles Lindbergh's honor, and he had received two million congratulatory telegrams, making him one of the most famous Americans of the century. The Sourland Mountain location, while secluded, afforded easy access by air and automobile to the Lindberghs' offices in New York City and to the laboratories of nearby Princeton University, to which they had been granted access.[2]

Coordinates: - GeoHack: Highfields (Amwell and Hopewell, New Jersey)


Discovery of the body

On May 12, delivery truck driver William Allen pulled to the side of a road about 4.5 miles (7.2 km) south of the Lindbergh home near the hamlet of Mount Rose in neighboring Hopewell Township.[4] When he went into a grove of trees to relieve himself, he discovered the body of a toddler.[24] Allen notified the police, who took the body to a morgue in nearby Trenton, New Jersey. The skull was badly fractured and the body badly decomposed, having been chewed on by animals; there were indications of an attempt at a hasty burial.[3][24] Gow identified the baby as the missing infant from the overlapping toes of the right foot and a shirt that she had made. It appeared the child had been killed by a blow to the head. Lindbergh insisted on cremation.[25]

In June 1932, officials began to suspect that the crime was an inside job that was perpetrated by someone the Lindberghs knew and trusted. Suspicions fell upon Violet Sharp, a British household servant at the Morrow home. She had given contradictory testimony regarding her whereabouts on the night of the kidnapping. It was reported that she appeared nervous and suspicious when questioned. She committed suicide on June 10, 1932,[26] by ingesting a silver polish that contained potassium cyanide just before what would have been her fourth time being questioned.[27][28] After her alibi was confirmed, it was later determined that the possible threat of losing her job and the intense questioning had driven her to kill herself. At the time, the police investigators were criticized for heavy-handed tactics.[29]

Following the death of Violet Sharp, John Condon was also questioned by police. Condon's home was searched but nothing was found that tied Condon to the crime. Charles Lindbergh stood by Condon during this time.[30]

  • Hopewell Township & Mount Rose are south-west and south-east of Beechtree Farm respectively.
  • Highfields (former Lindbergh family home) is north(and slightly west) of Beechtree Farm.

Although the Lindbergh kidnapping occurred in 1932, it seems entirely plausible that the same corrupt persons/entities involved in Scientology(et al), were largely involved in the whole situation - L. Ron Hubbard being 20 years of age(born March 13, 1911) at the time of the kidnapping; he turned 21 the day after Lindbergh Jr's body was found. Incidentally, a leading figure in the investigation was Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf.

wiki: Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf

Cut and emphasis my own:

Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf (/ˈʃwɔːrtskɒf/;August 28, 1895 – November 25, 1958) was the first superintendent of the New Jersey State Police. He is best known for his involvement in the Lindbergh kidnapping case. He was the father of General Norman Schwarzkopf Jr., the commander of all Coalition forces for Operation Desert Shield/Storm.

Early life

Schwarzkopf was born in Newark, New Jersey, to Julius George Schwarzkopf and Agnes Sarah Schmidt, of Germany. He attended the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, graduated in 1917[1] and served in World War I.[2][3]


Return to U.S. Army

In 1936, Schwarzkopf was fired from the New Jersey State Police after a personality clash with a new governor[1] and went on to narrate the radio program Gang Busters for a short period of time (he can be heard in the March 28, 1941, episode The Case of the Nickel and Dime Bandits) before returning to active duty in the U.S. Army with the onset of World War II.[3][7]~~

~~After World War II, he was promoted to brigadier general and in the late 1940s was sent to occupied Germany to serve as provost marshal for the entire U.S. sector.[citation needed]

Before retiring from the Army in 1953 with the rank of major general, Schwarzkopf was sent by the Central Intelligence Agency as part of Operation Ajax (correct name TPAjax, TP meaning Soviet backed Tudeh Party of Iran), to convince the self-exiled Iranian monarch, Mohammad Reza Shah, to return and seize power. Schwarzkopf went so far as to organize the security forces he had trained to support the Shah, and in so doing he helped to train what would later become known as the SAVAK.[8][9]

Schwarzkopf was appointed by New Jersey Governor Robert B. Meyner to "examine and investigate the management by Harold G. Hoffman," a former governor of the state and director in the division of employment security.[citation needed] Both Schwarzkopf and Hoffman were active members of the Adventurers' Club of New York.


Schwarzkopf died in 1958 from complications of lung cancer[3] and is buried at West Point Cemetery, on the grounds of the United States Military Academy.[10]

Personal life

Schwarzkopf was married to Ruth Alice (née Bowman) (1900–1977), a registered nurse from West Virginia.[11][12][13][14] Ruth was a housewife who was distantly related to Thomas Jefferson.[15] Together, they had one son, Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. and two daughters, Sally and RuthAnn.[11][12][13][14] Schwarzkopf was a member of St. John's Lodge #1 of Free and Accepted Masons, Newark NJ. He Achieved the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.

I'm not yet certain of what happened RE: Lindbergh kidnapping, I feel, though, that Hubbard and/or those who knew him and/or who he would later meet(thusly, the entity that would later become Scientology et al), were strongly involved in the case. It could very well be possible that Schwarzkopf was corrupt and a player in the situation OR that Schwarzkopf was blackmailed or misled(by those abusing knowledge which Freemasons also possess due to neither having claim to it) into implicating a patsy who would be sentenced to death(Richard Hauptmann: jailed October 19, 1934, executed April 3, 1936).

Just to repeat, yes it is entirely possible that Schwarzkopf was corrupt or complicit in the Lindbergh kidnapping. No, I do not think that this would be sufficient evidence that Freemasons as a whole, are corrupt.

Jobew1 ago

just a head's up. very large international banksters and their ilk (and minions) "had it in' for the Lindbergh's dating back to his father's unique very strong stance against their interests (e.g.,, anti-Fed) and some say with renewed vigor around the time of the kidnapping as the very popular Lucky Lindbergh seemed poised to take up his father's politics. don't know where it all fits in though

Gothamgirl ago

Great post Argosciv!

srayzie ago

Jim Carey was one of my favs! It’s really sad to see how much he’s changed. He doesn’t seem mentally well and he will say things that don’t even make sense now.

Gothamgirl ago

There was a big change in Carrey after his girlfriend died. Great post!

Blacksmith21 ago

Can I ask what brand of weed you are smoking? It's obviously very fucking good. How about a TL; DR?

argosciv ago

Ummm... Jim did nothing wrong... Scientology is connected to NXIVM and the death of Cathriona White - Avenatti knew, is a fraud, is involved in playing both sides, corrupt.

I have so much more.

NXIVM had property in trump tower - I suspect no connection to DJT other than their malicious intent towards him.

Gothamgirl ago

"NXIVM had property in trump tower " Wow I didn't know that. Hillary is one sneaky woman.

think- ago

NXIVM had property in trump tower

Would you have a source for this?


argosciv ago

Memo to all interested:

Sorry folks, I'm going on proverbial strike again due to a simple request for help going unanswered for 2+ months. I'll probably still provide a summary for this thread, but, I'm otherwise left with no choice but to put all research/writing on hold until I have an assurance that everything is okay.

This isn't related to the propaganda being thrown around specifically, it's something else.

Hopefully all works out. If you don't hear from me again, assume that no help was sent.

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @think- @migratorypatterns @Blacksmith21

No, Avenatti & Jones, you're not at all responsible for my strike - you'd do well to remain quiet. If ever needed, I can and will drop more on you both.

rarepeeks ago

Memo to all interested:

Sorry folks, I'm going on proverbial strike again due to a simple request for help going unanswered for 2+ months. I'll probably still provide a summary for this thread, but, I'm otherwise left with no choice but to put all research/writing on hold until I have an assurance that everything is okay.

This isn't related to the propaganda being thrown around specifically, it's something else.

Hopefully all works out. If you don't hear from me again, assume that no help was sent.

cc: @Vindicator @Crensch @think- @migratorypatterns @Blacksmith21

No, Avenatti & Jones, you're not at all responsible for my strike - you'd do well to remain quiet. If ever needed, I can and will drop more on you both.

Not interested in anything you have to say. Hopefully you kill your self very soon.

argosciv ago

Sorry about my last response to you and the delay on a summary, need some time off from this.

I'll be back at it in a day or 2.

cc: @Blacksmith21 @Vindicator

argosciv ago


And that's how I know you didn't read everything.

migratorypatterns ago

He's talking about Clare and Sara Bronfman buying property for the cult to use.

They were Seagram heirs. No one would question them buying land or an apartment. Not unless they had a crystal ball.

Here's a source:

To family friends, Seagram heiresses Sara and Clare Bronfman are victims of a frightening, secretive “cult” called nxivm, which has swallowed as much as $150 million of their fortune. But the organization’s leader, Keith Raniere, seems also to have tapped into a complex emotional rift between the sisters and their father, billionaire philanthropist Edgar Bronfman Sr. The author investigates the accusations that are now flying—blackmail, perjury, forgery—in a many-sided legal war. ...

... Between them, they would also spend close to $1 million to buy and refurbish Salzman’s house in Halfmoon; Clare would pay $2.3 million for a 234-acre horse farm outside Albany that nxivm would use; and Sara would buy a $6.5 million apartment in the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Manhattan that Salzman would use. They would also “lend” about $1.7 million to buy nxivm’s headquarters.

By late 2007, they had also sunk $26.4 million into a Los Angeles real-estate project. Structured as a joint venture with Plyam and his wife, Natasha, it was set up through a company called Precision Development. The deal, to build houses and condominiums in the wealthier neighborhoods of Los Angeles, had, according to Bouchey and Plyam, been Raniere’s idea, although his name would appear on none of the documents.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm saying that some of us are not as gifted as you in the information assimilation department. A BLUF would be nice. Simple connection bullet points up front. Back it all up below the tear line.

argosciv ago

I think I can do that... It was a bit of a running theory in some parts, so, yeah, I'll do that. I'm gonna sleep on that one though - running on fumes as is lol.

derram ago :

Cathriona White to be buried next to father: report - NY Daily News :

Jim Carrey's ex's note years before her suicide | Daily Mail Online :

Jim Carrey gave the strangest interview at New York Fashion Week - Business Insider

This has been an automated message.

argosciv ago


Oh hell, let's see how far we can take this...

Shoutout to @dundundunnnnn: 32. Police Find Video of Larry Nassar Abusing Patient on Ex-Michigan State Deans Computer

^ my research comment:

google maps: "Twistars gymnastics club"; Gedderts' Twistars USA Gymnastics Club, Dimondale, MI (Sute?)

google maps: "Scientology in Michigan"; 2 hits, compare with above

  • Flint: Flint water crisis - I promised a friend from there, once upon a time, that if I ever find a way to help, I will... is it connected to all this? Quite possibly, on some level.
  • Chelsea: [Clinton]

google maps: "The Karolyi Ranch in Texas"; Bela Karolyi's Ranch, Hunstville, TX I mean it, buckle up. (Greg, hold my beer, it gets sooo much better)

google maps: ^ Zoom out, note marked areas, see below.

From top, left to right:

La Frontera: v/pizzagatewhatever: Root of Corruption - Annex: Murderwood; "Illuminate adoration ov murder"; Ed Gein, Ed Kemper (+?); "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"; La Frontera

Addendum to La Frontera/Texas Chainsaw Massacre/Ed Gein topic: Apparently I had not yet(or had removed) explicitly pointed this out

wiki: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974 film)



The concept for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre arose in the early 1970s while Tobe Hooper was working as an assistant film director at the University of Texas at Austin and as a documentary cameraman.[3] He had already developed a story involving the elements of isolation, the woods, and darkness.[4] He credited the graphic coverage of violence by San Antonio news outlets as one inspiration for the film[5] and based elements of the plot on serial killer Ed Gein in 1950s Wisconsin;[6] Gein inspired other horror films such as Psycho (1960) and The Silence of the Lambs (1991).[7][8][9][10] During development, Hooper used the working titles of Headcheese and Leatherface.[11][12]~~



The farmhouse used for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was moved from La Frontera to Kingsland, Texas, and restored as a restaurant.[26]

The primary filming location was an early 1900s farmhouse located on Quick Hill Road near Round Rock, Texas, where the La Frontera development is now located.[26] The small budget and concerns over high-cost equipment rentals meant the crew filmed seven days a week, up to 16 hours a day. The environment was humid[18][27] and the cast and crew found conditions tough; temperatures peaked at 110°F (43 °C) on July 26.[28] Hansen later recalled, "It was 95, 100 degrees every day during filming. They wouldn't wash my costume because they were worried that the laundry might lose it, or that it would change color. They didn't have enough money for a second costume. So I wore that [mask] 12 to 16 hours a day, seven days a week, for a month."[29]~~


Shoutout to @hafen, @2impendingdoom & @fuck_pedo_enablers:

Distributed by Anchor Bay Entertainment

~~Weinstein | Lionsgate / Mohammed Mark Amin

^ Bonus 2: Root of Corruption - Annex: Vindicating Rob Zombie(et al, yes, again): Dragons...


  • Further vindicaiton of Rob Zombie(et al).
  • More likely Weinstein(et al) involvement in global corruption via Mirimax & Dimension Films.
  • Ongoing suspicions of Israel/Mossad & Saud/Ottoman involvement in global corruption.
  • Suspected involvement of Scientology in global corruption.
  • Analyzing death of Brandon Lee per above.

The Mummy (franchise): Feature Films

Number Title Release date Director Continuity
1 The Mummy December 22, 1932 Karl Freund Universal Monsters
2 The Mummy's Hand September 20, 1940 Christy Cabanne Universal Monsters
3 The Mummy's Tomb October 23, 1942 Harold Young Universal Monsters
4 The Mummy's Ghost July 7, 1944 Reginald Le Borg Universal Monsters
5 The Mummy's Curse December 22, 1944 Leslie Goodwins Universal Monsters
6 Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy June 23, 1955 Charles Lamont Universal Monsters
7 The Mummy September 25, 1959 Terence Fisher Hammer Stand-alone Films
8 The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb October 18, 1964 Michael Carreras Hammer Stand-alone Films
9 The Mummy's Shroud March 15, 1967 John Gilling Hammer Stand-alone Films
10 Blood from the Mummy's Tomb October 14, 1971 Seth Holt, Michael Carreras (Uncredited) Hammer Stand-alone Films
11 The Mummy May 7, 1999 Stephen Sommers The Mummy Trilogy
12 The Mummy Returns May 4, 2001 Stephen Sommers The Mummy Trilogy
13 The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor August 1, 2008 Rob Cohen The Mummy Trilogy
14 The Mummy June 9, 2017 Alex Kurtzman Dark Universe

What stands out?

  • Every time the continuity changes, the title resets to "The Mummy"
  • Only once did any single person direct more than one of these movies; Stephen Sommers: The Mummy & The Mummy Returns
  • Rob Cohen took over the series and began referencing dragons in a human aspect, but, tarred them as the enemy.
  • After "The Mummy Trilogy" ended, the continuty shifts to "Dark Universe", with The Mummy(2017)(featuring known Scientologist, Tom Cruise)

wiki: L. Ron Hubbard

Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (/ˈhʌbərd/ HUB-ərd;[2] March 13, 1911 – January 24, 1986), often referred to by his initials LRH, was an American author and the founder of the Church of Scientology. After establishing a career as a writer, becoming best known for his science fiction and fantasy stories, he published a "branch of self-help psychology" called Dianetics which was first expounded in book form in May 1950. He subsequently developed his ideas into a wide-ranging set of doctrines and practices as part of a new religious movement that he called Scientology.[3].[4] In 2014, Hubbard was cited by Smithsonian magazine as one of the 100 most significant Americans of all time, as one of eleven religious figures on that list.[5] - Lafayette |


GENDER: Masculine & Feminine

USAGE: English (American, Rare)


Meaning & History

Taken from the French surname which was derived from Old French la hêtraie "plantation of beech-trees".

In the US, it was first used in the late 1700s as a masculine given name in honor of the Marquis de Lafayette, a hero of the American War of Independence (who also left his name in a city of west-central Indiana on the Wabash River northwest of Indianapolis).

google maps: "Beechtree farm"; Beechtree Farm, Hopewell, NJ

  • Clinton & Lebanon: Repeating town/region/city names in suspicious arrangements.
  • Mercer Meadows & Mercer County Park: I'm not sure where, but, I feel like I've seen that name in my research before...

**Let's try something else:" Is Scientology established in NJ? Yes; Church of Scientology Mission of New Jersey

google maps: "Directions from Church of Scientology Mission of New Jersey to Beechtree Farm"

  • Clinton and Lebanon remain visible; all within ~46 miles or less of each other.

Oh fuck me dead... Plainfield too... (Ed Gein)

Avatar - Night Never Ending


Your move, Avenatti...

YogSoggoth ago

Certainly could be a connection with the beech tree thing, especially as it pertains to connection to Saturn. Tree Lore: Beech | Order of Bards and Druids The Gein connection may be, or not, but his mother is connected to the Trudeau's. Minna is listed as a passenger, along with daughter Clara, on the ship Gothia that arrived in NYC from Stettin, Germany 28 Nov 1892. Her last place of residence is listed as Danzig, East Prussia. Pierre Trudeau was remembered as a friend of the jews. Justin Trudeau is ... How Justin Trudeau Is Making Canada Less Safe For Jews. We all know that Justin is a boy loving, gun grabbing, multiculturist active puppet for the hand Too bad Ed killed his brother. He probably could have shed some light on things.

argosciv ago


[30]: Emphasis my own

No one has complained about NXIVM more tirelessly than Rick Ross, a New Jersey–based “cult deprogrammer” who has spent years compiling information on predatory cults around the country. Ross says he first heard of NXIVM in late 2002, when a family called to complain that their son had gotten involved with a strange new group and had recruited their daughters for the seminars as well. A private eye dug up the pyramid-scheme accusations against Raniere’s earlier venture, and one of the daughters gave notes from her NXIVM seminars to Ross, who forwarded them to a few psychiatrists. John Hochman, a UCLA behavioral-psychiatry professor, concluded that NXIVM’s curriculum employed classic group mind-control techniques: long seminar hours, isolation from friends and family, redefining English words to fit the ambitions of group leaders, paramilitary rituals (Raniere’s followers are forced to wear sashes displaying their rank and to address him as “Vanguard”), and daily contact with group leaders “framed as personal growth.”

“They claimed that they had a ‘breakthrough technology,’ ” Ross says. “What they really have, in my opinion, is just another large group-awareness training program, very similar to [the personal-growth cult] Landmark Education, with certain aspects that are almost verbatim from the teachings of Scientology.”

NXIVM’s Robertson replies that Ross merely paid Hochman a fee to write the analysis he wanted. “Hochman was paid by Ross or others to create a report,” he said. “So he’s compromised. It’s not a scholarly report; he was paid to come up with a certain production.” As for Ross, Robertson claims that he’s just a “thug” who incites fear of cults in innocent people to make a buck. “Ross is paid to create cults. That is to say, the more cults, the more opportunities he has to make money deprogramming people. . . . The man’s a criminal—in my opinion, anyway.”

Armed with this report, Ross lured his clients’ son to a Florida vacation resort and tried to talk him into leaving NXIVM; however, the son refused and later moved to Raniere’s Albany headquarters. But the rest of the family got out, and Ross published Hochman’s report, along with everything else he could find on NXIVM, on his website. NXIVM’s leaders promptly sued him for copyright infringement; the lawsuits and countersuits are stuck in federal court to this day. As part of NXIVM’s legal strategy, Juval Aviv was allegedly given a new assignment in 2004: take on Ross as a special project.

Around November 2004, according to a lawsuit that Ross filed against NXIVM, an Interfor representative called and asked him if he wouldn’t mind speaking to a gentleman named Juval Aviv. “He told me that a very old friend of his, an old and dear friend—not just a client, but someone that was a personal friend—had a daughter in NXIVM and wanted to do an intervention to deprogram her,” Ross said in a later interview. “And he repeatedly said that the mother was very wealthy, the family was very wealthy—as if to impress me, I suppose, or get my interest.”

Ross agreed to meet the mother and Aviv at Interfor’s office on Madison Avenue. Later that month, Ross walked into the lobby and met Aviv for the first time. “I couldn’t help but notice that his hand was sweaty when he shook my hand,” Ross recalled. “And I thought that he was very nervous. And he seemed—how do I put it?—an oily creature.” The two men allegedly sat in a conference room with Interfor attorney Anna Moody and a distraught woman who called herself Susan Zuckerman, but who, Ross claims he would later discover, was really a professional actress.

“She tells me she’s very worried about her daughter,” Ross says. “That her daughter is brainwashed, that she’s in NXIVM, that she’s sold family heirlooms to pay for courses. That her husband is sick over it, that he had to go to pawnshops in Manhattan and find these things and buy them back. That they’ve had terrible arguments over this, that she’s very worried and doesn’t know what to do.” According to Ross’s lawsuit, Moody asked him what he knew about NXIVM. As a tape machine recorded the conversation, Ross spent at least an hour explaining what he’d discovered about the group, Raniere, and the psychological effects of the “seminars.”

After speaking with Zuckerman, the allegedly grieving mother, Ross agreed to conduct an intervention, but added that he wouldn’t have anything to do with physical restraint. The daughter, he insisted, would be free to leave at any time. “Aviv walks me to the elevator, even rides the elevator down to the lobby with me,” Ross later recounted. “And then he gushed to me that there would be other cases that we could work on, and that there would be other cults that he would like to go after, and so on. I thought, ‘Man, this guy is really nervous.’ And he just seemed to go overboard, and he was really solicitous.”

In April 2005, according to the lawsuit, Ross returned for a second meeting. In a discussion about how such an intervention would work, Ross advised the people assembled that because NXIVM leaders had a habit of constantly interrupting the deprogramming with phone calls and e-mails, it was best to have it take place somewhere isolated. Someone at the meeting suggested a cruise ship in the Caribbean. Ross would later recall that the more the cruise-ship notion was floated, the more excited Aviv and Moody became. They even paid him a $2,500 retainer. But then Ross warned Moody that, as an ethical principle, he would never be alone in the room with the daughter; someone she trusted—her mother, or family friend Aviv—would always have to be present. Ross claims that Moody appeared crestfallen at the news. A few weeks later, an Interfor representative telephoned Ross and called the whole thing off.

Meanwhile, NXIVM’s consultant, Joseph O’Hara, was growing more and more disturbed at what Aviv and Raniere were planning for Ross. O’Hara ultimately stopped working for NXIVM, and now the company is suing him as well. According to records found in this lawsuit, Interfor faxed O’Hara a “confidential document” on November 23, 2004. The report was, in fact, a dossier that Aviv and Interfor had prepared on Rick Ross, detailing every piece of dirt they could find on him. “Ross’ past criminal record, psychiatric history, and financial bankruptcy leaves him extremely vulnerable if all the source information so far indicated checks out,” the report read.

Interfor tallied every damaging item its investigators could find: Ross saw a shrink as a teenager and was once diagnosed as “hyperkinetic child”; he was arrested for vandalism when he was 10; after a deprogramming incident went bad, he was sued for kidnapping and declared bankruptcy. (Ross had tried to help a woman get her son out of a church that Ross considered a Bible-based cult, but the son, who was over 18, claimed that he’d been held against his will. Oddly, it was the Church of Scientology—which had no relation to the son’s church—that encouraged him to file the suit against Ross and paid all of his legal costs. That famous case had bizarre repercussions: Eventually, the Church of Scientology won control of the Cult Awareness Network, its longtime enemy, through this case.) But the Ross dossier went much deeper than that. Interfor had also accessed Ross’s personal checking account, recorded his financial assets, and even listed all the checks he had written in October 2004—right down to the check number and the amount. In addition, Interfor had obtained Ross’s telephone records and listed phone calls that he had made from 2002 to 2004. “Some of the material in the report appeared to me to be illegally obtained,” O’Hara said in a later interview. (Interfor representative Stephen Braswell refused to discuss this report or anything related to Rick Ross and NXIVM.)~~

Majorly cut, but, you get the point... Read the whole thing!

NXIVM | Scientology

But wait! There's fucking more...

31. https://www.vanityfair - The Heiresses and the Cult |

From the U.K. Edition

The Heiresses and the Cult

To family friends, Seagram heiresses Sara and Clare Bronfman are victims of a frightening, secretive “cult” called nxivm, which has swallowed as much as $150 million of their fortune. But the organization’s leader, Keith Raniere, seems also to have tapped into a complex emotional rift between the sisters and their father, billionaire philanthropist Edgar Bronfman Sr. The author investigates the accusations that are now flying—blackmail, perjury, forgery—in a many-sided legal war.

by Suzanna Andrews

October 13, 2010 12:00 am

Another long read, so here's the juicy bit:

~~As Raniere’s losses soared, he would tell people that Sara and Clare’s father was responsible. According to Bouchey, he said that Edgar Bronfman “had figured out a plot with the commodities clearing firm” to steal Raniere’s money. From January 2005 to late 2007, according to court filings, Raniere, trading through First Principles, a company registered in Nancy Salzman’s name, would lose close to $70 million—and the Bronfmans would cover $65.6 million of it. Between them, they would also spend close to $1 million to buy and refurbish Salzman’s house in Halfmoon; Clare would pay $2.3 million for a 234-acre horse farm outside Albany that nxivm would use; and Sara would buy a $6.5 million apartment in the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Manhattan that Salzman would use. They would also “lend” about $1.7 million to buy nxivm’s headquarters.~~

argosciv ago


27. - Jim Carrey’s now-dead ex paid another man to marry her, star alleges |

PUBLISHED: December 27, 2016 at 3:19 pm | UPDATED: August 28, 2017 at 5:44 am

LOS ANGELES — The husband of Jim Carrey’s late former girlfriend was paid thousands of dollars by the woman to marry her in a wedding aimed at getting around immigration laws, Carrey’s attorneys allege in new court papers.

Mark Burton’s Los Angeles Superior Court complaint against the 54-year-old Carrey alleges wrongful death and violation of the Drug Dealer Liability Act. Burton was married to Cathriona White, a 30-year-old Irish citizen found dead at her Sherman Oaks home in September 2015. Burton alleges Carrey gave White prescription drugs that she used to commit suicide.

But Carrey’s lawyers state in their court papers filed last Wednesday that Burton was White’s “green card marriage husband” who was compensated by the woman for being wed to her in a “quickie Las Vegas wedding to evade immigration laws” in January 2013.

After the marriage, according to the Carrey attorneys’ court papers, Burton and White went their separate ways.

“Burton abruptly dropped White at the bus station and she returned to Los Angeles and her romance with Carrey,” the actor’s lawyers state in their court papers. “Burton went to Utah.”

Burton’s marriage to White was “a fraudulent fake from the start and void from inception,” according to Carreys’ attorneys’ court papers. A few weeks after the Burton-White marriage ceremony, she and Carrey “shared a romantic Valentine’s Day together,” the actor’s lawyers state in their court papers.

The allegations against Burton are contained in a motion by Carrey’s attorneys that seeks dismissal of the plaintiff’s lawsuit on grounds he had no standing to bring the suit because although he claims to be White’s husband, he never even lived with her.~~

~~Burton’s lawsuit, filed Sept. 19, alleges the painkillers Ambien, Propranolol and Percocet were contained in prescription bottles that were found near White’s body, all of which were acquired by Carrey while using the phony name Arthur King.


Published: 04:21 AEST, 8 October 2015 | Updated: 14:52 AEST, 8 October 2015

~~Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter told People that there were four prescription pill bottles found near White's body - none of the prescriptions were under White's name.

Three of the prescriptions were found under one name while the fourth was under a second name.

The name on three of the pill bottles was an alias for Carrey, law enforcement sources told TMZ. It is unknown who the fourth bottle was under.

Winter previously told People that multiple notes - including one addressed to Carrey - were also found at the scene in her Sherman Oaks home.

'There were several notes found,' Winter said. And though he does now know what the contents of each letter was, 'There was a note [addressed] to Mr. Carrey'.

28. - The Online Gamer |

The Online Gamer

Comedy | TV Series (2009– )

A series of skits based around a 20-something man who loves online gaming.

29. - The Online Gamer - Full cast & crew |

  • Cathriona White worked predominately in the makeup department(7 episodes, 2011-2012) for The Online Gamer, though, did appear as an extra in one episode, "Black Ops Part 1", which aired on October 18, 2010 - she left the production in 2012, the same year she met Jim Carrey - production continued least as late as 2013[28][29].

Scientology | Mark Burton | "The Online Gamer" | Cathriona White | Scientology Ireland | Abusive/Threatening correspondance to Sweetman and Carrey | Public slandering, fraud and blackmail | Online trolls and shills; people tasked with demoralizing others and spreading hate/disinfo


Something stinks...

Who wants to play a game?

@gamepwn: Human Trafficking through online gaming? Brock Pierce, founder of Bitcoin, along with Marc Collins-Rector (An Open Secret DEN) created an MMORPG company called IGE in 2001.

Get a fucking load of this: (long read, well worth it)

30. - Agent Schmuck |

It was a morning a little more than a year ago: A dapper, gray-haired gentleman was discussing his recently published novel with the two hosts of Fox & Friends, the morning show on the Fox News Channel. Anchors Tiki Barber and Kiran Chetry appeared enthralled by the author, Juval Aviv, who said that his book was actually a barely disguised account of the life and alleged 1991 murder of millionaire media tycoon Robert Maxwell.

Aviv provided his bona fides: He runs a Madison Avenue corporate-espionage firm named Interfor and had been hired to investigate some aspects of Maxwell’s complex finances. But during his investigation, Aviv had discovered explosive truths. Maxwell, Aviv said, had actually been a spy for the Russian, British, and Israeli intelligence agencies, and had paid with his life when his spymasters discovered that he’d double-crossed them. Aviv claimed to his Fox News hosts that the revelations in his book were so stunning that he’d had to novelize the tale to protect himself. If he’d told the actual truth, he hinted, he’d have been killed.

“I couldn’t write it as a nonfiction,” said the Israeli man in his accented English. “It had to be fiction. I don’t think I would have survived the nonfiction version of it.”

Barber and his co-anchor looked duly impressed. And why not? Here was the real deal, a former Israeli spy who had reportedly spent the 1970s hunting Palestinian radicals around Europe and the Middle East, whose life story was so terrible that he could only allude to it. “You were a top assassin for Mossad, which is Israel’s secret service,” said Chetry. “In your book, the main character has a situation where he’s supposed to knock off 12 leading terrorists and kill them.”

“Yes,” Aviv said.

“How realistic is that?”

“It’s very realistic.” Laughing modestly, he added: “I can’t talk about it.”

It was just another day in the life of Juval Aviv, an “international security expert” and post-9/11 media celebrity who has parlayed his mysterious past into countless appearances on local and national television. Most famously, Aviv has promoted the idea that he was the lead Mossad assassin tasked with avenging the 1972 massacre of Israeli Olympic athletes in a secret operation that was portrayed in Steven Spielberg’s 2005 film Munich. It was Aviv that actor Eric Bana was supposedly playing, though his name in the movie was “Avner.”

At least that’s what Aviv wants people to believe.

~~ “This guy’s full of shit,” says Larry Johnson, who served in the CIA and as a deputy director in the State Department’s Office of Counterterrorism. “What’s true is, yes, he has a security and corporate-intelligence firm, and he’s big at playing up the Israeli mystique. If you say it with a foreign accent, you’re good to go.”

Aviv, these senior counterterrorism officials insist, is no terrorism expert; instead, he’s a liar who’s been spreading falsehoods about his résumé and his prowess as an investigator.

But even Aviv’s most virulent critics express astonishment at what he’s been accused of doing lately.

Court documents allege that in 2003, Aviv signed an intelligence contract with the NXIVM Corporation, an Albany-based company that offers seminars in achieving personal and business goals, and whose devotees include heirs to some of the richest fortunes in America and Mexico. In the last few years, former members of NXIVM have come forward to claim that the company is in fact a predatory personal-growth cult that subjects its members to intensive brainwashing and requires them to swear their lives to its leader, an accused pyramid-scheme operator and self-styled genius named Keith Raniere. According to court papers, NXIVM hired Aviv to dig up dirt on someone that Raniere considered an enemy: New Jersey–based cult expert Rick Ross, a controversial figure himself who is also a frequent guest on television news programs.

Ross had been working with people who wanted his help to get family members out of NXIVM, and had been posting damaging news stories about Raniere on his website.

Ross is now suing NXIVM and Aviv, claiming that over the course of several months, Aviv and Interfor compiled an extensive report on him that included private financial and telephone records—information that Ross says was illegally obtained. Ross complains that he was even the target of an elaborate sting operation orchestrated by Aviv on behalf of NXIVM, which involved trying to lure him onto a ship in the Caribbean.

NXIVM and Raniere have denied the allegations and are suing Ross as well, charging him with copyright infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets, and product disparagement. But the Voice has learned that Aviv has done other work for Raniere, an odd figure who requires his followers to refer to him as “Vanguard.” The Voice has obtained evidence that Aviv agreed to investigate Raniere’s ex-girlfriend, a woman who says she has been systematically harassed, intimidated, and terrorized by members of NXIVM.

Wait for it...

argosciv ago


21. wiki: 2009 Graff Diamonds robbery (Redirected from Graff Diamonds robbery)

Emphasis my own:

The Graff Diamonds robbery took place on 6 August 2009 when two men posing as customers entered the premises of Graff Diamonds in New Bond Street, London and stole jewellery worth nearly £40 million (US$65 million).[1] It was believed to be the largest ever gems heist in Britain at the time, and the second largest British robbery after the £53 million raid on a Securitas depot in Kent in 2006.[2][3] The thieves' haul totalled 43 items of jewellery, consisting of rings, bracelets, necklaces and wristwatches.[2] One necklace alone has been reported as being worth more than £3.5m[4] Britain's previous largest jewellery robbery also took place at Graff's, in 2003.[5] As of September 2014, none of the stolen jewels have been recovered.[6]

The robbery

The robbers used the services of a professional make-up artist to alter their skin tones and their features using latex prosthetics and to be fitted with professional wigs.[7] The artist took four hours to apply the disguises, having been told that it was for a music video.[7] Viewing the results in a mirror, Aman Kassaye commented: "My own mother wouldn't recognise me now," to which his accomplice is reported to have laughed and replied: "That's got to be a good thing, hasn't it?" [8] The same make-up studio had unwittingly helped disguise members of the gang that robbed the Securitas depot in 2006.[8][9]

On 6 August 2009 at 4.40 pm, two sharply dressed men arrived at the Graff Diamonds jewellery store by taxi and once inside produced two handguns which they used to threaten staff. They made no attempt to conceal their faces from the premises' CCTV cameras due to their elaborate disguises. Even though one of the robbers was wearing leather gloves, store security allowed him entry, being used to the eccentric behaviour of some super-wealthy clients.

Petra Ehnar, a shop assistant, was forced at gunpoint to empty the store's display cabinets. A total of 43 rings, bracelets, necklaces and watches were taken. She was briefly held hostage at gunpoint and was forced into the street during the getaway. She testified that the robbers told her that she would be killed if she did not carry out their demands.[10] After releasing the hostage outside the store, one of the robbers fired a shot into the air to create confusion, and both escaped the scene in a blue BMW vehicle. This vehicle was abandoned in nearby Dover Street, where a second gunshot was fired into the ground while the robbers switched to a second vehicle, a silver Mercedes. They again switched vehicles in Farm Street, after which there was no further information regarding their whereabouts.[3]

All of the diamonds had been laser-inscribed with the Graff logo and a Gemological Institute of America identification number.[11]

Detectives investigating the robbery stated: "They knew exactly what they were looking for and we suspect they already had a market for the jewels." The suspects' details were circulated to all ports and airports but police believed they would have an elaborately prepared escape route and had already left the country.[2]

The robbery was being investigated by Barnes Flying Squad, headed by Detective Chief Inspector Pam Mace.

Financial loss to Graff Diamonds

Since none of the stolen jewellery was recovered as of March 2011, Graff Diamonds, owned by the billionaire Laurence Graff, lost more than US$10 million (£6.6 million) as a result of the robbery. The actual value of the pieces for insurance purposes, was put at $39 million (£26 million). But according to Nicholas Paine, the company secretary, the syndicate that insured Graff was only liable for $28.9 million.[12]

How much was Hilton sued for, by Graff & Avenatti?

$10 million

We'll come back to this... Don't worry, Paris, I hear you too.

I don't even need to go into the Stormy Daniels vs Donald Trump case at this time... Your move, Avenatti.

You wanna play the ace up the sleeve game? Bring it on.

Let's get back to Sweetman + Burton( + Scientology) vs Jim Carrey, shall we?

  • At this time, I do not suspect Mrs. Sweetman of any wrong-doing.
  • I still firmly suspect Michael Avenatti + Mark Burton + Scientologists(et al) of having foreknowledge and direct involvement in manufacturing the circumstances surrounding the death of Cathriona White and the subsequent harassment of both Brigid Sweetman and Jim Carrey.
  • I suspect that Jim Carrey and Brigid Sweetman and Paris Hilton(and others) are all being targeted by the network within Hollywood and a connected network of online 'trolls', described by Jim Carrey, which seems to be itself, related to Scientology and other related/connected cults over the decades.

22. - THE PHOENIX, 13/02/2015 – “ZABRINA COLLINS” |

23. - Anti-Scientology conference set for Dublin next week |

24. - Church of Scientology to open national affairs office in Merrion Square |



Last weekend[Feb 6 & 7, 2015[23]] a conference was held in Dublin by former members of the Church of Scientology, who told of their alleged experiences of fraud and abuse at the cult. But one woman who stayed far away from the conference is Zabrina Collins (36), a formidable, high-ranking member who acts as part-spokesperson, part-stormtrooper for the group, which first set up an office in Ireland in 1956. Collins is currently at the centre of a bitter legal dispute with two former Scientologists who campaign against the organisation, with plenty of mud being flung on both sides.


  • Brigid Sweetman and Cathriona White hail from Ireland, Carrey met White in 2012 - the same year of the ‘Dublin Offlines; Speaking out against the cult of Scientology’ conference.
  • Cathriona White died in 2015, the same year as the ‘Scientology: Enough is Enough’ conference[22][23].
  • Scientology has been present in Ireland since at least as early as 1956[22][24].


Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard had previously purchased 69 Merrion Square for use as the ‘H.A.S.U.K. Atomic Energy Healing Division Emergency Station’ in 1956 as a base for bringing Scientology to Ireland and the UK, but it closed in 1958.

25. - Marriage certificate of Jim Carrey's ex reveals details of her Las Vegas wedding while it is reported she attempted suicide in 2012 after the death of her father |

  • Cathriona White married Mark Burton in Jan 2013, a Scientologist she met while working on set for 'The Online Gamer', the set itself had many Scientologists present[10].
  • Cathriona White took classes in Scientology some time after meeting Mark[10][25].

26. 'It was for a green card': Jim Carrey 'claims late girlfriend Cathriona White's marriage to Mark Burton was a sham as he faces wrongful death case' |

Published: 20:39 AEST, 29 September 2016 | Updated: 21:12 AEST, 29 September 2016

Jim Carrey has reportedly claimed his ex-girlfriend, Cathriona White's marriage was a sham.~~

~~However, TMZ reports that Carrey's lawyer is now claiming the marriage was only 'for a green card' as the Liar Liar star was pictured kissing White a month after she tied the knot.

The picture shows Carrey and White on February 14, 2013 kissing, but White's marriage certificate said she married Burton on January 15.

^ 2 things to note:

  • Attempting to seed thoughts of Carrey's guilt into the mind of the reader, by specifically using the movie title "Liar Liar" in reference to Jim.
  • The article contains no photo of Carrey and White kissing.

Also provided in 26, is yet another handwritten note alleged to have been penned by White, to Carrey:

  • The letter states her age as being 27; 3 years before her death - conveniently still available to be found. Did Jim ever see it? Why is it in such good condition 3 years later? Who preserved it and why? Was it even written at the time implied by the age mentioned? Did White actually write this letter?

[26]: (images uploaded to imgoat)

Tragic: Written in frail, spidery handwriting, and signed ‘Your Dewdrop’, the two-page letter (pictured) to Carrey from White is a devastating portrait of a woman

Despairing: In the letter (pictured) she writes of her despair at having allegedly contracted three sexually-transmitted diseases from her superstar boyfriend

  • "frail, spidery handwriting" - Faked? On drugs/not mentally fit? Fraudulent accusations nonetheless.
  • "allegedly contracted three sexually-transmitted diseases" - Unsubstantiated allegations being played off as true.

argosciv ago


Aaaaalrighty then! Let's talk about Michael Avenatti(et al) again... shall we?

wiki: Michael Avenatti

Michael Avenatti (born February 16, 1971) is an American attorney and entrepreneur. He routinely appears on broadcast[1][2][3] and print media[4] as a commentator on a range of legal issues and has represented parties in a number of lawsuits that have gained international media attention, including cases brought against the National Football League,[5] various celebrity defendants,[6][7] high-ranking business executives[8] and Fortune 100 companies.[9] He is also a professional race car driver, having participated in races across the United States and Europe.[10][11][12][13][14][15]


Early years

While in college and later in law school, Avenatti worked at a political opposition and media firm, The Research Group, run by Rahm Emanuel (later White House Chief of Staff for President Barack Obama, and mayor of Chicago).[18] Avenatti worked on over 150 campaigns in 42 states, including multiple gubernatorial and congressional campaigns and Joe Biden’s U.S. Senate campaign.[7]

Legal career

After law school, Avenatti worked at O’Melveny & Myers in Los Angeles, California, alongside Daniel M. Petrocelli, who previously represented the Ron Goldman family in its case against O.J. Simpson.[19] He assisted Petrocelli on multiple legal matters, including the representation of singer Christina Aguilera[20] and litigation surrounding the movie K-19: The Widowmaker,[21] and worked extensively for Don Henley and Glenn Frey of the musical group The Eagles, including in a suit brought by former bandmate Don Felder against the group and Irving Azoff.[22][7]

Avenatti later joined Greene Broillet & Wheeler, a Los Angeles boutique litigation firm. While there, he handled a number of high-profile cases, including a $10 million defamation case against Paris Hilton,[23] a successful idea-theft lawsuit relating to the show The Apprentice and against producers Mark Burnett and Donald Trump,[24] and a $40 million embezzlement lawsuit involving KPMG.[7][25]

In 2007, Avenatti formed the law firm Eagan Avenatti, LLP (formerly known as Eagan O’Malley & Avenatti, LLP) with offices in Newport Beach, Los Angeles and San Francisco, California. He has since appeared on 60 Minutes twice in connection with cases he has handled.[1][26] Avenatti has also served as lead counsel on a number of historically-large cases, including an April 2017 $454 million verdict after a jury trial in Federal Court in Los Angeles in a fraud case against Kimberly-Clark and Halyard Health,[27] an $80.5 million class-action settlement against Service Corporation International,[28] a $41 million jury verdict against KPMG,[29] and a $39 million malicious prosecution settlement.[30] In 2015, Avenatti prevailed against the National Football League following a two-week jury trial in Federal District Court in Dallas, Texas after cross-examining Jerry Jones at trial.[31][32]

In March 2018 Avenatti filed a lawsuit on behalf of adult film actress Stormy Daniels seeking to invalidate a 2016 "hush" agreement regarding a 2008 affair with Donald Trump. The nondisclosure agreement had been negotiated in the final days of the 2016 U.S. Presidential campaign.[33][34]

There are some running themes with this guy...

"High profile cases" of note:

  • Defending: Zeta Graff vs Paris Hilton (ca. 2007)
  • Defending: Sweetman + Burton vs Jim Carrey (ca: 2012 - 2018)
  • Defending: Stormy Daniels vs Donald Trump (ca. 2016 - 2018)

  • Repeated involvement in cases where someone has pre-existing sex-related controversy in their life and where one or both parties have a lot of money.

  • He seems to alternate between having them employ him, and suing them; receiving money one way or the other.
  • I would go so far as to accuse him of, behind closed doors, playing both sides to manufacture elements of these cases. Easy wins to bolster his career, due to having inside information from a network within hollywood et al.

Shoutout to @migratorypatterns and @Blacksmith21:

16. Faith in our POTUS Restored: Donald Trump Drinking Fiji -- Hillary's $30,000 Fans Are Her ''CULT'' Following -- NXIVM is Key to the Storm ^ comment by Blacksmith21 >

Fiji He later bought Wakaya Island in Fiji.[1][2] In 1996, he co-founded Fiji Water with Peter Munk, after he found an aquifer in Yaqara Valley on Viti Levu.[1][2][4][5] It became the No. 1 brand of imported water, even before Evian.[1] In 2004, he sold it to Lynda Resnick for US$50 million.[1][6] He also founded Wakaya Club & Spa, a luxury resort on Wakaya Island.[2] Prince Felipe of Spain and his wife Letizia, Nicole Kidman and her husband Keith Urban, Bill Gates and his wife Melinda, Steve Jobs, Rupert Murdoch, George Lucas, Michelle Pfeiffer, David E. Kelley, Robert Zemeckis, Paris Hilton, and Tom Cruise have all stayed in the resort.[2][3] He has also built a village and a school for his Fiji workers.[2]

"Paris Hilton, and Tom Cruise"


Wait for it...

More running themes with Avenatti:

  • Scientologists being involved/linked(friendly or otherwise) with people involved in litigation which Avenattis is involved in.
  • Repeated involvement with litigation involving persons who have links to the pornography industry specifically.

17. - Paris Hilton Settles $10M Defamation Lawsuit With Zeta Graff |


Graff had filed a $10 million suit against Paris in 2005, claiming Paris fed a slanderous story to the New York Post about Graff attacking her at a club and ripping a necklace off her neck in what was supposedly a jealous rage over Hilton’s fiancé at the time, Paris Latsis.~~

~~During her deposition, Paris insisted she didn’t know anything about the article in the Post. However, her former publicist Rob Shutter[sic] went on the record to say that Paris was the one who gave him the information to pass on to the Post.


Paris Hilton finally blinked. Just a day before jury selection was scheduled to begin in diamond diva Zeta Graff‘s much-anticipated defamation suit against the hotel heiress, Paris forked up enough cash to settle the case. Sources pegged the damage at north of $2 million. In the suit, Graff alleged that Hilton planted a story on Page Six two years ago which falsely claimed a jealous Graff – the ex-girlfriend of Paris Latsis – had ripped a necklace off Hilton’s neck and been thrown out of London nightclub Kabaret, while Barry Manilow‘s “Copacabana” played mockingly in the background. Graff’s lawyer, Michael Avenatti, said, “Both parties are glad the matter could be resolved without the time and expense of a trial.” We at Page Six are just glad the matter was resolved without our editor being forced to recite the lyrics of Manilow’s hit song in court, as he did in a deposition.

So, who is Zeta Graff? Why would Paris make up such a story with the expectation that her publicist wouldn't turn on her? Why did her publicist turn? Did someone else put Paris up to it, with a false assurance that she wouldn't be turned against? Was Paris under duress?

Correction: accessonline article mispelled Hilton's publicist's name

19. wiki: Rob Shuter


Public relations

After graduating, Shuter started his first paid job at Bragman Nyman Cafarelli, a large Los Angeles based public relations firm that opened a small satellite office in New York City.

At Dan Klores Communications he represented Jennifer Lopez during her breakup with Ben Affleck, Jessica Simpson when she split with Nick Lachey,[6] Alicia Keys, Diddy, Jon Bon Jovi as well as lots of crisis management clients including Naomi Campbell and Paris Hilton.

Shuter finally decided he wanted to go out on his own and with Jessica and Ashlee Simpson as clients he left to start up The Shuter Group.

20. - Diamond heiress Zeta Graff seeks a tenant for her contemporary showplace in Bel-Air |


Graff is part of the family that owns London-based Graff Diamonds. She appeared in "The Fifth Element" (1997) as well as various TV movies and series.

wiki: Graff Diamonds

Graff Diamonds is a British multinational jeweller based in London.[1] A vertically integrated company, Graff operations comprise the design, manufacture and retail distribution of jewellery and watches.

Notable diamonds

~~The Sultan Abdul Hamid II is a 70, 54 carat light yellow acquired by Graff in 1981. It has been suggested that this stone may have been cut from "The Ottoman I" which originally belonged to Suleyman the Magnificent of Turkey.

See: Anna Malecka, "The Lost Diamond of Süleyman the Magnificent", Jewellery History Today: The Society of Jewellery Historians Winter 2015 (22).


Graff has over 50 stores around the world including New York, Las Vegas, Monte Carlo, Courchevel, Kiev, Beijing and Taipei. [16]

Graff has corporate offices in London, New York, Geneva, Hong Kong and Tokyo.

See also

  • Graff Diamonds robbery

argosciv ago


I'll come back to Michael Avenatti - let's look at Mark Burton and the Scientology connection, first:


EXCLUSIVE: Pictured, the secret Scientologist husband of Jim Carrey's tragic girlfriend - living hundreds of miles from her Los Angeles home after split

Summary points from article:

  • Cathriona White married Scientologist Mark Burton in Las Vegas in 2013 but the couple were preparing to divorce
  • White is to be buried in her native Ireland after her death last week in Los Angeles, where she had just split from on-off boyfriend Jim Carrey
  • Burton, a Hollywood cameraman, has a $150,000 house in McMinnville, a small town in Oregon, where he lives quietly
  • Their marriage came after she was unable to leave the U.S. for her father's funeral because she did not have legal immigration status
  • Unclear when they split but friends were said not to know she was married and they were planning divorce later this year

By Ruth Styles In Mcminnville, Oregon, For

PUBLISHED: 07:25 AEDT, 10 October 2015 | UPDATED: 04:27 AEDT, 23 January 2016

Further notes from article:

White was brought up in the Catholic faith but later became a Scientologist.

The church claims she left them six months ago. Carrey is know not to be Scientologist.


On their Las Vegas wedding certificate, White[sic: should say Burton] gave his home town as McMinnville. Public records suggest he was brought up in California and had also spent time in his twenties in Los Angeles and suburban New York.


It is not clear where he[Mark Burton] was actually living at the time, as public records show he bought his home in the Oregon town this year for $150,000.

Other public records suggest that he had business interests in California at the time. He has however held local hunting licences at a different address in the town.


She met her future husband on the set of the internet-only TV show 'The Online Gamer'. Many of those involved in the show, including Mark Burton, were scientologists.

White was only an extra on the show, but she started a secret relationship with Burton, whom she married in January 2013.

After her marriage, she was able to return to Ireland for her sister's wedding and it was believed she was planning to return for Christmas.

While in Los Angeles, Ms White took a number of scientology courses.

Fucking look what I found, folks.

13. https://www.irishtimes - Why are Scientologists setting up a European hub in Ireland? |


Why are Scientologists setting up a European hub in Ireland?

Centre opening in country with only 87 Church of Scientology members

Fri, Oct 13, 2017, 22:36

Mario Danneels

One year after launching a “National Affairs Office” on Merrion Square, the Church of Scientology is opening an “Ideal Org”, not dissimilar to a mother church, in the Dublin suburb of Firhouse.

The organisation is turning Ireland into a European hub, and a former high-ranking member believes that Scientology’s operations here might gain even more significance as pressure mounts in the United States.

There was a flurry of activity at the former Victory Centre on the Firhouse Road on Thursday evening. Scientologists were building a stage alongside a big screen for Saturday’s grand opening of their church’s latest Ideal Org.

Any visitors walking towards the gate prompted security guards to block the view, while a UK-registered car slowly crawled up and down the road.

Meanwhile, ex-Scientologist John McGhee was dropping hundreds of leaflets inviting local residents to attend Saturday afternoon’s protest against his former religion’s increasing presence in Ireland. McGhee was greeted with enthusiasm and curiosity by the customers of a nearby pub.

“We don’t want them here,” said a woman who took out her phone to share the protest page on Facebook. “That building should’ve been a school.”

Bar staff complained to McGhee that in recent weeks, foreign Scientologists had come to the business questioning why alcohol was being served early and why sports games were being shown on TV, while eavesdropping on conversations. One member of staff called their presence “intrusive” and said she had already barred a Scientologist from the pub.

Paul Preston, who is closing up the local butcher’s shop for the day, was more relaxed, however. “I haven’t really got a strong opinion about them. Hopefully they’ll bring some money into the community. It would be good if the building were open to the public though; it’s a huge place.”

Scientology was founded in 1953 by the American science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. The US and Spain are among the countries that recognise it as a religion, while other governments have declared it a cult.

Ideal Orgs are a relatively recent phenomena, thought up in 2002 by David Miscavige, who succeeded Hubbard upon his death in 1986 and was best man to Tom Cruise, the organisation’s most famous devotee, at two of his weddings. Miscavige is expected to cut the ribbon in Firhouse on Saturday.

I wonder... Scientology in Ireland ca. 2012?

HAH! Oh dear god LOL!

14. - Scientologist mounted ‘vicious character attack’ on ex-member |


Scientologist mounted ‘vicious character attack’ on ex-member

Circuit Court hears allegations of defamation on internet

Fri, Nov 6, 2015, 15:34 Updated: Fri, Nov 6, 2015, 15:45

Ray Managh

Attendees at a conference in 2012 entitled ‘Dublin Offlines; Speaking out against the cult of Scientology’. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

Zabina Collins, a leading member of the Church of Scientology in Ireland, launched “a vicious character attack” on a former member who had given a talk to Dublin schoolboys on cults, the Circuit Civil Court has been told.

Séamas Ó Tuathail SC, told the court Peter Griffiths, of Cual Gara, Teeling Street, Ballina, Co Mayo, had been defamed by Ms Collins in an email she had sent to the headmaster of St David’s CBS, in Artane, Dublin, following a posting on the internet by Mr Griffiths of what he had said to the boys.

Mr Ó Tuathail, who appeared with barrister John Smith for Griffiths, said the email had nothing to do with the issues of scientology. She had written to the school principal allegedly as a concerned parent who had no child attending the school.

Ms Collins (36) a Dublin chiropractic clinic director, of The Boulevard, Mount Eustace, Tyrelstown, Dublin 15, is being sued by Mr Griffiths for damages for defamation.

In her email, Ms Collins alleged that Mr Griffiths’ talk had centred on the scientology religion which counts Tom Cruise and John Travolta as members and that he had been extremely abusive and insulting to Scientologists.

See also:

15. https://irishtimes - Scientologist admits complaint ‘could have been more temperate’ |


Scientologist admits complaint ‘could have been more temperate’

Zabina Collins sent school principal a link to a naked picture of a former church member

Thu, Jan 28, 2016, 16:49

Anti-Church of Scientology protesters stage a demonstration outside the Four Courts in Dublin before an action involving a member of the church, Zabrina Collins. Photograph: Courts Collins

Zabina Collins, a leading member of the Church of Scientology in Ireland, has told a judge that an email she sent to a school principal complaining about a talk by a former church member “could have been a little more temperate”.~~

She said that she sent the headmaster a link to an online video that included a picture of Mr Griffiths naked, with only a Guy Fawkes mask covering his genitals. Ms Collins, of The Boulevard, Mount Eustace, Tyrrelstown, Dublin 15, told Judge James O’Donohue she had written to the school principal as a concerned parent and not to besmirch Mr Griffiths.

She earlier told her barrister Frank Beatty that while she did not have a child attending St David’s, she tutored children in schools on drugs awareness and felt she had a duty to complain.

‘Viciously slandering’

In her email Ms Collins alleged that Mr Griffiths’s talk had centred on Scientology and accused him of “openly and viciously” slandering the church.

She accused him of being “an avid hate campaigner against Scientologists” and “hate mongering” against the church.

She also accused him of being under Garda surveillance.

The court heard that a teacher from St David’s had asked Mr Griffiths to address school pupils on cults.

The court was told that it was Mr Griffiths who had posted the recording on the internet.

The court heard that in the recording Mr Griffiths warned the boys of the dangers of getting involved with the Church of Scientology, saying that it might destroy their lives.

Further reading: - Peter Griffiths |

argosciv ago


A bit of background:

CW & JC met in 2012 and entered a romantic relationship(around the time of, allegedly, CW's first suicide attempt, following the death of her father, Pat White[1][9]), which would be on-off until just days before CW's death in 2015[0:[76][77]]. The pair first hit a snag sometime on or near October 20 2012(officially splitting in Jan 2013, reconciling in Feb and splitting again in Mar - they did not reconnect again until Nov 2014, becoming an item again in May 2015), due to increased pressure from CW regarding her desire for JC to marry her so as to secure her citizenship. She would then go on to allege that JC had given ther STDs and threatened public disclosure and court proceedings. JC denied the allegations but otherwise settled out of court, paying an undisclosed amount to CW[7].

CW quietly married Mark Burton on Jan 15th 2013, MB is a Scientologist who had worked with CW on the set of 'The Online Gamer' - a production dominated by Scientologist cast/crew members[10]. It is understood that MB & CW split & were preparing for divorce prior to CW & JC reuniting in May 2015[7].

CW's mother, Brigid Sweetman, allegedly sent a facebook message to CW on her 30th birthday(Sept 14, 2015) in which she described her daughter as "worthless" & "a failure", causing serious distress for CW who would soon-after deactivate her facebook account[2][7]. However, Mrs. Sweetman has denied this allegation, in light of hateful & threatening correspondance from strangers[3][4]. Indeed, JC has alleged that Mrs. Sweetman played a direct role in driving CW to her supposed suicide[7], however, I don't think he is behind the correspondance.

Some inconsistencies to note at this time:

Mrs. Sweetman has said,

"There's a story that has been published saying that I sent Cathriona an email on her birthday nine days before she died, calling her a failure," ~ "I don't know who would say such lies, but this is something that never, ever happened. I am devastated people would say this."[3] ~ “Yes, we had had an argument. But what family doesn’t? It was over nothing and it would have been resolved. It’s just hard when your daughter is on the other side of the Atlantic, you can’t put your arms around her.”[4]

This poses the question, "What exactly did Mrs. Sweetman say in her facebook message(s) to CW, on/around her 30th birthday?", however, keeping in mind that CW deactivated her facebook shortly after, there's only so many ways to get the contents of their conversation - moreover, can the conversation still be retrieved?

At this stage, I suspect that CW did recieve an emotionally devestating message, but, it is possible that this message was sent by someone posing as Mrs. Sweetman; it is possible that someone "hacked" their way into being able to send a faux message to CW. Although such an act would require elaborate planning & foresight, I do think that it's plausible that someone other than Mrs. Sweetman sent the abusive message which pushed CW to shutdown her facebook & enter a final downward spiral - culminating in her suicide or otherwise being in a state of distress which would allow a staged suicide to pass off as legitimate. Alternatively, CW may have misunderstood wording used by her mother in messages genuinely sent by Mrs. Sweetman.

It is also plausible, that if this is a targeted attempt to push someone to suicide & subsequently exploit a famous actor, that the same people who pushed CW to suicide, also set in motion, a slew of trolls to harass Mrs. Sweetman - thus pumping life into the idea that JC is vindictive & himself behind the targeted harassment of both CW & Mrs. Sweetman. I reject any & all insinuations that JC had any desire to harass Mrs. Sweetman(et al), though he has accused Mrs. Sweetman of being involved, this seems like an understandable response in light of the incessant lawsuits being filed against him, but, I do not believe for a moment that he is behind any of the negative correspondance that Mrs. Sweetman has recieved - to reiterate, I suspect that Mark Burton(et al, excluding Mrs. Sweetman) are the ones responsible for harassing Mrs. Sweetman & also responsible for the turmoil which ultimately consumed CW & the effort to extort JC.

Worth noting also, is recent(Feb 2, 2018) media correspondance from Mr. Sweetman, stating Mrs. Sweetman is unwell & not wanting to comment, after it was revealed that CW had blackmailed JC with forged medical records[5].

Exploring litigation & threats of public disclosure against JC:**


In his lawsuit, Carrey said the 'bumps' she discovered on her vagina in January 2013 - which she told him she was concerned were evidence of an STD - were in fact caused by a bikini wax.


Relatives of Cathriona White refused to comment on Thursday after Jim Carrey has been cleared over his Irish ex-lover’s suicide.

Yesterday, a wrongful death lawsuit taken by Ms White's mother Brigid Sweetman and husband Mark Burton was thrown out after lawyers proved Ms White blackmailed him with forged medical records.

They claimed the actor gave the make-up artist sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) and provided the drugs used when she took her own life in September 2015, aged 30.


>Deafening silence from Cathriona White's family as their wrongful death lawsuit against Jim Carrey is thrown out[~ @]

But Carrey’s lawyers discovered she had doctored a friend’s records to show her name and a different date.~~

**Who are the complainants' lawyers?"


Carrey said it was a 'mistake' to settle the claims in 2013 with White and her former lawyer Filippo Marchino and vowed: 'I will not give in a second time.'

[11.]: - Jim Carrey Clear of Lawsuits Over Former Girlfriend's Death: |

Michael Avenatti, the attorney for Sweetman and Burton, on Wednesday sent THR a brief statement: “We have no further comment at this time.”

Where have we heard that name before? You should have listened, Michael

Exploring CW's allegations against JC, alongside MA dredging the subject:


In a newly-discovered note that she wrote two years before taking her own life, Jim Carrey's ex-girlfriend blamed the actor for exposing her to a debauched life of sex and drugs and scorned him for 'giving her' herpes.

The note was written by Catriona White on April 8, 2013, on her iPad. It is not known if she ever sent it to Carrey before she took her own life on September 28, 2015. She died just short of two weeks after 30th birthday.

The note was discovered on White's iPad by lawyers working for her family in a wrongful death lawsuit against Carrey

I'm not so sure she actually worte this, rather, it was possibly 'planted' and 'discovered' by "lawers"(et al) - alternatively, if she did write it, she was not only being fraudulent but also probably was not at all of sound mind at the time - keeping in mind also, that there is no indication that Jim ever saw the note - it was allegedly written well after they had stopped talking and litigation had begun.

Worth noting also, is the difference between the ipad notes and the handwritten one found with CW's body, seemingly addressed to JC:

[12.]: - Jim Carrey set to face trial over the fatal overdose of his ex-girlfriend~ |

Carrey says that in one note (pictured above) White called him her 'family' and asked him to divide up her property following her death

In a another note, White says: 'I love Jim and I am sorry I brought turmoil into his life'. White's mother is again not mentioned by name

In the note, however, White goes on to day that her 'blood is on your hands' after addressing Carrey, and says that he 'destroyed' her body

^ Notice the dates and redactions? Something doesn't sit right with these screenshots/photos... I would indeed dare to say that the only genuine one addressed to Jim, which he was given a chance to see, was the handwritten note.


Composed on an iPad in Notes, the note is meant for Carrey and was released by Avenatti after the legal team uncovered it “during a forensic examination of Ms. White’s iPad.” It’s unclear if Carrey or anyone else read the note prior to White’s death.

For the record before I proceed: I firmly believe that Michael Avenatti knew that the entirety of the allegations against Jim Carrey, are rooted in fraud/deception; in a word, subterfuge - at the behest of/enabled by/with support from Scientology and it's 'agents' as an entity. I believe, ultimately, that Scientologists view Jim Carrey as an enemy to be 'destroyed', due to his beliefs and success and his ability to inspire others and aleviate suffering through his work. Moreover, I also suspect that Scientologists are, in various ways, still attacking/threatening Jim in a continued attempt to ruin him and potentially push him to the same fate as Cathriona.

Michael Avenatti is a fraud and has made a habit of poisoning public opinion so as to manufacture faux support for his high-profile cases.

^ Poisoned public opionon RE: Jim Carrey: by pubicly tweeting(now deleted) an ultimatum before it was revealed that CW had forged her medical records.