Rgusraper ago

New Q: "The Bridge": Soviet/FBI/CIA connections: Espionage: pizzagate??


Another spectacular fail. Has it ever occurred to you to actually be relevant to this world instead of pretend to be relevant to this world? Because right now all your pretending qualifies you to be a sink hole in the gene pool. Hopefully you are sterile.


Rgusraper ago

As much as they would have you believe that they are, no, they are not - Nimrod sure as shit wasn't the founder of "Satanism" either, on that note.

triggered me again, my Amalek alt popped in. If we gawn be Satanist friends, you have to stop that!


Rgusraper ago

I'll answer what I can - again, though, ask a stupid question or talk shit and you may not like the response.

The Professor Argosciv Know It All Shit Show Presents


Billy Preston - Will It Go Round in Circles


Rgusraper ago

Can you really say that the tempered and comparatively rare animal sacrifices made by primitive Shamans, are any more grotesque than the amount of slain animals that nobody eats and are otherwise discarded in today's world?


Rgusraper ago

Disclaimer: There are many things on the following image, which I don't necessarily agree with in terms of wording/implications, but, everything is pretty much right where it needs to be.

That confirms my worst fears. You been hanging out with Bill Clinton too long. Bill Clinton did not inhale, but you, you inhaled when you sucked all that mod dick. Last guy I saw do that grew heads out of his heads. I knew sucking all that mod dick would come back to haunt you, but noooooooo, you did not listen.


Rgusraper ago

I will say though, ask a stupid question, expect a stupid answer...

Naaa, brah, you cannot even push a load of condescending shit right without it falling on you. Wut i'm gonna do with ya?


Rgusraper ago

aaaaaaaaaaaa...I feel better now. This thread is the shits brah.


argosciv ago


So I'm pretty sure I managed to cover the most important parts of this... there's several other peripheral subjects/persons/events/etc, which I wanted to cover, but, now's about as good a time as any, to wrap things up. As said earlier, ask your questions, I'll answer what I can - again, though, ask a stupid question or talk shit and you may not like the response.

Many of you still won't agree with me regarding the topic of Satanism not being the problem, at this point, that's your own problem and it's your own ignorance at fault. The enemy is Amalek/Nimrod and the Amalekites and their descendants and those they have corrupted and sucked into their perverse agenda over thousands of years - they revel in unending turmoil and disease - while the rest of us kill each other off and live in misery, they coast along undetected, reaping the benefits from a myriad of avenues.

Are they Satanists? As much as they would have you believe that they are, no, they are not - Nimrod sure as shit wasn't the founder of "Satanism" either, on that note.

Those unfamiliar with the resident shill who initially identified themselves as "Amalek", ask the owners of Voat and/or the owners/mods of v/pizzagate to fill you in.

Updates: space reserved

The Voice: Great Metal Singers all over The World (at LEAST listen to the first performance in this video... absolutely fucking amazing... it's also a hint of sorts, future topic; C'W'G, Ham)


Behemoth - At The Left Hand Of God (Paris 2008, + lyrics)


Rgusraper ago

I hope you have read the entire entry, I'm going to answer a few questions then move on:

You were given dozens of chances to stop stirring up shit between the mods and the posters here, but no, you didn't listen, obnoxious faggot.


argosciv ago


I'm going to move on from O9A and David Myatt, after the following final notes:

from O9A wiki:

Beliefs and structure

The ONA describes its beliefs as belonging to "a sinisterly-numinous mystic tradition", adding that "it is not now and never was either strictly satanist or strictly Left Hand Path, but uses "satanism" and the LHP as "causal forms"; that is, as techniques/experiences/ordeals/challenges" to aid the practitioner's spiritual advancement.[49] Monette described the ONA as "a fascinating blend of both Hermeticism and Traditional Satanism, with some pagan elements".[15] Faxneld described the ONA as "a dangerous and extreme form of Satanism" [25] and as "one of the most extreme Satanist groups in the world." [50] Jeffrey Kaplan and Leonard Weinberg characterised it as a "National Socialist-oriented Satanist group",[51] while Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke similarly deemed it to be a "Satanic Nazi cult" which "combine[d] paganism with praise for Hitler".[52] He added that the ONA "celebrated the dark, destructive side of life through anti-Christian, elitist and Social Darwinist doctrines."[53] Considering the manner in which the ONA had syncretized both Satanism and Heathenry, the historian of religion Mattias Gardell described its spiritual perspective as "a heathen satanic path".[54] The scholar George Sieg however argued that the ONA should be categorised as "post-Satanic" because it has "surpassed (without fully abandoning) identification with its original satanic paradigm".[55]

^ Not strictly Satanist or LHP.

from David Myatt wiki:

Departure from Islam

In 2010, Myatt publicly announced that he had rejected Islam,[107][108] having developed his own weltanschauung,[60][61][109] writing that "the Way of Pathei-Mathos is an ethical, an interior, a personal, a non-political, a non-interfering, a non-religious but spiritual, way of individual reflexion, individual change, and empathic living, where there is an awareness of the importance of virtues such as compassion, humility, tolerance, gentleness, and love",[110] and that "living according to the way of pathei-mathos [...] means being compassionate or inclining toward compassion by trying to avoid causing, or contributing, to suffering".[110]

^ It would seem that David has gotten his shit together, but, this may be part of a long-running ruse and his attempt to divorce himself from having worked for the enemy.

Moving on...


MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha; also known as simply MS or Mara) is an international criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles, California, US in the 1980s. The gang later spread to many parts of the continental United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America, and is active in urban and suburban areas. Most members are of Central American origin, principally El Salvador.

In the U.S., MS-13 has an especially heavy presence in California, the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, New York City and New Jersey, Boston, Charlotte, North Carolina, and Houston. There is also a presence of MS-13 in Toronto, Canada.

Members of MS are characterised by tattoos covering the body, previously including the face, and by the use of their own sign language. They are notorious for their violence and a subcultural moral code based on merciless retribution. This cruelty of the distinguished members of the "Maras" or "Mareros" earned them a path to be recruited by the Sinaloa Cartel battling against Los Zetas in an ongoing drug war in Mexico.[5][6][7] Their wide-ranging activities have drawn the attention of the FBI and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who have initiated wide-scale raids against known and suspected gang members, arresting hundreds across the country.[8]

So, we've all heard of them by now... are they Satanists? No.


There is some dispute about the etymology of the name. Some sources state the gang is named for La Mara, a street gang in San Salvador, and the Salvatrucha guerrillas who fought in the Salvadoran Civil War.[9] Additionally, the word mara means gang in Caliche slang and is taken from marabunta, the name of a fierce type of ant. "Salvatrucha" may be a combination of the words Salvadoran and trucha, a Caliche word for being alert. The term "Salvatruchas" has been explained as a reference to Salvadorian peasants trained to become guerrilla fighters, referred to as "Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front."[10]

Aspirants are beaten for 13 seconds in order to join the gang, a ritual known as a "beat-in".[11][12][13][14][15][16]

^ Nothing Satanic about the name of the gang...

Physical appearance

Minors make up the majority of suspects arrested for killings attributed to MS-13. Many school districts had been reluctant to admit unaccompanied teenagers when they initially arrived from Central America, leaving them home alone and vulnerable to gang recruitment.[17]

Many Mara Salvatrucha members cover themselves in tattoos. Common markings include "MS", "Salvatrucha", the "Devil Horns", the name of their clique, and other symbols.[18] A December 2007 CNN internet news article stated that the gang was moving away from face tattoos so as to be able to commit crimes without being noticed.[19]

Members of Mara Salvatrucha, like members of most modern American gangs, utilize a system of hand signs for purposes of identification and communication. One of the most commonly displayed is the "devil's head" which forms an 'M' when displayed upside down. This hand sign is similar to the same symbol commonly seen displayed by heavy metal musicians and their fans. Founders of Mara Salvatrucha borrowed the hand sign after attending concerts of heavy metal bands.[20]

^ See that there at the bottom? "Founders of Mara Salvatrucha borrowed the hand sign after attending concerts of heavy metal bands."

Does that make them Satanists? No.

Interestingly enough, though, there's this:

Illegal immigration and human smuggling

According to The Washington Times, MS-13 "is thought to have established a major smuggling center" in Mexico.[35] There were reports by the Minuteman Project that MS members were ordered to Arizona to target U.S. Border Patrol agents and Minuteman Project volunteers.[36]

Robert Morales, a prosecutor for Guatemala, indicated to The Globe and Mail that some Central American gang members seek refugee status in Canada. Superintendent of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police integrated gang task force, John Robin, said in an interview that "I think [gang members] have a feeling that police here won't treat them in the harsh manner they get down there."[37] Robin noted that Canadian authorities "want to avoid ending up like the U.S., which is dealing with the problem of Central American gangsters on a much bigger scale".[37]

The gang is violent to migrants on the southern border of Mexico.[38]

False Al-Qaeda connection

In 2005 Honduran Security Minister Oscar Álvarez and the President of El Salvador raised alarm by claiming that Muslim terrorist organisation Al-Qaeda was meeting with Mara Salvatrucha and other Central American gangs to help them infiltrate the United States. FBI agents said that the U.S. intelligence community and governments of several Central American countries found that there was no basis to believe that MS-13 was connected to Al-Qaeda or other Islamic radicals, although the head of the FBI task force on MS-13 did visit Central America to discuss the issue.[39]

[39]: usatoday.com - U.S. steps up battle against Salvadoran gang MS-13 | http://archive.is/mRFsq

Posted 2/23/2005 8:37 PM, Updated 2/24/2005 10:53 AM

By Danna Harman, USA TODAY

SAN SALVADOR — A street gang based in El Salvador has rapidly spread in the USA and raised enough concern for the Justice Department to create a new task force to battle it. But the head of the task force says the gang has no al-Qaeda connections, despite a suggestion Monday by El Salvador's president that there may be a link.

"The FBI, in concert with the U.S. intelligence community and governments of several Central American republics, have determined that there is no basis in fact to support this allegation of al-Qaeda or even radical Islamic ties to MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha)," says Robert Clifford, director of the new task force. Clifford is in El Salvador this week to discuss cooperation with his Central American counterparts.

Per everything outlined in this submission and various other RoC entries, I feel that Robert F. Clifford(et al) was wrong; I'm of the suspicion that ties DO exist between Islamic extremism, O9A and MS-13. Is it at all possible, that Clifford was lying? That evidence was suppressed or destroyed? That the O9A "Grand Mistress" may be involved? I think so...

From Robert F. Clifford linkedin:

Director, MS-13 National Gang Task Force


December 2004 – January 2006 (1 year 2 months)

As a finishing note on MS-13, let's just bask in this for a moment, from the wiki entry:


~~On November 16, 2017 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), officials announced that they arrested a total of 267 alleged MS-13 gang members and associates in Operation Raging Bull, which was carried out in two phases. The first phase was in September 2017, and resulted in 53 arrests in El Salvador. The second phases was between October 8 and November 11, 2017, and resulted in 214 arrests in the U.S. Charges included drug trafficking, child prostitution, human smuggling, racketing, conspiracy to commit murder.[73][74][75][76]

Tool - Ænema

Rgusraper ago

Since we satanist friends imma come see ya


argosciv ago


David Myatt

Seriously, whether or not this guy is "Anton Long", he comes across as a modern-day Amalekite/Crypto-Jew - there, I said it.

David Wulstan Myatt[1] (born 1950), formerly known as Abdul-Aziz ibn Myatt[2] and Abdul al-Qari,[3] is the founder of The Numinous Way,[4][5][6] a former British Muslim,[6] and a former Neo-Nazi.

"A British iconoclast who has lived a somewhat itinerant life and has undertaken an equally desultory intellectual quest, Myatt is emblematic of the modern syncretism of radical ideologies",[7] and regarded as an "example of the axis between right-wing extremists and Islamists".[5][8] He has been described as an "extremely violent, intelligent, dark, and complex individual",[9] as a martial arts expert,[10][11] and as one of the more interesting figures on the British neo-Nazi scene since the 1970s.[10][12][13][14]

Before his conversion to Islam in 1998,[15][16][17] Myatt was the first leader of the British National Socialist Movement (NSM),[4][18] and was identified by the British newspaper The Observer, as the "ideological heavyweight" behind Combat 18.[10]

Myatt came to public attention in 1999, a year after his Islamic conversion, when a pamphlet he wrote many years earlier, A Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution, described as a "detailed step-by-step guide for terrorist insurrection",[19] was said to have inspired David Copeland, who left nailbombs in areas frequented by London's black, South Asian, and gay communities.[20] Three people died and 129 were injured in the explosions, several of them losing limbs. It has also been suggested that Myatt's A Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution might have influenced the German National Socialist Underground.[21][22]

Myatt has translated works of ancient Greek literature, translated and written a commentary on the Greek text of eight tractates of the Corpus Hermeticum, and written several collections of poems. He is currently translating and writing a commentary on the Greek text of the Gospel of John.

Personal life

Myatt grew up in Tanzania, where his father worked as a civil servant for the British government, and later in the Far East, where he studied the martial arts.[23] He moved to England in 1967 to complete his schooling, and has said that he began a degree in physics but did not complete it, leaving his studies to focus on his political activism.[24] He is reported to live in the Midlands [25][26] and to have been married three times. [27]

According to Professor Jeffrey Kaplan, Myatt has undertaken "a global odyssey which took him on extended stays in the Middle East and East Asia, accompanied by studies of religions ranging from Christianity to Islam in the Western tradition and Taoism and Buddhism in the Eastern path. In the course of this Siddhartha-like search for truth, Myatt sampled the life of the monastery in both its Christian and Buddhist forms."[28]

Pause for a moment. Anything stand out?

Myatt grew up in Tanzania


Tanzania (/ˌtænzəˈniːə/),[12] officially the United Republic of Tanzania (Swahili: Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania), is a sovereign state in eastern Africa within the African Great Lakes region. It borders Kenya and Uganda to the north; Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west; Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique to the south; and the Indian Ocean to the east. Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain, is in north-eastern Tanzania.

Africa | Kenya | Obama | Oprah

Although David denies any involvement with O9A, his other activities are of interest regardless...

Political activism

Myatt joined Colin Jordan's British Movement, a neo-Nazi group, in 1968, where he sometimes acted as Jordan's bodyguard at meetings and rallies.[65] Myatt would later become Leeds Branch Secretary and a member of British Movement's National Council. [66] From the 1970s until the 1990s, he remained involved with paramilitary and neo-Nazi organisations such as Column 88 and Combat 18,[67][68] and was imprisoned twice for violent offences in connection with his political activism.[23]

Myatt was the founder and first leader of the National Socialist Movement[69][70] of which David Copeland was a member. He also co-founded, with Eddy Morrison, the neo-Nazi organization the NDFM (National Democratic Freedom Movement) which was active in Leeds, England, in the early 1970s,[71] and the neo-Nazi Reichsfolk group,[72][73] and which Reichsfolk organization "aimed to create a new Aryan elite, The Legion of Adolf Hitler, and so prepare the way for a golden age in place of 'the disgusting, decadent present with its dishonourable values and dis-honourable weak individuals'".[74]

Of the NDFM, John Tyndall wrote (in a polemic against NDFM co-founder Eddy Morrison): "The National Democratic Freedom Movement made little attempt to engage in serious politics but concentrated its activities mainly upon acts of violence against its opponents. [...] Before very long the NDFM had degenerated into nothing more than a criminal gang."[75][76] Myatt, writing in his autobiography Myngath, admits that during this time he did organize a small gang "whose aim was to liberate goods, fence them, and make some money with the initial intent of aiding our political struggle." Myatt was subsequently arrested in a raid by the Yorkshire Regional Crime Squad, and imprisoned for leading this gang.[27]

It is also alleged that in the early 1980s Myatt tried to establish a Nazi-occultist commune in Shropshire,[10][77] although Myatt denies this allegation, claiming that his aim was to establish an agrarian community solely based on the Nazi principles of Blood and Soil[27] and which project was advertised in Colin Jordan's Gothic Ripples newsletter,[78] with Goodrick-Clark writing that "after marrying and settling in Church Stretton in Shropshire, [Myatt] attempted in 1983 to set up a rural commune within the framework of Colin Jordan's Vanguard Project for neo-nazi utopias publicized in Gothic Ripples".[79]

Michael writes that Myatt took over the leadership of Combat 18 in 1998, when Charlie Sargent, the previous leader, was jailed for murder.[23]

Alleged influence on David Copeland

In November 1997, Myatt posted an allegedly racist and anti-Semitic pamphlet he had written called Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution on a website run out of British Columbia, Canada by Bernard Klatt. The pamphlet included chapter titles such as "Assassination", "Terror Bombing", and "Racial War".[80] According to Michael Whine of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, "[t]he contents provided a detailed step-by-step guide for terrorist insurrection with advice on assassination targets, rationale for bombing and sabotage campaigns, and rules of engagement."[19]

In February 1998, detectives from S012 Scotland Yard raided Myatt's home in Worcestershire and removed his computers and files. He was arrested on suspicion of incitement to murder and incitement to racial hatred,[19][27] but the case was dropped because the evidence supplied by the Canadian authorities was not enough to secure a conviction.[80]

It was this pamphlet that, in 1999, allegedly influenced[81] David Copeland, the London nailbomber – who was also a member of Myatt's National Socialist Movement – and who planted homemade bombs targeting immigrants in Brixton, Brick Lane, and inside the Admiral Duncan pub on Old Compton Street in London, frequented by the black, Asian, and gay communities respectively. Friends John Light, Nick Moore, and Andrea Dykes and her unborn child died in the Admiral Duncan pub. Copeland told police he had been trying to spark a "racial war."[18]


According to the BBC's Panorama, in 1998 when Myatt was leader of the NSM, he called for "the creation of racial terror with bombs".[18] Myatt is also quoted by Searchlight as having stated that "[t]he primary duty of all National Socialists is to change the world. National Socialism means revolution: the overthrow of the existing System and its replacement with a National-Socialist society. Revolution means struggle: it means war. It means certain tactics have to be employed, and a great revolutionary movement organised which is primarily composed of those prepared to fight, prepared to get their hands dirty and perhaps spill some blood".[42]

Conversion to Islam

~~As a Muslim, he travelled and spoke in several Arab countries,[97] and wrote one of the most detailed defences in the English language of Islamic suicide attacks[98] – having become an advocate of such attacks[99][100][101][102] and defended the killing of civilians in such attacks.[103][104] He also expressed support for Osama bin Laden,[105] and the Taliban,[5] and referred to the Holocaust as a "hoax".[17] An April 2005 NATO workshop heard that Myatt had called on "all enemies of the Zionists to embrace the Jihad" against Jews and the United States.[106]

According to an article in The Times published on 24 April 2006, Myatt then believed that: "The pure authentic Islam of the revival, which recognises practical jihad as a duty, is the only force that is capable of fighting and destroying the dishonour, the arrogance, the materialism of the West ... For the West, nothing is sacred, except perhaps Zionists, Zionism, the hoax of the so-called Holocaust, and the idols which the West and its lackeys worship, or pretend to worship, such as democracy... Jihad is our duty. If nationalists, or some of them, desire to aid us, to help us, they can do the right thing, the honourable thing, and convert, revert, to Islam — accepting the superiority of Islam over and above each and every way of the West."[17]

Tech N9ne - Aw Yeah? (interVENTion)

argosciv ago


Order of Nine Angles (cont)



The ONA's first cell, "Nexion Zero", was established in the county of Shropshire (pictured).[2]

Academics have found it difficult to ascertain "exact and verifiable information" about the ONA's origins given the secrecy with which the group shields itself.[3] As with many other occult organisations, the Order shrouds its history in "mystery and legend", creating a "mythical narrative" for its origins and development.[3] The ONA claims to be the descendant of pre-Christian pagan traditions which survived the Christianisation of Britain and which were passed down from the Middle Ages onward in small groups or "temples" based in the Welsh Marches – a border area between England and Wales – which were each led by a Grand Master or Grand Mistress.[4] According to the Order, in the late 1960s a Grand Mistress of one such group united three of these temples – Camlad, the Temple of the Sun, and The Noctulians – to form the ONA,[5] before welcoming outsiders into the tradition.[6]

According to the Order's account, one of those whom the Grand Mistress initiated into the group was "Anton Long", an individual who described himself as a British citizen who had spent much of his youth visiting Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.[7] Long claimed that prior to his involvement in the ONA he had been interested in occultism for several years, having contacted a coven based in Fenland in 1968, before moving to London and joining groups that practiced ceremonial magic in the style of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley.[3] He also claimed a brief involvement in a Satanic group based in Manchester, the Orthodox Temple of the Prince run by Ray Bogart, during which time he encountered the ONA Grand Mistress.[8] According to the Order's account, Long joined the ONA in 1973 – the first to have done so in five years – and became the Grand Mistress' heir.[9] He later recalled that at that time the group held rituals at henges and stone circles around the solstices and equinoxes.[3]

Let's pause for a moment...

We have no known identity for the "Grand Mistress";

Looking at when "Anton Long" allegedly joined the order, 1973, supposing the "Grand Mistress" is real, who wants to take a guess at who she might be(consider age)?

While we're here, let's correct another inaccuracy present in m1:

Aleister Crowley's Thelema, was based on teachings from The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn(among other influences), both being based on teachings from Hermeticism; THOGD is older than and a parent to Thelema.

I do not care what you think of Crowley/Thelema, be it positive, negative or otherwise - if you have evidence of him or others using it to cause harm, do as thou will...

Get it yet? No? You can choose to ignore it, choose to replicate it, choose to report it to the authorities/other, etc... there will be consequences regardless, positive and/or negative.

Reading on...

This account further states that when the Order's Grand Mistress migrated to Australia, Long took over as the group's new Grand Master.[5] The group claimed that Long "implemented the next stage of Sinister Strategy – to make the teachings known on a large scale".[10] From the late 1970s onward, Long encouraged the establishment of new ONA groups, which were known as "temples",[11] and from 1976 onward he authored an array of texts for the tradition, codifying and extending its teachings, mythos, and structure.[12] These texts are typically written in English, although they include passages of Classical Greek as well as terms from Sanskrit and Arabic,[13] reflecting Long's fluency in such languages.[7] After examining these texts, the historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke stated that in them, Long "evokes a world of witches, outlaw peasant sorcerers, orgies and blood sacrifices at lonely cottages in the woods and valleys of this area [Shropshire and Herefordshire] where he has lived since the early 1980s".[14]

So from about 1973-1975 onwards, "Anton Long" seems to have taken to putting out a whole bunch of texts which foster an image of engaging in primitive/barbaric and perverse cult/fantasy behavior, as being central to the O9A.

Here's where it gets interesting...

David Myatt (pictured 2007) is often cited as the central ideologue in the ONA.

The real identity of "Anton Long" remains a mystery to both members of the Order and to academics who have studied it.[15] However, in a 1998 issue of the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, it was claimed that "Anton Long" was a pseudonym of David Myatt, a prominent figure in the British Neo-Nazi movement.[16] Born in the early 1950s, Myatt had been involved in various Neo-Nazi groups, initially serving as a bodyguard for Colin Jordan of the British Movement before joining the Combat 18 militia and becoming a founding member and leader of the National Socialist Movement.[17] His text on A Practical Guide to Aryan Revolution, in which he advocated violent militancy in aid of the Neo-Nazi cause, was cited as an influence on the nail bomber David Copeland.[18] In 1998 Myatt converted to Islam and remained a practicing Muslim for eight years, in which time he encouraged violent jihad against Zionism and Israel's Western allies.[19] In 2010, he announced that he had renounced Islam and was practicing an esoteric tradition that he termed the "Numinous Way".[20]

Goodrick-Clarke supported the idea that Myatt was Long,[21] with the religious studies scholar Jacob C. Senholt adding that "the role of David Myatt [is] paramount to the whole creation and existence of the ONA".[22] Senholt presented additional evidence that he believed confirmed Myatt's identity as Long,[23] writing that Myatt's embrace of Neo-Nazism and radical Islamism represented "insight roles" which Myatt had adopted as part of the ONA's "sinister strategy" to undermine Western society,[24] a view endorsed by scholar of Satanism Per Faxneld.[25] In 2015, an ONA member known as R. Parker argued in favour of the idea that Myatt was Long.[26] As a result of Page's publication, the sociologist of religion Massimo Introvigne stated that the ONA has "more or less acknowledged" that Myatt and Long are the same person, [20] which claim about Myatt the ONA has disputed. [27]

Myatt himself has repeatedly denied allegations that he has any involvement with the ONA,[28] and that he has used the pseudonym "Anton Long",[29] furthermore challenging the arguments used to connect him with Long by claiming that they are based on insufficient evidence.[30] Religious studies scholar George Sieg expressed concern with this association, stating that he found it to be "implausible and untenable based on the extent of variance in writing style, personality, and tone" between Myatt and Long.[31] Jeffrey Kaplan, an academic specialist in the far right, has also suggested that Myatt and Long are separate people,[32] while the religious studies scholar Connell R. Monette posited the possibility that "Anton Long" was not a singular individual but rather a pseudonym used by several different people.[33]

You can read the entirety of the wiki entry yourself if you like, but, to summarize my position:

I still think of these people as a joke, because they went and fucked themselves good and proper. They fell for a trap set for them long ago by the likes of Crowley and others. What O9A/David Myatt/"Anton Long" have done is abhorrent no doubt, but, I laugh with utmost derision towards them.

I'm going to point out a couple more things in this entry, then, we're going to learn more about David Myatt. At this point, it is incredibly likely that he is or knows/knew "Anton Long", even if he isn't, he has contributed(possibly still does) to the same corruption.

Beliefs and structure

Initiation and the Seven Fold Way

~~Within the initiatory system of the ONA, there is an emphasis on practitioners adopting "insight roles" in which they work undercover among a politically extreme group for a period of six to eighteen months, thus gaining experience in something different from their normal life.[100] Among the ideological trends that the ONA suggests its members adopt "insight roles" within are anarchism, Neo-Nazism, and Islamism, stating that aside from the personal benefits of such an involvement, membership of these groups has the benefit of undermining the Magian-Nazarene socio-political system of the West and thus helping to bring about the instability from which a new order, the Imperium, can emerge.[101]~~

The ONA encourages its members to adopt "insight roles" in anarchist, Neo-Nazi, and Islamist groups in order to disrupt modern Western society.


Human sacrifice

The ONA's writings condone and encourage human sacrifice,[121] referring to their victims as opfers.[66]

This is not Satanism... this is just plain disgusting. It is a corruption/misappropriation for the purpose of perpetuating unending conflict and manipulation.

So bringing back the pinned topic of Nazism, couple it with Islamic extremism and this morbid excuse for a rewrite of "Satanism", do you see it yet?

Those of you who constantly blame "Jews" as a general rule, for all the world's woes, are doing the work of Islamic extremists; the common thread is true Facism.

Amalekites bridge the gap; the original corruptors, rapists, thieves, mutilators, etc...

OH! Don't forget the Phillistines(today Palestine), either...

Finally, keep in mind while reading the O9A entry, that they are mixing fact with fiction.

argosciv ago



Yazdânism, or the Cult of Angels, is a pre-Islamic, native religion of the Kurds. The term was introduced by Kurdish scholar Mehrdad Izady to represent what he considers the "original" religion of the Kurds[1] as the primary inhabitants of the Zagros Mountains, until their increasing Islamization in the course of the 10th century.[citation needed]

According to Izady, Yazdânism is now continued in the denominations of Yazidism, Yarsanism, and Alevism.[2] The three traditions subsumed under the term Yazdânism are primarily practiced in relatively isolated communities, from Khurasan to Anatolia and parts of western Iran.

The concept of Yazdânism has found a wide perception both within and beyond Kurdish nationalist discourses, but has been disputed by other recognized scholars of Iranian religions. Well established, however, are the "striking" and "unmistakable" similarities between the Yazidis and the Yaresan or Ahl-e Haqq,[3] some of which can be traced back to elements of an ancient faith that was probably dominant among Western Iranians[4] and likened to practices of pre-Zoroastrian Mithraic religion.[5] Mehrdad Izady defines the Yazdanism as an ancient Hurrian religion and states that Mitanni could have introduced some of the Vedic tradition that appears to be manifest in Yazdanism.[6]

Familiar yet?


The Yazidis, or Yezidis (/jəˈziːdiːz/ (About this sound listen) yə-ZEE-dees) (Kurmanji Kurdish: Êzidî, IPA: [eːzɪˈdiː]), are a Kurdish religious minority[15][16][17][18][19][20] indigenous to a region of northern Mesopotamia (known natively as Ezidkhan) who are strictly endogamous.[21] Their religion, Yazidism, is linked to ancient Mesopotamian religions and combines aspects of Zoroastrianism, Islam, Christianity and Judaism.[21][22][23][24][25] Yazidis who marry non-Yazidis are automatically considered to be converted to the religion of their spouse and therefore are not permitted to call themselves Yazidis.[26][27][28] They live primarily in the Nineveh Province of Iraq. Additional communities in Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Iran and Syria have been in decline since the 1990s as a result of significant migration to Europe, especially to Germany.[29] According to the UNCHR reports, it is disputed, even within the community, as well as among Kurds, whether Yazidis are ethnically Kurds or form a distinct ethnic group.[30][31][32]

The Yazidis are monotheists,[26]:71[33][34][35] believing in God as creator of the world, which he has placed under the care of seven holy beings or angels, the chief of whom is Melek Taus, the Peacock Angel. The Peacock Angel, as world-ruler, causes both good and bad to befall individuals, and this ambivalent character is reflected in myths of his own temporary fall from God's favour, before his remorseful tears extinguished the fires of his hellish prison and he was reconciled with God.[36]

This belief has been linked by some people to Sufi mystical reflections on Iblis, who also refused to prostrate to Adam, despite God's express command to do so.[37] Because of this similarity to the Sufi tradition of Iblis, some followers of other monotheistic religions of the region identify the Peacock Angel with their own unredeemed evil spirit Satan,[38]:29[26] which has incited centuries of persecution of the Yazidis as "devil worshippers".[39][40] Persecution of Yazidis has continued in their home communities within the borders of modern Iraq, under fundamentalist Sunni Muslim revolutionaries.[41]

Beginning in August 2014, the Yazidis were targeted by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in its campaign to rid Iraq and its neighbouring countries of non-Islamic influences.[42]

See also: argosciv - v/pizzagate: rt.com - Forgotten in hell: Half of abducted Iraqi Yazidi girls remain in ISIS captivity & sex slavery

Why, oh why, are Islamic terrorists enslaving and raping Yazidi(that which they call "Devil Worshipers") children? Sending them out on suicide missions and using them as sex-slaves and in some cases as 'expendable prophets'(for one of a way to put it)?

Because, as per Amalekite MO, they are raping that which they accuse of being Satanic, while misappropriating/abusing tools and knowledge from "Satanism"; the accusation is to throw off investigation into the depravity in the background...

Come on folks, it's Worldfuckery 101: Accuse the enemy of your own crimes so as to hide in plain sight - with slight twists over the ages.

I have no doubt that the Ottomans(/Amalekites) and other factions alike, over time, have also raped and exploited the Yazidi and their ancestors. It's what they do.

To be clear, I am not accusing Yazidis of any wrongdoing.

Avatar - Intro + Blod (official live video)

Avatar - Let us Die (METALTOWN 2012)

So, let's finally now take a look at O9A & MS-13 and how Islam(Amalekites, Ottomans, Saud | + their puppets) has corrupted, exploited and attempted to rewrite and scapegoat "Satanism" once again in the present day.

Sidenote: Somewhere in all this fuckery with the Ottomans~ over the centuries, England was definitely corrupted and has been used as a vassal by the enemy for a very very long time(even into today, the situation over there speaks volumes to this topic)... "remember Africa"

Order of Nine Angles

The Order of Nine Angles (ONA; O9A) is a Satanic and Left-Hand Path occult group based in the United Kingdom, but with affiliated groups in various other parts of the world. Claiming to have been established in the 1960s, it arose to public recognition in the early 1980s, attracting attention for its espousal of Neo-Nazi ideologies and activism. Describing its approach as "Traditional Satanism", it has been identified by academic researchers as also exhibiting Hermetic and Neo-Pagan elements in its beliefs and has been described as one of the most extreme and dangerous Satanist groups in the world.~~

Blah, blah, blah, "Satanic"...

That said, notice "espousal of Neo-Nazi ideologies and activism", and "one of the most extreme and dangerous Satanist groups in the world"? This is important, keep a pin in them.

According to the Order's own account, it was established in the Welsh Marches of Western England during the late 1960s by a woman who had previously been involved in a secretive pre-Christian tradition surviving in the region. This account also states that in 1973 a man named "Anton Long" was initiated into the group, subsequently becoming its Grand Master. Several academic commentators to have studied the ONA express the view that the name "Anton Long" is probably the pseudonym of the British Neo-Nazi activist David Myatt, although Myatt has denied that this is the case. From the late 1970s onward, Long authored a number of books and articles propagating the Order's ideas, and in 1988 it began production of its own journal, Fenrir. Through these ventures it established links with other Neo-Nazi Satanist groups around the world, furthering its cause through embracing the internet in the 2000s.

Put a pin in David Myatt, also... wait for it...

Let's look at some of the whackadoodle, first.

The ONA promotes the idea that human history can be divided into a series of Aeons, each of which contain a corresponding human civilization. It expresses the view that the current Aeonic civilization is that of the Western, but claims that the evolution of this society is threatened by the "Magian/Nazarene" influence of Judeo-Christian religion, which the Order seeks to combat in order to establish a militaristic new social order, termed the "Imperium". According to Order teachings, this is necessary in order for a Galactic civilization to form, in which "Aryan" society will colonise the Milky Way. It advocates a spiritual path in which the practitioner is required to break societal taboos by isolating themselves from society, committing crimes, embracing political extremism and violence, and carrying out an act of human sacrifice. ONA members practice magick, believing that they are able to do so through channeling energies into our own "causal" realm from an "acausal" realm where the laws of physics do not apply, with such magical actions designed to aid in the ultimate establishment of the Imperium.

The ONA lacks any central authority or structure, instead operating as a broad network of associates – termed the "kollective" – who are inspired by the texts originally authored by Long and other members of the "Inner ONA". The group comprises largely of clandestine cells, termed "nexions", as well as gangs known as Dreccs, artists known as Balobians, and folk mystics known as Rounwytha. With the first nexion based in Shropshire, Western England, the majority of groups have been established in the British Isles and Germany, although others have been formed elsewhere in Europe, Russia, South Africa, Australia, and North America. Academic estimates suggest that the number of individuals broadly associated with the Order falls in the low thousands.

Hahahah fuck me dead... as serious as their corruption is, I cannot help but laugh at their fucking ridiculous and extremely contradictory beliefs...

That said, you're goddamn right, magick is real - it comes in many forms, your belief is not necessary, though, many modern texts trying to spread 'spells', deliberately talk nonsense on the topic, for the sake of $$ - ironically enough, this practice would be a form of black magick...

Let's read on... (see next)

Rob Zombie - The Life And Times Of A Teenage Rock God

Rgusraper ago

Hahahah fuck me dead

Ok. You have to go first. We satanist friends now. You can trust me to hold up my end :)


argosciv ago



Let's open up with a laugh again; see bottom first:


In modern American English, the term is now commonly used to mean a dimwitted or a stupid person, a usage first recorded in 1932 and popularized by the cartoon character Bugs Bunny, who sarcastically refers to the hunter Elmer Fudd as "nimrod",[36][37] as an ironic connection between "mighty hunter" and "poor little Nimrod", i.e. Fudd.[38]

"Hush, Elmer", get it yet?

In This Moment - Natural Born Sinner

Before we continue, I'll state in no uncertain terms, that I think Nimrod is actually an Amalekite(perhaps the first) King who went to extreme lengths to deceive Babylonians/Assyrians and prod them into an exhaustive and ultimately divisive effort to build the Tower of Babel. Possible also is that like the word Amalek, Nimrod has come to refer to several iterations of corrupted Assyrian/Babylonian/Israelite kings and/or their territories and forces.

In essence, Nimrod/Amalek(ites) are the source of corruption in antiquity, with the Babylonian Captivity playing a major role in the insertion of Amalek(ites)/Nimrod into the ruling classes.

From the top now:

Nimrod (/ˈnɪm.rɒd/;[1] Hebrew: נִמְרוֹדֿ‬, Modern Nímród, Tiberian Nímrōth Aramaic: ܢܡܪܘܕ‎ Arabic: النمرود, an-Namrood‎), a biblical figure described as a king in the land of Shinar (Assyria/Mesopotamia), was, according to the Book of Genesis and Books of Chronicles, the son of Cush, therefore the great-grandson of Noah. The Bible states that he was "a mighty hunter before the Lord [and] .... began to be mighty in the earth".[2] Extra-biblical traditions associating him with the Tower of Babel led to his reputation as a king who was rebellious against God.

Attempts to match Nimrod with historically attested figures have failed. Historians believe that Nimrod does not represent any one personage known to history, and in reality is more likely a conflation of several real and fictional figures of Mesopotamian antiquity, including the Mesopotamian god Ninurta, the Akkadian kings Sargon and his grandson Naram-Sin (2254–2218 BCE), and Tukulti-Ninurta I (1243–1207 BC) of the Middle Assyrian Empire.

The majority of this wiki entry is speculative, but, very interesting and full of viable assertions. Have a read of the traditions & legends if you like, or, skip on ahead.

At this point, I'd like to point out something in support of my assertion that Vlad II Dracul and Vlad III Dracula were trying to help fight the enemy(eventually resorting to bargaining for peace, resulting in the Ottomans' morbid exploitation of Wallachia and Vlad II's sons), the Ottomans at that time, in particular - yes, the Ottomans are under the same umbrella as Nimrod/Amalek(ites). (bolding added by myself for emphasis)

Traditions and legends

~~In the Hungarian legend of the Enchanted Stag (more commonly known as the White Stag [Fehér Szarvas] or Silver Stag), King Nimród (aka Ménrót and often described as "Nimród the Giant" or "the giant Nimród", descendant of one of Noah's "most wicked" sons, Kam (references abound in traditions, legends, several religions and historical sources to persons and nations bearing the name of Kam or Kám, and overwhelmingly, the connotations are negative), is the first person referred to as forefather of the Hungarians. He, along with his entire nation, is also the giant responsible for the building of the Tower of Babel—construction of which was supposedly started by him 201 years after the event of the Great Flood (see biblical story of Noah's Ark). After the catastrophic failure (through God's will) of that most ambitious endeavour and in the midst of the ensuing linguistic cacophony, Nimród the giant moved to the land of Evilát, where his wife, Enéh gave birth to twin brothers Hunor and Magyar (aka Magor). Father and sons were, all three of them, prodigious hunters, but Nimród especially is the archetypal, consummate, legendary hunter and archer. Both the Huns' and Magyars' historically attested skill with the recurve bow and arrow are attributed to Nimród. (Simon Kézai, personal "court priest" of King Ladislaus the Cuman, in his Gesta Hungarorum, 1282-85. This tradition can also be found in over twenty other medieval Hungarian chronicles, as well as a German one, according to Dr Antal Endrey in an article published in 1979).

The twin sons of King Nimród, Hunor and Magor, each with 100 warriors, followed the White Stag through the Meotis Marsh, where they lost sight of the magnificent animal. Hunor and Magor found the two daughters of King Dul of the Alans, together with their handmaidens, whom they kidnapped. Hungarian legends held Hunor and Magyar (aka Magor) to be ancestors of the Huns and the Magyars (Hungarians), respectively. According to the Miholjanec legend, Stephen V of Hungary had in front of his tent a golden plate with the inscription: "Attila, the son of Bendeuci, grandson of the great Nimrod, born at Engedi: By the Grace of God King of the Huns, Medes, Goths, Dacians, the horrors of the world and the scourge of God."

Vlad II Dracul

Early life

Vlad's early life is poorly documented.[1] He was born before 1395, [1] and was one of the numerous illegitimate sons of Mircea I of Wallachia.[1]

Mircea I of Wallachia


Mircea was the son of voivode Radu I of Wallachia and his wife, Kalinikia,[3] thus being a descendant of the House of Basarab.[4]

Radu I of Wallachia

Radu I was a Voivode of Wallachia, (c. 1377 – c. 1383). His year of birth is unattested in any primary source. He was the son of Nicolae Alexandru and half-brother and successor to Vladislav I.

Nicholas Alexander of Wallachia

Nicholas Alexander (Romanian: Nicolae Alexandru) was a Voivode of Wallachia (c.-1352 - November 1364), after having been co-ruler to his father Basarab I.

Basarab I

Basarab I (Romanian pronunciation: [basaˈrab] (About this sound listen)), also known as Basarab the Founder (Romanian: Basarab Întemeietorul), was a voivode, and later the first independent ruler of Wallachia who lived in the first half of the 14th century. Many details of his life are uncertain. Although his name is of Turkic origin, 14th-century sources unanimously state that he was a Vlach. Basarab came into power before 1324, but the circumstances of his ascension are unknown. According to two popular theories, he succeeded either his father, Thocomerius, or the legendary founder of Wallachia, Radu Negru.


Thocomerius' name is only known from a diploma issued by King Charles I of Hungary on 26 November 1332.[2] The diploma refers to "the schismatic Basarab, son of Thocomerius, our disloyal Vlach." („Basarab, filium Thocomerii, scismaticum, infidelis Olahus Nostris”).[2]

Charles I of Hungary

Early years

Childhood (1288–1300)

Charles was the only son of Charles Martel, Prince of Salerno, and his wife, Clemence of Austria.[1][2] He was born in 1288; the place of his birth is unknown.[1][2][3] Charles Martel was the firstborn son of Charles II of Naples and Charles II's wife, Mary, who was a daughter of Stephen V of Hungary.[4][5]

With the above in mind, let's look at how Amalekites/Muslims have corrupted Satanism, or more specifically, Zoroastrianism and it's roots. This will then rocket us into the ongoing fuckery of the present-day and explain the link between modern Islamic extremism and the rape and misappropriation of knowledge rooted in "Satanism", "Shamanism", Zoroastrianism and other religions.

Note: No, I'm not accusing all Muslims of being fully aware and complicit.


Zoroastrianism,[n 1] or more natively Mazdayasna, is one of the world's oldest extant religions, "combining a cosmogonic dualism and eschatological monotheism in a manner unique [...] among the major religions of the world".[1] Ascribed to the teachings of the Iranian prophet Zoroaster (or Zarathustra),[2] it exalts a deity of wisdom, Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord), as its Supreme Being.[3] Major features of Zoroastrianism, such as messianism, judgment after death, heaven and hell, and free will have, some believe, influenced other religious systems, including Second Temple Judaism, Gnosticism, Christianity, and Islam.[4]

With possible roots dating back to the second millennium BCE, Zoroastrianism enters recorded history in the 5th-century BCE.[3] Along with a Mithraic Median prototype and a Zurvanist Sassanid successor, it served as the state religion of the pre-Islamic Iranian empires for more than a millennium, from around 600 BCE to 650 CE. Zoroastrianism was suppressed from the 7th century onwards following the Muslim conquest of Persia of 633–654.[5] Recent estimates place the current number of Zoroastrians at around 190,000, with most living in India and in Iran; their number is declining.[6][7][8][3][n 2] Besides the Zoroastrian diaspora, the older Mithraic faith Yazdânism is still practised amongst Kurds.[n 3]

Notice anything familiar? You should... (see next)

Cradle of Filth - Babylon A.D.

Cradle Of Filth - From the Cradle Of Enslave (Uncensored) [Official Video]

argosciv ago


Before we can put Nimrod in his place, we need to take a look at "the enemy" of Jews/Israelites;


"Amalekites" redirects here. For Amalekites in the Book of Mormon, see Amalekites (Book of Mormon).

Pause for a moment to have a giggle at the fact that Mormons tried to muddy the waters on this one... Amalekites did not fucking build Jerusalem.

Please be sure to read the entirety of the Amalek wiki entry, I'm going to cut to the chase after a brief overview.

Amalek (Hebrew: עֲמָלֵק‬, Modern Amalek, Tiberian ʻĂmālēq) is a nation described in the Old Testament of the Bible. The name "Amalek" can refer to the nation's founder, a grandson of Esau; his descendents, the Amalekites; or the territories of Amalek which they inhabited.

The Old Testament describes the Amalekites as a tribe which lived in ancient Israel and in the land called Moab, in what the Romans called Arabia Petraea (Moab and the desert of Sinai), a region depopulated in the fourteenth century BC and then occupied by Edomites.

According to the Book of Genesis and 1 Chronicles, Amalek was the son of Eliphaz and the concubine Timna. Timna was a Horite and sister of Lotan. Amalek appears in the genealogy of Esau (Gen. 36:12; 1 Chr. 1:36) who was the chief of an Edomite tribe (Gen. 36:16). Amalek is described as the "chief of Amalek" in Genesis 36:16, in which it is surmised that he ruled a clan or territory named after him. In the chant of Balaam at Numbers, 24:20, Amalek was called the 'first of the nations', attesting to high antiquity.[1] Rashi states: "He came before all of them to make war with Israel".[2] First-century Roman-Jewish scholar and historian Flavius Josephus refers to Amalek as a 'bastard' (νόθος) in a derogatory sense.[3]

According to the Old Testament, the Amalekites inhabited the Negev.[4] They are commonly considered to be Amalek's descendants through the genealogy of Esau. This is probably based on the association of this tribal group with the steppe region of ancient Israel and the area of Kadesh (Genesis 14:7). As a people, the Amalekites were identified as a recurrent enemy of the Israelites.[5]

Etymology of Amalek

Amalek may mean "dweller in the valley".[6] In some rabbinical interpretations, Amalek is etymologised as a people am, who lick blood,[7] but most specialists regard the origin to be unknown.[8]

Amalekites in the Hebrew Bible

The Amalekites appear to have lived a nomadic or seminomadic lifestyle along the fringes of southern Canaan's agricultural zone.[9]

In Exodus 17:8-16, Amalek makes war against Israel in the wilderness. Joshua is tasked by Moses to lead Israel in battle, and Moses watches from a hillside. When his hand is raised, Israel prevails, but when it is lowered, Israel falters. So Moses keeps his hand raised the entire battle, even having assistants hold him up, so that the battle will go to Israel.

According to 1 Samuel 30:1-2, the Amalekites invaded the Negev and Ziklag in the Judean/Philistine border area towards the end of the reign of King Saul, burning Ziklag and taking its citizens away into captivity. The future king David led a successful mission against the Amalekites to recover "all that the Amalekites had carried away".[10]

In 2 Samuel 1:5-10, an Amalekite tells David that he found Saul leaning on his spear after the battle of Gilboa and killed him and removed his crown. David has the Amalekite put to death for his action in killing the anointed king.[11]

Exegesis of origins

The Bible portrays the Amalekites as descendants of Amalek, a grandson of Esau,[5] who derive their origins from Edom (Genesis 36:11–12, 15–16). In exegesis of Genesis 14:7, the use of "Amalekites" seems out of place in a passage that concerns the days of Abraham. Bible scholar David Noel Freedman considers the anachronism to be an editorial insertion.[9] Rashi explains that the writer was making a reference to the country which was afterwards inhabited by the Amalekites. C. Knight elaborates this concept by making the comparison: "Caesar went into France" because Gaul was afterward occupied by the Franks, as Gaul is present day France.[12]

Alternatively, during the Islamic Golden Age, certain Arabic writings claimed that the Amalekites existed long before Abraham.[13] Some Muslim historians claimed that the Amalekites who fought Joshua were descendants of the inhabitants of North Africa. Ebn Arabshah purported that Amalek was a descendant of Ham, son of Noah.[12][13] It is, however, possible that the name Amalek may have been given to two different nations. The Arabians mention Imlik, Amalik, or Ameleka among the aborigines of Arabia, the remains of which were mingled with the descendants of Joktan and Adnan and became Mostarabs or Mocarabes, that is, Arabians mixed with foreigners.[12]

By the 19th Century, there was strong support by Western theologians for the idea that the nation of Amalek could have flourished before the time of Abraham. Matthew George Easton advocated that the Amalekites were not descendants of Amalek, by taking the literal approach to Genesis 14:7.[14] However, the modern biblical scholar David Freedman uses textual analysis to glean that the use of Amalekite in Genesis 14:7 is actually an anachronism,[9] a chronological inconsistency of (in this case) a group of people in a misplaced time. Also in the early 19th century, Richard Watson enumerated several speculative reasons for having a "more ancient Amalek" than Abraham.[13]

In the exegesis of Numbers 24:20 concerning Balaam's utterance: "Amalek was the first one of the nations, but his end afterward will be even his perishing", Richard Watson attempts to associate this passage to the "first one of the nations" that developed post-Flood.[13] According to Samuel Cox, the Amalekites were the "first" in their hostility toward the Israelites.[15]

Many nomadic groups from the Arabian desert, apparently including Amalekites, have collectively been termed "Arab(s)". While considerable knowledge about nomadic Arabs have been recovered through archeological research, no specific artifacts or sites have been linked to Amalek with any certainty.[9] However, it is possible that some of the fortified settlements in the Negev highlands and even Tel Masos (near Beer-sheba) have Amalek connections.[16] Easton claims that the Babylonian inscription Sute refers to the Amalekites, as well as the Egyptian term Sittiu. Easton also claims that the Amarna tablets refer to the Amalekites under the general name Khabbatti, or "plunderers".[14]

I hope you have read the entire entry, I'm going to answer a few questions then move on:

Note: Yes, we're entering subjective territory, but, this is due to mistranslations over time including some caused by the literal destruction of information found in ancient cities and even throughout time, caused by book burnings and library destructions, hostile takeovers, war, etc; I am throwing my theory into the mix, in the hopes of bringing an end to the depravity, corruption, lies, manipulation and false accusations, over the ages.

What are Amalekites? Arabs crossed with Israelites... yes, crossbreeding, ie, Amalekites are Arabs and their offspring from raping Israelites; no doubt that Jesuits find their roots in this fuckery, also. Also of no doubt, is that Amalekites engage(d) in child-buggery and 'perfected the technique' of creating mind-slaves(suicide soldiers, information carriers, spies, groomers/handlers(create & 'handle' more mind slaves), propagandists, "crypto-jews", etc)

What is a "crypto-jew"? An Amalekite (or supporter/agent/blackmail/buggery-victim thereof) pretending to be Jewish, while pretending to be of another religion per the requirement of the time, location & agenda; it's a double(sometimes triple)-play.

Are they Satanists? No, they have raped and stolen(metaphorically and literally) from that which we know of today as "Satanism", warping the knowledge(while attempting to redefine it, so as to throw off investigation and/or scapegoat others for their crimes; capitalizing on superstition) and personal tools for their own perverse agenda, spanning the ages - "Satanism" is not the only religion/belief system/culture which has been raped/exploited, they all have - even the ones the Amalekites created...

Rob Zombie - Lords of Salem

Before I move on to discuss Nimrod, I'd like to take a moment to address something important:

You may notice a lot of anger, hatred & call for war/extermination, coming from Judaism, towards Amalekites, mentioned in the wiki entry above - I want you to consider what might be at the root of this attitude and also the age of the writings which called for such extreme reaction. Understand that such rage is exactly what the Amalekites want, they want war perpetuated ad infinitum... consider that... the enemy(Amalekites) does not want to exterminate, they want to enslave and reign supreme.

I personally do not primarily advocate violence as the answer, especially not preemptive violence - however, it's a different world over in the Mid-East theater; I'm in no position to make the tough decisions regarding the most decisive way to end the conflict with minmal loss of life, there are many who are locked into this unending, ancient battle...

In this day and age, though, the battle has spilled into the digital realm; information wars, psy-ops/shilling, civilian investigation, etc - look around at what's happening even right here on voat, over on twitter, you name it...

Maybe there's a way to minimize the amount of people throwing themselves into the meat grinder, if everyone could realize who is churning it for their own perverse amusement/gains?

Rgusraper ago

Are they Satanists?

Biatch don't try to garner sympathy now. Don't give a fuck what you think the definition of Satanism is. Your constant shit stirring is what got you on the shit list, obnoxious prick. We friends now. Got it? How long did you think you could fire shots at people around here and not get some "friends?" May as well keep sucking mod dick now boy.


Rgusraper ago

Pause for a moment to have a giggle at the fact that Mormons tried to muddy the waters on this one

Do I get a up vote for this one? Stop down voting me. We friends.


argosciv ago


Shamanism: Terminology cont:

Adam Brand, a merchant from Lübeck, published in 1698 his account of a Russian embassy to China; a translation of his book, published the same year, introduced the word shaman to English speakers.[14]

The etymology of the Evenki word is sometimes connected to a Tungus root ša- "to know".[15][16] This has been questioned on linguistic grounds: "The possibility cannot be completely rejected, but neither should it be accepted without reservation since the assumed derivational relationship is phonologically irregular (note especially the vowel quantities)."[17] Other scholars assert that the word comes directly from the Manchu language, and as such would be the only commonly used English word that is a loan from this language.[18]

However, Mircea Eliade noted that the Sanskrit word śramaṇa, designating a wandering monastic or holy figure, has spread to many Central Asian languages along with Buddhism and could be the ultimate origin of the Tungusic word.[19] This proposal has been thoroughly critiqued since 1917. Ethnolinguist Juha Janhunen regards it as an "anachronism" and an "impossibility" that is nothing more than a "far-fetched etymology."[20]

21st-century anthropologist and archeologist Silvia Tomaskova argues that by the mid-1600s, many Europeans applied the Arabic term shaitan, meaning "devil," to the non-Christian practices and beliefs of indigenous peoples beyond the Ural Mountains.[21] She suggests that shaman may have entered the various Tungus dialects as a corruption of this term, and then been told to Christian missionaries, explorers, soldiers and colonial administrators with whom the people had increasing contact for centuries. Ethnolinguists did not develop as a discipline nor achieve contact with these communities until the late 19th century, and may have mistakenly "read backward" in time for the origin of this word.


There is no single agreed-upon definition for the word "shamanism" among anthropologists. The English historian Ronald Hutton noted that by the dawn of the 21st century, there were four separate definitions of the term which appeared to be in use. The first of these uses the term to refer to "anybody who contacts a spirit world while in an altered state of consciousness." The second definition limits the term to refer to those who contact a spirit world while in an altered state of consciousness at the behest of others. The third definition attempts to distinguish shamans from other magico-religious specialists who are believed to contact spirits, such as "mediums", "witch doctors", "spiritual healers" or "prophets," by claiming that shamans undertake some particular technique not used by the others. Problematically, scholars advocating the third view have failed to agree on what the defining technique should be. The fourth definition identified by Hutton uses "shamanism" to refer to the indigenous religions of Siberia and neighboring parts of Asia.[23] According to the Golomt Center for Shamanic Studies, a Mongolian organisation of shamans, the Evenk word shaman would more accurately be translated as "priest".[24]

So far, what we can note, is that definitions for the translated words "Shamanism" and "Shaman" are quite varied over time and between different places in history, but, are heavily interchangeable with "Priesthood" and "Priest"; essentially, Shamans were the original 'Priests' of primitive tribes/societies, for a simplified way of putting it.

Criticism of the term

Further information: medicine man


Anthropologist Mihály Hoppál also discusses whether the term "shamanism" is appropriate. He notes that for many readers, "-ism" implies a particular dogma, like Buddhism or Judaism. He recommends using the term "shamanhood"[236] or "shamanship"[237] (a term used in old Russian and German ethnographic reports at the beginning of the 20th century) for stressing the diversity and the specific features of the discussed cultures. He believes that this places more stress on the local variations[15] and emphasizes that shamanism is not a religion of sacred dogmas, but linked to the everyday life in a practical way.[238] Following similar thoughts, he also conjectures a contemporary paradigm shift.[236] Piers Vitebsky also mentions that, despite really astonishing similarities, there is no unity in shamanism. The various, fragmented shamanistic practices and beliefs coexist with other beliefs everywhere. There is no record of pure shamanistic societies (although, as for the past, their existence is not impossible).[239] Norwegian social anthropologist Hakan Rydving has likewise argued for the abandonment of the terms "shaman" and "shamanism" as "scientific illusions."[240]

Dulam Bumochir has affirmed the above critiques of "shamanism" as a Western construct created for comparative purposes and, in an extensive article, has documented the role of Mongols themselves, particularly "the partnership of scholars and shamans in the reconstruction of shamanism" in post-1990/post-communist Mongolia.[241] This process has also been documented by Swiss anthropologist Judith Hangartner in her landmark study of Darhad shamans in Mongolia.[242] Historian Karena Kollmar-Polenz argues that the social construction and reification of shamanism as a religious "other" actually began with the 18th century writings of Tibetan Buddhist monks in Mongolia and later "probably influenced the formation of European discourse on Shamanism".[243]

Noteworthy also, is that you can find incidences of 'religion' mandated circumcision and FGM in some tribal settings - again, a primitive and outdated practice in absence of a medical condition to warrant such a procedure - many peoples across time and the earth have had their reasons for circumcision, some more agreeable than others; we can debate the finer details of circumcision, if necessary - my position is that it should never be forced on anyone(primitive if forced), especially infants; the issue of infant circumcision should be decided on the grounds of whether or not there is a legitimate medical justification for doing so...

Moving on...

The importance of "Shamanism" here, is that Satanism is essentially in exactly the same basket; The term Satanism itself refers to decentralized practices found across the planet over history - best defined as having emerged during antiquity in Mesopotamia/Assyria, with roots in earlier traditions and knowledge found under the same umbrella of "Shamanism"; Satanism, however, is something applied on a personal basis for exploration of the self. Satanism at it's core, deals with understanding that which is accused of being "Satan"(the enemy of the self) and the application of that self reflection on a larger scale - it also deals with the application of both science & religion in everyday life.

With that in mind, Satanism essentially catalogues the most vile human acts, as a teaching resource... what you do with that information, is up to you; do as thou will; if you use that which you learn, to corrupt/hurt others - expect the righteous to come after you. If you use that knowledge to do good(eg, use it to identify and expose the corrupt), expect the corrupt to come after you...

Much like Shamanism, Satanism has been a root element in many other belief systems over time; that is to say, many have taken knowledge from Satanism and applied it in their own ways, sometimes in ways which are a betrayal of Satanism; they have exploited Satanism to justify/augment their own personal depravity, in a myriad of ways.


Here's where it gets really interesting... Christianity and Judaism are both rooted in Satanism, all three teach about the enemy of the self in their own ways and advocate restraint, rather than wantonly giving in to temptations seen to be the enemy of the self. Interesting to note, though, is that Judaism/Jews do not accuse their enemy, of being "Satan" or "Satanic"... Likewise with Christianity, their enemy is not referred to as "Satan" or "Satanic", "Satan" is identified as Lucifer in Christianity, no?

Satanism does not advocate the abuse of children, in fact, the popularly accepted understanding so far as I can tell, is that harming children is explicitly against what Satanism is about, to most rationally minded people who say they're Satanists. It's ignorance which leads to the misconception that all child abusers are Satanic or that just because a Satanist(pretender or otherwise) abuses a child, that act is then Satanic.

It is very important to understand why Satanism itself is not the enemy, because, I'm going to explain where it all went wrong and how Satanism is being constantly exploited/abused by, well, Satan itself... lol, sorry, that is to say, it is being exploited and abused by the enemy, while they accuse it of being their enemy... do you understand yet? No? Okay...

Refer back to m1

Up in the top left corner, you'll find the pink antiquity section, in which you will find the header "SATANISM" and several things listed under it.

See that link between human sacrifice and SATANISM? That needs fixing.

See NIMROD listed under Satanism? That needs fixing. I cannot confirm if the link between ROTHSCHILD and NIMROD is accurate, but, it certainly shouldn't be dismissed.

  • Firstly, we would need to add "Shamanism" as a parent to "Satanism", that's fix one.
  • Next, we need to remove the connecting line between Satanism and human sacrifice, replace it with a connection between Shamanism and human sacrifice.
  • Let's also keep in mind, that Satanism is not about the worship of Lucifer/Satan/Baal.

Next, we're going to fix the placement of Nimrod by exposing "the enemy" responsible for misappropriating human sacrifice from primitive times into antiquity and into the present.

dragonkiller ago

Next, we're going to fix the placement of Nimrod by exposing "the enemy" responsible for misappropriating human sacrifice from primitive times into antiquity and into the present.

Those to pretend to be jews and are not, well no shit, duhhhhh
