argosciv ago

@srayzie (or @carmencita?), you once asked me what the emblem on Marilyn Manson's new album might mean.

Order of the Dragon emblem

Marilyn Manson - Heaven Upside Down(album cover)

Remember what I was saying about the inverted cross being technically a christian symbol of worship?

Well... the two images above are in support of each other, essentially.

srayzie ago

It wasn't me that asked.

argosciv ago

oh lol... my bad... fuck now i have to figure out who it was xD

srayzie ago

Maybe Carmencita

argosciv ago

May have even been @Gothamgirl? (See context when you get this ping xD)

Gothamgirl ago

No not me.

argosciv ago

well I give up xD

argosciv ago

@Crensch @kevdude there's SO MUCH MORE to come.

Crensch ago

Not interested in ancient history where PG is concerned.

argosciv ago

Interested or otherwise, it explains quite a lot of what Assange brought up and what we see scattered in Q posts.

As I said, plenty more to come, from 1900's AD to, well, a very long time ago, lol.

alphabravo ago

Can't wait to read and savor this! Thanks for the ping bro, and for this deep-dive research. Kudos.

argosciv ago

No problem :)

Still plenty more reading material to come, this here is just a proverbial smoking gun, like no other ;)

argosciv ago



The_Savant ago

I'll have to leave this one until tomorrow, I'm sleep deprived enough as it is but I'm more than happy to check this out at my soonest convenience. Stay safe.

argosciv ago

Ditto on the sleep dep <3

Stay safe yourself, I'm off to bed soon.

The_Savant ago

Okay, I feel like I just attempted to decipher hieroglyphics haha. I understand the purpose of connecting SA to the Ottomans, but is there something specific that I've missed about the Ottomans on another post perhaps that puts the pieces together a little better? Thanks and interesting take.

argosciv ago

Okay, I feel like I just attempted to decipher hieroglyphics haha.

Haha! Welcome to my world ;)

I understand the purpose of connecting SA to the Ottomans, but is there something specific that I've missed about the Ottomans on another post perhaps that puts the pieces together a little better?

The most relevant bits so far, are in the links at the start of the main post, the main post itself, and the comments here. Basically pointing out their meddling in the affairs of "Dragons"(Drax and Bats), past and present; corruption and filth of the highest order, right under our noses, while wwII and etc played out...

Related: Sexual abuse/slavery/trafficking, arranged marriages to corrupt governments and religions across the globe, etc.

Pretty messed up stuff. Up to and including weaponized plague(ridden bodies used in warfare, launched into towns via catapault).

Gothamgirl ago

Very interesting, great post.

argosciv ago

Thanks :)

Enjoy the shitshow to follow(whether here or elsewhere)

fogdryer ago


think- ago

First, thanks for sharing this. Interesting.

I read what you wrote about Elizabeth Bathory:

"Liz's responsibilities were often of a medical nature(especially tending to the wounded during times of battle) which can explain for the presence of some corpses and amputated parts, etc, in appropriately confined or 'secretive'(protected/sealed) places."

Do you have a source for this? Asking bc I've never read of a 16th woman of high nobility tending to the wounded before. But then, things in Eastern Europe might have differed from Western Europe. IDK.

I always thougt that the accusations against her were based on something she really did - torturing and abusing girls (nothing uncommon for male nobility at the time at all btw), but because she was a woman and there were reasons her enemies wanted to get rid of her she was brought to trial. The numbers of her murders seem to be grossly exaggerated though.

argosciv ago

PS: I must stress that I do not believe for a moment, that Liz murdered anyone.

think- ago

Yeah, I got that... ;-) Dunno, maybe gonna revise my opinion after reading more new research.

argosciv ago

Wiki: Elizabeth Báthory: Married Life

(Bolding added by myself for emphasis)

Elizabeth was engaged at age 11 to Ferenc Nádasdy, the son of Baron Tamás Nádasdy de Nádasd et Fogarasföld and Orsolya Kanizsay[11] in what was probably a political arrangement within the circles of the aristocracy. As Elizabeth's social standing was higher than that of her husband, she refused to change her last name, remaining a Báthory. The couple married when she was 15 (and he was aged 19) at the palace of Vranov nad Topľou (Varannó in Hungarian) on 8 May 1575. Approximately 4,500 guests were invited to the wedding.[12] Elizabeth moved to Nádasdy Castle in Sárvár and spent much time on her own, while her husband studied in Vienna.

Nádasdy's wedding gift to Báthory was his household, Čachtice Castle (Csejte in Hungarian) situated in the Little Carpathians near Nové Mesto nad Váhom and Trenčín in now Slovakia.[13] The castle had been bought by his mother in 1569 and given to Nádasdy, who transferred it to Elizabeth during their nuptials,[11]:35 together with the Čachtice country house and 17 adjacent villages.[13] The castle was (and still is) surrounded by a village and agricultural lands, bordered by outcrops of the Little Carpathians.

In 1578, Nádasdy became the chief commander of Hungarian troops, leading them to war against the Ottomans.[14] With her husband away at war, Elizabeth Báthory managed business affairs and the estates. That role usually included responsibility for the Hungarian and Slovak people, even providing medical care.[15]

During the Long War (1593–1606), Elizabeth was charged with the defense of her husband's estates, which lay on the route to Vienna.[8] The threat was significant, for the village of Čachtice had previously been plundered by the Ottomans while Sárvár, located near the border that divided Royal Hungary and Ottoman-occupied Hungary, was in even greater danger. She was an educated woman who could read and write in four languages.[8] There were several instances where she intervened on behalf of destitute women, including a woman whose husband was captured by the Turks and a woman whose daughter was raped and impregnated.[15]

Her child, Anna Nádasdy, was born in 1585 and was later to become the wife of Nikola VI Zrinski. Her other known children include Orsolya (Orsika) Nádasdy (b. 1590 - d. unknown) who would later become the wife of István II Benyó, Katalin (Kata or Katherina) Nádasdy (b.1594 - d. unknown), András Nádasdy (b.1596 - d.1603 at the age of 7), and Pál (Paul) Nádasdy (b.1598 - d. 1650), father of Ferenc II Nádasdy.[citation needed]

Some chronicles also indicate that the couple had another son, albeit a lesser known child, named Miklós Nádasdy, although this cannot be confirmed, and could be that he was simply a cousin as he is not named in the 1610 will of the Countess. György Nádasdy is also a name that is indicated as being one of the deceased Nádasdy infants, but nothing can be confirmed. All of Elizabeth's children were cared for by governesses, as Elizabeth had been.[16][17][18]

Elizabeth's husband, Ferenc Nádasdy, died on 4 January 1604 at the age of 48. Although the exact nature of the illness which led to his death is unknown, it seems to have started in 1601, and initially caused debilitating pain in his legs. From that time, he never fully recovered, and in 1603 became permanently disabled.[19] The couple had been married for 29 years. Before dying, Ferenc Nádasdy entrusted his heirs and widow to György Thurzó, who would eventually lead the investigation into Elizabeth's crimes.[11]

argosciv ago

Various sources do note this, I THINK it's even on the wiki... I'm very tired, but, I'll have a look.

That said, in the main post of Part 8, there's a link to a site called infamouslady(dot)com, which has various information about Liz's life and duties - unfortunately, some parts of the site are outdated per the latest research published there, but, there's definitely some interesting stuff!

think- ago

Great, thanks! I will definitely take a look at the infamouslady site - I read about E. a couple of years ago and her name caught my eye when browsing your previous posts.

argosciv ago


Hah, I like that as a shorthand, cheers.

No worries for the assist though, s'what I'm here for, despite the shillery I cop in the main sub xD

think- ago

Lol, yes I know, I might have read the Wiki page before asking, but then, sometimes I'm lazy...

"Liz" seemed a bit too cosy for a lady I'm not that aquainted with...

And hey, didn't know you wrote such a concise stuff.

Sheds a new light on your comments in the main sub... ;-P

argosciv ago

Well, that's why I told one person last night, to look deeper before casting their stones... ie: look at my submission history(more to the point, the "Root of Corruption" series) :P

think- ago

I definitely will. Cheers!

argosciv ago

There's plenty more for me to add, I must say.

Some threads are in total disarray or not fully fleshed out, but, it all ultimately came down to this here Part 9.

think- ago

No worry. I'm afraid I won't be able to read everything - this Zombie and horror movie stuff is always turning my stomach. - D'you think you could write a comprimed version without triggers some time? Just to get your ideas to the masses in a easy-to-read form? Many ppl around here are sensitive to triggers. That'd be great! :-)

argosciv ago

Given the subject matter, there really is no sugar coating this one... I mean, it's kind of important for people to realize just how fucked up and depraved this whole situation really is.

I'll definitely be refining the more confusing or incomplete stuff, maybe in future submissions I can use images to map some stuff out... I dunno... It's hard to deliver without making people uncomfortable. I myself have nearly gone psychotic several times, as certain revelations come to light while I do my thing...

I'll try, no promises though.

think- ago

Just thought it a pity not to be able to read so much of the stuff.

But don't worry, you already spent so much time in writing the full version....

carmencita ago

I had no idea until I came to voat that SA was such a young country. Thank you for spelling it all out. As Repilled stated, this should have been taught in our schools. Now it is time for those of us that have children in our immediate families to spread the word. It is never too late. Thee is so much to learn. Thank You & Upvoat

argosciv ago

I'm a bit too tired to really respond, but, thanks for the continued support.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

Great history lesson. Wish this kind of stuff was taught in the public indoctrination schools.

argosciv ago

If I agreed any more, I might spontaneously combust.

fogdryer ago

Sorry Can’t understand who he is talking to .... Done

argosciv ago

who what?

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Another great post indeed! There is so much here that helps connect historic dots and explain how things evolved to the current state. Everything is connected and time is but relative.

argosciv ago

Told you I had something big ;)

Still gotta bring it all back to Racine... might make a stop off in Russia first though ;)