Gothamgirl ago

Great post, I was going to ask you about the dragon blood. This clear it up for me.

argosciv ago

Just to set the point in stone(LOL I'M SO PUNNY), regarding Dragons being back and being the winners.

Do not fuck with us!

Avatar - A Statue Of The King released just a few days ago.... hmmm..... DO YOU SEE WHAT I FUCKING SEE YET?! HMMM?!

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Dressage2 @cantsleepawink @carmencita @Vindicator

argosciv ago

argosciv ago

HAHAHAH! Couple of pleb bitches downvoating this? really? Do as thou will, as they say xD

I'll be back on this and the rest of my work in a day or 2, doubters can flog me all they want - cross my path, kill me, I fucking dare you.

@srayzie @Vindicator @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @cantsleepawink @GothamGirl

argosciv ago

@Dressage2 @Commoner @13uddha @VictorSteinerDavion @millennial_vuclan ^ just in case you guys didn't see yet, I will return to research in due time.

finska ago

You should check out this thread for more info about blood drinking.......very disturbing. It sounds like we are sharing this plantet with vampires....

argosciv ago

Le sigh... there's some fact with fiction there.

The consumption/abuse of "Dragons" is indeed an attempt to 'consume god and gain it's power', but, this whole "Vampires" thing is retarded. They're just addicted to blood(dragonblood specifically) - addiction can lead to serious depravity, ie, resorting to concoctions such as 'walnut sauce', which, at my best guess, is Dragonblood + flesh + excrement.

Are they trying to abuse and claim the power of god? Yes... Are vampires real? No, we're dealing with pathetic humans who will prey on any and every insecurity imaginable, in order to derail investigation into their crimes.

finska ago

Vampire is just a fun term to exaggerate their creepiness and make fun out of what freaks they are....they are still however like the vampire myth literally drinking blood....just not by puncturing necks with long teeth but probably a more clincal method.....still disgusting! This certainly doesnt seem human to me and makes the lizard thing look less crazy by the day!

argosciv ago

Confession: I drink blood on occasions of consent... you need to understand what I am, if you're to believe me...

This makes little sense on it's own, but, read my research: I am a fucking dragon, I am here to save your fucking arses, stop bashing satanists and dragons, for drinking blood in a non abusive context. Our magic is what is helping you win this battle of Evil vs Good.

finska ago

Im not sure what to think...I am open minded enough to believe your story but the problem is most of the people who drink blood dont seem to be all that say they have hijacked your tradition...thats possible too....but are they not nice as a result of this habit or were they not nice before? You should understand why most people wouldn't trust blooddrinkers!

Anyway adrenalised meat and blood is definitely a cruel practice. I eat mostly vegetarian but all these stories about making meat addictive as a product by adrenalising it makes me want to avoid meat all together.

Also you may know that this week Harvey Weinstein was accused of forcefully performing oral sex on a woman who had her period. Do you think he was consuming starfire?

Finally does the blooddrinking give the elite an anvantage over us or are they just that much crueller due to their MK that they have no empathy and are willing to do anything to get ahead and control the world?

argosciv ago

you say they have hijacked your tradition

Not my tradition, I claim no ownership nor authorship, etc.

Im not sure what to think...I am open minded enough to believe your story but the problem is most of the people who drink blood dont seem to be all that nice...

Do I look like I'm nice all of the time? Everybody has a tipping point... that said, those who abuse dragonblood(or any blood, anything really) and especially obtain it in abusive ways, are bound to have that reflect in their being and actions.

but are they not nice as a result of this habit or were they not nice before? You should understand why most people wouldn't trust blooddrinkers!

Chicken or Egg? It can go either way, if nothing else. You're right though, most people don't trust it and squirm at the very thought, due precisely to mass hysteria perpetuated by "Vampire" myths and etc - the (woefully incorrect) assumption is that the act is inherently dark and void of consent.

Anyway adrenalised meat and blood is definitely a cruel practice. I eat mostly vegetarian but all these stories about making meat addictive as a product by adrenalising it makes me want to avoid meat all together.

I hadn't actually considered that aspect... thank you for the eye-opener.

Also you may know that this week Harvey Weinstein was accused of forcefully performing oral sex on a woman who had her period. Do you think he was consuming starfire?

Forceful(ie: without consent) = rape

Is she a dragon? Dunno... maybe Harvey just wanted blood? I won't make too many presumptions about him other than he is VERY sick and not worthy of forgiveness for a very long time - personal opinion.

Finally does the blooddrinking give the elite an anvantage over us or are they just that much crueller due to their MK that they have no empathy and are willing to do anything to get ahead and control the world?

Hard to answer... it's a little bit of everything that you said. That said, it's not like you NEED to drink dragon blood, in order to produce your own - life takes on a very different dimension when you're actively utilizing it(from wherever you source it) - the full breadth of advantages (and even disadvantages) is, as yet, still not fully known by me - but I'm learning rapidly ;)

finska ago

Hi just found an article here you might be interested in. If you read it through without getting stuck on the vlad stuff you might get something out of it. Found the warning to other blood drinkers from the 'illuminati' fascinating and thought you should know...if you dont already.


argosciv ago

Oh there's a lot of "warnings" out there, lol. A lot of people don't know how to react when first confronted with the idea that blood/sex magick can be performed in a consensual context - so they often go to extreme lengths to demonize it and anyone they might catch in the act - the accusations of addiction are generally superstition based on vampire mythology.

There's also a very subtle effort to make people think that "the illuminati" is going to get them, if they ever happen to dabble in blood/sex magick. Funnily enough, some dilweed here on voat by the name of r_r_p__ks even tried to pretend to be an Anon, threatening to come after me with their Legion, I mean fucking lol, they might wanna check in with Tech N9ne first.

Thanks, but, no thanks. Maybe someone else needs to read it, but, I probably don't - given what I already know. Thanks anyway.

finska ago

Oh well. Parts of the article are quite interesting. I had a feeling you might not want to look at it. It gets into the adrenalised meat we were talking about before and other aspects I had not thought about ....although I dont really understand the difference between satanism and lucerferianism......btw I cant spell-dyslexic so dont crucify me...plenty of shitty things going on here in oz....Have you looked into Fiona Barnett?

Also I saw you say the other day you were going to buy some fags.....youre too smart .....Ive watched someone dying of emphysema absolutely horrific....if you cant do it for your self do it for the people you love.

argosciv ago

I had a feeling you might not want to look at it. It gets into the adrenalised meat we were talking about before and other aspects I had not thought about

Ah, okay... maybe I'll give it a look lol, I'm wrecked from an all-nighter though, any chance you can archive it and give a link to that?

although I dont really understand the difference between satanism and lucerferianism

a lot... I feel like a broken record here, but, there's not much of a short explanation which makes sense off the cuff - I mean, I can point out a few things which are markable differences, but, the full discussion is not one I can have at this time. Not just because I need sleep lol, it's a one of many very delicate subjects which, if explained too early, will be too hard to understand.

Ironically, a Satanic saying/understanding - I forget the terminology, don't crucify me ;) - goes something like, "Telling someone a truth they're not yet ready to hear, is no different to telling them a lie"

All that said, I don't fully understand luciferianism either, I divvy my research time among many subjects, I'm sure I'll get back to the Luciferians some day xD

plenty of shitty things going on here in oz....Have you looked into Fiona Barnett?

Yes actually, very recently... I forget the details right now lol, sorry

Also I saw you say the other day you were going to buy some fags.....youre too smart .....Ive watched someone dying of emphysema absolutely horrific....if you cant do it for your self do it for the people you love.

Why you gotta go for the feels... look i appreciate the sentiment, I do... I can't disagree, but, I dunno... something about every kitty needs a ball of yarn :P

argosciv ago

for what it's worth, i'll get back to you, just later :)

argosciv ago

much appreciated, looks like it might actually be an interesting read

argosciv ago

I will also reply to this asap, I promise. Just need some time to wake up.

argosciv ago

I'm not finished with researching/presenting about The House of Drăculești, The House of Dănești, The Ottomans, The Order of the Dragon, The Báthory Family or the notable persons/events surrounding them, but, am now happy to answer questions relating to any, though, some answers may require further research by me - thanks in advance for your understanding and/or contributions.

argosciv ago

Okay, I'm ready to continue with the Bathory section. Sorry for my absence, had to rebuild the ol' social life.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Vindicator @srayzie @carmencita @Dressage2

argosciv ago

yeah i don't get that one lol, hint?

2impendingdoom ago

why would you downvoat derram? This is an archive bot.

argosciv ago

lol, it's in the way of the above comments :P

I love @derram

2impendingdoom ago

FYI I always use derram links first, no ads and faster load time. So do many others.

argosciv ago

no ads if you - wait... is there adverts playing in these links? i use ABP on firefox.

2impendingdoom ago

I don't know, I use Derrm's links, haven't opened all of them yet. I read the post , some comments, then the links. unless there is only one link

argosciv ago

please give the music a chance if it's to your taste... it would mean a lot to me and literally innumerable others <3

2impendingdoom ago


argosciv ago

thank you \m/

argosciv ago

Vindicating the Báthory Family; Erzsébet Báthory et al. (see main post for initial points of interest)

Placeholder, will ping when ready

cantsleepawink ago

Do you know if the name 'Dragescu' has any relevance here? This story of the girl that fell to her death at St. Paul's just strikes me as extremely odd and I'm working on a theory that it's related to other current news stories. Just wondering if you have any insights?

argosciv ago

Yes, we lost a living Dragon that day... she went home, so to speak :'( - The heartbreaking suicide notes left by "beautiful" figure skater who plunged to her death at St Paul's Cathedral

18:32, 16 OCT 2017 | UPDATED19:50, 16 OCT 2017

A figure skater who fell 100ft to her death left a heartbreaking suicide note saying sorry to her mother and to those who found her.

Lidia Dragescu, 23, died last week when she fell from the Whispering Gallery inside the London attraction.

Clutched in her hands were two notes - one for her mum and one for those who witnessed her death and found her body.

The student, who was a talented figure skater, had said a final goodbye to her mum Isabela just one-and-a-half hours before she fell to the floor of the famous London cathedral.

The note to her mum read:

Mum I am really sorry for upsetting you in this way. It would be natural to be upset but do not be for me, I am better now, in a better place. I am doing this for me, to escape. All of the past and the present it makes my head heavy. It will be very difficult without me for a time but after this you will be okay. Think about me that I am good now. I told you how much I love you. I am sorry I care but I need to escape and I cannot wait to see what is on the other side. I love you all remain well and I will see you when you are old. Take care of you. Thank you for everything.

Her grieving mum Isabela Dragescu described the pain of losing her intelligent and kind daughter and said: "I don't have any more tears left".

Look at the timing of it...

Avatar - Vultures Fly (Live at Wacken Open Air 2015 / Proshot)

All orders to surrender are false


@Dressage2 @alphabravo @Vindicator @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Gothamgirl

argosciv ago

@kestrel9 @2impendingdoom @jangles @13uddha @VictorSteinerDavion ^ Dragon pushed to suicide, seems legit suicide - maybe meddling, doesn't matter, a moment of respect for her is in order.

argosciv ago

"Dragescu" is new on my radar, as of having read it from you now; I will get back to you when I know more.

argosciv ago

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Vindicator @srayzie @carmencita @cantsleepawink

Parent not actually finished, but, please watch the music vids <3

Will ping parent thread when truly ready.

argosciv ago

@JesusRules @ArtificalDuality @Wolftrail7272 @icuntstopswearing @GothamGirl ^^

Parent not actually finished, but, please watch the music vids <3

Will ping parent comment when truly ready.

argosciv ago

@Dressage2 @13uddah @fogdryer @2impendingdoom @Blacksmith21 ^^

Parent not actually finished, but, please watch the music vids <3

Will ping parent comment when truly ready.

Dressage2 ago


argosciv ago

told you it was a big'n :P

still more to come, after sleep

argosciv ago

Vindicating the House of Drăculești; Vlad II Dracul, Vlad III Dracula, et al. (see main post for initial points of interest)

Calling out the House of Dănești as enablers of corruption at the behest of Ottoman suzerainty("Otts" herein).

Note: While this comment will attempt to explain as much as possible, bare in mind that whatever is revealed here, will have roots even deeper into history and stretching to other countries abroad.

This is all theoretical, but, if you will read as much as I have, you will see that what I say is based on sound research and personal experience.

Firstly, I'll briefly answer "What's so important about "dragonblood", if you're even correct?"

See main post for proposed composition of "dragonblood"; Herein, a "dragon" is either a direct descendant of Vlad II Dracul/Vlad III Dracula OR someone possessing "dragonblood", whether temporarily or as a (predisposition towards) natural body chemistry per genetics/life experience.

Rob Zombie - Dead City Radio And The New Gods Of Supertown

This will sound nuts, but, keep an open mind and read on.

"So, what's the "potential" that is sought for use from the blood of "Dragons"?"

My understanding going forward, is that Ottoman suzerainty, stretching back at least as far as Murad II has been extorting, plundering and otherwise corrupting sovereign nations/municipalities/societies via blackmail and duress of war/hostile-takeover - moreover, a prevailing "debt(of dragons or 'dragonblood')" exists which has been an underlying motive for the corruption and puppetry we see being perpetrated today.

Otts have been attempting to 'train dragons'(see: grooming) for their own nefarious purposes, for a very long time. The notable case of relevance here is that of Dracul and Dracula(and his younger brother, Radu), wherein, under Ottoman pressure of war against Wallachia, Vlad II was forced to trade his sons(Vlad III and Radu III) to Murad II.

Vlad II Wiki cont:

After Alexander Aldea died in 1436, Vlad seized Wallachia with Hungarian support. Following the death of Sigismund of Luxembourg in 1437, Hungary's position weakened, causing him to pay homage to Murad II, which included participating in Murad II's invasion of Transylvania in the summer of 1438. John Hunyadi, Voivode of Transylvania, came to Wallachia to convince Vlad to join a crusade against the Ottomans in 1441. After Hunyadi routed an Ottoman army in Transylvania, the sultan ordered Vlad to come to Edirne where he was captured in 1442. Hunyadi invaded Wallachia and made Vlad's cousin, Basarab II, voivode.

Vlad was released before the end of the year, but he had to leave his two sons as hostages in the Ottoman Empire. He was restored in Wallachia with Ottoman support in 1443. He remained neutral during Hunyadi's "Long Campaign" against the Ottoman Empire between October 1443 and January 1444, but he sent 4,000 horsemen to fight against the Ottomans during the Crusade of Varna. With the support of a Burgundian fleet he captured the important Ottoman fortress at Giurgiu in 1445. He made peace with the Ottoman Empire in 1446 or 1447, which contributed to the deterioration of his relationship with Hunyadi. Hunyadi invaded Wallachia, forcing Vlad to flee from Târgoviște in late November, where he was killed at a nearby village.

Vlad II:Reign

First rule

Alexander Aldea died in autumn 1436, enabling Vlad Dracul to seize Wallachia with Hungarian support.[18][14][19] He did not dismiss his predecessor's officials with the exception of Albu, who thus became his enemy.[20] Vlad did not confirm the treaty that Alexander Aldea had concluded with the Ottomans, provoking an Ottoman incursion against Wallachia in November.[18]

Vlad's patron, Sigismund of Luxembourg, died on 9 December 1437.[21][22][23] Sigismund's death and the uprising of the Transylvanian peasants weakened Hungary, forcing Vlad to seek reconciliation with the Ottoman Empire.[22] He went to Edirne and swore fealty to Murad II.[22] He also promised to pay a yearly tribute to the sultan and to support the Ottomans' military campaigns at the sultan's order.[22][23] Before long, Murad II decided to invade Hungary and gathered his troops at Vidin.[24]

I have a gut feeling that both Vlad III and Radu III were brainwashed/indoctrinated in different ways, per how they behaved with the Sultan, further reading into the subject does reveal a distinct difference in how the two were treated and how their lives played out afterwards - with Vlad III being heavily corrupted and later used as a patsy/scapegoat of sorts and being fucked around by the House of Dănești(seemingly loyal to Otts); further perpetuating a pre-programmed cognitive dissonance and ultimately resulting in the massacre which would have Vlad III Dracula nicknamed "Vlad The Impaler", keeping in mind that this was a time when pretty much everyone had some amount of blood on their hands turing a turbulent time in history - some were fighting for good though; divine/honorable violence.

Vlad II: Early Life

Vlad's early life is poorly documented.[1] He was born before 1395, [1] and was one of the numerous illegitimate sons of Mircea I of Wallachia.[1] Vlad's modern biographers agree that he was sent as a hostage to Sigismund of Luxembourg, King of Hungary, in 1395 or 1396.[1][2] Sigismund mentioned that Vlad had been educated at his court, suggesting that he spent his youth in Buda, Nuremberg and other major towns of Hungary and the Holy Roman Empire.[1]

Mircea I died in 1418, and his only legitimate son (and co-ruler), Michael, succeeded him.[3] Two years later, Michael died fighting against his cousin, Dan II (the son of Mircea I's elder brother, Dan I).[4] During the following decade, Dan II and Vlad's half-brother, Radu II Praznaglava, were fighting against each other for Wallachia.[5]

Vlad left Buda for Poland without Sigismund's authorization in early 1423, but was captured before reaching the border.[6] Before long, Sigismund acknowledged Dan II as the lawful ruler of Wallachia.[7] The Byzantine historian, Doukas, recorded that Vlad was "an officer in the army" of the Byzantine Emperor, John VIII Palaiologos, and he "had access" to the imperial palace in Constantinople.[7] Historian Radu Florescu says that Sigismund had appointed Vlad to receive John VIII (who had come to Italy to seek assistance against the Ottomans) in Venice in 1423, and Vlad accompanied the emperor back to Constantinople.[7] After realizing that John VIII could not help him to seize Wallachia, Vlad returned to Hungary in 1429.[8][2] A simple three-storey house The house in the main square of Sighișoara where Vlad Dracul lived in the early 1430s

Sigismund made Vlad a first-class member of the Order of the Dragon (a chivalric order established by Sigismund) in Nuremberg on 8 February 1431.[9] Other first-class members included Alfonso V of Aragon and Vytautas, Grand Duke of Lithuania.[9] The dragon-shaped badge of the order gave rise to his Romanian sobriquet, Dracul ("the Dragon"), for which his sons became known as Dracula ("son of Dracul").[9][10] Vlad swore fealty to Sigismund who declared him the lawful prince of Wallachia.[11] Vlad had to promise that he would protect the Roman Catholic Church.[11] However, Sigismund did not assist him to seize Wallachia.[2] In the summer, Vlad's half-brother, Alexander I Aldea, invaded Wallachia with Moldavian support and dethroned Dan II.[12]

Vlad did not abandon his claim to Wallachia and settled in Transylvania.[13][14] A Neo-Renaissance mural in a three-storey house in the main square of Sighișoara (which was uncovered on the 500th anniversary of the death Vlad Dracul's son, Dracula) may depict Vlad Dracul after an original painting, according to Radu Florescu.[15] The mural depicts a corpulent man with oval-shaped eyes and long moustaches wearing a white turban.[16]

Alexander Aldea went to Adrianople to do homage to the Ottoman Sultan, Murad II, in 1432.[13] Vlad wanted to invade Wallachia with the support of Wallachian boyars (or noblemen) who had fled to Transylvania, but Alexander Aldea's principal official, Albu, prevented the invasion.[13] Sigismund authorized Vlad to buy weapons and muster an army of exiled boyars only in 1434.[17] In 1435, Alexander Aldea fell seriously ill and never recovered.[18] Taking advantage of his brother's illness, Vlad broke into Wallachia, but Alexander Aldea and his Ottoman allies forced him to retreat.[18]

Read: Vlad III: Name

Char limit: there is much more to this, I will continue later or in the next submission

argosciv ago


Could you explain more about the order of the dragon and if it still exists today?

As best I can determine, the order was established during turbulent times as an 'out of the box' answer the the threat Christians faced from Otts, their membership was very limited, with very good reason(see dragon blood), but, they seemingly made no attempt to be a 'secret society', by any stretch of the phrase (hence Vlad II adopting the name Dracul).

The Order of the Dragon("TOTD" herein) does not seem to exist as it were, today, though, my reading has shown me to one or 2 'communities' which attempt to preserve their[the Order of the Dragon's] knowledge and carry on investigations into the likes of Erzsébet Báthory.

Wikipedia: Order of the Dragon

The Order of the Dragon (Latin: Societas Draconistarum, literally "Society of the Dragonists") was a monarchical chivalric order for selected nobility,[1] founded in 1408 by Sigismund von Luxembourg who was King of Hungary (r. 1387–1437) at the time and later became Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1433–1437). It was fashioned after the military orders of the Crusades, requiring its initiates to defend the cross and fight the enemies of Christianity, in particular the Ottoman Empire.

The Order flourished during the first half of the 15th century, primarily in Germany and Italy. After Sigismund's death in 1437, its importance declined in Western Europe, but after the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, it continued to play a role in Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Romania which bore the brunt of the Ottoman incursions. Vlad Dracula took his name from the Order of the Drakon.


Members of the order are referred to in the statutes as barons (barones, occasionally socii). They were mostly Sigismund's political allies and supporters, who were at first largely confined to the political factions of Stefan Lazarević, Nicholas II Garay, and Hermann II of Celje, including such magnates as Stibor of Stiboricz and Pippo Spano.[7] The initial group of inductees for Sigismund's Order numbered 21 men,[6] which extended to about 24[7] in 1418.

After some time, Sigismund chose to expand the ranks of the Order. A second group of inductees was initiated between 1431 and 1437.[7] As membership grew, the Order of the Dragon came to have two degrees. There was a superior class, which between 1408 and 1418 wore both the dragon and the cross as the Order's emblem and a more elaborate version afterwards.[7] The second degree had a large number of members, and its symbol was only the dragon.[citation needed]

Following Sigismund's death in 1437, the Order lost prominence. However, the prestigious emblem of the Order was retained on the coat of arms of several Hungarian noble families, including Báthory, Bocskai, Bethlen, Szathmáry, Benyovszky, Kende and Rákóczi.[1]

How does Prince Charles who claims to be a direct decedent of Vlad fit in? The royals do marrying for bloodlines...

Got me stumped actually, which Charles? That name has come up countless times in my research, several royals/nobles, commoners, bards, politicians, 'killers', 'victims'... specifics help.

Also why is it called dragonblood? Whats the reptile connection?

The "reptile connection" is one that I'm yet to fully understand and my current theory on that is scrambled at best, for now. I will gladly touch on this in due time.

I'm using the terms "dragonblood" & "dragons" for a couple of reasons really.

  1. In direct reference to, "[the] House of Drăculești & Báthory Family; Vlad (II) Dracul, Vlad (III) Dracula and Erzsébet Báthory, among many others"; Vlad II and Vlad III being hereditary bearers of a predisposition to 'dragonblood', Báthory for their support of TOTD and Erzsébet Báthory probably herself being a dragon(in this context, a dragon is someone who has a body chemistry suited for dragonblood production - whether by genetics or life experience or a combination thereof).

  2. The dragon reference is also in relation to TOTD:Symbol and other artifacts, in particular, the ouroboros.

The edict of 1408 describes two insignia to be worn by members of the Order:

...we and the faithful barons and magnates of our kingdom shall bear and have, and do choose and agree to wear and bear, in the manner of society, the sign or effigy of the Dragon incurved into the form of a circle, its tail winding around its neck, divided through the middle of its back along its length from the top of its head right to the tip of its tail, with blood [forming] a red cross flowing out into the interior of the cleft by a white crack, untouched by blood, just as and in the same way that those who fight under the banner of the glorious martyr St George are accustomed to bear a red cross on a white field...[10]

The dragon described here, with its tail coiled around its neck, bears comparison to the ouroboros. On the back of the dragon, from the base of the neck to the tail, is the Red Cross of Saint George, with the entire image on an argent field. The Order's dragon emblem has not survived in any original form, but it has been referenced on coins, art, and in writing. An embroidered badge from c.1430 is found at the Bavarian National Museum.[11]


The ouroboros (/ˌjʊərəˈbɒrəs/[2]; /ʊəˈrɒbərəs/[3]; Greek: οὐροβόρος) is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail. Originating in Ancient Egyptian iconography, the ouroboros entered western tradition via Greek magical tradition and was adopted as a symbol in Gnosticism and Hermeticism, and most notably in alchemy. Via medieval alchemical tradition, the symbol entered Renaissance magic and modern symbolism, often taken to symbolize introspection, the eternal return or cyclicality,[4] especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself. It also represents the infinite cycle of nature's endless creation and destruction, life and death.[5]

The late Lawrence Gardener Chancellor of the Roal Court of Dragon Sovereignty talked about dragon bloodlines.

That name and organization are new on my radar, thank you for pointing me to them actually. At a quick glance of his wikipedia page, although we're not really given much there, I can quite strongly relate to what his work is purported to discuss/center on - it's quite plausible that he was very much on the ball with his research.

but he has been accused of drinking human blood and conducting human sacrafice...

Given what I know and what I see in terms of repeating patterns, I'll come out and say it as I see it... it's quite plausible that he engaged in the consumption of human blood in a consensual context, between mature(physically, emotionally & psychologically) adults, ie, no harm done unless one seeks to do harm with the resulting effects thereof...

With regards to human sacrifice... this is plausible given that such practices did occur during earlier, more barbaric iterations of some religions, however, one thing that the worldfuckers have proven to do, time and time again, is accuse their intended victims, of the same crimes they themselves are actually guilty of - see: character assassination.

A great deal of effort has been expended, to prevent modern peoples from heralding the return of the Dragons. Why? Because Dragons are the harbingers of the apocalypse. The apocalypse is a metaphor for illumination of the self en-mass.

ESOTERICshade ago

I pondered similar conclusions from reading Nichola De Vere.

Given what I know and what I see in terms of repeating patterns, I'll come out and say it as I see it... it's quite plausible that he engaged in the consumption of human blood in a consensual context, between mature(physically, emotionally & psychologically) adults, ie, no harm done unless one seeks to do harm with the resulting effects thereof...

kestrel9 ago

On December 12, 1408, following the Battle of Dobor, Sigismund and his queen, Barbara of Celje, founded the league known today as the Order of the Dragon.[5][6] Its statutes, written in Latin, call it a society (societas) whose members carry the signum draconis (see below), but assign no name to it. Contemporary records, however, refer to it by a variety of similar if unofficial names, such as Gesellschaft mit dem Trakchen, Divisa seu Societate Draconica, Societate Draconica seu Draconistarum and Fraternitas Draconum.[7] It was to some extent modelled after the earlier Hungarian monarchical order, the Order of St. George (Societas militae Sancti Georgii), founded by King Carol Robert of Anjou in 1318.[6] It likewise adopted St. George as its patron saint, whose legendary defeat of a dragon was used as a symbol for the military and religious ethos of the order. (see

The statute of the Order, which was expanded by Bishop Eberhard of Nagyvárad, chancellor of Sigismund's court, survives only in a copy made in 1707.[6] An edition was published in 1841.[8] The prologue to these statutes of 1408 reports that the society was created:

"in company with the prelates, barons, and magnates of our kingdom, whom we invite to participate with us in this party, by reason of the sign and effigy of our pure inclination and intention to crush the pernicious deeds of the same perfidious Enemy, and of the followers of the ancient Dragon, and (as one would expect) of the pagan knights, schismatics, and other nations of the Orthodox faith, and those envious of the Cross of Christ, and of our kingdoms, and of his holy and saving religion of faith, under the banner of the triumphant Cross of Christ ..."[9]

Though described in general terms, the primary representatives of "the perfidious Enemy" remained the Ottoman Turks, who continued to be problem for Sigismund's successors. The Order's outward focus on foreign threats was also aimed at achieving a level of domestic cohesion. The statutes go on to describe the order's symbols of the ouroboros and the red cross, which were worn by its members and gave the order its corporate identity (see below). They also list the mutual obligations of the king and his nobles. The members were to swear loyalty to the king, queen and their future sons and to protect the royal interests. Boulton argues that "the Society of the Dragon was clearly intended to serve [...] as the institutional embodiment of the royal faction its founder had created."[5] In return for their services, the nobles could expect to enjoy royal protection, honours and offices.

The creation of the order was not without precedent. At that time various Orders were being created to counter the Ottoman Turk threat. Additionally, many late medieval kings founded their own orders of knights to support their thrones.

Sigismund's order was particularly inspired from the Order of Saint George (see above), whose statutes from 1326 required protection of the King from any plot against him, principles also upheld in Sigismund's Order.[6] Another influential model may have been the Sicilian Order of the Ship, founded in 1381.

Between 1408 and 1437, the Order of the Dragon was the most important noble political association in Hungary. The Order of the Dragon was quickly recognized internationally, and as early as 1409, it inspired the Spanish Order of Calatrava which also battled Turks.[6]

finska ago

Thanks for the detailed reply 😁 When I say Prince Charles I mean the current Prince of Wales next in line to English throne. These people have been accused of everything from pedophilia, child sacrafice and even shape shifting into reptillians. I do not trust them. Prince Charles has publically stated he is a direct descendent of Vlad the implaler. He was also good mates with Jimmy Saville! I am really sus about all the royals and their obsession with bloodlines. Reptile references also make me very wary......

argosciv ago

Thanks for the clarification re: Charles, will investigate asap.

For now, I can at least assure you that the "reptile references" are not anything to worry about, though, with "Dragonblood" in mind, there is a significant relevance.

I don't know if Behemoth is to your taste, but, look up the lyrics to the following and listen along - it may not make sense, but, I will attempt to elaborate when I can do so concisely.

Behemoth - Demigod (Live Sweden Rock)

Trivia: Not to toot my own horn(lol), but as a matter of relevance to dragonblood, on my best days, I can sing most any Behemoth song I have linked here on voat(freely alternating between the 3 vocalists and sometimes just going with my own variations), alongside many other songs(male vocalists obviously), including Cradle of Filth - I have even very rapidly picked up some of Avatar songs as I listen to them while researching and browsing/posting on voat.

@carmencita @GothamGirl @srayzie @cantsleepawink @JesusRules

finska ago

Interesting! Ill check it out. Enjoy your weekend.

argosciv ago

You have popped one hell of a can of worms with Charles there...

Gonna take me a while, but I'll see what it leads to. Would prefer to fill out the ~ Báthory Family; Erzsébet Báthory ~ Section first, though.

finska ago

Could you explain more about the order of the dragon and if it still exists today? How does Prince Charles who claims to be a direct decedent of Vlad fit in? The royals do marrying for bloodlines.... Also why is it called dragonblood? Whats the reptile connection? The late Lawrence Gardener Chancellor of the Roal Court of Dragon Sovereignty talked about dragon bloodlines but he has been accused of drinking human blood and conducting human sacrafice......

argosciv ago

That's a lot of questions in one comment lol.

Happy to answer what I can, I'll leave you this reply for the moment so you know that I'm going to get back to you :)