ESOTERICshade ago


Porphyria is known as the "vampire disease", inbreeding, blood problems, etc...hopefully the bitch has Kuru. In these pics you can see the before and after pics between blood transfusions in a person with Porphyria and a day and night remarkable change. Hillary had some of those "miracle changes" too, of going from walking death to looking 20 years younger in a matter of days, and here you will also see her pics.

Hillary Clinton's Mysterious Malady

Nana66 ago

What if this had something to do with why Trump said what Hilary was doing during the debate break where she came back late, what she was doing was disgusting and he didn't want to talk about it.

Jem777 ago

I believe this is what Trump knew and meant. She was drinking blood as a pick me up and needs it to survive. A not very discussed fact is that Al Gore is addicted to blood and was stopped at a certain location with suitcase of fresh blood.

Nana66 ago

I was going to mention my comment on this post but I see you've already found it.

finska ago

Do you mean she drank some blood for a pick me up?

Nana66 ago

That is what comes to mind. He said he knows what she was doing but "media" made it into a woman bashing thing and implied what she was doing was private and tried to imply he was grossed out by natural body functions. I was not a Trump supporter at the time but still got the feeling that he meant something else by how he said it but couldn't imagine what.

4_InquiringMinds ago

This is the best description and right where did JFK's brain go? Thanks much for this~dots connect.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Powerful information, especially in the attached video. Thank you Esotericshade. It explains better than anything else I've watched, why all this is going on.

I too look for a physical/medical explanation that doesn't involve aliens or devil worship. I think you found it. Hemophilia and inbreeding among the elites have produced a need that cannibalism of the young particularly, satisfied.

It also, amazingly has some solutions for the elites trapped in these behaviors. A vegetarian alternative, chlorophyll from plants is said to solve the health issues without the need for blood sourced products. . Bravo!

ESOTERICshade ago

It took a long time and a lot of pattern matching for me to come up with these related facts but they do seem to fit.

carmencita ago

So my idea of doing good deeds and passing on good thoughts in another thread is a good way of countering their evil. The more we do the opposite of what they want and what they are trying to kill and stamp out the more we attack their horrid crimes and evil majick acts. Speaking of good things and performing good and kind acts will spread love and will force out their demons and positive forces will take hold.

finska ago

I think there is even more to this idea than most would believe....I think the observer effect from physics is working in our favour. The more we look at them the quantum wave collapses into different unforseen outcomes. It feels like our scrutiny is having an effect. We are literally creating a new reality where they are now exposed for more and more to see which will of course be unacceptable to most normal people. Lets keep our eyes on them!

carmencita ago

Yes. I believe in keeping our eyes and ears open but also in releasing our power of good force into the world. We can do this, through wishing out loud and praying out loud. I have read that if you pray out loud or even more forceful, with a group out loud, it will be heard. We must start believing that we are the power and the force that can change the world. It will also change ourselves when we feel the power charging through our bodies. I had done this a few times a few years ago and hearing myself say powerful things, it was very uplifting. I just started a couple days ago again. It takes a little while but the more people that do this the more powerful the effect and change.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Not getting your pings...oh right, voat's free speech is being attacked, sure, lol.

The thing with any practice/praying/loudly praying/quietly meditating (zen approach) doesn't matter. As ppl come together to practice whatever feels best to them, the coming together in numbers gives the intention even more power. So if you have lots of ppl globally doing a zen quiet thing it expands exponentially/same for prayer or even loud prayer. Our prayers or offerings, request etc are always heard...bc All That Is, is, well, all that is, everywhere all the time. There is no way All That Is cannot hear if you follow my logic. It is the combined energies of ppl that give greater power to collapse the wave form and make a new hologram. It's the reason reiki works bc so many have put intention into it. By itself it is just symbols with an arbitrary meaning till ppl assigned meaning Beliefs form the virtual reality.

carmencita ago

Intention always plays a big part I believe. You have to mean it. It really should come from the heart, imo. I believe, and that is only how I feel, that when there are more together it gives a kind of hive feeling and a feeling of togetherness. As if all are supporting each other. But I do like praying at any time. Just did today.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Intention is key~right you are :)

ESOTERICshade ago

Moonchild Rituals

ESOTERICshade ago

What SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK said.

In almost all the situations I was dragged through as a child, they were just stupid adults pretending to be hideous beasts in masks and robes, stumbling through the same or similar routine boring ritual. In several higher up masonic ceremonies, I wasn't so sure if all the participants were human or something other that morphed in and out. Drugs and electro shock and hypnosis could have been the source of those feelings. If the memory returns, as mine did many decades later, what exactly was going on is difficult to ascertain. . From what I heard.

The demons on earth and the devil, only have life through the thoughts of humans. This is a collective thought, so if lots of people give energy to something or did in past centuries, it's a piece of reality. You can try and ignore that, but it, the collective idea has power still.

You can see this in MK survivor Arizona Wilder. They told her that she was one of only three special Goddesses in the world. Only three can exist at any one time, or so they told her. She believes it. She is trying to be honest but she still is not sure what the truth really is sometimes. All that she says seems accurate except for the truly super natural stuff they programmed her with. A woman's period follows the cycle of the moon and this connects to drinking menstrul blood.

The Triple Goddess has been adopted by many neopagans as one of their primary deities. In common Neopagan usage the three female figures are frequently described as the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, each of which symbolizes both a separate stage in the female life cycle and a phase of the Moon, and often rules one of the realms of earth, underworld, and the heavens. These may or may not be perceived as aspects of a greater single divinity.


Skip to 37 minutes. Arizona Wilder. The cult told her she was special. They told her she had great power. They do that to a lot of victims. They tell victims they were born to play a special role that nobody else can play, etc...

Nana66 ago

Maybe it's the truth behind why the Elite's are pushing Global Warning.

ESOTERICshade ago

Not sure I understand what you mean by how Global Warming fits in. I know that Global Warming is a huge scam but don't understand what you mean.

Jem777 ago

Global Warming is about protection of the secrets in Antartica. What is in the underground bases. Antartica is mentioned in the book of Revelations as the endtimes 7 mountains. The blood drinkers (elite) have a secret in Antartica trust me. It will "cause men's hearts to fail them in fear" if you are not aware of what is coming.

Nana66 ago

"The truth is that the number of people addicted to drinking blood, multi generational addicts, has probably increased because the cult has probably gotten larger. The number of addicts has increased and more supply is needed. They told Arizona Wilder that it is due to a change "in the earth" and that the Special Elite Lizard" people cannot hold human form as easy due to changes in the earth. In my opinion that is skull fuck talk for addicts cannot function without their fix."

ESOTERICshade ago

The first of this is in a foreign language but the rest is translated.

ESOTERICshade ago

More about starfire. Drinking menstrul blood.

4_InquiringMinds ago

This article is so disturbing there are not even words. Sheesh, these ppl are really sick.

ESOTERICshade ago

The secret blood drinking community that has existed for thousands of years connects a lot of dots and explains much.

Jem777 ago

The blood donors are a scam. This is where C.A.R.I.S. Comes in tied back to Alefantis Instagram CarisJames as well as Madeline McCann and coloboma. Their is a rare bloodtype linked to coloboma (incest Mark of Cain) children with this type are placed on an international registry called CARIS. They can then be tracked 24/7 and that is what happens. Their blood and other DNA anomalies are highly valued by the elite.

Let's talk about how this relates to the Cannanites, the children of Israel, and the Nephelim @ESOTERICshade

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't know any way to figure out what blood type the Canaanites were other than intuition and speculation from clues that might be found by digging.

Jem777 ago

The Caananites had the same blood type as the Khazars which became the AshkeNAZI, then the NAZI's, then the royal families and the elite.

ESOTERICshade ago

The Caananites had the same blood type as the Khazars which became the AshkeNAZI, then the NAZI's, then the royal families and the elite.

That would also be my speculation and has been for a long time but I don't know any way to dig up definitive info on it. There are a lot of little clues scattered around that fit this pattern though. It also fits their unbroken pattern of a fascination with blood all through history.

Jem777 ago

Yes, the Incest Mark of Cain (coloboma) is the outward expression of this Bloodtype DNA pattern. It can be traced Biblically. Cain's conception and murder of his brother Able in Damascus tells the story. What about Seth? Why is he never really discussed?

The great floods were to destroy this in the days of Noah. These were the Nephelim bloodline as in Sodom & Gomorrah.

A strain got through in one of Noah's sons wife. You can trace the Khazars back to this lineage and whose house they belonged to. It is the Nephelim bloodline. It still exists today. They consider themselves Lucifers children and in essence they are. They are the bloodline of the Fallen Angels mating with Gods creation in violation of spiritual law. There offspring were the giants of the Ild Testament such as Goliath.

The story of David and Goliath is an illustration of what is occurring now. David was out of the creation of Gods image.

Goliath was out of the creation of Lucifer and the fallen angles which he is lord over.

The children of Israel are represented in David...these are not just Jews it is all of us as creation. We all come from the Adamite line (Gods divine creation) except those that have Nephelim blood they come from violation of spiritual laws when the fallen angels (Lucifer is the top fallen angel) mated with Gods creation.

They are the consumers of blood and are the elite (not all of course) but free will is the gift that has been granted to the Adamite line. When Lucifer was thrown out of Heaven at the great council he was thrown to earth. He was told he could wander to and fro about the earth to influence and become God of this world to others but in the end at the Battle of Armageddon he will be defeated. A third of the Angels stood by him and were tossed to Earth as well. Some are chained in the Abyss.

Lucifer' goal is to be worshipped as God. He knows he has a limited time to accomplish this and he knows the end of the story.

Jesus Christ was sent to save the Jews and gentiles equalizing all and abolishing the law. In the past the law (Old Testament) law of Moses was required by God in an attempt to keep his children from being led astray. As we can see nearly everyone fell short.

Jesus Christ DNA is half from his mother Mary and half from God the father. Jewish leaders at the time of his birth were Pharisees....caananites. They rejected him because of his true bloodline. The Romans also rejected him and carried out the crucification. His blood shed fulfilled the law and is the only blood sacrifice that counts.

Upon his death, burial, and resurrection the Romans saw the first Christians begin to flourish. They capatilized on this by taking Jesus death and forming religion around it with rituals and new laws in exact opposite of what Christ had said. That is the is the serpent seed as well.

Free will allows us to be on the playing field. Accepting the sacrifice of grace does not make the law it fulfills it.

Rejecting it places you back under the law of judgement. That will be fulfilled and all will stand before God.

The greatest question is what is the bloodtype of Jesus the Christ that is in the Holy Grail and on the Ark of the Covenant. Did God create a new start where all bloodlines would be in the veins of his son? Is his blood in the Shroud of Turin...AB an extreme rarity. Did that allow the bloodlines of Nephelim come into one creation? Even God created the fallen angels and Lucifer. Did he bring us all back through his son Jesus the Christ?

finska ago

Ive also just been reading a theory that the Red Cross might be using blood donations for the elite to drink! Then I thought what about St Johns ambulance with the maltese cross logo....what could they be up to???

ESOTERICshade ago

They have always kept a tight grip on the supply of blood. They control all the blood donor charities and blood banks. The Red Cross is a huge scam, even though they do help people once in a while to keep up their image.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well the locals in Malawi just freaked and declared that there are "vampires" in their midst because they are finding people with their blood drained. Madonna and some other people have "charity" work going on over there too. Just sayin....

finska ago

If drinking blood makes them stronger/smarter or whatever does this give them an advantage over us? Also after reading one of the articles you put here about adrenalised meat being addictive Im going vego. It sickens me...btw did you ever come accross the interview with Finkelstein about tbe human meat sent to abattoirs that sell to Mcdonalds?

ESOTERICshade ago

Never heard that interview before. Listening to it now. Amazing how truthful Finklestein is about their arrogant asses. Haven't gotten to the Mcdonalds part yet. Thanx for the link.

ESOTERICshade ago

I wish people would use a dictionary once in a while. The word "esoteric" basically means the same thing as "conspiracy" sorta....It only means the secret meanings and reasons behind peoples actions and words. This entire research community literally RUNS ON trying to figure out what the perps really mean by their words and what their true intentions are versus what they say and let us see them do.

esoteric (ĕsˌə-tĕrˈĭk)►

adj. Intended for or understood by only a particular group: an esoteric cult. See Synonyms at mysterious. adj. Of or relating to that which is known by a restricted number of people. adj. Confined to a small group: esoteric interests.

But say the word "esoteric" and people will say "oh that esoteric stuff is just crazy." The word esoteric gets treated like the word "conspiracy" but even worse.


I will be the first to admit that attempting to get normies to believe that a lot of the people that run this world came from a society of people that are addicted to drinking blood, literally. I don't suggest people try to convince normies that they are blood drinking satanists. Its a dead end and gets you discredited. Stick to child abuse and pedophilia. A lot of normies can almost go there, sometimes....

But at the same time it is important to understand the enemy. It is important to understand what they believe and why they do the things they do. I don't suggest trying to "feed" this to normies though. The word "feed" will take on a whole new meaning if you keep reading.

The Khazars are Mongols. THESE ARE THE KHAZARS

Marco Polo reported that Mongols drank blood from their horses if necessary. Many places around the world eat Black pudding. Some societies, such as the Moche, had ritual hematophagy, as well as the Scythians, a nomadic people of Russia, who drank the blood of the first enemy they killed in battle.

Hillary and MOCA. You just can't make this shit up...

The Khazar/Mongols would drain blood from their horses and drink it if they had to because drinking blood is an addiction. There are thousands of people in the U.S. that drink blood and can't function without it just like a heroin addict cannot function without his heroin.

After drinking blood for a period of time a lot of people can't function without it. They will feel nausea, cramps, can't eat real food, fatigue, headaches, and they crave blood like an addict craves crack.

A BBC reporter interviews people that drink blood. Why does this look like a baby's toy? Two reasons.

Babies are harvested for blood, and, babies are also fed blood as infants so that they will grow up addicted to blood. This keeps them faithful to the cult because the cult is also the source of the addict's blood supply.

For thousands of years victims have been held captive and had their blood harvested regularly. Sometimes the people finally get so weak they die from blood loss. Willing donors in the cult also give their blood to others.

(notice the word "chef" in the url above? cook) Also notice a reference to "irritable bowel" syndrome in the following article. Jews are known to have irritable bowel syndrome. (cough cough)

BBC - Future - The people who drink human blood In many cities around the world, thousands of average people - nurses, bar staff, secretaries - are drinking human blood on a regular basis. The question is, why?

Read these posts at the following link. There may be a larper or two but an intelligent person can see that these are blood drinkers. They are serious. There is a girl in these posts somewhere that says she started drinking her boyfriend's blood. As her addiction grew her boyfriend got weaker and weaker. Now her boyfriend is in bed all the time sick but she can't stop drinking his blood. She tells others, in a warning sort of way, "start drinking blood and you will see what I mean."

Notice how many of them are truly excited by the smell of blood. Sexually excited too. Its a primal thing. Its real.

Blood I was drinking blood too and ı learn what was the name of it but ı never mind that ı can drink my boyfriends blood.It was terrible... First times he let me than Ilearn he is ill because of it but ı didn't stop it these a days he is ill can't stand up always in the bad so if you guys drinking anybodys blood stop it or you'll see:(

Spend 45 minutes reading the following link. Notice how many times these people use the word "feed." They use the same lingo because they are part of a culture that drinks blood regularly. Notice the patterns in their stories.

Main problems and patterns in behavior.

  1. Supply of blood.
  2. Keeping addiction hidden
  3. Reaction from friends and family
  4. Withdrawl symptoms
  5. Sexually excited by smell of blood
  6. Many of them use the word FEED.

etc...Same set of problems addicts have.

Most blood drinkers do not torture people to get adrenalized blood. They just drink it. Some of the savages, and the elite, do torture people before they drink the blood.

There are drinkers and sippers. Drinkers can be dangerous. They will kill people or drain all the blood out of a willing donor up to the point of death because their addiction is that strong. Sippers get permission from donors and take small amounts at a time.

Adrenalized Blood Drinking Addiction

Drinking menstrul blood is a whole other story. This is responsible for a lot of the "Goddess" lore and sometime I will attempt to explain it better but here is exactly how its done. Menstrul blood is known as "Starfire." This is the source of much of the "esoteric" or hidden meaning behind blood drinking. Blood drinking is largely about the endocrine system and chemicals it produces.

I have been searching online and i have come across sites where people drink menstrual blood because it's something that their parents did, so basically they started drinking it as soon as they started having their period and they thought it was normal until telling someone about it but what i want to know is...

Nana66 ago

I was banned from pizzagate for spam after posting this and getting it deleted for rule #1 and reposting it edited.

4_InquiringMinds ago

was banned from pizzagate

pg reads like the Enquirer so no worries~better discussions here for sure

Nana66 ago

My post also was about blood.

finska ago

Speaking of blood.....Harvey Weinstein just accused of drinking menstral blood from victim!! q=

Does anyone else find this a disturbing connection confirming their satanic blood drinking rituals.....why else would you do something so gross?

Nana66 ago

I can't get your link to work.

Nana66 ago

Thanks, I was able to find the article, just not through the link.

Nana66 ago

Asia Argento....I wondered why anyone would force another person to let them perform oral sex on them.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Just saw your signature...banned from pg for knowing too much.

That pretty much sums it up.

Censoring of blood stories/interesting.

ESOTERICshade ago

Mil Falcon already said at least twice maybe three times there is no "evidence" of organ or blood harvesting and neither is relevant to pizzagate.

4_InquiringMinds ago

And I'm selling ocean front lots in you think he would be interested?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

What doesn't get banned under Rule #1? According to Millennial_Falcon, Rule #1 is a fucking free-for-all.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Rule #1 is a fucking free-for-all.

Which of course makes it perfectly obvious that the discussion with members on do you want a change was nothing more than a lie...the owners wouldn't lie now would they?

ESOTERICshade ago

It certainly didn't get any better after the big dog and pony show sticky thread about Rule 1, and possibly got worse.

It has been openly stated that the funding for child trafficking is not up for discussion because it is not relevant.

It has been openly stated that the methods of grooming children by Planned Parenthood and other advocating for hormone therapy and transgender surgery is not open for discussion and it not relevant.

The Overton Window in v/pizzagate has been slid over to mainstream news tabloid tier "news."

4_InquiringMinds ago

Just needs to sink in we are in a petri dish then it all makes sense. Main pg site studies how restrictions on free thought, speech can steer us (the flies). Now pg looks like The Enquirer of pg with the occasional thread that has any merit.

Here we are being studied to see what directions we pursue when given free reign. Those of us here are not in the 'good community citizen' camp so how we do things would be of particular interest. Within this group are some 'agents' trying different tactics to see what/if anything/will sway or shift us.

The patterns are there when one starts to look. I've been in a lively pm'ing with another member as we look for the patterns. When you start looking at it as a game being played it's interesting and amusing.

So to those of you that are overseers of this's a big SHOUT OUT...hi, hugs wink.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I looked into this writing and find it credible. People in these child abusing groups follow these kind of philosophy's. It gives them a mental cover for what they know to be wrong on another level. Small minds are much impressed by mumbo jumbo jargon.

In almost all the situations I was dragged through as a child, they were just stupid adults pretending to be hideous beasts in masks and robes, stumbling through the same or similar routine boring ritual. In several higher up masonic ceremonies, I wasn't so sure if all the participants were human or something other that morphed in and out. Drugs and electro shock and hypnosis could have been the source of those feelings. If the memory returns, as mine did many decades later, what exactly was going on is difficult to ascertain. . From what I heard.

The demons on earth and the devil, only have life through the thoughts of humans. This is a collective thought, so if lots of people give energy to something or did in past centuries, it's a piece of reality. You can try and ignore that, but it, the collective idea has power still.

Greek letters are in modern times, connected to fraternities and lots of secret organizations and used as codes. This has changed the original meaning of the first and last letters in the alphabet. It's a new reality, not the old one, now fully attached to those ancient letters. These letters were used to program us.

So how to get out of the mess we are in? (and it is a mess.) As we give power in our thoughts to a better more wholesome future, we will bring about that reality and begin to dim the old darkness. It's slow going so grab a happy paddle.

Fear not. That's his power. Skip It.

4_InquiringMinds ago

The demons on earth and the devil, only have life through the thoughts of humans. This is a collective thought, so if lots of people give energy to something or did in past centuries, it's a piece of reality. You can try and ignore that, but it, the collective idea has power still.

So how to get out of the mess we are in? (and it is a mess.) As we give power in our thoughts to a better more wholesome future, we will bring about that reality and begin to dim the old darkness. It's slow going so grab a happy paddle.

Fear not. That's his power. Skip It.


SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I also heard............ that if we choose to forgo all violence, which is a good thing, we must gain other powers. The fight goes on, not fighting evil is not an option.

It is all about the children and what's being done to them.

Extra powers hard earned, often through the most extreme of circumstances, come with a responsibility both for use and wise use. Awareness comes at a price.

We are expected to use all our special abilities, logic, knowing, instinct, intuition, fearlessness plus more & etc, to the max., or risk loosing them. Any muscle left unused will atrophy. "Don't waste your special abilities indulging your little crybabies self-doubts,"

I didn't like being spoken to like that one little bit. It hit very close to home, that was me.

4_InquiringMinds ago

Comments like yours I see sprinkled throughout the web and it gives me hope.

We are supposed to awaken/that is what the cabal fears.

And yes, the crybaby in us that clings to doubt serves no one except the cabal that programs the doubt in the first place. Religions play a big part in facilitating this doubt.

Yes, it is all about the children and what's being done to them. If that can't get your ass in gear might as well go play with your iphone bc that is all you are good for.

Jem777 ago

Hilary was born out of the Babylon Working rituals performed by OTO occultist, Jack Parsons, L.RonHubbard i the late 1940's.Led by Aleister Crowley.

The purpose of Babylon Working was to usher in the Anti- Christ that would one day rule the world and usher in the Luceferian Reign.

The Santanic Prophesy Manifesto written by Parsons (NASA) even States the name of the child will be Hilirean. Sound a little like Hilary.

I have posted it before but will again.