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ESOTERICshade ago

What SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK said.

In almost all the situations I was dragged through as a child, they were just stupid adults pretending to be hideous beasts in masks and robes, stumbling through the same or similar routine boring ritual. In several higher up masonic ceremonies, I wasn't so sure if all the participants were human or something other that morphed in and out. Drugs and electro shock and hypnosis could have been the source of those feelings. If the memory returns, as mine did many decades later, what exactly was going on is difficult to ascertain. . From what I heard.

The demons on earth and the devil, only have life through the thoughts of humans. This is a collective thought, so if lots of people give energy to something or did in past centuries, it's a piece of reality. You can try and ignore that, but it, the collective idea has power still.

You can see this in MK survivor Arizona Wilder. They told her that she was one of only three special Goddesses in the world. Only three can exist at any one time, or so they told her. She believes it. She is trying to be honest but she still is not sure what the truth really is sometimes. All that she says seems accurate except for the truly super natural stuff they programmed her with. A woman's period follows the cycle of the moon and this connects to drinking menstrul blood.

The Triple Goddess has been adopted by many neopagans as one of their primary deities. In common Neopagan usage the three female figures are frequently described as the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, each of which symbolizes both a separate stage in the female life cycle and a phase of the Moon, and often rules one of the realms of earth, underworld, and the heavens. These may or may not be perceived as aspects of a greater single divinity.


Skip to 37 minutes. Arizona Wilder. The cult told her she was special. They told her she had great power. They do that to a lot of victims. They tell victims they were born to play a special role that nobody else can play, etc...

Nana66 ago

Maybe it's the truth behind why the Elite's are pushing Global Warning.

ESOTERICshade ago

Not sure I understand what you mean by how Global Warming fits in. I know that Global Warming is a huge scam but don't understand what you mean.

Jem777 ago

Global Warming is about protection of the secrets in Antartica. What is in the underground bases. Antartica is mentioned in the book of Revelations as the endtimes 7 mountains. The blood drinkers (elite) have a secret in Antartica trust me. It will "cause men's hearts to fail them in fear" if you are not aware of what is coming.

Nana66 ago

"The truth is that the number of people addicted to drinking blood, multi generational addicts, has probably increased because the cult has probably gotten larger. The number of addicts has increased and more supply is needed. They told Arizona Wilder that it is due to a change "in the earth" and that the Special Elite Lizard" people cannot hold human form as easy due to changes in the earth. In my opinion that is skull fuck talk for addicts cannot function without their fix."