carmencita ago

Oh my God.

Vindicator ago

@angelafogo: This is all very speculative, esoteric stuff, and the only sources given are all things written by the author of that page. This really isn't a research post. I belongs in our speculative subverse for theories lacking supporting evidence so far, v/pizzagatewhatever. Please repost there.

ESOTERICshade ago

Vindicator do you know what the definition of the word "esoteric" is? In a nutshell it simply means that a group that operates in secret has their own lingo. Their own slang. Since they grew up involved in conspiracies their entire lives they know the meanings of their secret lingo and outsiders don't know the secret meaning.

What is really funny is that this WHOLE INVESTIGATION runs on attempting to understand and figure out what those fuckers REALLY MEAN by their words and actions. All pizzagate researchers understand that this is the goal.

This exactly IS the practice of decoding the ESOTERIC or hidden meanings of their behavior.


Say the word "esoteric" and people freak out. The word "esoteric" has been beaten to death just like the word "conspircy" has been beaten to death and discredited.

I swear to God, I wish people would use a fucking dictionary.

cantsleepawink ago

It's a very interesting article, including the stuff on David Bowie. I have been analyzing his music and videos for the last couple of years as they clearly contained many references to esoteric subjects and to current political events. He was also known to work with spooks. I'll have to go revisit his stuff.

angelafogo ago

I have done my own research on this subject. Please tell me what source do you need of what and i will provide. This has happened in our history several times. This is what this people believe regardless of your own beliefs or not. Satanic Rituals have very specifics purposes they are not just evil meaningless practices from crazy people.