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ESOTERICshade ago

More about starfire. Drinking menstrul blood.

4_InquiringMinds ago

This article is so disturbing there are not even words. Sheesh, these ppl are really sick.

ESOTERICshade ago

The secret blood drinking community that has existed for thousands of years connects a lot of dots and explains much.

Jem777 ago

The blood donors are a scam. This is where C.A.R.I.S. Comes in tied back to Alefantis Instagram CarisJames as well as Madeline McCann and coloboma. Their is a rare bloodtype linked to coloboma (incest Mark of Cain) children with this type are placed on an international registry called CARIS. They can then be tracked 24/7 and that is what happens. Their blood and other DNA anomalies are highly valued by the elite.

Let's talk about how this relates to the Cannanites, the children of Israel, and the Nephelim @ESOTERICshade

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't know any way to figure out what blood type the Canaanites were other than intuition and speculation from clues that might be found by digging.

Jem777 ago

The Caananites had the same blood type as the Khazars which became the AshkeNAZI, then the NAZI's, then the royal families and the elite.

ESOTERICshade ago

The Caananites had the same blood type as the Khazars which became the AshkeNAZI, then the NAZI's, then the royal families and the elite.

That would also be my speculation and has been for a long time but I don't know any way to dig up definitive info on it. There are a lot of little clues scattered around that fit this pattern though. It also fits their unbroken pattern of a fascination with blood all through history.

Jem777 ago

Yes, the Incest Mark of Cain (coloboma) is the outward expression of this Bloodtype DNA pattern. It can be traced Biblically. Cain's conception and murder of his brother Able in Damascus tells the story. What about Seth? Why is he never really discussed?

The great floods were to destroy this in the days of Noah. These were the Nephelim bloodline as in Sodom & Gomorrah.

A strain got through in one of Noah's sons wife. You can trace the Khazars back to this lineage and whose house they belonged to. It is the Nephelim bloodline. It still exists today. They consider themselves Lucifers children and in essence they are. They are the bloodline of the Fallen Angels mating with Gods creation in violation of spiritual law. There offspring were the giants of the Ild Testament such as Goliath.

The story of David and Goliath is an illustration of what is occurring now. David was out of the creation of Gods image.

Goliath was out of the creation of Lucifer and the fallen angles which he is lord over.

The children of Israel are represented in David...these are not just Jews it is all of us as creation. We all come from the Adamite line (Gods divine creation) except those that have Nephelim blood they come from violation of spiritual laws when the fallen angels (Lucifer is the top fallen angel) mated with Gods creation.

They are the consumers of blood and are the elite (not all of course) but free will is the gift that has been granted to the Adamite line. When Lucifer was thrown out of Heaven at the great council he was thrown to earth. He was told he could wander to and fro about the earth to influence and become God of this world to others but in the end at the Battle of Armageddon he will be defeated. A third of the Angels stood by him and were tossed to Earth as well. Some are chained in the Abyss.

Lucifer' goal is to be worshipped as God. He knows he has a limited time to accomplish this and he knows the end of the story.

Jesus Christ was sent to save the Jews and gentiles equalizing all and abolishing the law. In the past the law (Old Testament) law of Moses was required by God in an attempt to keep his children from being led astray. As we can see nearly everyone fell short.

Jesus Christ DNA is half from his mother Mary and half from God the father. Jewish leaders at the time of his birth were Pharisees....caananites. They rejected him because of his true bloodline. The Romans also rejected him and carried out the crucification. His blood shed fulfilled the law and is the only blood sacrifice that counts.

Upon his death, burial, and resurrection the Romans saw the first Christians begin to flourish. They capatilized on this by taking Jesus death and forming religion around it with rituals and new laws in exact opposite of what Christ had said. That is the is the serpent seed as well.

Free will allows us to be on the playing field. Accepting the sacrifice of grace does not make the law it fulfills it.

Rejecting it places you back under the law of judgement. That will be fulfilled and all will stand before God.

The greatest question is what is the bloodtype of Jesus the Christ that is in the Holy Grail and on the Ark of the Covenant. Did God create a new start where all bloodlines would be in the veins of his son? Is his blood in the Shroud of Turin...AB an extreme rarity. Did that allow the bloodlines of Nephelim come into one creation? Even God created the fallen angels and Lucifer. Did he bring us all back through his son Jesus the Christ?