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argosciv ago

Vindicating the Báthory Family; Erzsébet Báthory et al. (see main post for initial points of interest)

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cantsleepawink ago

Do you know if the name 'Dragescu' has any relevance here? This story of the girl that fell to her death at St. Paul's just strikes me as extremely odd and I'm working on a theory that it's related to other current news stories. Just wondering if you have any insights?

argosciv ago

Yes, we lost a living Dragon that day... she went home, so to speak :'( - The heartbreaking suicide notes left by "beautiful" figure skater who plunged to her death at St Paul's Cathedral

18:32, 16 OCT 2017 | UPDATED19:50, 16 OCT 2017

A figure skater who fell 100ft to her death left a heartbreaking suicide note saying sorry to her mother and to those who found her.

Lidia Dragescu, 23, died last week when she fell from the Whispering Gallery inside the London attraction.

Clutched in her hands were two notes - one for her mum and one for those who witnessed her death and found her body.

The student, who was a talented figure skater, had said a final goodbye to her mum Isabela just one-and-a-half hours before she fell to the floor of the famous London cathedral.

The note to her mum read:

Mum I am really sorry for upsetting you in this way. It would be natural to be upset but do not be for me, I am better now, in a better place. I am doing this for me, to escape. All of the past and the present it makes my head heavy. It will be very difficult without me for a time but after this you will be okay. Think about me that I am good now. I told you how much I love you. I am sorry I care but I need to escape and I cannot wait to see what is on the other side. I love you all remain well and I will see you when you are old. Take care of you. Thank you for everything.

Her grieving mum Isabela Dragescu described the pain of losing her intelligent and kind daughter and said: "I don't have any more tears left".

Look at the timing of it...

Avatar - Vultures Fly (Live at Wacken Open Air 2015 / Proshot)

All orders to surrender are false


@Dressage2 @alphabravo @Vindicator @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Gothamgirl

argosciv ago

@kestrel9 @2impendingdoom @jangles @13uddha @VictorSteinerDavion ^ Dragon pushed to suicide, seems legit suicide - maybe meddling, doesn't matter, a moment of respect for her is in order.

argosciv ago

"Dragescu" is new on my radar, as of having read it from you now; I will get back to you when I know more.

argosciv ago

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Vindicator @srayzie @carmencita @cantsleepawink

Parent not actually finished, but, please watch the music vids <3

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argosciv ago

@JesusRules @ArtificalDuality @Wolftrail7272 @icuntstopswearing @GothamGirl ^^

Parent not actually finished, but, please watch the music vids <3

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argosciv ago

@Dressage2 @13uddah @fogdryer @2impendingdoom @Blacksmith21 ^^

Parent not actually finished, but, please watch the music vids <3

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Dressage2 ago


argosciv ago

told you it was a big'n :P

still more to come, after sleep