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argosciv ago

@angelafogo (if I misquoted you, please correct me)

The references to pig and human flesh are too numerous for any one pizzagater to mention

Challenge accepted

"Longpig", nickname for human flesh prepared for consumption - according to at least "Woodhouse", a character in "Archer", Woodhouse admits to having consumed flesh during "The Great War"(which one??)

"You are what you eat"

"Manbearpig" from Southpark... something to do with consumption of Russians? Russian(person)-fed pig products?

Mafias/Cartels have been known(or at least, stories/suspicions circulated) to feed humans to pigs.

Remember movie characters being amalgamations of actual killers, their crimes bizarre and grizzly in nature, though, often sharing very particular characteristics:

Ed Gein & Ed Kemper & ??? + TCM Movies + Friday 13th Movies + Nightmare on Elm Street Movies + Freddy vs Jason + ???.

  • Jason Vorhees from the Friday 13th series, at best, is explained as supernatural in nature - seems to be an abstract reference to Ed Kemper or may have even had an effect on his life. All sorts of inferences have can be observed in various movies, notably Freddy vs Jason, which allude to things such as childhood abuse, incest, etc... even Freddy Krueger is explained as a child abuser who was torched alive by an angry mob, albeit returning to kill via dreams(inferences can be made here, but, Freddy's backstory is rather 'logical' by contrast to much of Jason's).

  • Jedidiah Sawyer/Thomas Hewitt(was the attempted name change merely a matter of copyright?) was oft left unexplained in film, but, openly stated to be inspired by Ed Gein(no mention of Ed Kemper as an influence) - Leatherface(the new film) does however, serve as a prequel(and explanation to the upbringing of) for the original TCM "Leatherface", Jedidiah Sawyer; it explores a life of abuse at the hands of his cannibal (incest ?) family who, upon failing to indoctrinate him at a young age, set him up to be incarcerated in a mental asylum - ultimately creating the deranged person who would later be known as "Leatherface".

  • Recently discovered by myself, was an alternate opening/ending to the 2006 remake of TCM, a very VERY strong hint was originally going to be included, as to the Ed Gein inspiration, but, was swapped for the "walk through of the Hewitt residence" opening and ending scenes(perhaps to serve as a distraction and/or seed of hysteria).

BEWARE: If you intend to seek out the alternate scenes, be aware that the alternate ending is quite disturbing once you read about Gein's alleged crimes and motives...

In the book/film, Hannibal, boars are trained for the purpose of eating Hannibal Lecter by one of his surviving victims - although this plot ultimately fails, the boars do indeed consume at least one person as a major part of the plot. Later approaches to the character (Hannibal) explain his life and behavior as resultant from fucked up experiences during WWII, including having his sister fed to him by brutish soldiers after the death of his parents, followed by being raised in an orphanage which had bullies appointed to keep the other orphans in line, particularly abusing Hannibal - explored in Hannibal Rising, which, in some abstract ways, parallels with the early life of Dieter Dengler.

Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal, looks suspiciously like Dengler in his later years, Dengler the first successfully liberated (US Navy) POW from Laos during the Vietnam War... a highly suspicious story in and of itself, perhaps even an ulterior reason for the Vietnam war; clandestine operations such as MK-ULTRA continuation, human/drug smuggling, biological warfare designed to cripple Vietnam for generations(see DDT), etc. Read about Dengler and the story surrounding him... I strongly suspect Dengler was no stranger to the consumption of human flesh - whether a participant or witness.

The TCM movies touch on subjects of cannibal families, secret esoteric connections; 'spiritual' experiences; derangement and murder up to and including feeding humans to pigs(in the 2017 film, Leatherface), etc - new approaches discuss childhood abuse as being responsible for who would become eventually known as 'Leatherface', attempts to change the names of the eponymous characters in different TCM movies, strike me as incredibly strange, per the following:

TCM movies and many others are strongly suggestive of clandestine operations (and involvement in the 'breeding' or grooming of killers, with common factors of cannibalism, violent and/or sexual abuse & incestuous dealings)to force a state of perpetual stress & terror upon the masses, amidst an ongoing culture of sexual abuse existing within Hollywood, the two are almost certainly related - one to cover up the other, working in both directions - the idea being that both sound so ridiculous, that nobody would ever dare pursue either or try to connect them and then go further to make connections abroad...

Important reminder: Some people in Hollywood(& the entertainment industry abroad, ie, bards) are trying to leave us clues to point us in the right directions, others are trying to throw us off - it can become hard to tell who is pedaling corruption and who is trying to help, so an objective eye and open mind are paramount - especially considering that in order to blend, even those trying to help or seeking help, cannot always be too obvious; read between the lines.

Curious to this topic, I must say, is the prohibition of eating pig, for followers of Islam...

A couple of fleeting thoughts:

  • Is pig considered 'unclean', not only because "they'll eat anything", but, have perhaps pigs which were fed human flesh(perhaps even, fed with "dragonblood-laced" human flesh), been put into public circulation previously or on an ongoing basis?

  • Are followers of Islam told not to eat it, while for whatever reason, those who seek to establish a world-dominating Islamic Caliphate are indeed eating it and gaining some sort of advantage through taboo and/or abuse of physiological differences?

Per the above, it's time to look further into the current state of affairs and how they relate to corruption spanning thousands of years prior.

Mass perpetual stress/terror, however produced, is used to potentially induce dragonblood chemistry(partial or in whole, depending on the target(s) and context) en-mass and also to breed corruption & disease and to distract from human trafficking, sex slavery and other abuses of a mystical/"magical"/esoteric nature which ultimately culminates in a further layer of distraction from massive amounts of money-moving and territory consolidation/swapping, which is in and of itself, connected back to the very same abuses of human rights just now mentioned and an abstract connection even exists between the TCM movies (the 2 which attempt to deviate from the original Sawyer family story and includes their own obscure Kemper reference) and La Frontera; it's a feedback system which pays for itself; leaving a few in luxury without ever truly expending their somewhat immeasurable wealth/power.

Who, though? Well, the trail I'm on, connects ISIS, their predecessors, financiers and creators and their efforts abroad, up with the Ottomans and in some capacity, Mongols(possibly others) with deliberate spread of plague to debilitate budding communities which threaten the system of corruption heading their aforementioned efforts at establishing a globe-dominating Islamic Caliphate. Painting a picture with what is now 'known' about the likes of some in Hollywood and also the creation and funding of ISIS, it's almost too easy to see how The USA and indeed, other countries, have become subject to a global state of puppetry.

Those in luxury are those being fed such large sums of power and money and who then funnel that onward to those who are using terror/war and famine to essentially create another plague breeding ground and to utilize that morbidity in a myriad of ways to spread the so-called Islamic Caliphate.

But wait, didn't the Ottoman Empire die out around 1929?

Well... did it? I'm not so sure that it did, at least, that which it was founded upon seems to have survived through a complex system of laying dormant and carrying on works in the background of 'civilization', through hiding behind various religions and governments across the globe, via bribery/blackmail and etc, most often involving morbidly vile sexual acts which are filmed for the aforementioned purpose of blackmail. The icing on the cake? Dragons and dragonblood and the abuse/debt thereof...

Prior to this thread: Root of Corruption - Annex: Murderwood; "Illuminate adoration ov murder"; Ed Gein, Ed Kemper (+?); "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"; La Frontera

After this thread: Root of Corruption - Part 8: "Debt of blood" | Vindicating the Dragons; Our blood is not for sale!

From this point on, this series is going to become highly controversial, morbid and just plain NOT SAFE FOR WORK OR THOSE WITH A WEAK-STOMACH.

As always, a lot of reading is required by YOU the reader, follow up on the wiki links and follow them even further! That said, I have already done said reading and will present more findings after rest.

Cradle of Filth - Nemesis ( "Peace Through Superior Firepower" Live DVD ) ~ one of my favorites to sing(yes, I can match it on a good day)

@Dressage2 @Vindicator @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

@alphabravo (DO NOT LINK TO THIS IN YOUR THREAD(S)! I have a lot more coming)

argosciv ago

@Gothamgirl @VictorSteinerDavion @2impendingdoom @darkknight111 @fogdryer ^ see parent, prepare for more after I have slept.

argosciv ago

@carmencita @srayzie @jangles @cantsleepawink @kestrel9 ^ see parent, prepare for more after I have slept.