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argosciv ago


A bit of background:

CW & JC met in 2012 and entered a romantic relationship(around the time of, allegedly, CW's first suicide attempt, following the death of her father, Pat White[1][9]), which would be on-off until just days before CW's death in 2015[0:[76][77]]. The pair first hit a snag sometime on or near October 20 2012(officially splitting in Jan 2013, reconciling in Feb and splitting again in Mar - they did not reconnect again until Nov 2014, becoming an item again in May 2015), due to increased pressure from CW regarding her desire for JC to marry her so as to secure her citizenship. She would then go on to allege that JC had given ther STDs and threatened public disclosure and court proceedings. JC denied the allegations but otherwise settled out of court, paying an undisclosed amount to CW[7].

CW quietly married Mark Burton on Jan 15th 2013, MB is a Scientologist who had worked with CW on the set of 'The Online Gamer' - a production dominated by Scientologist cast/crew members[10]. It is understood that MB & CW split & were preparing for divorce prior to CW & JC reuniting in May 2015[7].

CW's mother, Brigid Sweetman, allegedly sent a facebook message to CW on her 30th birthday(Sept 14, 2015) in which she described her daughter as "worthless" & "a failure", causing serious distress for CW who would soon-after deactivate her facebook account[2][7]. However, Mrs. Sweetman has denied this allegation, in light of hateful & threatening correspondance from strangers[3][4]. Indeed, JC has alleged that Mrs. Sweetman played a direct role in driving CW to her supposed suicide[7], however, I don't think he is behind the correspondance.

Some inconsistencies to note at this time:

Mrs. Sweetman has said,

"There's a story that has been published saying that I sent Cathriona an email on her birthday nine days before she died, calling her a failure," ~ "I don't know who would say such lies, but this is something that never, ever happened. I am devastated people would say this."[3] ~ “Yes, we had had an argument. But what family doesn’t? It was over nothing and it would have been resolved. It’s just hard when your daughter is on the other side of the Atlantic, you can’t put your arms around her.”[4]

This poses the question, "What exactly did Mrs. Sweetman say in her facebook message(s) to CW, on/around her 30th birthday?", however, keeping in mind that CW deactivated her facebook shortly after, there's only so many ways to get the contents of their conversation - moreover, can the conversation still be retrieved?

At this stage, I suspect that CW did recieve an emotionally devestating message, but, it is possible that this message was sent by someone posing as Mrs. Sweetman; it is possible that someone "hacked" their way into being able to send a faux message to CW. Although such an act would require elaborate planning & foresight, I do think that it's plausible that someone other than Mrs. Sweetman sent the abusive message which pushed CW to shutdown her facebook & enter a final downward spiral - culminating in her suicide or otherwise being in a state of distress which would allow a staged suicide to pass off as legitimate. Alternatively, CW may have misunderstood wording used by her mother in messages genuinely sent by Mrs. Sweetman.

It is also plausible, that if this is a targeted attempt to push someone to suicide & subsequently exploit a famous actor, that the same people who pushed CW to suicide, also set in motion, a slew of trolls to harass Mrs. Sweetman - thus pumping life into the idea that JC is vindictive & himself behind the targeted harassment of both CW & Mrs. Sweetman. I reject any & all insinuations that JC had any desire to harass Mrs. Sweetman(et al), though he has accused Mrs. Sweetman of being involved, this seems like an understandable response in light of the incessant lawsuits being filed against him, but, I do not believe for a moment that he is behind any of the negative correspondance that Mrs. Sweetman has recieved - to reiterate, I suspect that Mark Burton(et al, excluding Mrs. Sweetman) are the ones responsible for harassing Mrs. Sweetman & also responsible for the turmoil which ultimately consumed CW & the effort to extort JC.

Worth noting also, is recent(Feb 2, 2018) media correspondance from Mr. Sweetman, stating Mrs. Sweetman is unwell & not wanting to comment, after it was revealed that CW had blackmailed JC with forged medical records[5].

Exploring litigation & threats of public disclosure against JC:**


In his lawsuit, Carrey said the 'bumps' she discovered on her vagina in January 2013 - which she told him she was concerned were evidence of an STD - were in fact caused by a bikini wax.


Relatives of Cathriona White refused to comment on Thursday after Jim Carrey has been cleared over his Irish ex-lover’s suicide.

Yesterday, a wrongful death lawsuit taken by Ms White's mother Brigid Sweetman and husband Mark Burton was thrown out after lawyers proved Ms White blackmailed him with forged medical records.

They claimed the actor gave the make-up artist sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) and provided the drugs used when she took her own life in September 2015, aged 30.


>Deafening silence from Cathriona White's family as their wrongful death lawsuit against Jim Carrey is thrown out[~ @]

But Carrey’s lawyers discovered she had doctored a friend’s records to show her name and a different date.~~

**Who are the complainants' lawyers?"


Carrey said it was a 'mistake' to settle the claims in 2013 with White and her former lawyer Filippo Marchino and vowed: 'I will not give in a second time.'

[11.]: - Jim Carrey Clear of Lawsuits Over Former Girlfriend's Death: |

Michael Avenatti, the attorney for Sweetman and Burton, on Wednesday sent THR a brief statement: “We have no further comment at this time.”

Where have we heard that name before? You should have listened, Michael

Exploring CW's allegations against JC, alongside MA dredging the subject:


In a newly-discovered note that she wrote two years before taking her own life, Jim Carrey's ex-girlfriend blamed the actor for exposing her to a debauched life of sex and drugs and scorned him for 'giving her' herpes.

The note was written by Catriona White on April 8, 2013, on her iPad. It is not known if she ever sent it to Carrey before she took her own life on September 28, 2015. She died just short of two weeks after 30th birthday.

The note was discovered on White's iPad by lawyers working for her family in a wrongful death lawsuit against Carrey

I'm not so sure she actually worte this, rather, it was possibly 'planted' and 'discovered' by "lawers"(et al) - alternatively, if she did write it, she was not only being fraudulent but also probably was not at all of sound mind at the time - keeping in mind also, that there is no indication that Jim ever saw the note - it was allegedly written well after they had stopped talking and litigation had begun.

Worth noting also, is the difference between the ipad notes and the handwritten one found with CW's body, seemingly addressed to JC:

[12.]: - Jim Carrey set to face trial over the fatal overdose of his ex-girlfriend~ |

Carrey says that in one note (pictured above) White called him her 'family' and asked him to divide up her property following her death

In a another note, White says: 'I love Jim and I am sorry I brought turmoil into his life'. White's mother is again not mentioned by name

In the note, however, White goes on to day that her 'blood is on your hands' after addressing Carrey, and says that he 'destroyed' her body

^ Notice the dates and redactions? Something doesn't sit right with these screenshots/photos... I would indeed dare to say that the only genuine one addressed to Jim, which he was given a chance to see, was the handwritten note.


Composed on an iPad in Notes, the note is meant for Carrey and was released by Avenatti after the legal team uncovered it “during a forensic examination of Ms. White’s iPad.” It’s unclear if Carrey or anyone else read the note prior to White’s death.

For the record before I proceed: I firmly believe that Michael Avenatti knew that the entirety of the allegations against Jim Carrey, are rooted in fraud/deception; in a word, subterfuge - at the behest of/enabled by/with support from Scientology and it's 'agents' as an entity. I believe, ultimately, that Scientologists view Jim Carrey as an enemy to be 'destroyed', due to his beliefs and success and his ability to inspire others and aleviate suffering through his work. Moreover, I also suspect that Scientologists are, in various ways, still attacking/threatening Jim in a continued attempt to ruin him and potentially push him to the same fate as Cathriona.

Michael Avenatti is a fraud and has made a habit of poisoning public opinion so as to manufacture faux support for his high-profile cases.

^ Poisoned public opionon RE: Jim Carrey: by pubicly tweeting(now deleted) an ultimatum before it was revealed that CW had forged her medical records.