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argosciv ago


I'll come back to Michael Avenatti - let's look at Mark Burton and the Scientology connection, first:


EXCLUSIVE: Pictured, the secret Scientologist husband of Jim Carrey's tragic girlfriend - living hundreds of miles from her Los Angeles home after split

Summary points from article:

  • Cathriona White married Scientologist Mark Burton in Las Vegas in 2013 but the couple were preparing to divorce
  • White is to be buried in her native Ireland after her death last week in Los Angeles, where she had just split from on-off boyfriend Jim Carrey
  • Burton, a Hollywood cameraman, has a $150,000 house in McMinnville, a small town in Oregon, where he lives quietly
  • Their marriage came after she was unable to leave the U.S. for her father's funeral because she did not have legal immigration status
  • Unclear when they split but friends were said not to know she was married and they were planning divorce later this year

By Ruth Styles In Mcminnville, Oregon, For

PUBLISHED: 07:25 AEDT, 10 October 2015 | UPDATED: 04:27 AEDT, 23 January 2016

Further notes from article:

White was brought up in the Catholic faith but later became a Scientologist.

The church claims she left them six months ago. Carrey is know not to be Scientologist.


On their Las Vegas wedding certificate, White[sic: should say Burton] gave his home town as McMinnville. Public records suggest he was brought up in California and had also spent time in his twenties in Los Angeles and suburban New York.


It is not clear where he[Mark Burton] was actually living at the time, as public records show he bought his home in the Oregon town this year for $150,000.

Other public records suggest that he had business interests in California at the time. He has however held local hunting licences at a different address in the town.


She met her future husband on the set of the internet-only TV show 'The Online Gamer'. Many of those involved in the show, including Mark Burton, were scientologists.

White was only an extra on the show, but she started a secret relationship with Burton, whom she married in January 2013.

After her marriage, she was able to return to Ireland for her sister's wedding and it was believed she was planning to return for Christmas.

While in Los Angeles, Ms White took a number of scientology courses.

Fucking look what I found, folks.

13. https://www.irishtimes - Why are Scientologists setting up a European hub in Ireland? |


Why are Scientologists setting up a European hub in Ireland?

Centre opening in country with only 87 Church of Scientology members

Fri, Oct 13, 2017, 22:36

Mario Danneels

One year after launching a “National Affairs Office” on Merrion Square, the Church of Scientology is opening an “Ideal Org”, not dissimilar to a mother church, in the Dublin suburb of Firhouse.

The organisation is turning Ireland into a European hub, and a former high-ranking member believes that Scientology’s operations here might gain even more significance as pressure mounts in the United States.

There was a flurry of activity at the former Victory Centre on the Firhouse Road on Thursday evening. Scientologists were building a stage alongside a big screen for Saturday’s grand opening of their church’s latest Ideal Org.

Any visitors walking towards the gate prompted security guards to block the view, while a UK-registered car slowly crawled up and down the road.

Meanwhile, ex-Scientologist John McGhee was dropping hundreds of leaflets inviting local residents to attend Saturday afternoon’s protest against his former religion’s increasing presence in Ireland. McGhee was greeted with enthusiasm and curiosity by the customers of a nearby pub.

“We don’t want them here,” said a woman who took out her phone to share the protest page on Facebook. “That building should’ve been a school.”

Bar staff complained to McGhee that in recent weeks, foreign Scientologists had come to the business questioning why alcohol was being served early and why sports games were being shown on TV, while eavesdropping on conversations. One member of staff called their presence “intrusive” and said she had already barred a Scientologist from the pub.

Paul Preston, who is closing up the local butcher’s shop for the day, was more relaxed, however. “I haven’t really got a strong opinion about them. Hopefully they’ll bring some money into the community. It would be good if the building were open to the public though; it’s a huge place.”

Scientology was founded in 1953 by the American science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. The US and Spain are among the countries that recognise it as a religion, while other governments have declared it a cult.

Ideal Orgs are a relatively recent phenomena, thought up in 2002 by David Miscavige, who succeeded Hubbard upon his death in 1986 and was best man to Tom Cruise, the organisation’s most famous devotee, at two of his weddings. Miscavige is expected to cut the ribbon in Firhouse on Saturday.

I wonder... Scientology in Ireland ca. 2012?

HAH! Oh dear god LOL!

14. - Scientologist mounted ‘vicious character attack’ on ex-member |


Scientologist mounted ‘vicious character attack’ on ex-member

Circuit Court hears allegations of defamation on internet

Fri, Nov 6, 2015, 15:34 Updated: Fri, Nov 6, 2015, 15:45

Ray Managh

Attendees at a conference in 2012 entitled ‘Dublin Offlines; Speaking out against the cult of Scientology’. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

Zabina Collins, a leading member of the Church of Scientology in Ireland, launched “a vicious character attack” on a former member who had given a talk to Dublin schoolboys on cults, the Circuit Civil Court has been told.

Séamas Ó Tuathail SC, told the court Peter Griffiths, of Cual Gara, Teeling Street, Ballina, Co Mayo, had been defamed by Ms Collins in an email she had sent to the headmaster of St David’s CBS, in Artane, Dublin, following a posting on the internet by Mr Griffiths of what he had said to the boys.

Mr Ó Tuathail, who appeared with barrister John Smith for Griffiths, said the email had nothing to do with the issues of scientology. She had written to the school principal allegedly as a concerned parent who had no child attending the school.

Ms Collins (36) a Dublin chiropractic clinic director, of The Boulevard, Mount Eustace, Tyrelstown, Dublin 15, is being sued by Mr Griffiths for damages for defamation.

In her email, Ms Collins alleged that Mr Griffiths’ talk had centred on the scientology religion which counts Tom Cruise and John Travolta as members and that he had been extremely abusive and insulting to Scientologists.

See also:

15. https://irishtimes - Scientologist admits complaint ‘could have been more temperate’ |


Scientologist admits complaint ‘could have been more temperate’

Zabina Collins sent school principal a link to a naked picture of a former church member

Thu, Jan 28, 2016, 16:49

Anti-Church of Scientology protesters stage a demonstration outside the Four Courts in Dublin before an action involving a member of the church, Zabrina Collins. Photograph: Courts Collins

Zabina Collins, a leading member of the Church of Scientology in Ireland, has told a judge that an email she sent to a school principal complaining about a talk by a former church member “could have been a little more temperate”.~~

She said that she sent the headmaster a link to an online video that included a picture of Mr Griffiths naked, with only a Guy Fawkes mask covering his genitals. Ms Collins, of The Boulevard, Mount Eustace, Tyrrelstown, Dublin 15, told Judge James O’Donohue she had written to the school principal as a concerned parent and not to besmirch Mr Griffiths.

She earlier told her barrister Frank Beatty that while she did not have a child attending St David’s, she tutored children in schools on drugs awareness and felt she had a duty to complain.

‘Viciously slandering’

In her email Ms Collins alleged that Mr Griffiths’s talk had centred on Scientology and accused him of “openly and viciously” slandering the church.

She accused him of being “an avid hate campaigner against Scientologists” and “hate mongering” against the church.

She also accused him of being under Garda surveillance.

The court heard that a teacher from St David’s had asked Mr Griffiths to address school pupils on cults.

The court was told that it was Mr Griffiths who had posted the recording on the internet.

The court heard that in the recording Mr Griffiths warned the boys of the dangers of getting involved with the Church of Scientology, saying that it might destroy their lives.

Further reading: - Peter Griffiths |