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argosciv ago


27. - Jim Carrey’s now-dead ex paid another man to marry her, star alleges |

PUBLISHED: December 27, 2016 at 3:19 pm | UPDATED: August 28, 2017 at 5:44 am

LOS ANGELES — The husband of Jim Carrey’s late former girlfriend was paid thousands of dollars by the woman to marry her in a wedding aimed at getting around immigration laws, Carrey’s attorneys allege in new court papers.

Mark Burton’s Los Angeles Superior Court complaint against the 54-year-old Carrey alleges wrongful death and violation of the Drug Dealer Liability Act. Burton was married to Cathriona White, a 30-year-old Irish citizen found dead at her Sherman Oaks home in September 2015. Burton alleges Carrey gave White prescription drugs that she used to commit suicide.

But Carrey’s lawyers state in their court papers filed last Wednesday that Burton was White’s “green card marriage husband” who was compensated by the woman for being wed to her in a “quickie Las Vegas wedding to evade immigration laws” in January 2013.

After the marriage, according to the Carrey attorneys’ court papers, Burton and White went their separate ways.

“Burton abruptly dropped White at the bus station and she returned to Los Angeles and her romance with Carrey,” the actor’s lawyers state in their court papers. “Burton went to Utah.”

Burton’s marriage to White was “a fraudulent fake from the start and void from inception,” according to Carreys’ attorneys’ court papers. A few weeks after the Burton-White marriage ceremony, she and Carrey “shared a romantic Valentine’s Day together,” the actor’s lawyers state in their court papers.

The allegations against Burton are contained in a motion by Carrey’s attorneys that seeks dismissal of the plaintiff’s lawsuit on grounds he had no standing to bring the suit because although he claims to be White’s husband, he never even lived with her.~~

~~Burton’s lawsuit, filed Sept. 19, alleges the painkillers Ambien, Propranolol and Percocet were contained in prescription bottles that were found near White’s body, all of which were acquired by Carrey while using the phony name Arthur King.


Published: 04:21 AEST, 8 October 2015 | Updated: 14:52 AEST, 8 October 2015

~~Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter told People that there were four prescription pill bottles found near White's body - none of the prescriptions were under White's name.

Three of the prescriptions were found under one name while the fourth was under a second name.

The name on three of the pill bottles was an alias for Carrey, law enforcement sources told TMZ. It is unknown who the fourth bottle was under.

Winter previously told People that multiple notes - including one addressed to Carrey - were also found at the scene in her Sherman Oaks home.

'There were several notes found,' Winter said. And though he does now know what the contents of each letter was, 'There was a note [addressed] to Mr. Carrey'.

28. - The Online Gamer |

The Online Gamer

Comedy | TV Series (2009– )

A series of skits based around a 20-something man who loves online gaming.

29. - The Online Gamer - Full cast & crew |

  • Cathriona White worked predominately in the makeup department(7 episodes, 2011-2012) for The Online Gamer, though, did appear as an extra in one episode, "Black Ops Part 1", which aired on October 18, 2010 - she left the production in 2012, the same year she met Jim Carrey - production continued least as late as 2013[28][29].

Scientology | Mark Burton | "The Online Gamer" | Cathriona White | Scientology Ireland | Abusive/Threatening correspondance to Sweetman and Carrey | Public slandering, fraud and blackmail | Online trolls and shills; people tasked with demoralizing others and spreading hate/disinfo


Something stinks...

Who wants to play a game?

@gamepwn: Human Trafficking through online gaming? Brock Pierce, founder of Bitcoin, along with Marc Collins-Rector (An Open Secret DEN) created an MMORPG company called IGE in 2001.

Get a fucking load of this: (long read, well worth it)

30. - Agent Schmuck |

It was a morning a little more than a year ago: A dapper, gray-haired gentleman was discussing his recently published novel with the two hosts of Fox & Friends, the morning show on the Fox News Channel. Anchors Tiki Barber and Kiran Chetry appeared enthralled by the author, Juval Aviv, who said that his book was actually a barely disguised account of the life and alleged 1991 murder of millionaire media tycoon Robert Maxwell.

Aviv provided his bona fides: He runs a Madison Avenue corporate-espionage firm named Interfor and had been hired to investigate some aspects of Maxwell’s complex finances. But during his investigation, Aviv had discovered explosive truths. Maxwell, Aviv said, had actually been a spy for the Russian, British, and Israeli intelligence agencies, and had paid with his life when his spymasters discovered that he’d double-crossed them. Aviv claimed to his Fox News hosts that the revelations in his book were so stunning that he’d had to novelize the tale to protect himself. If he’d told the actual truth, he hinted, he’d have been killed.

“I couldn’t write it as a nonfiction,” said the Israeli man in his accented English. “It had to be fiction. I don’t think I would have survived the nonfiction version of it.”

Barber and his co-anchor looked duly impressed. And why not? Here was the real deal, a former Israeli spy who had reportedly spent the 1970s hunting Palestinian radicals around Europe and the Middle East, whose life story was so terrible that he could only allude to it. “You were a top assassin for Mossad, which is Israel’s secret service,” said Chetry. “In your book, the main character has a situation where he’s supposed to knock off 12 leading terrorists and kill them.”

“Yes,” Aviv said.

“How realistic is that?”

“It’s very realistic.” Laughing modestly, he added: “I can’t talk about it.”

It was just another day in the life of Juval Aviv, an “international security expert” and post-9/11 media celebrity who has parlayed his mysterious past into countless appearances on local and national television. Most famously, Aviv has promoted the idea that he was the lead Mossad assassin tasked with avenging the 1972 massacre of Israeli Olympic athletes in a secret operation that was portrayed in Steven Spielberg’s 2005 film Munich. It was Aviv that actor Eric Bana was supposedly playing, though his name in the movie was “Avner.”

At least that’s what Aviv wants people to believe.

~~ “This guy’s full of shit,” says Larry Johnson, who served in the CIA and as a deputy director in the State Department’s Office of Counterterrorism. “What’s true is, yes, he has a security and corporate-intelligence firm, and he’s big at playing up the Israeli mystique. If you say it with a foreign accent, you’re good to go.”

Aviv, these senior counterterrorism officials insist, is no terrorism expert; instead, he’s a liar who’s been spreading falsehoods about his résumé and his prowess as an investigator.

But even Aviv’s most virulent critics express astonishment at what he’s been accused of doing lately.

Court documents allege that in 2003, Aviv signed an intelligence contract with the NXIVM Corporation, an Albany-based company that offers seminars in achieving personal and business goals, and whose devotees include heirs to some of the richest fortunes in America and Mexico. In the last few years, former members of NXIVM have come forward to claim that the company is in fact a predatory personal-growth cult that subjects its members to intensive brainwashing and requires them to swear their lives to its leader, an accused pyramid-scheme operator and self-styled genius named Keith Raniere. According to court papers, NXIVM hired Aviv to dig up dirt on someone that Raniere considered an enemy: New Jersey–based cult expert Rick Ross, a controversial figure himself who is also a frequent guest on television news programs.

Ross had been working with people who wanted his help to get family members out of NXIVM, and had been posting damaging news stories about Raniere on his website.

Ross is now suing NXIVM and Aviv, claiming that over the course of several months, Aviv and Interfor compiled an extensive report on him that included private financial and telephone records—information that Ross says was illegally obtained. Ross complains that he was even the target of an elaborate sting operation orchestrated by Aviv on behalf of NXIVM, which involved trying to lure him onto a ship in the Caribbean.

NXIVM and Raniere have denied the allegations and are suing Ross as well, charging him with copyright infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets, and product disparagement. But the Voice has learned that Aviv has done other work for Raniere, an odd figure who requires his followers to refer to him as “Vanguard.” The Voice has obtained evidence that Aviv agreed to investigate Raniere’s ex-girlfriend, a woman who says she has been systematically harassed, intimidated, and terrorized by members of NXIVM.

Wait for it...