amonymous ago

"The tie-in weve been waiting for" This seems like a masonic executive outlet to have sex slaves.

chess pattern "for children" (shriners say that) cryptic book

migratorypatterns ago

Absolutely this is bigger than just this cult. It's tied into something huge. We've learned that pattern.

Whether it's a star, a corporate leader, product pusher, or politician, if the person is plugged into this cabal, they are successful and given protection. It means law enforcement and the press lay off of what is going on.

new4now ago

nice tie in, Super UPVOTE

migratorypatterns ago


think- ago

There is another secret group, for men only, called 'Society of Protectors', run by Raniere.

This reveals Keith Raniere's charming thoughts about women:

Society Of Protectors designed to protect men’s mastery over women

It is an organization where men pay a fee to learn the truths of manhood according to Keith Raniere...

All the members of SOP must sign an agreement wherein they promise never to speak to anyone – male or female – about the teachings they receive from Raniere.

Its website claims it “helps men to become more powerful and influential members of society by giving them tools and a network of honorable men for support. SOP is not only curriculum, it involves practical tests to strengthen us with respect to readiness, responsiveness, character, honor, strategic thinking and leadership.”

Among the teachings are:

Men control the world. Women are subordinate to men.

Men are polygamous by nature. Women should accept the polygamy of men.

The stronger the man, the more women he can own and control.


Men cum on women’s face or bodies to claim ownership of them. If a woman accepts his cum, he owns her.

Women desire to be with one man. But women are fickle and opportunistic. Women don’t keep their word and don’t have character. They will leave a man if they find a better protector or provider. They are like fleas jumping from dog to dog till they find the best host.

In the beginning, a man may lie about having sex with other women. She must first be made dependent on him. They act like princesses. When they don’t hear what they like, they become hysterical babies. Women are babies who can’t handle the truth.

Once they become dependent on a man, then they need to be humiliated. Women are always getting away with breaking their word in society without any consequences. Men should get them dependent – and then let them know they are not valued.

Telling them then about other women trains and degrades them at the same time. This is good.

A man should seek out his women’s flaws and weaknesses and bring them to her attention. If the woman is defiant, she should be mocked, insulted, scorned, debased, given penance, punished, neglected and banished in that order.

Women should maintain the weight they are told. Wear what they are told. Keep their hair as they are told. They should wear an adornment to show they are owned by a man, such as belly chains and hot iron branding on the body to mark the man’s ownership. Women should be willing to find new women for their man.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Now we know where Donkeyhote disappeared to--this Raniere cult for insecure misogynists. 😂

srayzie ago

That and he has alts and goes to my sub! Today he told me sluts belong in the kitchen. Haha

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Seems unsanitary to me. But if anyone would know about that, it'd be him. After all, he was raised by one. 😏

srayzie ago

LOL. You got that right

think- ago

Shizy ago

Thanks! That was funny! 👍🏻

think- ago

:-) :-)

srayzie ago


migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this, though. There's something else that I've run across that I haven't had time to go into. It's why I haven't even mentioned it, but it's very pertinent to this entire topic.

think- ago

There's something else that I've run across that I haven't had time to go into.

This sounds mysterious. ;-)

migratorypatterns ago

It is.

It actually is very very occult. Esoteric.

I understand this ring was rooted in it.

think- ago

Well, I hope you are gonna tell us at some point. ;-)

migratorypatterns ago

If I have time.

Otherwise, I'll just post the article. Hope I bookmarked it.

migratorypatterns ago

This coming from a chubby chia pet.

Who wouldn't want to get wid dat?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I'm fine with dudes being hairy, but he looks like he got left in the rain and started growing MILDEW! 😲 Get the pressure washer.....

think- ago


InfoWarsDotComFan ago

Here is a list of some of the DOS slaves from Start digging!

think- ago

What I noticed when reading the list:

  • There is a 'Society of Protectors' - seems to be comprised of husbands of DOS women - needs some investigation.

  • Two of Nancy Salzman daughters are DOS members

  • DOS women have to report nefarious activities of their husbands, and this is used to blackmail them when they want to leave. Question: Is it also used to blackmail the husbands while the women are still DOS members?

migratorypatterns ago


srayzie ago

I remember Trump drinking from the Fiji bottle. I knew from the look on his face that it was all for a reason!

migratorypatterns ago


Most people got that it was to point something out. And some brilliant people connected it to the owners or Fiji Water. They were tweeting links to bios, but I don't remember anyone having this.

srayzie ago

I remember them connecting it to people. But not this! Exactly.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Trump drank fiji water? So what? More migratory insanity.

twistedmac11 ago

And our faith in POTUS is magically restored, thanks to the Fiji water. Amazing how that happens.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I mean... I never lost faith in him per se. I just don't think he's the hero of the ages. And I DEFINITELY don't interpret every miniscule thing he does as if it's intended to be some sign. Here, let me do a migratorypatterns impression.

"Guys! Donald Trump wiped his arse with Charmin Ultra today! ULTRA! That means he is ULTRA close to sending Hillary and Obama to GITMO!!"


wincraft71 ago

Not nearly enough exclamation points and false hope about THIS BEING IT!!!!

twistedmac11 ago

LOL, pretty spot on.

Tbh, I never had faith in him. He's a billionaire elite who was mentored by Roy Cohn; plus the fact he "used to be" friends with both Clinton AND Epstein. Let's not even start on the things he has admitted to doing ("grab em by the pussy" ring a bell?), or the comments he's made about underage girls, including his daughters. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

Plus the odd timing of the Podesta emails that kicked off Pizzagate in the first place. They were released 30 minutes after Trump's pussy tape was leaked, which leads to a whole other rabbit hole. This whole thing reeks of an orchestrated event designed to make Trump look good. Judging by how right-wing and Trump-centered this board has become, I'd say it was pretty successful.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

He has skeletons in his closet to be sure, but mostly I just think he's crass an somewhat un self aware from years of not needing to give a shit. Us normies have to care what people think because we have to depend on each other for other daily bread and butter. It makes us better people. The longer one is filthy rich, the more that erodes. You can say anything and it doesn't matter. I don't think Donald is a pedophile or a rapist. Is he a womanizer? Ohhhh, definitely. Just me though.

Blacksmith21 ago

David Gilmour, from Wikipedia:

Early life David Harrison Gilmour was born in Toronto in 1931.[1] At age 16, his father offered him the option between enough cash to start his own company, or a $10 stipend a day to go traveling in Europe on his own.[1] He chose to go traveling, and believes he learned how to become an entrepreneur by observing other people on his travels.[1]

Career He created his first company, Dansk Design, an importer of Scandinavian furniture and giftware.[1][2] He then founded TrizecHahn, a real estate firm.[1][3] In 1958, he co-founded Clairtone, a stereo maker, with Peter Munk.[1] They then bought property in Fiji and started the hotel chain called the Southern Pacific Hotel Corporation.[1][3] Less than a decade later, they sold it for $128 million.[1] They then bought a $40 million gold mine in Northern Ontario, and co-founded Barrick Gold.[1][3] He also bought Zinio, now one of the world's largest electronic distributors of magazines, books, catalogs and apps.[1][2]

Fiji He later bought Wakaya Island in Fiji.[1][2] In 1996, he co-founded Fiji Water with Peter Munk, after he found an aquifer in Yaqara Valley on Viti Levu.[1][2][4][5] It became the No. 1 brand of imported water, even before Evian.[1] In 2004, he sold it to Lynda Resnick for US$50 million.[1][6] He also founded Wakaya Club & Spa, a luxury resort on Wakaya Island.[2] Prince Felipe of Spain and his wife Letizia, Nicole Kidman and her husband Keith Urban, Bill Gates and his wife Melinda, Steve Jobs, Rupert Murdoch, George Lucas, Michelle Pfeiffer, David E. Kelley, Robert Zemeckis, Paris Hilton, and Tom Cruise have all stayed in the resort.[2][3] He has also built a village and a school for his Fiji workers.[2]

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

Early life David Harrison Gilmour was born in Toronto in 1931.[1] At age 16, his father offered him the option between enough cash to start his own company, or a $10 stipend a day to go traveling in Europe on his own.[1] He chose to go traveling, and believes he learned how to become an entrepreneur by observing other people on his travels.[1]

Yeah, but you know these success stories. They're almost always fantasy. Like Paul Mitchell. Had nothng to do with anything other than being in the right cabal. And those guests! A Who's Who of Pedowood!

Blacksmith21 ago

Amazing what happens when you suck the dick of a rich "mentor".

migratorypatterns ago

"Open Sesame"

think- ago

he co-founded Fiji Water

He co-founded Fiji Water? LOL.

Bill Gates and his wife Melinda (...) have all stayed in the resort.

There is also a Bronfman connection to B. and M. Gates, since Sara and Clare Bronfman's father (Edgar Sr.) and their uncle (Charles) joined the Gates initiative of billionaires who committed themselves to donate a part of their fortune to philanthropic causes....

@Vindicator @srayzie @bopper @EricKaliberhall - have you seen this post?

Vindicator ago

Reading now. 👍

srayzie ago

I’m reading thru all these links!

Blacksmith21 ago

The funny part is Gilmour's name jumped off the page as I thought it was DG from Pink Floyd. It wasn't, but turned up a bit of a trove.

think- ago


bopper ago

Haven't seen it, thanks. We were covering this in the other forum as well, the cult, there's a good article from Zero Hedge about it and its Clinton connections. The muck is coming to the surface, more and more.

Likely a CIA based cult, similar to Jim Jones.

Fancpanz ago

It is clear clintons are basis for this

think- ago

Likely a CIA based cult

Yes, and there are some eeringly similarities to Scientology, which also has been allegedly CIA connections.

bopper ago

Ah, there you go. Incredible isn't it?

think- ago


argosciv ago

I've got the links required :)

think- ago

I've got the links required :)

What do you mean?

argosciv ago

CIA | NXIVM | Scientology

plus everything in between.

argosciv ago



Paris Hilton, and Tom Cruise


Theytookoutgodslaw ago

So Him drinking water is a clue that he is the hero to this Satan syop?
Voat mascot is a goat, goats are clues that Satan is involved, just like when we see owls, lighting bolts, perymids, the 666 hand, the One eye closed. This voat is a controlled opposition alt right. M.I.A tweeted to laddy gaga to come see JA and have cookies and tea. She came to see JA in a witch outfit. Lady haha is involved with MA spirit cooking. JA is running from rape, sex slave grooming. BM that dumped DOD files turned into a transgender probably living large as a "woman" in a man's jail.

migratorypatterns ago

Uhm ... okay.


derram ago :

Internet freaks out over Trump sipping Fiji water - Business Insider : :


This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks, again!

think- ago

Thank you! :-)

argosciv ago

/me clears throat
